Book II Part I

The reference after each entry is to the printed issue of "Canon Law Abstracts" in which a summary of the article is provided.
(See Subscriptions for further details.)

Canon 204

AC 50 (2008), 77-100: Jean-Paul Betengne: De quelques exigences canoniques pour la réalisation effective de l'"Église-Famille de Dieu". (Article) [108 2012/2]

AC 63 (2023), 187-199: Patrick Valdrini: Quarante ans de promulgation du code latin de droit canonique: une évolution vers une plus grande rationabilitas? (Article) [132 2024/2]

AnC 13 (2017), 57-71: Jan Dyduch: Dykasteria ds. Laikatu, Rodziny i Życia Geneza, zadania i struktura (The Dicastery for the Laity, the Family and Life: origin, tasks and structure). (Article) [120 2018/2]

Ap LXVII 1-2 (1994), 123-146: J. F. Castaño: Estensione della Potestà della Chiesa. (Article) [77 1997/1]

Ap LXXXI 1-2 (2008), 209-214: Congregatio pro Doctrina Fidei: Responsa ad quaestiones de aliquibus sententiis ad doctrinam de Ecclesia pertinentibus. (Document) [103 2010/1]

Ap LXXXIII 1 (2010), 169-198: Martin Segú Girona: Os conceitos de "Povo de Deus" e "christifidelis" contidos na Constituição dogmática "Lumen Gentium". (Article) [107 2012/1]

CLSN 152/07, 30-34: Gordon Read: CDF on "The Doctrine of the Church". (Article) [100 2008/2]

CLSN 203/23, 92-125: Ilaria Zuanazzi: The character of baptism and confirmation: the foundations of the common priesthood of the faithful between law and spirituality. (Article) [131 2024/1]

Comm 48 (2016), 58-86: Congregatio pro Doctrina Fidei: Litterae Iuvenescit Ecclesia ad Episcopos Ecclesiae catholicae de relatione inter munera hierarchica et munera charismatica intercurrente apta ad vitam necnon missionem Ecclesiae. (Document) [118 2017/2]

Comm 48 (2016), 434-439: Gianfranco Ghirlanda: Articulus explanans Litteras Iuvenescit Ecclesia a Congregatione pro Doctrina Fidei die 15 mensis maii 2016 datas, a D. Ioanne Francisco Ghirlanda S.J. conscriptus. (Article) [118 2017/2]

EE 94 (2019), 847-881: Myriam Cortés Diéguez: Anotaciones canónicas sobre la mujer en la Iglesia. (Paper) [124 2020/2]

FCan III/1 (2008), 85-90: Congregação para a Doutrina de Fé: Respostas a questões relativas a alguns aspectos da doutrina sobre a Igreja. (Document) [102 2009/2]

FCan VIII/1 (2013), 37-67: Alfredo Leite Soares: Sacerdócio comum e sacerdócio hierárquico. (Article) [112 2014/2]

FT 22 (2011), 163-176: Gábor Tamás Juhász: Equality and inequality of "Christ's faithful" from a perspective of philosophy and theology of canon law. (Article) [109 2013/1]

FThC IV (2016) Suppl., 129-142: Gábor Tamás Juhász: Status of “Christ’s Faithful” – A Philosophical and Canonical Overview. (Article) [118 2017/2]

FThC XII (2023), 151-170: Péter Erdö – Julio García Martín: La missione come principio organizzativo della Chiesa – La missione dei laici, dei presbiteri e dei vescovi. (Article) [133 2025/1]

IE XX 2/08, 479-489: Congregazione per la Dottrina della Fede: Risposte a quesiti riguardanti alcuni aspetti circa la dottrina sulla Chiesa, 29 giugno 2007 (con l'articolo di commento, «L'Osservatore Romano» 11 luglio 2007). (Document and commentary) [102 2009/2]

IE XXX (2018), 13-31: Javier Canosa: La rilevanza della collaborazione attiva dei fedeli per la buona amministrazione ecclesiastica. (Article) [121 2019/1]

Ius I 1-2/2010, 59-83: Cherian Thunduparampil: Rights and Obligations of the Laity in the Mission of the Church. (Paper) [107 2012/1]

KIP 6 (19) 2017, nr. 1, 23-42: Arkadiusz Rogalski: Urzeczywistnianie się Kościoła w małżeństwie i rodzinie według Kodeksu Prawa Kanonicznego z 1983 roku (The realization of the Church in marriage and family according to the 1983 Code of Canon Law). (Article) [119 2018/1]

LW 123/4 (2017), 133-200: Antony Kurisinkal (ed.): The Laity: Role and Vocation. (Articles) [126 2021/2]

N XLIII 7-8/07, 385-390: Congregatio pro Doctrina Fidei: Responsa ad quaestiones de aliquibus sententiis ad doctrinam de Ecclesia pertinentibus. (Reply) [100 2008/2]

N XLIII 7-8/07, 391-397: Congregatio pro Doctrina Fidei: Responses to Some Questions regarding Certain Aspects of the Doctrine on the Church. (Reply) [100 2008/2]

N XLIII 7-8/07, 398-406: Congregatio pro Doctrina Fidei: Commentary on the Document. (Comment) [100 2008/2]

N XLIII 7-8/07, 407-415: Congregatio pro Doctrina Fidei: Articolo di commento ai "Responsa ad quaestiones de aliquibus sententiis ad doctrinam de ecclesia pertinentibus". (Comment) [100 2008/2]

Per LXXXVI 2/97, 275-319; 3/97, 397-418: G. Gänswein: "Spiritum Christi habentes". Zur Frage von Kirchenzugehörigkeit und Heil. Ein Beitrag zu Werdegang und Interpretation einer umstrittenen Wendung der Kirchenkonstitution "Lumen Gentium". (Article) [80 1998/2]

Per XCIV 4/05, 543-586: V. De Paolis: Chiesa di Cristo, Chiesa Cattolica, chiese particolari, comunità ecclesiali. (Article) [96 2006/2]

Per 105 (2016), 509-574: Gianfranco Ghirlanda: Si possono pensare nuovi ministeri istituiti da conferire ai laici? (Article) [120 2018/2]

Per 112 (2023), 43-62: Emanuele Spedicato: La dignità del christifidelis nella dinamica costituzionale del Codice di diritto canonico. (Presentation) [131 2024/1]

PK XL 3-4/97, 3-13: R. Sobański: Znaczenie pojęcia osoby w kanonicznym porządku prawnym. (Article) [81 1999/1]

Proc CLSA 2009, 12-24: Loughlan Sofield: Canon Law and Collaboration (Lecture) [109 2013/1]

QDE 24 (2011), 8-34: Carlo R. M. Redaelli: Diritto canonico, carità e i tria munera. (Article) [108 2012/2]

QDE 24 (2011), 35-50: Matteo Visioli: La carità quale principio costitutivo del diritto ecclesiale. (Article) [108 2012/2]

QDE 25 (2012), 19-49: Gianfranco Ghirlanda: Genio di un canonista: Jean Beyer, S.I. (Article) [109 2013/1]

RMDC 27/2 (2021), 291-314: María del Socorro Becerra M.: El quehacer de la mujer en la Iglesia y su capacidad jurídica para ejercer oficios eclesiales o eclesiásticos. (Article) [129 2023/1]

RTL XXXIII 1/02, 28-60: J. Famerée: Ecclésiologie catholique. Différences séparatrices et rapprochements avec les autres Églises. (Article) [91 2004/1]

SC 30 1/96, 177-219: G. J. Roche: The Poor and the Code of Canon Law: Some Relevant Issues in Book II. (Article) [77 1997/1]

SC 41 (2007), 47-63: Patrick Valdrini: Communauté et institution en droit canonique. (Article) [100 2008/2]

Norbert Lüdecke: Die kirchenrechtliche Relevanz der „subsistit in"-Formel. Ein kanonistischer Ökumenebaustein. (Article in Althaus-Lüdicke-Pulte, Hrsg: Kirchenrecht und Theologie im Leber der Kirche. Festschrift für Heinrich J. F. Reinhardt zur Vollendung seines 65. Lebensjahres, pp. 279-309) [102 2009/2]

Canons 204-205

IE XII 2/00, 465-493: I. Pérez de Heredia: I profili ecumenici della "salus animarum" nella Codificazione della Chiesa Cattolica. (Article) [86 2001/2]

J 61 (2001), 257-280: Amy J. Strickland: Reception into Full Communion: Canonical Issues and Pastoral Challenges. (Article) [92 2004/2]

QDE 20 (2007), 8-34: Renato Coronelli: Appartenenza alla Chiesa e abbandono: aspetti fondamentali e questioni terminologiche. (Article) [99 2008/1]

Alphonse Ky-Zerbo (ed.): Appartenance et ruptures : les baptisés face à l’institution ecclésiale catholique aujourd’hui. Perspectives comparatives. (Book) (Éditions du Cerf, Paris, 2020) [125 2021/1]

Canons 204-206

IE IX 1/97, 47-79: G. Gänswein: Baptismo homo Ecclesiae Christi incorporatur. Zur Rezeption und Interpretation der rechtlichen Bestimmungen über die Kirchenzugehörigkeit im Codex Iuris Canonici von 1983. (Article) [80 1998/2]

Canons 204-207

AC 58 (2017), 9-223: « Gasparri, La France et la codification ». Actes du colloque organisé à Paris par la S.I.D.C. les 7 et 8 novembre 2017 à l’occasion du centenaire du Code de 1917. (Compilation) [124 2020/2]

BEF LXXI 783-784/95, 174-181: E. Garcia: What does the term Laity mean? (Consultation) [76 1996/2]

Canonist 6/2 (2015), 220-249: Francis G. Morrisey: The Role of Law and the Exercise of Authority within the Church, particularly at the Parish Level. (Article) [116 2016/2]

Javier Hervada: Introduction to the Study of Canon Law. (Book) (Wilson & Lafleur, Montreal, 2007) [100 2008/2]

Canons 204-208

AC 58 (2017), 9-223: « Gasparri, La France et la codification ». Actes du colloque organisé à Paris par la S.I.D.C. les 7 et 8 novembre 2017 à l’occasion du centenaire du Code de 1917. (Compilation) [124 2020/2]

Canons 204-223

AkK 174 (2005), 353-379: Helmuth Pree: Par cum pari. Rechtliche Implikationen des ökumenischen Dialogs. (Article) [98 2007/2]

IC XLII 84/02, 491-512: José Luis Gutiérrez Martín: La llamada universal a la santidad en el estatuto jurídico del fiel cristiano. (Article) [91 2004/1]

Éric Besson: La dimension juridique des sacraments. (Doctoral thesis) (Editrice Pontificia Università Gregoriana, Roma, 2003) [94 2005/2]

Canons 204-231

FCan IV/1-2 (2009), 213-229: Dominique le Tourneau: Pour une véritable protection des devoirs et des droits fondamenteaux dans l'Église. (Article) [104 2010/2]

FCan XIV/1 (2019), 55-69: João Pedro Bizarro: O Cristão Leigo e a Paróquia. Uma visão jurídico-pastoral. (Article) [125 2021/1]

IC 60/120 (2020), 695-739: María Blanco: La mujer en la Iglesia. (Article) [126 2021/2]

Armand P. Bosso – Ernest B.O. Okonkwo (eds.): “Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?” Studi in onore di Giacomo Incitti. (Book) (Urbaniana University Press, Vatican City, 2021) [128 2022/2]

S 64 3/02, 445-474: M. Graulich: Baptismo homo constituitur persona in Ecclesia. Anthropologische Implikationen des Kirchenrechts. (Article) [90 2003/2]

Javier Hervada: Pensieri di un canonista nell'ora presente. (Book) (Marcianum Press, Venezia, 2007) [99 2008/1]

Dominique Le Tourneau: Droits et devoirs fondamentaux des fidèles et des laïcs dans l'Église. (Book) (Gratianus, Wilson & Lafleur, Montreal, 2011) [106 2011/2]

N. Lüdecke: Das Verständnis des kanonischen Rechts nach dem Codex Iuris Canonici von 1983 (Extract from C. Grabenwarter and N. Lüdecke (eds.): Standpunkte im Kirchen- und Staatskirchenrecht, Echter Verlag, Würzburg, 2002) [89 2003/1]

Luis Navarro: Persone e soggetti nel diritto della Chiesa. Temi di diritto della persona. (Book) (Apollinare Studi, Roma, 2000) [85 2001/1]

Canons 204-293

John Huels: The Pastoral Companion. A Canon Law Handbook for Catholic Ministry. (Book) (Gratianus, Wilson & Lafleur, Montreal, 2009) [103 2010/1]

John Huels: The Pastoral Companion. A Canon Law Handbook for Catholic Ministry. (Book) (Gratianus, Wilson & Lafleur, Montreal, 2016) [117 2017/1]

Canons 204-329

Proc CLSA 2002, 49-57: D. E. Pilarczyk: Magisterium, Ministry, Membership. (Address at the 2002 Convention of the Canon Law Society of America, Cincinnati, Ohio) [91 2004/1]

RDC 73/1 (2023), 7-35: Alphonse Borras: Le processus synodal et la future révision du Livre II du CIC de 1983. (Article) [132 2024/2]

Canons 204-572

Proc CLSA 1998, 91-102: J. A. Komonchak: People of God, hierarchical structure, and communion: an easy fit? (Seminar Paper) [85 2001/1]

Canons 204-746

Per 102 (2013), 403-446: Gianfranco Ghirlanda: Il libro II del Codice di Diritto Canonico alla luce del Vaticano II. (Article) [112 2014/2]

RDC 48 1/98, 113-133: Laurent-Marie Pocquet du Haut-Jussé: With regard to "Church and Papacy". A Tribute to Fr Yves-Marie Congar. (Article) [85 2001/1]

Canon 205

AC 55 (2013), 159-177: Alain Kabamba Nzwela: La vocation du théologien catholique et le droit canonique. (Article) [116 2016/2]

Ap LXVIII 3-4 (1995), 607-618: P. Erdö: Liberté religieuse dans l'Église. (Article) [81 1999/1]

BV 75 (2015), 691-701: Andrej Saje: Polno in nepopolno občestvo s katoliško Cerkvijo (Full and partial communion with the Catholic Church). (Article) [117 2017/1]

HPR February 2022: Brian Mullady: What Makes a Member of the Church? (Reply) [129 2023/1]

PCF VII (2005), 157-177: Gary Noel S. Formoso: The Problem of Validity of Aglipayan Baptism. (Article) [99 2008/1]

Per 107 (2018), 1-36: Francesco Coccopalmerio: La communicatio in sacris come tema canonistico ed ecumenico. (Presentation) [121 2019/1]

QDE 20 (2007), 35-59: Marino Mosconi: L'abbandono pubblico o notorio della Chiesa e in particolare l'abbandono con atto formale. (Article) [99 2008/1]

QDE 20 (2007), 60-81: Alberto Perlasca: L'abbandono della Chiesa cattolica e libertà religiosa. Implicazioni canoniche e di diritto ecclesiastico. (Article) [99 2008/1]

REDC 63 (2006), 125-196: Federico R. Aznar Gil: Consejo Pontificio para los Textos Legislativos. Carta circular sobre el actus formalis defectionis ab Ecclesia catholica, 13 marzo 2006 (Prot. no. 10279/2006). Texto y comentario. (Document and commentary) [99 2008/1]

RMDC 19 (2013), 247-279: Luis de Jesús Hernández M.: El dato de la fe en las normas canónicas. (Article) [113 2015/1]

Kevin Otieno Mwandha: Disaffiliation from the Catholic Church. (Book) (Christian World Imprints, Delhi, 2022) [129 2023/1]

Canons 205-325

Arthur J. Espelage (ed.): CLSA Advisory Opinions 2001-2005. (Book) (Canon Law Society of America, 2006) [97 2007/1]

Canon 206

AC 39 (1997), 59-66; Groupe de recherché…: Le catechumène dans I'Église: réflections sur le statut et questions d'actualité. (Article) [80 1998/2]

HPR 6/03, 43-49: M. Trueman – P. Vere: Canon Law and the RCIA. (Article) [91 2004/1]

IE XVII 2/05, 441-461: M. Madonna: Lo statuto giuridico del catecumeno tra diritto universale e legislazione particolare. (Article) [96 2006/2]

Canon 207

AA XII (2005), 165-182: Ariel D. Busso: El concepto de laicidad. Reflexiones acerca de la laicidad. Su relación con el canon 207 §1 y con la autonomía en el derecho público eclesiástico. (Article) [97 2007/1]

AkK 166 1/97, 69-84: P. Erdö: Der ständige Diakon. (Article) [82 1999/2]

Ap 1-2194, 63-88: I. Zuzek: Bipartizione o Tripartizione dei "Christifideles" nel CIC e nel CCEO. (Article) [77 1997/1]

BEF LXXXI 846/05, 105-110: J. González: Who Are the Lay Faithful in the Church? (Consultation) [95 2006/1]

Clar ITVC n.s. 4, 53 (2013), 291-318: Fernando Prado Ayuso: El ministerio ordenado de los religiosos y el magisterio postconciliar. (Article) [111 2014/1]

EE 87 (2012), 717-731: Teodoro Bahíllo Ruiz: El religioso presbítero, una forma peculiar de vida en la Iglesia. Condición jurídica y problemáticas inherentes. (Article) [110 2013/2]

FCan XVII/2 (2022), 41-60: Pablo Ormazábal Albistur: La subjetividad jurídica de los movimientos y nuevas comunidades eclesiales. Algunas perspectivas abiertas por la carta Iuvenescit Ecclesia. (Article) [130 2023/2]

IE XXIII 2/11, 319-338: Luis Navarro: La condizione giuridica del laico nella canonistica dal Concilio Vaticano II ad oggi. (Article) [108 2012/2]

IE XXIII 2/11, 339-357: José Ramón Villar: Gli elementi definitori dell'identità del fedele laico. (Article) [108 2012/2]

IE XXXV (2023), 553-574: Massimo del Pozzo: Una rivisitazione in chiave costituzionale della differenziazione del fedeli nel can. 207 CIC. (Article) [132 2024/2]

J 75 (2015), 71-107: Nancy A. Bauer: The State of Consecrated Life: Vita et Sanctitas Ecclesiae. (Article) [115 2016/1]

LW 123/4 (2017), 133-200: Antony Kurisinkal (ed.): The Laity: Role and Vocation. (Articles) [126 2021/2]

Per LXXXIX 4/00, 593-633: L. Robitaille: Collaboration and cooperation between the clergy and laity in the parish, tribunal and chancery. (Article) [87 2002/1]

Per XC 4/01, 549-589: D. G. Astigueta: Los laicos en la discusión teológico-canónica desde el Concilio al CIC 83. (Article) [90 2003/2]

Per XCII 3/03, 359-382: R. García Mateo: Il rapporto laico-chierico-consacrato secondo le Esortazioni Apostoliche Christifideles Laici, Pastores Dabo Vobis, Vita Consecrata. (Article) [92 2004/2]

Per 101 (2012), 541-566: Gianfranco Ghirlanda: La formazione dei seminaristi e dei religiosi in ordine alla relazione fra preti diocesani e religiosi. (Article) [112 2014/2]

Proc CLSA 2002, 1-13: L. DiNardo: Complementarity and Clergy. (Address at the 2002 Convention of the Canon Law Society of America, Cincinnati, Ohio) [91 2004/1]

QDE 24 (2011), 132-141: Tiziano Vanzetto: Il diaconato secondo il pensiero di Jean B. Beyer, S.I. (Article) [108 2012/2]

RDC 57 2/07, 337-356: Rémy Lebrun: La communauté monastique selon les statuts de l'Ordre des Chartreux. (Article) [105 2011/1]

RDC 64/1 (2014), 5-23: Rémy Lebrun: Duo sunt genera Christianorum. Le peuple de Dieu selon le canon 207 §1 du Code de droit canonique de 1983. (Article) [114 2015/2]

RDC 70/1-2 (2020), 5-309: La tentation du cléricalisme. (Compilation) [126 2021/2]

TS 68 2/07, 320-347: Patricia A. Sullivan: The Nonvowed Form of the Lay State in the Life of the Church. (Article) [99 2008/1]

VC XXXII 3-4/96, 442-470: E. Sastre Santos: Gli stati di vita nella Chiesa società "Divine-Umana" e pellegrina per il mondo. (Article) [78 1997/2]

VJTR 66 10/02, 845-849: Nameeta, OCV: A Rainbow of Consecrated Life in the Church. (Article) [91 2004/1]

Markus Graulich – Jesu Pudumai Doss (eds.): La missione del prete nella missione della Chiesa. (Book) (Libreria Editrice Vaticana, 2010) [106 2011/2]

Canons 207-208

Ap XCIII (2020), 127-171: Gaetano A. Corvasce: Statuto personale e funzionale nella Chiesa. (Article) [130 2023/2]

Canons 207-223

AC 40 (1998), 19-48: I. Zuzek: La "Lex Ecclesiae Fundamentalis" et les deux Codes. (Article) [83 2000/1]

Canon 208

ACR LXXXVI 2/09, 145-160: Kimberley Davis – Brian Lucas: The Australian Catholic Bishops Conference and the Participation of Women in the Catholic Church – Ten Years On. (Article) [103 2010/1]

Canonist 7/1 (2016), 42-58: Marcus Francis: Lay Ecclesial Ministers and the 1983 Code of Canon Law. (Article) [117 2017/1]

Canonist 7/2 (2016), 246-249: Myriam Wijlens: Norms Alone Are Not Sufficient: A Canonical Reflection about Women in the Church. (Article) [119 2018/1]

CLSN 203/23, 92-125: Ilaria Zuanazzi: The character of baptism and confirmation: the foundations of the common priesthood of the faithful between law and spirituality. (Article) [131 2024/1]

CpR LXXXV 3-4/04, 269-297: S. Montoya Martín del Campo: La santità all'interno della nuova legislazione canonica. (Article) [95 2006/1]

EE 97 (2022), 555-589: Elisa Estévez López – Nurya Martínez-Gayol Fernández: «Escuchar, dialogar y discernir» con las mujeres. Retos de una Iglesia sinodal. (Article) [129 2023/1]

ELJ 8/37 (2005), 173-185: Lord Bingham of Cornhill: 'Endowed by their Creator?' (Lecture) [96 2006/2]

FCan XV/2 (2020), 39-56: Dominique Le Tourneau: Le statut de la femme dans les codifications de 1917 et de 1983. (Article) [127 2022/1]

FI 2 (2003), 77-93: J. M. Díaz Moreno: La mujer en la ley de la Iglesia. (Article) [96 2006/2]

FThC XII (2023), 151-170: Péter Erdö – Julio García Martín: La missione come principio organizzativo della Chiesa – La missione dei laici, dei presbiteri e dei vescovi. (Article) [133 2025/1]

IC XLVII 93/07, 13-50: Tomás Rincón-Pérez: La justa autonomía de los institutos religiosos y su proyección sobre los monasterios de monjas. (Article) [99 2008/1]

IC 63/126 (2023), 621-662: Carmen Peña: La mujer en la Iglesia Católica: situación canónica actual y perspectivas abiertas por la sinodalidad. (Article) [132 2024/2]

IE XXXII (2020), 477-496: Gabriela Eisenring: La posizione della donna nella Chiesa. (Article) [126 2021/2]

Jahrbuch für Biblische Theologie 18 (2003), 395-456: N. Lüdecke: Feiern nach Kirchenrecht. (Article) [94 2005/2]

LJ 146/01, 28-37: Christopher Dwyer: Human Rights – Values for a Godless Age. (Article) [88 2002/2]

OAK XL 1/93, 46-66: J. Kremsmair: Grundrechte im Codex Iuris Canonici 1983. (Article) [75 1996/1]

Per 112 (2023), 43-62: Emanuele Spedicato: La dignità del christifidelis nella dinamica costituzionale del Codice di diritto canonico. (Presentation) [131 2024/1]

RMDC 27/2 (2021), 291-314: María del Socorro Becerra M.: El quehacer de la mujer en la Iglesia y su capacidad jurídica para ejercer oficios eclesiales o eclesiásticos. (Article) [129 2023/1]

RTL 37 (2006), 231-244: Alphonse Borras: Les « communautés locales ». (Bibliographical review) [97 2007/1]

SC 34 (2000), 467-488: L. A. Robitaille: A Subtext in the Canonical Discussion of Clergy-Laity Issues: Gender. (Article) [86 2001/2]

SC 49 (2015), 443-482: Dominique Le Tourneau: Les droits et les devoirs fondamentaux de la femme dans l'Église. (Article) [115 2016/1]

Norbert Lüdecke: Mehr Geschlecht als Recht? Zur Stellung der Frau nach Lehre und Recht der römisch-katholischen Kirche. (Article in Sigrid Eder – Irmtraud Fischer, Hg: Theologie im kulturelle Dialog, 16, pp. 183-216) [103 2010/1]

Canons 208-223

AnC 10 (2014), 153-163: Tomasz Kornecki: Prawa i obowiązki wiernych ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem praw i obowiązków rodziny (The rights and duties of Christ's faithful in the CIC 1983 with particular focus on the rights and duties of the family). (Article) [113 2015/1]

AnC 17 (2021) 2, 83-100: Przemysław Michowicz: Ancora sul concetto di diritto soggettivo nell’ordinamento della Chiesa. (Article) [128 2022/2]

EIC 63 (2023), 667-687: Massimo del Pozzo: La soggettività dei diritti fondamentali nelle comunità carismatiche. (Article) [132 2024/2]

For XVII/06, 77-97: Roland Jacques: The rights and obligations of the faithful: some historical considerations. (Paper) [98 2007/2]

IC XL 79/00, 13-33: Carlos José Errázuriz M.: Derechos y deberes del fiel en relación con la palabra de Dios: presupuestos fundamentales.

IE XXVI (2014), 535-554: Massimo del Pozzo: La classificazione dei diritti fondamentali dei fedeli nella dottrina canonistica. (Article) [114 2015/2]

IE XXVII (2015), 295-316: Massimo del Pozzo: L'annosa questione della "fondamentalità" e la portata dei diritti dei fedeli. (Article) [116 2016/2]

ITQ 61 (1995), 250-265: Richard J. Barrett: The Rights of the Faithful: Some Signs of Progress. (Article) [78 1997/2]

Per LXXXV 2/96, 249-276: J. P. McIntyre: Lineamenta for a Christian anthropology. (Article) [78 1997/2]

Proc CLSA 2000, 3-18: J. F. Hotchkin: Canon Law and Ecumenism: Giving Shape to the Future. (Seminar Paper) [88 2002/2]

Proc CLSA 2002 10/02, 121-143: J. J. M. Foster: The Relationship of Public and Private Worship. (Seminar Paper at the 2002 Convention of the Canon Law Society of America, Cincinnati, Ohio) [91 2004/1]

QDE 8 (1995), 255-272: Giorgio Feliciani: I diritti e i doveri dei fedeli nella codificazione postconciliare. (Article) [76 1996/2]

QDE 11 (1998), 267-283: Pierantonio Pavanello: Rilevanza del principio della libertà religiosa all'interno dell'ordinamento canonico. (Article) [81 1999/1]

QDE 14 (2001), 89-112: G. Paolo Montini: Il diritto canonico dalla A alla Z. L: Lex Ecclesiae Fundamentalis. (Article) [87 2002/1]

RTL 29 (1998), 297-306: Jacques Etienne: Les droits de l'homme sont-ils d'inspiration individualiste? (Article) [82 1999/2]

Patricia M. Dugan (ed.): Towards Future Developments in Penal Law: U.S. Theory and Practice. (Book) (Gratianus, Wilson & Lafleur, Montreal, 2010) [104 2010/2]

Carlos José Errázuriz M. – Luis Navarro (editors): Il concetto di diritto canonico. Storia e prospettive. (Book) (Giuffrè, Milano, 2000) [86 2001/2]

Jesu Pudumai Doss: The Portrait of Youth in Church Law, in "Youth India: Situation, Challenges & Prospects" (Kristu Jyoti, Bangalore, 2006), pp. 283-303. (Article) [100 2008/2]

Jesu Pudumai Doss (ed.): Iustitiam persequere. Contributi del Codice Pio-Benedettino alla disciplina ecclesiastica. (Book) (Libreria Ateneo Salesiano, Rome, 2017) [122 2019/2]

Canons 208-231

AA VIII (2001), 27-56: A. W. Bunge: Varón y mujer: ¿igualdad de derechos? (Article) [89 2003/1]

Ap 1-2/95, 141-170: D. Composta: Due secoli di storia della Chiesa e i diritti umani. (Study) [77 1997/1]

BEF LXXVII 826/01, 662-708: J. González: Rights and Participation of the Laity in the Life of the Church. (Article) [88 2002/2]

EIC 53 (2013), 205-239: Costantino-M. Fabris: Il Popolo di Dio. I. I diritti dei fedeli. I diritti dei fedeli laici. (Article) [111 2014/1]

EIC 59 (2019), 697-723: Massimo del Pozzo: L’antecedenza dei diritti o dei doveri fondamentali nel sistema canonico. (Article) [124 2020/2]

IC XLIII 85/03, 51-86: Eduardo Baura: Movimientos migratorios y derechos de los fieles en la Iglesia. (Article) [92 2004/2]

IC XLVII 94/07, 441-463: Eduardo Molano: El principio de autonomía privada y sus consecuencias canónicas. (Article) [100 2008/2]

IC 54/108 (2014), 459-517: Valentín Gómez-Iglesias C.: Acerca de la contribución de Álvaro del Portillo al Derecho de la Iglesia. (Article) [114 2015/2]

IC 56/112 (2016), 799-815: Maria D’Arienzo: Responsabilidad jurídica (principio de). (Dictionary entry) [118 2017/2]

IC 59/117 (2019), 221-259: Massimo del Pozzo: I doveri fondamentali del fedele: caratteristiche e inquadramento sistematico. (Article) [123 2020/1]

IE XXXI (2019), 589-610: Massimo del Pozzo: Lo statuto del fedele, cardine del sistema ecclesiale. (Article) [124 2020/2]

IE XXXII (2020), 159-182: Massimo del Pozzo: La logica e la struttura dei doveri fondamentali del fedele. (Article) [125 2021/1]

PS XXXV 104/00: J. González: Rights and Participation of the Laity in the Life of the Church. (Article) [86 2001/2]

SCL I (2005), 25-48: F. Morrisey: The Rights and Duties of the Faithful according to the Code of Canon Law. (Article) [96 2006/2]

María Teresa Fernández Conde: La misión profética de los laicos del Concilio Vaticano II a nuestros días. (Book) (Editrice Pontificia Università Gregoriana, Roma, 2001) [88 2002/2]

Alvaro del Portillo: Fidèles et laics dans l'Église. Fondement de leurs statuts juridiques respectifs. (Book) (Gratianus, Wilson & Lafleur, Montreal, 2012) [109 2013/1]

Alvaro del Portillo: Faithful and Laity in the Church: The Bases of their Juridical Status. (Book) (Gratianus, Wilson & Lafleur, Montreal, 2014) [112 2014/2]

Jesu Pudumai Doss: Accompanying the Young: Rights in the Church. (Article in Jesu Pudumai Doss – Sahayadas Fernando (eds.): Prophets with Wings. Accompanying the Young in Today’s India [All India Don Bosco Education Society, New Delhi, 2018], pp. 23-55) [122 2019/2]

Kevin Otieno Mwandha (ed.): De potestate regiminis. Il ruolo della donna nella Chiesa oggi. (Book) (Libreria Ateneo Salesiano, Rome, 2021) [127 2022/1]

