The reference after each entry is to the printed issue of "Canon Law Abstracts" in which a summary of the article is provided.
(See Subscriptions for further details.)
AkK 171 (2002), 38-71: Thomas Stubenrauch: Der Heilige Geist Als Trager der Liturgie im CIC/1983. (Article) [92 2004/2]
CLSN 203/23, 92-125: Ilaria Zuanazzi: The character of baptism and confirmation: the foundations of the common priesthood of the faithful between law and spirituality. (Article) [131 2024/1]
FThC III 25/17 (2014), 173-187: Michael Carragher: The sacrament of confirmation and personal development. (Article) [114 2015/2]
QDE 29 (2016), 203-219: Fabio Marini: La confermazione, «in intima connessione con tutta l’iniziazione cristiana», è sorgente di doveri e diritti propri. (Article) [117 2017/1]
REDC 61 (2004), 9-39: Dionisio Borobio García: La Iniciación Cristiana y el catecumenado. (Article) [94 2005/2]
Éric Besson: La dimension juridique des sacraments. (Doctoral thesis) (Editrice Pontificia Università Gregoriana, Roma, 2003) [94 2005/2]
Comm 31 (1999), 53-163: Ex Actis Pontificiae Commissionis CIC Recognoscendo. (Report) [84 2000/2]
IM 30 (2019), nr. 2, 29-47: Zbigniew Janczewski: Prawo o sakramentach wtajemniczenia chrześcijańskiego jako imperatyw budujący communio familiaris. (Canon law regarding the sacraments of Christian initiation as an imperative to build family communion). (Article) [127 2022/1]
SCL III (2007), 327-350: Jose Chiramel: Sacraments of Initiation in the Latin and Eastern Codes: a Comparative Study. (Article) [100 2008/2]
Assemblée des Évêques catholiques du Québec: Guide canonique et pastoral au service des paroisses / Assembly of Quebec Catholic Bishops: Canonical and Pastoral Guide for Parishes. (Book) (Gratianus, Wilson & Lafleur, Montreal, 2006) [97 2007/1]
Elias Frank: I sacramenti dell’iniziazione, della penitenza e dell’unzione degli infermi. Commento ai canoni 834-1007 del Codice di Diritto Canonico. (Book) (Urbaniana University Press, Rome, 2018) [121 2019/1]
John Huels: The Pastoral Companion. A Canon Law Handbook for Catholic Ministry. (Book) (Gratianus, Wilson & Lafleur, Montreal, 2009) [103 2010/1]
John Huels: The Pastoral Companion. A Canon Law Handbook for Catholic Ministry. (Book) (Gratianus, Wilson & Lafleur, Montreal, 2016) [117 2017/1]
Sebastian S. Karambai: Ministers and Ministries in the Local Church. (Book) (St Pauls, Mumbai, 2005) [96 2006/2]
Sebastian S. Karambai: Ministers and Ministries in the Local Church. A Comprehensive Guide to Ecclesiastical Norms, Second Revised and Updated Edition. (Book) (St Pauls, Mumbai, 2015) [115 2016/1]
William H. Woestman: Canon Law of the Sacraments for Parish Ministry. (Book) (St Paul University, Ottawa, 2007) [100 2008/2]
QDE 29 (2016), 143-155: Giuliano Brugnotti: La riserva della confermazione al vescovo nei primi secoli. (Article) [117 2017/1]
QDE 29 (2016), 156-175: Marino Mosconi: «Da chi sei stato cresimato?» La riserva al vescovo nella celebrazione della confermazione: la facoltà e il crisma. (Article) [117 2017/1]
QDE 29 (2016), 176-202: Fabio Franchetto: La riserva al vescovo del conferimento della confermazione nella teologia conciliare dell’ episcopato. (Article) [117 2017/1]
BEF LXXXV 4/09, 405-409: Javier González: Valid Administration of the Sacrament of Confirmation by a Priest. (Consultation) [105 2011/1]
Arthur J. Espelage (ed.): CLSA Advisory Opinions 2001-2005. (Book) (Canon Law Society of America, 2006) [97 2007/1]
AkK 182 (2013), 426-446: Wolfgang F. Rothe: Redaktionelle Versehen im Motu proprio ,,Summorum pontificum". Eine Anfrage an die kirchliche Rechtskultur. (Article) [115 2016/1]
BEF LXXX 845/04, 93-106: J. González: Faculties to Exercise Some Pastoral Functions in the Diocese. (Consultation) [95 2006/1]
SC 40 (2006), 293-348: John M. Huels: The Supply of the Faculty to Confirm in Common Error. (Article) [99 2008/1]
S 83 (2021), 152-162: Kevin Otieno Mwandha: Supplet Ecclesia: l’Istituto giuridico della supplenza della potestà esecutiva. (Article) [127 2022/1]
SCL I (2005), 21-24: Congregation for the Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments: Letter. (Reply) [96 2006/2]
N XXXV 3-4/99, 160-161: Congregatio de Cultu Divino et Disciplina Sacramentorum: Responsa ad dubia proposita. (Reply) [83 2000/1]
