Book IV Part I Title V

The reference after each entry is to the printed issue of "Canon Law Abstracts" in which a summary of the article is provided.
(See Subscriptions for further details.)

Canon 998

AkK 170 (2001), 383-401: Libero Gerosa: Laien und Heilungsdienst in der Kirche. Kanonistische Aspekte. (Article) [91 2004/1]

CLSN 128/01, 31-43: Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith: Instruction on Prayers for Healing. Doctrinal Aspects and Disciplinary Norms. (Document) [90 2003/2]

CLSN 128/01, 44-46: G. Read: Comment on the Healing Ministry. (Article) [90 2003/2]

N XXXI 3/95, 127-138; Conferentiae Episcoporum: Belgium: L'accompagnement des malades à l'approche de la mort. (Article) [75 1996/1]

QDE 9 (1996), 295-313: Eugenio Zanetti: A chi conferire il Sacramento dell'Unzione degli infermi? (Article) [78 1997/2]

Éric Besson: La dimension juridique des sacraments. (Doctoral thesis) (Editrice Pontificia Università Gregoriana, Roma, 2003) [94 2005/2]

Canons 998-1007

AnC 5 (2009), 213-230: Marek Zaborowski: Sakrament namaszczenia chorych w aspekcie prawno-historycznym (Anointing of the Sick: Legal and Historical Aspects). (Article) [107 2012/1]

Ang 99 (2022), 215-229: Ryan Connors: Holy Anointing Makes Holy Suffering. (Dissertation) [130 2023/2]

Comm 31 (1999), 53-163: Ex Actis Pontificiae Commissionis CIC Recognoscendo. (Report) [84 2000/2]

FThC III 25/17 (2014), 231-245: Szabolcs Anzelm Szuromi: Crystallization process of the ecclesiastical discipline regarding the sacrament of extreme unction and its canon law historical sources. (Article) [114 2015/2]

N LI 7-12/15, 459-479: J. Hermans: Die Dimension Der Barmherzigkeit in Ordo Unctionis Infirmorum. (Article) [117 2017/1]

Proc CLSA 2001, 127-146: J. Huels: Ministry to the Sick and Dying in View of the Shortage of Priests. (Seminar paper) [89 2003/1]

Proc CLSA 2001, 233-254: S. K. Woods: Anointing of the Sick – Theological Issues. (Seminar paper) [89 2003/1]

QDE 9 (1996), 272-294: Massimo Calvi: Il Sacramento dell'Unzione degli infermi: celebrazione e ministro. (Article) [78 1997/2]

SCL IV (2008), 81-108: Thomas Green: Selected Issues in Divine Worship/Sacraments in the Latin and Eastern Codes: A Comparative Study. (Article) [102 2009/2]

Assemblée des Évêques catholiques du Québec: Guide canonique et pastoral au service des paroisses / Assembly of Quebec Catholic Bishops: Canonical and Pastoral Guide for Parishes. (Book) (Gratianus, Wilson & Lafleur, Montreal, 2006) [97 2007/1]

Elias Frank: I sacramenti dell’iniziazione, della penitenza e dell’unzione degli infermi. Commento ai canoni 834-1007 del Codice di Diritto Canonico. (Book) (Urbaniana University Press, Rome, 2018) [121 2019/1]

John Huels: The Pastoral Companion. A Canon Law Handbook for Catholic Ministry. (Book) (Gratianus, Wilson & Lafleur, Montreal, 2009) [103 2010/1]

John Huels: The Pastoral Companion. A Canon Law Handbook for Catholic Ministry. (Book) (Gratianus, Wilson & Lafleur, Montreal, 2016) [117 2017/1]

Sebastian S. Karambai: Ministers and Ministries in the Local Church. (Book) (St Pauls, Mumbai, 2005) [96 2006/2]

Sebastian S. Karambai: Ministers and Ministries in the Local Church. A Comprehensive Guide to Ecclesiastical Norms, Second Revised and Updated Edition. (Book) (St Pauls, Mumbai, 2015) [115 2016/1]