Canon 209

AkK 181 (2012), 39-56: Helmuth Pree: Kirchliche Leitungsgewalt – Aspekte ihrer Reichweite und Anwendung. (Article) [111 2014/1]

Ap LXVIII 3-4 (1995), 607-618: P. Erdö: Liberté religieuse dans l'Église. (Article) [81 1999/1]

CLSN 150/07, 38-40: Gordon Read: Mass Obligation and the Support of One's Own Parish. (Article) [99 2008/1]

QDE 20 (2007), 35-59: Marino Mosconi: L'abbandono pubblico o notorio della Chiesa e in particolare l'abbandono con atto formale. (Article) [99 2008/1]

QDE 20 (2007), 60-81: Alberto Perlasca: L'abbandono della Chiesa cattolica e libertà religiosa. Implicazioni canoniche e di diritto ecclesiastico. (Article) [99 2008/1]

QDE 31 (2018), 17-39: Andrea Migliavacca: Comunicazione per la comunione: modi e contenuti. (Article) [121 2019/1]

SC 29 (1995), 7-28: R. J. Kaslyn: The Value underlying the Law: A Foundational Analysis of Canon 209 §1. (Article) [75 1996/1]

Alphonse Ky-Zerbo (ed.): Appartenance et ruptures : les baptisés face à l’institution ecclésiale catholique aujourd’hui. Perspectives comparatives. (Book) (Éditions du Cerf, Paris, 2020) [125 2021/1]

Canon 210

CpR LXXXV 1-2/04, 107-133: S. Montoya Martín del Campo: Il dovere di tendere alla santità nella vita consacrata e l'associazione dei fedeli. (Article) [93 2005/1]

CpR LXXXVII 3-4/06, 353-391: Jorge Ignacio Villa Urrego: La santidad de los fieles como precepto canónico universal según la normativa del can. 210. (Article) [99 2008/1]

FCan XIII/2 (2018), 51-75: Dominique Le Tourneau: Le canon 210 et le devoir fondamental de sainteté. (Article) [124 2020/2]

SC 36 (2002), 463-486: Maria Casey: The Evolution of New Forms of Consecrated Life. (Article) [91 2004/1]

VC XXXV 2/99, 160-171; 3/99, 278-296: U. Sartorio: Gli "stati di vita": un avvio di riflessione a partire da Vita Consecrata. (Article) [84 2000/2]

Armand P. Bosso – Ernest B.O. Okonkwo (eds.): “Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?” Studi in onore di Giacomo Incitti. (Book) (Urbaniana University Press, Vatican City, 2021) [128 2022/2]

Canon 211

AC 47 (2005), 119-144: Philippe Greiner: Activités d'évangélisation de l'église catholique et prosélytismes. (Article) [98 2007/2]

ADC 1 Supl. 1 (diciembre 2012), 15-69: Juan Damián Gandía Barber: El derecho de los fieles a la Palabra de Dios y el deber del anuncio del Evangelio. (Article) [110 2013/2]

QDE 8 (1995), 419-423: Silvia Recchi: L'impegno a diffondere l'annuncio della salvezza (can. 211). (Commentary) [76 1996/2]

RDC 69/1 (2019), 141-174: Pierre-Marie Berthe: Prosélytisme et évangélisation. Réflexions autour des textes du Magistère de des canons 211 et 748, §2 du Code de droit canonique de 1983. (Article) [125 2021/1]

Canon 212

AkK 181 (2012), 39-56: Helmuth Pree: Kirchliche Leitungsgewalt – Aspekte ihrer Reichweite und Anwendung. (Article) [111 2014/1]

AnC 18 (2022) 2, 5-37: Rafał Kamiński: Hierarchiczna zależność a bezprawne działanie przełożonego. „Sygnalista” w Kościele (Hierarchical dependence and unlawful actions of a superior. “Whistleblower” in the Church). (Article) [131 2024/1]

Canonist 12/1 (2021), 67-83: Marcus Francis: Obedience in the 1983 Code of Canon Law. (Article) [127 2022/1]

CLSN 109/97, 30-35: Press Summary of Findings and Special Panel on Neo-Catechumenal Way. (Document) [79 1998/1]

CLSN 109/97, 36-38: Statement issued by the Rt. Rev. Mervyn Alexander, Bishop of Clifton, concerning the presence and activities of the Neo-Catechumenal Way in the Diocese of Clifton on 29 January 1997. (Document) [79 1998/1]

CLSN 109/97, 39-40: Decree of Mervyn, Bishop of Clifton, 28 January 1997. (Decree) [79 1998/1]

CLSN 109/97, 41-49: G. Read: The Canonical Status of Ecclesial Movements. (Article) [79 1998/1]

Comm 36 (2004), 12-14: Pope John Paul II: Allocutio Summi Pontificis ad eos qui die 10 ianuarii 2004 in Conventu Plenario Congregationis pro Clericis partem habuerunt. (Allocution) [104 2010/2]

IC 62/123 (2022), 317-356: Andrea Miccichè: La sinodalidad en la Iglesia: dinámicas de participación a la luz del reciente magisterio pontificio y de la fase preparatoria de la XVI Asamblea General del Sínodo de los Obispos. (Article) [129 2023/1]

Per 103 (2014), 417-445: Justin M. Wachs: Obsequium: Why and how it is still possible to demand and to offer. (Article) [115 2016/1]

Proc CLSA 1995, 147-165: J. Coriden: Freedom of expression in the Church in the light of Canon 212 (CIC). (Article) [78 1997/2]

QDE 31 (2018), 40-61: Alessandro Giraudo: Comunicazione e opinione pubblica nella Chiesa nell’epoca digitale. (Article) [121 2019/1]

QDE 35 (2022), 408-420: Pierantonio Pavanello: La sinodalità nella Chiesa particolare: riflessioni canonistiche. (Article) [130 2023/2]

RDC 45 1995, 83-94: R. Torfs: L'affaire Gaillot et la liberté d'expression. (Article) [76 1996/2]

REDC 72 (2015), 509-551: Marceliano Guerrero Montero: Autoridad, obediencia, diálogo y libertad de expresión en la iglesia. (Article) [116 2016/2]

Francesco Coccopalmerio: Sinodalità ecclesiale “a responsabilità limitata” o dal consultivo al deliberativo? A colloquio con padre Lorenzo Prezzi e nel ricordo del cardinale Carlo Maria Martini. (Book) (Libreria Editrice Vaticana, 2021) [128 2022/2]

Canon 213

AC 53 (2011), 103-129: Dominique Le Tourneau: Les droits et les devoirs des fidèles dans la situation de danger de mort. (Article) [113 2015/1]

ACR LXXX 1/03, 39-50: B. Daly: "Refusing Sacraments": Another Name for Driving People Away from the Church. (Article) [91 2004/1]

ADC 1 Supl. 1 (diciembre 2012), 15-69: Juan Damián Gandía Barber: El derecho de los fieles a la Palabra de Dios y el deber del anuncio del Evangelio. (Article) [110 2013/2]

EIC 60 (2020), 269-298: Giorgio Leonardi: Lo sviluppo della grazia battesimale può essere considerato res debita? Note intorno allo Statuto del Cammino Neocatecumenale alla luce del realismo giuridico di Javier Hervada. (Article) [125 2021/1]

FCan XVI/2 (2021), 9-36: Dominique Le Tourneau: Les Droits fondamentaux du canon 213 CIC (c. 16 CCEO) à l’épreuve de la Covid-19. (Article) [129 2023/1]

HPR 4/03, 61-66: P. Vere – I. Bergess: The Canonical Rights of God's Special Children. (Article) [91 2004/1]

IE XII 1/00, 29-67: J.-P. Schouppe: Convergences et différences entre le droit divin des canonistes et le droit naturel des jurists. (Article) [85 2001/1]

IE XIII 3/01, 833-834: Congregazione del Culto Divino e della Disciplina dei Sacramenti: Responsa ad dubia proposita. (Document) [89 2003/1]

IE XIV 2/02, 562-571: A. S. Sánchez-Gil: Profili canonici del Motu Proprio Misericordia Dei. (Commentary) [92 2004/2]

IE XVI 2/04, 546-560: Pontificio Consiglio della Pastorale per i Migranti e gli Itineranti: Istruzione Erga migrantes caritas Christi (con nota di J. Miñambres, L'ordinamento giuridico-pastorale della missione della Chiesa nei confronti degli emigranti). (Document and commentary) [94 2005/2]

IE XVIII 3/06, 811-838: Pontificio Consiglio della Pastorale per i Migranti e gli Itineranti: Orientamenti per una pastorale degli zingari, 8 dicembre 2005 (con nota di E. Baura, Aspetti giuridici della pastorale per gli zingari). (Document and commentary) [100 2008/2]

IE XXVI (2014), 555-578: Antonio S. Sánchez-Gil: La pastorale dei fedeli in situazioni di manifesta indisposizione morale. La necessità di un nuovo paradigma canonico-pastorale dopo l'Evangelii Gaudium. (Article) [114 2015/2]

IE XXVI (2014), 711-735: Diocèse de Dijon: Orientations pastorales: «Le sacrement de la confirmation seconde étape de l'initiation chrétienne» (con nota di D. Le Tourneau, Un retour vers l'ordre traditionnel de l'administration des sacrements de l'initiation chrétienne). (Document and comment) [114 2015/2]

IE XXXIV (2022), 179-210: Federico Bertotto: Giustizia distributiva e analogia nel diritto della Chiesa. (Article) [129 2023/1]

QDE 30 (2017), 455-474: Matteo Visioli: Il diritto di ricevere i sacramenti (can. 213). (Article) [121 2019/1]

QDE 32 (2019), 10-32: Francesco Grazian: Per un statuto giuridico del minore nella Chiesa. (Article) [123 2020/1]

QDE 32 (2019), 33-46: Fabio Marini: Il diritto dei minori a ricevere i sacramenti, in specie l’Eucaristia e la penitenza. (Article) [123 2020/1]

RR 2004, 93-94: T. Paprocki: Refusal of Confirmation by Pastor. (Advisory Opinion) [94 2005/2]

SC 47 (2013), 407-466: Dominique Le Tourneau: Le canon 213 sur le droit aux biens spirituels et ses conséquences sur les droits et les devoirs fondamentaux dans l'église. (Article) [112 2014/2]

SC 52 (2018), 375-405: Louise Charbonneau: Le suicide assisté (euthanasie) et l’accès aux sacrements: considérations canoniques et pastorales. (Article) [122 2019/2]

Dominique Le Tourneau: La dimension juridique du sacré. (Book) (Gratianus, Wilson & Lafleur, Montreal, 2012) [109 2013/1]

Jesu Pudumai Doss: Parola di Dio: un diritto dei fedeli? (Article in Jesu Pudumai Doss (ed.): Parola di Dio e legislazione ecclesiastica, pp. 45-69) (Book) (Libreria Ateneo Salesiano, Rome, 2008) [102 2009/2]

Canons 213-214

CLSN 203/23, 126-152: José A. Fuentes: The Sacramental Presence of Christ in the Eucharist, the centre of every community. Juridical profiles: the rights and duties of Ordained Ministers and the other faithful. (Article) [131 2024/1]

Luigi Sabbarese: Girovaghi, migranti, forestieri e naviganti nella legislazione ecclesiastica. (Book) (Urbaniana University Press, Città del Vaticano, 2006) [97 2007/1]

Canons 213-216

J 79 (2023), 99-130: Thomas John Paprocki: The King’s Good Servant, but God’s First: Responses in Canon and Civil Law to Governmental Threats to the Church’s Freedom to Carry out Her Mission. (Article) [131 2024/1]

Canon 214

FThC III 25/17 (2014), 213-230: Helmuth Pree: Questioni interrituali e interecclesiali nell'amministrazione dei sacramenti. (Article) [114 2015/2]

IC XLV 89/05, 89-142: Géza Kuminetz: La forma de la celebración del matrimonio desde la comparación entre ordenamientos. (Conference presentation) [96 2006/2]

Per LXXIV 2/95, 315-353: P. Erdö: Questioni interrituali del diritto dei sacramenti (battesimo e cresima). (Article) [76 1996/2]

Proc CLSA 2008, 63-73: John Baldovin: Reflections on Summorum Pontificum. (Seminar paper) [102 2009/2]

REDC 53 (1996),119-131: M. Brogi: Cura pastorale dei fedeli di altre Chiese «sui iuris». (Article) [78 1997/2]

SC 35 (2001), 7-31: J. Abbass: Latin Bishops' Duty of Care Towards Eastern Catholics. (Article) [87 2002/1]

Luis Okulik (ed.): Le Chiese sui iuris. Criteri di individuazione e delimitazione. (Book) (Marcianum, Venice, 2005) [101 2009/1]

Canon 215

AA XI (2004), 513-534: Tribunal Interdiocesano de Córdoba, Tribunal Eclesiástico Nacional, Rota Romana: Sobre derecho de asociación y derecho a la buena fama. (Sentence) [95 2006/1]

AA XI (2004), 535-540: A. W. Bunge: Comentario a las sentencias sobre el derecho de asociación y a la buena fama. (Commentary) [95 2006/1]

AC 52 (2010), 239-247: Olivier Échappé: La reconnaissance du droit d'association par les droits civil et canonique: une problématique. (Article) [109 2013/1]

AC 52 (2010), 249-256: Hervé Miayoukou: L'émergence en droit canonique des associations privées de fidèles. (Article) [109 2013/1]

AC 54 (2012), 31-279: Colloque « Nature, grâce et droit canonique », 15-16 novembre 2012. (Conference) [114 2015/2]

AkK 184 (2015), 389-416: Heribert Hallermann: Der Anteil der Verbände an der Sendung der Kirche. (Article) [118 2017/2]

FCan XVIII/1 (2023), 47-60: Pedro Manuel Luís: No quinto aniversário da reforma dos Estatutos dos Centros Sociais e Paroquiais: a relação do Pároco com os órgãos diretivos. (Article) [132 2024/2]

IC 50/99 (2010), 9-29: Miquel Delgado Galindo: Asociaciones internacionales de fieles. (Article) [105 2011/1]

IE XVI 1/04, 239-250: M. Rivella: Problematiche attuali circa il riconoscimento delle associazioni di fedeli in Italia. (Lecture) [95 2006/1]

IE XVII 1/05, 75-100: L. Navarro: Diritto e volontà di associazione dei fedeli. (Conference presentation) [96 2006/2]

IE XXX (2018), 543-569: Dominique Le Tourneau: Les droits des fidèles du canon 215 de fonder des associations et de se réunir et leur protection en droit français. (Article) [122 2019/2]

IE XXXIII (2021), 307-331: Miguel Delgado Galindo: Ordini equestri e diritto canonico: annotazioni per un inquadramento giuridico. (Article) [127 2022/1]

J 62 (2002), 294-311: Roch Pagé: Associations of Christ's Faithful: Selected Issues. (Article) [93 2005/1]

Per XCII 4/03, 533-588: P. A. Bonnet: La distinzione tra pubblico e privato in ambito associazionistico e il problema della riqualificazione delle associazioni costituite anteriormente al Codice del 1983. (Article) [92 2004/2]

Per XCIII 1/04, 7-64: P. A. Bonnet: La distinzione tra pubblico e private in ambito associazionistico e il problema della riqualificazione delle associazioni costituite anteriormente al Codice del 1983. Seconda parte. (Article) [93 2005/1]

Per 105 (2016), 198-209: Fausto Sangianni: Comunità di famiglie: nuovo orizzonte dell’associazionismo nella chiesa. (Article) [118 2017/2]

RMDC 18 (2012), 429-441: Benedicto XVI: Motu Proprio sobre el Servicio de la Caridad. (Document and comment) [110 2013/2]

RMDC 25/2 (2019), 355-404: Julián Alejandro Valencia Estrella: Los movimientos eclesiales al servicio de la Iglesia particular. (Article) [125 2021/1]

SC 40 (2006), 397-415: Dominic LeRouzès: Le Droit canonique et les communautés nouvelles. (Article) [99 2008/1]

SC 41 (2007), 47-63: Patrick Valdrini: Communauté et institution en droit canonique. (Article) [100 2008/2]

SC 41 (2007), 65-90: Maria Casey: Associations of Christ's Faithful: Possibilities for the Future. (Article) [100 2008/2]

SC 51 (2017), 113-134: Alphonse Borras: La paroisse et les associations de fidèles à l’heure du pape François. (Article) [119 2018/1]

SC 57 (2023), 99-128: Philip Gerard Milligan: Freedom of Association, Ecclesial Communion, and the Discernment of Charisms. (Conference presentation) [131 2024/1]

TyV XXXIX 1-2/98, 83-110: A. Rojas Valdivia: Derecho Canónico a los trece años de su promulgación. Evaluación y desafíos. (Article) [84 2000/2]

Javier Hervada: Pensieri di un canonista nell'ora presente. (Book) (Marcianum Press, Venezia, 2007) [99 2008/1]

Canons 215-216

CLSN 154/08, 114: Pontifical Council for the Laity: Ecclesial Movements in the Church. (Document) [101 2009/1]

Mem XXIV/00, 177-207: J. Jiménez Vázquez: El camino neocatecumenal. (Conference presentation) [89 2003/1]

Canon 216

EIC 54 (2014), 311-337: Matteo Visioli: Quando una organizzazione caritativa può dirsi "cattolica"? Considerazioni sul motu proprio «Intima Ecclesiae natura». (Article) [114 2015/2]

IE XXIII 2/11, 531-542: Stati Uniti d'America, Diocesi di Phoenix, Arizona: Decreto sul Saint Joseph Hospital, 21 dicembre 2010 (con nota di Iñigo Martínez-Echevarría, Decreto di revoca del consenso all'uso della qualifica 'cattolico' nell'ambito sanitario). (Document and commentary) [108 2012/2]

J 62 (2002), 131-158: Elissa A. Rinere: Catholic Identity and the Use of the Name "Catholic". (Article) [93 2005/1]

Canon 217

Ap LXVII 1-2 (1994), 179-206: R. J. Barrett: The right to integral catechesis as a fundamental right of the Christian faithful. (Article) [77 1997/1]

Ap LXX 1-2 (1997), 185-223: R. J. Barrett: The right to adequate catechesis as a fundamental right of the faithful. (Article) [81 1999/1]

EIC 60 (2020), 269-298: Giorgio Leonardi: Lo sviluppo della grazia battesimale può essere considerato res debita? Note intorno allo Statuto del Cammino Neocatecumenale alla luce del realismo giuridico di Javier Hervada. (Article) [125 2021/1]

ITS 55 (2018), 309-327: I. Amalraj: Juridical Elements of Sufficienti Gaudeant Maturitate. (Lecture) [122 2019/2]

PK XXXIX 1-2/96, 187-198: T. Ploski: Ochrona i ograniczenia praw i wolności człowieka w warunkach konfliktów zbrojnych i stanach nadzwyczajnych państwa. (Article) [78 1997/2]

QDE 26 (2013), 264-272: Mauro Rivella: Per una lettura giuridica degli Orientamenti pastorali della CEI sull'educazione. (Article) [112 2014/2]

SM 127 1/00, 9-12: D. Bergeron: Gregorian Chant in Parish and School. (Article) [87 2002/1]

Jesu Pudumai Doss: The Right to Education in Church Law. (Article in "Education of the Young in Today's India", pp. 209-240). (Book) (Don Bosco Publications, Chennai, 2011)

Canon 218

AC 47 (2005), 167-194: Emmanuel Boudet: Liberté d'expression et magistère ecclésiastique. (Article) [98 2007/2]

AC 55 (2013), 159-177: Alain Kabamba Nzwela: La vocation du théologien catholique et le droit canonique. (Article) [116 2016/2]

ACR LXXVII 1/00, 85-95: Australian Catholic Bishops' Conference: Statement of Policy: The Examination of Theological Orthodoxy. (Document) [86 2001/2]

For XVII/06, 251-255: Pope Benedict XVI: Investigate and foster the perennial value of truth. (Address) [100 2008/2]

For XVII/06, 260-263: Pope Benedict XVI: Scientists who 'know more' must 'serve more'. (Address) [100 2008/2]

IE XVII 2/05, 417-440: Laura de Gregorio: Il diritto alla difesa dell'autore nel procedimento per l'esame delle dottrine. (Article) [96 2006/2]

IE XXX (2018), 495-518: Jorge Otaduy: El derecho de los fieles a la libertad de investigación en las ciencias eclesiásticas. (Article) [122 2019/2]

Per 103 (2014), 417-445: Justin M. Wachs: Obsequium: Why and how it is still possible to demand and to offer. (Article) [115 2016/1]

SC 37 (2003), 521-548: Benoît Malvaux: Les professeurs et la mission canonique, nihil obstat, mandat d'enseigner, profession de foi, serment de fidélité. (Article) [94 2005/2]

SC 44 (2010), 53-98: Jesu Pudumai Doss: Freedom of Inquiry and Expression of Christifideles? Some Juridical Considerations Starting from Canon 218. (Article) [106 2011/2]

Jesu Pudumai Doss: Freedom of Enquiry and Expression in the Catholic Church: A Canonico-Theological Study. (Book) (Kristu Jyoti, Bangalore, 2007) [100 2008/2]

Justin M. Wachs: Obsequium in the Church: Sacred Tradition, Second Vatican Council, 1983 Code, and Sacred Liturgy. (Book) (Gratianus, Wilson & Lafleur, Montreal, 2014) [117 2017/1]

Canon 219

AkK 180 (2011), 92-117: Bernd Dennemarck: Eheschließung trotz Kirchenaustritt? Rechtliche Neuorientierung nach dem Motu Proprio Omnium in mentem. (Article) [109 2013/1]

Canonist 10/2 (2019), 208-218: Sentence coram Monier, 20 July 2012 (Lazio-Roma). Grave Fear (can. 1103). (Sentence) [124 2020/2]

FC 12 (2009), 167-207: Géza Kuminetz: Il contenuto dello ius connubii e lo stesso ius come scelta libera nello stato matrimoniale. (Article) [105 2011/1]

IE VIII 1/96, 145-170: Tribunale Apostolico della Rota Romana. Chilaven. Nullità del matrimonio. Nullità del decreto di Seconda Istanza. Timore reverenziale. Decreto di conferma della sentenza di Prima Istanza. 20 gennaio 1994, Burke, Ponente (con nota di H. Franceschi, Il diritto alla libera scelta del proprio coniuge quale diritto fondamentale della persona). (Sentence and commentary) [78 1997/2]

IE XV 1/03, 102-127: M. A. Ortiz: Il timore che invalida il matrimonio e la sua prova. (Commentary) [92 2004/2]

IE XV 2/03, 335-369: H. Franceschi: Una comprensione realistica dello ius connubii e dei suoi limiti. (Lecture) [93 2005/1]

ME CXXI 3/96, 401-429: E. Turnaturi: II diritto fondamentale del fedele alla libera scelta dello stato coniugale e il difetto di libertà nel consenso matrimoniale canonico. (Article) [78 1997/2]

QDE 28 (2015), 444-457: Alberto Perlasca: L’invalidità della sacra ordinazione. (Votum and comment) [117 2017/1]

QDE 35 (2022), 25-53: Francesco Grazian: Seminario minore: diritto-dovere di educare e immunità da coercizione. (Article) [129 2023/1] 

Jesu Pudumai Doss: «Immuni da costrizione». Alcune applicazioni del can. 219. (Article in Jesu Pudumai Doss – Markus Graulich (eds.): Iustitiam et iudicium facere. Scritti in onore del Prof. Don Sabino Ardito, SDB, pp. 67-103) (Book) (Università Pontificia Salesiana, Rome, 2011) [108 2012/2]

Canons 219-220

AC 54 (2012), 31-279: Colloque « Nature, grâce et droit canonique », 15-16 novembre 2012. (Conference) [114 2015/2]

Canon 220

AA III (1996), 129-168: Marcelo Daniel Colombo: El examen psicológico de admisión al seminario y la protección de la intimidad (can. 220). (Article) [80 1998/2]

AA IX (2002), 51-60: M. Colombo: Admisión al seminario: Discernimiento eclesial y protección de la intimidad en el C.I.C. (Seminar paper) [91 2004/1]

AA XI (2004), 513-534: Tribunal Interdiocesano de Córdoba, Tribunal Eclesiástico Nacional, Rota Romana: Sobre derecho de asociación y derecho a la buena fama. (Sentence) [95 2006/1]

AA XI (2004), 535-540: A. W. Bunge: Comentario a las sentencias sobre el derecho de asociación y a la buena fama. (Commentary) [95 2006/1]

AA XIX (2013), 11-37: Ariel David Busso: Algunas cuestiones canónicas surgidas de la complejidad de la división de los fueros interno y externo. (Article) [113 2015/1]

AA XXI (2015), 111-131: Ariel David Busso: El crimen de «falso» en el Derecho Canónico. (Article) [116 2016/2]

AC 43 (2001), 285-300: O. Échappé: Le secret en question. (Article) [91 2004/1]

AC 44 (2002), 251-259: O. Échappé: L'affaire de l'officialité de Lyon. (Article) [91 2004/1]

ADC 11 (julio 2022), 93-126: José Antonio Soler Martínez: Protección constitucional de la intimidad y de los datos de carácter personal frente a las nuevas tecnologías. (Article) [130 2023/2]

AkK 181 (2012), 444-466: Thomas Meckel: Das Beichtgeheimnis und das Seelsorgegeheimnis im Spiegel der Grundrechte der Christgläubigen. (Article) [112 2014/2]

AkK 183 (2014), 106-122: Friedolf Lappen: Das forensisch-psychiatrische Gutachten als Grundlage der weiteren Einsatzplanung nach Missbrauchsvorwürfen. Bruch der Trennung zwischen forum externum und forum internum. (Article) [116 2016/2]

AnC 4 (2008), 271-285: Piotr Skonieczny: Koncepcja teoretycznoprawna ochrony dobrego imienia w kan. 220 Kodeksu Prawa Kanonicznego Jana Pawła II (Theoretical and legal concept of protection of good reputation according to can. 220 of the Code of Canon Law of John Paul II). (Article) [106 2011/2]

AnC 14 (2018), 9-22: Piotr Kroczek: Kilka uwag dotyczących Dekretu KEP z 13 marca 2018 roku w sprawie ochrony osób fizycznych w związku z przetwarzaniem danych osobowych w Kościele katolickim na podstawie kazusu przedszkola (Several comments on the Decree of the Polish Bishops’ Conference of 13 March 2018 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data in the Catholic Church on the basis of the case study of a kindergarten). (Article) [122 2019/2]

AnC 14 (2018), 69-86: Piotr Skonieczny: Zakres podmiotowy Dekretu ogólnego KEP z 13 marca 2018 roku w sprawie ochrony osób fizycznych w związku z przetwarzaniem danych osobowych w Kościele katolickim. Prawnoporównawczy punkt widzenia (Personal scope of the General Decree of the Polish Bishops’ Conference of 13 March 2018 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data in the Catholic Church. Comparative legal viewpoint). (Article) [122 2019/2]

AnC 16 (2020) 1, 7-23: Robert Czarnowicz – Piotr Kroczek: Rejestr duchowieństwa w perspektywach: praktycznej, ochrony dobrego imienia i ochrony danych osobowych (Register of clergy from a practical perspective and the perspectives of protection of one’s good name and protection of personal data). (Article) [126 2021/2]

AnC 16 (2020) 1, 59-106: Piotr Skonieczny: Przestępstwo kanoniczne naruszenia przepisów Kościoła w Polsce o ochronie danych osobowych. Komentarz do art. 42 ust. 2-4 dekretu KEP z 13 marca 2018 roku (The canonical delict of violating the regulations of the Church in Poland on the protection of personal data. Commentary on Article 42 section 2-4 of the general decree of the Polish Bishops’ Conference of 13 March 2018). (Article) [126 2021/2]

AnC 17 (2021) 1, 7-21: Robert Czarnowicz – Piotr Kroczek: Przetwarzanie danych osobowych w pracy kapelanów szpitalnych wyznania rzymskokatolickiego – wybrane zagadnienia (Processing of personal data in the work of Roman Catholic hospital chaplains – selected issues). (Article) [127 2022/1]

AnC 17 (2021) 1, 23-37: Kinga Karsten: Kilka uwag dotyczących zastosowania dekretu Konferencji Episkopatu Polski o ochronie danych osobowych z 2018 r. do spraw małżeńskich lub rodzinnych (Some comments on the application of the 2018 Decree on the protection of personal data in matrimonial or family matters). (Article) [127 2022/1]

AnC 17 (2021) 2, 7-32: Aleksandra Brzemia-Bonarek – Jan Dohnalik: Wykorzystanie akt sprawy małżeńskiej w kanonicznym postępowaniu karnym (The use of acts of the matrimonial nullity process in canonical penal proceedings). (Article) [128 2022/2]

AnC 17 (2021) 2, 33-47: Robert Czarnowicz – Piotr Kroczek: Wydanie opinii psychologicznej sporządzonej na potrzeby formacji zakonnej w optyce ochrony danych osobowych w Kościele katolickim (Issuing of the document of a psychological opinion for formation purposes in the light of personal data protection in the Catholic Church). (Article) [128 2022/2]

AnC 19 (2023) 1, 5-37: Maciej Andrzejewski: Ochrona danych osobowych w sprawach o stwierdzenie nieważności małżeństwa w świetle wybranych zasad procesu (cz. 1) (Protection of personal data in marriage nullity cases in the light of selected procedural rules: part 1). (Article) [131 2024/1]

AnC 19 (2023) 2, 5-55: Maciej Andrzejewski: Ochrona danych osobowych w sprawach o stwierdzenie nieważności małżeństwa w świetle wybranych zasad procesu (cz. 2) (Protection of personal data in marriage nullity cases in the light of selected procedural rules: part 2). (Article) [132 2024/2]

Ang 87 (2010), 923-941: Piotr Skonieczny: La tutela della buona fama del chierico accusato degli abusi sessuali su minori: un modo di procedere nel caso concreto in base al can. 220 CIC/83. (Article) [106 2011/2]

Canonist 10/2 (2019), 164-174: Paul Shogren: The Privacy Act 1988 and the Canons: Issues and Solutions for Marriage Cases brought before Ecclesiastical Tribunals in Australia. Part One: Civil Law, Canon Law and the Privacy Act. (Article) [124 2020/2]

Canonist 11/1 (2020), 13-30: Paul Shogren: The Privacy Act 1988 and the Canons: Issues and Solutions for Marriage Cases brought before Ecclesiastical Tribunals in Australia. Part Two: The Canonical Process Examined. (Article) [125 2021/1]

Canonist 11/2 (2020), 246-274: Elizabeth Ong: New Zealand Privacy Law in Relation to Canon Law. (Article) [126 2021/2]

Canonist 12/2 (2021), 222-255: Joseph Lee: The Role of Experts in Evaluating Candidates for Ordained and Consecrated Life. (Article) [128 2022/2]

Canonist 13/1 (2022), 36-48: Elizabeth Kim Meng Ong: The Revised Canons 1390 & 1391: the Impact on the Rights to Good Reputation and Privacy. (Article) [129 2023/1]

Canonist 13/2 (2022), 195-216: Elizabeth Ong – Michael-Andreas Nobel: Enhancing Trust in the Church: Protection of Privacy and Personal Information through Good Governance. (Article) [131 2024/1]

CLSN 101/95, 68-70: R. Ombres: Confidentiality in Church and State. (Article) [76 1996/2]

