Canons 1055-1095

The reference after each entry is to the printed issue of "Canon Law Abstracts" in which a summary of the article is provided.
(See Subscriptions for further details.)

Canon 1055

AA VIII (2001), 11-26: L. A. Alessio: La sexualidad humana en el plan de Dios. (Article) [89 2003/1]

AA IX (2002), 97-116: J. Bonet Alcón: La sexualidad y la validez del matrimonio. (Article) [91 2004/1]

AA XI (2004), 57-84: J. Bonet Alcón: Valor jurídico del amor conyugal. (Colloquium presentation) [95 2006/1]

AA XIV (2007), 361-383: Giordano Caberletti: Bratislavien-Tyrnavien. Nullitatis matrimonii (ob exclusam matrimonii sacramentalem dignitatem). (Sentence) [102 2009/2]

AA XIV (2007), 385-393: Víctor Enrique Pinto: Comentario a la sentencia Bratislavien-Tyrnavien. coram Giordano Caberletti, del 24-10-03, Prot. N. 17.602. (Commentary) [102 2009/2]

AA XVI (2009-2010), 37-58: José Bonet Alcón: La sacramentalidad del matrimonio. (Article) [107 2012/1]

AA XIX (2013), 303-307: Benedicto XVI: Alocución a la Rota Romana (26 de enero de 2013). (Address) [113 2015/1]

AA XIX (2013), 309-314: Hugo Adrián von Ustinov: Benedicto XVI no innovó el 26 de enero de 2013. (Commentary) [113 2015/1]

AC 44 (2002), 233-248: P. Moneta: Mentalité occidentale et droit canonique du mariage. (Article) [91 2004/1]

AC 56 (2014-2015), 157-172: Emmanuel Petit: Mariage canonique et foi personnelle. (Article) [118 2017/2]

AC 62 (2022), 7-28: Alexis Ossola: L’exclusion du bonum coniugum: actualité, complexité et enjeux. (Article) [130 2023/2]

ACR LXXXIX 4/12, 444-457: Thérèse Buck: Gaudium et Spes and Marriage: A Conjugal Covenant. (Article) [110 2013/2]

ACR XCII 3/15, 269-288: Francis Moloney: A New Testament Hermeneutic for Divorce and Remarriage in the New Testament. (Article) [117 2017/1]

AkK 174 (2005), 50-74: Elisabeth Kandler-Mayr: Rechtliche Fragen im Zusammenhang der Eheschließung zwischen Muslimen und Katholiken – Aus der Praxis des Kirchengerichtes. (Article) [98 2007/2]

AkK 179 (2010), 412-467: Martin Rehak: Ehe als „sacrum amoris foedus ... a Deo institutum". Die Vorschläge des Salzburger Erzbischofs Andreas Rohracher zur Reform des kirchlichen Eherechts. (Article) [108 2012/2]

AkK 182 (2013), 447-468: Andrzej Pastwa: Die kanonische Ehe im Zuge der personalistischen Erneuerung. (Article) [115 2016/1]

AnC 2 (2006), 211-227: Andrzej Wójcik: Covenant marriage law – cywilne prawo małżeńskiego przymierza w Stanach Zjednoczonych (A covenant marriage law in the United States). (Article) [98 2007/2]

AnC 3 (2007), 169-186: Michał Jóźwik: Istotne okoliczności i elementy prawne przy zawieraniu małżeństwa konkordatowego w Polsce (Matrimonial law according to the 1993 Polish Concordat). (Article) [105 2011/1]

AnC 4 (2008), 5-20: Remigiusz Sobański: Wpływ mentalności wolnych związków na ważność zgody małżeńskiej (The influence of free unions on validity of matrimonial consent). (Conference presentation) [106 2011/2]

AnC 7 (2011), 67-83: Henryk Stawniak: Nierozłączność między umową i sakramentem w małżeństwie ochrzczonych (Inseparability between contract and sacrament in marriages of the baptized). (Lecture) [109 2013/1]

AnC 8 (2012), 125-140: Andrzej Wójcik: Rozum i wiara a małżeństwo. Znaczenie ścisłej tożsamości pomiędzy węzłem małżeńskim a jego wymiarem sakramentalnym w małżeństwie ochrzczonych (kan. 1055 §2) (Reason, faith and marriage. The meaning of the identity between the marital bond and its sacramental dimension in the marriage of two baptized persons (can. 1055 §2)). (Article) [110 2013/2]

AnC 9 (2013), 161-182: Marta Mucha: Zderzenie katolickiej i muzułmańskiej wizji małżeństwa – podstawowe trudności (The clash between the Catholic and the Muslim vision of marriage – fundamental difficulties). (Article) [112 2014/2]

AnC 17 (2021) 2, 159-172: Andrzej Wójcik: Konsens małżeński w świetle antropologii adekwatnej Jana Pawła II jako perspektywa rozumienia relacji pomiędzy człowiekiem a fenomenem prawa (Matrimonial consent in the light of John Paul II’s adequate anthropology as a perspective for understanding the relationship between the human person and the phenomenon of law). (Article) [128 2022/2]

AnCrac 44 (2012), 297-306: Józef Krzywda: Irracjonalność legalizacji związków homoseksualnych wobec jedynej i niepowtarzalnej wartości i iroli małżeństwa i rodziny (Irrationality of legalization of homosexual partnerships vis-à-vis the unique and irreplaceable value and role of marriage and the family). (Article) [112 2014/2]

Ang 75 (1998), 255-269: Cormac Burke: Married Personalism and the "Good of the Spouses". (Article) [81 1999/1]

Ang 83 (2006), 835-843: Sebastiano Villeggiante – Bruno Esposito: I diritti umani dei figli di Dio: pensieri di fine anno. Con un saluto a Mons. José M. Serrano-Ruiz. (Address) [98 2007/2]

Ang 85 (2008), 179-199 (also REDC 63 (2006), 725-745): Ciro Tammaro: Il contratto matrimoniale quale meccanismo giuridico di attuazione storica del sacramento: la visione di S. Tommaso. (Article) [101 2009/1]

Ang 88 (2011), 301-310: José María Serrano Ruiz: Il carattere personale del matrimonio. Verso una più precisa identificazione del patto coniugale. (Lecture) [107 2012/1]

Ang 90 (2013), 331-342: Vincenzo Fasano: Le mariage civil en France au lendemain de la loi no 2013-404 du 17 mai 2013. (Article) [113 2015/1]

Ap 1-4/93, 315-338: C. Burke: La Sacramentalità del matrimonio: Riflessioni teologiche. (Article) [75 1996/1]

Ap LXIX 1-2 (1996), 219-229: J. Jukes: The Contraceptive mentality: a new heading of nullity? (Article) [81 1999/1]

Ap LXX 1-2 (1997), 105-139: G. Giombanco: Il concetto di interpersonalità coniugale nella giurisprudenza rotale. (Article) [81 1999/1]

Ap LXX 1-2 (1997), 141-167: S. Villeggiante: II "Bonum Coniugum" e l'oggetto del consenso matrimoniale in diritto canonico. (Article) [81 1999/1]

Ap LXX 1-2 (1997), 305-314: C. Burke: Personalism and the traditional "goods" of Marriage. (Article) [81 1999/1]

Ap LXXIII (2000), 27-30: Pope John Paul II: Discorso ai participanti alla preghiera mariana in occasione della "Festa della Famiglia". (Address) [90 2003/2]

Ap LXXV 3-4 (2002), 441-447: Allocutio, 21.I.2000, ad Romanae Rotae iudices et administros. (Address) [91 2004/1]

Ap LXXV 3-4 (2002), 597-609: C. J. Errázuriz M.: Essenza del matrimonio e sistema giuridico matrimoniale. (Article) [91 2004/1]

Ap LXXIX 3-4 (2006), 365-374: Congregatio Pro Doctrina Fidei: Nota 3.06.2003, de contubernalibus eiusdem sexus quoad iuridica consectaria contubernii. (Document) [101 2009/1]

Ap LXXX 1-2 (2007), 541-560: Michele Riondino: Valori coniugali nel matrimonio civile e bonum coniugum nel matrimonio canonico. (Article) [101 2009/1]

Ap LXXXIII 1 (2010), 201-221: Francesco Catozella: Personalismo e Diritto matrimoniale canonico. Verso un'adeguata antropologia giuridica del Matrimonio. (Article) [107 2012/1]

Ap LXXXIII 2 (2010), 419-458: Piero Antonio Bonnet: Il "bonum coniugum" come corresponsabilità degli sposi. (Article) [107 2012/1]

Ap LXXXVI (2013), 397-413: Cristian Begus: Concetti, linguaggio e Diritto canonico: un laboratorio sempre aperto. (Article) [114 2015/2]

Ap LXXXX (2017), 11-49: Renzo Gerardi: Persone, parole e gesti nella celebrazione delle nozze. (Article) [121 2019/1]

Ap LXXXX (2017), 231-241: Pierangelo Sequeri: La destinazione del legame. Antropologia ed Ecclesiologia del Sacramento nuziale. (Article) [121 2019/1]

BV 75 (2015), 117-127: Stanislav Slatinek: Education for Interreligious Dialogue in the Family. (Article) [115 2016/1]

BV 82 (2022), 651-665: Stanislav Slatinek: Motnja spolne identitete: pravne dileme in pravica do poroke (Gender identity disorder: legal dilemmas and the right to marry). (Article) [130 2023/2]

BV 83 (2023), 155-170: Sławomir Bukalski – Adam Falewicz: The Conjugal Communio Amoris as the Path to Holiness: Perspective of the Exhortation “Familiaris Consortio”. (Article) [132 2024/2]

Canonist 7/1 (2016), 3-9: Pope Francis: Address to the Tribunal of the Roman Rota, 22 January 2016. (Address and comment) [117 2017/1]

Canonist 7/2 (2016), 213-226: Anthony Kerin: Current Issues in Marital Jurisprudence. (Article) [119 2018/1]

Canonist 9/1 (2018), 3-6; also CLSN 192/18, 41-44: Pope Francis: Address to the Officials of the Tribunal of the Roman Rota for the Inauguration of the Judicial Year, 29 January 2018. (Address) [121 2019/1]

Canonist 9/1 (2018), 7-10: Anthony Malone: A Commentary on Pope Francis’ 2018 Allocution to the Roman Rota. (Comment) [121 2019/1]

Canonist 11/1 (2020), 3-6: The Address of Pope Francis to the Officials of the Roman Rota for the Inauguration of the Judicial Year 25 January 2020. (Address) [125 2021/1]

Canonist 11/1 (2020), 7-12: Peter Blayney: Commentary on the Address of Pope Francis to the Officials of the Roman Rota for the Inauguration of the Judicial Year. (Comment) [125 2021/1]

Canonist 14/1 (2023), 3-13: Pope Francis: Address to the Officials of the Roman Rota for the Inauguration of the Judicial Year 27 January 2023; Peter Blayney: Commentary on Pope Francis’s Address. (Address and comment) [131 2024/1]

CLSANZ 1/00, 5-10: John Paul II: Address to the Prelate Auditors, Officials and Advocates of the tribunal of the Roman Rota, 1 February 2001. (Address) [87 2002/1]

CLSN 125/01, 7-12: Holy Father's Address to the Auditors, Officials and Advocates of the Roman Rota. (Address) [88 2002/2]

CLSN 125/01, 14-21: U. Navarrete: Response about the Validity of Baptism Conferred in the "Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints". (Article) [88 2002/2]

CLSN 126/01, 7: The Validity of Mormon Baptism: Response by CDF. (Article) [88 2002/2]

CLSN 126/01, 8-13: L. Ladaria: The Question of the Validity of Baptism Conferred in the "Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints". (Article) [88 2002/2]

CLSN 126/01, 60-64: J. Jukes: Observations on "De Facto" Unions and Nullity of Marriage. (Paper) [88 2002/2]

CLSN 126/01, 91-95: G. Read: Mormon Baptism Revisited. (Article) [88 2002/2]

CLSN 138/04, 87-91: A. Mendonça: Cultural Elements: Marriage in India. (Article) [94 2005/2]

CLSN 138/04, 92-94: A. Mendonça: Cultural Elements: Marriage in Nigeria. (Article) [94 2005/2]

CLSN 140/04, 33-69: A. Mendonça: Recent Developments in Rotal Jurisprudence on Exclusion of Bonum Coniugum. (Article) [95 2006/1]

CLSN 143/05, 60-77: D. Vidler: Statistics and what they can tell us about marriage, divorce and annulments 1851-2001. (Article) [97 2007/1]

CLSN 149/07, 24-37: Rotal Decision coram Civili, 8 November 2000 (Slovakia). (Document) [99 2008/1]

CLSN 152/07, 51-66: Exclusion of the Bonum Coniugum, coram Turnaturi, 13 May 2004 (Italy). (Sentence) [100 2008/2]

CLSN 158/09, 34-37: Bishops of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles: Same-Sex Marriages. (Document and commentary) [106 2011/2]

CLSN 163/10, 51-62: Apostolic Tribunal of the Roman Rota: Exclusion of the Bonum Coniugum and Incapacity to Assume the Essential Obligations of Marriage: Decision coram Monier, 27 October 2006. (Sentence) [106 2011/2]

CLSN 164/10, 48-82: John A. Alesandro: The Formation of the Indissoluble Marriage Bond. (Article) [106 2011/2]

CLSN 165/11, 35-40: Hugh J. O'Connell: How to Choose a Husband. (Article) [108 2012/2]

CLSN 165/11, 41-61: Augustine Mendonça: Cultural Concepts and Nullity of Marriage – Part I. (Article) [108 2012/2]

CLSN 166/11, 26-59: Augustine Mendonça: Cultural Concepts and Nullity of Marriage – Part II. (Article) [108 2012/2]

CLSN 170 (2012), 33-63: Tim Brennan: Marriage among the Aborigines of Australia and Roman Catholic Marriage. (Article) [110 2013/2]

CLSN 185/16, 5-7: Pope Francis: Address to the Officials of the Roman Rota for the Inauguration of the Judicial Year, 22 January 2016. (Address) [117 2017/1]

CLSN 191/17, 4-34: Supreme Court of Ireland: HAH v SAA & Ors [2017] IESC 40. (Judgment) [120 2018/2]

CLSN 191/17, 35-48: Thomas J. Paprocki: Marriage, Same-Sex Relationships and the Catholic Church. (Article and documents) [120 2018/2]

CLSN 196/19, 83-101: Pius Collins: Canon 1055 and the Sacramentality of Marriage: An Examination of the ius vigens. (Article) [123 2020/1]

CLSN 199/21, 71-77: Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith: Response to a Dubium: “Regarding the blessing of the unions of persons of the same sex”, 22 February 2021; Official commentary on the Dubium: “Regarding the blessing of the unions of persons of the same sex”, 15 March 2021. (Documents) [127 2022/1]

Comm 33 (2001), 9-15: Pope John Paul II: Allocutio Summi Pontificis ad Auditores, Administros Advocatosque Rotae Romanae coram admissos die 1 februarii 2001. (Address) [103 2010/1]

Comm 45 (2013), 39-43: Pope Benedict XVI: Allocutio Summi Pontificis ad Auditores, Administros Advocatosque Rotae Romanae coram admissos die 26 mensis ianuarii 2013 prolata. (Address) [112 2014/2]

Comm 50 (2018), 78-81: Pope Francis: Allocutio Summi Pontificis ad Auditores, Administros Advocatosque Rotae Romanae coram admissos, die 29 mensis Ianuarii 2018. (Address) [123 2020/1]

Comm 51 (2019), 397-400: Pope Francis: Allocutio ad participantes Curriculum Institutionis Constitutum Rota Romana de matrimonio ac familia, 30 Novembris 2019. (Address) [124 2020/2]

Comm 52 (2020), 88-92: Pope Francis: Allocutio ad sodales Tribunalis Rotae Romanae in inauguratione Anni Iudicialis, 25 ianuarii 2020. (Address) [126 2021/2]

Comm 53 (2021), 105-109: Ex Actis Francisci Pp.: Allocutio ad sodales Tribunalis Rotae Romanae in inauguratione Anni Iudicialis, 29 ianuarii 2021. (Address) [128 2022/2]

Comm 53 (2021), 133-136: Congregatio pro Doctrina Fidei: Responsum ad propositum dubium “circa la benedizione delle unioni di persone dello stesso sesso”, 22 februarii 2021. (Reply) [128 2022/2]

DPM 3 (1996), 39-58: Klaus Lüdicke: Die Ehezwecke im nachkonziliaren Eherecht. – Wunsch und Wirklichkeit. (Paper) [79 1998/1]

DPM 3 (1996), 93-108: Heinrich Petri: Die Sakramentalität der Ehe. Theologische und ökumenische Aspekte. (Paper) [79 1998/1]

DPM 3 (1996), 123-142: Markus Walser: Sakramentalität und Gültigkeit der Ehe. (Paper) [79 1998/1]

DPM 9 (2002), 55-79: Wendelin Knoch: Die scholastischen bona "fides-proles-sacramentum". Fundament und befreiender Impuls für die Auslotung der Sakramentalität der Ehe? (Article) [92 2004/2]

DPM 9 (2002), 127-137: H. J. Urban: Der reformatorische Protest gegen das katholische Eherecht und die heutegen evangelischen Einwände gegen die katholischen Rechtsbestimmungen zur konfessionsverschiedenen Ehe. (Article) [92 2004/2]

DPM 9 (2002), 259-262, 349-355: H. Heinemann: Die Ansprache Papst Johannes Paul II. vom 1. Februar 2001 vor der Römischen Rota. (Commentary) [92 2004/2]

DPM 9 (2002), 281-292: J. Römelt: Eheliche Liebe als reflektierte Liebe und Lebensmanagement oder Teilhabe and einer natürlichen und geistlichen Institution? (Commentary) [92 2004/2]

DPM 10 (2003), 129-153: Andreas Weiß: Auswirkungen des staatlichen Lebenspartnerschaftsgesetzes auf das kirchliche Recht. (Article) [102 2009/2]

DPM 12 (2005), 123-165: Burkhard Josef Berkmann: Die Ehe zwischen Kirchenrecht und Europarecht. (Article) [102 2009/2]

DPM 13 (2006), 27-35: Erzbischof Christofor (Kryštof): Die Ehe und die Familie aus Sicht der orthodoxen Kirche. (Article) [102 2009/2]

DPM 13 (2006), 37-55: Walter Homolka: Das jüdische Eherecht. (Article) [102 2009/2]

DPM 13 (2006), 73-92: Matthias Pulte: Die eherechtlichen Akzente in den Ansprachen Papst Johannes Pauls II. an die Rota Romana von 1979 bis 2004. (Article) [102 2009/2]

DPM 13 (2006), 93-105: Gerda Riedl: Macht der Vertrag das Sakrament? Theologische Überlegungen zu einem heiklen Thema des kanonischen Eherechts (c. 1055 CIC). (Article) [102 2009/2]

DPM 15/16 (2008/2009), 141-171: Adrian Loretan: Braucht es zum Glück eine kirchliche Heirat? Theologische Argumente für eine kirchliche Eheschließung in säkularer Gesellschaft. (Article) [106 2011/2]

DPM 15/16 (2008/2009), 511-529: Matthias Pulte: Ehe und Familie in der Verkündigung Papst Benedikt XVI. angesichts postmoderner westlicher Lebens- und Gesellschaftsmodelle. (Article) [106 2011/2]

EE LXXVIII 307/03, 627-658: E. Olivares D'Angelo: Un derecho canónico matrimonial coherente. (Article) [92 2004/2]

EE 83 (2008), 679-697: Estanislao Olivares D'Angelo: Nulidad del matrimonio por ausencia de verdadero consentimiento matrimonial. (Article) [103 2010/1]

EE 84 (2009), 757-778: José Luis Santos Diez: Los otros matrimonios: unión de hecho, matrimonio homosexual y matrimonio de conveniencia. Planteamiento jurídico en el ordenamiento español. (Article) [104 2010/2]

EE 88 (2013), 321-359: Fernando Millán Romeral: La sacramentalidad del matrimonio: algunas notas desde la historia de la teología. (Article) [111 2014/1]

EE 88 (2013), 361-386: Carlos Martínez Oliveras: ¿Qué se ha de pedir para el acceso al sacramento del matrimonio? Perspectiva dogmática. (Article) [111 2014/1]

EE 88 (2013), 387-413: Carmen Peña García: Dimensión sacramental y celebración canónica del matrimonio: requisitos para el acceso a las nupcias. (Article) [111 2014/1]

EE 89 (2014), 767-780: José Ma Díaz Moreno: El Sínodo de la Familia. Algunas cuestiones canónicas abiertas. (Article) [114 2015/2]

EE 94 (2019), 883-923: María Elena Olmos Ortega: Libertad religiosa y matrimonio. (Paper) [124 2020/2]

EE 97 (2022), 1079-1116: Carmen Peña: Interpelaciones sinodales al derecho matrimonial: de los itinerarios catecumenales de preparación al matrimonio a la relevancia del discernimiento, el «bonum coniugum» y la apertura al «bonum familiae». (Article) [130 2023/2]

EIC 53 (2013), 29-54: Piero Amenta: Matrimonio tra battezzati e disciplina ecclesiale: quale il rilievo della fede personale dei nubendi? (Article) [111 2014/1]

EIC 53 (2013), 391-425: Nicola Reali: Tamquam spoliatus a nudo: il rapporto tra matrimonio naturale e sacramento. Il punto di vista di un pastoralista. (Article) [113 2015/1]

EIC 55 (2015), 385-404: Giuseppe Sciacca: Relazione tra fede e matrimonio sacramentale. (Article) [116 2016/2]

EIC 57 (2017), 661-695: Stefano Violi: Dalla fides romana alla fede cristiana. Rilettura del consenso matrimoniale alla luce della fede. (Article) [120 2018/2]

ETJ 8 (2004), 125-133: P. Turner: The Theology of Marriage in the Ordo and Practice of the Roman Rite. (Article) [94 2005/2]

ETJ 14 (2010), 5-31 (also J 70 (2010), 206-234): George D. Gallaro – Dimitri Salachas: The Ritus Sacer of the Sacrament of Marriage in the Byzantine Churches. (Article) [105 2011/1]

FC 11 (2008), 135-157: George D. Gallaro – Dimitri Salachas: The ritus sacer of the Sacrament of Marriage in the Byzantine Churches. (Article) [104 2010/2]

FC 11 (2008), 229-240: Myriam Tinti: La rilevanza del battesimo per la sacramentalità del matrimonio. (Conference presentation) [104 2010/2]

FCan III/2 (2008), 45-65: Rita Lobo Xavier: Direito português e concepção cristã sobre matrimónio e família. (Lecture) [103 2010/1]

FCan IV/1-2 (2009), 79-102: Carmen Peña García: La exclusion del bonum prolis. (Article) [104 2010/2]

FCan V/1 (2010), 161-166: Paolo Pulido Adragão: Casamento: entre pessoas do mesmo sexo? Pressupostos fundamentais da questão. (Article) [105 2011/1]

FCan VIII/1 (2013), 69-91: Miguel Falcão: A essência do matrimónio: I. A perspectiva do Concílio Vaticano II. (Lecture) [112 2014/2]

FCan VIII/2 (2013), 59-98: Miguel Falcão: A essência do matrimónio: II. Fundamentação teológica. (Lecture) [113 2015/1]

FCan VIII/2 (2013), 107-111: Bento XVI: Falta de fé e nulidade do Matrimónio. (Address) [113 2015/1]

FCan VIII/2 (2013), 113-128: José Alfredo Patrício: Fé e consentimento matrimonial. (Article) [113 2015/1]

FCan X/1 (2015), 29-89: Miguel Falcão: Falta de Fé e Sacramentos (em particular, o Matrimónio). (Article) [115 2016/1]

FCan X/1 (2015), 91-107: João Seabra: A inseparabilidade de contrato e sacramento no matrimónio dos baptizados na Tentativa Teológica de António Pereira de Figueiredo. (Article) [115 2016/1]

FCan XI/1 (2016), 87-91: Papa Francisco: O matrimónio querido por Deus e a questão da falta de fé. Discurso de sua Santidade aos membros do tribunal da Rota Romana. (Address) [118 2017/2]

FCan XIII/1 (2018), 89-92: Papa Francisco: A salvaguarda da consciência cristã. Discurso aos membros do Tribunal da Rota Romana, por ocasião da inauguração do Ano Judicial (29-I-2018). (Address) [123 2020/1]

FCan XIII/2 (2018), 29-50: Héctor Franceschi: La expresión jurídico-canónica del matrimonio en diálogo con la cultura actual. (Lecture) [124 2020/2]

FCan XV/1 (2020), 133-137: Papa Francisco: O exemplo de Áquila e Priscila como modelo de casais evangelizadores (25.01.2020). (Address) [126 2021/2]

FCan XV/2 (2020), 57-77: Alberto de la Hera: La comprensión canónica de la institución matrimonial. A propósito de un libro de Carmen Peña. (Bibliographical review) [127 2022/1]

FCan XVI/1 (2021), 67-70: Papa Francisco: Discurso ao Tribunal da Rota Romana por ocasião da inauguração do ano judicial [2021]. (Address) [128 2022/2]

FCan XVI/1 (2021), 75-78: Congregação para a Doutrina da Fé, Resposta à dúvida sobre a bênção das uniões de pessoas do mesmo sexo. (Reply) [128 2022/2]

FI 2 (2003), 223-231: R. Sobański: Związki partnerskie (Partner Relationships). (Article) [96 2006/2]

For VIII/96, 69-152: A. Mendonça: The Importance of Considering Cultural Contexts in Adjudicating Marriage Nullity Cases with Special Reference to South East Asian Countries. (Article) [77 1997/1]

For XI 2/00, 407-411: Pope John Paul II: Address to the Tribunal of the Roman Rota 21 January 2000. (Address) [90 2003/2]

For XI 2/00, 416-448: Pontifical Council for the Family: Resolution of European Parliament, March 16, 2000: Family, Marriage and de facto Unions. (Presentation) [90 2003/2]

For XII 2/01, 11-15: Pope John Paul II: True criterion of family is loving marital union. (Address) [93 2005/1]

For XII 2/01, 16-20: Pope John Paul II: As the family goes, so goes the world. (Address) [93 2005/1]

For XIII/02-XIV/03, 36-44: Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith: Considerations regarding proposals to give legal recognition to unions between homosexual persons. (Note) [95 2006/1]

For XVI/05, 5-9: Pope John Paul II: Media and Family: "A Risk and a Richness". (Address) [96 2006/2]