AC 47 (2005), 111-118: Jean Passicos: Rapports droit général et particulier: l'admission d'une fidèle adolescente au sacrement de confirmation. Une contribution diocésaine imposée aux paroisses confiées à des religieux. (Article) [98 2007/2]
AnC 18 (2022) 2, 95-116: Bartosz Trojanowski: Możliwość udzielenia sakramentu bierzmowania osobom z niepełnosprawnością intelektualną (The possibility of administering the sacrament of confirmation to persons with intellectual disabilities). (Article) [131 2024/1]
Per 111 (2022), 587-619: Michele Munno: Reciprocità tra fede e sacramento della confermazione: considerazioni sul documento della Commissione Teologica Internazionale. (Article) [131 2024/1]
AA III (1996), 275-282: Carlos I. Heredia: El orden de los sacramentos de iniciación. (Article) [80 1998/2]
CLSN 124 4/00, 40-42: Letter of the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments. (Document) [87 2002/1]
CLSN 124 4/00, 43-44: G. Read: Pastoral Policies on the Administration of the Sacraments. (Comment) [87 2002/1]
Comm 32 (2000), 12-14: Congregatio de Cultu Divino et Disciplina Sacramentorum: Litterae Congregationis de recursu ut puellam ob maturitatem suam et profectum fidei ad sacramentum confirmationis admittitur. (Document) [103 2010/1]
IC XLIV 87/04, 87-112: Francisca Pérez-Madrid: El derecho a recibir el sacramento de la confirmación y el requisito de la preparación debida. (Article) [94 2005/2]
IE XXVI (2014), 711-735: Diocèse de Dijon: Orientations pastorales: «Le sacrement de la confirmation seconde étape de l'initiation chrétienne» (con nota di D. Le Tourneau, Un retour vers l'ordre traditionnel de l'administration des sacrements de l'initiation chrétienne). (Document and comment) [114 2015/2]
QDE 34 (2021), 425-443: Fabio Franchetto: «Ricevi il sigillo dello Spirito... Amen»: fede e confermazione. (Article) [129 2023/1]
REDC 61 (2004), 87-114: T. Rincón Pérez: El ministro de la confirmación, edad y preparación debida del confirmando. (Article) [94 2005/2]
N XXXI 3/95, 105126: C. Maggioni: Linee per un'azione educativa degli adolescenti dopo la Confermazione. (Article) [75 1996/1]
CLSN 125/01, 107-110: G. Read: Age of Confirmation. Limitations on the Power of the Bishop. (Article) [88 2002/2]
Ius V 1/14, 23-41: Astrid Kaptijn: Some Current Latin Practices Concerning the Sacrament of Confirmation: An Occasion for Rapprochement of the Latin and Eastern Traditions. (Article) [114 2015/2]
J 73 (2013), 271-297: United States Conference of Catholic Bishops: Complementary Legislation to the Code of Canon Law. (Legislation) [111 2014/1]
N XXXV 11-12/99, 537-540: Congregatio de Culto Divino et Disciplina Sacramentorum: Litterae Congregationis. (Reply) [85 2001/1]
Proc CLSA 1997, 163-203: M. Smith Foster: The promotion of the canonical rights of children. (Seminar Paper) [85 2001/1]
REDC 66 (2009), 587-614: José San José Prisco: Actualidad de la iniciación cristiana en la parroquia. (Conference presentation) [105 2011/1]
SCL I (2005), 21-24: Congregation for the Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments: Letter. (Reply) [96 2006/2]
TS LVII 2/96,302-312: William J. Levada: Reflections on the Age of Confirmation. (Article) [77 1997/1]
AnC 13 (2017), 109-138: Piotr Majer: Chrzestni, świadkowie bierzmowania i świadkowie zawarcia małżeństwa. Perspektywa ekumeniczna (Godparents, sponsors for confirmation and witnesses for marriage. Ecumenical perspective). (Article) [120 2018/2]
RMDC 19 (2013), 381-412: Mario Medina Balam: Las parejas homosexuales y los sacramentos de iniciación cristiana. (Article) [113 2015/1]
FI 4 (2005), 159-188: Janusz Gręźlikowski: Wymiar prawny pozostawania katolika w związku niesakramentalnym (The legal aspects of a Catholic in a non-sacramental relationship). (Article) [100 2008/2]
OAK XL 1/93, 80-99: H. Paarhammer: Streiflichter der rechtsgeschichtlichten Entwicklung des Patenamtes von den Anfängen bis zum Konzil von Trient. (Article) [75 1996/1]
QDE 25 (2012), 202-218: Gianluca Marchetti: I registri dell'ingresso nella vita cristiana. (Article) [109 2013/1]
QDE 34 (2021), 487-500: Gianluca Marchetti: Annotazione dell’avvenuta confermazione: can. 895. (Article) [129 2023/1]
Assemblée des chanceliers et chancelières du Québec: Les archives ecclésiales, diocésaines et paroissiales. Patrimoine archivistique de l'Église catholique. (Book) (Gratianus, Wilson & Lafleur, Montreal, 2009) [103 2010/1]