CLSN 104/95, 33-41: E. Rinere: The Individual's Right to Confidentiality. (Article) [77 1997/1]

CLSN 104/95, 40-44: R. Ombres: The Right of Religious to Confidentiality. (Article) [77 1997/1]

CLSN 123 3/00, 6-20: R. Barrett: Two Recent Cases from the Signatura Affecting the Right to Privacy. (Article) [87 2002/1]

CLSN 130/02, 23-49: I and II Instance Decisions in the case of Lilburne-Dowling, Australia. (Documents) [90 2003/2]

Comm 41 (2009), 300: Secretaria Status: Declaratio spectans at tuendam imaginem Papae. (Document) [104 2010/2]

EE 89 (2014), 635-673: Miguel Campo Ibáñez: Derecho a la intimidad y recurso a la psicología en el proceso de admisión y formación de los candidatos al sacerdocio. Comentario canónico al documento de la Congregación para la Educación Católica «Orientaciones para el uso de las competencias de la Psicología en la admisión y formación de los candidatos al sacerdocio». (Article) [114 2015/2]

EIC 60 (2020), 191-214: Pierpaolo Dal Corso: Gli interventi legislativi di Francesco nel diritto penale canonico: valori e criticità. (Article) [125 2021/1]

FCan IV/1-2 (2009), 231-236: Juan José García Faílde: Cuando no es posible, por ser prueba ilícita, una pericial psiquiátrica o psicológica. (Article) [104 2010/2]

EIC 61 (2021), 475-502: Damián Astigueta: Trasparenza e tutela del segreto processuale e della buona fama. (Article) [128 2022/2]

EIC 61 (2021), 719-749: Eduardo Baura: Il diritto all’intimità nella Chiesa: bene giuridico e disponibilità del diritto. (Article) [128 2022/2]

EIC 61 (2021), 751-785: Carlos Martínez De Aguirre: El Derecho a la intimidad Revisitado. (Article) [128 2022/2]

ELJ 25 (2023), 314-329: Clyde Muropa: Personnel Files, Confidentiality and the Right to Privacy. (Article) [132 2024/2]

HPR 10/03, 54-57: M. P. Orsi: Priests' Privacy and Reputation Need Protection. (Article) [93 2005/1]

HPR June-July 2023: Michael J. Mazza: The Importance of the Value of Reputation. (Article) [132 2024/2]

IC XLV 90/05, 529-555: Jorge Otaduy: La Iglesia católica ante la Ley española de Protección de Datos. (Article) [96 2006/2]

IE XII 2/00, 570-610: Legislazione particolare. Italia, Decreto generale della Conferenza Episcopale: "Disposizioni per la tutela del diritto alla buona fama e alla riservatezza", 20 ottobre 1999 (con nota di D. Mogavero, Diritto alla buona fama e tutela dei dati personali). (Document and commentary) [86 2001/2]

IE XVIII 1/06, 61-81: Venerando Marano: La protezione dei dati personali fra diritto statuale e «garanzie» confessionali. (Lecture) [97 2007/1]

IE XIX 1/07: 269-290: Italia. Consiglio di Stato. Sezione V. Decisione 14 novembre 2006 (con nota di M. del Pozzo, Il coordinamento interordinamentale tra giurisdizione civile ed ecclesiastica nell'acquisizione di cartelle cliniche nelle cause di nullità matrimoniale). (Civil sentence and commentary) [100 2008/2]

IE XXV (2013), 79-91, 107-119: Tribunale Apostolico della Rota Romana: Penale e riparazione dei danni, Decreto, 23 gennaio 2008, McKay, Ponente (con nota di Adolfo Zambon, Sul risarcimento del danno. Alcune riflessioni a partire da due coram McKay). (Decree and comment) [111 2014/1]

IE XXV (2013), 363-385: Montserrat Gas Aixendri: Apostasía y tratamiento jurídico de los datos de carácter personal. La experiencia jurídica europea. (Article) [111 2014/1]

IE XXVI (2014), 127-148: Dominique Le Tourneau: Le canon 220 et les droits fondamentaux à la bonne réputation et à l'intimité. (Article) [113 2015/1]

IE XXXI (2019), 403-425: Jean-Pierre Schouppe: Les droits à la bonne réputation, à l’intimité et au respect des données à caractère personnel en droit canonique: avant et après l’entrée en vigueur du règlement UE 2016/679. (Article) [124 2020/2]

IE XXXI (2019), 427-448: Manuel Ganarin: La tutela dei dati personali nei recenti sviluppi del diritto particolare per la Chiesa cattolica in Italia. (Article) [124 2020/2]

IE XXXI (2019), 449-469: Sabine Konrad: La protezione dei dati personali nella Chiesa tedesca. (Article) [124 2020/2]

IE XXXI (2019), 471-497: Jorge Otaduy: El Decreto general de la Conferencia Episcopal Española en materia de protección de datos personales. Primeras consideraciones. (Article) [124 2020/2]

IE XXXI (2019), 499-513: Tomasz Rozkrut: Decreto generale della conferenza episcopale polacca relativo alla questione della protezione delle persone fisiche con riguardo al trattamento dei dati personali nella Chiesa cattolica. (Article) [124 2020/2]

IE XXVIII (2016), 345-366: Antonio Viana: La comprobación de la idoneidad para el oficio eclesiástico y el orden sagrado. (Article) [118 2017/2]

IM 30 (2019), nr. 4, 81-99: Michał Poniatowski: Ochrona danych osobowych świadków w sprawach o stwierdzenie nieważności małżeństwa kanonicznego (Protection of witnesses’ personal data in marriage nullity cases). (Article) [127 2022/1]

IM 34 (2023), nr 2, 47-77: Tomasz Jakubiak: Zabezpieczenie prawa nupturientów do intymności i ochrony dobrego imienia w trakcie bezpośredniego przygotowania do małżeństwa wg dekretu KEP z 8 października 2019 roku (Protection of engaged couples’ right to privacy and a good reputation during their immediate preparation for marriage in the Roman Catholic Church, as enshrined in the Decree passed by the Conference of the Bishops of Poland on 8 October 2019). (Article) [132 2024/2]

Ius 14, 2 (2023), 41-56: Benny Sebastian Tharakunnel: Balancing the Rights of the Victims and the Accused in Cases of Sexual Abuse of Minors and the Vulnerable by Clerics. (Article) [132 2024/2]

J 78 (2022), 445-476: Michael J. Mazza: Bona Fama in an Age of “Transparency”: Publishing Lists of “Credibly Accused” Clerics. (Article) [130 2023/2]

LJ 136-137/98, 39-57: Richard J. Barrett: The Right to Privacy. (Article) [82 1999/2]

J 80 (2024), 151-196: Michael J. Mazza: Is the Internal Forum under Attack? The Status of the Sacramental Seal and the Internal Forum in Church and State in the USA. (Article) [133 2025/1]

PCF IX (2007), 117-136: Francis Nguyen: Privacy on the Internet: Issues and Implications. (Article) [100 2008/2]

Per LXXXIII 3/94, 381-397: G. Versaldi: Uso della psicologia nella formazione sacerdotale e religiosa nel rispetto dei diritti della persona. (Article) [76 1996/2]

Per 107 (2018), 513-522: Davide Cito: Trasparenza e segreto nel diritto penale canonico. (Presentation) [122 2019/2]

Per 107 (2018), 523-535: Damián G. Astigueta: Trasparenza e segreto. Aspetti della prassi penalistica. (Presentation) [122 2019/2]

Per 109 (2020), 401-428, 659-674: Myriam Wijlens – Neville Owen: Promoting and protecting the dignity of persons in allegations of abuse of minors and vulnerable adults: balancing confidentiality, transparency, and accountability: a seminar organised by the Pontifical Commission for the Protection of Minors. Introduction / Concluding observations. (Presentation) [128 2022/2]

Per 110 (2021), 155-162: Ulrich Rhode: La riservatezza delle informazioni ricevute nell’accompagnamento spirituale. (Article) [128 2022/2]

PK XXXIX 3-4/96, 227-236: J. Krukowski: Prawa wiernych do dobrej opinii i do własnej intymności. Komentarz do kan, 220 kpk z 1983 r. (Presentation) [80 1998/2]

Proc CLSA 2010, 83-114: Phillip J. Brown: Confidential Communications and the Law. (Lecture) [110 2013/2]

QDE 14 (2001), 175-202: Carlo Redaelli: Il decreto generale della CEI sulla "privacy". (Article) [87 2002/1]

QDE 18 (2005), 417-441: Alberto Perlasca: La tutela del diritto all'intimità negli esami psicologici dei candidati al seminario e agli Ordini sacri. (Article) [96 2006/2]

QDE 26 (2013) 77-90: Fabio Marini: L'ufficio del parroco tra segreto e riservatezza. (Article) [111 2014/1]

QDE 33 (2020), 136-166: Marino Mosconi: La normativa della Chiesa in Italia sulla tutela della buona fama e della riservatezza: dal decreto generale del 20 ottobre 1999 al decreto generale del 24 maggio 2018. (Article) [125 2021/1]

QDE 33 (2020), 167-188: Alberto Perlasca: Elementi peculiari ed aspetti irrinunciabili della normativa canonica nella tutela della buona fama e della riservatezza. (Article) [125 2021/1]

QDE 33 (2020), 189-204: Alessandro Giraudo: La tutela della riservatezza e della buona fama nel trattamento dei dati di natura digitale. (Article) [125 2021/1]

QDE 33 (2020), 205-224: G. Paolo Montini: I tribunali ecclesiastici competenti in materia di privacy in Germania. (Article) [125 2021/1]

QSR 18 (2008), 212: Romanae Rotae Tribunalis Decanus: Decretum: Salten. in Uruguay. Diffamationis et damnorum. (Document) [103 2010/1]

QSR 18 (2008), 213-214: Romanae Rotae Tribunalis Decanus: Decretum: Sancti Severi. Diffamationis et refectionis damnorum. (Document) [103 2010/1]

QSR 18 (2008), 218-219: Romanae Rotae Tribunalis Decanus: Decretum: Premislien. Latinorum. Diffamationis. (Document) [103 2010/1]

RfR 59 6/00, 650-655: E. McDonough: Responsibilities of the Novice Director. (Article) [86 2001/2]

RR 2003, 48-51: W. H. Woestman: Secrecy Concerning Delicts. (Advisory Opinion) [94 2005/2]

RR 2004, 94-95: P. L. Golden: Background Checks and Non-Church Personnel Using Church Facilities. (Advisory Opinion) [94 2005/2]

RR 2004, 95-107: M. J. Bradley – T. J. Green – D. J. Ward: Background Checks of Diocesan / Eparchial Personnel. (Advisory Opinions) [94 2005/2]

RR 2004, 107-108: W. H. Woestman: Screening Persons Requesting Entrance into a Formation Program for the Priesthood and Consecrated Life. (Advisory Opinion) [94 2005/2]

RR 2005, 7-9: Congregation for the Clergy: Diocesan Bishops can Obligate Priests to Submit to Background Checks by Civil Authorities. (Document) [96 2006/2]

RR 2005, 46-48: A. J. Espelage: Background Checks of Diocesan/Eparchial Personnel. (Opinion) [96 2006/2]

SC 34 (2000), 439-466: Gregory Ingels: Protecting the Right to Privacy when Examining Issues Affecting the Life and Ministry of Clerics and Religious. (Article) [86 2001/2]

SC 36 (2002), 419-462: R. E. Jenkins: Defamation of Character in Canonical Doctrine and Jurisprudence. (Article) [91 2004/1]

SC 38 (2004), 369-410: Patrick Lagges: The Penal Process: The Preliminary Investigation in Light of the Essential Norms of the United States. (Article) [95 2006/1]

SC 38 (2004), 527-574: M. Bradley: The Evolution of the Right to Privacy in the 1983 Code: Canon 220. (Article) [95 2006/1]

SC 57 (2023), 51-80: Michael-Andreas Nobel: Canon 220 and Data Protection: Applicability and Regulatory Matter of the Church? An Approach of the German Bishops’ Conference. (Article) [131 2024/1]

SC 57 (2023), 81-98: Clyde Muropa: Personnel Files, Confidentiality, and the Right to Privacy. (Conference presentation) [131 2024/1]

SC 57 (2023), 145-170: Michael J. Mazza: Protecting the Right to Reputation. (Article) [131 2024/1]

SCL II (2006), 147-172: Victor D'Souza: The Right to Privacy of Candidates to Priesthood and Religious Life. (Article) [98 2007/2]

SPW 21 (2008), 369-389: Konrad Dyda: Prawo i obowiązek przetwarzania danych osobowych byłych wyznawców przez kościoły i inne związki wyznaniowe (The right and obligation to process personal data of former members of Churches and other religious organizations). (Article) [122 2019/2]

Il Codice di Diritto Canonico Commentato, a cura della Redazione di "Quaderni di Diritto Ecclesiale". (Book) (Ancora, Milano, 2001) [87 2002/1]

Canons 220-221

CLSN 137/04, 45-64: G. Ingels: Safeguarding Rights when Investigating Allegations of Misconduct of Clergy and Religious. (Paper) [94 2005/2]

CLSN 137/04, 65-68: G. Read: The Safeguarding of Rights when Investigating Allegations of Misconduct by Clergy and Religious. (Comment) [94 2005/2]

PS XXXVI 108/01, 471-490: F. Considine: Justice and Equity in Cases of Sexual Misconduct Involving Priests. (Article) [88 2002/2]

Patricia M. Dugan (ed.): Advocacy Vademecum. (Book) (Wilson & Lafleur, Montreal, 2006) [97 2007/1]

Canon 221

AA XIV (2007), 269-304: Hugo Adrián von Ustinov: Algunas consideraciones alrededor del canon 221. (Article) [102 2009/2]

AA XVII (2011), 77-99: Ariel David Busso: Consideraciones acerca de la defensa de los derechos. (Article) [109 2013/1]

ADC 3 (abril 2014), 53-72: Jaime González Argente: La norma general penal (c. 1399). ¿Una excepción al principio nulla poena sine lege poenali praevia? (Article) [113 2015/1]

ADC 3 (abril 2014), 73-148: Carlos López Segovia: El derecho a la defensa en el proceso penal administrativo. (Article) [113 2015/1]

ADC 12 (julio 2023), 25-121: Carlos Manuel Morán Bustos: El nuevo orden procesal en los delitos de abusos de menores desde la perspectiva del “justo proceso”. (Article) [132 2024/2]

AnC 19 (2023) 1, 65-69: Kinga Karsten: Czy duchowny diecezjalny może pozwać prowincjała i prowincję przed sąd diecezjalny? (Can a secular cleric sue a provincial and a province in diocesan tribunal?) (Article) [131 2024/1]

Ang 85 (2008), 267-287: Giuseppe Dalla Torre: Qualche considerazioni sul principio di legalità nel diritto penale canonico. (Article) [101 2009/1]

Ap LXIX 3-4 (1996), 583-611: G. di Mattia: Equità e riserve di legge nel diritto penale canonico. (Article) [81 1999/1]

Ap LXXXIII 1 (2010), 31-40: Romanae Rotae Tribunal: Sententia definitiva: Iurium (coram Sciacca), 14-3-2008. (Sentence) [107 2012/1]

Canonist 13/1 (2022), 15-35: Merlin Rengith Ambrose: Contradictorium and the Right of Defence: Conceptual Clarifications and Canonical Glimpses. (Article) [129 2023/1]

Comm 38 (2006), 20-22: Tribunal Rotae Romanae: Allocutio ad Summum Pontificem Exc.mi Decani Tribunalis Rotae Romanae occasione Audientiae diei 28 ianuarii 2006. (Address) [105 2011/1]

Dionysiana Review IV/1 (2010), 254-268: Anne Bamberg: Réflexions autour du droit au procès dans l'Église catholique de rite latin. (Article) [107 2012/1]

DPM 9 (2002), 211-244: J. Eder: Gerichtlicher Schutz im Kirchlichen Arbeitsrecht. (Article) [92 2004/2]

EE LXXVIII 307/03, 695-713: Rufino Callejo de Paz: La posición de los tribunales eclesiásticos frente a la presunción del canon 1060. (Article) [92 2004/2]

EE 95 (2020), 745-799: Carlos M. Morán Bustos: El tiempo y los procesos en la Iglesia: la «duración razonable» de los procesos canónicos como derecho fundamental de los fieles. (Article) [126 2021/2]

FCan VII/2 (2012), 155-173: Dominique Le Tourneau: L'interprétation du droit fondamental des fidèles a être jugés selon le droit (c. 221 §3). (Article) [111 2014/1]

For VI 2/95, 53-78: F. Daneels: Some Remarks Concerning the Concept of Fair Trial According to Canon Law. (Paper) [77 1997/1]

For XVII/06, 339-360: Zenon Grocholewski: The Basis of the Right of Defence. (Article) [100 2008/2]

IE XI 1/99, 41-70: R. Rodríguez-Ocaña: La tutela del derecho al proceso en las causas de nulidad matrimonial. (Communication to the 10th International Congress of Canon Law, 14-19 September 1998) [83 2000/1]

IE XV 3/03, 869-871: Supremo Tribunale della Segnatura Apostolica: Lettera Circolare su talune questioni riguardante la tutela del diritto di difesa nel processo di nullità del matrimonio. (Document and commentary by G. Maragnoli) [93 2005/1]

IE XVII 2/05, 417-440: Laura de Gregorio: Il diritto alla difesa dell'autore nel procedimento per l'esame delle dottrine. (Article) [96 2006/2]

IE XIX 1/07, 55-75: Joaquín Llobell: Il diritto e il dovere al processo giudiziale nella Chiesa. Note sul magistero di Benedetto XVI circa la necessità di «agire secondo ragione» nella riflessione ecclesiale. (Article) [100 2008/2]

IE XX 1/08, 227-261: Stato della Città del Vaticano, Tribunale Penale: Principio di legalità. Sentenza, 5 maggio 2007. Dalla Torre, Presidente (con nota di D. Di Giorgio, Il principio di legalità nel sistema delle fonti dello Stato Città del Vaticano). (Sentence and commentary) [102 2009/2]

IE XXIII 1/11, 77-106: Tribunale Apostolico della Rota Romana: Calatayeronen. Iurium. Sentenza definitiva, 14 marzo 2008. Sciacca, Ponente (con nota di Ilaria Zuanazzi, La tutela dei diritti in tema di privilegio). (Sentence and commentary) [108 2012/2]

IE XXIII 3/11, 668-686: Paola Buselli Mondin: Il diritto di difesa in ambito disciplinare. (Comment) [109 2013/1]

IE XXXIII (2021), 405-440: Geraldina Boni: La tutela dei diritti e il giudizio penale nella Chiesa. (Paper) [128 2022/2]

IE XXXIII (2021), 441-466: Massimo del Pozzo: Il giusto processo e l’ecosistema processuale nel pensiero di Joaquín Llobell. (Paper) [128 2022/2]

IM 13 (19) 2008, 99-110: Grzegorz Leszczyński: Prawo do obrony w przemówieniach Jana Pawła II do Roty Rzymskiej (The right of defence in John Paul II's Addresses to the Rota). (Article) [101 2009/1]

Ius Comm VIII (2020), 53-72: Giuseppe Sciacca: Principio de legalidad y ordenamiento canónico. (Article) [125 2021/1]

J 79 (2023), 99-130: Thomas John Paprocki: The King’s Good Servant, but God’s First: Responses in Canon and Civil Law to Governmental Threats to the Church’s Freedom to Carry out Her Mission. (Article) [131 2024/1]

PCF VIII (2006), 65-106: Vicente R. Uy: The Principle of Equity in the Code of Canon Law. (Article) [98 2007/2]

PCF XI (2009), 169-192: Benjamin Pantas: The Canonical Procedure for Doctrinal Examination vis-à-vis the Local Legislation of the Catholic Bishops' Conference of the Philippines. (Article) [103 2010/1]

Per XCIII 2/04, 245-264: F. Dotti: Quali garanzie per un giusto processo? Lineamenti di una ricerca. (Article) [93 2005/1]

Per 105 (2016), 107-134: Davide Salvatori: Le eccezioni dilatorie e il confine tra uso e abuso del diritto di difesa? Alcune note all’interno del processo di nullità matrimoniale. (Article) [118 2017/2]

Proc CLSA 2008, 355-382: Phillip Brown: The Right of Defense in Canon Law (and "Due Process" in American Civil Law). (Preliminary Study) [103 2010/1]

QDE 8 (1995), 273-286: Zenon Grocholewski: La tutela dei diritti dei fedeli e le composizioni stragiudiziali delle controversie. (Article) [76 1996/2]

QDE 16 (2003), 117-130: Paolo Bianchi: Il ricorso al giudice civile in ambito giudiziario matrimoniale canonico: prospettiva canonistica. (Article) [91 2004/1]

REDC 70 (2013), 547-564: Luis A. García Matamoro: El proceso judicial penal cc. 1721-1728 CIC 83. (Conference presentation) [112 2014/2]

REDC 74 (2017), 217-236: Raúl Ramón Sánchez: La investigación previa al proceso penal canónico y la defensa del acusado. (Article) [119 2018/1]

RR 2003, 7-9: Congregation for Clergy: Hierarchical Recourse Against a Decree of a Bishop Claiming Violation of Rights. (Document) [94 2005/2]

SC 38 (2004), 439-460: Roland Jacques: Les droits et devoirs des fidèles: aperçus historiques. (Article) [95 2006/1]

SC 54 (2020), 5-29: Brian T. Austin: Nullum crimen, nulla poena sine lege: the Principle of Penal Legality in the Ius vigens. (Article) [125 2021/1]

SC 54 (2020), 221-264: John Anthony Renken: The Canonical Rights of Those Accused of the Delict of Sexual Abuse. (Article) [125 2021/1]

SC 57 (2023), 171-228: Joaquín Llobell†: Due Process and the “Administrativization” of the Canonical Penal Procedure. (Article) [131 2024/1]

SCL XV (2020), 349-400: Merlin Rengith Ambrose: Ius Defensionis: Fulcrum of Justice in the Rotal Jurisprudence. (Article) [126 2021/2]

M.ª Teresa Cerdá Donat: La certeza del derecho vinculada a la verdad y la justicia. Reflexión utriusque iuris sobre su manifestación en el derecho procesal canónico. (Doctoral thesis) (Laborum – Universidad Católica de Valencia, Colecciones Tesis Doctorales n° 3, 2022) [129 2023/1]

William L. Daniel: Ministerium Iustitiae. Jurisprudence of the Supreme Tribunal of the Apostolic Signatura. (Book) (Gratianus, Wilson & Lafleur Montreal, 2011) [108 2012/2]

Patricia M. Dugan (ed.): The Penal Process and the Protection of Rights in Canon Law. (Book) (Wilson & Lafleur, Montreal, 2005) [95 2006/1]

Robert J. Kaslyn (ed.): Essays in Honor of Sister Rose McDermott, S.S.J. (Book) (Catholic University of America, 2010) [105 2011/1]

Canon 222

AnC 16 (2020) 2, 91-108: Karolina Mazur: Obowiązek zaradzania potrzebom Kościoła w zakresie sprawowania kultu Bożego (kan. 222 § 1 KPK) (The duty to provide for the needs of the Church in relation to the worship of God). (Article) [127 2022/1]

EE LXXIV 10-12/99, 661-696: U. Navarette: Independencia de los jueces eclesiásticos en la interpretación y aplicación del Derecho. (Article) [84 2000/2]

IC XLVIII 95/08, 13-23: Mauro Rivella: Financiación de la Iglesia. El modelo italiano. (Article) [101 2009/1]

IC XLVIII 95/08, 25-68: Fernando Giménez Barriocanal: Financiación eclesial: situación actual y perspectivas de futuro. (Article) [101 2009/1]

IC XLVIII 95/08, 69-87: Antonio Vázquez del Rey Villanueva: El sistema tributario y la financiación de la Iglesia en España. (Article) [101 2009/1]

IC 55/109 (2015), 269-312: Jaime Vázquez Sánchez: El derecho-deber de los fieles de ayudar a la Iglesia en sus necesidades (c. 222 §1 del CIC). (Article) [115 2016/1]

IE XVI 1/04, 345-350: Giurisprudenza Civile: Svizzera. Tribunale Federale. Seconda sezione di Diritto pubblico. Sul ricorso di A. – contro la decisione della Chiesa cantonale di Lucerna di obbligarlo a dimettersi dalla Chiesa cattolica affinché sia valida la sua dimissione dalla Chiesa cantonale. Sentenza, Losanna, 18 dicembre 2002 (con nota di A. Cattaneo). (Document and commentary) [95 2006/1]

IE XXIV 2/12, 303-322: Diego Zalbidea: Corresponsabilidad (stewardship) y derecho canónico. (Article) [110 2013/2]

KIP 6 (19) 2017, nr. 2, 123-141: Anna Słowikowska: Podstawy prawne odpowiedzialności wiernych za materialne potrzeby Kościoła (The legal basis of the responsibility of the Christian faithful for the material needs of the Church). (Article) [120 2018/2]

Per LXXXIII 2/94, 537-567: S. Recchi: II c. 222 §2 del Codice alla luce dell'enciclica Sollicitudo rei socialis. (Article) [76 1996/2]

Proc CLSA 2008, 128-157: Lynn Jarrell – Daniel Ward: Catholic Identity – Ministry – Liability – Employment: Trends and Challenges for US Dioceses and Religious Institutes/Societies. (Seminar paper) [102 2009/2]

QDE 19 (2006), 185-210: Matteo Visioli: La nuova Istruzione in materia amministrativa della Conferenza Episcopale Italiana. (Article) [97 2007/1]

RDC 63/1-2 (2013), 9-30: Anne Bamberg: Le droit social au prisme du droit canonique. Droits et devoirs fondamentaux et promotion de la justice sociale. (Article) [113 2015/1]

REDC 69 (2012), 757-779: Silvia Meseguer Velasco: El principio de cooperación y las donaciones a las confesiones religiosas. (Article) [110 2013/2]

RMDC 18 (2012), 429-441: Benedicto XVI: Motu Proprio sobre el Servicio de la Caridad. (Document and comment) [110 2013/2]

SC 31 (1997), 341-372: B. Dafflon: Financing the Churches in Present-Day Switzerland. (Article) [80 1998/2]

SC 34 (2000), 401-437: M. D. McGowan: Civil Legislation and Catholic Health Care Facilities in New Brunswick. (Article) [86 2001/2]

SC 49 (2015), 483-500: Sahayaraj Lourdusamy: Canonical Perspective on Social Justice and Charity. (Article) [115 2016/1]

SC 57 (2023), 229-244: Anthony Ekpo: Ecclesiastical Goods at the Service of Ecclesial Communion. (Article) [131 2024/1]

VJTR 63 12/99, 925-932: Jeyaseelan, S. J.: The Poor and the Priest in the Code of Canon Law (I). (Article) [84 2000/2]

VJTR 64 1/00, 48-57: Jeyaseelan, S. J.: The Poor and the Priest in the Code of Canon Law (II). (Article) [86 2001/2]

Canons 222-223

AC 54 (2012), 31-279: Colloque « Nature, grâce et droit canonique », 15-16 novembre 2012. (Conference) [114 2015/2]

Canon 223

Comm 42 (2010), 280-281: Pontificium Consilium de Legum Textibus: Nota de applicanda norma de qua in can. 223 §2 CIC. (Document) [107 2012/1]

IC 53/106 (2013), 517-546: Jesús Bogarín Díaz: El favor libertatis como clave hermenéutica del canon 223. (Article) [112 2014/2]

IE XIX 3/07, 611-625: Supremo Tribunale della Segnatura Apostolica: Revoca delle facoltà. Sentenza definitiva, 28 aprile 2007. Grocholewski, Ponente (con nota di D. Cito). (Sentence and commentary) [101 2009/1]

J 62 (2002), 76-91: James A. Coriden: The Right of Catholics to Hold Meetings on Church Property: Canonical and Pastoral Issues. (Article) [93 2005/1]

LJ 154/05, 6-26: Robert McCorquodale: Contemporary Human Rights and Christianity. (Article) [97 2007/1]

PCF IX (2007), 51-92: Raul T. Go: Administrative Tribunals in the Particular Church. (Article) [100 2008/2]

RR 2004, 95-107: M. J. Bradley – T. J. Green – D. J. Ward: Background Checks of Diocesan / Eparchial Personnel. (Advisory Opinions) [94 2005/2]

RR 2005, 49-53: J. M. Ritty: Balancing Rights of Accused Cleric and the Good of the Community. (Opinion) [96 2006/2]

William L. Daniel: Ministerium Iustitiae. Jurisprudence of the Supreme Tribunal of the Apostolic Signatura. (Book) (Gratianus, Wilson & Lafleur Montreal, 2011) [108 2012/2]

Canon 224

Per XC 4/01, 549-589: D. G. Astigueta: Los laicos en la discusión teológico-canónica desde el Concilio al CIC 83. (Article) [90 2003/2]

Canons 224-227

IC XLII 84/02, 513-532: Javier Otaduy: El reinado de Cristo: misión y responsabilidad del cristiano en el mundo. (Article) [91 2004/1]

Canons 224-231

Ap LXXXII 1-2 (2009), 153-177: Agostino Montan: Responsabilità ecclesiale, corresponsabilità e rappresentanza. (Conference presentation) [104 2010/2]

Canonist 9/1 (2018), 74-87: Marcus Francis: Looking again at the Laity. (Article) [121 2019/1]

IC XLVII 93/07, 51-72: Arturo Cattaneo: El sacerdote al servicio de la misión de los laicos. (Article) [99 2008/1]

IE XXII 1/10, 275-297: Segreteria di Stato: Rescritto di approvazione del Testo Unico delle "Provvidenze a favore della famiglia", 8 aprile 2009 (con nota di Anna Maria Cappelletti, Le provvidenze a favore della famiglia: il Testo Unico del 2009). (Document and commentary) [105 2011/1]

KIP 4 (17) 2015, 39-53: Justyna Krzywkowska: Wybrane aspekty posłannictwa wiernych świeckich według Kodeksu Prawa Kanonicznego (Selected aspects of the mission of lay people according to the Code of Canon Law). (Article) [116 2016/2]

Proc CLSA 2010, 41-49: James Weisberger: The Renewal of Canon Law in the Spirit of a Church of Communion. (Lecture) [110 2013/2]

REDC 62 (2005), 231-250: Ciro Tammaro: Profili storico-giuridici del ruolo attivo dei fedeli laici nella chiesa. (Article) [97 2007/1]

Jorge Miras: Christ's Faithful in the World. The Secular Character of the Laity. (Book) (Wilson & Lafleur, Montreal, 2008) [102 2009/2]

Luis Navarro – Fernando Puig (eds.): Il fedele laico. Realtà e prospettive. (Book) (Giuffrè, Milan, 2012) [109 2013/1]

Canon 225

AA XII (2005), 165-182: Ariel D. Busso: El concepto de laicidad. Reflexiones acerca de la laicidad. Su relación con el canon 207 §1 y con la autonomía en el derecho público eclesiástico. (Article) [97 2007/1]

AC 47 (2005), 119-144: Philippe Greiner: Activités d'évangélisation de l'église catholique et prosélytismes. (Article) [98 2007/2]

AC 54 (2012), 31-279: Colloque « Nature, grâce et droit canonique », 15-16 novembre 2012. (Conference) [114 2015/2]