For XVI/05, 10-12: Pope John Paul II: Respecting the Person and God's Design for Procreation. (Address) [96 2006/2]

For XVI/05, 21-23: Pope John Paul II: Helping childless couples. (Address) [96 2006/2]

For XVI/05, 39-41: Pope John Paul II: Reassert marriage and family as gifts from a loving God. (Address) [96 2006/2]

For XVI/05, 64-67: Holy See: The value of marriage and the family. (Intervention) [96 2006/2]

For XVI/05, 75-82: Pontifical Academy for Life: The dignity of human procreation and reproductive technologies. (Message) [96 2006/2]

For XVI/05, 160-191: R. Barrett: Two Presuppositions of Christian Marriage. (Article) [96 2006/2]

For XVI/05, 192-197: R. Schmid: Is marriage just discrimination? (Article) [96 2006/2]

For XVII/06, 385-434: Héctor Franceschi: "Bonum prolis" in the married state of life and the canonical consequences in case of separation or nullity of marriage. (Article) [100 2008/2]

FThC IV 26/18 (2015), 163-189: Bruno Esposito: La fede come requisito per la validità del matrimonio sacramentale? (Article) [116 2016/2]

HPR 2/99, 64-66: W. B. Smith: "Primary-Secondary" Ends? (Response) [84 2000/2]

HPR 2/02, 31-32, 46-48: S. Temaat: Why marriage annulments have exploded. (Article) [92 2004/2]

HPR June 2018: Lawrence J. Welch: Renewing or Imperiling our Understanding of the Sacrament of Marriage? (Article) [127 2022/1]

HPR October 2018: Catherine Godfrey-Howell: Marriage and the Juridical Relevance of Pastoral Language. (Article) [127 2022/1]

IC XXXVII 73/97, 271-292: María del Mar Martín: Breves notas a propósito del «bonum coniugum». (Article) [80 1998/2]

IC XXXIX 77/99, 123-163: Douglas W. Kmiec: El concepto de matrimonio en el derecho canónico y la experiencia norteamericana actual. (Article) [84 2000/2]

IC XXXIX 77/99, 187-204: Juan Ignacio Bañares: Derecho, antropología y libertad en las uniones de hecho. (Article) [84 2000/2]

IC XXXIX 77/99, 205-223: Teresa Cervera Soto: Algunas reflexiones sobre la relevancia jurídica del amor conyugal en el consentimiento matrimonial. (Article) [84 2000/2]

IC XL 80/00, 395-411: Juan Fornés: Matrimonio y uniones de hecho. (Article) [86 2001/2]

IC XLI 81/01, 319-346: Dolores García-Hervás: Panorámica legislativa sobre uniones de hecho. (Article) [90 2003/2]

IC XLVIII 96/08, 415-431: Juan Ignacio Bañares: Matrimonio, género y cultura. (Conference presentation) [102 2009/2]

IC 55/110 (2015), 515-590: Pedro-Juan Viladrich: Por qué y para qué «uno con una para toda la vida». La cuestión de la unidad de vida en el amante, en la correspondencia con el amado y en la unión de amor conyugal. (Article) [116 2016/2]

IC 57/113 (2017), 105-128: Montserrat Gas-Aixendri: La dimensión jurídica del matrimonio canónico a la luz del magisterio reciente. Observaciones a propósito de la reforma del proceso de nulidad realizada por el Motu Proprio Mitis Iudex. (Article) [119 2018/1]

IC 60/119 (2020), 397-424: Eloy Tejero: El matrimonio, el valor del ser humano, la continuidad de la Iglesia, la trayectoria de los pueblos y el curso de la historia. (Bibliographical note) [125 2021/1]

IC 61/122 (2021), 635-690: Jorge Castro-Trapote: Ausencia de fe y validez del matrimonio: Fundamentación. (Article) [128 2022/2]

IE VII 2/95, 551-560: J. I. Arrieta: La posizione giuridica della famiglia nell'ordinamento canonico. (Conference presentation) [77 1997/1]

IE VII 2/95, 561-572: C. J. Errázuriz: La rilevanza canonica della sacramentalità del matrimonio e della sua dimensione familiare. (Conference presentation) [77 1997/1]

IE VII 2/95, 573-578: S. Gherro: Sulla sacramentalità del matrimonio (in fieri e in facto). (Conference presentation) [77 1997/1]

IE VIII 2/96, 663-676: J. W. M. Hendriks: Battesimo, fede e sacramentatà del matrimonio (can. 1055 §2). (Article) [79 1998/1]

IE IX 2/97, 771-782 John Paul II: Discorso all Rota Roman, 27 gennaio 1997 (con nota di J. Carreras). (Address and commentary) [82 1999/2]

IE XVI 2/04, 433-453: F. Puig: Realismo giuridico e dottrina canonistica contemporanea sull'essenza del matrimonio. (Article) [94 2005/2]

IE XIX 1/07, 99-136: Tribunale della Rota Romana. Spiren. Nullità del matrimonio. Dolo. Sentenza definitiva, 31 gennaio 2002, Erlebach, Ponente (con nota di H. Franceschi F., Il fondamento giuridico del dolo come causa di nullità del matrimonio e la questione della retroattività o meno del canone 1098). (Sentence and commentary) [100 2008/2]

IE XX 1/08, 125-148: Tribunale della Rota Romana: Reg. Triveneti seu Veronen. Nullità del matrimonio. Esclusione della dignità sacramentale. Sentenza definitiva, 10 marzo 2006. De Angelis, Ponente (con nota di M. A. Ortiz, Volontà matrimoniale naturale e rifiuto della dignità sacramentale). (Sentence and commentary) [102 2009/2]

IE XXI 1/09, 49-61: Antoni Stankiewicz: Il diritto matrimoniale canonico nel momento presente: valutazione e prospettive. (Article) [104 2010/2]

IE XXII 3/10, 573-589: Carlos José Errázuriz M: Il senso e il contenuto essenziale del bonum coniugum. (Article) [107 2012/1]

IE XXV (2013), 387-407: Andrzej Pastwa: Il matrimonio: comprensione personalistica e istituzionale. (Article) [111 2014/1]

IE XXVI (2014), 511-534 (also FCan IX/1 (2014), 7-40): Andrea D'Auria: Fede e sacramentalità del matrimonio. La prospettiva canonica. (Article) [114 2015/2]

IE XXVIII (2016), 113-136: Héctor Franceschi: La complementarità tra uomo e donna nel matrimonio. (Article) [117 2017/1]

IE XXVIII (2016), 417-428: Papa Francesco: Discurso alla Rota Romana, 22 gennaio 2016 (con nota di Montserrat Gas Aixendri, Verità sulla famiglia, fede personale e validità del matrimonio). (Document and comment) [118 2017/2]

IE XXVIII (2016), 527-544: Giacomo Bertolini: Recenti tensioni dottrinali in ordine alla natura del matrimonio ed al rapporto tra la fede e l’intenzione coniugale. (Article) [118 2017/2]

IE XXIX (2017), 575-590: Héctor Franceschi: Natura e cultura nel matrimonio. Riflessioni sulla crisi attuale del matrimonio. (Article) [120 2018/2]

IE XXX (2018), 367-380: Discorso del Santo Padre Francesco in occasione dell’inaugurazione dell’anno giudiziario del Tribunale della Rota Romana, 29 gennaio 2018, con commento di Massimo del Pozzo, La centralità della coscienza nella verità del matrimonio. (Address and comment) [121 2019/1]

IE XXX (2018), 125-149: Montserrat Gas-Aixendri: El matrimonio de los bautizados entre razón, fe y justicia. (Article) [121 2019/1]

IE XXXII (2020), 419-443: Katherine Beall: The inclinatio naturalis to Conjugal Union and the Sponsal Dimension of the Human Person in the Writings of Pedro-Juan Viladrich. (Article) [126 2021/2]

IM I 6-7/96, 45-58: R. Sztychmiler: Soborowa koncepcja celów małżeństwa. (Article) [80 1998/2]

IM V 11/00, 23-41: M. Czapla: Pojęcie matrimoniale foedus w kan. 1055 §1 kpk. (Article) [86 2001/2]

IM V 11/00, 43-62: W. Góralski: Znaczenie prawne zwrotu bonum coniugum w kan. 1055 §1 kpk. (Article) [86 2001/2]

IM 30 (2019), nr. 3, 111-124: Tomasz Smoliński: Istotne cele małżeństwa katolickiego (Essential purposes of Catholic marriage). (Article) [127 2022/1]

IM 33 (2022), nr 1, 195-210: Michał Kilanowski: Instytucja małżeństwa w porządku kanonicznym Kościoła Anglii (The institution of marriage in the canonical order of the Church of England). (Article) [130 2023/2]

IM 34 (2023), nr 1, 5-43: Wojciech Góralski: Wzajemne powiązanie między wiarą i małżeństwem w świetle dokumentu Międzynarodowej Komisji Teologicznej Reciprocità tra fede e sacramenti nell’economia sacramentale z 3 marca 2020 roku (The mutual relationship between faith and marriage in the light of the document of the International Theological Commission “Reciprocità tra fede e sacramenti nell’economia sacramentale” of 3 March 2020). (Article) [131 2024/1]

ITS 44 (2007), 417-440: Victor George D'Souza: "The Good of the Spouses" (Bonum Coniugum): Trends in Matrimonial Jurisprudence of the Roman Rota. (Article) [101 2009/1]

Ius IV 1/13, 3-10: C. Thunduparampil: Sacrament of Marriage and Canon Law. (Article) [112 2014/2]

Ius VIII 2/17, 151-191: Georges Ruyssen: Manque de foi dans le mariage des baptisés non-croyants. (Article) [121 2019/1]

Ius Comm III (2015), 75-93: Giuseppe Sciacca: Relación entre fe y matrimonio sacramental. (Article) [115 2016/1]

J 55 (1995), 218-242: Michael G. Lawler: Blessed are the Spouses who love, for their marriages will be permanent: A Theology of the Bonds in Marriage. (Article) [77 1997/1]

J 56 (1996), 527-556: Edward Pfnausch: The Good of the Spouses in Rotal Jurisprudence: New Horizons. (Article) [79 1998/1]

J 60 (2000), 205-232: L. W. Wrenn: Sacramentality and the Invalidity of Marriage. (Article) [91 2004/1]

J 62 (2002), 378-420: A. Mendonça: Recent Developments in Rotal Jurisprudence in Exclusion of the Bonum Conjugum. (Article) [93 2005/1]

J 63 (2003), 253-311: J. P. Beal: Intolerable Marriage Situations Revisited: Continuing the Legacy of James H. Provost. (Article) [94 2005/2]

J 65 (2005), 88-118: M. Lowery: The Nature and Ends of Marriage: A New Proposal. (Article) [96 2006/2]

J 67 (2007), 245-279: William Varvaro: Some Recent Rotal Jurisprudence on Bonum Coniugum. (Article) [99 2008/1]

J 69 (2009), 703-730: Klaus Lüdicke: A Theory of Bonum Coniugum. (Lecture) [105 2011/1]

J 74 (2014), 59-78: Kenneth E. Boccafola: Lack of Faith and its Effect on the Validity of the Matrimonial Consent of the Baptized. (Article) [114 2015/2]

KIP 7 (20) 2018, nr. 1, 181-200: Marcin Bałdyga: Wykluczenie bonum prolis w Kodeksie Prawa Kanonicznego z 1983 roku i Kodeksie Kanonów Kościołów Wschodnich (Exclusion of “bonum prolis” in the CIC/83 and the CCEO). (Article) [121 2019/1]

L 41 3/00, 353-378: J. S. Botero G.: Divorciados vueltos a casar: principios de base para una nueva actitud. (Article) [86 2001/2]

L 45 1-2/04, 23-39: J. S. Botero Giraldo: Nupcialidad y conciencia conyugal: el indicativo vinculante de la pareja humana. (Article) [93 2005/1]

LJ 128-129/96 15-17: J. Dominian: From Contract to Relationship. (Article) [79 1998/1]

LJ 157/06, 7-16: Clarence Gallagher: Marriage in Eastern and Western Canon Law. (Article) [98 2007/2]

LJ 159/07, 114-128: David McIlroy: Legislation in a context of moral disagreement: the case of the Sexual Orientation Regulations. (Article) [100 2008/2]

ME CXIX 4/94, 545-566: C. Burke: The sacramentality of marriage. Canonical Reflections. (Article) [75 1996/1]

ME CXX 1-2/95, 289-323: S. Villeggiante: II "bonum coniugum" e l'oggetto del consenso matrimoniale in diritto canonico. (Article) [76 1996/2]

ME CXX 3/95, 399-431: E. Montagna: Bonum Coniugum. Profili storici. (Article) [76 1996/2]

ME CXX 3/95, 432-448: E. Colagiovanni: Le "Bonum Coniugum" (canon 1055 §1): Les antécédents philosophiques et ecclésio-sociologiques du personalisme canonique. (Article) [76 1996/2]

ME CXX 3/95, 449-479: C. Burke: Die Zwecke der Ehe: institutionelle oder personalistische? (Article) [76 1996/2]

ME CXX 4/95, 557-586: R. Bertolino: Gli elementi costitutivi del 'bonum coniugum'. Stato della questione. (Article) [76 1996/2]

ME CXXII 3-4197, 521-552: E. Colagiovanni: New (hot) grounds of nullity in marriage cases. (Paper) [80 1998/2]

ME CXXIV 1/99, 3-13: Allocutio Summi Pontificis ad Rotam Romanam. (Allocution) [83 2000/1]

ME CXXIV 1/99, 197-214: A. Matthews: Les "Dons" du Mariage. (Article) [83 2000/1]

ME CXXIV 3/99, 447-457: Pope John Paul II: Il Santo Padre ai participanti alla settimana di studio su matrimonio e famiglia. (Allocution) [84 2000/2]

ME CXXIV 3/99, 514-535: R. Barrett: Reflections on the Bonum Coniugum. (Article) [84 2000/2]

ME CXXIV 3/99, 536-553: R. Barrett: Riflessioni sul Bonum Coniugum. (Article) [84 2000/2]

ME CXXV 3/00, 601-624: I. Gramunt: Reflections on Marriage as a Juridical and Interpersonal Relationship. (Article) [86 2001/2]

ME CXXVI 1/01, 4-17: Pope John Paul II: Allocuzione del S. Padre Giovanni Paolo II al Tribunale della Rota Romana. (Address) [87 2002/1]

ME CXXVI 2/01, 364-396: V. Pereira: The Debate Relating To The Bonum Coniugum. (Article) [87 2002/1]

ME CXXVIII 1/04, 408-422: C. Hettinger: Christian Anthropology of Marriage and Modern Western Culture. (Article) [93 2005/1]

NRT 136 (2014), 549-564: Angelo Scola: Mariage et famille à la lumière de l'anthropologie et de l'Eucharistie. Notes en vue du Synode extraordinaire des évêques sur la famille. (Article) [114 2015/2]

PCF IX (2007), 267-282: Exclusion of Sacramental Dignity. Decision coram Boccafola, 6 May 2004 (Czech Republic). (Sentence) [100 2008/2]

PCF XI (2009), 193-216: Roy Macatangay: The Juridical Value of the Bonum Coniugum. (Article) [103 2010/1]

PCF XIII (2011), 169-188: Augustine Mendonça: The Relationship between Canon Law and Pastoral Care: A Brief Analysis of Benedict XVI's 2011 Allocution to the Roman Rota. (Article) [110 2013/2]

Per LXXIV 4/95, 757-778: R. M. Sable: Tradere et accipere: quaedam problemata de mutuo consensu circa ius ad prolem in causis matrimonialibus. (Presentation) [77 1997/1]

Per LXXXV 1/96, 59-65: M. M. Claudio: Matrimonio civile italiano: negozio giuridico? (Article) [78 1997/2]

Per LXXXVI 2/97, 363-385: U. Navarrete: Commentario all'allocuzione di Giovanni Paolo II ai Prelati della Rota Romana, 27 gennaio 1997. (Article) [80 1998/2]

Per LXXXVI 3/97, 449-475: M. C. Forconi: Elementi d'antropologia cristiana in rapporto all'unità e all'indissolubilità del matrimonio. (Article) [80 1998/2]

Per LXXXVII 2-3/98, 215-256: M. Mingardi: Il principio d'identità fra contratto e sacramento. (Paper) [82 1999/2]

Per VC 2/06, 261-306: Luigi Sabbarese: Fede, intenzione e dignità sacramentale nel matrimonio tra battezzati. (Article) [97 2007/1]

Per XCV 4/06, 675-695: Sententia definitiva, coram McKay, 19 maii 2005: Nullitas Matrimonii ob incapacitatem discretionis iudicii et ob incapacitatem adsumendi onera matrimonii; ob exclusionem boni coniugum. (Sentence) [99 2008/1]

Per XCVI 1/07, 59-64: Janusz Kowal: Breve annotazione sul bonum coniugum come capo di nullità. (Article) [99 2008/1]

Per XCVI 1/07, 65-92: Sententia definitiva, coram Turnaturi, 13 maii 2004: Nullitas Matrimonii ob exclusionem boni coniugum. (Sentence) [99 2008/1]

Per 97 (2008), 507-540: Sententia definitiva, coram Stankiewicz: Nullitas Matrimonii ob exclusam matrimonii sacramentalitatem. (Sentence) [102 2009/2]

Per 97 (2008), 597-665: Aidan McGrath: Exclusion of the bonum coniugum: some reflections on emerging Rotal jurisprudence from a first and second instance perspective. (Article) [102 2009/2]

Per 99 (2010), 431-459: Carlos A. Cerezuela García: Il contenuto essenziale del bonum prolis. (Article) [106 2011/2]

Per 104 (2015), 611-651: Bruno Esposito: La fede come requisito per la validità del matrimonio sacramentale. (Article) [116 2016/2]

Per 106 (2017), 269-300: Velasio De Paolis: Fede e matrimonio – Foedus e sacramento. L’allocuzione del Papa Benedetto XVI alla Rota Romana (26 gennaio 2013). (Article) [120 2018/2]

Per 106 (2017), 435-459: Pierantonio Bonnet: L’ordinatio ad bonum coniugum come proprietà essenziale del matrimonio. (Article) [120 2018/2]

Per 111 (2022), 559-585: Davide Salvatori: Bonum coniugum: ¿fin del matrimonio o elemento esencial del matrimonio, o fin y elemento esencial del matrimonio? Reflexiones sobre algunas aporías lógico-sistemáticas de la jurisprudencia rotal y propuesta de lectura unitaria de la quaestio. (Presentation) [131 2024/1]

PK XL 1-2/97, 175-200: Z. Grocholewski: Sakrament małzeństwa: fundament teologiczny prawodawstwa kościelnego. (Article) [81 1999/1]

PK XLIII 1-2/00, 95-106: G. Dierżon: Polemika wokół kontraktualistycznej natury małżeństwa. (Article) [86 2001/2]

Proc CLSA 1997, 223-266: K. W. Schmidt: The "Raising of Children" as an essential element of marriage. (Seminar Paper) [85 2001/1]

Proc CLSA 1998, 124-131: J. Martos: Paradigm shifts in the theology of marriage. (Seminar Paper) [85 2001/1]

PS XLIII 128/08, 355-364: Tamerlane R. Lana: Natural Law in Marriage and Sexuality. (Article) [102 2009/2]

PS XLVIII 145 (2013), 435-446: Dean Jeanpaul D. Menchavez: Lessons on Marriage from the Speeches to the Roman Rota. (Article) [112 2014/2]

PS LV 165 (2020), 203-238: Danilo Flores: The World War Against Marriage. (Article) [126 2021/2]

Q 12/1 (2017), 69-112: Edobore Monday Benjamin: Can Benin Matrimony Be Considered Catholic? (Article) [120 2018/2]

QDE 15 (2002), 325-336: Pierantonio Pavanello: La dimensione giuridica del matrimonio: significato teologico e conseguenze pastorali. (Article) [90 2003/2]

QDE 19 (2006), 272-294: Eugenio Zanetti: La versione italiana del nuovo Rito del matrimonio alla luce della dottrina e disciplina cattolica. (Article) [98 2007/2]

QDE 28 (2015), 135-163: Paolo Bianchi: Transessualismo e diritto matrimoniale canonico. (Article) [115 2016/1]

QDE 28 (2015), 311-318: Denis Baudot: L'unione ad experimentum: a proposito di un esperimento pastorale déjà vu. (Article) [116 2016/2]

QDE 30 (2017), 279-303: Paolo Bianchi: Il discernimento nell’ammissione alle nozze, sopratutto in riferimento alle questioni della fede, dell’amore e dell’indissolubilità. (Article) [121 2019/1]

QDE 30 (2017), 304-338: Eugenio Zanetti: Il diritto canonico e le situazioni cosiddette irregolari dal punto di vista matrimoniale. (Article) [121 2019/1]

QDE 32 (2019), 185-214: Adolfo Zambon: Il contenuto del bonum coniugum. (Article) [124 2020/2]

QDE 34 (2021), 9-27: Matteo Visioli: La dimensione naturale del matrimonio. (Article) [127 2022/1]

QDE 34 (2021), 444-468: Massimo Mingardi: Si richiede la fede per la valida celebrazione del matrimonio sacramentale? (Article) [129 2023/1]

RCDCP 3 (2016), 45-57: Federico Viola: Riflessioni dottrinarie sulla rilevanza giuridica dell’amore coniugale. (Article) [118 2017/2]

RDC 45 1995, 299-302: Jean-François Collange: La Procréation: Un point de vue Protestant. (Article) [76 1996/2]

RDC 45 1995, 308-310: Richard Puza: Les Nouvelles formes de procréation et leurs conséquences sur le droit de l'église. (Article) [76 1996/2]

RDC 45 1995, 311-315: Rik Torfs: Procréation, bien des conjoints, et droit matrimonial: quelques idées sommaires. (Article) [76 1996/2]

RDC 50 1/01, 171-196: Edoardo Dieni: Esprit de système et apories persistantes dans le droit matrimonial canonique. (Article) [88 2002/2]

RDC 51 1/01, 141-161: Edoardo Dieni: L'arrêt Pellegrini contre Italie de la Cour européenne des droits de l'homme. (Article) [89 2003/1]

RDC 53 1/03, 5-25: Jean Werckmeister: L'apparition de la doctrine du mariage con­trat dans le droit canonique du 12 e siècle. (Article) [94 2005/2]

RDC 53 1/03, 27-40: Laurent Kondratuk: Un témoignage à l'heure de Tametsi : les Institutiones iuris canonici de Lancelotti (1563). (Article) [94 2005/2]

RDC 53 1/03, 77-106: Jeanne-Marie Tufféry-Andrieu: Le mariage selon la conception de l'Église constitutionnelle française (1792-1801). (Article) [94 2005/2]

RDC 53 1/03, 107-134: Frédérique Granet-Lambrechts: Le mariage et les formes con­currentes de vie en couple en Europe. (Article) [94 2005/2]

RDC 53 1/03, 135-158: Emmanuel Tawil: Les revendications concurrentes de compétence de l'Église et de l'État en matière matrimoniale: perspective cano­ni­que. (Article) [94 2005/2]

RDC 53 1/03, 159-174: Kurt Martens: Sacrement et contrat du point de vue de la procédure canonique. (Article) [94 2005/2]

RDC 53 1/03, 191-212: Richard Puza: Le mariage est-il contrat ou alliance? (Article) [94 2005/2]

RDC 53 1/03, 213-226: Marc Aoun: Matrimonium contrahere ou matrimoniale foedus cele­brare. Pérégrinations de la conception du mariage. (Article) [94 2005/2]

RDC 55 2/05, 393-421: Claire Senon-Duplessis: L'Église Catholique et les fidèles divorcés remariés: les huit thèses du cardinal Ratzinger (1ère partie). (Article) [100 2008/2]

REDC 52 (1995), 157-190: Federico R. Aznar Gil: Las uniones homosexuales ante la legislación eclesiástica. (Article) [76 1996/2]

REDC 63 (2006), 899-907: Tribunal de la Archidiócesis de Madrid: nulidad de matrimonio (exclusión de la sacramentalidad y de la indisolubilidad), coram Roberto Serres López de Guereñu, 10 de abril de 2007. (Sentence) [101 2009/1]

REDC 68 (2011), 11-26: Juan Ignacio Bañares Parera: Vínculo conyugal y complementariedad de mujer y varón. (Conference presentation) [107 2012/1]

REDC 69 (2012), 149-161: Giannamaria Caserta: Alcune osservazione sulla rilevanza della sacramentalità matrimoniale del dettato teologico-canonico conciliare e codiciale. (Article) [109 2013/1]

REDC 70 (2013), 195-227: Carmen Peña García: El matrimonio en el ordenamiento canónico: posibles líneas de reforma legislativa. (Article) [111 2014/1]

REDC 70 (2013), 389-413: Raúl Berzosa Martínez: La exclusión del bien de los cónyuges. (Conference presentation) [112 2014/2]

REDC 72 (2015), 33-52: Federico R. Aznar Gil: El matrimonio de los bautizados «no creyentes» o «no practicantes»: fe y sacramento del matrimonio. (Article) [116 2016/2]

REDC 72 (2015), 553-581: Catarina Alexandra Salgado Gonçalves: Os tria bona do matrimónio em Santo Agostinho. (Article) [116 2016/2]

REDC 75 (2018), 375-378: Discurso del Santo Padre Francisco con ocasión de la inauguración del año judicial del Tribunal de la Rota Romana, Sala Clementina, 29.01.2018. Texto. (Address) [121 2019/1]

REDC 78 (2021), 1021-1048: Aurora Mª López Medina: La permanente crisis del matrimonio. (Article) [132 2024/2]

REDC 78 (2021), 1133-1159: Raúl Román Sánchez: La reciprocidad entre fe y matrimonio. Comentario de cuestiones matrimoniales canónicas en el documento “La reciprocidad entre fe y sacramento en las economías sacramentales” de la Comisión Teológica Internacional (2019). (Article) [132 2024/2]

RGDCDEE 63 (2023): Joan Carreras: El principio de atingencia, el matrimonio igualitario y el ordenamiento jurídico canónico. (Article) [132 2024/2]

RMDC 19 (2013), 107-152 and 189-196: Rogelio Ayala Partida: Fides et foedus: la esencia de la alianza conyugal. (Article) [112 2014/2]

RMDC 22/1 (2016), 183-189: PP. Francisco: Alocución a la Rota Romana, 22 de enero de 2016. (Address and comment) [122 2019/2]