William H. Woestman: Canon Law of the Sacraments for Parish Ministry. (Book) (St Paul University, Ottawa, 2007) [100 2008/2]

Canons 999-1007

PK XLI 1-2/98, 93-113: W. Góralski, P. Wiśniewski: Sprawowanie sakramentu namaszczenia chorych w uchwałach synodów polskich po Soborze Watykańskim II. (Article) [82 1999/2]

Canon 1001

SC 52 (2018), 375-405: Louise Charbonneau: Le suicide assisté (euthanasie) et l’accès aux sacrements: considérations canoniques et pastorales. (Article) [122 2019/2]

Canon 1003

Comm 37 (2005), 175-179: Congregatio pro Doctrina Fidei: Adnotatio de Ministro Sacramenti Unctionis Infirmorum. (Note) [104 2010/2]

For XVI 2/05, 333-338: Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith: On the minister of the Anointing of the Sick (see also N XLI 9-10/05, 479-483: Congregatio pro Doctrina Fidei: Nota circa il Ministro del Sacramento dell'Unzione degli Infermi). (Note) [97 2007/1]

HPR 1/99, 69: W. B. Smith: Ad hoc anointings by lay people? (Reply) [82 1999/2]

QDE 24 (2011), 169-177: Giuliano Brugnotto: Alcune conseguenze pratiche per il diaconato permanente dal motu proprio Omnium in mentem. (Article) [108 2012/2]

RR 2005, 19-23: Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith: Only Priests Validly Administer the Sacrament of the Sick. (Document and commentary) [96 2006/2]

SC 32 (1998), 5-46: J. M. Huels: Interpreting an Instruction Approved in forma specifica. (Article) [81 1999/1]

Canon 1004

HPR 10/01, 72-74: W. B. Smith: Execution and anointing. (Response) [92 2004/2]

HPR 10/02, 66-67: W. B. Smith: Anointing Infants? (Response) [92 2004/2]

Proc CLSA 2010, 249-266: Myriam Wijlens: Interchurch Marriages and Pastoral Care in Sickness: A Canonical Consideration. (Lecture) [110 2013/2]

QDE 9 (1996), 295-313: Eugenio Zanetti: A chi conferire il Sacramento dell'Unzione degli infermi? (Article) [78 1997/2]

Dominique Le Tourneau: La dimension juridique du sacré. (Book) (Gratianus, Wilson & Lafleur, Montreal, 2012) [109 2013/1]

Canons 1004-1005

RR 2003, 69-70: I. Burgess – P. J. Vere: Administering the Anointing of the Sick to the Mentally and Cognitively Challenged. (Advisory Opinion) [94 2005/2]

Arthur J. Espelage (ed.): CLSA Advisory Opinions 2001-2005. (Book) (Canon Law Society of America, 2006) [97 2007/1]

Canons 1004-1006

FThC III 25/17 (2014), 135-151: Bronislaw W. Zubert: Unctio infirmorum pro infantibus? (Article) [114 2015/2]

Canons 1004-1007

KIP 5 (18) 2016, 161-179: Andrzej Kumor: Podmiot sakramentu namaszczenia chorych (The recipient of the sacrament of anointing of the sick). (Article) [117 2017/1]

KIP 6 (19) 2017, nr. 2, 163-175: Kamil Niedziałkowski: Udzielenie sakramentu namaszczenia chorych bez zgody przyjmującego – aspekty cywilno-kanoniczne (The sacrament of anointing of the sick without the consent of the recipient – civil and canonical aspects). (Article) [120 2018/2]

SC 52 (2018), 375-405: Louise Charbonneau: Le suicide assisté (euthanasie) et l’accès aux sacrements: considérations canoniques et pastorales. (Article) [122 2019/2]

Canon 1006

HPR 7/00, 67-68: W. B. Smith: Habitual Intention. (Response) [86 2001/2]