Ang 89 (2012), 493-515: Bruno Esposito: Il contributo dei laici cattolici in ambito giuridico per la nuova evangelizzazione: le utili indicazioni di san Tommaso d'Aquino. (Article) [109 2013/1]

Ap LXXIX 3-4 (2006), 351-364: Congregatio Pro Doctrina Fidei: Nota doctrinalis 24.11.2002, de christifidelium rationibus in publicis negotiis gerendis. (Document) [101 2009/1]

CLSN 154/08, 114: Pontifical Council for the Laity: Ecclesial Movements in the Church. (Document) [101 2009/1]

FCan V/1 (2010), 155-160: Pedro María Reyes Vizcaíno: El clérigo y la actividad política. (Article) [105 2011/1]

For XVI/05, 24-28: Pope John Paul II: Family apostolate is a gift and grace for priests. (Address) [96 2006/2]

For XVI/05, 198-203: A. Rodríguez Luño: Catholics have a duty to build the social order. (Article) [96 2006/2]

For XVII/06, 292-295: Pope Benedict XVI: Promoting 'healthy secularity' not secularism. (Address) [100 2008/2]

IE XXIII 2/11, 297-318: María Blanco: Protezione della libertà e dell'identità cristiana dei laici. (Article) [108 2012/2]

IE XXIII 2/11, 319-338: Luis Navarro: La condizione giuridica del laico nella canonistica dal Concilio Vaticano II ad oggi. (Article) [108 2012/2]

IE XXIII 2/11, 339-357: José Ramón Villar: Gli elementi definitori dell'identità del fedele laico. (Article) [108 2012/2]

Ius Comm X (2022), 9-27: Antonio Mª Rouco Varela: Exigencias para una presencia significativa del laicado en la sociedad actual. (Article) [129 2023/1]

KIP 6 (19) 2017, nr. 2, 143-161: Dawid Lipiński: Udział wiernych świeckich w misjach ad gentes według Kodeksu Prawa Kanonicznego z 1983 roku (The participation of the lay faithful in missions “ad gentes” according to the 1983 Code of Canon Law). (Article) [120 2018/2]

PCF IX (2007), 233-242: Leonardo Y. Medroso: Separation of Church and State: Its Impact on the Arena of Politics. (Article) [100 2008/2]

Per XCIV 2/05, 173-209: C. Tammaro: Profili storico-giuridici del ruolo attivo dei fedeli laici nella Chiesa. (Article) [96 2006/2]

Q 12/1 (2017), 5-48: Mark R. Saludes: Renewing Parishes in the New Evangelization through Parish Renewal Experience. (Article) [120 2018/2]

VJTR 69 5/05, 355-369: S. Arulsamy: The Urgency of Promoting Lay Leadership in Emerging India I. (Article) [99 2008/1]

VJTR 69 7/05, 500-513: S. Arulsamy: The Urgency of Promoting Lay Leadership in Emerging India II. (Article) [99 2008/1]

Canon 226

AA XXI (2015), 133-157: Montserrat Gas Aixendri: La familia en el nuevo contexto de evangelización. Implicaciones pastorales y canónicas. (Article) [116 2016/2]

AC 44 (2002), 101-112: C. Castellan: Quels fondements au gouvernement de l'enfant par ses parents? L'apport du droit canonique positif. (Article) [91 2004/1]

AnC 5 (2009), 125-148: Michał Jóźwik: Uczestnictwo rodziny w życiu i misji Kościoła i w rozwoju społeczeństwa (The Participation of the Family in the Life and the Mission of the Church and the Development of Society). (Article) [107 2012/1]

Ap 1-4/93, 124-132: Secretariat of State: Rescript and Norms on financial provision for the nuclear families in the employment of the Holy See: 26-5-1992. (Rescript) [75 1996/1]

Ap LXXVIII 3-4 (2005), 765-811: Pierluigi Ciarafica: L'«obbligo gravissimo» dell'educazione dei figli: dal can. 226 a una progettualità educativa genitoriale. (Article) [100 2008/2]

BEF LXXIX 835/03, 154-169: R. Vergara: Canon Law at the Service of the Family. (Article) [91 2004/1]

EE 82 (2007), 785-805: José Mª Martí Sánchez: La educación para la ciudadanía, ¿amenaza contra la libertad de los padres y de la sociedad? (Article) [100 2008/2]

EE 84 (2009), 663-699: Lourdes Ruano Espina: La libertad de conciencia y el obligado sometimiento a la ley. Reacciones y respuestas ante la pretensión del Estado de formar la conciencia moral de los menores: el controvertido caso de la Educación para la Ciudadanía. (Article) [104 2010/2]

EE 86 (2011), 769-801: Cristina Guzmán Pérez: La patria potestad y custodia de los hijos, en los casos de separación y divorcio, según la legislación y jurisprudencia española. Notas desde el Derecho Canónico. (Article) [108 2012/2]

EIC 55 (2015), 405-423: Ilaria Zuanazzi: La famiglia come "soggetto" nel diritto della Chiesa. (Article) [116 2016/2]

EIC 59 (2019), 629-664: Chiara Minelli: La formazione religiosa dei giovani nel venir meno dell’alleanza educativa tra scuola e famiglia. Prospettive giuridiche. (Article) [124 2020/2]

EIC 61 (2021), 69-75: Andrea Nicolussi: Il tempo e i tempi dell’educazione. Spunti introduttivi. (Article) [127 2022/1]

EIC 61 (2021), 77-103: Carlo Rusconi: Educazione dei figli e responsabilità genitoriale. ltinerario del diritto italiano. (Article) [127 2022/1]

EIC 61 (2021), 105-134: Héctor Franceschi: I protagonisti dell’alleanza educativa e i dinamismi dell’ordinamento canonico. (Article) [127 2022/1]

For XVI 2/05, 289-290: Pope Benedict XVI: The transmission of faith in the family. (Letter) [97 2007/1]

For XVII/06, 233-234: Pope Benedict XVI: Be faithful to the marriage vocation. (Address) [100 2008/2]

For XVII/06, 235-239: Pope Benedict XVI: Promoting authentic love, life, family. (Homily) [100 2008/2]

For XVII/06, 299-305: Pontifical Council for the Family: Marking 25 years: looking back and ahead. (Document) [100 2008/2]

For XVII/06, 306-314: World Theological-Pastoral Congress, Valencia, Spain: The Transmission of Faith in the Family. (Document) [100 2008/2]

FT 19 (2008), 353-381: Lóránd Ujházi: Il diritto naturale dei genitori di educare i loro figli ed il dovere dei cattolici di assicurare una crescita spirituale cattolica. (Article) [103 2010/1]

IE VII 2/95, 551-560: J. I. Arrieta: La posizione giuridica della famigiia nell'ordinamento canonico. (Conference presentation) [77 1997/1]

IM 13 (19) 2008, 163-178: Grzegorz Jędrejek: Uczucia religijne a regulacja stosunków między małżonkami oraz między rodzicami i dziećmi (The role of religious feelings concerning the regulation of relations between spouses and between parents and children). (Article) [101 2009/1]

INT 13 1/07, 53-63: David M. Thomas: What's so Spiritual about Marriage? (Article) [99 2008/1]

INT 13 1/07, 64-73: Adrian Thatcher: Theology for Parents. (Article) [99 2008/1]

INT 13 1/07, 84-92: Gisbert Greshake: Die Bewertung der Ehe bei Charles de Foucauld in seiner Korrespondenz mit Louis Massignon. (Article) [99 2008/1]

IusM V/2011, 79-101: Claudio Papale: L'educazione cristiana dei figli in contesti non cristiani. (Article) [108 2012/2]

IusM IX/2015, 67-96: Andrea D'Auria: Famiglia, educazione e missione nella Chiesa. (Article) [116 2016/2]

KIP 6 (19) 2017, nr. 1, 9-21: Bogumiła Olejnik: Budowanie Ludu Bożego jako szczególny obowiązek małżonków chrześcijańskich. Analiza kan. 226 § 1 Kodeksu Prawa Kanonicznego z 1983 roku (Building up the People of God as a special obligation of Christian spouses. Analysis of can. 226 § 1 of the 1983 Code of Canon Law). (Article) [119 2018/1]

KIP 6 (19) 2017, nr. 1, 23-42: Arkadiusz Rogalski: Urzeczywistnianie się Kościoła w małżeństwie i rodzinie według Kodeksu Prawa Kanonicznego z 1983 roku (The realization of the Church in marriage and family according to the 1983 Code of Canon Law). (Article) [119 2018/1]

KIP 8 (21) 2019, nr 2, 31-48: Martyna Pereta: Prawo dziecka do wychowania w prawodawstwie Kościoła łacińskiego z elementami prawa polskiego (Right of a child to be brought up, in the legislation of the Latin Church, with elements of Polish Law). (Article) [124 2020/2]

PCF XIII (2011), 279-288: Alvin L. Linao: The Deferral of Baptism of Children of Unmarried Couples. (Article) [110 2013/2]

Proc CLSA 1997, 163-203: M. Smith Foster: The promotion of the canonical rights of children. (Seminar Paper) [85 2001/1]

Proc CLSA 2003, 93-106: B. A. Cusack: Trends in Catholic Education: Issues of Episcopal Authority. (Seminar Paper at the 2003 Convention of the Canon Law Society of America, Portland, Oregon) [93 2005/1]

QDE 26 (2013), 264-272: Mauro Rivella: Per una lettura giuridica degli Orientamenti pastorali della CEI sull'educazione. (Article) [112 2014/2]

QDE 26 (2013), 273-299: Eugenio Zanetti: Comunità o figure di educatori nella Chiesa. (Article) [112 2014/2]

QDE 30 (2017), 264-278: Tiziano Vanzetto: La famiglia come soggetto ecclesiale alla luce di Amoris laetitia. (Article) [121 2019/1]

QDE 35 (2022), 25-53: Francesco Grazian: Seminario minore: diritto-dovere di educare e immunità da coercizione. (Article) [129 2023/1]

RCDCP 1 (abril 2014), 121-134: Alessandro D'Avack: Diritti innati dell'uomo ovvero la dignità umana. (Article) [114 2015/2]

REDC 66 (2009), 211-274: Lourdes Ruano Espina: Las sentencias del Tribunal Supremo de 11 de febrero de 2009 sobre Objeción de conciencia a Educación para la ciudadanía. (Article) [104 2010/2]

REDC 66 (2009), 325-351: Mª. Rosa García Vilardell: La libertad de creencias del menor y las potestades educativas paternas: la cuestión del derecho de los padres a la formación religiosa y moral de sus hijos. (Article) [104 2010/2]

SC 43 (2009), 521-546: Pierre Allard: Thomas More: Marriage, Family and Education. (Article) [105 2011/1]

Canons 226-227

Inés Lloréns (ed.): La dimensione familiare della scuola. III Giornata interdisciplinare di studio sull’antropologia giuridica della famiglia. (Book) (Pontificia Università della Santa Croce, Rome, 2020) [125 2021/1]

Canon 227

AA XII (2005), 233-277: Helmuth Pree: Libertad y responsabilidad del laico en los asuntos temporales. (Article) [97 2007/1]

AC 54 (2012), 31-279: Colloque « Nature, grâce et droit canonique », 15-16 novembre 2012. (Conference) [114 2015/2]

Ap LXXV 1-2 (2002), 189-242: J. Ibegbu: Right to Religious Freedom in International Law: Towards a Convention. (Article) [91 2004/1]

FCan VI/1 (2011), 19-43: Stefano Mazzotti: La libertà dei fedeli laici nelle realtà temporali. (Article) [108 2012/2]

IC 58/116 (2018), 635-670: Javier Otaduy Guerín: Unidad y pluralidad en la Iglesia. El pluralismo carismático. (Article) [122 2019/2]

IE XIV 2/02, 507-524: V. Prieto: Le iniziative di servizio d'ispirazione cattolica nel contesto dei rapporti Chiesa-comunita política. (Article) [92 2004/2]

IE XXI 1/09, 189-207: Benedetto XVI: Discorso all'Assemblea Generale delle Nazioni Unite (New York), nel 60° anniversario della Dichiarazione Universale dei Diritti del'Uomo, 18 aprile 2008 (con nota di J.-P. Schouppe, Il futuro del sistema dei diritti umani). (Address and commentary) [104 2010/2]

IE XXIII 2/11, 297-318: María Blanco: Protezione della libertà e dell'identità cristiana dei laici. (Article) [108 2012/2]

IE XXIII 2/11, 319-338: Luis Navarro: La condizione giuridica del laico nella canonistica dal Concilio Vaticano II ad oggi. (Article) [108 2012/2]

RDC 63/1-2 (2013), 31-46: Emmanuel Boudet: L'approche du travail et du droit social par le droit canonique. (Article) [113 2015/1]

REDC 70 (2013), 637-652: María J. Roca: Ámbito de libertad y límites en las declaraciones emitidas por las Asociaciones públicas de los fieles. (Article) [112 2014/2]

RR 2004, 109-111: A. J. Espelage: Political Affiliation and Conscience. (Advisory Opinion) [94 2005/2]

Canon 228

AA VIII (2001), 165-178: A. D. Busso: El cuidado pastoral de una parroquia sin sacerdote. Algunas cuestiones canónicas. (Article) [89 2003/1]

AA XV (2008), 149-202; also PCF XI (2009), 113-167; Per 98 (2009), 365-398, 517-564; RMDC 14 (2008), 357-417: Roman A. Melnyk: Pontifical Legation to the United Nations. (Article) [104 2010/2]

AC 50 (2008), 209-217: Jean-Louis Blaise: L'évaluation des laïcs en mission ecclésiale. (Article) [108 2012/2]

BEF LXXIX 836/03, 372-387: J. González: Pastoral and Social Apostolate Ministers. (Consultation) [91 2004/1]

Comm 53 (2021), 81-87: Ex Actis Francisci Pp.: Litterae Apostolicae Motu Proprio datae Antiquum ministerium, quibus ministerium catechistae instituitur, 10 maii 2021. (Document) [128 2022/2]

FCan V/2 (2010), 47-52: Elisa Araújo: A colaboração dos leigos no Governo da Igreja (cân. 228 CIC). (Article) [106 2011/2]

For XVI 2/05, 436-458: Anne Asselin: The Laity: their service in the Church twenty years after the Code. (Paper) [97 2007/1]

For XVI 2/05, 459-478: Linda Robitaille: Ministry – Twenty Years after the Code. (Paper) [97 2007/1]

INT 6 1/00, 82-94: Adrian Loretan: Verheiratete Personen in kirchlichen Ämtern. (Article) [85 2001/1]

NRT 144 (2022), 407-423: François-Xavier Amherdt: Points d’attention pour la mise en œuvre des récents Motu proprio Spiritus Domini et Antiquum ministerium. (Article) [130 2023/2]

Proc CLSA 2009, 1-11: Susan K. Wood: Baptism: Common Call to Service (Lecture) [109 2013/1]

QDE 33 (2020), 309-333: Roberto Interlandi: Il laico, soggetto passivo della delega. (Article) [126 2021/2]

SC 40 (2006), 349-370: Alphonse Borras: Quelle régulation canonique pour les ministères de laïcs? Du Code au droit particulier. (Article) [99 2008/1]

VJTR 66 1/02, 52-66: K. S. Sebastian: Participation of the Laity in the Decision-Making Structures of the Church. (Article) [91 2004/1]

VJTR 86 8/22, 440-457: Merlin Rengith Ambrose: Lay Ministry of Catechist In Light of the Apostolic Letter Antiquum Ministerium. (Article) [131 2024/1]

Canons 228-230

FI 2 (2003), 77-93: J. M. Díaz Moreno: La mujer en la ley de la Iglesia. (Article) [96 2006/2]

IC 63/126 (2023), 621-662: Carmen Peña: La mujer en la Iglesia Católica: situación canónica actual y perspectivas abiertas por la sinodalidad. (Article) [132 2024/2]

Canons 228-231

Proc CLSA 2002, 15-25: J. J. Grogan: Complementarity in an Era of Heightened Accountability. (Address at the 2002 Convention of the Canon Law Society of America, Cincinnati, Ohio) [91 2004/1]

Canon 229

AkK 170 (2001), 383-401: Libero Gerosa: Laien und Heilungsdienst in der Kirche. Kanonistische Aspekte. (Article) [91 2004/1]

Comm 40 (2008), 307-321: Congregatio de Institutione Catholica: Instructio de Institutis Superioribus Scientiarum Religiosarum. (Document) [106 2011/2]

IC XLVI 92/06, 445-484: Jorge Otaduy: Relación jurídica de los profesores de religión en España. La dimensión canónica. (Article) [98 2007/2]

IE XXI 1/09, 209-226: Congregazione per l'Educazione Cattolica, Istruzione sugli Istituti Superiori di Scienze Religiose, 28 giugno 2008 (con nota di N. Galantino: Una premessa alla lettura dell'Istruzione sugli Istituti Superiori di Scienze Religiose). (Document and commentary) [104 2010/2]

QDE 22 (2009), 340-359: Eugenio Zanetti: Formazione cristiana e formazione teologica per i fedeli laici. (Article) [104 2010/2]

QDE 22 (2009), 360-384: Matteo Visioli: L'Istruzione sugli Istituti Superiori di Scienze Religiose e lo studio teologico dei laici. (Article) [104 2010/2]

QDE 22 (2009), 385-398: Giuliano Brugnotto: Le scuole diocesane di formazione teologica ovvero gli istituti non-accademici per la formazione dei laici. (Article) [104 2010/2]

SC 37 (2003), 503-520: J. Racine: La formation des maîtres en enseignement religieux, des animateurs en pastorale, des aumôniers et l'état. (Article) [94 2005/2]

SC 37 (2003), 521-548: Benoît Malvaux: Les professeurs et la mission canonique, nihil obstat, mandat d'enseigner, profession de foi, serment de fidélité. (Article) [94 2005/2]

Canon 230

AC 63 (2023), 167-185: Alphonse Borras: Éléments canoniques et pastoraux pour un discernement dans la mise en œuvre du motu proprio Spiritus Domini. (Article) [132 2024/2]

AC 63 (2023), 147-163: Alexandre Bordenave: La perte de l’État clérical: faut-il assumer un plaider coupable canonique? (Article) [132 2024/2]

AkK 163 (1994), 406-422: W. Waldstein: Eine "authentische Interpretation" zu canon 230 §2 CIC. (Article) [76 1996/2]

AkK 164 (1995), 353-375: L. Müller: Authentische Interpretation – Auslegung kirchlicher Gesetze oder Rechtsfortbildung? (Article) [78 1997/2]

AkK 165 (1996), 57-79: A. Cattaneo: Die Institutionalisierung pastoraler Dienste der Laien. (Article) [80 1998/2]

AnC 1 (2005), 59-75: Andrzej Wójcik: Ochrona tajemnicy Eucharystii w normach wyznaczających szafarza Komunii świętej (Safeguarding of the mystery of the Eucharist in the norms governing the minister of Holy Communion). (Symposium presentation) [97 2007/1]

AnC 1 (2005), 95-108: Jan Dyduch: Udział świeckich w misji kapłańskiej Chrystusa w prawodawstwie powszechnym i polskim w latach 1983-2005 (The participation of the laity in the priestly mission of Christ in universal and Polish particular legislation in the years 1983-2005). (Article) [97 2007/1]

Ap 1-2/95: 21-50: W. Waldstein: Eine «Authentische interpretatlon» zu Canon 230 §2 CIC. (Study) [77 1997/1]

BEF LXXVII 822/01, 111-115: J. González: Lay Ministries: Vocation or Substitution? (Consultation) [88 2002/2]

CLSN 113/98, 15-31: G. Read: The Vatican Instruction on Collaborative Ministry. (Article) [81 1999/1]

CLSN 130/02, 53-55: Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments: Reply on Female Servers. (Document) [90 2003/2]

CLSN 130/02, 56-58: G. Read: Female Altar Servers: Permitted or Mandatory? (Comment) [90 2003/2]

CLSN 130/02, 23-49: I and II Instance Decisions in the case of Lilburne-Dowling, Australia. (Documents) [90 2003/2]

CLSN 130/02, 50-52: M. Quinlan: Lilburne-Dowling. (Comment) [90 2003/2]

CLSN 198/21, 66-71: Pope Francis: Apostolic Letter issued “motu proprio” Spiritus Domini, 10 January 2021; Letter to the Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith Regarding Access of Women to the Ministries of Lector and Acolyte, 10 January 2021. (Documents) [127 2022/1]

Comm 33 (2001), 166-168: Congregatio de Cultu Divino et Disciplina Sacramentorum: responsum ad dubium propositum: utrum Episcopus dioecesanus sacerdotes eiusdem dioecesis obligatione adstringere possit ad admittendas mulieres vel puellas in servitium altaris necne. (Reply) [103 2010/1]

Comm 53 (2021), 66-67: Ex Actis Francisci Pp.: Litterae Apostolicae Motu Proprio datae Spiritus Domini, quibus canonis 230 §1 Codicis Iuris Canonici normae de aditu personarum feminini sexus ad institutum ministerium Lectoratus et Acolythatus mutantur, 10 ianuarii 2021. (Document) [128 2022/2]

Comm 53 (2021), 99-104: Ex Actis Francisci Pp.: Epistula Congregationis pro Doctrina Fidei Praefecto de aditu personarum feminini sexus ad institutum ministerium Lectoratus et Acolythatus, 10 ianuarii 2021. (Document) [128 2022/2]

Comm 53 (2021), 499-505: Congregatio de Cultu Divino et Disciplina Sacramentorum: Ritus de Institutione Catechistarum, a Congregatione de Culto Divino et Disciplina Sacramentorum promotus, die 13 decembris 2021. (Document) [129 2023/1]

Comm 53 (2021), 506-514: Congregatio de Cultu Divino et Disciplina Sacramentorum: Epistula de Ritu de Institutione Catechistarum praesidis Episcoporum Conferentiarum, die 13 decembris 2021. (Document) [129 2023/1]

For XVI 2/05, 436-458: Anne Asselin: The Laity: their service in the Church twenty years after the Code. (Paper) [97 2007/1]

For XVI 2/05, 459-478: Linda Robitaille: Ministry – Twenty Years after the Code. (Paper) [97 2007/1]

FThC VII (2018), 249-272: Antonio Viana: Significato dell’idoneità per l’Ufficio Ecclesiastico secondo il Diritto Canonico. (Article) [123 2020/1]

HPR 8-9/03, 76-77: W. B. Smith: "Extraordinary minister"? (Response) [93 2005/1]

IC XXXV 69/95, 247-249: Pontifical Council for the Interpretation of Legal Texts: Response to proposed dubium concerning c.230 §2 and circular letter. (Decree and Instruction) [76 1996/2]

IC XXXV 69/95, 251-264: Tomás Rincón-Pérez: El servicio al altar de las mujeres a tenor del canon 230 §2. (Article) [76 1996/2]

IC 59/118 (2019), 731-765: Carmen Peña: Sinodalidad y laicado. Corresponsabilidad y participación de los laicos en la vocación sinodal de la Iglesia. (Article) [124 2020/2]

IE VII 1/95, 91-113: J. I. Arrieta: Funzione pubblica e ufficio ecclesiastico. (Article) [76 1996/2]

IE VII 1/95, 381-395: Pontificio Consiglio dell'Interpretazione dei Testi Legislativi: Risposta dell'11 luglio 1992; lettera circolare della Congregazione del Culto Divino e della Disciplina dei Sacramenti, 15 marzo 1994 (con nota di L. Navarro: Il servizio all'altare e le donne: commento all'Interpretazione autentica del canon 230 §2). (Documents and commentary) [76 1996/2]

ITQ LXIII 3/98, 272-282: John M. Grondelski: Lay Ministries? A Quarter Century of Ministeria quaedam. (Article) [81 1999/1]

ITS XXXVII 2/00, 139-160: V. G. D'Souza: Extraordinary Minister of Communion: Some Liturgical and Canonical Considerations. (Article) [86 2001/2]

J 65 (2005), 31-54: Elissa Rinere: The Exercise of Cura Animarum through the Twentieth Century and Beyond. (Article) [96 2006/2]

J 73 (2013), 271-297: United States Conference of Catholic Bishops: Complementary Legislation to the Code of Canon Law. (Legislation) [111 2014/1]

JBTh 18 (2003), 395-456: N. Lüdecke: Feiern nach Kirchenrecht. (Article) [94 2005/2]

N XXXV 1-2/98, 9-42: Congregatio pro Clericis, Congregatio de Cultu Divino et Disciplina Sacramentorum, et aliae: Instructio de quibusdam quaestionibus circa fidelium laicorum cooperationem sacerdotum ministerium spectantem. (Instruction) [81 1999/1]

N XXXVII 8-9/01, 397-399: Congregatio de Cultu Divino et Disciplina Sacramentorum: Litterae Congregationis. (Reply) [88 2002/2]

N XXXVIII 1-2/02, 46-54: Congregatio de Cultu Divino et Disciplina Sacramentorum: Litterae Congregationis. (Reply) [89 2003/1]

NRT 143 (2021), 256-265: Arnaud Join-Lambert – André Haquin: Lectorat et acolytat pour les femmes. Transformer une évidence en opportunité pour le renouveau de l’Église. (Article) [127 2022/1]

NRT 144 (2022), 407-423: François-Xavier Amherdt: Points d’attention pour la mise en œuvre des récents Motu proprio Spiritus Domini et Antiquum ministerium. (Article) [130 2023/2]

Per LXXXV 1/96,117-129: P. A. Bonnet: Adnotatio ad responsum authenticum circa c. 230 §2 CIC. (Article) [78 1997/2]

Per XC 4/01, 591-611: E. Zanetti: I "ministeri laicali" nel post concilio: cifra di una chance e di un disagio. (Article) [90 2003/2]

Per XC 4/01, 613-636: M. T. Fernández Conde: Nuove proposte di ministeri laicali nell'ambito della "nuova evangelizzazione". (Article) [90 2003/2]

Proc CLSA 2009, 1-11: Susan K. Wood: Baptism: Common Call to Service (Lecture) [109 2013/1]

QDE 17 (2004), 242-268: Matteo Visioli: I ministeri laicali parrocchiali: una lettura di alcuni documenti del magistero ecclesiale. (Article) [94 2005/2]

QDE 17 (2004), 292-313: Adolfo Zambon: Alcuni aspetti del munus sanctificandi dei laici in parrocchia. (Article) [94 2005/2]

QDE 36 (2023), 262-284: Roberto Interlandi: Ministeri laicali: istituito o riconosciuto di fatto. (Article) [132 2024/2]

QDE 36 (2023), 285-313: Daniele Mombelli: L'iter formativo per l’istituzione dei ministri lettori, accoliti e catechisti: requisiti e responsibilità per un’esperienza ecclesiale. (Article) [132 2024/2]

QDE 36 (2023), 314-336: Enrico Massignani: La distinzione tra ministero istituito e ufficio. (Article) [132 2024/2]

SC 30 2/96, 513-532: H. Odili Okeke: Ecclesiastical Ministries for Laypeople in Nigeria: Problems and Prospects. (Article) [78 1997/2]

SC 34 (2000), 467-488: L. A. Robitaille: A Subtext in the Canonical Discussion of Clergy-Laity Issues: Gender. (Article) [86 2001/2]

SC 38 (2004), 85-109: A. Asselin: Vingt ans après la promulgation du Code de droit canonique: qu'en est-il du service des laïcs dans l'Église? (Article) [95 2006/1]

VJTR 85 2/21, 151-158: Pope Francis: Apostolic Letter Spiritus Domini and Letter to the Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith Regarding Access of Women to the Ministries of Lector and Acolyte. (Documents) [128 2022/2]

VR 131 2 (2021), 78-80: Carmen Peña: ¿Mujeres lectoras y acólitas? (Article) [128 2022/2]

VR 131 2 (2021), 82-84: Alberto de Mingo Kaminouchi: Los ministerios laicales se abren a las mujeres. (Article) [128 2022/2]

Dominique Le Tourneau: La dimension juridique du sacré. (Book) (Gratianus, Wilson & Lafleur, Montreal, 2012) [109 2013/1]

Kevin Otieno Mwandha (ed.): De potestate regiminis. Il ruolo della donna nella Chiesa oggi. (Book) (Libreria Ateneo Salesiano, Rome, 2021) [127 2022/1]

Canons 230-231

BEF LXXIX 836/03, 372-387: J. González: Pastoral and Social Apostolate Ministers. (Consultation) [91 2004/1]

For XVII/06, 133-149: Anne Asselin: Lay Ecclesial Ministers in the Present Parish Structure and Some Suggestions for the Future. (Paper) [98 2007/2]

SC 32 (1998), 5-46; J. M. Huels: Interpreting an Instruction Approved in forma specifica. (Article) [81 1999/1]

Canon 231

AkK 181 (2012), 152-203: Stefan Ihli: Die Jurisdiktionsgewalt des Diözesanbischofs über kirchliche Rechtsträger. Grundsätzliche Überlegungen zum Urteil des Delegationsgerichts der Apostolischen Signatur. (Article) [111 2014/1]

Ap 1-4/93, 55-74: Pope John Paul II: Motu Proprio: De pensionibus denuo ordinandis. (Documents) [75 1996/1]

CLSN 130/02, 23-49: I and II Instance Decisions in the case of Lilburne-Dowling, Australia. (Documents) [90 2003/2]

Comm 40 (2008), 258-260: Pope Benedict XVI: Allocutio Summi Pontificis ad Sodales Officii Laboris Apostolicae Sedis die 19 mensis decembris habita. (Address) [106 2011/2]

Comm 40 (2008), 282-292: Secretaria Status: Rescriptum "Ex Audientia Ss.mi" quoad normas respicientes tuitionem dignitatis personae. (Document) [106 2011/2]

Comm 41 (2009), 275-287: Secretaria Status: Rescriptum ex Audientia Ss.mi quo approbatur Textus unicus ad familiarum necessitatibus et sustentationi providendum. (Document) [104 2010/2]

Comm 42 (2010), 37-40: Secretaria Status: Rescriptum ex Audientia Sanctissimi quoad Institutum "Contribuzione volontaria" ad pensiones pertinans. (Document) [106 2011/2]

Comm 42 (2010), 41-54: Secretaria Status: Accommodatio ad novas necessitates mansionarii respicientis Ordinationem Generalem Curiae Romanae (Regolamento Generale della Curia Romana). (Document) [106 2011/2]

Comm 42 (2010), 297-318: Secretaria Status: Statutum et ordinationes Fundi Assistentiae Sanitariae (FAS). (Statutes) [107 2012/1]

Comm 43 (2011), 335-338: Secretaria Status: Rescriptum "ex audientia Ss.mi" quoad normas respicientes augmentum biennale salarii. (Document) [109 2013/1]

Comm 43 (2011), 339: Secretaria Status: Rescriptum "ex audientia Ss.mi" quoad normas respicientes tuitionem dignitatis personae. (Document) [109 2013/1]

EIC 63 (2023), 689-725: Naonyir Sébastien Somda: La rémunération des Catéchistes Titulaires dans les Églises particulières au Burkina Faso et au Niger. (Article) [132 2024/2]

IE XV 3/03, 882-886: Conferenza Episcopale Italiana, Consiglio Permanente: Determinazione concernente la remunerazione dei giudici laici a tempo pieno operanti nei Tribunali ecclesiastici regionali italiani (con nota di M. Rivella). (Document and commentary) [93 2005/1]

IE XVIII 3/06, 741-754: Arturo Cattaneo: I ministeri non ordinati nel rinnovamento della parrocchia. (Article) [100 2008/2]