RMDC 24/1 (2018), 131-139: PP. Francisco: Alocución a la Rota Romana, 29 de enero de 2018 (con comentario de Luis de Jesús Hernández M.). (Address and comment) [122 2019/2]

RMDC 25/1 (2019), 109-142: Ana Isabel Romero U.: El matrimonio en la misión de la norma y su implicación en la pastoral judicial. (Article) [123 2020/1]

RMDC 26/1 (2020), 119-127: PP. Francisco: Discurso del Santo Padre Francisco. Con ocasión de la inauguración del año judicial del Tribunal de la Rota Romana, del sábado 25 de enero de 2020. (Address) [127 2022/1]

RTL 38 (2007), 518-534: André Haquin: Le nouveau rituel du mariage (2005). (Article) [100 2008/2]

SC 30 2/96, 437~486: G. Candelier: Les apports originaux de Mgr. José María Serrano Ruiz dans la jurisprudence rotale. (Article) [78 1997/2]

SC 31 (1997), 193-200: Pierre Hayoit: Réflexions sur le thème «Mariage et procréation». (Article) [79 1998/1]

SC 33 (1999), 473-503: K. Lüdicke: Matrimonial Consent in Light of a Personalist Concept of Marriage: On the Council's New Way of Thinking about Marriage. (Article) [84 2000/2]

SC 33 (1999), 527-535: M. R. Prieur: The Articulation of the Ends of Marriage in Roman Catholic Teaching: A Brief Commentary. (Article) [84 2000/2]

SC 34 (2000), 5-21: R. Pagé: Marriage: Sacrament of Love or Sacrament of Bond? (Article) [85 2001/1]

SC 36 (2002), 59-127: A. Mendonça – P. Morris: Pathological Gambling and Marital Consent. (Article) [90 2003/2]

SC 36 (2002), 497-516: Apostolic Tribunal of the Roman Rota, coram De Lanversin, 27 June 1997. (Jurisprudence) [91 2004/1]

SC 36 (2002), 517-540: Apostolic Tribunal of the Roman Rota, coram De Lanversin, 17 July 1996. (Jurisprudence) [91 2004/1]

SC 38 (2004), 215-232: Diocese of A., Ireland, coram Boccafola, 14 October 1999. (Sentence) [95 2006/1]

SC 39 (2005), 221-241: Anthony B. C. Chiegboka: Sanctions to Parents in Inter-Faith Marriages: A Reflection on the Nigerian Local Church Praxis. (Article) [97 2007/1]

SC 40 (2006), 43-70: Augustine Mendonça: Exclusion of the Bonum coniugum: A Case Study. (Article) [98 2007/2]

SC 41 (2007), 441-452: Cormac Burke: Challenges to Matrimonial Jurisprudence Posed by the 1983 Code. (Article) [102 2009/2]

SC 43 (2009), 243-260: Apostolic Tribunal of the Roman Rota: Exclusion of the Bonum Coniugum and Incapacity to Assume the Essential Obligations of Marriage: Decision coram Monier, 27 October 2006. (Sentence) [104 2010/2]

SC 47 (2013), 183-206: Wojciech Kowal: Twenty Years after the Promulgation of the Catechism of the Catholic Church: Doctrinal Foundations for Marriage. (Article) [111 2014/1]

SC 54 (2020), 121-131: Alexander M. Laschuk: Amor coniugalis in Rotal Jurisprudence. (Article) [125 2021/1]

SCL II (2006), 297-321: Apostolic Tribunal of the Roman Rota: Exclusion of Bonum coniugum: Decision coram Turnaturi, 13 May 2004 (Italy). (Sentence) [98 2007/2]

SCL III (2007), 11-16: Pope Benedict XVI: Allocution to the Members of the Tribunal of the Roman Rota. (Allocution) [100 2008/2]

SCL III (2007), 53-72: Kenneth Boccafola: Reflections of a Rotal Auditor on the Bonum Coniugum. (Article) [100 2008/2]

SCL III (2007), 307-326: Luigi Sabbarese: Faith, Intention and Sacramental Dignity in Marriages among the Baptized. (Article) [100 2008/2]

SCL IX (2013), 7-12: Pope Benedict XVI: Allocution to the Roman Rota. (Address) [113 2015/1]

TPQ 149 (2001), 192-198: S. Lederhilger – H. Kalb: Römische Erlässe. (Documents) [87 2002/1]

TPQ 152 (2004), 91-92: S. Lederhilger – H. Kalb: Kongregation für die Glaubenslehre: Erwägungen zu den Entwürfen einer rechtlichen Anerkennung der Lebensgemeinschaften zwischen homosexuellen Paaren vom 3. Juni 2003. (Commentary) [93 2005/1]

TyV XLV 1/04, 3-17: J. S. Botero Giraldo; El cónyuge injustamente abandonado. Una situación que reclama justicia. (Article) [93 2005/1]

Éric Besson: La dimension juridique des sacraments. (Doctoral thesis) (Editrice Pontificia Università Gregoriana, Roma, 2003) [94 2005/2]

Carlos A. Cerezuela García: El contenido esencial del bonum prolis. Estudio histórico-jurídico de Doctrina y Jurisprudencia. (Book) (Editrice Pontificia Gregoriana, Rome, 2009) [104 2010/2]

Carlos José Errázuriz M. – Luis Navarro (editors): Il concetto di diritto canonico. Storia e prospettive. (Book) (Giuffrè, Milano, 2000) [86 2001/2]

Héctor Franceschi (ed.): Matrimonio e famiglia. La questione antropologica. (Book) (Pontificia Università della Santa Croce, Facoltà di Diritto Canonico, Rome, 2015) [114 2015/2]

Héctor Franceschi – Miguel A. Ortiz (eds.): Ius et Matrimonium II. Temi processuali e sostanziali alla luce del Motu Proprio Mitis Iudex Dominus Iesus. (Book) (Pontificia Università della Santa Croce, Facoltà di Diritto Canonico, Rome, 2017) [119 2018/1]

M. Gas i Aixendri: Relevancia canónica del error sobre la dignidad sacramental del matrimonio. (Book) (Pontificia Universitas Sanctae Crucis, Roma, 2001) [88 2002/2]

Adriana Neri – Inés Lloréns (eds.): I fondamenti relazionali del diritto di famiglia. Un approccio interdisciplinare. (Book) (Pontificia Università della Santa Croce (Subsidia Canonica 35), Rome, 2021) [128 2022/2]

Rotae Romanae Tribunal: Decisiones seu Sententiae selectae inter eas quae anno 2011 prodierunt cura eiusdem Apostolici Tribunalis editae, volumen CIII. (Compilation) (Libreria Editrice Vaticana, 2018) [120 2018/2]

Canons 1055-1056

AA XXIII (2017, vol. I), 129-155: José Bonet Alcón: Fines del matrimonio, hoy. (Article) [121 2019/1]

BV 74 (2014), 93-105: Andrej Saje: Simulacija privolitve v zakon (Simulation of matrimonial consent). (Article) [113 2015/1]

Comm 45 (2013), 321-323: Congregatio pro Doctrina Fidei: Litterae respicientes matrimonii indissolubilitatem necnon disceptationem de divortio separatis novas nuptias civiliter ineuntibus ad Exc.mum Administratorem Apostolicum dioecesis Friburgensis a Cardinali Praefecto Congregationis pro Doctrinae Fidei missae. (Letter) [113 2015/1]

Comm 45 (2013), 329-340: Gerhard Ludwig Müller: Articulus explanans matrimonii indissolubilitatem necnon disceptationem de divortio separatis novas nuptias civiliter ineuntibus ac de sacramentis ab Ludovico Müller conscriptus. (Article) [113 2015/1]

DPM 11 (2004), 117-124: Peter Stockmann: Die Ansprache Papst Johannes Pauls II. vom 30. Januar 2003 vor der Römischen Rota. (Commentary) [102 2009/2]

DPM 11 (2004), 141-145: Ansprache des Papstes an die Römische Rota zur Eröffnung des Gerichtsjahres 2003. (Document) [102 2009/2]

EA 47 (2012), 101-122: J. Silvio Botero G.: El matrimonio nace… el matrimonio muere… Dos posiciones de cara al fracaso conyugal. (Article) [109 2013/1]

FC 12 (2009), 167-207: Géza Kuminetz: Il contenuto dello ius connubii e lo stesso ius come scelta libera nello stato matrimoniale. (Article) [105 2011/1]

For XIII/02-XIV/03, 9-15: Pope John Paul II: Good of Indissolubility, Good of Marriage. (Address) [95 2006/1]

For XIII/02-XIV/03, 20-25: Pope John Paul II: Natural Marriage already has sacred dimension. (Address) [95 2006/1]

IC XXXIV 68/94, 441-458: Juan Ignacio Bañares: El matrimonio: en torno a la esencia, propiedades, bienes y fines. (Article) [76 1996/2]

IC 57/113 (2017), 129-150: Carlos José Errázuriz: La indisolubilidad del matrimonio: su problemática comprensión actual y la importancia de una fundamentación antropológico–jurídica. (Article) [119 2018/1]

Álvaro González Alonso (ed.): La relazione coniugale: crisi attuale e orizzonti di soluzione. (Book) (Pontificia Università della Santa Croce, Rome, 2019) [123 2020/1]

IE XVIII 1/06, 83-108: Jean-Pierre Schouppe: La protection du mariage et de la famille en droit européen des droits de l'homme: mythe ou réalité. (Lecture) [97 2007/1]

INT 9 1/03, 43-53: Xavier Lacroix: L'alliance conjugale, trésor caché et révélé. (Article) [91 2004/1]

INT 9 2/03, 177-185: Timothy Woods: Further Marriage and the Church of England. (Article) [92 2004/2]

J 61 (2001), 290-310: J. J. Coughlin: Divorce and the Catholic Lawyer. (Article) [92 2004/2]

LW 118/4 (2012), 213-229: Shaji Jerman: Sacramentality of Marriage and Pastoral Charity. (Article) [113 2015/1]

QDE 19 (2006), 416-436: Massimo Mingardi: L'esclusione della sacramentalità matrimoniale. (Article) [98 2007/2]

Canons 1055-1057

AA XIII (2006), 55-86: José Bonet Alcón: La belleza de la verdad sobre el matrimonio. Comentario al discurso del Santo Padre a la Rota Romana del 27 de enero de 2007. (Commentary) [99 2008/1]

CLSN 149/07, 8-12: Papal Allocution to Rotal Auditors and Officials, 27 January 2007. (Document) [99 2008/1]

CLSN 182/15, 51-72: John Hadley: Intention Contra Bonum Coniugum: Where are we now? (Article) [116 2016/2]

DPM 15/16 (2008/2009), 573-578, 635-639: Peter Stockmann: Die Ansprache Papst Benedikts XVI. vom 27. Januar 2007 vor der Römischen Rota. (Address and commentary) [106 2011/2]

EE 82 (2007), 807-824: Juan José García Faílde: El consentimiento matrimonial, desde la fisiología y patología del acto libre. (Article) [100 2008/2]

FCan XVI/1 (2021), 87-97: Miguel Falcão: Pode um Cristão sem fé receber o sacramento do Matrimónio? (Article) [128 2022/2]

IC XLVII 93/07, 217-222: Benedicto XVI: Discurso al Tribunal de la Rota romana, 27.I.2007. (Address) [99 2008/1]

IC XLVII 93/07, 223-237: Juan Ignacio Bañares: La dimensión jurídica intrínseca al matrimonio. El discurso de Benedicto XVI al Tribunal de la Rota romana de 27 de enero de 2007. (Commentary) [99 2008/1]

IE XIX 2/07, 483-494: Benedict XVI: Discorso alla Rota Romana, 27 gennaio 2007 (con nota di F. Puig, Sulla verità e l'intrinseca natura giuridica del matrimonio). (Address and commentary) [101 2009/1]

IE XXV (2013), 515-533: Benedetto XVI: Discorso alla Rota Romana, 26 gennaio 2013 (con nota di Montserrat Gas Aixendri, Fede e intenzione nel matrimonio sacramento). (Document and comment) [111 2014/1]

IE XXVI (2014), 579-622: Tribunale Apostolico della Rota Romana: Nullità del matrimonio. Esclusione del bonum coniugum e del bonum prolis. Sentenza definitiva, 26 febbraio 2013. Heredia Esteban, Ponente (con nota di F. Catozzella, I presuppositi per un'adeguata comprensione del bonum coniugum in una recente sentenza rotale). (Sentence and comment) [114 2015/2]

IE XXXII (2020), 673-688: Montserrat Gas-Aixendri: Possono i non credenti celebrare un valido matrimonio sacramentale? Considerazioni a margine del documento della Commissione Teologica Internazionale sulla reciprocità tra fede e sacramento. (Comment) [126 2021/2]

IE XXXIII (2021), 493-516: Paolo Bianchi: I presupposti antropologici dell’ordinamento matrimoniale canonico. (Article) [128 2022/2]

IM 13 (19) 2008, 91-98: Wojciech Góralski: Wymiar prawny małżeństwa przemówienia papieża Benedykta xvi do roty rzymskiej z 27 stycznia 2007 roku (The juridical dimension of marriage in the light of the Address of Pope Benedict XVI to the Roman Rota on 27 January 2007). (Commentary) [101 2009/1]

MFS 29 (2023), 233-264: Patrick Connolly: The Current Canonical Legislation of the Catholic Church on Marriage with Particular Reference to the Major Changes of the Last Century. (Article) [132 2024/2]

QDE 20 (2007), 171-184: Adolfo Zambon: La simulazione del consenso (can. 1101). (Conference presentation) [99 2008/1]

QDE 33 (2020), 85-100: Alessandro Giraudo: La rilevanza dell’amore nel consenso matrimoniale. (Article) [125 2021/1]

RDC 53 1/03, 175-190: Rik Torfs: La communauté de vie et le contrat. (Article) [94 2005/2]

REDC 78 (2021), 1053-1089: María Elena Olmos Ortega: Las causas matrimoniales a la luz de los discursos de los Papas a la Rota Romana (2000-2021). (Article) [132 2024/2]

RMDC VII 7/01, 71-91: J. Gaona Moreno: El consentimiento matrimonial. (Article) [88 2002/2]

SC 34 (2000), 197-246: G. Candelier: Le bonum prolis: doctrine et évolution de la jurisprudence. (Article) [85 2001/1]

SC 35 (2001), 357-402: P. Connolly: Contrasts in the Western and Eastern Approaches to Marriage. (Article) [89 2003/1]

SC 38 (2004), 155-172: J. A. Coriden: The Marriage Bond and Ecclesial Reconciliation of the Divorced and Remarried. (Article) [95 2006/1]

SC 39 (2005), 271-288 (English translation), 289-308 (French translation): Apostolic Tribunal of the Roman Rota, coram Pinto, 9 June 2000. (Jurisprudence) [97 2007/1]

SC 39 (2005), 309-330 (English translation), 331-351 (French translation): Apostolic Tribunal of the Roman Rota, coram Civili, 8 November 2000. (Jurisprudence) [97 2007/1]

María Victoria Hernández Rodríguez: Il diritto naturale, fondamento delle sentenze di dichiarazione di nullità matrimoniale coram Ardito. (Article in Jesu Pudumai Doss – Markus Graulich (eds.): Iustitiam et iudicium facere. Scritti in onore del Prof. Don Sabino Ardito, SDB, pp. 137-164) (Book) (Università Pontificia Salesiana, Rome, 2011) [108 2012/2]

Pedro-Juan Viladrich: Il consenso matrimoniale. (Book) (Pontificia Università della Santa Croce, Rome, 2019) [122 2019/2]

Gianfrancesco Zuanazzi: Psicologia e psichiatria nelle cause matrimoniali canoniche. (Book) (Libreria Editrice Vaticana, 2006) [97 2007/1]

Canons 1055-1058

DPM 9 (2002), 155-209: B. S. Anuth: Eheschliessung von Menschen mit geistiger Behinderung nach dem CIC/1983. (Article) [92 2004/2]

ITS 55 (2018), 309-327: I. Amalraj: Juridical Elements of Sufficienti Gaudeant Maturitate. (Lecture) [122 2019/2]

Canons 1055-1059

For XV 1-2/04, 3-541: J. Mizzi: Catholic and Muslim Marriages. (Doctoral Thesis) [95 2006/1]

Canons 1055-1061

BEF LXXVII 825/01, 579-585: J. González: "Annulment": The Catholic Name for Divorce? (Consultation) [88 2002/2]

Canons 1055-1062

IC XLIV 87/04, 13-67: Pedro-Juan Viladrich: El amor conyugal entre la vida y la muerte. La cuestión de las tres grandes estancias de la unión. (Article) [94 2005/2]

IC XLIV 87/04, 267-273: Texto de los Discursos de Juan Pablo II a la Rota Romana de 1.II.2001 y 30.I.2003. (Documentation) [94 2005/2]

IC XLIV 87/04, 281-307: Tomás Rincón-Pérez: La peculiaridad sacramental del matrimonio y sus consecuencias canónicas. (Commentary) [94 2005/2]

IC XLIV 88/04, 439-513: Pedro-Juan Viladrich: El amor conyugal entre la vida y la muerte. La cuestión de las tres grandes estancias de la unión (II). (Article) [95 2006/1]

Canons 1055-1072

Comm 32 (2000), 175-227: Ex actis Pontificiae Commissionis Codici Iuris Canonici Recognoscendo: Coetus studiorum "De Matrimonio" (Sessio I). (Report) [103 2010/1]

Canons 1055-1094

Comm 32 (2000), 228-252: Ex actis Pontificiae Commissionis Codici Iuris Canonici Recognoscendo: Coetus studiorum "De Matrimonio" (Sessio II). (Report) [103 2010/1]

Canons 1055-1129

BEF LXXV 810/99, 31-49: J. Gonzalez: Contracting Marriage in the Church. (Article) [83 2000/1]

Canons 1055-1165

AC 40 (1998), 119-49: D. Salachas: Le sacrement du mariage dans les deux codes. (Article) [83 2000/1]

ADC 5 supl. (octubre 2016), 15-37: Juan Ignacio Arrieta Ochoa de Chinchetru: La renovación del derecho matrimonial canónico en el contexto del Sínodo de la Familia. (Conference presentation) [118 2017/2]

Ap LXVIII 3-4 (1995), 521-565: J. Abbass: Marriage in the Codes of Canon Law. (Article) [81 1999/1]

DPM 12 (2005), 29-47: Ulrich Rhode: Die Ziele des kanonischen Ehe- und Eheprozessrechts. (Article) [102 2009/2]

EIC 56 (2016), 355-381: Héctor Franceschi: Il diritto della famiglia nella Chiesa. Approccio ad una rinnovata visione alla luce dell’Esortazione Apostolica «Amoris laetitia» di Papa Francesco. (Article) [118 2017/2]

IC XLII 83/02, 161-193: Jesús Bogarín Díaz: El latín del CCEO (Resultados de una comparación con el CIC). (Article) [91 2004/1]

IC XLII 83/02, 219-280: Andrzej Wójcik: La unión de hecho y el matrimonio. Diferencia antropológico-jurídica. (Article) [91 2004/1]

IE XIV 2/02, 453-469: G. Lo Castro: Diritto e giustizia. A proposito di un'opera del card. Mario Francesco Pompedda. (Article) [92 2004/2]

IE XXIX (2017), 159-174, 263-269: Pablo Gefaell: Commenti al M.P. “De concordia inter Codices”. (Document and comment) [119 2018/1]

IM V 11/00, 9-21: G. Dzierżon: Aplikacja kategorii aktu prawnego w kanonicznym prawie małżeńskim. (Article) [86 2001/2]

IM 30 (2019), nr. 3, 75-95: Jerzy Adamczyk: Normy komplementarne do Kodeksu prawa kanonicznego z 1983 r. w sprawach małżeńskich Konferencji Episkopatów Stanów Zjednoczonych i Kanady (Complementary norms to the 1983 Code of Canon Law in matrimonial matters issued by the Episcopal Conferences of the United States and Canada). (Article) [127 2022/1]

IM 31 (2020), nr 2, 47-63: Marek Saj: Soborowe źródła prawa małżeńskiego w Kodeksie prawa kanonicznego z 1983 roku (Conciliar roots of marriage law in the 1983 Code of Canon Law). (Article) [128 2022/2]

IM 33 (2022), nr 1, 5-30: Piotr Majer: Nowe polskie tłumaczenie Kodeksu prawa kanonicznego – uwagi na temat kanonów regulujących małżeństwo (New Polish translation of the Code of Canon Law – some remarks on the canons regulating marriage). (Article) [130 2023/2]

Per 100 (2011), 427-838: Matrimonio e famiglia in una società multireligiosa e multiculturale. (Symposium) [110 2013/2]

Proc CLSA 2004, 13-25: R. J Flummerfelt: Theology of Marriage: Complementarity between the Latin and Eastern Codes. (Address at the 2004 Convention of the Canon Law Society of America, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania) [96 2006/2]

REDC 60 (2003), 677-700: P. Mendoça Correira: O matrimonio canónico-concordatário em Portugal. (Article) [93 2005/1]

SC 49 (2015), 309-331: John M. Huels: Acts with a Juridic Effect in the Canons on Marriage. (Article) [115 2016/1]

VJTR 62 10/98, 769-784: V. Tirimanna: Marriage: Contract or Covenant? (Article) [83 2000/1]

Assemblée des Évêques catholiques du Québec: Guide canonique et pastoral au service des paroisses / Assembly of Quebec Catholic Bishops: Canonical and Pastoral Guide for Parishes. (Book) (Gratianus, Wilson & Lafleur, Montreal, 2006) [97 2007/1]

Il Codice di Diritto Canonico Commentato, a cura della Redazione di "Quaderni di Diritto Ecclesiale". (Book) (Ancora, Milano, 2001) [87 2002/1]

Patricia M. Dugan – Luis Navarro: Matrimonial Law and Canonical Procedure. A Continuing Education Course. (Book) (Gratianus, Wilson & Lafleur, Montreal, 2013) [110 2013/2]

John Huels: The Pastoral Companion. A Canon Law Handbook for Catholic Ministry. (Book) (Gratianus, Wilson & Lafleur, Montreal, 2009) [103 2010/1]

John Huels: The Pastoral Companion. A Canon Law Handbook for Catholic Ministry. (Book) (Gratianus, Wilson & Lafleur, Montreal, 2016) [117 2017/1]

Sebastian S. Karambai: Ministers and Ministries in the Local Church. (Book) (St Pauls, Mumbai, 2005) [96 2006/2]

Sebastian S. Karambai: Ministers and Ministries in the Local Church. A Comprehensive Guide to Ecclesiastical Norms, Second Revised and Updated Edition. (Book) (St Pauls, Mumbai, 2015) [115 2016/1]

G. Lo Castro: Matrimonio, diritto e giustizia. (Book) (Giuffrè Editore, Milano, 2003) [91 2004/1]

N. Schöch: Il Diritto Canonico nell'ambito del matrimonio e della famiglia, in Pontificio Consiglio per i Testi Legislativi: Vent'anni di esperienza canonica 1983-2003. (Lecture) (Libreria Editrice Vaticana, 2003) [92 2004/2]

M. Smith Foster: Annulment, the wedding that was: how the Church can declare a marriage null. (Book) (Paulist Press, New York / Mahwah, N.J., 1999) [82 1999/2]

Jesu Pudumai Doss – Giuseppe Duc Dung Do (eds.): Schola Humanitatis: Famiglia e matrimonio nella legislazione ecclesiale. Miscellanea in occasione del 75º della Facoltà di Diritto Canonico dell’UPS. (Book) (Libreria Ateneo Salesiano, Rome, 2016) [118 2017/2]

Paul Robbins: Second Marriage in the Catholic Church. ‘Annulment’ and other Solutions. (Book) (Amazon Fulfilment, Wrocław, 2019) [123 2020/1]

William H. Woestman: Canon Law of the Sacraments for Parish Ministry. (Book) (St Paul University, Ottawa, 2007) [100 2008/2]

Canon 1056

AC 56 (2014-2015), 173-187: Luc Marie Lalanne: Amour conjugale et indissolubilité du mariage. (Article) [118 2017/2]

AkK 169 (2000), 503-565: Kirchliche Erlässe und Entscheidungen. (Documents) [88 2002/2]

Ang 75 (1998), 147-166: José María Serrano Ruiz: Notas para una revisión del "Bonum fidei" desde la perspectiva personal e interpersonal del matrimonio canonico. (Article) [81 1999/1]

BV 77 (2017), 145-157: Sebastijan Valentan: L’infedeltà come capo di nullità matrimoniale. (Article) [119 2018/1]

Canonist 10/1 (2019), 3-9: Pope Francis: Address to the Officials of the Tribunal of the Roman Rota for the Inauguration of the Judicial Year, 29 January 2019; Anthony Kerin: Reflections on Pope Francis’ Allocution to the Roman Rota. (Address and comment) [123 2020/1]

CLSN 195/19, 80-82: Pope Francis: Rotal Address 2019. (Address) [123 2020/1]

Comm 30 (1998), 217-221: Ex Actis Sanctae Sedis, Ex Ephemeride L'Ossservatore Romano: The Power of the Pope and the Marriage of the Baptised. (Document) [83 2000/1]

Comm 31 (1999), 5-10: John Paul II: Allocutio Summi Pontificis ad Iudices Administros Advocatosque Rotae Romanae, coram admissos. (Address) [84 2000/2]

Comm 32 (2000), 3-8: Pope John Paul II: Allocutio Summi Pontificis ad Iudices, Administros Advocatosque Rotae Romanae coram admissos die 21 ianuarii 2000. (Address) [103 2010/1]

Comm 34 (2002), 13-18: Pope John Paul II: Allocutio Summi Pontificis ad Auditores, Administros, Advocatosque Rotae Romanae coram admissos die 28 ianuarii 2002. (Address) [103 2010/1]

Comm 51 (2019), 68-71: Pope Francis: Allocutio Summi Pontificis ad auditores, administros advocatosque Rotae Romanae coram admissos, die 29 mensis Ianuarii 2019. (Address) [123 2020/1]

DPM 10 (2003), 119-122: Heribert Heinemann: Ansprache Papst Johannes Paul II. vom 28. Januar 2002 vor der Römischen Rota. (Commentary) [102 2009/2]

FC 13-14 (2010-2011), 161-174: Angela Patrizia Tavani: Secolarizazzione della società e nullità matrimoniale. (Article) [110 2013/2]

FCan V/1 (2010), 139-142: Justiça, caridade e verdade no ministério judicial. Discurso do Papa Bento XVI ao Tribunal da Rota Romana 29 Janeiro 2010. (Address) [105 2011/1]

FCan XVIII/1 (2023), 61-76: João Vergamota: Dissolução do Matrimónio em favor da fé. (Article) [132 2024/2]

HPR September 2018: Kenneth M. Dos Santos: A Case for the Sacrament of Marriage. (Article) [127 2022/1]

IE XIII 3/01, 577-590: C. J. Errázuriz M.: Verità del matrimonio indissolubile e giustizia. (Lecture) [89 2003/1]

IE XV 1/03, 279-293: M. Gas i Aixendri: Sul rapporto tra realtà naturale e dimensione soprannaturale nel matrimonio: alcune conseguenze sul piano giuridico canonico. (Commentary) [92 2004/2]

LJ 145/00, 57-59: G. Brown: Divorce Reform. (Note) [87 2002/1]

Per XC 2/01, 273-304: J. Kowal: L'indissolubilità del matrimonio rato e consumato. Status quaestionis. (Article) [87 2002/1]

Per XCV 4/06, 619-625: Kevin Flannery: Tommaso d'Aquino sulla possibilità che l'inclinazione naturale verso il matrimonio sia sradicata dalla psyche del nubendo. (Article) [99 2008/1]

QDE 20 (2007), 185-198: Adolfo Zambon: L'esclusione dell'indissolubilità del vincolo. (Conference presentation) [99 2008/1]

RMDC 16 (2010), 141-147: Benedicto XVI: Alocución del Papa al inicio del año judicial, del 29 de enero de 2010. (Address) [105 2011/1]

SC 40 (2006), 501-512: Diocese of Poznan, coram Bottone, 9 October 2003. (Sentence) [99 2008/1]

TS LXV 3/04, 453-499: K. R. Hines – J. A. Coriden: The Indissolubility of Marriage: Reasons to Reconsider. (Article) [93 2005/1]

Canons 1056-1057

AA IV (1997), 285-299: J. M. Serrano Ruiz: Sentencia de la Rota Romana de 22.3.1996, nulidad de matrimonio por exclusión de la fidelidad, negativa; comentario a la sentencia, de Luis Okulik FDP. (Sentence and commentary) [80 1998/2]

Canon 1057

AA III (1996), 247-262: Cormac Burke: El objeto de la donación conyugal de sí. (Article) [80 1998/2]

AA IX (2002), 97-116: J. Bonet Alcón: La sexualidad y la validez del matrimonio. (Article) [91 2004/1]

AA XX (2014), 253-269: Ciro Tammaro: Il matrimonio nel De Sacramentis di Ugo di San Vittore e nelle Sententiae di Pietro Lombardo: brevi note teologico-canoniche comparative. (Article) [116 2016/2]

AnC 3 (2007), 169-186: Michał Jóźwik: Istotne okoliczności i elementy prawne przy zawieraniu małżieństwa konkordatowego w Polsce (Matrimonial law according to the 1993 Polish Concordat). (Article) [105 2011/1]

AnC 7 (2011), 35-47: Andrzej Wócjik: Konsens naturalnie wystarczający: jego konsekwencje prawne i moralne (Naturally sufficient consent: its legal and moral consequences). (Lecture) [109 2013/1]

Ang 85 (2008), 163-178: Bruno Caglioti: Consenso matrimoniale e amore sponsale nella dottrina di S. Tommaso. (Article) [101 2009/1]

Ang 85 (2008), 179-199 (also REDC 63 (2006), 725-745): Ciro Tammaro: Il contratto matrimoniale quale meccanismo giuridico di attuazione storica del sacramento: la visione di S. Tommaso. (Article) [101 2009/1]

Ap LXXXII 1-2 (2009), 391-409: Piero Antonio Bonnet: Il consenso matrimoniale. A proposito di un libro recente. (Bibliographical review) [104 2010/2]

Ap LXXXVII (2014), 373-404: Paolo Gherri: Discernere e scegliere nella Chiesa. (Article) [116 2016/2]

Ap LXXXVII (2014), 405-444: Carmen Peña García: Discernimiento y Consentimiento matrimonial: cuestiones relativas a la discreción de juicio exigida para el Matrimonio. (Article) [116 2016/2]

Ap LXXXX (2017), 115-131: Francesco Catozzella: Performatività del Consenso matrimonale e identità coniugale. (Article) [121 2019/1]

BEF LXXVI 820/00, 589-598: Cardinal J. Sin: On the Phenomenon of Pregnant Brides. (Article) [88 2002/2]

CLSN 113/98, 58-63: G. Richards: Deaf People, The Pre-Nuptial Enquiry and Annulments. (Article) [81 1999/1]

CLSN 138/04, 87-91: A. Mendonça: Cultural Elements: Marriage in India. (Article) [94 2005/2]

CLSN 138/04, 92-94: A. Mendonça: Cultural Elements: Marriage in Nigeria. (Article) [94 2005/2]

CLSN 167 (2011), 40-50: Anthony Malone: Cultural Change and Marital Jurisprudence. (Article) [110 2013/2]

Comm 33 (2001), 32-61: Ex actis Pontificiae Commissionis Codici Iuris Canonici Recognoscendo: Coetus studiorum "De Matrimonio" (Sessio IV). (Report) [103 2010/1]

DPM 2 (1995), 69-87: Heinrich J. F. Reinhardt: Entsprechen Konsensanforderungen (c. 1057 CIC) und Konsensmängel (cc. 1095-1103 CIC) einander? Eine Anfrage an das Ehekonsensrecht der katholische Kirche. (Paper) [79 1998/1]

DPM 15/16 (2008/2009), 83-103: Juan José García Failde: Der freie Akt des Ehekonsens aus personalistischer Sicht. (Article) [106 2011/2]

EE 83 (2008), 679-697: Estanislao Olivares D'Angelo: Nulidad del matrimonio por ausencia de verdadero consentimiento matrimonial. (Article) [103 2010/1]

EE 97 (2022), 1079-1116: Carmen Peña: Interpelaciones sinodales al derecho matrimonial: de los itinerarios catecumenales de preparación al matrimonio a la relevancia del discernimiento, el «bonum coniugum» y la apertura al «bonum familiae». (Article) [130 2023/2]

EIC 57 (2017), 661-695: Stefano Violi: Dalla fides romana alla fede cristiana. Rilettura del consenso matrimoniale alla luce della fede. (Article) [120 2018/2]

FCan III/2 (2008), 113-128: Juan José García Faílde: Fisiologia e patologia do acto livre. (Article) [103 2010/1]

For IX 1/98, 39-117: C. Burke: The Object of Matrimonial Consent: A Personalist Analysis. (Article) [82 1999/2]

HPR October 2018: Catherine Godfrey-Howell: Marriage and the Juridical Relevance of Pastoral Language. (Article) [127 2022/1]

IC XXXVIII 75/98, 345-357: Juan Ignacio Bañares: Nota bibliográfica. (Review article) [81 1999/1]

IC XLII 84/02, 697-722: Luis Ignacio Arechederra Aranzadi: Matrimonio informal « by cohabitation with habit and repute » en Escocia. (Article) [91 2004/1]

IE VIII 1/96, 145-170: Tribunale Apostolico della Rota Romana. Chilaven. Nullità del matrimonio. Nullità del decreto di Seconda Istanza. Timore reverenziale. Decreto di conferma della sentenza di Prima Istanza. 20 gennaio 1994, Burke, Ponente (con nota di H. Franceschi, Il diritto alla libera scelta del proprio coniuge quale diritto fondamentale della persona). (Sentence and commentary) [78 1997/2]

IE XIX 3/07, 567-588: Giuseppe Versaldi: L'uomo debole a la capacità per autodonarsi: quale capacità per il matrimonio. (Lecture) [101 2009/1]

IE XXI 2/09, 478-493: Benedetto XVI: Discorso a la Rota Romana, 29 gennaio 2009, (con nota di M. A. Ortiz: Capacità consensuale ed essenza del matrimonio). (Document and commentary) [104 2010/2]

IE XXV (2013), 167-182: Giuseppe Versaldi: La capacità di sposarsi nelle allocuzioni di Benedetto XVI agli uditori della Rota Romana (2006-2012). (Lecture) [111 2014/1]

IM II 8/97, 39-75: P. Majer: Błąd co do jedności lub nierozerwalności małżeństwa. Na marginesie dyskusji na temat interpretacji kan. 1099 kodeksu prawa kanonicznego. (Article) [81 1999/1]

IM II 8/97, 77-85: W. Góralski: Wykluczenie prawa do potomstwa w świetle nowszego orzecznictwa rotalnego. (Article) [81 1999/1]

IM 30 (2019), nr. 1, 65-76: Tomasz Smoliński: Zgoda małżeńska jako przyczyna sprawcza małżeństwa (Marital consent as the causative factor of marriage). (Article) [127 2022/1]

IM 31 (2020), nr 1, 119-133: Adam Bartczak: Nieważność czynności prawnej na przykładzie małżeństwa kanonicznego (Invalidity of a juridical act from the perspective of marriage canon law). (Article) [128 2022/2]

L 38 (1997), 423-444: J. S. Botero Giraldo: La dimensión jurídica del amor conyugal. Un debate entre la actual situación «de jure condito« y una propuesta «de jure condendo». (Article) [80 1998/2]

LQ 44 2/97, 10-20: C. Burke: Self-Giving and Self-Fulfilment in Marriage and the Family. (Article) [79 1998/1]

ME CXXI 3/96, 401-429: E. Turnaturi: II diritto fondamentale del fedele alla libera scelta dello stato coniugale e il difetto di libertà nel consenso matrimoniale canonico. (Article) [78 1997/2]

Mem XXIV/00, 99-110: J. J. García Faílde: Indisolubilidad del matrimonio concreto. (Conference presentation) [89 2003/1]

Mem XXIV/00, 5-80: J. J. García Faílde: El consentimiento matrimonial: aspectos jurídicos, psicológicos y psicopatológicos. (Conference presentation) [89 2003/1]

PCF IX (2007), 323-330: Hermogenes E. Bacareza: Homosexuality as an Invalidating Ground of Marriage. (Sentence) [100 2008/2]

Per 102 (2013), 241-277: Piero Antonio Bonnet: Il diritto ecclesiale 'in signo fidei' e l'indissolubilità del matrimonio sacramento. (Article) [112 2014/2]

Per 110 (2021), 175-223: Davide Salvatori: Mancanza di fede e nullità di matrimonio: confronto tra il documento della Commissione Teologica Internazionale del marzo 2020 e la consolidata giurisprudenza del tribunale della Rota Romana. (Article) [128 2022/2]

Proc CLSA 2005, 197-209: Jorge L. Roque: Egoism in Marriage Jurisprudence. (Seminar paper) [101 2009/1]

QDE 19 (2006), 272-294: Eugenio Zanetti: La versione italiana del nuovo Rito del matrimonio alla luce della dottrina e disciplina cattolica. (Article) [98 2007/2]

QDE 35 (2022), 91-102: Giuseppe Quaranta: Quale “libertà” per un valido consenso? Lo sguardo della teologia morale. (Article) [129 2023/1] 

QDE 35 (2022), 103-116: Tiziano Vanzetto: Quale “libertà” per un valido consenso? Lo sguardo del diritto canonico. (Article) [129 2023/1] 

QSR 21 (2011), 127-147: Laura Sgrò: La questione del defectus libertatis internae in quanto capo autonomo di nullità nella giurisprudenza Rotale. (Article) [109 2013/1]

RDC 48 2/98, 349-361: René Heyer: The question of time in the formation of the marriage bond in Gratian. (Article) [85 2001/1]

RDC 53 1/03, 41-76: Yves Jeanclos: Le consentement dans le mariage à la française aux 17 e et 18 e siècles. (Article) [94 2005/2]

RDC 53 1/03, 191-212: Richard Puza: Le mariage est-il contrat ou alliance? (Article) [94 2005/2]

RDC 57 2/07, 277-297: Nicolas Kilgus: La formation par étapes du lien matrimonial en droit canonique et en droit français. (Article) [105 2011/1]

REDC 62 (2005), 279-283: Tribunal de la Rota de la Nunciatura Apostólica, 15 de marzo de 2000: nulidad de matrimonio (defecto de discreción de juicio y falta de libertad interna), coram Juan José García Faílde. (Decree of Ratification) [97 2007/1]

REDC 63 (2006), 899-907: Tribunal de la Archidiócesis de Madrid: nulidad de matrimonio (exclusión de la sacramentalidad y de la indisolubilidad), coram Roberto Serres López de Guereñu, 10 de abril de 2007. (Sentence) [101 2009/1]

REDC 67 (2010), 83-137: José María Muñoz de Juana: La falta de amor como causa de nulidad de matrimonio. (Article) [106 2011/2]

REDC 70 (2013), 195-227: Carmen Peña García: El matrimonio en el ordenamiento canónico: posibles líneas de reforma legislativa. (Article) [111 2014/1]

REDC 72 (2015), 599-614: Ciro Tammaro: Il matrimonio nel De Sacramentis di Ugo di San Vittore e nelle Sententiae di Pietro Lombardo: brevi note teologico-canoniche comparative. (Article) [116 2016/2]

RMDC 18 (2012), 277-311: Rogelio Ayala Partida: Parámetros antropológicos y psicológicos del consentimiento matrimonial. (Article) [110 2013/2]

SC 30 1/96, 5-30: N. Sangal: The Effects of Incest on Matrimonial Consent. (Article) [77 1997/1]

SC 31 (1997), 403-421: C. Burke: The Object of the Marital Self-Gift as Presented in Canon 1057, §2. (Article) [80 1998/2]

SC 32 (1998), 371-395: J. Gressier: L'inexistence du consentement. (Article) [82 1999/2]

SC 33 (1999), 125-138: L. A. Robitaille: Consent, Culture and the Code. (Article) [83 2000/1]

SC 34 (2000), 355-400: J. Gressier: Consent is a Positive Act of the Will. (Article) [86 2001/2]

SC 35 (2001), 293-356: A. Mendonça: The Effects of Alcohol and Sedative-Hypnotic-Anxiolytic Drugs Intoxication on Marital Consent: A Case Study. (Article) [89 2003/1]

SC 36 (2002), 59-127: A. Mendonça – P. Morris: Pathological Gambling and Marital Consent. (Article) [90 2003/2]

SC 36 (2002), 497-516: Apostolic Tribunal of the Roman Rota, coram De Lanversin, 27 June 1997. (Jurisprudence) [91 2004/1]

SC 36 (2002), 517-540: Apostolic Tribunal of the Roman Rota, coram De Lanversin, 17 July 1996. (Jurisprudence) [91 2004/1]

SC 37 3/01, 185-200: Apostolic Tribunal of the Roman Rota, coram Serrano, 9 January 1998. (Jurisprudence) [92 2004/2]

SC 41 (2007), 441-452: Cormac Burke: Challenges to Matrimonial Jurisprudence Posed by the 1983 Code. (Article) [102 2009/2]

Canons 1057-1058

FCan VI/1 (2011), 83-88: Elisa Araújo: S. Valentim: mártir da liberdade do consentimento e da soberania dos cônjuges (comentário ao ius connubii, cc. 1057 e 1058 CIC). (Commentary) [108 2012/2]

Canons 1057-1061

RR 2005, 76-78: G. T. Jorgensen: Role of Parish Priest or Delegated Cleric in "Civil Remarriage" of Divorced Catholics. (Opinion) [96 2006/2]

Canons 1057-1165

Arthur J. Espelage (ed.): CLSA Advisory Opinions 2001-2005. (Book) (Canon Law Society of America, 2006) [97 2007/1]

Canon 1058

AkK 180 (2011), 92-117: Bernd Dennemarck: Eheschließung trotz Kirchenaustritt? Rechtliche Neuorientierung nach dem Motu Proprio Omnium in mentem. (Article) [109 2013/1]

CLSN 165/11, 17-20: Pope's 2011 Address to the Rota, 22 January 2011. (Address) [108 2012/2]

EE LXXIV 10-12/99, 661-696: U. Navarette: Independencia de los jueces eclesiásticos en la interpretación y aplicación del Derecho. (Article) [84 2000/2]

IC XLVII 93/07, 73-97: Héctor Franceschi F.: El contenido y la determinación del ius connubii y sus manifestaciones en el sistema matrimonial canónico vigente. (Article) [99 2008/1]

IE XV 2/03, 335-369: H. Franceschi: Una comprensione realistica dello ius connubii e dei suoi limiti. (Lecture) [93 2005/1]

IE XV 3/03, 693-740: Tribunale della Rota Romana – Nullità del matrimonio – Incapacità di assumere gli obblighi essenziali del matrimonio per cause di natura psichica – Esclusione dell'indissolubilità – Sentenza definitiva – 25 ottobre 2002 – Sciacca, Ponente. (Sentence, with commentary by H. Franceschi) [93 2005/1]

IE XXIII 2/11, 467-485: Benedetto XVI: Discorso alla Rota Romana, 22 gennaio 2011 (con nota di Paolo Bianchi, "Non esiste [...] un matrimonio della vita e un altro del diritto": l'exigenza di una seria pastorale prematrimoniale e di una coerente prassi giudiziaria). (Address and commentary) [108 2012/2]

IE XXVII (2015), 317-338: Montserrat Gas Aixendri: Allontanamento dalla Chiesa e diritti fondamentali nell'ordinamento canonico: La tutela della libertà religiosa e dello ius connubii. (Article) [116 2016/2]

LJ 154/05, 27-30: Christopher Dyer: Royal Marriages and Human Rights. (Article) [97 2007/1]

Proc CLSA 2005, 225-230: Kenneth K. Schwanger: Fulfillment of the cautions and prohibitions in the preparation for marriage of those in the RCIA: An examination of the nature and use of the vetita in tribunal practice with an eye toward practical pastoral implications. (Seminar paper) [101 2009/1]

QDE 16 (2003), 403-431: Paolo Bianchi: Cause psichiche e nullità del matrimonio. I. Le allocuzioni alla Rota di Giovanni Paolo II: il tema della capacità al matrimonio. (Article) [92 2004/2]

QDE 24 (2011), 500-505: Pierantonio Pavanello: Licenze e dispense matrimoniali. (Lecture) [109 2013/1]

QSR 20 (2010), 13-41: Héctor Franceschi: Lo ius connubii come criterio interpretativo delle norme riguardanti la nullità del matrimonio. Alcune considerazioni sulla giurisprudenza della Rota Romana. (Article) [107 2012/1]

REDC 63 (2006), 255-276: Miguel Falção: O ius connubii romano e o direito ao matrimónio. (Article) [99 2008/1]

REDC 64 (2007), 281-307: Juan Ignacio Bañares: Mentalidad divorcista e indisolubilidad del matrimonio. (Conference presentation) [101 2009/1]

RMDC 9 2/03, 93-104: C. Warnholtz Bustillos: La problemática canónico-pastoral previa a la celebración del matrimonio. (Article) [92 2004/2]

RMDC 17 (2011), 33-82: Luis de Jesús Hernández M.: El expediente matrimonial como instrumento jurídico preventivo de las causas de nulidad. (Article) [108 2012/2]

Verg 9 (2019), 327-353: José María Martí Sánchez: Perspectiva jurídica y religiosa de los matrimonios interreligiosos en España. (Article) [124 2020/2]

Canon 1059

AA XIII (2006), 267-294: María del Mar Leal Adorna – María Reyes León Benítez: Las decisiones de tribunales estatales españoles sobre el reconocimiento de la nulidad matrimonial canónica: la jurisprudencia del año 2005. (Article) [99 2008/1]

AnC 11 (2015), 95-105: Piotr Kroczek: Introduction to the separate property regime in Polish law. (Article) [121 2019/1]

CLSN 113/98, 40-48: P. Hayward: Family Law Reform and the Civil Effects of Nullity and Separation. (Article) [81 1999/1]

Comm 44 (2012), 357-359: Pontificium Consilium de Legum Textibus: Nota explicativa quoad pondus canonicum divortii orthodoxi. (Document) [111 2014/1]

DPM 10 (2003), 13-24: David A. Jaeger: Der Personalstatus der zivilen Rechstprechung der kirchlichen Gerichte in Israel. (Article) [102 2009/2]

EE 85 (2010), 817-843: Santiago Panizo Orallo: ¿Cosas del poder, abusos de poder, neurosis del poder? Reflexiones. (Article) [106 2011/2]

EIC 54 (2014), 415-442: Costantino-M. Fabris: Nuova giurisprudenza in tema di delibazione di sentenza ecclesiastica. Note a margine della sentenza della Cassazione, Sez. Unite, n. 16379 del 17 luglio 2014. (Article) [114 2015/2]

FCan V/1 (2010), 81-114, 145-151: Mário Rui de Oliveira: A Carta Circular do Supremo Tribunal da Assinatura Apostólica e o art. 16 da Concordata. (Article) [105 2011/1]

For XI 1/00, 1-402: M. Grech: The Harmonisation of the Religious and Civil Dimensions of Canonical Marriages in Malta. (Thesis) [90 2003/2]

FT 20 (2009), 215-228: Szabolcs Anzelm Szuromi: An Outline of the History of Canonical Prescriptions Regarding Marriage in the Church. (Article) [106 2011/2]

IE XII 3/00, 715-723: T. Rozkrut: Il matrimonio concordatario in Polonia. (Article) [87 2002/1]

IE XVII 1/05, 303-333: Pontificio Consiglio per i Testi Legislativi: Nota circa la validità dei matrimoni civili celebrati nel Kazakhstan nel periodo comunista, 13 maggio 2003 (con nota di M. A. Ortiz, La validità del matrimonio civile celebrato da battezzati nella Chiesa ortodossa). (Document and commentary) [96 2006/2]

IE XXX (2018), 101-124: Javier Ferrer Ortiz: La eficacia civil del matrimonio canónico en una sociedad secularizada. (Article) [121 2019/1]

IE XXX (2018), 151-175: Chiara Minelli: Matrimonio canonico e Cassazione. Le sfide della ragionevolezza. (Article) [121 2019/1]

Ius Comm VI (2018), 333-350: José Luis López Zubillaga: La posición de la jurisdicción eclesiástica en el ordenamiento jurídico español. (Article) [122 2019/2]

J 54 (1994), 617-622: Maurice Walsh: "Common Law" Unions in the Caribbean. (Article) [76 1996/2]

ME CXXI 2/96,269-286: G. Grazioso: Considerazioni in tema di invalidità del matrimonio civile nel diritto canonico italiano. (Article) [77 1997/1]

ME CXXI 2/96, 287-304: G. Gallaro: Juridical importance of marriage celebrated before a non-Catholic Minister in Italy. (Article) [77 1997/1]

ME CXXIII 3/98, 507-528: G. Piomelli: Incongruenze nella disciplina matrimoniale neoconcordataria: i rapporti tra giudizio civile de divorzio e giudizio canonico di nullità in un recente studio di Sergio Scarli. (Article) [82 1999/2]

ME CXXV 1/00, 160-192: G. Piomelli: L'accordo di villa Madama e la non automatica rilevanza delle pronunce ecclesiastiche di nullità matrimoniale nell' ordinamento italiano. (Article) [85 2001/1]

Per XCIV 3/05, 477-507: J. Kowal: L'istruzione Dignitas Connubii e la competenza della Chiesa circa il matrimonio dei battezzati. (Article) [96 2006/2]

QDE 16 (2003), 340-353: Attilio Nicora: Il matrimonio concordatario in Italia. (Article) [92 2004/2]

QDE 16 (2003), 354-378: Gianluca Marchetti: Il matrimonio concordatario: aspetti procedurali. (Article) [92 2004/2]

QDE 16 (2003), 379-387: Mauro Rivella: La trascrizione tardiva del matrimonio. (Article) [92 2004/2]

QDE 17 (2004), 69-80: Sandra Sandri: I procedimenti volti ad ottenere il riconoscimento civile delle sentenze canoniche di nullità. III. Gli effetti economici. (Article) [93 2005/1]

QDE 17 (2004), 202-209: Luigi Lacroce: Il possesso della cittadinanza italiana come requisito per assistere al matrimonio concordatorio. (Article) [93 2005/1]

QDE 23 (2010), 76-87: Giuseppe Comotti: L'esercizio della professione nel foro civile da parte dell'avvocato ecclesiastico. Aspetti deontologici e dovere della coerenza. (Article) [105 2011/1]

RDC 53 1/03, 135-158: Emmanuel Tawil: Les revendications concurrentes de compétence de l'Église et de l'État en matière matrimoniale: perspective cano­ni­que. (Article) [94 2005/2]

RDC 53 1/03, 159-174: Kurt Martens: Sacrement et contrat du point de vue de la procédure canonique. (Article) [94 2005/2]

RDC 56 1-2/06, 33-62: Jean Werckmeister: Le privilège du for et la compétence judiciaire de l'Église catholique. (Article) [103 2010/1]

RDC 71/2 (2021), 307-322: Marcel Metzger: « Bénédiction » ou « célébration » pour les divorcées remariés? (Article) [128 2022/2]

RMDC 27/2 (2021), 247-290: Mario Medina Balam: El matrimonio canónico con reconocimiento civil. Una propuesta para México. (Article) [129 2023/1]

RR 2003, 70-73: G. Ingels: Competence of the Civil Forum When Examining the Invalidity of Marriage. (Advisory Opinion) [94 2005/2]

VJTR 64 9/00, 685-693 and 10/00, 763-776: Jeyaseelan, SJ: Civil Law Confronts Canon Law (I and II). (Articles) [88 2002/2]

Canons 1059-1060

Ap LXXXVII (2014), 207-271: Ivica Ivanković Radak: L'accertamento dello stato libero per il Matrimonio tra i fedeli della Chiesa cattolica e della Chiesa Ortodossa Serba. Gli effetti processuali della nullità del Matrimonio, della Separazione e del Divorzio. (Article) [115 2016/1]

Canon 1060

AnC 6 (2010), 225-234: Bartosz Nowakowski: Pseudoduszpasterskie rozwiązania w orzekaniu nieważności małżeństw zagrożeniem sprawiedliwości i prawdy. Kilka refleksji na kanwie przemówienia Benedykta XVI do Roty Rzymskiej z 29 stycznia 2010 r (Pseudo-pastoral solutions in declaring marriages null as a threat to justice and truth. Some reflections on Pope Benedict XVI's speech to the Roman Rota on 29 January 2010). (Address and commentary) [108 2012/2]