J 67 (2007), 432-460: Rose McDermott: Co-Workers in the Vineyard of the Lord: A Canonical Analysis. (Article) [100 2008/2]

J 73 (2013), 181-210: Anne Asselin: Lay Ecclesial Ministers and Removal from Office: Seeking Justice and Fairness. (Lecture) [111 2014/1]

Proc CLSA 2002, 59-72: L. A. Budney: The Parish as Employer. (Seminar Paper at the 2002 Convention of the Canon Law Society of America, Cincinnati, Ohio) [91 2004/1]

RDC 63/1-2 (2013), 9-30: Anne Bamberg: Le droit social au prisme du droit canonique. Droits et devoirs fondamentaux et promotion de la justice sociale. (Article) [113 2015/1]

RMDC 26/2 (2020), 321-420: Antonio Verdín Delgado – Luis de Jesús Hernández Mercado: Las leyes laborales aplicables en México que tutelan los derechos de los fieles que trabajan en instituciones de la Iglesia católica. (Article) [127 2022/1]

SC 47 (2013), 341-360: Anne Asselin: Les ministres ecclésiaux laïcs et la révocation de leur office: en quête de justice et d'équité. (Conference presentation) [112 2014/2]

Anne Bamberg: Le renvoi du législateur à la loi civile et la responsabilité sociale de l'Église catholique: réflexion autour de l'interprétation du canon 1286 du code de droit canonique, in Jeanne-Marie Tuffery-Andrieu (dir.), La responsabilité sociale de l'entreprise en Alsace et en Lorraine du XIXe au XXIe siècle, Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2011, pp. 99-105. (Conference presentation) [106 2011/2]

Alexandre de La Taille: L’exercice de l’autorité et l’obéissance volontaire dans les instituts religieux. Implications pratiques pour la santé et la sécurité de la personne. (Book) (Éditions du Cerf, Paris, 2020) [125 2021/1]

Canon 232

Comm 40 (2008), 322-355: Congregatio de Institutione Catholica: Directoriae respicientes usum competentiarum psychologicarum in admittendis et formandis candidatis ad sacerdotium. (Document) [106 2011/2]

Canons 232-264

Ang 85 (2008), 51-66: Giacomo Incitti: Il vescovo ed il Rettore nel seminario. Una lettura della normativa canonica. (Article) [101 2009/1]

Comm 42 (2010), 233-236: Pope Benedict XVI: Epistula Summi Pontificis ad seminaristas die 18 mensis octobris 2010 missa. (Document) [107 2012/1]

FCan XIV/1 (2019), 95-105: Hélder Miranda Alexandre: A Maturidade na formação integral do seminário. (Article) [125 2021/1]

IE VII 1/95, 257-275: D. Cito: Annotazione canonistiche in terma di seminari maggiori. (Article) [76 1996/2]

ITS 39 2/02: V. G. D'Souza: The Major Seminary Rector: A New Look at his Status and Function. (Article) [90 2003/2]

ITS 56 (2019), 239-252: Lawrence Pius: The Significance of Theological and Human Formation of Priests in Ratio Fundamentalis. (Article) [124 2020/2]

Ius Comm VI (2018), 9-26: Beniamino Stella: El futuro de la formación sacerdotal. Retos para el ordenamiento canónico. (Article) [121 2019/1]

Per 107 (2018), 241-296: Gianfranco Ghirlanda: La nuova Ratio Fundamentalis Institutionis Sacerdotalis del 2016: prova, maturazione, discernimento. (Presentation) [121 2019/1]

QDE 14 (2001), 227-249: Giuliano Brugnotto: Il seminario maggiore: autentica comunità ecclesiale. (Article) [88 2002/2]

QDE 21 (2008), 340-374: Andrea Migliavacca: La formazione in seminario: magistero universale e dei vescovi italiani dal Consilio alla nuova ratio per i seminari in Italia. (Article) [103 2010/1]

QDE 21 (2008), 375-396: Giuliano Brugnotto: «Una profonda sinergia». Responsabilità e compiti nella comunità ecclesiale del seminario maggiore. (Article) [103 2010/1]

REDC 76 (2019), 739-753: José San José Prisco: Los cánones sobre la formación sacerdotal a la luz de la nueva Ratio Fundamentalis Institutionis Sacerdotalis: El Don de la Vocación Presbiterial. (Article) [124 2020/2]

RMDC 27/2 (2021), 337-364: Luis de Jesús Hernández M.: La formación intelectual de los ministros sagrados y su relación con los diversos oficios eclesiásticos. (Article) [129 2023/1]

TyV LXII (2021), 389-423: Jorge Costadoat: Contribución de los obispos latinoamericanos y caribeños a la confección de Optatam totius. (Article) [129 2023/1]

VC XXXV 1/99, 66-72: G. Pasquale: Accompagnamento vocazionale per la persona omosessuale. (Article) [83 2000/1]

VieC 6/99, 396-400 & 1/00, 21-34: Godfried Cardinal Danneels: La Formation des prêtres. (Article) [85 2001/1]

VJTR 83 1/18, 24-47: Rajakumar Joseph: Ministerial Priesthood and Integral Formation. Revisiting Ratio Fundamentalis Institutionis Sacerdotalis (The Gift of Priestly Vocation). (Article) [123 2020/1]

VJTR 87 12/23, 918-927: Konrad Noronha: Priestly Formation in Safeguarding: Advancements and Planning. (Article) [132 2024/2]

Canons 232-293

EIC 54 (2014), 445-474: Giacomo Incitti: Nota bibliografica: Il ministero ordinato. (Article) [114 2015/2]

ELJ 6/28 (2001), 47-50: Anthony Russell: How We Got to Where We Are: The Development of the Clergyman's Role. (Article) [90 2003/2]

For VI 2/95,103-115: J. Beyer: Permanent Deacons. (Article) [77 1997/1]

Ius Comm VI (2018), 51-67: Velasio De Paolis: El ordenamiento canónico como lugar teológico para la comprensión del sacerdote. (Article) [121 2019/1]

J 69 (2009), 379-417: Robert Kaslyn: Presbyters and Canonical Developments since the Promulgation of the Code of Canon Law. (Article) [105 2011/1]

Canon 233

KIP 9 (22) 2020, nr 1, 9-25: Oleksandr Levytskyy: Vocation Formation as the Basis of the Institution of the Priesthood. (Article) [125 2021/1]

QDE 35 (2022), 54-81: Daniele Mombelli: Le altre forme di accompagnamento vocazionale degli adolescenti: elementi fondamentali e figure di riferimento nella Chiesa particolare. (Article) [129 2023/1]

Canon 234

AkK 178 (2009), 144-162: Heribert Hallermann: Zugangsvoraussetzungen zum wissenschaftlichen Theologiestudium. Erwägungen anlässlich des gesetzlich eröffneten Hochschulzugangs für qualifizierte Berufstätige. (Article) [106 2011/2]

QDE 35 (2022), 11-24: Giuliano Brugnotto: Il seminario minore: comunità cristiana per “coltivare i germi della vocazione” presbiterale di ragazzi e adolescenti. (Article) [129 2023/1]

Canons 234-235

REDC 65 (2008), 685-701: Congregación para la Educación Católica: Orientaciones para el uso de las competencias de la psicología en la admisión y en la formación de candidatos al sacerdocio. (Document and commentary) [104 2010/2]

Canons 234-236

S 79 (2017), 377-403: Jesu Pudumai Doss: Giovani e scelte nella vita cristiana: alcune considerazioni canoniche. (Article) [119 2018/1]

Canons 235-264

REDC 67 (2010), 677-730: José Mª Sánchez de Lamadrid: Orientaciones para un proyecto formativo para el seminario mayor. (Article) [107 2012/1]

Canon 236

AA V (1998), 197-217: C. I. Heredia: El diaconado permanente en los recientes documentos pontificios. (Article) [83 2000/1]

Canonist 8/1 (2017), 13-73: Australian Catholic Bishops’ Conference: Norms for the Formation of Permanent Deacons and Guidelines for the Ministry and Life of Permanent Deacons. (Documents) [119 2018/1]

Proc ANZ 2000, 76-91: J. Erskine: Selection and Formation of Permanent Deacons. (Conference Paper) [87 2002/1]

Canon 237

IE XXXIV (2022), 707-721: Massimo del Pozzo: La promozione della prossimità e del decentramento nelle competenze delle Conferenze episcopali. (Article) [130 2023/2]

Per XCV 3/06, 465-482: James J. Conn: Visite apostoliche nei seminari degli Stati Uniti. (Conference presentation) [99 2008/1]

Per 111 (2022), 527-558: Ulrich Rhode: Competentias quasdam: un motu proprio per il decentramento. (Article) [131 2024/1]

Canons 237-239

RMDC 19 (2013), 47-78: Mario Medina Balam: Identidad y funciones propias del oficio de Rector del Seminario. (Article) [112 2014/2]

Canon 238

CLSN 152/07, 24-29: Gordon Read: Resignation of Boston's Seminary Rector. (Article) [100 2008/2]

Canon 239

AnC 12 (2016), 9-26: Jerry Adamczyk: Urząd kierownika duchowego w wyższym seminarium duchownym (The post of spiritual director in the major seminary). (Article) [118 2017/2]

FCan VIII/2 (2013), 43-57: Alfredo de Almeida Melo: Meios de santificação do Sacerdote no Código de Direito Canónico. (Conference presentation) [113 2015/1]

Canons 239-240

IE XXI 1/09, 111-132: Giacomo Incitti: La direzione spirituale nella formazione dei chierici. Problematiche canonistiche. (Article) [104 2010/2]

Per 110 (2021), 155-162: Ulrich Rhode: La riservatezza delle informazioni ricevute nell’accompagnamento spirituale. (Article) [128 2022/2]

QDE 21 (2008), 398-421: Giangiacomo Sarzi Sartori: La direzione spirituale nel cammino formativo dei candidati al presbiterato. (Article) [103 2010/1]

Canons 239-246

IE XX 1/08, 151-158: Jan Hendriks: La direction spirituelle dans les séminaires. (Article) [102 2009/2]

Canon 240

AA XIX (2013), 11-37: Ariel David Busso: Algunas cuestiones canónicas surgidas de la complejidad de la división de los fueros interno y externo. (Article) [113 2015/1]

REDC 63 (2006), 605-654: Roberto Serres López de Guereñu: El respeto de la distinción entre fuero interno y externo en la formación sacerdotal. (Article) [101 2009/1]

Canons 240-241

QDE 21 (2008), 422-435: Alberto Perlasca: L'utilizzazione della psicologia secondo il documento La formazione dei presbiteri nella Chiesa italiana. (Article) [103 2010/1]

Canon 241

AA IX (2002), 51-60: M. Colombo: Admisión al seminario: Discernimiento eclesial y protección de la intimidad en el C.I.C. (Seminar paper) [91 2004/1]

AA XII (2005), 331-346: Ariel D. Busso: La homosexualidad y el Orden sagrado. (Article) [97 2007/1]

ACR LXXXIX 1/12, 63-68: Paul A. McGavin: A Closer Look at Discernment on Homosexuality and the Priesthood. (Article) [110 2013/2]

Ap LXXIX 3-4 (2006), 403-409: Congregatiio de Institutione Catholica: Instructio, 4.11.2005, circa criteria ad vocationes discernendas eorum qui inclinantur ad homosexualitatem, intuitu eorundem admissione ad Seminarium et ad Ordines Sacros. (Document) [101 2009/1]

CLSN 109/97, 50-55; G. Read: The Readmission to Formation of Former Seminarians and Religious. (Article) [79 1998/1]

CLSN 158/09, 28-33: Secretariat of State: Discerning Vocations among Persons with Homosexual Tendencies. (Document and commentary) [106 2011/2]

Comm 37 (2005), 180-185: Congregatio de Institutione Catholica: Instructio circa criteria discernendi quoad vocationem personas quae tendentias homosexuales praesentant in ordinem ad eas admittendas ad seminarium et ad ordines sacros. (Document) [104 2010/2]

Comm 40 (2008), 83: Secretaria Status: Rescriptum ex Audientia de applicatione Instructionis a Congregatione de Institutione Catholica die 4 novembris 2005 latae. (Document) [106 2011/2]

IC XLIX 97/09, 265-288: Joaquín Sedano: Crónica de Derecho Canónico del año 2008. (Compilation) [103 2010/1]

Ius Comm VI (2018), 27-49: Giuseppe Versaldi: Contribución y límites de las ciencias psicológicas en el discernimiento y en la formación sacerdotal. (Article) [121 2019/1]

J 76 (2016), 531-580: Michael C. Johnson: Psychology and the Seminarian: Historical Developments and Praxis in the United States. (Article) [119 2018/1]

PD 5/08, 221-231: Anne Bamberg: Former des prêtres Sourds. (Article) [101 2009/1]

Per XCV 3/06, 391-448: Gianfranco Ghirlanda: Aspetti canonici dell'Istr. In continuità del 4 novembre 2005. (Conference presentation) [99 2008/1]

Per XCV 3/06, 449-464: Giuseppe Versaldi: Implicazioni psicologiche dell'Istr. In continuità del 4 novembre 2005. (Conference presentation) [99 2008/1]

Per 98 (2009), 581-618: Gianfranco Ghirlanda: Utilizzo delle competenze psicologiche nell'ammissione e nella formazione dei candidati al sacerdozio. (Article) [105 2011/1]

QDE 14 (2001), 291-307: G. Paolo Montini: L'ammissione al seminario di candidati usciti o dimessi da seminari o istituti di vita consacrata. (Article) [88 2002/2]

QDE 18 (2005), 417-441: Alberto Perlasca: La tutela del diritto all'intimità negli esami psicologici dei candidati al seminario e agli Ordini sacri. (Article) [96 2006/2]

QDE 31 (2018), 434-464: Andrea Migliavacca: La formazione umana in seminario. (Article) [122 2019/2]

RDC 61/2 (2011), 113-138: Justin-Sylvestre Kette: Changer les mentalités en matière d'admission des personnes handicapées physiques au sacrement de l'ordre. (Article) [112 2014/2]

SCL II (2006), 19-25: Congregation for Catholic Education: Instruction Concerning the Criteria for the Discernment of Vocations with Regard to Persons of Homosexual Tendencies in View of Their Admission to the Seminary and to Holy Orders. (Instruction) [98 2007/2]

SCL II (2006), 147-172: Victor D'Souza: The Right to Privacy of Candidates to Priesthood and Religious Life. (Article) [98 2007/2]

VJTR 74 4/10, 47-54: G. Cucchi – Hans Zoliner: Psychology's Contribution to Priestly Formation. (Article) [110 2013/2]

Armand P. Bosso – Ernest B.O. Okonkwo (eds.): “Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?” Studi in onore di Giacomo Incitti. (Book) (Urbaniana University Press, Vatican City, 2021) [128 2022/2]

Il Codice di Diritto Canonico Commentato, a cura della Redazione di "Quaderni di Diritto Ecclesiale". (Book) (Ancora, Milano, 2001) [87 2002/1]

Canons 241-242

Proc CLSA 2009, 109-130: Craig Cox: Psychology and Priestly Formation: Blessings and Tensions. (Lecture) [109 2013/1]

Canons 241-245

KIP 8 (21) 2019, nr 2, 87-103: Piotr Fiałek: Zdatność do święceń i przygotowanie do kapłaństwa według Kodeksu Prawa Kanonicznego z 1983 roku i Ratio fundamentalis institutionis sacerdotalis z 2016 roku (Suitability for sacred ordination and preparation process for the priesthood according to the 1983 Code of Canon Law and the “Ratio fundamentalis institutionis sacerdotalis” of 2016). (Article) [124 2020/2]

Canon 242

IE XXXIV (2022), 707-721: Massimo del Pozzo: La promozione della prossimità e del decentramento nelle competenze delle Conferenze episcopali. (Article) [130 2023/2]

ITQ 64 (1999), 261-275: John McAreavey: The Formation of a Celibate Clergy. (Article) [84 2000/2]

KIP 4 (17) 2015, 101-117: Piotr Wierzbicki: Znaczenie okresu propedeutycznego w formacji kandydatów do kapłaństwa (The importance of the propaedeutic period in the formation of candidates for priesthood). (Article) [116 2016/2]

LW 122/6 (2016), 334-352: Antony Valungal: Spiritual Formation to Become a Missionary Disciple and Pastor in the Document of the Gift of the Priestly Vocation. (Article) [122 2019/2]

Per 98 (2009), 1-32: James J. Conn: Reflections on some recent norms on priestly formation. (Article) [103 2010/1]

Per 111 (2022), 527-558: Ulrich Rhode: Competentias quasdam: un motu proprio per il decentramento. (Article) [131 2024/1]

QDE 31 (2018), 392-404: Giuliano Brugnotti: «La formazione sacerdotale risulti sempre conforme alle necessità pastorali delle regioni in cui dovrà svolgersi il ministero» (OT 1): la Ratio e le Rationes. (Article) [122 2019/2]

QDE 31 (2018), 405-433: Francesco Grazian: La nuova Ratio sui seminari: aspetti normativi. (Article) [122 2019/2]

Canons 242-244

QDE 19 (2006), 211-222: G. Paolo Montini: La formazione negli studi teologici. Nota sul Regolamento degli studi teologici nei seminari maggiori d’Italia. (Article) [97 2007/1]

Canons 242-261

CLSN 161/10, 35-40: Gordon Read: Seminary Formation and the Discernment of Priestly Vocations. (Article) [106 2011/2]

Canon 244

ITS 55 (2018), 309-327: I. Amalraj: Juridical Elements of Sufficienti Gaudeant Maturitate. (Lecture) [122 2019/2]

LW 123/1 (2017), 30-48: Rajesh Pollayil: Psychological Dimensions of Priestly Formation. (Article) [122 2019/2]

NRT 140 (2018), 55-73: Noëlle Hausman: Former en prévenant les abus. Démaîtrise et responsabilité ecclésiale. (Article) [121 2019/1]

Per 98 (2009), 581-618: Gianfranco Ghirlanda: Utilizzo delle competenze psicologiche nell'ammissione e nella formazione dei candidati al sacerdozio. (Article) [105 2011/1]

VJTR 68 8/04, 595-605: J. Ponnore: Spiritual Formation of the Diocesan Priest. (Article) [94 2005/2]

Armand P. Bosso – Ernest B.O. Okonkwo (eds.): “Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?” Studi in onore di Giacomo Incitti. (Book) (Urbaniana University Press, Vatican City, 2021) [128 2022/2]

Canons 244-245

LW 124/3 (2018), 95-122: Jobi Thomas Thurackal: Role of Values in Personality and Spiritual Development of Catholic Seminarians in India. (Article) [122 2019/2]

LW 124/3 (2018), 123-142: Mercitta Kannampuzha: The Role of Virtues in Formation Programmes: Seminaries and Religious Houses. (Article) [122 2019/2]

QDE 31 (2018), 434-464: Andrea Migliavacca: La formazione umana in seminario. (Article) [122 2019/2]

REDC 63 (2006), 767-790: José San José Prisco: Los fundamentos de la formación sacerdotal. Una reflexión desde las asambleas del Sínodo de Obispos. (Article) [101 2009/1]

Canons 244-246

IE XXI 1/09, 111-132: Giacomo Incitti: La direzione spirituale nella formazione dei chierici. Problematiche canonistiche. (Article) [104 2010/2]

Per LXXXV 3/97, 419-448; 4/97, 527-569: M. Costa: I soggetti della formazione spirituale dei seminaristi. (Article) [80 1998/2]

Canons 244-258

SC 42 (2008), 437-471: Michael Nobel: Academic Aspects of Priestly Formation in the 1983 Code of Canon Law. (Article) [103 2010/1]

Canon 245

IC XLVII 93/07, 51-72: Arturo Cattaneo: El sacerdote al servicio de la misión de los laicos. (Article) [99 2008/1]

ICST 9 (2007), 5-15: Mylo Hubert C. Vergara: Pastoral Charity: Goal of Priestly Formation in the Light of Deus Caritas Est. (Article) [100 2008/2]

LW 123/3 (2017), 133-200: Antony Valungal (ed.): Socially Oriented Priestly Formation. (Articles) [126 2021/2]

PCF IX (2007), 251-257: Orlando B. Quevedo: Notes on the Human Formation of Priests. (Article) [100 2008/2]

Canons 245-247

QDE 18 (2005), 153-180: Andrea Migliavacca: Orientamenti e problematiche della formazione al celibato sacerdotale. (Article) [95 2006/1]

Canon 246

CpR LXXXIII 1-2/02, 133-150: D. J. Andrés: La confesión frecuente de clérigos, consagrados y apostólicamente asociados. (Article) [91 2004/1]

QDE 14 (2001), 227-249: Giuliano Brugnotto: Il seminario maggiore: autentica comunità ecclesiale. (Article) [88 2002/2]

Maria Ionella Cristescu: La "Theotókos" nel "Codex Canonum Ecclesiarum Orientalium". (Symposium Presentation in Congregazione per le Chiese Orientali: Ius Ecclesiarum – Vehiculum Caritatis, pp. 393-404) (Libreria Editrice Vaticana, 2004) [94 2005/2]

Canon 247

AA XII (2005), 331-346: Ariel D. Busso: La homosexualidad y el Orden sagrado. (Article) [97 2007/1]

AA XIII (2006), 137-155: Javier Fronza: El celibato – don, propuesta y tarea (la necesaria madurez humana y el derecho). (Article) [99 2008/1]

ITQ 64 (1999), 261-275: John McAreavey: The Formation of a Celibate Clergy. (Article) [84 2000/2]

Proc CLSA 2009, 109-130: Craig Cox: Psychology and Priestly Formation: Blessings and Tensions. (Lecture) [109 2013/1]

QDE 18 (2005), 141-152: Giuliano Brugnotto: Il concetto di celibato sacerdotale. (Article) [95 2006/1]

Canon 249

REDC 70 (2013), 303-310: Benedicto XVI: Carta Apostólica en forma de Motu Proprio «Latina lingua» con la cual se instituye la Pontificia Academia Latinitatis. Texto y comentario de José San José Prisco. (Document and commentary) [111 2014/1]

SM 125 3/98, 10-18: John-Peter Pham: Latin in the Liturgy today: Theological, Canonical and Pastoral Reflections. (Article) [82 1999/2]

Canon 250

HPR 2/99, 52-56: G. H. Duggan: Go to Thomas. (Article) [84 2000/2]

SM 127 1/00, 4-8: P. LaManna: On promoting Gregorian chant. (Article) [87 2002/1]

SM 127 2/00, 10-13: K. Poterack: On Balancing the Choir Loft and the Sanctuary: The Relationship between the Laity and the Clergy in Musica Sacra. (Article) [87 2002/1]

Canons 250-256

QDE 19 (2006), 211-222: G. Paolo Montini: La formazione negli studi teologici. Nota sul Regolamento degli studi teologici nei seminari maggiori d’Italia. (Article) [97 2007/1]

Canon 251

REDC 68 (2011), 957-975: Congregación para la Educación Católica: Decreto de Reforma de los estudios eclesiásticos de Filosofía, 28 de enero de 2011. (Document and commentary) [108 2012/2]

Canons 251-252

Per 102 (2013), 1-31: Diego E. Pombo Oncins: Il riferimento a San Tommaso nei canoni 251 e 252 §3 del CIC alla luce del magistero della Chiesa. (Article) [112 2014/2]

Canon 252

Ap LXXVII 3-4 (2004), 667-696: Paolo Gherri: Teologia del Diritto canonico: elementi per una fondazione epistemologica. (Article) [100 2008/2]

QDE 29 (2016) 304-321: Andrea Migliavacca: Formazione dei presbiteri e insegnamento dell’ecumenismo. (Article) [118 2017/2]

SC 37 (2003), 323-348: Pier V. Aimone: Statut juridique des institutions de théologie en Suisse. (Article) [94 2005/2]

Canons 252-253

IC XXXVI 71/96, 101-132: Antonio Pérez: Directrices de la Santa Sede y de la Conferencia Episcopal Española sobre la enseñanza del Derecho Canónico en los Centros eclesiásticos. (Article) [80 1998/2]

Canon 255

PCF IX (2007), 251-257: Orlando B. Quevedo: Notes on the Human Formation of Priests. (Article) [100 2008/2]

QDE 14 (2001), 250-275: Andrea Migliavacca: Quali percorse per un "nuovo seminario"? (Article) [88 2002/2]

S 81 (2019), 122-139: Gustavo Cavagnari: The Pastoral Formation of the Candidates for the Priesthood in the Light of Veritatis gaudium. (Article) [123 2020/1]

Canon 256

Ang 85 (2008), 67-102: Michael Carragher: The Training of Ministers and Preaching: Canon 256 §1. (Article) [101 2009/1]

Canon 257

AkK 175 (2006), 473-485: Christoph Ohly: Gravis necessitas. Erwägungen zu einem unbestimmten Begriff der kirchlichen Gesetzbücher. (Article) [100 2008/2]

PS XLIII, 128/08, 395-432: Leonardo N. Mercado: Cross-Cultural Ministry: The Case of the Filipino Priests in Canada. (Article) [102 2009/2]

Canons 260-262

RMDC 24/2 (2018), 323-353: Marco Antonio Hernández H.: Funciones propias del Rector del Seminario. A la luz del Código de Derecho canónico y de la nueva Ratio Fundamentalis. (Article) [123 2020/1]

Canon 264

AA X (2003), 181-244: P. I. Lobo: Régimen jurídico de los tributos en el Código de 1983. (Article) [93 2005/1]

Canon 265

Ius 13, 1-2 (2022), 141-157: Antony Perumanoor: Clerical Ascription According to CCEO: A Study with Special Attention to Clerical Ascription in the Missionary Society of St Thomas the Apostle. (Article) [130 2023/2]

Ius Comm VI (2018), 235-257: Lluis Martínez Sistach: La incardinación en los movimientos eclesiales: una solución reciente y una propuesta. (Article) [122 2019/2]

Per LXXXV 2/96, 277-301: J. Steinbach: Das Verhältnis von "Incardination" und "Urcharisma" in den kirchlichen Lebensverbänden. (Article) [78 1997/2]

Per XCV 4/06, 567-595: Michael Mullaney: Incardination and the universal dimension of the priestly ministry. (Article) [99 2008/1]

Per 111 (2022), 527-558: Ulrich Rhode: Competentias quasdam: un motu proprio per il decentramento. (Article) [131 2024/1]

QDE 15 (2002), 168-176: Silvia Recchi: I movimenti ecclesiali e l'incardinazione dei sacerdoti membri. (Article) [89 2003/1]

REDC 68 (2011), 813-837: José San José Prisco: Las asociaciones clericales como estructura de incardinación. Un caso práctico: La Hermandad de Sacerdotes Operarios Diocesanos del Corazón de Jesús. (Article) [108 2012/2]

Ciro Mezzogori: Vocazione sacerdotale e incardinazione nei movimenti ecclesiali. Una questione aperta. (Book) (Editrice Pontificia Università Gregoriana, Rome, 2012) [109 2013/1]

Canons 265-268

RfR 61 3/02, 313-319: E. McDonough: Voluntary Departure. (Article) [89 2003/1]

Canons 265-269

CpR LXXXII 3-4/01, 303-316: B. Primetshofer: La relazione fra incorporazione ed incardinazione di chierici negli IVC e nelle SVA. (Article) [90 2003/2]

Canons 265-272

AA XVI (2009-2010), 91-119: Ariel David Busso: La distribución de los clérigos en la Iglesia. Planteo de la cuestión y normativa vigente en la Iglesia latina. (Article) [107 2012/1]

CLSN 164/10, 83-98: Brendan Daly: Incardination/Excardination: Background and Importance. (Article) [106 2011/2]

EE 81 (2006), 789-803: Rufino Callejo de Paz: La exigencia de la incardinación y las posibles acefalías. (Article) [98 2007/2]

FCan VII/2 (2012), 143-153: Joaquim de Assunção Ferreira: Significado da Incardinação. (Article) [111 2014/1]

IC XLV 90/05, 487-528: Orazio Condorelli: Ejercicio del ministerio y vínculo jerárquico en la historia del Derecho de la Iglesia. (Conference presentation) [96 2006/2]

IC XLV 90/05, 557-608: Javier Ferrer Ortiz: La responsabilidad civil de la Diócesis por los actos de sus clérigos. (Article) [96 2006/2]

IC XLVIII 95/08, 247-276: Luis Navarro: La incardinación de los clérigos de los movimientos eclesiales. (Article) [101 2009/1]

IE VII 1/95, 371-381: Accordo tra la Santa Sede e la Repubblica d'Ungheria sull'assistenza religiosa alle Forze Armate e di Polizia di Frontera. (Document and commentary) [76 1996/2]

LS 41 (2018), 64-88: Jonas Bognar: Episcopal Leadership in a Time of Crisis. The Elusive Attempt to Incardinate George Tyrrell. (Article) [121 2019/1]

QDE 15 (2002), 124-145: Giangiacomo Sarzi Sartori: L'incardinazione in una Chiesa particolare. (Article) [89 2003/1]

QDE 15 (2002), 160-167: Mauro Rivella: Verso un'applicazione più aperta del principio dell'incardinazione? (Article) [89 2003/1]

SC 37 3/01, 99-124: R. J. Kaslyn: The Incardination Status of the Cleric Dismissed from a Religious Institute. (Article) [92 2004/2]

SC 46 (2012), 375-400: Luis Navarro: Clergy and New Ecclesial Movements. Juridical Issues. (Article) [110 2013/2]

SCL III (2007), 241-272: Robert Kaslyn: Two Incardination Processes: Initial and Subsequent Alteration. (Article) [100 2008/2]

Robert J. Kaslyn (ed.): Essays in Honor of Sister Rose McDermott, S.S.J. (Book) (Catholic University of America, 2010) [105 2011/1]

Michael J. Mullaney: Incardination and the Universal Dimension of the Priestly Ministry. A Comparison Between CIC 1917 and CIC 1983. (Book) (Editrice Pontificia Università Gregoriana, Roma 2002) [89 2003/1]

Canons 265-289

Comm 36 (2004), 33-38: Pontificium Consilium de Legum Textibus: Elementi per configurare l'ambito di responsabilità canonica del Vescovo diocesano nei riguardi dei presbiteri incardinati nella propria diocesi e che esercitano nella medesima il loro ministero. (Note) [104 2010/2]

CpR LXXIX 1/98, 35-71: J. García Martín: La encíclica «Fidei donum» de Pío XII y la dimensión universal del servicio del presbítero secular. (Article) [84 2000/2]

N XXXV 3-4/98, 133-189: Congregatio de Institutione Catholica et Congregatio pro Clericis: Directorium pro ministerio et vita diaconorum permanentum. (Directory) [81 1999/1]

Canons 265-293

Luis Navarro: Persone e soggetti nel diritto della Chiesa. Temi di diritto della persona. (Book) (Apollinare Studi, Roma, 2000) [85 2001/1]

Canon 266

Armand P. Bosso – Ernest B.O. Okonkwo (eds.): “Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?” Studi in onore di Giacomo Incitti. (Book) (Urbaniana University Press, Vatican City, 2021) [128 2022/2]

Sergio Muñoz Fita – Juan Manuel Cabezas Cañavate: La incardinación en los institutos seculares. Estudio genético del c. 715 a partir del Concilio Vaticano II y acercamiento a su aplicación y precisión en el periodo post-codicial. (Book) (Universidad San Dámaso, Madrid, 2015) [114 2015/2]