CLSN 109/97, 8-12: The Pope's Address to Rotal Auditors. (Document) [79 1998/1]

CLSN 137/04, 6-9: Address of John Paul II to the Members of the Tribunal of the Roman Rota, 29 January 2004. (Document) [94 2005/2]

CLSN 161/10, 12-22: Pope's Address to the Roman Rota 2010. (Address) [106 2011/2]

Comm 36 (2004), 20-23: Pope John Paul II: Allocutio Summi Pontificis ad Auditores, Administros Advocatosque Rotae Romanae coram admissos 29 ianuarii 2004 habita. (Allocution) [104 2010/2]

Comm 42 (2010), 5-8: Pope Benedict XVI: Allocutio Summi Pontificis ad Auditores, Administros Advocatosque Rotae Romanae coram admissos 29 mensis ianuarii 2010. (Address) [106 2011/2]

DPM 11 (2004), 45-60: Jürgen Cleve: Die Außenwahrnehmung und Außenwirkung des Ehenichtigkeitsverfahrens – Ein Forschungsbericht. (Article) [102 2009/2]

DPM 12 (2005), 167-173, 251-254: Peter Stockmann: Die Ansprache Papst Johannes Pauls II. vom 29. Januar 2004 vor der Römischen Rota. (Commentary) [102 2009/2]

EE LXXVIII 307/03, 695-713: Rufino Callejo de Paz: La posición de los tribunales eclesiásticos frente a la presunción del canon 1060. (Article) [92 2004/2]

EE 89 (2014), 767-780: José Ma Díaz Moreno: El Sínodo de la Familia. Algunas cuestiones canónicas abiertas. (Article) [114 2015/2]

EIC 55 (2015), 385-404: Giuseppe Sciacca: Relazione tra fede e matrimonio sacramentale. (Article) [116 2016/2]

FCan II/1 (2007), 71-86: Dominique Le Tourneau: La protection de la vérité dans les discours de S.S. le Pape Jean-Paul II à la Rote Romaine (1979-2005). (Article) [100 2008/2]

FCan V/1 (2010), 139-142: Justiça, caridade e verdade no ministério judicial. Discurso do Papa Bento XVI ao Tribunal da Rota Romana 29 Janeiro 2010. (Address) [105 2011/1]

For XVI/05, 13-17: Pope John Paul II: Marriage must enjoy a true "favour of law". Address to Members of the Tribunal of the Roman Rota. 29 January 2004. (Address) [96 2006/2]

IC XLV 89/05, 13-33: Zenon Grocholewski: La función del juez en las causas matrimoniales. (Article) [96 2006/2]

IC XLV 89/05, 243-257: Juan Ignacio Bañares: El «favor matrimonii» y la presunción de validez del matrimonio contraído. Comentario al discurso de Juan Pablo II al tribunal de la Rota Romana de 29.I.2004. (Commentary) [96 2006/2]

IC 56/111 (2016), 303-333: Sentencia del Tribunal de la Rota Romana, de 27 de febrero de 2014. (Sentence) [117 2017/1]

IC 56/111 (2016), 335-353: Manuel Valdés Mas: El favor veri matrimonii a propósito de una sentencia Coram Heredia de 27 de febrero de 2014. (Comment) [117 2017/1]

IE XV 3/03, 693-740: Tribunale della Rota Romana – Nullità del matrimonio – Incapacità di assumere gli obblighi essenziali del matrimonio per cause di natura psichica – Esclusione dell'indissolubilità – Sentenza definitiva – 25 ottobre 2002 – Sciacca, Ponente. (Sentence, with commentary by H. Franceschi) [93 2005/1]

IE XVI 1/04, 321-344: Giovanni Paolo II: Discorso alla Rota Romana, 29 gennaio 2004 (con nota di A. S. Sánchez Gil, Il favor matrimonii e la presunzione di validità del matrimonio: appunti per la loro chiarificazione concettuale). (Document and commentary) [95 2006/1]

IE XXII 2/10, 493-507: Discorso alla Rota Romana, 29 gennaio 2010 (con nota di Massimo del Pozzo, Caritas in veritate, salva iustitia). (Address and commentary) [106 2011/2]

IE XXV (2013), 55-75: Antonio S. Sánchez-Gil: La presunzione nella vigente normativa canonica: osservazioni critiche. (Article) [111 2014/1]

Ius Comm III (2015), 75-93: Giuseppe Sciacca: Relación entre fe y matrimonio sacramental. (Article) [115 2016/1]

PCF XII (2010), 19-23: Pope Benedict XVI: Address to the Members of the Tribunal of the Roman Rota for the Inauguration of the Judicial Year, 29 January 2010. (Address) [108 2012/2]

Per XCIV 2/05, 243-273: J. Kowal: Conflitto tra favor matrimonii e favor libertatis? (Article) [96 2006/2]

REDC 78 (2021), 1053-1089: María Elena Olmos Ortega: Las causas matrimoniales a la luz de los discursos de los Papas a la Rota Romana (2000-2021). (Article) [132 2024/2]

RMDC 16 (2010), 141-147: Benedicto XVI: Alocución del Papa al inicio del año judicial, del 29 de enero de 2010. (Address) [105 2011/1]

SC 31 (1997), 475-512: A. Mendonça: The Correct Interpretation of Canons 1150 and 1608, §4. (Article) [80 1998/2]

SC 42 (2008), 181-203: Wojciech Kowal: The Presumption of the Validity of Marriage. (Article) [103 2010/1]

SCL II (2006), 323-370: Apostolic Tribunal of the Roman Rota: Non-Existence of Marriage: Decision coram De Angelis, 3 June 2005 (Portugal). (Sentence) [98 2007/2]

Dominique Le Tourneau: La dimension juridique du sacré. (Book) (Gratianus, Wilson & Lafleur, Montreal, 2012) [109 2013/1]

Wojciech Kowal: The Presumption of the Validity of Marriage. (Article in Victor G. D'Souza (ed.): In the Service of Truth and Justice [St Peter's Pontifical Institute, Bangalore, 2008], pp. 249-274) [101 2009/1]

Canon 1061

AA VIII (2001), 11-26: L. A. Alessio: La sexualidad humana en el plan de Dios. (Article) [89 2003/1]

AA VIII (2001), 57-74: C. I. Heredia: Importancia canónica de la primera cópula conyugal. (Article) [89 2003/1]

AA XXIII (2017, vol. II), 39-64: Carmen Peña García: La no consumación del matrimonio como motivo de disolución canónica: cuestiones a reconsiderar. (Article) [121 2019/1]

AnCrac 44 (2012), 307-319: Andrzej Wójcik: Konsekwencje prawne dopełnienia i niedopełnienia małżeństwa w prawie kanonicznym (Legal consequences of consummation and non-consummation of marriage in canon law). (Article) [112 2014/2]

Ap LXVII 3-4 (1994), 565-589: G. Largomarsino: Origine ed evoluzione della buona fede in diritto canonico. (Article) [77 1997/1]

Ap LXXVI 1-2 (2003), 183-201: M. Guida: Riflessi giuridici della fecundazione artificiale nel matrimonio canonico. (Article) [94 2005/2]

BEF LXXVI 819/00, 512-514: J. González: Presumed Death of Spouse. (Consultation) [86 2001/2]

CLSN 149/07, 13-23: Aidan McGrath: A Question of Interpretation: The Roman Rota and the Theology of Marriage. (Article) [99 2008/1]

EE 90 (2015), 765-787: Rufino Callejo de Paz: Misericordia y fracaso matrimonial: algunas consideraciones de cara a un posible replanteamiento jurídico-pastoral. (Article) [116 2016/2]

EE 92 (2017), 567-602: Carmen García Peña: Los «casos difíciles» en la disolución canónica del matrimonio no consumado: aspectos sustantivos y procesales. (Article) [120 2018/2]

FCan XIII/1 (2018), 23-39: Manuel de Pinho Ferreira: Dispensa do matrimónio e não consumado. (Article) [123 2020/1]

IM 34 (2023), nr 1, 45–62: Ginter Dzierżon: Znaczenie zwrotu „humano modo” w kan. 1061 § 1 KPK/83 (Meaning of the phrase “humano modo” in can. 1061 § 1 CIC/83). (Article) [131 2024/1]

INT 7 1/01, 37-54: Michael G. Lawler: Becoming Married in the Catholic Church: A Traditional Postmodern Proposal. (Article) [87 2002/1]

KIP 7 (20) 2018, nr. 1, 181-200: Marcin Bałdyga: Wykluczenie bonum prolis w Kodeksie Prawa Kanonicznego z 1983 roku i Kodeksie Kanonów Kościołów Wschodnich (Exclusion of “bonum prolis” in the CIC/83 and the CCEO). (Article) [121 2019/1]

N XLI 3-4/05, 135-203: Congregatio de Cultu Divino et Disciplina Sacramentorum: L'Adunanza "Plenaria" della Congregazione per il Culto Divino e la Disciplina dei Sacramenti. (Report) [95 2006/1]

Per XC 2/01, 273-304: J. Kowal: L'indissolubilità del matrimonio rato e consumato. Status quaestionis. (Article) [87 2002/1]

Per 101 (2012), 441-462: Janusz Kowal: La consumazione del matrimonio tra la tradizione e il positivismo giuridico. (Article) [111 2014/1]

Per 102 (2013), 241-277: Piero Antonio Bonnet: Il diritto ecclesiale 'in signo fidei' e l'indissolubilità del matrimonio sacramento. (Article) [112 2014/2]

Per 103 (2014), 241-271: Andrea D'Auria: Una caro e la consumazione del matrimonio: Alcune considerazioni. (Article) [115 2016/1]

Piero Amenta: Administrative Procedures in Canonical Marriage Cases: History, Legislation and Praxis. (Book) (Gratianus, Wilson & Lafleur, Montreal, 2011) [107 2012/1]

Carlos A. Cerezuela García: El contenido esencial del bonum prolis. Estudio histórico-jurídico de Doctrina y Jurisprudencia. (Book) (Editrice Pontificia Gregoriana, Rome, 2009) [104 2010/2]

Emmanuel Petit: Consentement matrimonial et fiction du droit. Etude sur l'efficacité juridique du consentement après l'introduction de la fiction en droit canonique. (Book) (Pontificia Università Gregoriana, Rome, 2010) [105 2011/1]

Canon 1062

AnCrac 50 (2018), 281-302: Robert Szponder: Regulacja prawna zaręczyn w Polsce (Legal regulation of engagement in Poland). (Article) [123 2020/1]

IM 30 (2019), nr. 1, 39-63: Jerzy Adamczyk: Przyrzeczenie zawarcia małżeństwa. Aspekt prawno-pastoralny (Promise of marriage. Legal and pastoral aspects). (Article) [127 2022/1]

IusM VIII/2014, 197-215: Claudio Papale: La promessa di matrimonio e le delibere delle Conferenze Episcopali dei territori di missione. (Article) [114 2015/2]

J 73 (2013), 271-297: United States Conference of Catholic Bishops: Complementary Legislation to the Code of Canon Law. (Legislation) [111 2014/1]

Robert J. Kaslyn (ed.): Essays in Honor of Sister Rose McDermott, S.S.J. (Book) (Catholic University of America, 2010) [105 2011/1]

Canon 1063

AA XXI (2015), 133-157: Montserrat Gas Aixendri: La familia en el nuevo contexto de evangelización. Implicaciones pastorales y canónicas. (Article) [116 2016/2]

AA XXI (2015), 271-284: José Bonet Alcón: Un aporte para la XIV Asamblea General Ordinaria del Sínodo de los Obispos. (Article) [116 2016/2]

AA XXII (2016), 73-94: Mauricio Landra: Continuidad y novedad de Amoris Laetitia en la preparación al matrimonio. (Article) [118 2017/2]

AA XXIII (2017, vol. II), 199-226: Esteban Pablo Alfón: Régimen jurídico de la preparación al sacramento del matrimonio. (Article) [121 2019/1]

AC 61 (2020-2021), 193-206: Cédric Burgun: Prévenir la nullité de mariage par la préparation au mariage. Quelques repères. (Article) [129 2023/1]

AnC 4 (2008), 129-148: Michał Jóźwik: Kryzys współczesnej rodziny a sens duszpasterski i osobisty zaręczyn (The weakness of and threat to the contemporary family). (Article) [106 2011/2]

Ang 85 (2008), 115-134: Andrea Scasso: La Chiesa e gli strumenti di comunicazione sociale. Sviluppi e prospettive nel 25º anniversario della promulgazione del Codice di Diritto Canonico. (Article) [101 2009/1]

BV 75 (2015), 407-415: Philippe Bordeyne: Upoštevanje postopnosti v moralnem življenju: od drugega vatikanskega koncila do sedanje sinode o družini (Consideration of gradualness in moral life: from the Second Vatican Council to the current Synod on the Family). (Article) [117 2017/1]

BV 75 (2015), 681-689: Rafko Valenčič: Priprava na zakon v pripravljalnih besedilih na škofovski sinodi 2014-2015 (Marriage preparation in the documents of the Synod of Bishops on the Family 2014-2015). (Article) [117 2017/1]

Canonist 8/1 (2017), 3-10: Pope Francis: Address to the Officials of the Tribunal of the Roman Rota for the Inauguration of the Judicial Year, 21 January 2017. (Address and comment) [119 2018/1]

Canonist 10/1 (2019), 3-9: Pope Francis: Address to the Officials of the Tribunal of the Roman Rota for the Inauguration of the Judicial Year, 29 January 2019; Anthony Kerin: Reflections on Pope Francis’ Allocution to the Roman Rota. (Address and comment) [123 2020/1]

CLSN 113/98, 58-63: G. Richards: Deaf People, The Pre-Nuptial Enquiry and Annulments. (Article) [81 1999/1]

CLSN 123/00: J. Murphy: Marriage Preparation and Cohabiting Couples. (Article) [87 2002/1]

CLSN 182/15, 51-72: John Hadley: Intention Contra Bonum Coniugum: Where are we now? (Article) [116 2016/2]

CLSN 189/17, 4-7: Pope Francis: Address to the Officials of the Tribunal of the Roman Rota for the Inauguration of the Judicial Year, 21 January 2017. (Address) [119 2018/1]

Comm 49 (2017): 42-46: Pope Francis: Allocutio Summi Pontificis ad Auditores, Administros Advocatosque Rotae Romanae coram admissos die 21 mensis ianuarii 2017. (Address) [120 2018/2]

Comm 49 (2017), 51-53: Pope Francis: Allocutio Summi Pontificis ad eos qui, cursui de matrimoniali processu, a Tribunali Rota Romana apparato, interfuerunt, prolata die 25 mensis februarii 2017. (Address) [120 2018/2]

Comm 50 (2018), 395-398: Pope Francis: Allocutio Summi Pontificis ad eos qui, cursui expolitioris institutionis super matrimonio ac familia, a tribunali Rota Romana apparato, interfuerunt, iuxta archibasilicam Sancti Ioannis Evangelistae in Laterano die 27 mensis Septembris anno 2018 prolata. (Address) [123 2020/1]

Comm 51 (2019), 68-71: Pope Francis: Allocutio Summi Pontificis ad auditores, administros advocatosque Rotae Romanae coram admissos, die 29 mensis Ianuarii 2019. (Address) [123 2020/1]

EE 95 (2020), 801-841: Eduardo José Gonçalves López: La preparación al matrimonio: el can. 1063, 2 y la propuesta de catecumenado matrimonial del papa Francisco. (Article) [126 2021/2]

FCan XII/1 (2017), 93-98: Papa Francesco: Remédios para um matrimónio frutuoso. (Address and comment) [120 2018/2]

FCan XIV/1 (2019), 85-87: Papa Francisco: O Matrimónio exige unidade e fidelidade. (Article) [125 2021/1]

IC 61/121 (2021), 289-330: Carmen Peña: Fe e intención requerida para el matrimonio sacramento. Consecuencias canónicas del documento de la Comisión Teológica Internacional. (Article) [127 2022/1]

IE XXIX (2017), 471-489: Papa Francesco: Discorso in occasione dell’inaugurazione dell’anno giudiziario del tribunale della Rota Romana, 21 gennaio 2017 (con commento di Montserrat Gas Aixendri, Tutelare la formazione del vincolo familiare. Apertura alla verità e fede di fronte alla validità del matrimonio). (Address and comment) [119 2018/1]

IM 31 (2020), nr 1, 135-152: Witold Wybult: Misja kanoniczna dla doradców życia rodzinnego (Canonical mission for family life counsellors). (Article) [128 2022/2]

IM 31 (2020), nr 2, 31-46: Kazimierz Dullak: Przygotowanie dalsze i bliższe do małżeństwa po Dekrecie ogólnym Konferencji Episkopatu Polski z 2019 r (Preparation for further and closer marriage following the general decree of the Polish Bishops’ Conference of 2019). (Article) [128 2022/2]

IM 32 (2021), nr 2, 73-94: Emmanuela Sikorska: Aplikacja wskazań Amoris laetitia o przygotowaniu do małżeństwa – dylemat prawny i społeczny. Krótki zarys problemu w kontekście aktualnych wyzwań (The application of the indications of “Amoris laetitia” on preparation for marriage – a legal and social dilemma. A brief outline of the problem in the context of current challenges the Church in Poland). (Article) [129 2023/1]

INT 7 1/01, 68-74: Kieran T. Sullivan – Paul J. Fitzgerald: Preparing for Marriage: What Pastoral Marriage Counsellors Should Know about Religious Belief, Psychological Health, and Marital Outcome. (Article) [87 2002/1]

INT 8 1/02, 21-30: Carlo Rochetta: Il tempo di fidanzamento: una "sacramentalità in germe". (Article) [89 2003/1]

INT 13 2/07, 161-176: Michael G. Lawler: A Marital Catechumenate: A Proposal. (Article) [101 2009/1]

Mem XXV/01, 219-250: A. García Rangel: Bases conceptuales para una pastoral familiar a la luz del canon 1063. (Article) [90 2003/2]

QDE 15 (2002), 340-353: Tiziano Vanzetto: La preparazione al matrimonio, compito di tutta la comunità cristiana ed esigenza attuale. (Article) [90 2003/2]

QDE 15 (2002), 395-418: Eugenio Zanetti: Matrimoni riguardanti aspetti ecumenici e mobilità sociale. (Article) [90 2003/2]

QDE 30 (2017), 279-303: Paolo Bianchi: Il discernimento nell’ammissione alle nozze, sopratutto in riferimento alle questioni della fede, dell’amore e dell’indissolubilità. (Article) [121 2019/1]

QDE 33 (2020), 27-63: Gianluca Marchetti: La preparazione e la celebrazione del matrimonio in un contesto di mobilità sociale. (Article) [125 2021/1]

REDC 68 (2011), 419-428: Discurso del Santo Padre Benedicto XVI a los miembros del Tribunal de la Rota Romana en la inauguración del año judicial, 22 de enero de 2011. Texto en español y comentario (Federico R. Aznar Gil). (Address and commentary) [107 2012/1]

REDC 74 (2017), 271-278: Discurso del Santo Padre Francisco con motivo de la inauguración del Año Judicial del Tribunal de la Rota Romana, Sala Clementina, 21.01.17. Texto. Comentario (Ángel David Martín Rubio). (Address and comment) [119 2018/1]

REDC 75 (2018), 713-718: Discurso del Santo Padre Francisco a los participantes en el curso diocesano de formación sobre matrimonio y familia promovido por el Tribunal de la Rota Romana, Basílica de San Juan de Letrán, 27.09.2018. (Address) [122 2019/2]

REDC 78 (2021), 1053-1089: María Elena Olmos Ortega: Las causas matrimoniales a la luz de los discursos de los Papas a la Rota Romana (2000-2021). (Article) [132 2024/2]

RMDC 19 (2013), 107-152 and 189-196: Rogelio Ayala Partida: Fides et foedus: la esencia de la alianza conyugal. (Article) [112 2014/2]

RMDC 23/1 (2017), 191-199: PP. Francisco: Alocución a la Rota Romana, 21 de enero de 2017. (Address and comment) [122 2019/2]

RMDC 25/1 (2019), 175-180: PP. Francisco: Alocución a la Rota Romana, 29 de enero de 2019. (Address and comment) [123 2020/1]

SC 39 (2005), 181-201: Fintan Gavin: Marriage Preparation as a Lifetime Journey. (Article) [97 2007/1]

S 79 (2017), 377-403: Jesu Pudumai Doss: Giovani e scelte nella vita cristiana: alcune considerazioni canoniche. (Article) [119 2018/1]

Héctor Franceschi (ed.): Matrimonio e famiglia. La questione antropologica. (Book) (Pontificia Università della Santa Croce, Facoltà di Diritto Canonico, Rome, 2015) [114 2015/2]

Héctor Franceschi – Miguel A. Ortiz (eds.): Ius et Matrimonium II. Temi processuali e sostanziali alla luce del Motu Proprio Mitis Iudex Dominus Iesus. (Book) (Pontificia Università della Santa Croce, Facoltà di Diritto Canonico, Rome, 2017) [119 2018/1]

F. Gavin: Pastoral Care in Marriage Preparation (Can. 1063). History, Analysis of the Norm and Its Implementation by Some Particular Churches. (Doctoral thesis) (Editrice Pontificia Università Gregoriana, Roma, 2004) [94 2005/2]

María Victoria Hernández Rodríguez: Parola di Dio e preparazione dei nubendi al matrimonio. (Article in Jesu Pudumai Doss (ed.): Parola di Dio e legislazione ecclesiastica, pp. 91-109) (Book) (Libreria Ateneo Salesiano, Rome, 2008) [102 2009/2]

Canons 1063-1064

AA VIII (2001), 129-164: J. Bonet Alcón: El revés de la trama de los matrimonios nulos. (Article) [89 2003/1]

AA XI (2004), 451-464: H. A. von Ustinov: Imperativos pastorales y procesos canónicos de nulidad matrimonial. (Article) [95 2006/1]

QDE 19 (2006), 244-260: Francesco Grazian: Competenze dell'ordinario, del parroco e dei nubendi nella celebrazione del matrimonio. (Article) [98 2007/2]

Canons 1063-1065

EE 88 (2013), 731-752: Aurora María López Medina: La preparación para el matrimonio. Aspectos jurídicos en documentos eclesiásticos. (Article) [112 2014/2]

Canons 1063-1070

QDE 20 (2007), 415-435: Giordano Caberletti: La collaborazione tra pastori d'anime e tribunali ecclesiastici in relazione alle cause di nullità matrimoniali. (Article) [102 2009/2]

VJTR 80 2/16, 112-125: E. Yohannen: Pastoral Preparation to Catholic Marriage: Juridical Perspectives. (Article) [118 2017/2]

Canons 1063-1071

AC 53 (2011), 341-355: Bruno Gonçalves: Les différents aspects canoniques et pastoraux du dossier de mariage en France. (Article) [113 2015/1]

EIC 53 (2013), 5-27: Benedict Ndubueze Ejeh: Il sacramento del matrimonio e la questione dell'apporto della fede nella sua configurazione. (Article) [111 2014/1]

Per 100 (2011), 477-501: Linda Ghisoni: La prevenzione della nullità del matrimonio nella preparazione immediata alle nozze. (Paper) [110 2013/2]

Patricia M. Dugan – Luis Navarro (eds.): Mercy and Law in Marriage. (Book) (Gratianus, Wilson & Lafleur, Montreal, 2015) [117 2017/1]

Canons 1063-1072

AA XVII (2011), 203-220: Hugo Héctor Cappello: La preparación inmediata para el matrimonio. (Lecture) [109 2013/1]

AA XVII (2011), 285-297: Hugo Héctor Cappello: La preparación al matrimonio y el examen matrimonial. Comentario al discurso de Benedicto XVI a la Rota Romana (22 de enero de 2011). (Commentary) [109 2013/1]

AA XVIII (2012), 11-28: José Bonet Alcón: El matrimonio en la parroquia: preparación, celebración, atención pastoral. (Lecture) [112 2014/2]

Ap XCI (2018), 545-595: Marek Ondrej: Urgenze e prospettive pastorali e giuridiche emergenti nella preparazione al Matrimonio canonico oggi. (Article) [124 2020/2]

Canonist 11/2 (2020), 288-317: Janette Murphy: Adequate and Sufficient Canonical Marriage Preparation for the Christian Faithful in the Deaf Community. (Article) [126 2021/2]

EE 88 (2013), 387-413: Carmen Peña García: Dimensión sacramental y celebración canónica del matrimonio: requisitos para el acceso a las nupcias. (Article) [111 2014/1]

EE 89 (2014), 767-780: José Ma Díaz Moreno: El Sínodo de la Familia. Algunas cuestiones canónicas abiertas. (Article) [114 2015/2]

EE 97 (2022), 1079-1116: Carmen Peña: Interpelaciones sinodales al derecho matrimonial: de los itinerarios catecumenales de preparación al matrimonio a la relevancia del discernimiento, el «bonum coniugum» y la apertura al «bonum familiae». (Article) [130 2023/2]

IC XLI 82/01, 571-606: Xabier Martínez Gras – José Luis Llaquet de Entrambasaquas: Antropología, Pastoral y Derecho en la preparación del matrimonio. (Article) [90 2003/2]

INT 5 1/99, 27-32: Paul J. Fitzgerald: A Christian Ethos for Multicultural Marriage. (Article) [83 2000/1]

INT 5 1/99, 52-56: Geert Faseur: Ehe in Sprache: Ein pastoraler Projektversuch in der Ehevorbereitung. (Paper) [83 2000/1]

ITS 57 (2020), 639-667: T. Lourdusamy: Pastoral Care and the Prerequisites for the Celebration of Marriage: From the Canonical Perspective (Part I). (Article) [126 2021/2]

KIP 8 (21) 2019, nr 2, 143-154: Małgorzata Szemiel: Wymogi prawa a podejście duszpasterskie w przedślubnym badaniu nupturientów (Legal requirements and a pastoral approach in the nuptial examination of intended spouses). (Article) [124 2020/2]

Proc CLSA 2009, 243-282: Therese Guerin Sullivan: Canonical Supports for Collaboration in Sacramental Ministry. (Lecture) [109 2013/1]

RDC 48 2/98, 381-414: Alphonse Borras: Parish Renewal and Religious Marriage. (Article) [85 2001/1]

REDC 60 (2003), 501-586: A. Cano Merino: La preparación para la celebración del matrimonio en la diócesis de Barcelona (1983-2003). (Article) [93 2005/1]