Canon 267

BEF LXXIV 807/98, 590-592: E. Garcia: Incardination and Excardination. (Consultation) [82 1999/2]

QDE 33 (2020), 434-460: Enrico Massignani: L’incardinazione di chierici appartenenti a un’altra Chiesa sui iuris. (Article) [126 2021/2]

RR 2004, 112-113: F. J. Morrisey: General Letter of Excardination. (Advisory Opinion) [94 2005/2]

Canons 267-270

IC 60/119 (2020), 271-313: Supremo Tribunal de la Signatura Apostólica: Sentencias; Luis Navarro: Algunas puntualizaciones sobre la incardinación: causas, plazos y autoridad competente. Comentario de dos sentencias del Supremo Tribunal de la Signatura Apostólica. (Sentences and comment) [125 2021/1]

Canons 267-272

Rotae Romanae Tribunal: Decisiones seu Sententiae selectae inter eas quae anno 2011 prodierunt cura eiusdem Apostolici Tribunalis editae, volumen CIII. (Compilation) (Libreria Editrice Vaticana, 2018) [120 2018/2]

Canon 268

CLSN 181/15, 80-90: Augustine Mendonça: Ipso Iure Incardination of a Cleric Sede Vacante. (Opinion) [116 2016/2]

SCL IX (2013), 373-384: Augustine Mendonça: Ipso Iure Incardination of a Cleric Sede Vacante. (Opinion) [113 2015/1]

Canon 269

SC 45 (2011), 27-66: Phillip J. Brown: The Perils of Bankruptcy: Rights and Obligations Regarding Clergy Support. (Article) [108 2012/2]

Canon 270

QDE 33 (2020), 391-416: Matteo Visioli: L’escardinazione per giusta causa: tra il bene del chierico e l’utilità della Chiesa. (Article) [126 2021/2]

QDE 33 (2020), 417-433: Alberto Perlasca: L’incardinazione nei movimenti ecclesiali e nelle associazioni. Qualche novità? (Article) [126 2021/2]

William L. Daniel: Ministerium Iustitiae. Jurisprudence of the Supreme Tribunal of the Apostolic Signatura. (Book) (Gratianus, Wilson & Lafleur Montreal, 2011) [108 2012/2]

Canon 271

CLSN 126/01, 22-27: Congregation for the Evangelisation of Peoples: Instruction on the Sending Abroad and Sojourn of Diocesan Priests from Mission Territories. (Document) [88 2002/2]

IC XLV 89/05, 271-292: Antonio Viana: Problemas canónicos planteados por la Instrucción «Erga migrantes caritas Christi», 3.V.2004. (Commentary) [96 2006/2]

IE XI 3/99, 892-904: Legislazione particolare: Italia: Testo dello schema-tipo di convenzione per il servizio pastorale in missione dei presbiteri diocesani, proposto dalla Conferenza Episcopale Italiana, 16-18 marzo 1998 (con nota di J. A. Araña, Lo schema-tipo CEI di Convenzioni per il servizio pastorale in missione dei presbiteri diocesani). (Document and commentary) [85 2001/1]

IE XIII 3/01, 834-840: Congregazione per l'Evangelizzazione dei Popoli: Instructio de vitanda quorumdam clericorum vagatione. (Document) [89 2003/1]

IusM XV/2021, 47-69: Antoine Ndiaye: Prêtres diocésains en mission à l’extérieur. (Article) [127 2022/1]

IusM XV/2021, 173-191: Roberto Malpelo: I nuovi schemi di convenzione per la cooperazione tra le Chiese predisposti dalla Conferenza Episcopale Italiana. (Article) [127 2022/1]

IusM XVI/2022, 63-87: Antoine Ndiaye: Prêtres diocésains en mission à l’extérieur. Enjeux juridiques actuels des mesures d’accompagnement de la Congrégation pour l’Evangélisation des Peuples du 25 avril 2001. (Article) [130 2023/2]

LW 127/2 (2021), 98-116: Shaji Jerman: Dependence to Transcendence: A Diocese of Mission to a Missionary Diocese. (Article) [129 2023/1]

PCF VIII (2006), 65-106: Vicente R. Uy: The Principle of Equity in the Code of Canon Law. (Article) [98 2007/2]

QDE 15 (2002), 146-159: Pierantonio Pavanello: La condizione giuridica del chierico fuori della diocesi di incardinazione. (Article) [89 2003/1]

QDE 28 (2015), 299-310: Pierantonio Pavanello: Strumenti giuridici per la cooperazione missionaria nell'esperienza della Chiesa italiana. (Article) [116 2016/2]

TPQ 149 (2001), 407-411: S. Lederhilger – H. Kalb: Römische Erlässe. (Documents) [88 2002/2]

Canon 273

AkK 181 (2012), 39-56: Helmuth Pree: Kirchliche Leitungsgewalt – Aspekte ihrer Reichweite und Anwendung. (Article) [111 2014/1]

AnC 19 (2023) 1, 71-90: Piotr Majer: Status duchownego. Czy ksiądz jest pracownikiem biskupa? (Status of the clergy. Is a priest an employee of the bishop?) (Article) [131 2024/1]

Canonist 12/1 (2021), 67-83: Marcus Francis: Obedience in the 1983 Code of Canon Law. (Article) [127 2022/1]

ICST 2 (2000), 19-33: P. Peig: The Clerical Obligation of Respect and Obedience. (Article) [85 2001/1]

IE XVI 3/04, 825-830: Pontificio Consiglio per i Testi Legislativi: Nota «Elementi per configurare l'ambito di responsabilità canonica del Vescovo diocesano nei riguardi dei presbiteri incardinati nella propria diocesi e che esercitano nella medesima il loro ministero», 12 febbraio 2004. (Document) [95 2006/1]

KIP 7 (20) 2018, nr. 1, 93-107: Štefan Brinda: Posłuszeństwo ordynariuszowi według kanonu 273 Kodeksu Prawa Kanonicznego z 1983 roku (Obedience to the Ordinary according to canon 273 of the CIC/83). (Article) [121 2019/1]

Canons 273-274

AA XVIII (2012), 135-148: Ariel David Busso: Los deberes y derechos derivados de la obediencia del clérigo diocesano. (Article) [112 2014/2]

HPR October-November 2022: Philip Smith: Priestly Obedience in a Post-McCarrick Church, Parts I and II. (Articles) [130 2023/2]

Canons 273-289

CpR LXXX 1-3/99, 69-125: A. Giménez Serrano: Applicazione degli obblighi e dei diritti clericali (cc. 273-289) ai sodali delle Società di vita apostolica. (Article) [84 2000/2]

IC XLVII 94/07, 415-438: Juan González Ayesta: Algunas consideraciones sobre la actual regulación de los derechos y deberes de los diáconos permanentes. (Article) [100 2008/2]

IE XIV 2/02, 471-506: L. Navarro: Presupposti dottrinali per l'interpretazione della normativa sullo statuto giuridico dei chierici. (Lecture) [92 2004/2]

ME CXXVI 2-3/02, 235-250: E. Colagiovanni: El sacerdote persona y personaje: un rol crítico. (Article) [92 2004/2]

PS XXXVI 107/01, 247-265: L. Navarro: Juridical Status of the Clergy. (Article) [88 2002/2]

RfR 64 2/05, 135-151: J. F. Keenan: Framing the Ethical Rights of Priests. (Article) [96 2006/2]

SC 34 (2000), 247-284: Canadian Tax Court re clergy residence deduction. (Jurisprudence) [85 2001/1]

SC 34 (2000), 505-516: Canada Customs and Revenue Agency: Clergy Residence Deduction. (Jurisprudence) [86 2001/2]

SCL III (2007), 29-40: Pontifical Council for Legislative Texts: Explanatory Note: Elements to Establish the Area of Canonical Responsibility of the Diocesan Bishop on Clerics Incardinated within the Diocese and who Exercise their Ministry within it. (Document) [100 2008/2]

TyV LXI (2020), 355-372: Claudia Leal – Fernando Valdivieso: Tres elementos para una renovación de la práctica sacerdotal. (Article) [128 2022/2]

Canons 273-329

Manuel Valdés Mas: La contribución de Álvaro del Portillo en la elaboración del Decreto Presbyterorum Ordinis y en su aplicación jurídica. (Thesis) (Santa Croce, Rome, 2014) [117 2017/1]

Canon 274

AkK 175 (2006), 435-451: Thomas M. Amann: Die Ausübung der Sacra potestas im kirchlichen Arbeitsgericht. (Article) [100 2008/2]

AkK 178 (2009), 90-124: Wilhelm Rees: Amt – Seelsorge – Leitung. Kirchenrechtliche Standortbestimmung und Zukunftsperspektiven. (Article) [106 2011/2]

AnC 19 (2023) 2, 75-82: Piotr Kroczek - Weronika Lipińska: Kanoniczne konsekwencje nieodbierania przesyłek poleconych przez proboszcza na przykładzie kazusu (Canonical consequences of a parish priest’s failure to collect registered mail using a case example). (Article) [132 2024/2]

DPM 10 (2003), 99-118: Thomas A. Amann: Die Ausübung der sacra potestas im kirchlichen Richterkollegium. (Article) [102 2009/2]

FCan II/2 (2007), 167-172: Evalso Xavier Gomes: Cooperação do fiel leigo no exercício da potestas regiminis: ex canone 129, §2.[100 2008/2]

IC 54/108 (2014), 603-638: Antonio Viana: El problema de la participación de los laicos en la potestad de régimen. Dos vías de solución. (Article) [114 2015/2]

Proc ANZ 2000, 39-54: J. M. Huels: The Power of Governance and its Exercise by Lay Persons. (Conference Paper) [87 2002/1]

SC 35 (2001), 59-96: J. Huels: The Power of Governance and Its Exercise by Lay Persons: A Juridical Approach. (Article) [87 2002/1]

SC 38 (2004), 85-109: A. Asselin: Vingt ans après la promulgation du Code de droit canonique: qu'en est-il du service des laïcs dans l'Église? (Article) [95 2006/1]

Armand P. Bosso – Ernest B.O. Okonkwo (eds.): “Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?” Studi in onore di Giacomo Incitti. (Book) (Urbaniana University Press, Vatican City, 2021) [128 2022/2]

Kevin Otieno Mwandha (ed.): De potestate regiminis. Il ruolo della donna nella Chiesa oggi. (Book) (Libreria Ateneo Salesiano, Rome, 2021) [127 2022/1]

Canon 276

ACR XCIII 3/16, 292-309: Brendan Daly: Steering Wheel or Spare Tyre: The Obligation of the Priest to Pray. (Article) [119 2018/1]

CpR LXXXIII 1-2/02, 133-150: D. J. Andrés: La confesión frecuente de clérigos, consagrados y apostólicamente asociados. (Article) [91 2004/1]

FCan VIII/2 (2013), 43-57: Alfredo de Almeida Melo: Meios de santificação do Sacerdote no Código de Dereito Canónico. (Conference presentation) [113 2015/1]

HPR May 2022: Brian Mullady: A Priest’s Spiritual Obligations. (Reply) [129 2023/1]

IE XXII 1/10, 21-40: Massimo del Pozzo: La natura e la portata dell'obbligo del chierico di celebrare la Liturgia delle ore. (Article) [105 2011/1]

N XXXVII 5-6/01, 190-194: Congregatio de Cultu Divino et Disciplina Sacramentorum: Responsa ad quaestiones circa obligationem persolvendi Liturgiam Horarum. (Reply) [87 2002/1]

Maria Ionella Cristescu: La "Theotókos" nel "Codex Canonum Ecclesiarum Orientalium". (Symposium Presentation in Congregazione per le Chiese Orientali: Ius Ecclesiarum – Vehiculum Caritatis, pp. 393-404) (Libreria Editrice Vaticana, 2004) [94 2005/2]

Dominique Le Tourneau: La dimension juridique du sacré. (Book) (Gratianus, Wilson & Lafleur, Montreal, 2012) [109 2013/1]

Canons 276-277

QDE 18 (2005), 153-180: Andrea Migliavacca: Orientamenti e problematiche della formazione al celibato sacerdotale. (Article) [95 2006/1]

Canon 277

AA XIII (2006), 137-155: Javier Fronza: El celibato – don, propuesta y tarea (la necesaria madurez humana y el derecho). (Article) [99 2008/1]

ACR LXXV 2/97, 216-218: James Muirhead: The Code of Conduct Questionnaire for Clergy and Religious: An Appraisal. (Article) [82 1999/2]

AkK 175 (2006), 129-140: Jan Vries: Der Zölibatsbegriff im Recht der Lateinische Kirche. (Article) [100 2008/2]

AnCan (Chile), I (2015), 5-143: XXVII Jornadas de la Asociación Chilena de Derecho Canónico, julio 2012. (Compilation) [116 2016/2]

Ap 1-4/93, 339-370: G. Largomarsino: II celibato del clero secolare: per uno studio comparativo dei due codici di diritto canonico alla luce della tradizione giuridica della Chiesa in occidente. (Article) [75 1996/1]

Ap LXVII 3-4 (1994), 497-564: V. Ferrara: L'istituto canonico della dispensa pontificia dal celibato e dagli altri obblighi dell'ordinazione. (Article) [77 1997/1]

Canonist 7/1 (2016), 10-30: Brendan Daly: The Instruction Crimen Sollicitationis on the Crime of Solicitation: Confusion or Cover-up of Paedophilia? (Article) [117 2017/1]

Canonist 14/1 (2023), 118-138: Brendan Daly: Scandal in the 1983 Code of Canon Law. (Article) [131 2024/1]

CLSN 167 (2011), 5-18: Francis Morrisey: Violations of Canon 277 (With an Adult). (Article) [110 2013/2]

FCan VI/2 (2011), 27-45: Pablo Gefaell: El celibato sacerdotal en las Iglesias Orientales: historia, presente y futuro. (Article) [109 2013/1]

ICST 16 (2014), 80-94: Fortunatus Nwachukwu: Faithfulness of Christ, Faithfulness of the Priest: The Priest Today and the Challenges of Celibacy, Chastity, and Virginity. (Article) [122 2019/2]

IE IX 2/97, 647-682: A. Pampillon: Priestly celibacy: gift and law. (Article) [82 1999/2]

IE XIV 2/02, 471-506: L. Navarro: Presupposti dottrinali per l'interpretazione della normativa sullo statuto giuridico dei chierici. (Lecture) [92 2004/2]

J 63 (2003), 139-170: G. Nedungatt: USA Forbidden Territory for Married Eastern Catholic Priests. (Article) [94 2005/2]

J 68 (2008), 22-37: Uta-Renate Blumenthal: The Prohibition of Clerical Marriage in the Eleventh Century. (Article) [105 2011/1]

J 74 (2014), 91-129: Anthony K. W. McLaughlin: The Obligation of Perfect and Perpetual Continence and Married Deacons in the Latin Church: Canonical Implications. (Article) [114 2015/2]

Per XCII 3/03, 383-415: Gianfranco Ghirlanda: Celibato e adozione di minorenni da parte di chierici. (Article) [92 2004/2]

QDE 18 (2005), 116-140: Egidio Miragoli: Celibato sacerdotale: responsabilità del vescovo e funzione del diritto particolare. (Article) [95 2006/1]

QDE 18 (2005), 141-152: Giuliano Brugnotto: Il concetto di celibato sacerdotale. (Article) [95 2006/1]

QDE 18 (2005), 181-193: Marino Mosconi: L'azione del vescovo a tutela del celibato dei chierici: il ricorso al precetto penale. (Article) [95 2006/1]

QDE 24 (2011), 252-254: Alberto Perlasca: Un recente testo in italiano sulle origini apostoliche del celibato sacerdotale. (Book presentation) [108 2012/2]

QDE 34 (2021), 262-267: Egidio Miragoli: Dialogo sul celibato. (Article) [128 2022/2]

QDE 34 (2021), 268-294: Gianfranco Ghirlanda: La formazione al consiglio evangelico della castità celibataria. (Article) [128 2022/2]

QSR 18 (2008), 218-219: Romanae Rotae Tribunalis Decanus: Decretum: Premislien. Latinorum. Diffamationis. (Document) [103 2010/1]

RDC 64/2 (2014), 263-275: Paul Winninger: Le célibat sacerdotal et l'exhortation apostolique Evangelii Gaudium du pape François. (Article) [114 2015/2]

SC 36 (2002), 129-167: G. Nedungatt: Celibate and Married Clergy in CCEO Canon 373. (Article) [90 2003/2]

SC 37 3/01, 99-124: R. J. Kaslyn: The Incardination Status of the Cleric Dismissed from a Religious Institute. (Article) [92 2004/2]

SC 39 (2005), 147-180: Edward N. Peters: Canonical Considerations on Diaconal Continence. (Article) [97 2007/1]

SCL III (2007), 437-444: Victor D'Souza: A Question of Compatibility of Adoption of Children by Priests with their Commitment to Celibacy. (Opinion) [100 2008/2]

Brendan Daly: Celibacy: An Ecclesiastical Imposition or Identification with Jesus Christ? (Article in Victor G. D'Souza (ed.): In the Service of Truth and Justice [St Peter's Pontifical Institute, Bangalore, 2008], pp. 191-214) [101 2009/1]

Canon 278

AA XIII (2006), 119-135: Ariel David Busso: Los derechos y las obligaciones del clérigo en la sociedad civil a la luz del Código de Derecho Canónico. (Article) [99 2008/1]

REDC 66 (2009), 355-359: Decreto de la Congregación del Clero de 22 de mayo de 2008 sobre las facultades para incardinar clérigos en la Hermandad de Sacerdotes Operarios Diocesanos del Corazón de Jesús. (Document and commentary) [104 2010/2]

REDC 68 (2011), 813-837: José San José Prisco: Las asociaciones clericales como estructura de incardinación. Un caso práctico: La Hermandad de Sacerdotes Operarios Diocesanos del Corazón de Jesús. (Article) [108 2012/2]

SPW 21 (2008), 51-74: Mariusz Grabowski: Prawne aspekty działalności publicznej duchownych (Legal aspects of the public activity of clergy). (Article) [122 2019/2]

Canon 279

AA XVII (2011), 9-28: Carlos Baccioli: La formación permanente de los sacerdotes. (Article) [109 2013/1]

LS 33 (2008), 221-235: John Hadley: Priesthood in persona Christi. The Substance of Things Hoped for. (Article) [104 2010/2]

N XLII 5-6/06, 199-208: F. Arinze: La formazione liturgica nella vita del sacerdote. (Address) [97 2007/1]

RDC 68/2 (2018), 223-253: Christine de Saint Chamas: La formation permanente des prêtres après Pastores dabo vobis. Approfondissements et prolongements du canon 279 du Code de droit canonique. (Article) [124 2020/2]

RMDC 27/2 (2021), 337-364: Luis de Jesús Hernández M.: La formación intelectual de los ministros sagrados y su relación con los diversos oficios eclesiásticos. (Article) [129 2023/1]

Canon 280

HPR 10/05, 8-13: Gary Coulter: Priestly common life and associations. (Article) [99 2008/1]

ITS 47 (2010), 9-20: Albert D'Souza: Fraternity in Ministry and Life of Priests. (Article) [105 2011/1]

Per XCI 2/02, 189-237: F. Chica Arellano: Una cierta vida en común entre clerigos. Aproximación jurídico-pastoral al canon 280. (Article) [90 2003/2]

Canon 281

AA XXI (2015), 159-176: Javier E. González Greñón: El sostenimiento de los presbíteros a la luz de la eclesiología de comunión. (Article) [116 2016/2]

AC 47 (2005), 37-50: Philippe Greiner: Les biens des paroisses dans le contexte des diocèses français. (Article) [98 2007/2]

AkK 173 (2004), 7-41: Georg May: Der Ruhestand des Pfarrers. (Article) [96 2006/2]

AkK 175 (2006), 113-128: Richard Puza: Die Vollmacht des Diözesanbischofs und ihre Grenzen am Beispiel der Errichtung einer diozesanen Pfründenstiftung. (Article) [100 2008/2]

Ap LXIX 3-4 (1996), 671-731: G. Kovács: Il sostentamento del clero in Romania. (Article) [81 1999/1]

CLSN 125/01, 13-36: Titius – Priests' Remuneration Fund: case heard at 1st and 2nd instance with a judgement on an incidental matter as to competence. (Document) [88 2002/2]

CLSN 125/01, 37-41: Priests' Pensions: Response of The Pontifical Council for Legislative Texts. (Decree) [88 2002/2]

CLSN 125/01, 42-46: G. Read: Priests' Pensions: Comment. (Article) [88 2002/2]

CLSN 169 (2012), 28-43: Patrick Lagges: Remuneration and Sustenance of Priests in Sexual Abuse Cases. (Article) [110 2013/2]

Comm 32 (2000), 162-167: Pontificium Consilium de Legum Textibus: Decretum de recursu super congruentia inter legem particularem et normam codicialem. (Document) [103 2010/1]

FC 12 (2009), 7-22: Péter Artner: The Remuneration of Diocesan Clerics. (Article) [105 2011/1]

IC XLIV 87/04, 153-196: María Antonio Castro Argüelles – Miguel Rodríguez Blanco: Seguridad Social de ministros de culto y religiosos. (Article) [94 2005/2]

IC 51/102 (2011), 653-699: Diego Zalbidea: La digna sustentación de los clérigos. (Article) [108 2012/2]

IE XIII 2/01, 532-536: Pontificio Consiglio per i Testi Legislativi: Decreto sul ricorso di congruenza fra legge particolare e norma codiciale. (Document) [89 2003/1]

IE XIII 2/01, 536-544: J. Miñambres: Note sull'adeguata remunerazione dei chierici. A proposito di un recente decreto di congruenza fra legislazione particolare e norma codiciale. (Commentary) [89 2003/1]

IE XXVII (2015), 114-124: Supremo Tribunale della Segnatura Apostolica: Decreto del Segretario, Di sostentamento, 11 marzo 2013 (con nota di Javier Canosa, Aspetti dello statuto giuridico dei chierici trattati in due decisioni della Segnatura Apostolica). (Document and comment) [115 2016/1]

IE XXX (2018), 593-623: Supremo Tribunale della Segnatura Apostolica: Sentenza prot. n. 29240/98 CA, con commento di Jesús Miñambres, Diritto al sostentamento e diritto all’intimità dei chierici diocesani. (Sentence and comment) [122 2019/2]

KIP 5 (18) 2016, 53-76: Paweł Lewandowski: Troska biskupa diecezjalnego o godziwe utrzymanie duchownych (The diocesan bishop’s solicitude for the adequate means of livelihood of the clergy). (Article) [117 2017/1]

LJ 154/05, 126-143: Cristiana Cianitto: The Maintenance of Clergy in the Italian Catholic Church. (Article) [97 2007/1]

Mem XXIV/00, 209-220: L. H. Salcedo M.: El sostenimiento del clero: c. 281. (Conference presentation) [89 2003/1]

NRT 127 (2005), 226-235: Anne Bamberg: L'amoris officium à l'égard des prêtres et évêques d'âge avancé. (Article) [95 2006/1]

PCH 7 (2017), Number 1, 209-221: Robert Kantor: Administration of Ecclesiastical Temporal Goods in the Light of the Instruction of the Polish Episcopal Conference of 2015. (Article) [119 2018/1]

Proc ANZ 2000, 55-60: I. B. Waters: A Tribunal Case Concerning Clergy Remuneration. (Conference Paper) [87 2002/1]

Proc CLSA 2004, 93-113 (also CLSN 142/05, 43-61): J. I. Donlon: Remuneration, Decent Support and Clerics Removed from the Ministry of the Church. (Seminar paper at the 2004 Convention of the Canon Law Society of America, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania) [96 2006/2]

Proc CLSA 2009, 150-167: Patrick R. Lagges: Canonical Issues of Remuneration and Sustenance for Priests Accused of Sexual Misconduct. (Lecture) [109 2013/1]

QDE 19 (2006), 158-174: Carlo Azzimonti: Lavoro ecclesiale e normativa civile italiana: il contratto di lavoro. (Article) [97 2007/1]

QDE 19 (2006), 175-184: Mauro Rivella: La remunerazione del lavoro ecclesiale. (Article) [97 2007/1]

QDE 28 (2015), 470-503: Marino Mosconi: La curia diocesana, l’onesto sostentamento dei chierici e l’istituto per il sostentamento del clero. (Article) [117 2017/1]

QDE 32 (2019), 159-170: G. Paolo Montini: Dal diritto missionario al diritto universale. Un’ispirazione. (Article) [124 2020/2]

RDC 63/1-2 (2013), 9-30: Anne Bamberg: Le droit social au prisme du droit canonique. Droits et devoirs fondamentaux et promotion de la justice sociale. (Article) [113 2015/1]

REDC 72 (2015), 615-631: Mercedes Vidal Gallardo: Progresiva equiparación del clero diocesano y los ministros de culto de otras confesiones religiosas en el régimen de cotización a la seguridad social. (Article) [116 2016/2]

REDC 76 (2019), 613-648: Luis Gregorio Holguín Galarón: Pensiones sacerdotales. Rentas de complemento como instrumento de previsión social en la Iglesia española del siglo XXI. (Article) [124 2020/2]

RR 2004, 114-120: R. Kaslyn – J. M Ritty: Right of Cleric to Support. (Advisory Opinions) [94 2005/2]

RR 2005, 53-56: B. Daly: Equalization of Priests' Salaries. (Opinion) [96 2006/2]

SC 35 (2001), 403-420: F. G. Morrisey: Addressing the Issue of Clergy Abuse. (Article) [89 2003/1]

SC 45 (2011), 27-66: Phillip J. Brown: The Perils of Bankruptcy: Rights and Obligations Regarding Clergy Support. (Article) [108 2012/2]

SC 45 (2011), 121-164: André Muamba Kalala: Rémunération des clercs après le Concile. Le point du droit à la lumière de l'évolution du canon 281, §1 du Code de 1983. (Article) [108 2012/2]

William L. Daniel: Ministerium Iustitiae. Jurisprudence of the Supreme Tribunal of the Apostolic Signatura. (Book) (Gratianus, Wilson & Lafleur Montreal, 2011) [108 2012/2]

Canons 281-282

ACR XCI 1/14, 73-91: Brendan Daly: The Lifestyle of the Diocesan Priest in Relation to Poverty. (Article) [114 2015/2]

FCan VIII/2 (2013), 9-41: Mário Rui de Oliveira: A remuneração e sustentamento no Ministério do Presbítero e na vida da Igreja. (Article) [113 2015/1]

IE XV 2/03, 477-493: B. F. Pighin: Un progetto diocesano di assistenza ai sacerdoti bisognosi di aiuto in Italia. (Article) [93 2005/1]

Canons 281-286

VJTR 64 1/00, 48-57: J. Aseelan: The Poor and the Priest in the Code of Canon Law. (Article) [86 2001/2]

Canon 282

Per XCI 4/02, 571-604: Adolfo Zambon: Il consiglio evangelico della povertà nel ministero e nella vita del presbitero diocesano. (Article) [90 2003/2]

QDE 17 (2004), 81-110: Adolfo Zambon: Il presbitero e i beni materiali: un rapporto scontato? Alcune reflessioni a partire dal can. 282 §1. (Article) [93 2005/1]

QDE 26 (2013), 431-451: Adolfo Zambon: Il testamento del presbitero. (Article) [114 2015/2]

Canon 283

Ap LXXVI 1-2 (2003), 75-81: Congregatio pro Gentium Evangelizatione: Instructio 24.04.2001 "De vitanda quorundam clericorum vagatione". (Document) [94 2005/2]

CLSN 126/01, 22-27: Congregation for the Evangelisation of Peoples: Instruction on the Sending Abroad and Sojourn of Diocesan Priests from Mission Territories. (Document) [88 2002/2]

CLSN 126/01, 30-36: J. Jukes: Comment on the Instruction on the Sending Abroad and Sojourn of Diocesan Priests from Mission Territories. (Article) [88 2002/2]

Comm 33 (2001), 24-30: Congregatio pro Gentium Evangelizatione: Istruzione sull'invio e la permanenza all'estero dei sacerdoti del clero diocesano dei territori di missione. (Instruction) [103 2010/1]

IC XLII 84/02, 665-671: Congregación para la Evangelización de los Pueblos: Instrucción sobre el envío y la permanencia en el extranjero de los sacerdotes del clero diocesano de los territorios de misión. (Document) [91 2004/1]

IC XLII 84/02, 673-696: Piotr Majer: La promoción del espíritu misional genuino. Consideraciones en torno a la Instrucción de la Congregación para la Evangelización de los pueblos (25.IV.2001). (Article) [91 2004/1]

IE XIII 3/01, 834-840: Congregazione per l'Evangelizzazione dei Popoli: Instructio de vitanda quorumdam clericorum vagatione. (Document) [89 2003/1]

IE XIII 3/01, 840-848: L. Navarro: Alcune disposizioni riguardanti i chierici al di fuori della diocesi di incardinazione. Nota a due recenti documenti. (Commentary) [89 2003/1]

IE XIII 3/01, 856-858: Diocesi di Roma: Adempimenti obbligatori per i chierici che acquistano "domicilio" o "quasi-domicilio" nella diocesi di Roma. (Document) [89 2003/1]

IE XVII 1/05, 199-220: Anne Bamberg: Vacances et obligation de résidence de l'évêque diocésain. Réflexion autour de l'interprétation de canons. (Article) [95 2006/1]

Canon 284

AkK 170 (2001), 23-50: Wolfgang F. Rothe: De obligatione deferendi habitum ecclesiasticum. Die kirchlichen Bekleidungsvorschriften für Kleriker nach c. 284 CIC. (Article) [90 2003/2]

IE XXX (2018), 201-233: Massimo del Pozzo: Il valore e il significato dell’abito clericale: problematiche giuridiche. (Article) [121 2019/1]

ITS XL 4/03, 323-356: V. G. D'Souza: Religious Habit and Ecclesiastical Dress: Canon Law and Ecclesial Values. (Article) [92 2004/2]

J 73 (2013), 271-297: United States Conference of Catholic Bishops: Complementary Legislation to the Code of Canon Law. (Legislation) [111 2014/1]

REDC 70 (2013), 323-328: Carta Circular sobre el traje eclesiástico, a los Eminentísimos y Excelentísimos responsables de los Dicasterios, Tribunales y Oficinas de la Santa Sede y del Vicariato de Roma, 15 de octubre de 2012. Texto y comentario de José San José Prisco. (Document and comment) [111 2014/1]

RR 2005, 56-57: J. I. Donlon: Permanent Deacons Wearing Clerical Attire while Ministering. (Opinion) [96 2006/2]

Canon 285

AnC 3 (2007), 23-38: Józef Krukowski: Obowiązki i uprawnienia prawno-kanoniczne duchownych a ich prawa polityczne (Canonical-legal duties and powers of the clergy and their political rights). (Article) [105 2011/1]

CLSN 150/07, 7-10: Gordon Read: The Suspension of Bishop Fernando Lugo. (Article) [99 2008/1]

FCan III/2 (2008), 81-86: Elisa Araújo: Comentário ao cânon 287 §2: a proibição dos ministros sagrados em participar activamente em partidos políticos: o caso de Fernando Lugo, Presidente do Paraguai. (Comment) [103 2010/1]

FCan V/1 (2010), 155-160: Pedro María Reyes Vizcaíno: El clérigo y la actividad política (Article) [105 2011/1]

IC XXXVII 73/97, 295-310: Javier Martínez-Torrón: La ley española del jurado y la objeción de conciencia de clérigos y religiosos. (Article) [80 1998/2]

PCF VII (2005), 229-235: Jaime Achacoso: The Participation of Priests in Politics. (Article) [98 2007/2]

PCF IX (2007), 233-242: Leonardo Y. Medroso: Separation of Church and State: Its Impact on the Arena of Politics. (Article) [100 2008/2]

PCF X (2008), 111-140: Luis Navarro: The Ban on Priests from Active Participation in Political Parties and Assumption of Public Office. (Article) [109 2013/1]

PCF X (2008), 293-312: Hermogenes E. Bacareza: Priests and Religious Involved in Public Office: Implications. (View) [109 2013/1]

PCF XI (2009), 251-258: Jaime B. Achacoso: The Ban on Priests From Public Office. (Article) [103 2010/1]

Per XCII 3/03, 383-415: Gianfranco Ghirlanda: Celibato e adozione di minorenni da parte di chierici. (Article) [92 2004/2]

RfR 63 4/04, 427-431: E. McDonough: Religious Managing the Accounts of Others. (Article) [94 2005/2]

RR 2004, 7-8: Congregation for the Clergy: Civil Adoption by Clerics Obligated by the Law of Celibacy Prohibited. (Document) [94 2005/2]

RR 2005, 94-95: P. L. Golden: Appeal of a Decision of a Roman Dicastery to the Apostolic Signatura. (Opinion) [96 2006/2]

SC 33 (1999), 151-168: A. Thompson: The Afterlife of an Error: Hunting in the Decretalists (1190-1348). (Article) [83 2000/1]

SCL III (2007), 437-444: Victor D'Souza: A Question of Compatibility of Adoption of Children by Priests with their Commitment to Celibacy. (Opinion) [100 2008/2]

SPW 21 (2008), 51-74: Mariusz Grabowski: Prawne aspekty działalności publicznej duchownych (Legal aspects of the public activity of clergy). (Article) [122 2019/2]

Canons 285-286

SPW 21 (2008), 75-94: Jan Krajczyński: Prawno-kanoniczny zakaz podejmowania przez duchownych niektórych rodzajów działalności i jego znaczenie na gruncie prawa polskiego (Canon law prohibition on conducting certain kinds of activities by the clergy and its significance under Polish law). (Article) [122 2019/2]

Canons 285-289

AA XIII (2006), 119-135: Ariel David Busso: Los derechos y las obligaciones del clérigo en la sociedad civil a la luz del Código de Derecho Canónico. (Article) [99 2008/1]

Canon 286

IE VII 2/95, 693-712: V. de Paolis: La proibizione del commercio ai religiosi. (Article) [77 1997/1]

IusM IX/2015, 149-175: Pier Virginio Aimone: Il divieto di attività imprenditoriale per chierici. Norme di diritto missionario. (Article) [116 2016/2]

SC 56 (2022), 279-298: Merlin Rengith Ambrose: Clerics Practicing Commerce and Trade: The Canonical Implications of Canon 286. (Article) [129 2023/1]

Canon 287

AnC 3 (2007), 23-38: Józef Krukowski: Obowiązki i uprawnienia prawno-kanoniczne duchownych a ich prawa polityczne (Canonical-legal duties and powers of the clergy and their political rights). (Article) [105 2011/1]

BEF LXXXIII 3/07, 494-498: Javier González: Involvement in Politics of Associations of Christ's Faithful. (Consultation) [102 2009/2]

CLSN 150/07, 7-10: Gordon Read: The Suspension of Bishop Fernando Lugo. (Article) [99 2008/1]

ETJ 14 (2010), 156-172: Cosmas A. Ojemen: The Promotion of Peace and Reconciliation in Nigeria Through Justice: A Perspective from Canon 287. (Article) [106 2011/2]

FCan III/2 (2008), 81-86: Elisa Araújo: Comentário ao cânon 287 §2: a proibição dos ministros sagrados em participar activamente em partidos políticos: o caso de Fernando Lugo, Presidente do Paraguai. (Comment) [103 2010/1]

FCan V/1 (2010), 155-160: Pedro María Reyes Vizcaíno: El clérigo y la actividad política. (Article) [105 2011/1]

PCF VII (2005), 229-235: Jaime Achacoso: The Participation of Priests in Politics. (Article) [98 2007/2]

PCF IX (2007), 233-242: Leonardo Y. Medroso: Separation of Church and State: Its Impact on the Arena of Politics. (Article) [100 2008/2]

PCF X (2008), 111-140: Luis Navarro: The Ban on Priests from Active Participation in Political Parties and Assumption of Public Office. (Article) [109 2013/1]

PCF X (2008), 293-312: Hermogenes E. Bacareza: Priests and Religious Involved in Public Office: Implications. (View) [109 2013/1]

PCF XI (2009), 251-258: Jaime B. Achacoso: The Ban on Priests From Public Office. (Article) [103 2010/1]

SPW 21 (2008), 51-74: Mariusz Grabowski: Prawne aspekty działalności publicznej duchownych (Legal aspects of the public activity of clergy). (Article) [122 2019/2]

Canons 287-288

QDE 24 (2011), 178-188: Massimo Calvi: La militanza politica e la direzione di associazioni sindacali da parte di diaconi permanenti alla luce del diritto particolare. (Article) [108 2012/2]

Canon 288

IE XXX (2018), 201-233: Massimo del Pozzo: Il valore e il significato dell’abito clericale: problematiche giuridiche. (Article) [121 2019/1]

RR 2005, 56-57: J. I. Donlon: Permanent Deacons Wearing Clerical Attire while Ministering. (Opinion) [96 2006/2]

Canon 289

FCan V/1 (2010), 155-160: Pedro María Reyes Vizcaíno: El clérigo y la actividad política. (Article) [105 2011/1]

Canon 290

AA IX (2002), 39-50: A. D. Busso: La dimisión del estado clerical ex officio de los clérigos no idóneos que han cometido delito grave y rechazan pedirla pro gratia en relación con el período de su formación sacerdotal. (Seminar paper) [91 2004/1]

AC 57 (2016), 331-355: Philippe Toxé: L’iter processualis de la dispense des obligations de l’état clérical. (Article) [120 2018/2]

ACR LXXXIII 1/06, 82: Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith: Notice: Rev. Malcolm J. Broussard. (Document) [97 2007/1]

AkK 178 (2009), 369-395: Stephan Haering: Verlust des klerikalen Standes. Neue Rechtsentwicklungen durch päpstliche Sondervollmachten der Kongregation für des Klerus. (Article) [107 2012/1]

Ang 89 (2012), 201-222: Piotr Skonieczny: L'evoluzione della dispensa dal celibato ecclesiastico: alla ricerca dei suoi modelli giuridici. (Article) [109 2013/1]

BEF LXXX 843/04, 554-563: J. González: Readmission to the Priestly Ministry. (Consultation) [94 2005/2]

Canonist 9/2 (2018), 177-203: Rikardus Jehaut: Loss of the Clerical State by a Rescript of Dispensation: Procedural Norms and Responsibilities of the Diocesan Bishop. (Article) [122 2019/2]

CLSN 134/03, 6-7: Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments: New Faculties to Local Ordinaries of Laicised Priests, 2 March 2001. (Document) [92 2004/2]

CLSN 134/03, 8-16: Catholic Bishops' Conference of England and Wales: DTI Discussion Document on Employment Status in Relation to Statutory Employment Rights. (Document) [92 2004/2]

CLSN 134/03, 17-20: G. Read: The Employment Status of Catholic Clergy. (Comment) [92 2004/2]

CLSN 160/09, 36-50: Congregation for the Clergy: Special Faculties: Dismissal from the Clerical State. (Document and commentaries) [106 2011/2]

CLSN 162/10, 9-15: Congregation for the Clergy: Application of Special Faculties. (Document) [106 2011/2]

CLSN 172 (2012), 36-42: Victor G. D'Souza: Priest After Sex Change Surgery: Male to Female? (Article) [110 2013/2]

IC 50/100 (2010), 659-683: Marek Golab: Facultades especiales para la dimisión del estado clerical (Congregación para el Clero de 30 de enero de 2009). Análisis y comentario. (Document and commentary) [106 2011/2]

IC 51/101 (2011), 69-101: Davide Cito: La pérdida del estado clerical ex officio ante las actuales urgencias pastorales. (Lecture) [107 2012/1]

IE XV 1/03, 306-313: Congregazione del Culto Divino e della Disciplina dei Sacramenti: De regulis servandis ad nullitatem ordinationis declarandam, 16 ottobre 2001. (Document) [92 2004/2]

IE XXIII 1/11, 229-251: Congregazione per il Clero: Lettera Circolare per l'applicazione delle tre "Facoltà speciali" concesse il 30 gennaio 2009 dal Sommo Pontefice (con nota di Francesco Pappadia, Ambito e procedimento di applicazione delle Facoltà speciali della Congregazione per il Clero). (Documents and commentary) [108 2012/2]

Ius Comm IX (2021), 109-126: Giuseppe Sciacca: Notas sobre la dimisión del Obispo del estado clerical. (Article) [127 2022/1]

J 54 (1994), 605-616: Michael Souchar: Return to Ministry of Dispensed Priests. (Article) [76 1996/2]

KIP 5 (18) 2016, 247-263: Michał Aniszewski: Kara wydalenia ze stanu duchownego (The penalty of dismissal from the clerical state). (Article) [117 2017/1]

N XXXVIII 1-2/02, 15-26: Congregatio de Cultu Divino et Disciplina Sacramentorum: De Regulis servandis ad nullitatem ordinationis declarandam. (Decree) [89 2003/1]

N XL 11-12/04, 618-626: D. Sorrentino: Procedure canoniche e prospettive teologico-spirituali. (Address) [95 2006/1]

N XLI 3-4/05, 135-203: Congregatio de Cultu Divino et Disciplina Sacramentorum: L'Adunanza "Plenaria" della Congregazione per il Culto Divino e la Disciplina dei Sacramenti. (Report) [95 2006/1]

Per 99 (2010), 1-33: Damián G. Astigueta: Facoltà concesse alla Congregazione per il Clero. (Article) [105 2011/1]

QDE 28 (2015), 444-457: Alberto Perlasca: L’invalidità della sacra ordinazione. (Votum and comment) [117 2017/1]

REDC 67 (2010), 255-294: Federico R. Aznar Gil: La expulsión del estado clerical por procedimiento administrativo. (Article) [106 2011/2]

REDC 67 (2010), 391-400: Carta circular de la Congregación para el Clero de 18 de abril de 2009, por la que se comunican las facultades especiales concedidas a los Ordinarios por el Romano Pontífice el 30 de enero de 2009 en relación a la expulsión del estado clerical. Texto en castellano. (Document) [106 2011/2]

REDC 67 (2010), 923-933: Congregación para el Clero: Carta a los Ordinarios sobre la aplicación de las facultades especiales concedidas a la Congregación para el Clero por el Sumo Pontífice el 30 de enero de 2010 (17 de mayo de 2010). Texto en castellano y comentario de Federico R. Aznar Gil. (Document and commentary) [107 2012/1]

REDC 70 (2013), 603-623: José San José Prisco: El proceso de nulidad de la Ordenación. (Conference presentation) [112 2014/2]

RMDC 16 (2010), 150-158: Congregación para el Clero: Líneas procesales para tratar los casos de dimisión del Estado clerical a los que se refiere la Carta circular de la Congregación para el Clero del 18 de abril de 2009. (Document) [105 2011/1]

RR 2004, 126-127: Charlene Cram: Laicized Priest as Parish Life Director. (Advisory Opinion) [94 2005/2]

RR 2005, 10: Congregation for the Clergy: Change of Competence in Laicization Cases. (Document) [96 2006/2]

RR 2005, 89-91: W. H. Woestman: Dismissal from the Clerical State for the Sexual Abuse of a Minor. (Opinion) [96 2006/2]

SC 33 (1999), 169-212: G. Ingels: Dismissal from the Clerical State: An Examination of the Penal Process. (Article) [83 2000/1]

SC 49 (2015), 379-410: Robert J. Kaslyn: Canon 290 and Loss of the Clerical State. (Article) [115 2016/1]

SCL V (2009), 45-68: Congregation for the Clergy: Circular Letter on Special Faculties and Procedure for Laicizing Some Priests. (Document and commentaries) [105 2011/1]

SCL V (2009), 69-78: Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples: Special Faculties to the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples. (Document) [105 2011/1]

SCL V (2009), 277-296: John A. Renken: The 2009 Special Faculties Conceded by Pope Benedict XVI to Address Serious Clergy Issues: A Brief Commentary. (Commentary) [105 2011/1]

Canons 290-291

Per XCIV 4/05, 647-680: E. Lohse: The origin and nature of the suspension ad cautelam of article 4 of the 1980 Normae procedurales for dispensations from celibacy – part 1. (Article) [96 2006/2]

Per VC 1/06, 69-107: Edward Lohse: The origin and nature of the suspension ad cautelam of article 4 of the 1980 Normae procedurales for dispensations from celibacy – part 2. (Article) [97 2007/1]

Patricia M. Dugan (ed.): Advocacy Vademecum. (Book) (Wilson & Lafleur, Montreal, 2006) [97 2007/1]

Canons 290-292

AnC 7 (2011), 199-233: Piotr Skionieczny: Skutki prawne reskryptu papieskiego udzielającego dyspensy od obowiązku celibatu kapłańskiego (Legal effects of a Papal rescript dispensing from the obligation of celibacy). (Article) [109 2013/1]

FCan III/2 (2008), 81-86: Elisa Araújo: Comentário ao cânon 287 §2: a proibição dos ministros sagrados em participar activamente em partidos políticos: o caso de Fernando Lugo, Presidente do Paraguai. (Comment) [103 2010/1]

FCan XIII/1 (2018), 93-103: Manuel Fernando Sousa e Silva: Dispensa das obrigações sacerdotais. (Article) [123 2020/1]

IC XLIX 97/09, 265-288: Joaquín Sedano: Crónica de Derecho Canónico del año 2008. (Compilation) [103 2010/1]

IC 51/101 (2011), 373-396: Joaquín Sedano: Crónica de Derecho Canónico del año 2010. (Compilation) [107 2012/1]

QDE 24 (2011), 233-251: Egidio Miragoli: La perdita dello stato clericale e la dispensa dal celibato. (Article) [108 2012/2]

QDE 24 (2011), 415-436: Andrea Migliavacca: Le facoltà speciali concesse alla Congregazione per il clero. (Article) [109 2013/1]

Canons 290-293

AA VIII (2001), 263-274: C. I. Heredia: La dispensa de las obligaciones sacerdotales. Algunas modificaciones en las condiciones. (Document) [89 2003/1]

Canonist 11/1 (2020), 31-54: Brendan Daly: Dismissal from the Clerical State. (Article) [125 2021/1]

CLSN 112/97, 40-44: G. Read: A Comment on the Recent Circular Letter from the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments concerning Dispensation from Priestly Obligations and of Deacons from the Impediment of Orders. (Article) [81 1999/1]

CLSN 137/04, 37-44: G. Read: Departure from the Clerical State and Return to Ministry. (Comment) [94 2005/2]

FThC VII (2018), 149-159: Péter Erdö: La perdita dello stato clericale secondo la disciplina ecclesiastica fino al V secolo. (Article) [123 2020/1]

IC 61/122 (2021), 733-765: Jordi Bertomeu: La praxis de la CDF sobre la dispensa de las obligaciones clericales: El n. 157 del «Vademécum». (Article) [128 2022/2]

IE VIII 1/96, 390-424: National Conference of Catholic Bishops (United States): Canonical Delicts Involving Sexual Misconduct and Dismissal from the Clerical State, 25 April l994. (Instruction) [78 1997/2]

IE XXIV 3/12, 609-622: Luis Navarro: La dimissione dallo stato clericale in via amministrativa. (Article) [110 2013/2]

Ius 11, No. 2 (2020), 165-186: Thomas Mathew Adoppillil: Procedural Norms for the Laicization of Clerics. (Article) [127 2022/1]

QDE 24 (2011), 387-414: Marino Mosconi: Il vescovo davanti al sacerdote che abbandona il ministero. (Article) [109 2013/1]

SC 54 (2020), 291-322: W. Becket Soule: Bishops and the Loss of the Clerical State. (Article) [125 2021/1]

Mario Medina Balam – Luis de Jesús Hernández Mercado (eds.): La dimisión del estado clerical y su normativa canónica más reciente. (Book) (Universidad Pontificia de México, 2012) [110 2013/2]

Canon 291

AnC 6 (2010), 255-279: Piotr Skonieczny: Zakaz wykonywania święceń w postępowaniu o udzielenie dyspensy od obowiązku celibatu kapłańskiego (The prohibition on exercising the power of order in the procedure for dispensation from the obligation of celibacy). (Article) [108 2012/2]

Ang 87 (2010), 329-348: Piotr Skonieczny: La dispensa dal celibato ecclesiastico: l'unità scomparsa della normativa? (Article) [105 2011/1]

Ap LXVII 3-4 (1994), 497-564: V. Ferrara: L'istituto canonico della dispensa pontificia dal celibato e dagli altri obblighi dell'ordinazione. (Article) [77 1997/1]

IE XXXIV (2022), 649-688: Tribunale Apostolico della Rota Romana: Nullitatis matrimonii – impedimento d’ordine sacro, impedimento di voto pubblico perpetuo di castità emesso in un istituto, difetto di libertà interna – Sentenza di primo grado – 12 gennaio 2021 (n. 1/2021) – Giordano Caberletti, Ponente, con commento di Santiago Vigo, Sull’esigenza di certezza morale circa la non avvenuta dispensa dall’impedimento. (Sentence and comment) [130 2023/2]

Canon 292

CLSN 134/03, 6-7: Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments: New Faculties to Local Ordinaries of Laicised Priests, 2 March 2001. (Document) [92 2004/2]

CLSN 162/10, 27-30: Vatican Press Office: Dismissal from the Clerical State of Archbishop Milingo. (Document and commentary) [106 2011/2]

Comm 41 (2009), 338-341: Bollettino della Sala Stampa della Santa Sede: Nuntius de Emmanuelis Milingo dimissione e statu clericali (lingua italica una cum versione anglica). (Document) [104 2010/2]

Canon 293

SC 41 (2007), 493-506: Michael Martine: Readmission to the Clerical State after Voluntary Laicization. (Article) [102 2009/2]

Canon 294

ACR LXXXIX 2/12, 221-232: John Flader: Opus Dei in the Church. (Article) [110 2013/2]

IC XXXIX 77/99, 59-84: Valentín Gómez-Iglesias C.: Génesis de la Constitución Apostólica «Ut sit». (Article) [84 2000/2]

Canons 294-295

REDC 70 (2013), 719-723: Papa Francisco: Modificación del artículo 5 de las Normas Complementarias a la Constitución Apostólica de Benedicto XVI Anglicanorum Coetibus. (Document and commentary) [112 2014/2]

Canons 294-296

Comm 54 (2022), 369-371: Pope Francis: Lettera Apostolica in forma di Motu Proprio “Ad charisma tuendum”, 14 luglio 2022. (Document) [130 2023/2]

Canons 294-297

AA V (1998), 81-134: C. I. Heredia: El Opus Dei y sus tribunales. (Article) [83 2000/1]

AkK 176 (2007), 62-76: Philipp Ernst Gudenus: Die Personalprälatur als kirchliche Zirkumskription personaler Natur. (Article) [101 2009/1]

Ap LXXVI 3-4 (2003), 727-747: C. Tammaro: Animadversiones quaedam de circumscriptionibus non territorialibus in disciplina iuridica vigenti. (Article) [96 2006/2]

Ap LXXVIII 3-4 (2005), 921-938: Ciro Tammaro: Profili storici della Mission de France nel contesto organizzativo ecclesiastico. (Article) [100 2008/2]

IC XXXIV 68/94, 703-717: Arturo Cattaneo: El Opus Dei en la Iglesia: Una profundización en su realidad eclesiológica, espiritual y apostólica. (Review article) [76 1996/2]

IC XXXVII 74/97, 749-763: Antonio Viana: La prelatura personal en la estructura constitutional de la Iglesia. Observaciones sobre un libro reciente. (Review) [80 1998/2]

IC XXXIX 77/99, 85-122: Antonio Viana: Contenidos del derecho particular del Opus Dei. (Article) [84 2000/2]

IC XXXIX 78/99, 574-604: Jorge Miras: Tradición canónica y novedad legislativa en el concepto de prelatura. (Article) [84 2000/2]

IC XL 79/00, 289-306: Antonio Viana: El contexto doctrinal sobre las prelaturas personales. (Review article) [86 2001/2]

IC XLI 82/01, 731-752: José R. Villar: Organica cooperatio. A propósito de un libro sobre el Opus Dei. (Review article) [90 2003/2]

IC XLI 82/01, 607-629: Miquel Delgado Galindo: Los principios de territorialidad y personalidad y las circunscripciones eclesiásticas personales. (Article) [90 2003/2]

IC XLII 83/02, 361-362: Juan Pablo II: Audiencia a los participantes en el encuentro sobre la « Novo Millennio Ineunte » promovido por la Prelatura del Opus Dei, 17.III.2001. (Address) [91 2004/1]

IC XLII 83/02, 363-388: Jorge Miras: Notas sobre la naturaleza de las prelaturas personales. A propósito de un discurso de Juan Pablo II. (Commentary) [91 2004/1]

IC XLIII 85/03, 51-86: Eduardo Baura: Movimientos migratorios y derechos de los fieles en la Iglesia. (Article) [92 2004/2]

IC XLIII 85/03, 169-183: Javier Hervada: El significado original del término « prælatus ». (Article) [92 2004/2]

IC XLV 90/05, 667-691: Ciro Tammaro: Riflessioni sul senso e l'ambito di applicazione del can. 294 CIC. Un'analisi logica e teleologica della norma. (Article) [96 2006/2]

IC XLVIII 95/08, 141-182: Antonio Viana: Pasado y futuro de las prelaturas personales. (Article) [101 2009/1]

IC 50/99 (2010), 165-200: Eduardo Baura: Las circunscripciones eclesiásticas personales. El caso de los ordinariatos personales para fieles provenientes del anglicanismo. (Article) [105 2011/1]

IC 58/116 (2018), 611-634: Luis Navarro: Nuevos movimientos eclesiales. Naturaleza de los carismas, cuestiones jurídicas y límites. (Article) [122 2019/2]

IE VII 2/95, 799-810: Bolla pontificia di elevazione alla dignità dell'Episcopato del Prelato dell'Opus Dei, 21 novembre 1994 (con nota di V. Gómez-Iglesias C., Circa l'elevazione all'Episcopato del secondo Prelato dell'Opus Dei. (Document and commentary) [77 1997/1]

IE XV 1/03, 3-38: A. Cattaneo: Le diverse configurazioni della Chiesa particolare e le comunità complementari. (Article) [92 2004/2]

IE XX 2/08, 285-297: Javier Echevarría: La configurazione giuridica dell'Opus Dei prevista da S. Josemaría. (Conference presentation) [102 2009/2]

IE XX 2/08, 299-323: Valentín Gómez-Iglesias: San Josemaría Escrivá e la prospettiva dell'Opus Dei come Prelatura personale. (Conference presentation) [102 2009/2]

IE XX 2/08, 325-343: Eduardo Baura: Finalità e significato dell'erezione della prelatura personale dell'Opus Dei. (Article) [102 2009/2]

IE XXXI (2019), 289-302: Carlos José Errázuriz M.: Reflexiones sobre la unidad esencial entre el carisma del Opus Dei y su dimensión institucional constitutiva. (Article) [123 2020/1]

Ius Comm III (2015), 245-259: Julián Herranz: La razón pastoral de las prelaturas personales: consideraciones a los 50 años del Concilio Vaticano II. (Article) [116 2016/2]

KIP 6 (19) 2017, nr. 1, 55-73: Małgorzata Turek: Prałatura personalna w Kodeksie Prawa Kanonicznego z 1983 roku (The personal prelature in the 1983 Code of Canon Law). (Article) [119 2018/1]

PCF VII (2005), 29-64: Jaime Achacoso: The Hierarchical Nature of Personal Prelatures. (Article) [98 2007/2]

PCF IX (2007), 243-250: Agustin T. Opalalic: A Proposed Ecclesiastical Structure to Respond to the Pastoral Needs of the Filipino Overseas Workers. (Article) [100 2008/2]

PCF XII (2010), 29-68: Jaime B. Achacoso: Shepherding an Itinerant Flock: Towards a Personal Prelature for OFWs. (Article) [108 2012/2]

R XIX 36/03, 176-188: A. Viana, Law and Spirit. On the 20th anniversary of the establishment of Opus Dei as a personal Prelature. (Article) [92 2004/2]

SC 39 (2005), 129-145: Dominique Le Tourneau: Le peuple propre de la prélature de l'Opus Dei. (Article) [97 2007/1]

SC 49 (2015), 501-527: Kurt Martens: Quod Superest Date Pauperibus. Incardination of Clerics and a Better Distribution of Clergy as a Road to Personal Prelatures? (Article) [115 2016/1]

Juan Ignacio Arrieta: Governance Structures within the Catholic Church. (Book) (Wilson & Lafleur, Montreal, 2000) [85 2001/1, 98 2007/2]

Ernest Caparros: The Juridical Mind of Saint Josemaría Escrivá: A Brief History of the Canonical Path of Opus Dei. (Book) (Wilson & Lafleur, Montreal, 2007) [99 2008/1]

Arturo Cattaneo: Unità e varietà nella comunione della Chiesa locale. (Book) (Marcianum Press, Venezia, 2006) [97 2007/1]

Paul Hayward (ed.): Studies on the Prelature of Opus Dei. On the twenty-fifth anniversary of the Apostolic Constitution "Ut sit". (Book) (Gratianus, Wilson & Lafleur, Montreal, 2009) [103 2010/1]

Javier Hervada: Pensieri di un canonista nell'ora presente. (Book) (Marcianum Press, Venezia, 2007) [99 2008/1]

Jean-Pierre Schouppe (ed.): Études sur la prelature de l'Opus Dei. À l'occasion du vingt-cinquième anniversaire de la constitution apostolique "Ut sit". (Book) (Gratianus, Wilson & Lafleur, Montreal, 2009) [103 2010/1]

Canon 295

FCan VII/1 (2012), 107-118: Miguel Falcão: A incardinação do clero na Prelatura do Opus Dei. (Communication) [110 2013/2]

IC 55/109 (2015), 315: Decreto de nombramiento del Vicario Auxiliar de la Prelatura del Opus Dei, 9 de diciembre de 2014. (Document) [115 2016/1]

IC 55/109 (2015), 317-344: Valentín Gómez-Iglesias C.: La figura del Vicario Auxiliar, prevista por el derecho de la Iglesia para la Prelatura del Opus Dei. (Comment) [115 2016/1]

IE XXVII (2015), 233-243: Prelatura dell'Opus Dei: Decreto di nomina di Vicario Ausiliare, 9 dicembre 2014 (con nota di Eduardo Baura, Commento al decreto di nomina di un "vicario ausiliare" per la prelatura dell'Opus Dei). (Document and comment) [115 2016/1]

William L. Daniel: Ministerium Iustitiae. Jurisprudence of the Supreme Tribunal of the Apostolic Signatura. (Book) (Gratianus, Wilson & Lafleur Montreal, 2011) [108 2012/2]

Canons 295-296

FThC XII (2023), 47-94: Julio García Martín: Las prelaturas personales (Parte I). (Article) [133 2025/1]

Canon 296

Canonist 9/2 (2018), 204-219: Marcus Francis: The Situation of Laity under a proposed Personal Prelature of the Society of St Pius X. (Article) [122 2019/2]

Canon 298

AA XXIII (2017, vol. II), 401-424: Juan Lisandro Scarabino: El derecho de asociación de los fieles: ¿es una novedad del Código? (Article) [121 2019/1]

AC 54 (2012), 31-279: Colloque « Nature, grâce et droit canonique », 15-16 novembre 2012. (Conference) [114 2015/2]

Ap LXXVII 3-4 (2004), 809-833: Paolo Gambi: Cavalleria e nobiltà nell'ordinamento canonico vigente. Cenni minimi. (Article) [100 2008/2]

CpR LXXXV 1-2/04, 107-133: S. Montoya Martín del Campo: Il dovere di tendere alla santità nella vita consacrata e l'associazione dei fedeli. (Article) [93 2005/1]

FCan XVII/2 (2022), 41-60: Pablo Ormazábal Albistur: La subjetividad jurídica de los movimientos y nuevas comunidades eclesiales. Algunas perspectivas abiertas por la carta Iuvenescit Ecclesia. (Article) [130 2023/2]

FThC IV (2016) Suppl., 211-244: Kinga Vadász: Preguntas y desafíos canónicos en relación con los movimientos eclesiales y nuevas comunidades. (Article) [118 2017/2]

IC XXXVIII 76/98, 571-594: Arturo Cattaneo: Los movimientos eclesiales. Cuestiones eclesiológicas canónicas. (Article) [82 1999/2]

IC 50/99 (2010), 83-128: Miguel Rodríguez Blanco: Medidas de fomento y promoción en materia de asociaciones de fieles: régimen fiscal y mecenazgo. (Article) [105 2011/1]

IE XXI 3/09, 569-584: Luis Navarro: I nuovi movimenti ecclesiali nel magisterio di Benedetto XVI. (Lecture) [105 2011/1]

J 76 (2016), 19-42: Markus Graulich: The Relationship between the State of Consecrated Life and the New Ecclesial Movements. Canonical Remarks. (Article) [117 2017/1]

Mem XXIV/00, 177-207: J. Jiménez Vázquez: El camino neocatecumenal. (Conference presentation) [89 2003/1]

NRT 136 (2014), 577-595: Dominique Waymel: Les mouvements et associations de fidèles dans l'ecclésiologie de Joseph Ratzinger. (Article) [114 2015/2]

Per 101 (2012), 7-65: Gianfranco Ghirlanda: Movimenti ecclesiali e istituti di vita consacrata nella Chiesa e nella società di oggi. (Article) [110 2013/2]

VC XXXVIII 2/02, 140-152: F. Ciardi: Gli istituti di vita consacrata e i movimenti ecclesiali insieme per la causa del Regno. (Article) [90 2003/2]

Andrea Ganci: La questione della consacrazione dei fedeli nei Movimenti Ecclesiali. Stato attuale e prospettive future. (Book) (Edizioni Santa Croce, Rome, 2018) [130 2023/2]

Canons 298-301

Verg 13 (2021), 167-184: Shutaro Takeda: Canon Law and knighthood appointment in modern times. (Article) [128 2022/2]

Canons 298-311

BEF LXXXI 847/05, 282-284: J. González: Couples for Christ: What is its Present Status? (Consultation) [95 2006/1]

J 62 (2002), 92-113: Rose McDermott: The Neocatechumenal Way: Background, Exposition, and Canonical Analysis of the Statute. (Article) [93 2005/1]

Proc CLSA 2008, 237-256: Robert Oliver: Associations of the Faithful in the Communion of the Local Church. (Seminar paper) [102 2009/2]

Canons 298-320

IE XXXIII (2021), 307-331: Miguel Delgado Galindo: Ordini equestri e diritto canonico: annotazioni per un inquadramento giuridico. (Article) [127 2022/1]

Canons 298-326

IC 58/116 (2018), 611-634: Luis Navarro: Nuevos movimientos eclesiales. Naturaleza de los carismas, cuestiones jurídicas y límites. (Article) [122 2019/2]