RMDC 9 2/03, 93-104: C. Warnholtz Bustillos: La problemática canónico-pastoral previa a la celebración del matrimonio. (Article) [92 2004/2]

SCL V (2009), 225-256: Lynda Robitaille: Marriage Preparation from the Perspective of the Chancery and Tribunal. (Article) [105 2011/1]

Jesu Pudumai Doss (ed.): Iustitiam persequere. Contributi del Codice Pio-Benedettino alla disciplina ecclesiastica. (Book) (Libreria Ateneo Salesiano, Rome, 2017) [122 2019/2]

Canons 1063-1165

PK XL 1-2/97, 45-55: W. Góralski: Poszanowanie godności osoby ludzkiej w kanonicznym prawie małżeńskim. (Article) [81 1999/1]

Canons 1064-1067

REDC 51 (1994), 647-661: A. Costa Marques: Casamento em Portugal dos emigrantes. Texto y comentário. (Text and Commentary) [76 1996/2]

Canon 1065

BV 78 (2018), 401-413: Stanislav Slatinek: Vera zaročencev in poročna obljuba (Faith of the fiancés and the marriage promise). (Article) [122 2019/2]

IM 13 (19) 2008, 145-162: Jerzy Adamczyk: Obowiązek przyjęcia sakramentu bierzmowania przez nupturientów (kan. 1065 §1) (The reception of the sacrament of confirmation before marriage). (Article) [101 2009/1]

IM 30 (2019), nr. 1, 77-91: Andrzej Żarkowski: Sakrament pojednania i pokuty w przygotowaniu nupturientów do zawarcia małżeństwa sakramentalnego (The role of the sacrament of reconciliation and penance in preparing prospective spouses for the sacrament of marriage). (Article) [127 2022/1]

Canon 1066

AnC 4 (2008), 39-62: Leszek Adamowicz: Stwierdzenie stanu wolnego nieochrzczonych i niekatolików przed zawarciem małżeństwa kanonicznego (Establishment of freedom to marry of non-baptized and non-Catholics before a canonical marriage). (Conference presentation) [106 2011/2]

BSKP 29 (2016), 43-69: Wojciech Góralski: Problem prewencyjnego zapobiegania nieważności małżeństw na drodze kanonicznego badania przedślubnego (The issue of preventing the nullity of marriage through the canonical pre-marriage interview). (Article) [117 2017/1]

CLSN 159/09, 12-22: Paul Robbins: The Approach to a Particular Situation of Multiple Marriages. (Article) [106 2011/2]

QDE 25 (2012), 134-154: G. Paolo Montini: Il motu proprio Omnium in mentem e il matrimonio canonico. (Article) [109 2013/1]

Canons 1066-1067

Ap LXXXVII (2014), 207-271: Ivica Ivanković Radak: L'accertamento dello stato libero per il Matrimonio tra i fedeli della Chiesa cattolica e della Chiesa Ortodossa Serba. Gli effetti processuali della nullità del Matrimonio, della Separazione e del Divorzio. (Article) [115 2016/1]

CLSN 165/11, 17-20: Pope's 2011 Address to the Rota, 22 January 2011. (Address) [108 2012/2]

Comm 43 (2011), 7-12: Pope Benedict XVI: Allocutio Summi Pontificis ad Auditores, Administros Advocatosque Rotae Romanae coram admissos die 22 mensis ianuarii 2011 prolata. (Address) [109 2013/1]

FCan VI/1 (2011), 117-124: Bento XVI: Relação entre Direito e Pastoral na preparação para o Matrimónio. (Address and commentary) [108 2012/2]

IC 52/104 (2012), 667-672: Discurso de Benedicto XVI a los miembros del Tribunal de la Rota Romana, 22.1.2011. (Document) [110 2013/2]

IC 52/104 (2012), 673-684: Juan Ignacio Bañares: La preparación al matrimonio. Comentario al discurso de Benedicto XVI al Sagrado Tribunal de la Rota Romana de 2011. (Comment) [110 2013/2]

IE XV 2/03, 407-424: P. Bianchi: La valutazione dell'esistenza di un vero consenso nell'ammissione al matrimonio. (Lecture) [93 2005/1]

IE XXIII 2/11, 467-485: Benedetto XVI: Discorso alla Rota Romana, 22 gennaio 2011 (con nota di Paolo Bianchi, "Non esiste [...] un matrimonio della vita e un altro del diritto": l'exigenza di una seria pastorale prematrimoniale e di una coerente prassi giudiziaria). (Address and commentary) [108 2012/2]

IE XXIII 3/11, 703-722: José Ignacio Alonso Pérez: La celebrazione del matrimonio canonico di coloro che hanno formalizzato una convivenza non matrimoniale civilmente riconosciuta. (Article) [109 2013/1]

IM 34 (2023), nr 2, 47-77: Tomasz Jakubiak: Zabezpieczenie prawa nupturientów do intymności i ochrony dobrego imienia w trakcie bezpośredniego przygotowania do małżeństwa wg dekretu KEP z 8 października 2019 roku (Protection of engaged couples’ right to privacy and a good reputation during their immediate preparation for marriage in the Roman Catholic Church, as enshrined in the Decree passed by the Conference of the Bishops of Poland on 8 October 2019). (Article) [132 2024/2]

QSR 21 (2011), 11-15: Allocuzione di Sua Santità Benedetto XVI alla Rota Romana, 22 gennaio 2011. (Address) [109 2013/1]

RMDC 17 (2011), 33-82, 195-203: Luis de Jesús Hernández M.: El expediente matrimonial como instrumento jurídico preventivo de las causas de nulidad. (Article) [108 2012/2]

SCL VII (2011), 7-12: Pope Benedict XVI: Allocution to the Roman Rota. (Address) [108 2012/2]

Canons 1066-1068

SC 31 (1997), 461-473: W. H. Woestman: The Ordinary and the Declaration of Freedom to Marry. (Article) [80 1998/2]

Canons 1066-1070

AA IX (2002), 237-254: J. Bonet Alcón: Comentario al Directorio para la preparación del Expediente Matrimonial de la Conferencia Episcopal Argentina. (Commentary) [91 2004/1]

Canons 1066-1072

PCF XIII (2011), 169-188: Augustine Mendonça: The Relationship between Canon Law and Pastoral Care: A Brief Analysis of Benedict XVI's 2011 Allocution to the Roman Rota. (Article) [110 2013/2]

Canon 1067

AnC 14 (2018), 203-214: Bolesław A. Dùllek: Małżeństwa wolne od zapowiedzi w prawie kanonicznym (z uwzględnieniem polskiego prawa partykularnego) (Marriages exempt from banns in canon law, with reference to particular Polish law). (Article) [122 2019/2]

BEF LXXII 794/96, 271-273: E. Garcia: The Pre-Matrimonial Investigation. (Consultation) [78 1997/2]

BEF LXXV 814/99, 590-596: E. Garcia: Publication of a Marriage. (Consultation) [84 2000/2]

IM 31 (2020), nr 1, 51-64: Rafał Dappa: Instytucja zapowiedzi w aktualnym porządku prawnym Kościoła katolickiego w Polsce (The institution of marriage banns in the current legal order of the Catholic Church in Poland). (Article) [128 2022/2]

Ius IV 1/13, 121-142: Deepa: The Importance of the Pre-Nuptial Enquiry according to CIC c. 1067 and CCEO c. 784 in the Kerala Context. (Article) [112 2014/2]

J 73 (2013), 271-297: United States Conference of Catholic Bishops: Complementary Legislation to the Code of Canon Law. (Legislation) [111 2014/1]

Per 97 (2008), 45-46: Acta Tribunalium Sanctae Sedis. Supremum Signaturae Apostolicae Tribunal. Quaesitum: Responsio in re particulari de investigatione praevia ad matrimonium celebrandum. (Response) [102 2009/2]

Per 97 (2008), 47-98: G. Paolo Montini: La procedura di investigazione prematrimoniale è idonea alla comprovazione dello stato libero di fedeli ortodossi che hanno attentato il matrimonio civile. (Presentation) [102 2009/2]

QDE 15 (2002), 354-394: Paolo Bianchi: L'esame dei fidanzati: disciplina e problemi. (Article) [90 2003/2]

QDE 25 (2012), 219-228: Gianluca Marchetti: Annotazioni sugli atti da premettere alla celebrazione del matrimonio. (Article) [109 2013/1]

QDE 33 (2020), 27-63: Gianluca Marchetti: La preparazione e la celebrazione del matrimonio in un contesto di mobilità sociale. (Article) [125 2021/1]

REDC 64 (2007), 561-605: M. Elena Olmos Ortega: Sentido del expediente matrimonial canónico en la sociedad de hoy. (Article) [102 2009/2]

Canon 1071

AC 44 (2002), 163-188: J.-P. Schouppe: L'admission à la celebration ecclésiale du mariage: regards pastoraux et juridiques sur l'application du canon 1071. (Article) [91 2004/1]

AC 54 (2012), 311-332: Maurice Bouvier: Le vetitum, ou interdiction, judiciaire de nouvelles noces et sa levée. (Article) [114 2015/2]

AC 59 (2018), 221-240: Benoît Merly: Que reste-t-il du droit à l’apostasie dans l’Église catholique après le motu proprio Omnium in mentem? (Article) [126 2021/2]

AkK 179 (2010), 86-107: Christoph Ohly: Kirchliche Eheschließung ohne Staat. Erwägungen zur aktuellen Gesetzeslage. (Article) [107 2012/1]

AnC 4 (2008), 63-82: Piotr Majer: Zawarcie małżeństwa kanonicznego a obowiązki naturalne wynikające z poprzedniego związku (The contracting of canonical marriage and natural obligations resulting from a previous relationship). (Conference presentation) [106 2011/2]

AnC 7 (2011), 149-187: Piotr Majer: Zakaz asystowania przy małżeństwie tułaczy (kan. 1071 §1, 1º KPK) (The prohibition on assisting without permission at a marriage of "vagi"). (Article) [109 2013/1]

BEF LXXV 814/99, 714-716: E. Garcia: Notorious Rejection of the Catholic Faith. (Consultation) [84 2000/2]

EE 83 (2008), 605-630: Rufino Callejo de Paz: Una regulación confusa y sugerencias de iure condendo. Anotaciones sobre los cánones 1071, §1.4; 1086; 1117 y 1124. (Article) [103 2010/1]

FThC IX (2020), 163-176: Lóránd Ujházi: Nuptial prohibitions in the current Code of Canon Law (Can. 1071). (Article) [127 2022/1]

HPR 11/06, 70-71: Brian T. Mullady: Marriage for elderly without state recognition. (Response) [99 2008/1]

IE XXIII 3/11, 703-722: José Ignacio Alonso Pérez: La celebrazione del matrimonio canonico di coloro che hanno formalizzato una convivenza non matrimoniale civilmente riconosciuta. (Article) [109 2013/1]

IM V 11/00, 169-192: P. Majer: Konieczność zezwolenia na zawarcie małżeństwa bez skutków cywilnych: racje uzasadniające taką decyzje Konferencji Episkopatu Polski. (Article) [86 2001/2]

PCF X (2008), 313-320: Higinio Velarde: The Registration of Authority to Solemnize Marriage with the Civil Registrar General. (View) [109 2013/1]

Proc CLSA 2001, 215-232: R. Ramirez – C. Darcy: Canonical Ministry to Migrants. (Seminar paper) [89 2003/1]

QDE 17 (2004), 340-348: Mauro Rivella: Il matrimonio solo canonico. (Article) [94 2005/2]

QDE 17 (2004), 349-362: Gianni Trevisan: Il matrimonio solo canonico di persone vedove. (Article) [94 2005/2]

QDE 17 (2004), 363-394: Eugenio Zanetti: Il matrimonio solo canonico dopo un'altra unione e in attesa di regolarizzazione civile. (Article) [94 2005/2]

QDE 20 (2007), 35-59: Marino Mosconi: L'abbandono pubblico o notorio della Chiesa e in particolare l'abbandono con atto formale. (Article) [99 2008/1]

QDE 23 (2010), 471-475: G. Paolo Montini: Il matrimonio solo canonico in Germania. (Article) [108 2012/2]

QDE 24 (2011), 500-505: Pierantonio Pavanello: Licenze e dispense matrimoniali. (Lecture) [109 2013/1]

SC 31 (1997), 147-191: Michael Smith Foster: Divorce and Remarriage: What about the Children? Canons 1071, 1077, 1684, 1685, 1689. (Article) [79 1998/1

José Fernández San Román: La admisión al matrimonio de los que notoriamente abandonaron la fe y de los censurados. Estudio histórico-canónico del iter redaccional de los cánones 1065 y 1066 en la Codificación de 1917 y de las demás fuentes hasta el Concilio Vaticano II. (Extract from doctoral dissertation) (Pontificia Università Gregoriana, Rome, 2016) [118 2017/2]

José Fernández San Román: La relevancia del abandono de la fe y de la condición de censurado en la admisión al matrimonio. Estudio del iter redaccional de los cánones 1065 y 1066 en la Codificación de 1917 y de las demás fuentes hasta el Concilio Vaticano II. (Book) (IF Press, Rome, 2018) [121 2019/1]

José Fernández San Román: La cuestión de la admisión al matrimonio de los que notoriamente abandonaron la fe y de los censurados en el Código de 1917. (Article in Jesús Miñambres (ed.): Atti del XVI Congresso internazionale “Diritto canonico e culture giuridiche” – Roma, 4-7 ottobre 2017, Consociatio internationalis Iuris canonici promovendo, EDUSC, Rome, 2019, pp. 803-808) [125 2021/1]

José Fernández San Román: La interpretación auténtica sobre la admisión al matrimonio de los ignorantes de la doctrina cristiana. (Article in Luigi Sabbarese (ed.): Opus Humilitatis Iustitia. Studi in memoria del cardinal Velasio De Paolis, Vol. 2, Editrice Urbaniana University Press, Rome, 2020, pp. 163-178) [125 2021/1]

José Fernández San Román: Ammissione al matrimonio di chi ha notoriamente abbandonato la fede e di chi è irretito da censura. Presentazione di una ricerca storico-canonica. (Book) (Stilgraf, Cesena, 2022) [129 2023/1]

José Fernández San Román: Ammissione al matrimonio e la questione della fede. Sintesi di una ricerca storico canonica alla luce delle fonti fino al Concilio Vaticano II. (Book) (Editrice IF Press, Essay Research Series, 73, Rome, 2022) [129 2023/1]

José Fernández San Román: El matrimonio de los comunistas (declaraciones de 1949) y los debates sobre la fe y el impedimento de mixta religión. Documentación y actualidad (Article in L. Danto (ed.), Personne, droit et justice. La contribution du droit canonique dans l’expérience juridique contemporaine. Actes du 17e Congrès de la Consociatio internationalis studio iuris canonici promovendo, Du Cerf, Paris 2023, pp. 511-522) [132 2024/2]

Kevin Otieno Mwandha: Defection from the Catholic Church in Kenya. “Do You Also Want to Leave?” (Jn 6:67). (Book) (Christian World Imprints, New Delhi, 2024) [132 2024/2]

Canon 1072

BEF LXXVII 824/01, 471-473: H. Baluma: Legal Age to Marry. (Consultation) [88 2002/2]

S 79 (2017), 377-403: Jesu Pudumai Doss: Giovani e scelte nella vita cristiana: alcune considerazioni canoniche. (Article) [119 2018/1]

Canon 1073

Comm 33 (2001), 32-61: Ex actis Pontificiae Commissionis Codici Iuris Canonici Recognoscendo: Coetus studiorum "De Matrimonio" (Sessio IV). (Report) [103 2010/1]

QDE 24 (2011), 500-505: Pierantonio Pavanello: Licenze e dispense matrimoniali. (Lecture) [109 2013/1]

Canons 1073-1094

Comm 32 (2000), 253-285: Ex actis Pontificiae Commissionis Codici Iuris Canonici Recognoscendo: Coetus studiorum "De Matrimonio" (Sessio III). (Report) [103 2010/1]

SC 33 (1999), 399-440: B. Callebat: Des empêchements matrimoniaux en droit canonique et en droit civil français. (Article) [84 2000/2]

Canons 1073-1123

Proc CLSA 1998, 31-43: L. G. Wrenn: When is an invalid marriage null? (Address) [85 2001/1]

Canon 1075

J 68 (2008), 38-52: Jacques M. Gres-Geyer: Varieties of Gallicanism: Four Sorbonne Doctors on Diriment Impediments to Matrimony (1674-1691). (Article) [105 2011/1]

Canon 1077

AC 61 (2020-2021), 179-191: Ludovic Danto: Limiter le droit au mariage. La tentation de faire des canons 1077 et 1095 un empêchement dirimant. (Article) [129 2023/1]

CLSN 170 (2012), 64-107: Augustine Mendonça: Juridical and Pastoral Aspects of a Judicial Vetitum. (Article) [110 2013/2]

EE 88 (2013), 753-765: Laura Armentia Espigares: Algunas cuestiones prácticas acerca del veto judicial en las causas de nulidad matrimonial. (Article) [112 2014/2]

QDE 18 (2005), 289-298: Alessandro Giraudo: Il divieto alle nozze: tutela del diritto al matrimonio. (Comment) [96 2006/2]

RDC 68/1 (2018), 107-139: Marie-Élisabeth Fady: Le vetitum apposé à une sentence déclarant nul un mariage: entre difficultés canoniques et enjeux pastoraux. (Article) [123 2020/1]

REDC 71 (2014), 559-614: Julio García Martín: Il vetitum di contrarre matrimonio ai sensi dei cann. 1077 e 1684, §1. (Article) [114 2015/2]

SC 31 (1997), 147-191: Michael Smith Foster: Divorce and Remarriage: What about the Children? Canons 1071, 1077, 1684, 1685, 1689. (Article) [79 1998/1

SC 38 (2004), 37-64: L. Robitaille: The Vetitum and Monitum: Consequences of Marriage Nullity or Pastoral Preparation for a New Marriage? (Article) [95 2006/1]

Canon 1078

BEF LXXVI 817/00, 274-5: J. González: Marriage Between Cousins. (Consultation) [86 2001/2]

QDE 20 (2007), 320-333: Mauro Rivella: I matrimoni fra cattolici e musulmani in Italia. Le indicazioni della Presidenza della CEI. (Article) [100 2008/2]

Canon 1079

IM 32 (2021), nr 1, 21-47: Tomasz Jakubiak: Przeszkody małżeńskie tajne i publiczne według Codex Iuris Canonici z 1917 (Public and occult impediments to marriage according to the Codex Iuris Canonici of 1917). (Article) [129 2023/1]

Canons 1079-1082

BEF LXXX 845/04, 93-106: J. González: Faculties to Exercise Some Pastoral Functions in the Diocese. (Consultation) [95 2006/1]

Canon 1082

AA XIX (2013), 11-37: Ariel David Busso: Algunas cuestiones canónicas surgidas de la complejidad de la división de los fueros interno y externo. (Article) [113 2015/1]

IM 32 (2021), nr 1, 21-47: Tomasz Jakubiak: Przeszkody małżeńskie tajne i publiczne według Codex Iuris Canonici z 1917 (Public and occult impediments to marriage according to the Codex Iuris Canonici of 1917). (Article) [129 2023/1]

Canon 1083

BEF LXXVII 824/01, 471-473: H. Baluma: Legal Age to Marry. (Consultation) [88 2002/2]

HPR 10/01, 64-69: M. P. Orsi: A case for earlier marriage. (Article) [92 2004/2]

REDC 52 (1995), 99-155: M. Cortés Diéguez: El matrimonio de los menores de edad en España. Cuestiones canónicas y pastorales. (Article) [76 1996/2]

RR 2004, 155-156: Victoria Vondenberger: Validity of Marriage and Non-Age. (Advisory Opinion) [94 2005/2]

Canons 1083-1094

DPM 11 (2004), 93-110: Markus Walser: Die Dispens im Eherecht. (Article) [102 2009/2]

IM 32 (2021), nr 2, 95-109: Andrzej Kuźma: Przeszkody do zawarciu związku małżeńskiego w dokumencie o małżeństwie Wielkiego Soboru Kościoła Prawosławnego, Kreta 2016 (Impediments to marriage in the document of the Grand Council of the Orthodox Church, Crete 2016). (Article) [129 2023/1]

Jesu Pudumai Doss (ed.): Beati Misericordes. Questioni pastorali e giuridiche sulla misericordia. (Book) (Libreria Ateneo Salesiano, Rome, 2017) [118 2017/2]

Jesu Pudumai Doss (ed.): Iustitiam persequere. Contributi del Codice Pio-Benedettino alla disciplina ecclesiastica. (Book) (Libreria Ateneo Salesiano, Rome, 2017) [122 2019/2]

Canons 1083-1123

BEF LXXX 842/04, 390-398: J. González: Divorce and Church Annulment: Any Difference? (Consultation) [94 2005/2]

Canon 1084

AC 55 (2013), 290-301: Sentence coram Yaacoub, 10 février 2010, Triveneti seu Tarvisina, Sent. 18/2010, présentation par Emmanuel Petit. (Comment) [116 2016/2]

Ap 1-4/93, 273-314: Maria Luisa di Pietro – Silvia Monica Correale: Valutazione delle terapie medico-chirurgiche e protesiche dell'impotenza coeundi nell'uomo ai fini della validità del matrimonio canonico. (Article) [75 1996/1]

CLSN 149/07, 13-23: Aidan McGrath: A Question of Interpretation: The Roman Rota and the Theology of Marriage. (Article) [99 2008/1]

Comm 33 (2001), 203-225: Ex actis Pontificiae Commissionis Codici Iuris Canonici Recognoscendo: Coetus studiorum "De Matrimonio" (Sessio IX). (Report) [103 2010/1]

Comm 33 (2001), 226-249: Ex actis Pontificiae Commissionis Codici Iuris Canonici Recognoscendo: Coetus studiorum "De Matrimonio" (Sessio X). (Report) [103 2010/1]

ELJ 8/39 (2006), 425-437: Aidan McGrath: A Question of Interpretation: The Roman Rota and the Theology of Marriage. (Article) [98 2007/2]

For XIII/02-XIV/03, 126-145: U. Navarrete: AIDS e consenso matrimoniale. (Paper) [95 2006/1]

IE IX 2/97, 600-630: Tribunale della Rota Romana: Romana. Nullità del matrimonio. Simulazione totale. Difetto di discrezione di giudizio. Dolo. Condizione. Impotenza. Sentenza definitiva. 17 marzo 1993. De Lanversin, Ponente (con nota di J. Carreras). (Sentence and commentary) [82 1999/2]

Per LXXXIV 1/95, 105-142: Romanae Rotae Tribunal, sententia definitiva diei 17 martii 1993 (coram De Lanversin). (Sentence) [76 1996/2]

Per LXXXIV 2/95, 369-393: P. Pavanello: Impotentia coëundi et incapacitas assumendi onera: elementa analogiae et differentiae in iurisprudentia recentiori. (Article) [76 1996/2]

REDC 61 (2004), 297-300: Tribunal Interdiocesano de Primera Instancia de Sevilla, c. Gil Delgado, 12 de noviembre de 1999. Nulidad de matrimonio, proceso documental (impedimento de impotencia). (Sentence) [94 2005/2]

RMDC 16 (2010), 221-243: Miguel López Dávalos: La consumación del matrimonio y la impotencia. (Article) [106 2011/2]

RMDC 24/1 (2018), 113-127: Decisio R.P.D. Mauritio Monier, Sentencia definitiva del 22 de mayo de 2009, en RRDec, 101 (2016), 119-126, 418-433. (Sentence) [122 2019/2]

SC 46 (2012), 511-523: Roman Rota: Relative Psychic Impotence, Exclusion of the Good of the Sacrament, and Lack of Use of Reason. Sentence coram Boccafola, 27 February 1989 (Rome). (Sentence) [110 2013/2]

SCL VIII (2012), 279-304: Apostolic Tribunal of the Roman Rota: Male Relative Psychic Impotence (Erectile Dysfunction). Decision coram Turnaturi, 22 June 2006 (Poland). (Sentence) [111 2014/1]

SCL VIII (2012), 305-322: Apostolic Tribunal of the Roman Rota: Male Relative Psychic Impotence (Erectile Dysfunction). Decision coram Huber, 18 June 2008 (Poland). (Sentence) [111 2014/1]

SCL VIII (2012), 323-338: Apostolic Tribunal of the Roman Rota: Female Relative Psychic Impotence (Vaginism). Decision coram Monier, 22 May 2009 (Poland). (Sentence) [111 2014/1]

VJTR 81 9/17, 695-708: Aloysius Enemali: Impotence and Sterility as Leading Causes of Marital Breakdown in Nigeria. A Doctrinal and Canonical Coisderation. (Article) [120 2018/2]

Rotae Romanae Tribunal: Decisiones seu Sententiae selectae inter eas quae anno 2011 prodierunt cura eiusdem Apostolici Tribunalis editae, volumen CIII. (Compilation) (Libreria Editrice Vaticana, 2018) [120 2018/2]

Luigi Sabbarese (ed.): Coram Sabattani: decisiones ineditae (1955-1965). (Book) (Libreria Editrice Vaticana, 2006) [97 2007/1]

Canons 1084-1103

SCL I (2005), 359-402: A. Mendonça: Substantive and Procedural Jurisprudence of the Roman Rota as Reported in its Relazione Annuale 2004. (Article) [96 2006/2]

Canon 1085

AnC 4 (2008), 39-62: Leszek Adamowicz: Stwierdzenie stanu wolnego nieochrzczonych i niekatolików przed zawarciem małżeństwa kanonicznego (Establishment of freedom to marry of non-baptized and non-Catholics before a canonical marriage). (Conference presentation) [106 2011/2]

BEF LXXII 5/96, 434-435: E. Garcia: A Subsisting Previous Marriage is a Diriment Impediment. (Consultation) [78 1997/2]

ELT 9-10 (2010-2011), 42-85: Sajan George Thengumpally: Marriages of Unbaptized Persons: Misapprehensions and the Right Approach of the Church. (Article) [110 2013/2]

ETL 83 4/07, 107-121: Geoffrey D. Dunn: The Validity of Marriage in Cases of Captivity – The Letter of Innocent I to Probus. (Article) [99 2008/1]

IE XIX 3/07, 773-791: Supremo Tribunale della Segnatura Apostolica: Declaratio sull'ammissione dei fedeli della Chiesa ortodossa romena alla celebrazione di un nuovo matrimonio nella Chiesa cattolica, 20 ottobre 2006 (con nota di P. Gefaell, La giurisdizione delle Chiese Ortodosse per giudicare sulla validità del matrimonio dei loro fedeli). (Document and commentary) [101 2009/1]