Canons 298-329

AA XII (2005), 183-216: Marcelo Colombo: Asociación de fieles: de la renovación al porvenir. (Article) [97 2007/1]

AA XIV (2007), 98-130: Marcelo Daniel Colombo: Los nuevos movimientos eclesiales en su encuadramiento canónico en la Iglesia particular. (Article) [102 2009/2]

AC 42 (2000), 152-166: G. Feliciani: Quel statut canonique pour les nouvelles communautés? (Article) [88 2002/2]

ADC 2 (abril 2013), 129-161: Carlos López Segovia: La “Debita Relatio”, consecuencias jurídicas de una interpretación literal en el Derecho Canónico de Asociación. (Article) [121 2019/1]

AkK 173 (2004), 465-478: Heribert Schmitz: Der Päpstliche Rat für die Laien und die Internationalen Vereinigungen von Glaubigen. (Article) [98 2007/2]

AkK 174 (2005), 353-379: Helmuth Pree: Par cum pari. Rechtliche Implikationen des ökumenischen Dialogs. (Article) [98 2007/2]

AkK 174 (2005), 456-477: Norbert Lüdecke: Kirchenrechtliche Ordnung und Verortung des „Allgemeinen Cäcilien-Verbands für Deutschland (ACV)". (Article) [98 2007/2]

AkK 175 (2006), 32-67: Ulrich Rhode: Rechtliche Anforderungen an die Kirchlichkeit katholischer Vereinigungen und Einrichtungen. (Article) [100 2008/2]

Ap LXXIII (2000), 227-244: J. Abbass: Associations of the Christian Faithful in CIC and CCEO. (Article) [90 2003/2]

Comm 53 (2021), 390-397: Ex Actis Francisci Pp.: Allocutio ad participes conventui “Incontro dei moderatori delle associazioni di fedeli, dei movimenti ecclesiali e delle nuove communità” a Dicasterio pro laicis familia et vita promoti, die 16 septembris 2021. (Address) [129 2023/1]

EE 81 (2006), 761-788: Teodoro Bahíllo Ruiz: La adhesión a las nuevas formas asociativas eclesiales desde los diversos estados de vida. (Article) [98 2007/2]

FCan V/1 (2010), 21-34: Manuel Pinho Ferreira: A personalidade jurídica das associações de fiéis. (Article) [105 2011/1]

FCan V/1 (2010), 35-44: Jorge Manuel Faria Guarda: Critérios de eclesialidade das associações de fiéis. (Article) [105 2011/1]

FCan V/1 (2010), 45-70, 115-138: Sebastião Pires Ferreira: Os bens temporais das associações de fiéis. (Article) [105 2011/1]

FCan XVI/2 (2021), 75-81: Papa Francisco: Saudação aos participantes no encontro dos moderadores das associações de fiéis, dos movimentos eclesiais e das novas comunidades. (Address) [129 2023/1]

FThC VI (2017), 149-170: Kinga Vadász: La normativa vigente sobre las asociaciones privadas, públicas y civiles. (Article) [120 2018/2]

IC 50/99 (2010), 31-82: Carmen Peña García: Las asociaciones de fieles: su regulación en la legislación canónica particular española. (Article) [105 2011/1]

IC 50/99 (2010), 129-161: María Areitio: Asociaciones de fieles y vida consagrada: distintas relaciones y sus perspectivas canónicas. (Article) [105 2011/1]

IC 62/123 (2022), 179-218: Montserrat Gas-Aixendri: La aplicación del principio de igualdad de género a las entidades asociativas de la Iglesia católica. Conflictos reales y falsos conflictos. (Article) [129 2023/1]

IE XI 3/99, 771-797: L. Navarro: Le forme tipiche di associazione dei fedeli. (Article) [85 2001/1]

IE XVI 1/04, 239-250: M. Rivella: Problematiche attuali circa il riconoscimento delle associazioni di fedeli in Italia. (Lecture) [95 2006/1]

J 61 (2001), 213-318: R. W. Oliver: Canonical Requisites for Establishing Associations for the Faithful. (Article) [92 2004/2]

J 62 (2002), 294-311: Roch Pagé: Associations of Christ's Faithful: Selected Issues. (Article) [93 2005/1]

J 67 (2007), 227-244: Sharon Holland: New Societies for a New World. (Article) [99 2008/1]

J 70 (2010), 86-113: Robert W. Oliver: Associations of the Faithful in the Antepreparatory and Preparatory Phases of Vatican II. (Article) [105 2011/1]

J 70 (2010), 434-454: Robert W. Oliver: Associations of the Faithful During the Conciliar Phase of Vatican II. (Article) [106 2011/2]

Per XCII 4/03, 533-588: P. A. Bonnet: La distinzione tra pubblico e privato in ambito associazionistico e il problema della riqualificazione delle associazioni costituite anteriormente al Codice del 1983. (Article) [92 2004/2]

Proc CLSA 1998, 132-149: R. McDermott: Associates and associations joined to religious institutes. (Seminar Paper) [85 2001/1]

PS XXXVII 111/02, 279-295: L. Navarro: The Typical Forms of the Association of the Faithful. (Article) [90 2003/2]

RMDC 10 1/04, 7-44: J. L. Roque Pérez: Análisis y comentarios al nuevo Reglamento de la ley de Asociaciones Religiosas y Culto Público en México. (Article) [93 2005/1]

RMDC 25/2 (2019), 355-404: Julián Alejandro Valencia Estrella: Los movimientos eclesiales al servicio de la Iglesia particular. (Article) [125 2021/1]

SC 57 (2023), 99-128: Philip Gerard Milligan: Freedom of Association, Ecclesial Communion, and the Discernment of Charisms. (Conference presentation) [131 2024/1]

Miguel Delgado Galindo: Charismes, mouvements ecclésiaux et associations de fidèles. (Book) (Gratianus, Wilson & Lafleur, Montreal, 2014) [117 2017/1]

Javier Hervada: Pensieri di un canonista nell'ora presente. (Book) (Marcianum Press, Venezia, 2007) [99 2008/1]

M. Bonaventure Higgins: A Novus Habitus Mentis: Canon Law as Empowerment of Communio with Particular Application to Selected New Ecclesial Communities and Associations. (Book) (Edwin Mellen Press, Lewiston NY/Lampeter, 2014) [113 2015/1]

Li Jingren: Le associazioni dei fedeli cristiani in Cina. Storia e contesti della Diocesi de Xianxian. (Book) (Urbaniana University Press, Rome, 2020) [125 2021/1]

Luis Navarro: Persone e soggetti nel diritto della Chiesa. Temi di diritto della persona. (Book) (Apollinare Studi, Roma, 2000) [85 2001/1]

Lluis Martínez Sistach: Las asociaciones de fieles (4ª edición revisada y ampliada). (Book) (Facultat de Teologia de Catalunya, Barcelona, 2000) [86 2001/2]

Lluis Martínez Sistach: Las asociaciones de fieles (5ª edición ampliada). (Book) (Facultat de Teologia de Catalunya, Barcelona, 2004) [93 2005/1]

Lluís Martínez Sistach: Le associazioni di fedeli. (Book) (Edizioni San Paolo, Milano, 2006) [97 2007/1]

Lluís Martínez Sistach: Associations of Christ's Faithful. (Book) (Wilson & Lafleur, Montreal, 2008) [102 2009/2]

Canon 299

Ap XCIII (2020), 267-277: Patrick Valdrini: Le associazioni lodate e raccomandate nel CIC del 1983. Una proposta de iure condendo. (Article) [133 2025/1]

IE IX 1/97, 265-287: L. Navarro: La tutela dei soggetti senza personalità giuridica canonica. (Lecture) [80 1998/2]

IE XXXIII (2021), 623-650: Supremo Tribunale della Segnatura Apostolica, 21 maggio 1988, Prot. n. 17916/84 CA, Demolizione della Chiesa Parrocchiale Y (Comitato per il mantenimento della Chiesa parrocchiale Y – Congregazione per il Clero), con un commento di Javier Canosa, L’impugnazione del decreto di demolizione di una Chiesa da parte di un gruppo di fedeli. (Decree and comment) [128 2022/2]

Per LXXXIX 4/00, 531-563 and Per XC 1/01, 3-43: P. A. Bonnet: La "recognitio" degli statuti delle associazioni private quale garanzia di pluralismo nella Chiesa (c. 299 §3 CIC). (Article) [87 2002/1]

Per XCIII 1/04, 7-64: P. A. Bonnet: La distinzione tra pubblico e private in ambito associazionistico e il problema della riqualificazione delle associazioni costituite anteriormente al Codice del 1983. Seconda parte. (Article) [93 2005/1]

QDE 27 (2014), 321-351: Marino Mosconi: Le associazioni canoniche: tipologia; riconoscimento canonico o erezione; esame degli statuti. (Article) [114 2015/2]

QDE 31 (2018), 215-224: Alberto Perlasca: Can. 1737: il diritto di un gruppo di fedeli alla legittimazione attiva per proporre un ricorso gerarchico contro il decreto del proprio vescovo. (Article) [121 2019/1]

William L. Daniel: Ministerium Iustitiae. Jurisprudence of the Supreme Tribunal of the Apostolic Signatura. (Book) (Gratianus, Wilson & Lafleur Montreal, 2011) [108 2012/2]

Canon 300

EIC 54 (2014), 311-337: Matteo Visioli: Quando una organizzazione caritativa può dirsi "cattolica"? Considerazioni sul motu proprio «Intima Ecclesiae natura». (Article) [114 2015/2]

J 62 (2002), 131-158: Elissa A. Rinere: Catholic Identity and the Use of the Name "Catholic". (Article) [93 2005/1]

REDC 68 (2011), 939-943: Comunicado de la Santa Sede sobre la desaparecida Unión Católica Internacional de Periodistas, 17 de julio de 2011. (Document and commentary) [108 2012/2]

TS LVIII 1/97, 90-108: Charles E. Curran: The Catholic Identity of Catholic Institutions. (Note) [79 1998/1]

Canon 301

Ius Comm III (2015), 95-118: Antonio Ciudad Albertos: La distinción público-privado en las asociaciones canónicas de fieles: nuevas perspectivas para la reforma del derecho de la Iglesia. (Article) [115 2016/1]

Per XCIII 1/04, 7-64: P. A. Bonnet: La distinzione tra pubblico e private in ambito associazionistico e il problema della riqualificazione delle associazioni costituite anteriormente al Codice del 1983. Seconda parte. (Article) [93 2005/1]

QDE 17 (2004), 25-40: Carlo Redaelli: Le persone giuridiche come strumenti per organizzare le attività diocesane e parrocchiali. (Article) [93 2005/1]

Canon 302

EE 92 (2017), 657-681: José Antonio Hernández Vázquez: De Sociedad de Vida Apostólica a Asociación de Fieles Pública Clerical: un camino a transitar. (Article) [120 2018/2]

IE XXX (2018), 651-673, 735-736: Miguel Delgado Galindo: Movimenti ecclesiali e incardinazione dei chierici: a proposito dell’erezione di un’associazione clericale con facoltà di incardinare. (Document and comment) [122 2019/2]

J 73 (2013), 439-462: Rose McDermott: Associations of the Faithful Becoming Religious Institutes or Societies of Apostolic Life: Responsibilities of Diocesan Bishops (Canon 579). (Article) [112 2014/2]

QDE 33 (2020), 417-433: Alberto Perlasca: L’incardinazione nei movimenti ecclesiali e nelle associazioni. Qualche novità? (Article) [126 2021/2]

REDC 68 (2011), 813-837: José San José Prisco: Las asociaciones clericales como estructura de incardinación. Un caso práctico: La Hermandad de Sacerdotes Operarios Diocesanos del Corazón de Jesús. (Article) [108 2012/2]

SC 46 (2012), 375-400: Luis Navarro: Clergy and New Ecclesial Movements. Juridical Issues. (Article) [110 2013/2]

Canon 303

Ang 86 (2009), 625-668: Tomasz Wytrwał: The Legal Relation of the Dominican Family to The Order of Preachers. (Article) [103 2010/1]

EE 93 (2018), 875-892: Raquel Pérez Sanjuán: Asociaciones de fieles y consagración: a propósito del art. 7 del Estatuto del Dicasterio para los laicos, la familia y la vida. (Article) [122 2019/2]

PS LII 156 (2017), 631-684: Florentino Bolo Jr.: Rediscovering the Place of the Secular Priests in the Order of Preachers. (Article) [119 2018/1]

QDE 19 (2006), 406-415: Sergio La Pegna: Le associazioni di fedeli unite agli istituti religiosi (can. 677 §2). (Article) [98 2007/2]

SC 33 (1999), 441-472: D. M. Cerullo: A Canonical Study of Lay Associate Programs. (Article) [84 2000/2]

VC XXXIII 1/97, 51-65: M. Zago: Laici associati nel contesto ecclesiale. (Article) [78 1997/2]

VC XXXIII 6/97, 643-675: G. F. Poli: Religiosi e laici: osare la svolta. Il tempo dell'età adulta per tutti. (Article) [80 1998/2]

VC XXXIV 1/98, 16-43: G. F. Poli: Religiosi e laici: osare la svolta. Il tempo dell'età adulta per tutti [Part II]. (Article) [82 1999/2]

VC XXXIV 3/98, 255-277: G. F. Poli: Laici: spettatori o protagonisti? Analisi della situazione. (Article) [82 1999/2]

VC XLII 5/06, 497-510: Sergio La Pegna: Le associazioni di laici legate agli Istituti religiosi. L'approvazione e le fasi degli inizi. (Article) [98 2007/2]

VieC 74 1/02, 9-24: N. Hausman: Apropos des laïcs associés. (Article) [90 2003/2]

VieC 74 3/02, 178-198: J. Regnard: Le charisme cistercien a l'épreuve des laïcs. Les laïcs associés: aperçu général. (Article) [90 2003/2]

Canon 304

AC 52 (2010), 271-284: Miguel Delgado Galindo: Les statuts des associations de fidèles. (Article) [109 2013/1]

AkK 174 (2005), 380-416: Heribert Hallermann: Seelsorgliche Raumplanung als Teil der bischöflichen Hirtensorge. (Article) [98 2007/2]

AkK 182 (2013), 103-160: Bernhard Sven Anuth: Der Neokatechumenale Weg: Erfolgreich, innovativ, umstritten. Zur Institutionalisierung einer „Bewegung" in der römisch-katolischen Kirche. (Article) [113 2015/1]

Canon 305

AC 52 (2010), 257-270: Miguel Delgado Galindo: L'exercice de la vigilance de l'autorité ecclésiastique à l'égard des associations de fidèles. (Article) [109 2013/1]

ADC 8 (abril 2019), 15-87: Carlos López Segovia: Instrumentos jurídico-canónicos para la vigilancia de las entidades eclesiales en las Iglesias Particulares. (Article) [123 2020/1]

BEF LXXXIII 5/07, 721-730: Javier González: Do Episcopal Conferences have Supervisory Competence over Private Associations of the Faithful? (Consultation) [102 2009/2]

Comm 53 (2021), 137-144: Dicasterium pro laicis, familia et vita: Decretum generale “Le associazioni di fedeli, che disciplina l’esercizio del governo nelle associazioni internazionali di fedeli, private e pubbliche, e negli altri enti con personalità giuridica soggetti alla vigilanza diretta del medesimo Dicastero”, 3 iunii 2021. (Document) [128 2022/2]

Comm 53 (2021), 230-237: Ulrich Rhode: “Per regolamentare la rappresentatività degli organi di governo”, Articulus explanans Decretum generale “Le associazioni di fedeli”, ab P. Ulrich Rhode, Decano Facultatis Iuris Canonici Pontificiae Universitatis Gregorianae conscriptus, 11 iunii 2021. (Article) [128 2022/2]

EIC 63 (2023), 743-761: Emile Kouveglo: Principio di rappresentatività e accesso al voto nelle associazioni dei fedeli. Profili canonistici. (Article) [132 2024/2]

IC 62/123 (2022), 359-397: Supremo Tribunal de la Signatura Apostólica: 1. Decreto por el que se admite la suspensión parcial del Decreto del Pontificio consejo para los Laicos, de 24 de mayo de 2011; 2. Decreto por el que se admite el recurso contra parte del Decreto del Pontificio consejo para los Laicos, de 20 de enero de 2012; 3. Sentencia sobre el recurso admitido contra parte del Decreto del Pontificio consejo para los Laicos, de 20 de junio de 2013: Jesús Bogarín Díaz: Cuestiones conflictivas de Derecho cofrade. Comentario a tres resoluciones del Supremo Tribunal de la Signatura Apostólica. (Documents and comment) [129 2023/1]

IE XXXV (2023), 473-505: Elisa Lisiero: Tipologie di associazioni internazionali di fedeli: un tentativo di classificazione. (Article) [132 2024/2]

Ius Comm IX (2021), 219-229: Lluís Martínez Sistach: Comentario al Decreto “Las asociaciones de fieles” del Dicasterio para los Laicos, la Familia y la Vida del 11 de junio de 2021. (Comment) [128 2022/2]

Ius Comm IX (2021), 255-275: Antonio Ciudad Albertos: Debita cum auctoritate ecclesiastica relatione servata. Apunte histórico para entender la nueva normativa sobre asociaciones de fieles. (Article) [128 2022/2]

Ius Comm X (2022), 29-46: Antonio Ciudad Albertos: Debita cum auctoritate ecclesiastica relatione servata. Apunte histórico para entender la nueva normativa sobre asociaciones de fieles (II). (Article) [129 2023/1]

Mem XXIV/00, 177-207: J. Jiménez Vázquez: El camino neocatecumenal. (Conference presentation) [89 2003/1]

REDC 66 (2009), 721-739: Tribunal Supremo de la Signatura Apostólica: Decreto sobre el nombramiento de un Comisario pontificio para la Asociación Lumen Dei (12 de septiembre de 2008); Resolución al recurso contra el Decreto de 14 de mayo de 2008 (18 de junio de 2009). (Documents and commentary) [105 2011/1]

REDC 68 (2011), 939-943: Comunicado de la Santa Sede sobre la desaparecida Unión Católica Internacional de Periodistas, 17 de julio de 2011. (Document and commentary) [108 2012/2]

SCL VI (2010), 129-170: Michael-Andreas Nobel: The Responsibility of a Diocesan Bishop towards Diocesan Associations. (Article) [107 2012/1]

Canon 307

AnC 6 (2010), 139-154: Arnold Chrapkowski: Udział osób konsekrowanych w ruchach kościelnych (The participation of consecrated persons in ecclesial movements). (Article) [108 2012/2]

Canon 308

Ap LXXXIX (2016), 371-411: Supremum Signaturae Apostolicae Tribunal: 1. Prot n. 47637/13 CA, Dimissionis a consociatione ( N. – Pontificium Consilium pro Laicis): a) Decretum Praefecti, 10 ianuarii 2014; b) Decretum definitivum, 22 octobris 2014; 2. Prot n. 49014/14 CA, Reductionis ecclesiae in usum profanum (Adv. N. et alii – Congregatio pro Clericis): a) Decretum Secretarii, 2 augusti 2014; b) Decretum Congressus, 27 martii 2015; Cristian Begus: Adnotationes in Decreta. (Decrees and comment) [121 2019/1]

Canon 310

IE IX 1/97, 265-287: L. Navarro: La tutela dei soggetti senza personalità giuridica canonica. (Lecture) [80 1998/2]

Per LXXXVI 4/97, 677-711: R. J. Barrett: The non-recognised Association and its Capacity to act in Court. (Article) [80 1998/2]

Per LXXXVII 1/98, 39-79: R. J. Barrett: The non-recognised Association and its Capacity to act in Court [Part II]. (Article) [82 1999/2]

QDE 17 (2004), 6-24: Alberto Perlasca: «Oltre le persone fisiche nella Chiesa ci sono...»: i soggetti dell'ordinamento canonico diversi dalle persone fisiche. (Article) [93 2005/1]

Rosemary Smith – Warren Brown – Nancy Reynolds (eds.): Sponsorship in the United States Context: Theory and Praxis. (Book) (Canon Law Society of America, 2006) [97 2007/1]

Canon 311

QDE 19 (2006), 406-415: Sergio La Pegna: Le associazioni di fedeli unite agli istituti religiosi (can. 677 §2). (Article) [98 2007/2]

REDC 69 (2012), 585-612: José Carlos Bermejo: Reorganización de hospitales, centros asistenciales y pastoral de la salud. (Lecture) [110 2013/2]

SC 33 (1999), 441-472: D. M. Cerullo: A Canonical Study of Lay Associate Programs. (Article) [84 2000/2]

Canon 312

Ap LXXXII 3-4 (2009), 797-820: Giuseppi Rigosi: Considerazioni sullo Statuto definitivo del Cammino Neocatecumenale. (Article) [106 2011/2]

Clar ITVC n.s. 13, 62 (2022), 315-331: Marta Balog: Le sfide dell’istituzionalizzazione di nuove fondazioni. (Article) [130 2023/2]

Comm 44 (2012), 72-78: Secretaria Status: Decretum Generale quo statutum institutionis cui nomen est Caritas Internationalis renovatur. (Document) [110 2013/2]

Comm 44 (2012), 129-132: O. Neves De Almeida: Articulus explanans decretum quo statutum institutionis cui nomen est Caritas Internationalis renovatur, a Osvaldo Neves De Almeida conscriptus. (Article) [110 2013/2]

Comm 53 (2021), 137-144: Dicasterium pro laicis, familia et vita: Decretum generale “Le associazioni di fedeli, che disciplina l’esercizio del governo nelle associazioni internazionali di fedeli, private e pubbliche, e negli altri enti con personalità giuridica soggetti alla vigilanza diretta del medesimo Dicastero”, 3 iunii 2021. (Document) [128 2022/2]

IC 50/99 (2010), 9-29: Miquel Delgado Galindo: Asociaciones internacionales de fieles. (Article) [105 2011/1]

IE XXXIII (2021), 623-650: Supremo Tribunale della Segnatura Apostolica, 21 maggio 1988, Prot. n. 17916/84 CA, Demolizione della Chiesa Parrocchiale Y (Comitato per il mantenimento della Chiesa parrocchiale Y – Congregazione per il Clero), con un commento di Javier Canosa, L’impugnazione del decreto di demolizione di una Chiesa da parte di un gruppo di fedeli. (Decree and comment) [128 2022/2]

Armand P. Bosso – Ernest B.O. Okonkwo (eds.): “Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?” Studi in onore di Giacomo Incitti. (Book) (Urbaniana University Press, Vatican City, 2021) [128 2022/2]

Canons 312-320

Comm 51 (2019), 95-100: Secretaria Status: Decretum Generalis sodalicii Caritas Internationalis. (Document) [123 2020/1]

FCan V/2 (2010), 53-75, 99-104: Miguel Delgado Galindo: Público y Privado en el Derecho Canónico: el caso de las Misericordias Portuguesas. (Documents and commentary) [106 2011/2]

IE XVII 1/05, 293-302: Giovanni Paolo II: Lettera Durante l'ultima cena per il riconoscimento della personalità giuridica canonica pubblica a Caritas Internationalis, 16 settembre 2004 (con nota di J. Miñambres: Status giuridico-canonico di Caritas Internationalis). (Document and commentary) [96 2006/2]

REDC 68 (2011), 455-465: Conferencia Episcopal Portuguesa. Decreto general para las Misericordias. Texto en español y comentario. (Federico R. Aznar Gil). (Document and commentary) [107 2012/1]

SCL VIII (2012), 407-416: Augustine Mendonça: What Procedure is to be Followed When All Members of a Public Clerical Association of Diocesan Right decide to Found a new Religious Institute in Another Diocese? (Article) [111 2014/1]

Canon 313

AkK 180 (2011), 37-63: Andreas Weiß: Geistliche Bewegung oder gnostische ,,Sekte mit frommem Augenaufschlag"? Nicht nur kanonistische Anmerkungen zu kirchlichen Aktivitäten um das Engelwerk. (Article) [109 2013/1]

Comm 42 (2010), 354-356: Congregatio pro Doctrina Fidei: Epistula circularis respiciens Ordinem Angelorum ad praesides Conferentiarum episcopalium missa. (Document) [107 2012/1]

IE XXXV (2023), 473-505: Elisa Lisiero: Tipologie di associazioni internazionali di fedeli: un tentativo di classificazione. (Article) [132 2024/2]

Ius Comm III (2015), 95-118: Antonio Ciudad Albertos: La distinción público-privado en las asociaciones canónicas de fieles: nuevas perspectivas para la reforma del derecho de la Iglesia. (Article) [115 2016/1]

Canon 314

AkK 174 (2005), 380-416: Heribert Hallermann: Seelsorgliche Raumplanung als Teil der bischöflichen Hirtensorge. (Article) [98 2007/2]

QDE 27 (2014), 321-351: Marino Mosconi: Le associazioni canoniche: tipologia; riconoscimento canonico o erezione; esame degli statuti. (Article) [114 2015/2]

Canon 315

REDC 70 (2013), 637-652: María J. Roca: Ámbito de libertad y límites en las declaraciones emitidas por las Asociaciones públicas de los fieles. (Article) [112 2014/2]

Canon 316

QDE 20 (2007), 35-59: Marino Mosconi: L'abbandono pubblico o notorio della Chiesa e in particolare l'abbandono con atto formale. (Article) [99 2008/1]

Kevin Otieno Mwandha: Defection from the Catholic Church in Kenya. “Do You Also Want to Leave?” (Jn 6:67). (Book) (Christian World Imprints, New Delhi, 2024) [132 2024/2]

Canon 317

BEF LXXXIII 3/07, 494-498: Javier González: Involvement in Politics of Associations of Christ's Faithful. (Consultation) [102 2009/2]

Canon 318

IC XLIX 97/09, 265-288: Joaquín Sedano: Crónica de Derecho Canónico del año 2008. (Compilation) [103 2010/1]

IE XXXIV (2022), 233-256: Raffaele Santoro – Federico Gravino: Associazioni di fedeli, commissariamento e rimozione del moderatore. (Article) [129 2023/1]

REDC 66 (2009), 721-739: Tribunal Supremo de la Signatura Apostólica: Decreto sobre el nombramiento de un Comisario pontificio para la Asociación Lumen Dei (12 de septiembre de 2008); Resolución al recurso contra el Decreto de 14 de mayo de 2008 (18 de junio de 2009). (Documents and commentary) [105 2011/1]

Armand P. Bosso – Ernest B.O. Okonkwo (eds.): “Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?” Studi in onore di Giacomo Incitti. (Book) (Urbaniana University Press, Vatican City, 2021) [128 2022/2]

Canon 319

EIC 60 (2020), 93-111: Maria d’Arienzo: La responsabilità giuridica degli enti morali nel diritto canonico. (Article) [125 2021/1]

Canon 320

Juan Ignacio Arrieta (ed.): Enti ecclesiastici e controllo dello Stato. Studi sull'Istruzione CEI in materia amministrativa. (Book) (Marcianum Press, Venezia, 2007) [99 2008/1]

William L. Daniel: Ministerium Iustitiae. Jurisprudence of the Supreme Tribunal of the Apostolic Signatura. (Book) (Gratianus, Wilson & Lafleur Montreal, 2011) [108 2012/2]

Canon 321

AC 43 (2001), 139-172: H. Gleizes: L'exercise de la charité et le droit: l'exemple de deux institutions confessionelles. (Article) [91 2004/1]

Clar ITVC n.s. 13, 62 (2022), 315-331: Marta Balog: Le sfide dell’istituzionalizzazione di nuove fondazioni. (Article) [130 2023/2]

Canons 321-326

AC 53 (2011), 319-340: Hervé Miayoukou: Droit canonique des associations privées de fidèles: quelle actualisation depuis l'innovation de la codification de 1983? Contexte français. (Article) [113 2015/1]

IC XLVII 94/07, 441-463: Eduardo Molano: El principio de autonomía privada y sus consecuencias canónicas. (Article) [100 2008/2]

Ius Comm XI (2023), 63-112: Juan Manuel Cabezas Cañavete: Regulación canónica de los dones carismáticos en los nuevos grupos eclesiales: unas sugerencias de actuación desde la Carta Iuvenescit Ecclesia. (Article) [131 2024/1]

Canons 321-329

BEF LXXXI 847/05, 282-284: J. González: Couples for Christ: What is its Present Status? (Consultation) [95 2006/1]

Canon 322

IE XXXIII (2021), 623-650: Supremo Tribunale della Segnatura Apostolica, 21 maggio 1988, Prot. n. 17916/84 CA, Demolizione della Chiesa Parrocchiale Y (Comitato per il mantenimento della Chiesa parrocchiale Y – Congregazione per il Clero), con un commento di Javier Canosa, L’impugnazione del decreto di demolizione di una Chiesa da parte di un gruppo di fedeli. (Decree and comment) [128 2022/2]

QDE 27 (2014), 321-351: Marino Mosconi: Le associazioni canoniche: tipologia; riconoscimento canonico o erezione; esame degli statuti. (Article) [114 2015/2]

Canons 322-323

Per 112 (2023), 337-347: Marco Billeri: Conflitti tra associazioni private dei fedeli e autorità ecclesiastica. Uno studio sulla tensione tra autonomia e legittima vigilanza. (Extract of thesis) [132 2024/2]

Canon 323

Comm 45 (2013), 112-113: Secretariat of State: Rescriptum ex audientia SS.mi respiciens consociationem publicam fidelium quae appellatur "Hermanas de San Juan y Santo Domingo". (Document) [112 2014/2]

REDC 66 (2009), 721-739: Tribunal Supremo de la Signatura Apostólica: Decreto sobre el nombramiento de un Comisario pontificio para la Asociación Lumen Dei (12 de septiembre de 2008); Resolución al recurso contra el Decreto de 14 de mayo de 2008 (18 de junio de 2009). (Documents and commentary) [105 2011/1]

Canon 325

AC 57 (2016), 357-378: Dominique Le Tourneau: Quelques remarques sur la notion de «biens ecclésiastiques». (Article) [120 2018/2]

EE 90 (2015), 701-721: Raquel Pérez Sanjuán: El régimen de los bienes de las asociaciones privadas de fieles: de la normativa codicial a su concreción estatutaria. (Article) [116 2016/2]

Canons 325-326

Ius Comm III (2015), 121-149: Supremum Signaturae Apostolicae Tribunal: Decreto definitivo, 9 mayo 2008 (Supresión de una asociación y destino de sus bienes); Roberto Serres López de Guereñu: Comentario al Decreto definitivo de la Signatura Apostólica, 9 de mayo de 2008. (Decree and comment) [115 2016/1]

Canon 326

Canonist 14/1 (2023), 118-138: Brendan Daly: Scandal in the 1983 Code of Canon Law. (Article) [131 2024/1]

REDC 68 (2011), 939-943: Comunicado de la Santa Sede sobre la desaparecida Unión Católica Internacional de Periodistas, 17 de julio de 2011. (Document and commentary) [108 2012/2]

Juan Ignacio Arrieta (ed.): Enti ecclesiastici e controllo dello Stato. Studi sull'Istruzione CEI in materia amministrativa. (Book) (Marcianum Press, Venezia, 2007) [99 2008/1]

William L. Daniel: Ministerium Iustitiae. Jurisprudence of the Supreme Tribunal of the Apostolic Signatura. (Book) (Gratianus, Wilson & Lafleur Montreal, 2011) [108 2012/2]