IE XXV (2013), 617-639: Héctor Franceschi: Divorziati risposati e nullità matrimoniali. (Article) [112 2014/2]

IM 32 (2021), nr 1, 153-170: Tomasz Białobrzeski: Komentarz do sprawy S-J o stwierdzenie nieważności małżeństwa z tytułu przeszkody węzła małżeńskiego (Commentary on the case S-J for declaration of marriage nullity for the impediment of bond). (Sentence and comment) [129 2023/1]

Ius IV 1/13, 143-160: Sony Kadamthodu: Kerala Agreement on Inter-Church Marriages and Dissolution of Marriage Bond. (Article) [112 2014/2]

ME CXXV 4/00, 813-820: S. Bellia: È tempo di piena adesione. (Comment) [87 2002/1]

ME CXXVI 1/01, 161-178: A. Longhitano: Quale adesione? (Reply) [87 2002/1]

Per LXXXIV 4/95, 579-608: V. de Paolis: Alcune annotazioni circa la formula "actu formali ab Ecclesia catholica deficere". (Presentation) [77 1997/1]

QDE 21 (2008), 227-243: Lorenzo Lorusso: Il diritto matrimoniale proprio dei fedeli ortodossi nella Dignitas connubii. (Article) [103 2010/1]

QDE 21 (2008), 256-265; Paolo Bianchi: Dichiarazioni di stato libero rilasciate da autorità ecclesiali ortodosse. Una recente dichiarazione del Supremo Tribunale della Segnatura Apostolica. (Article) [103 2010/1]

QDE 33 (2020), 11-26: Fabio Franchetto: «Nessun problema! Tanto siete sposati solo civilmente». L’impedimento di vincolo nell’attuale contesto migratorio. (Article) [125 2021/1]

REDC 51 (1994), 847-855: Tribunal interdiocesano de primera instancia de Sevilla. Nulidad de matrimonio (Impedimento de ligamen). Coram A. González Martín. (Sentence) [76 1996/2]

RR 2005, 23-26: Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith: Multiple Marriage Cases Involving Pauline Privilege and Ligamen. (Documents) [96 2006/2]

Canon 1086

AA X (2003), 257-264: A. D. Busso: El derecho a la libertad religiosa y la comunicación de abandono de la Iglesia y sus efectos canónicos. (Article) [93 2005/1]

AC 59 (2018), 221-240: Benoît Merly: Que reste-t-il du droit à l’apostasie dans l’Église catholique après le motu proprio Omnium in mentem? (Article) [126 2021/2]

AkK 170 (2001), 402-440: Winfried Aymans: Die Defektionsklauseln im kanonischen Eherecht. Plädoyer für die Tilgung des Befreigungstatbestandes eines "actus formalis defectionis ab Ecclesia catholica" in den cc. 1086 §1, 1117 und 1124 CIC. (Article) [91 2004/1]

AkK 174 (2005), 50-74: Elisabeth Kandler-Mayr: Rechtliche Fragen im Zusammenhang der Eheschließung zwischen Muslimen und Katholiken – Aus der Praxis des Kirchengerichtes. (Article) [98 2007/2]

AkK 174 (2005), 502-509: Heribert Schmitz: Kirchenaustritt als „actus formalis". Zum Rundschreiben des Päpstlichen Rates für die Gesetzestexte vom 13. März 2006 und zur Erklärung der Deutschen Bischofskonferenz vom 24. April 2006. (Commentary) [98 2007/2]

AkK 175 (2006), 353-373: Marcus Nelles: Der Kirchenaustritt – kein „actus formalis defectionis". (Article) [100 2008/2]

AkK 175 (2006), 374-396: Ludger Müller: Die Defektionsklauseln im kanonischen Eherecht. Zum Schreiben des Päpstlichen Rates für Gesetzestexte an die Vorsitzenden der Bischofskonferenzen vom 13. März 2006. (Article) [100 2008/2]

AkK 178 (2009), 544-550: Benedikt XVI: Apostolisches Schreiben „Motu Proprio" Omnium in mentem, mit dem einige Normen des Codex des kanonischen Rechts geändert werden, vom 26. Oktober 2009; Päpstlicher Rat für die Gesetzetexte, Kommentar zum Motu Proprio Omnium in mentem vom 16. Dezember 2009. (Document and commentary) [107 2012/1]

AkK 180 (2011), 92-117: Bernd Dennemarck: Eheschließung trotz Kirchenaustritt? Rechtliche Neuorientierung nach dem Motu Proprio Omnium in mentem. (Article) [109 2013/1]

AkK 180 (2011), 514-528: Stephan Haering: Die Richtlinien der Polnischen Bischofskonferenz zum Abfall von der katholischen Kirche durch formalen Akt aus dem Jahr 2008. (Article) [110 2013/2]

AkK 181 (2012), 25-38: Ernst Freiherr von Castell: Die eherechtlichen Implikationen des Motu proprio Omnium in mentem. (Article) [111 2014/1]

AkK 181 (2012), 467-486: Georg Dietlein – Jan-Gero Alexander Hannemann: Katholisch ohne Kierchensteuer? Bleibende Unklarheiten nach dem Allgemeinen Dekret der Deutschen Bischofskonferenz vom 15. März 2011. (Article) [112 2014/2]

AkK 182 (2013), 64-102: M. Antonia Sondermann: Das Motu Proprio Omnium in mentem und seine eherechtlichen Konsequenzen. (Article) [113 2015/1]

AnC 2 (2006), 179-194: Piotr Steczkowski: Wystąpienie z Kościoła katolickiego aktem formalnym w świetle dokumentu Papieskiej Rady ds. Tekstów Prawnych z 13 marca 2006 r (Abandonment of the Catholic Church by a formal act in the light of the document of the Pontifical Council for Legislative Texts of 13 March 2006). (Article) [98 2007/2]

AnC 4 (2008), 21-37: Wojciech Góralski: Zawarcie małżeństwa przez osobę, która formalnym aktem odstąpiła od Kościoła katolickiego (The contracting of marriage by a person who has left the Catholic Church by a formal act). (Conference presentation) [106 2011/2]

AnC 5 (2009), 197-212: Tomasz Rakoczy: Małżeństwo dla lepszych i gorszych katolików (Marriage for Better and Worse Catholics). (Article) [107 2012/1]

Ap LXXVIII 1-2 (2005), 429-461: Maria Rita Vitale: Sviluppi teologici e giuridici della dottrina medievale sulla disparitas cultus: da Pietro Lombardo alla Glossa Ordinaria al Decretum Gratiani. (Article) [100 2008/2]

Ap LXXX 1-2 (2007), 197-199: Pontifical Council for Legislative Texts: Circular letter to Presidents of Episcopal Conferences on Actus formalis defectionis ab Ecclesia Catholica. (Document) [101 2009/1]

Ap LXXXI 1-2 (2008), 51-53: Pontificium Consilium de Legum Textibus: Litterae circulares: Procedimiento en los casos de abandono formal de la Iglesia. (Document) [103 2010/1]

CLSN 127/01, 5-6: Pontifical Council for Legislative Texts: Formal Act of Defection from the Catholic Church. (Document) [88 2002/2]

CLSN 128/01, 71-75: G. Read: Formal Defection, The End of the Road. (Article) [90 2003/2]

CLSN 161/10, 13-25: Benedict XVI: Motu Proprio Omnium in Mentem, 26 October 2009. (Documents and commentary) [106 2011/2]

CLSN 163/10, 63-86: John Conneely: Catholic-Muslim Marriages: Difficulties and Opportunities. (Conference presentation) [106 2011/2]

CLSN 196/19, 40-82: Gerard Deighan: Formal Defection from the Catholic Church in the Archdiocese of Dublin 1978 to 2015. (Article) [123 2020/1]

Comm 31 (1999), 182-188: Acta Consilii. (Report) [85 2001/1]

Comm 38 (2006), 170-189: Pontificium Consilium de Legum Textibus: Litterae circulares missae omnibus Conferentiis episcopalibus (variis linguis exaratae), quoad verba "actus formalis defectionis ab Ecclesia catholica" (cann. 1086 §1, 1117 & 1124 CIC) et quaedam epistulae respicientes ipsarum litterarum. (Document) [105 2011/1]

Comm 41 (2009), 260-265: Pope Benedict XVI: Litterae Apostolicae "Motu Proprio" datae Omnium in mentem quibus aliquae normae in Codice iuris canonici immutantur (lingua latina una cum versione italica). (Document) [104 2010/2]

Comm 41 (2009), 334-337: Francesco Coccopalmerio: Articulus, explanans Motum Proprium Omnium in mentem a Summo Pontifice die 16 mensis decembris 2009 datum, ab D. Francisco Coccopalmerio, Praeside Pontificii Consilii de Legum Textibus, conscriptus. (Article) [104 2010/2]

DPM 13 (2006), 147-171: Andreas Weiß: Der sog. Kirchenaustritt in Deutschland – stets ein actus formalis defectionis ab Ecclesia catholica? Neue Klärungen in einer alten Frage. (Article) [102 2009/2]

DPM 14 (2007), 107-151: Karl-Heinz Selge: Consensus solus versus ekklesiale Einbindung der Eheschließung? (Article) [102 2009/2]

DPM 15/16 (2008/2009), 219-244: Stefan Rambacher: Zum actus formalis und die darauf Bezug nehmende Erklärung der deutschen Bischöfe zum Kirchenaustritt vom 24. April 2006. (Article) [106 2011/2]

EE 83 (2008), 605-630: Rufino Callejo de Paz: Una regulación confusa y sugerencias de iure condendo. Anotaciones sobre los cánones 1071, §1.4; 1086; 1117 y 1124. (Article) [103 2010/1]

EE 85 (2010), 845-870: Teodoro Bahíllo Ruiz – Rufino Callejo de Paz – Carmen Peña García: Recientes reformas del Código de Derecho Canónico: reformas introducidas por el m.p. Omnium in Mentem. (Roundtable discussion) [106 2011/2]

FCan VII/1 (2012), 91-98: Bento XVI: Carta Apostólica sob forma de 'motu proprio' Omnium in mentem do Sumo Pontífice Bento XVI sobre algumas modificações do CDC; Francesco Coccopalmerio: Os motivos das modificações. (Document and comment) [110 2013/2]

FCan VIII/1 (2013), 9-36: José Antonio Fuentes: Matrimonios mixtos y con disparidad de cultos en la actualidad. El matrimonio de cristianos con musulmanes. (Article) [112 2014/2]

FThC II 24/16 (2013), 239-249: Elmar Güthoff: Der vor dem Staat erklärte Austritt aus der Kirche in Deutschland angesichts von Entscheidungen und Verlautbarungen aus dem Jahr 2012. (Article) [114 2015/2]

IC XLIII 85/03, 301-342: Xabier Martínez Gras – José Luis Llaquet de Entrambasaguas: Matrimonios entre católicos y musulmanes: La realidad catalana. (Article) [92 2004/2]

IC XLIII 86/03, 603-636: Francisca Pérez-Madrid: Inmigración y derecho canónico. (Article) [93 2005/1]

IC 50/100 (2010), 595-627: Javier Otaduy: Abandono de la Iglesia católica por acto formal. Comentario al «Motu Proprio» Omnium in mentem. (Document and commentary) [106 2011/2]

IC 51/102 (2011), 547-585: Javier Ferrer Ortiz: Libertad religiosa e inmigración: el matrimonio canónico entre católica y musulmán. (Article) [108 2012/2]

IC 60/119 (2020), 153-195: Inés Lloréns: A diez años de la publicación del Motu Proprio Omnium in mentem. (Article) [125 2021/1]

IE XIII 3/01, 749-778: J. Otaduy: La validez del matrimonio de los mormones con los católicos. (Article) [89 2003/1]

IE XIX 1/07: 245-268: Pontificio Consiglio per i Testi Legislativi: Actus formalis defectionis ab Ecclesia Cattolica, 13 marzo 2006 (con nota di F. Marti, Quali novità riguardo all'atto formale di defezione dalla Chiesa cattolica di cui ai cc. 1117, 1086 §1 e 1124? Un commento alla Lettera Circolare del PCTL del 13 marzo 2006). (Document and commentary) [100 2008/2]

IE XXII 2/10, 475-492: Miguel Ángel Ortiz: L'obbligatorietà della forma canonica matrimoniale dopo il m.p. Omnium in mentem. (Document and commentary) [106 2011/2]

IE XXIII 1/11, 252-269: Conferenza Episcopale Austriaca: Disposizioni relative agli effetti che la fuoriuscita dalla Chiesa secondo il diritto statale abbia sulla condizione giuridica canonica del fuoriuscito, 21-23 giugno 2010 (con nota di Stefano Testa Bappenheim, Brevi osservazioni su due recenti documenti della Conferenza Episcopale Austriaca relativi al "Kirchenaustritt"). (Documents and commentary) [108 2012/2]

IM 33 (2022), nr 2, 161-174: Jacek Wilk: The status of Messianic Jews on mixed marriage in the Canonical Legal Order and its canonical implications. (Article) [130 2023/2]

INT 13 2/07, 191-201: Soosai Ariokasarny: Challenges and Opportunities of Interreligious Dialogue in Interfaith Marriages: An Asian Perspective. (Article) [101 2009/1]

J 69 (2009), 472-515: John J. M. Foster: Sacramental Law: Selected Developments in Twenty-Five Years of Praxis. (Article) [105 2011/1]

J 72 (2012), 544-576: Daniela Knepper: Defecting from the Church by a Formal Act – the German Discussion 1969-2009. (Article) [111 2014/1]

KIP 6 (19) 2017, nr. 2, 53-66: Adam Fabiańczyk: Wystąpienie z Kościoła formalnym aktem według prawa kościelnego (The formal act of defection according to Church law). (Article) [120 2018/2]

ME CXXIII 4/98, 620-646: P. López Gallo: Formal Defection from the Catholic Church. (Article) [83 2000/1]

Mem XXIV/00, 131-137: J. J. García Faílde: Matrimonio canónico celebrado con impedimento de disparidad de cultos y matrimonio canónico mixto. (Conference presentation) [89 2003/1]

N XLVI 11-12/09, 577-580: Pope Benedict XVI: Litterae Apostolicae Motu Proprio datae Omnium in Mentem, Quaedam in Codice Iuris Canonici immutantur. (Document) [106 2011/2]

PCF VII (2005), 157-177: Gary Noel S. Formoso: The Problem of Validity of Aglipayan Baptism. (Article) [99 2008/1]

PCF XII (2010), 25-28: Pope Benedict XVI: Apostolic Letter in the Form of "Motu Proprio" Omnium in Mentem. (Document) [108 2012/2]

Per 110 (2021), 693-703: Johannes Fürnkranz: Matrimonio e battesimo di uno dei coniugi. (Consultation) [128 2022/2] 

Proc CLSA 2010, 189-204: Fredrick C. Easton: Canonical Form of Marriage Throughout the Centuries: Seeing Pope Benedict XVI's Motu Proprio Omnium in Mentem in Context. (Lecture) [110 2013/2]

QDE 11 (1998), 267-283: Pierantonio Pavanello: Rilevanza del principio della libertà religiosa all'interno dell'ordinamento canonico. (Article) [81 1999/1]

QDE 19 (2006), 261-271: Alessandro Giraudo: Rito del matrimonio tra una parte cattolica e una parte catecumena o non cristiana. (Article) [98 2007/2]

QDE 20 (2007), 35-59: Marino Mosconi: L'abbandono pubblico o notorio della Chiesa e in particolare l'abbandono con atto formale. (Article) [99 2008/1]

QDE 20 (2007), 320-333: Mauro Rivella: I matrimoni fra cattolici e musulmani in Italia. Le indicazioni della Presidenza della CEI. (Article) [100 2008/2]

QDE 25 (2012), 134-154: G. Paolo Montini: Il motu proprio Omnium in mentem e il matrimonio canonico. (Article) [109 2013/1]

QDE 25 (2012), 155-177: Massimo Mingardi: Il motu proprio Omnium in mentem e il matrimonio canonico. (Article) [109 2013/1]

QDE 25 (2012), 229-243: Gianluca Marchetti: I matrimoni misti: la preparazione. (Article) [109 2013/1]

RDC 55 1/05, 7-35: Silvio Ferrari: Le mariage des autres. Le mariage entre personnes relevant de systèmes juridico-religieux différents. (Article) [96 2006/2]

RDC 57 2/07, 241-254: Jean Werckmeister: Le motu proprio Omnium in mentem et le mariage des ex-catholiques. (Article) [105 2011/1]

RDC 57 2/07, 255-276: Claudius Luterbacher-Maineri: «Quitter l'Église» dans le diocèse de saint-Gall: quelles conséquences pour le droit matrimonial? (Article) [105 2011/1]

REDC 52 (1995), 861-869: Tribunal del Arzobispado de Toledo. Nulidad de matrimonio por proceso documental (Disparidad de cultos y defecto de forma). Coram E. Cófreces Merino. (Sentence) [77 1997/1]

REDC 63 (2006), 125-196: Federico R. Aznar Gil: Consejo Pontificio para los Textos Legislativos. Carta circular sobre el actus formalis defectionis ab Ecclesia catholica, 13 marzo 2006 (Prot. no. 10279/2006). Texto y comentario. (Document and commentary) [99 2008/1]

REDC 65 (2008), 703-725: Tribunal Supremo, Jurisdicción Contencioso-Administrativa: Sentencia de 19 setiembre de 2008 sobre cancelación de datos en los Libros de Bautismo. (Document and commentary) [104 2010/2]

REDC 67 (2010), 437-457: Federico R. Aznar Gil: La revocación de la cláusula "actus formalis defectionis ab Ecclesia catholica" de los cc. 1086 §1, 1117 y 1124. (Commentary) [106 2011/2]

RR 2003, 41-43: W. H. Woestman: Necessity to Observe Canonical Form for Marriage and the Impediment of Disparity of Cult by Member of Schismatic Group. (Advisory Opinion) [94 2005/2]

RR 2003, 74-76: J. M. Huels: Catholic-Mormon Marriages Without a Dispensation from Disparity of Cult. (Advisory Opinion) [94 2005/2]

RR 2004, 24: Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments: Chaldean Catholic Permanent Deacon Seeking Dispensation to Remarry. (Document) [94 2005/2]

SC 34 (2000), 528-533: Diocesan Tribunal of Peoria, coram Soseman, 14 September 1999. (Jurisprudence) [86 2001/2]

SC 41 (2007), 515-549: John M. Huels: Defection from the Catholic Church by a Formal Act and the Circular Letter of 13 March 2006. (Article) [102 2009/2]

SC 45 (2011), 414-441: Philippe Hallein: Le motu proprio Omnium in mentem et les conséquences canoniques des modifications. (Article) [108 2012/2]

SCL II (2006), 15-17: Pontifical Council for Legislative Texts: Notification on actus formalis defectionis ab Ecclesia catholica. (Notification) [98 2007/2]

SCL VI (2010), 13-16 (also Ius I 1-2/2010, 200-203): Pope Benedict XVI: Apostolic Letter Issued Motu Proprio Omnium in mentem On Several Amendments to the Code of Canon Law. (Document) [107 2012/1]

Kevin Otieno Mwandha: Disaffiliation from the Catholic Church. (Book) (Christian World Imprints, Delhi, 2022) [129 2023/1]

Canon 1087

CLSN 112/97, 40-44: G. Read: A Comment on the Recent Circular Letter from the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments concerning Dispensation from Priestly Obligations and of Deacons from the Impediment of Orders. (Article) [81 1999/1]

RR 2003, 21-22: Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments: Divorced Permanent Deacon Seeking Declaration of Nullity and Remarriage Refused Permission to Continue in Ministry. (Document) [94 2005/2]

Canons 1087-1088

CLSN 112/97, 36-39: Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments: Curia1 Circular Letter on Laicisation of Priests and Deacons' Remarriage. (Document) [81 1999/1]

IE XXXIV (2022), 649-688: Tribunale Apostolico della Rota Romana: Nullitatis matrimonii – impedimento d’ordine sacro, impedimento di voto pubblico perpetuo di castità emesso in un istituto, difetto di libertà interna – Sentenza di primo grado – 12 gennaio 2021 (n. 1/2021) – Giordano Caberletti, Ponente, con commento di Santiago Vigo, Sull’esigenza di certezza morale circa la non avvenuta dispensa dall’impedimento. (Sentence and comment) [130 2023/2]

Canon 1088

EE 84 (2009), 701-728: Teodoro Bahíllo Ruiz: Profesión del consejo de castidad mediante votos y otros sagrados vínculos. A propósito del alcance del impedimentum voti del canon 1088. (Article) [104 2010/2]

IC XL 79/00, 73-98: Piero Pellegrino: L'impedimento del voto pubblico perpetuo di castità in un istituto religioso nel nuovo diritto matrimoniale canonico (can. 1088 CIC; can. 805 CCEO). (Article) [86 2001/2]

IE XI 1/99, 193-222: P. Etzi: L'impedimento di voto (can. 1088 CJC): sua origine e qualificazione giuridica. (Article) [83 2000/1]

RDC 55 2/05, 325-339: Rémy Lebrun: L'empêchement du canon 1088. (Article) [100 2008/2]

Canon 1089

EE 98 (2023), 831-870: Carlos Hurtado de Mendoza Domínguez: El impedimento de rapto del CIC de 1983 (c. 1089) en el contexto del matrimonio forzado. (Article) [132 2024/2]

REDC 70 (2013), 195-227: Carmen Peña García: El matrimonio en el ordenamiento canónico: posibles líneas de reforma legislativa. (Article) [111 2014/1]

Canon 1090

Per 100 (2011), 65-129: Edward N. Peters: On the impugnation of a marriage by a promoter of justice on the basis of crimen. (Article) [107 2012/1]

Canon 1091

Ap LXXXII 3-4 (2009), 647-677: Juan Damián Gandia Barber: Anotaciones sobre la historia del impedimento de consanguinidad. (Article) [106 2011/2]

BEF LXXIII 801/97, 464-466: E. García: Consanguinity as an Impediment. (Consultation) [80 1998/2]

BEF LXXVI 817/00, 274-5: J. González: Marriage Between Cousins. (Consultation) [86 2001/2]

Per 102 (2013), 279-305: Maurizio Faggioni: Maternità surrogata. Un nuovo impedimento? (Article) [112 2014/2]

QDE 28 (2015), 164-179: Alessandro Giraudo: Fecondazione assistita eterologa e matrimonio canonico. (Article) [115 2016/1]

Canons 1091-1094

REDC 70 (2013), 195-227: Carmen Peña García: El matrimonio en el ordenamiento canónico: posibles líneas de reforma legislativa. (Article) [111 2014/1]

Canon 1092

HPR 12/06, 67-68: Brian T. Mullady: Marriage of deceased spouse's sibling. (Response) [99 2008/1]

IC XLIII 85/03, 223-248: Piero Pellegrino: L'impedimento di affinità nel matrimonio canonico (can. 1092 C.I.C. e can. 809 §§ 1, 2 C.C.E.O.). (Article) [92 2004/2]

Canon 1093

DPM 11 (2004), 13-22: Reinhild Ahlers: Überlegungen zum Ehehindernis der öffentlichen Ehrbarkeit. (Article) [102 2009/2]

IC XLI 82/01, 549-570: Piero Pellegrino: L'impedimento della pubblica onestà nel diritto matrimoniale canonico (can. 1093 CIC). (Article) [90 2003/2]

Canon 1094

BEF LXX 778-779/94, 669-671: E. Garcia: Impediment of Legal Adoption. (Consultations) [76 1996/2]

Per 111 (2022), 173-205: Ulrich Rhode: L’adozione nel diritto canonico. (Article) [130 2023/2]

Canon 1095

AA II (1995), 159-177: José Bonet Alcón: Tribunal Eclesiástico Nacionai, sentencia del 28 de febrero de 1996, Prot. No. 16/94, nulidad de matrimonio. (Sentence and commentary) [80 1998/2]

AA II (1995), 179-194: R. P. D. Cormac Burke: Tribunal de la Rota Romana, nulidad de matrimonio. (Sentence and commentary) [80 1998/2]

AA II (1995), 195-216: R. P. D. Raphaele Funghini: Tribunal de la Rota Romana, sentencia del 19 de mayo de 1993, Prot. no. 15.960, nulidad de matrimonio. (Sentence and commentary) [80 1998/2]

AA III (1996), 285-308: Raphaele Funghini: Tribunal de la Rota Romana, sentencia del 19 de diciembre de 1994, Prot. no. 16.568, nulidad de matrimonio. (Sentence) [80 1998/2]

AA III (1996), 309-317: Luis Okulik: Comentario a la sentencia c. Funghini del 19 de diciembre de 1994. (Commentary) [80 1998/2]

AA IV (1997), 135-176: Juan José García Faílde: Psiquiatria y nulidad de matrimonio. (Article) [80 1998/2]

AA IV (1997), 245-268: José Bonet Alcón: Sentencia del Tribunal Eclesiástico Nacional del 18.1.1997, nulidad de matrimonio por exclusión de la fidelidad y de la indisolubilidad, e incapacidad para asumir las obligaciones esenciales del matrimonio, afirmativa; Pinto, V, comentario a la sentencia. (Sentence and commentary) [80 1998/2]

AA V (1998), 249-262: J. Bonet Alcón: Sentencia del Tribunal Eclesiástico Nacional, nulidad de matrimonio por incapacidad para asumir las obligaciones esenciales del matrimonio a causa de anorexia. (Sentence) [83 2000/1]

AA VIII (2001), 111-128: C. Baccioli: Propuestas desde la psicología para unificar criterios en la aplicación del can. 1095. (Article) [89 2003/1]

AA XII (2005), 279-327: Hugo Adrián Ustinov: Miscelánea acerca de la discreción de juicio requerida para el consentimiento matrimonial válido. (Article) [97 2007/1]

AA XVIII (2012), 85-133: Carlos Baccioli: Propuestas desde la psicopatología y la psiquiatría para una posible revisión del can. 1095. (Article) [112 2014/2]

AA XXIII (2017, vol. II), 227-236: Carlos Baccioli: El concepto de “capacidad matrimonial” en el derecho matrimonial canónico. (Article) [121 2019/1]

AA XXIII (2017, vol. II), 371-400: José Gabriel González Merlano: El trastorno narcisista de la personalidad como causa de nulidad matrimonial, en la doctrina y en la jurisprudencia de la Rota Romana. (Article) [121 2019/1]

AC 61 (2020-2021), 179-191: Ludovic Danto: Limiter le droit au mariage. La tentation de faire des canons 1077 et 1095 un empêchement dirimant. (Article) [129 2023/1]

ADC 1 (abril 2012), 75-93: Michela Profita: L'incidenza della depressione nel consenso matrimoniale ai sensi del can. 1095. (Article) [110 2013/2]

AkK 167 (1998), 49-75: S. Rambacher: Psycho-affektive Unreife als Ehenichtigkeitsgrund. (Article) [84 2000/2]

AkK 167 (1998), 389-449: S. Rambacher: Psycho-affektive Unreife als Ehenichtigkeitsgrund. Teil 2. (Article) [84 2000/2]

AkK 174 (2005), 478-501: Wilfried Ruff: Psychische Eheunfähigkeit. Ihre psychoanalytische Beurteilung und Begutachtung. (Article) [98 2007/2]

AnC 16 (2020) 2, 7-19: Rafał Dappa: Biegły jako asesor w procesie skróconym przed biskupem (A tribunal expert as an assessor in the briefer matrimonial process before the bishop). (Article) [127 2022/1]

Ang 74 (1997), 81-94: Cormac Burke: Personalism and the Essential Obligations of Marriage. (Article) [79 1998/1]

Ang 85 (2008), 201-212: Corrado Dastoli: Identificazione proiettiva e collusione: paradigmi dell'incapacità matrimoniale di coppia. (Article) [101 2009/1]

Ap LXXXVI (2013), 353-386: Francesco Catozzella: La Perizia quale mezzo di prova nelle Cause di incapacità matrimoniale. (Article) [114 2015/2]

Ap LXXXVIII (2015), 215-221: Francesco Dentale: Utilizzo del modello alternativo del DSM-5 per la valutazione della personalità in ambito canonico. (Article) [117 2017/1]

Ap LXXXVIII (2015), 291-310: Alessandro M. Ravaglioli: L’approccio psicodinamico alla luce del PDM e di ulteriori prospettive. (Article) [117 2017/1]

Ap LXXXIX (2016), 509-544: Francesco Catozzella: La durata della convivenza coniugale. Valore probatorio alla luce della Giurisprudenza rotale. (Article) [121 2019/1]

CLSN 131/02, 30-39: R. Harrington: The Effects of Alcohol-Related Disorders on Matrimonial Consent by A. Mendonça. (Article) [90 2003/2]

CLSN 131/02, 54-58: Canadian Conference of Bishops: Proposals on Restrictive Clauses. (Document) [90 2003/2]

CLSN 138/04, 37-86: A. Mendonça: The Effects of Alcohol and Sedative-Hypnotic-Anxiolytic Drugs Intoxication on Marital Consent: A Case Study. (Article) [94 2005/2]

CLSN 143/05, 11-68: A. Mendonça – P. S. Morris: Pathological Gambling and Marital Consent. (Article) [97 2007/1]

CLSN 150/07, 11-35: Supreme Tribunal of the Apostolic Signatura, Prot. n. 28252/97: Question regarding the Use of Experts in Nullity Cases. (Document with commentary by Augustine Mendonça) [99 2008/1]

CLSN 157/09: Benedict XVI: Address to the Roman Rota 29 January 2009. (Address) [106 2011/2]

CLSN 168 (2011), 73-103: Sean O. Sheridan: Incapacity and Simulation: Mutually Exclusive Grounds or Key Juridical Facts Underlying Conforming Sentences? (Article) [110 2013/2]

CLSN 168 (2011), 104-122: John P. Beal: From Theory to Practice: Finding Equivalent Conformity Between Sentences Decided on Force and Fear and Lack of Due Discretion or Simulation. (Article) [110 2013/2]

CLSN 169 (2012), 50-72: Aidan McGrath: Moral Certainty and Cases of Nullity in Canon 1095: Some Reflections. (Article) [110 2013/2]

CLSN 204/23, 3-17: Christine A. O’Riley: Trauma, Stress, and Consensual Capacity. (Article) [132 2024/2]

Comm 33 (2001), 226-249: Ex actis Pontificiae Commissionis Codici Iuris Canonici Recognoscendo: Coetus studiorum "De Matrimonio" (Sessio X). (Report) [103 2010/1]

DPM 1 (1994), 25-32: Eberhard Bässler: Zur Bedeutung von Wünschen und Wollen aus der Sicht eines medizinischen Sachverständigen. (Paper) [79 1998/1]

DPM 2 (1995), 193-206: Margit Weber: Die Rechtsprechung der Romana Rota zu c. 1095, 2º und 3º CIC im Gerichtsjahr 1991. (Paper) [79 1998/1]

DPM 3 (1996) 155-165: Georg Bier: Ehenichtigkeit in Fällen des c. 1095, 3º CIC nur bei dauerhaftem Unvermögen? Anmerkungen zu einer immer noch strittigen Frage. (Article) [79 1998/1]

DPM 3 (1996), 217-223: Beatrix Laukemper-Isermann: Ausgewählte Beispiele englischsprachiger Ehejudikatur zum mangelnden Urteilsvemöigen (can. 1095, 2° CIC). (Article) [79 1998/1]

EE 91 (2016), 759-803: Francisco A. Carrasco Cuadros: Epilepsia y nulidad matrimonial. (Article) [118 2017/2]

FC 12 (2009), 167-207: Géza Kuminetz: Il contenuto dello ius connubii e lo stesso ius come scelta libera nello stato matrimoniale. (Article) [105 2011/1]

For VI 2/95, 79-102: G. Versaldi: Psychology and Marriage Consent. (Paper) [77 1997/1]

For VII 1/96, 153-170: Apostolic Tribunal of the Roman Rota Nullity of Marriage. Before Serrano Ruiz. Incapacity to marry. 22 October 1993. (Sentence) [77 1997/1]

For VII 2/96, 427-451: Maltese Ecclesiastical tribunal: coram Bajada: Nullity of Marriage – Joan-David. Definitive Sentence 27 March 1996. (Sentence) [79 1998/1]

For IX 2/98, 117-143: Apostolic Tribunal of the Roman Rota: Nullity of Marriage. Before Burke. Definitive Sentence 12 December 1996. (Sentence) [83 2000/1]

For XIII/02-XIV/03, 184-228: E. Xuareb: The incidence of drug-taking on the validity of marriage consent. An analysis of Rotal Jurisprudence. (Article) [95 2006/1]

For XVII/06, 47-61: Javier Lozano Barragán: Looking at mental illness from a holistic perspective. (Address) [98 2007/2]

FT 6 (1995), 5-31: Bruno Primetshofer: Die Fähigkeit zum Ehekonsens nach Kanonischem Recht. (Article) [79 1998/1]

FT 15 (2004), 57-68: G. Kuminetz: Die Garantien der freien Handlung im kanonischen Recht mit besonderer Rücksicht auf das Recht zur freien Wahl des ehelichen Lebensstandes. (Article) [94 2005/2]

HPR 9/98, 22-28: G. P. Graham: Why so many Church annulments? (Article) [81 1999/1]HPR 12/05, 14-21: Robert J. Kendra: American annulment mills. (Article) [99 2008/1]

HPR March 2018: Catherine Godfrey-Howell: Briefly Revisiting Pre-1983 Canonical Practice for a Better Response to Marriage Issues. (Article) [127 2022/1]

HPR October 2018: Catherine Godfrey-Howell: Marriage and the Juridical Relevance of Pastoral Language. (Article) [127 2022/1]

IC XXXIX 77/99, 259-303: Sentencia de la Rota Romana, 22.II.1996, coram Stankiewicz. (Jurisprudence) [84 2000/2]

IC 51/102 (2011), 449-478: Héctor Franceschi F.: Consideraciones acerca de algunas cuestiones disputadas sobre el canon 1095. (Article) [108 2012/2]

IC 53/105 (2013), 7-61: Carlos M. Morán Bustos: La prueba de las anomalías graves en relación con la capacidad consensual: la pericia como medio de prueba en los supuestos del canon 1095. (Article) [114 2015/2]

IE VIII 2/96, 601-626: Tribunale Apostolico della Rota Romana. Reg. Veneti seu Bauzanen. -Brixien. Nullità del matrimonio. Incapacità di assumere gli obblighi essenziali del matrimonio. Omosessualità. Sentenza definitiva. 19 dicembre 1994. Funghini, Ponente. (Sentence) [79 1998/1]

IE VIII 2/96, 689-711: J. Llobell: Il tribunale competente per l'appello della sentenza di nullità del matrimonio giudicata «tamquam in prima instantia ex can. 1683». (Commentary) [79 1998/1]

IE IX 1/97, 81-116: N. Schöch: Le «animadversiones» del difensore del vincolo nelle cause di incapacità consensuale. (Article) [80 1998/2]

IE IX 1/97, 145-199: Tribunale Apostolico della Rota Romana. Mexicana. Nullità del matrimonio. Incapacità di assumere gli obblighi essenziali per cause di natura psichica. Incapacità «relativa»). Sentenza definitiva. 2 marzo 1993. Civili, Ponente (con nota di H. Franceschi). (Sentence and commentary) [80 1998/2]

IE XVIII 2/06, 370-386: Antoni Stankiewicz: Indicazioni circa il can. 1095 nell'Istruzione Dignitas connubii. (Lecture) [98 2007/2]

IE XIX 3/07, 545-566: Paolo Bianchi: Disturbi di personalità e capacità matrimoniale. (Lecture) [101 2009/1]

IE XXII 3/10, 611-626: Pedro-Juan Viladrich: ¿Es necesaria una reforma del canon 1095? (Article) [107 2012/1]

IE XXV (2013), 167-182: Giuseppe Versaldi: La capacità di sposarsi nelle allocuzioni di Benedetto XVI agli uditori della Rota Romana (2006-2012). (Lecture) [111 2014/1]

IM I 6-7/96, 59-77: R. Sztychmiler: Problem określenia istotnych obowiązków małżeńskich. (Article) [80 1998/2]

IM I 6-7/96, 79-99: J. Krzywda: Istotne obowiązki małżeńskie w przemówieniach Jana Pawla II. (Article) [80 1998/2]

IM I 6-7/96, 101-118: M. Wilczewska: Przgotowanie dalsze do wypełriania istotnych obowiązkow małżeńskich w świetIe prawa kanonicznego obowiązującego w Polsce. (Article) [80 1998/2]

IM I 6-7/96, 133-136: W. Krupa: Alkoholizm jako przyczyna nieważności małżeństwa. (Article) [80 1998/2]

IM I 6-7/96, 221-242: Wyrok Sądu Metropoltalnego w Katowicach c. Sobański z 17 stycznia 1994 w sprawie o nieważność małżeństwa z tytułu niezdolności do podjęcia istotnych obowiązków małżeńskich (kan. 1095, n. 3). (Sentence) [80 1998/2]

IM III 9/98, 75-87: W. Góralski: Problem niezdolności relatywnej do podjęcia istotnych obowiązków małżeńskich (kan. 1095 n. 3 KPK) w świetle orzecznictwa Roty Rzymskiej. (Article) [83 2000/1]

IM III 9/98, 115-134: R. Sztychmiler: Obowiązki małżeńskie – istotne i nieistotne. (Article) [83 2000/1]

IM V 11/00, 139-150: R. Sobański: Orzekanie nieważności z dwu (lub więcej) tytułów wadliwego konsensu. (Article) [86 2001/2]

Ius Comm IV (2016), 237-255: Paolo Bianchi: La evolución de la jurisprudencia rotal sobre la incapacidad para el matrimonio. (Article) [118 2017/2]

J 54 (1994), 81-112: J. H. Provost: Canon 1095: Past, Present, Future. (Article) [75 1996/1]

J 54 (1994), 257-333: J. H. Provost: Sources for Canon 1095. (Article) [75 1996/1]

J 55 (1995), 363-368: John J. O'Rourke: Some comments on Rights in Marriage. (Short note) [77 1997/1]

J 56 (1996), 756-823: Augustine Mendonça – Nira Sangal: Effects of Anorexia Nervosa and Bulimia Nervosa on Marital Consent. (Article) [80 1998/2]

J 56 (1996), 824-874: James H. Provost: Canon 1095, 2º seen from its Sources. (Article) [80 1998/2]

J 66 (2006), 390-435: Vincent Pereira: Christian Anthropology and the Adjudication of Marriage Nullity Cases in the Light of Canon 1095. (Article) [98 2007/2]

J 67 (2007), 245-279: William Varvaro: Some Recent Rotal Jurisprudence on Bonum Coniugum. (Article) [99 2008/1]

J 70 (2010), 327-367: Sean O. Sheridan: Incapacity and Simulation: Mutually Exclusive Grounds or Key Juridic Facts Underlying Conforming Sentences? (Article) [106 2011/2]

J 72 (2012), 515-543: Brandon T. Parlopiano: The Burden of Proving Insanity in the Mediaeval Ius Commune. (Article) [111 2014/1]

KIP 7 (20) 2018, nr. 2, 141-152: Kamil Rutecki: Wpływ schizofrenii na zdolność konsensualną do zawarcia małżeństwa (Implications of schizophrenia on the consensual capacity to enter into marriage). (Article) [122 2019/2]

ME CXXII 1/97, 27-46: Reg. Aquitaniae seu Tutelen: Nullitatis Matrimonii (G.-R.) 1º: ob defectum discretionis iudicii in parte actrice; 2º ob incapacitatem utriusque partis assumendi obligationem communionis vitae coniugalis. Sententia definitiva diei 16 decembris 1994 c. R. P. D. Antonio Stankiewicz, Ponente. (Sentence) [79 1998/1]

ME CXXII 1/97, 72-89: Portugallenn. : Nullitatis Matrimonii (F.- M.) ob incapacitatem utriusque vel alteriusque partis contrahentis assumendi obligationes essentiales matrimonii propter causas naturae psychicae ad normam can. 1095 n.3; et quatenus negative, subordinate quidem: ob dolum ex parte viri patratum, ad normam can. 1098 CIC, tamquam in prima instantia. Sententia definitiva diei 20 junii 1995 c. R. P. D. Daniel Faltin, Ponente. (Sentence) [79 1998/1]

ME CXXII 2/97, 161-175: Reg. Latii seu Romana: Nullitatis Matrimonii (P.-M.): ob defectum discretionis iudicii in muliere conventa. Sententia definitiva diei 23 decembris 1955 (sic) coram R. P. D. Antonio Stankiewicz, Ponente. (Sentence) [79 1998/1]

ME CXXII 3-4/97, 378-390: Nelsonen: Nullitatis Matrimonii (K. -M.): ob gravem defectum discretionis judicii in muliere conventa et/vel ob incapacitatem eiusdem assumendi obligationes matrimoniales essentiales tamquam in prima instantia. Sententia definitiva diei 31 maii 1994 coram R. P. D. Aemilio Colagiovanni, Ponente. (Sentence) [80 1998/2]

ME CXXII 3-4197, 413-423: Vancouverien: Nullitatis Matrimonii: Ob exclusionem boni sacramenti ab utraque parte (de praeconstituta probatione documentali); ob defectum discretionis judicii ab utraque parte. Sententia definitiva diei 21 maii 1996 Rev.mus Petrus Lopez-Gallo, Praeses et Ponens. (Sentence) [80 1998/2]

ME CXXIV 1/99, 14-51: Toletana in America: Nullitatis Matrimonii (Paulus-Renata) ob gravem defectum discretionis iudicii in utraque vel alterutra parte circa iura et officia matrimonialia mutuo tradenda et acceptanda (can.1095 n.2) et/vel ob incapacitatem utriusque vel alterutriusque partis assumendi onera coniugalia ob causas naturae psychicae (can.1095 n.3). Sententia definitiva diei 19 februarii 1998 coram R.P.D. Aegidio Turnaturi, Ponente. (Sentence) [83 2000/1]

ME CXXIV 1/99, 52-109: Luganen.: Nullitatis Matrimonii (Robertus-Marilena) ex capite defectus discretionis iudicii sive ex capite incapacitatis assumendi essentialia onera coniugalia ex parte viri. Sententia definitiva diei 5 martii 1998 coram R.P.D. Aegidio Turnaturi, Ponente. (Sentence) [83 2000/1]

ME CXXIV 2/99, 226-291: Pelplinen.: Nullitatis Matrimonii (Gregorius-Danuta) ob incapacitatem assumendi essentiales obligationes matrimonii, propter causas naturae psychicae (bonum coniugum) ex parte conventae. Sententia diei 26 martii 1998 coram R.P.D. Cormac Burke, Ponente. (Sentence) [83 2000/1]

ME CXXIV 2/99, 292-333: Arundellen.-Brichtelmestunen, Nullitatis Matrimonii (Patritia Maria-Gary B.) ob defectum discretionis judicii necnon ob incapacitatem assumendi obligationes matrimonii essentiales ex parte viri conventi. Sententia diei 22 aprilis 1998 coram R.P.D. Aegidio Turnaturi, Ponente. (Sentence) [83 2000/1]

ME CXXIV 3/99, 458-489: Spalaten.-Macarscen.: Nullitatis Matrimonii (K.-P.): a) de jure appellandi; b) de viri conventi defectu discretionis iudicii; c) de viri conventi incapacitate assumendi obligationes matrimoniales essentiales; d) de dolo tamquam in prima instantia, subordinate ad alia capita adducta. Sententia definitiva diei 15 maii 1997 coram R.P.D. Bernardo De Lanversin, Ponente. (Sentence) [84 2000/2]

ME CXXIV 3/99, 490-513: Lublinen.:- Nullitatis Matrimonii (R.-G.) ob incapacitatem mulieris conventae obligationes matrimoniales essentiales assumendi vel adimplendi, ad normam can. 1095 n.3° (Bonum fidei). Sententia definitiva diei 24 junii 1998 coram R.P.D. Daniel Faltin, Ponente. (Sentence) [84 2000/2]

ME CXXIV 3/99, 584-593: A. Tavani: L'amentia habitualis nel CIC: rilevanza giuridica quanto al consenso e alla imputabilità penale. (Article) [84 2000/2]

ME CXXV 1/00, 120-146: A. Mendonça: The Effects of Alcohol-Related Disorders on Matrimonial Consent. (Article). [85 2001/1]

ME CXXV 1/00, 147-159: A. Mendonça: Effetti dell'alcool sui disturbi del consenso matrimoniale. (Article) [85 2001/1]

ME CXXV 2/00, 365-388: A. Mendonça: The Effects of Alcohol-Related Disorders on Matrimonial Consent: Part II: Jurisprudential Approaches. (Article) [85 2001/1]

ME CXXV 2/00, 389-411: A. Mendonça: Effetti dell'alcool sui disturbi del consenso matrimoniale. Parte II: Approcci Giurisprudenziali. (Article) [85 2001/1]

ME CXXV 3/00, 550-600: A. Mendonça: The Effects of Alcohol-Related Disorders on Matrimonial Consent. (Article) [86 2001/2]

Mem XXIV/00, 5-80: J. J. García Faílde: El consentimiento matrimonial: aspectos jurídicos, psicológicos y psicopatológicos. (Conference presentation) [89 2003/1]

PCF XI (2009), 7-11: Pope Benedict XVI: Address to the Members of the Tribunal of the Roman Rota. (Address) [103 2010/1]

PCF XIII (2011), 169-188: Augustine Mendonça: The Relationship between Canon Law and Pastoral Care: A Brief Analysis of Benedict XVI's 2011 Allocution to the Roman Rota. (Article) [110 2013/2]

PCF XIII (2011), 189-208: Carlos J. M. Errázuriz: Affective Immaturity and Consensual Incapacity. (Study) [111 2014/1]

PCH 10 (2020), Number 1, 193-213: Wiesław Kraiński: Personality Disorders as a Cause of the Invalidation of Catholic Marriage in Poland. (Article) [125 2021/1]

Per LXXXVI 1/97, 101-124: U. Navarrete: Transsexualismus et ordo canonicus. (Article) [80 1998/2]

Per LXXXVI 1/97, 125-144: M. P. Hilbert: Classificazione delle patologie psichiche di tipo paranoide: Analisi stutturale e giurisprudenza rotale di merito. (Article) [80 1998/2]

Per LXXXVI 3/97, 493-520: Acta Tribunalium Sanctae Sedis, Romanae Rotae Tribunal (coram Stankiewicz), Sententia definitiva, diei 9 martii a. 1995. (Sentence) [80 1998/2]

Per XCIV 3/05, 509-542: P. Bianchi: L'istruzione Dignitas Connubii e il c. 1095. (Article) [96 2006/2]

Per 111 (2022), 559-585: Davide Salvatori: Bonum coniugum: ¿fin del matrimonio o elemento esencial del matrimonio, o fin y elemento esencial del matrimonio? Reflexiones sobre algunas aporías lógico-sistemáticas de la jurisprudencia rotal y propuesta de lectura unitaria de la quaestio. (Presentation) [131 2024/1]

PK XXXIX 3-4/96, 25-42: W. Góralski: Niezdolność do zawarcia małżeństwa według kan. 1095, nn. 1-3 kpk. (Article) [80 1998/2]

PK XL 1-2/97, 201-217: R. Sztychmiler: Znaczenie osobowości kandydata do małżeństwa w świetle obowiązującego prawa kanonicznego. (Article) [81 1999/1]

Proc CLSA 1996, 219-236: E. Kneal: The Mentally Impaired: Can they Marry? May they Marry? (Seminar Paper) [80 1998/2]

Proc CLSA 1998, 224-242: W. A. Varvaro: Rotal Jurisprudence in the 1990s. (Seminar Paper) [85 2001/1]

Proc CLSA 2008, 74-84: Ronald Bowers: A Perspective on Tribunal Ministry: The 1960s to the Present. (Seminar paper) [102 2009/2]

PS XXX 90/95, 457-482: A. N. Dacanay: Void and Voidable Marriages in Church Legislation. (Article) [76 1996/2]

QDE 13 (2000) 199-218: Massimo Correale: La tossicodipendenza quale causa di nullità del consenso matrimoniale. (Article) [85 2001/1]

QDE 18 (2005), 376-392: Paolo Bianchi: Il can. 1095 nell'istruzione Dignitas connubii. (Article) [96 2006/2]

QDE 19 (2006), 93-104: Paolo Bianchi: L'incapacità psichica. (Conference presentation) [97 2007/1]

QDE 22 (2009), 425-445: Paolo Bianchi: L'incapacità psichica al matrimonio: punti fermi e problemi aperti. (Conference presentation) [104 2010/2]

QDE 23 (2010), 360-373: Paolo Bianchi: Disturbi di personalità e immaturità in relazione al can. 1095. Profili canonici. (Article) [106 2011/2]

QDE 26 (2013), 359-371: Philippe Hallein: Un compito specifico del difensore del vinculo: controllare le domande proposte al perito (art. 56 §4 Dignitas connubii). (Article) [112 2014/2]

QDE 28 (2015), 135-163: Paolo Bianchi: Transessualismo e diritto matrimoniale canonico. (Article) [115 2016/1]

QDE 30 (2017), 350-381: Paola Beffa Negrini: La perizia nelle cause di nullità per incapacità psichica (can. 1095): la metodologia e gli strumenti di indagine (esame psichico ed eventuali test psicodiagnostici). (Article) [121 2019/1]

QSR 18 (2008), 191-204: Paolo Cianconi: Il concetto della gravità delle malattie mentali. (Article) [103 2010/1]

QSR 19 (2009), 11-14: Benedetto XVI: Allocuzione al Tribunale della Rota Romana, 29 gennaio 2009. (Address) [105 2011/1]

QSR 19 (2009), 83-97: Paolo Bianchi: L'evoluzione della giurisprudenza rotale in materia di incapacità al matrimonio. (Article) [105 2011/1]

QSR 19 (2009), 163-171: Gianfrancesco Zuanazzi: A proposito dei lucida intervalla. (Article) [105 2011/1]

QSR 20 (2010), 99-109: Raymond Leo Burke: L'importanza pastorale del concetto canonico della capacità psichica per il consenso matrimoniale. (Article) [107 2012/1]

QDE 30 (2017), 235-245: Cesare Maria Cornaggia: La perizia nelle cause di nullità per incapacità psichica (can. 1095): i disturbi che più comunemente si riscontrano (anamnesi e letture degli atti). (Article) [120 2018/2]

REDC 61 (2004), 731-778: F. R. Aznar Gil – R. Román Sánchez: Boletín bibliográfico y de jurisprudencia rotal sobre anomalías psíquicas y consentimiento matrimonial (1984-2004). (Bibliography) [95 2006/1]

REDC 69 (2012), 781-832: José Mª Muñoz de Juana: Consentimiento matrimonial y sentido de la realidad en los trastornos psicológicos. (Article) [110 2013/2]

REDC 70 (2013), 415-464: Alfonso Salgado Ruiz: Inestabilidad emocional y su repercusión en la nulidad. (Conference presentation) [112 2014/2]

REDC 78 (2021), 1053-1089: María Elena Olmos Ortega: Las causas matrimoniales a la luz de los discursos de los Papas a la Rota Romana (2000-2021). (Article) [132 2024/2]

RMDC 25/2 (2019), 247-273: Jorge Antonio Di Nicco: Pericia psicológica. Aspectos elementales. Análisis relacionado con el canon 1095 del Código de Derecho Canónico. (Article) [125 2021/1]

SC 33 (1999), 537-545: Republic of Malta, Civil Court, First Hall, 30 March 1995, The Hon. Mr. Justice Vincent De Gaetano, LL.D., nullity of marriage (A. v. J.), writ of summons no. 723/94 VDG. (Jurisprudence) [84 2000/2]

SC 33 (1999), 545-548: Republic of Malta, Civil Court, First Hall, 14 August 1995, The Hon. Mr. Justice Vincent De Gaetano, nullity of marriage (M. v. S.; advocate T. and legal procurator E. representing the absentee defendant S.), writ of summons no. 859/94 VDG. (Jurisprudence) [84 2000/2]

SC 34 (2000), 155-195: P. S. Morris: Alcoholism and Marital Consent. (Article) [85 2001/1]

SC 35 (2001), 293-356: A. Mendonça: The Effects of Alcohol and Sedative-Hypnotic-Anxiolytic Drugs Intoxication on Marital Consent: A Case Study. (Article) [89 2003/1]

SC 36 (2002), 59-127: A. Mendonça – P. Morris: Pathological Gambling and Marital Consent. (Article) [90 2003/2]

SC 36 (2002), 343-418: A. Mendonça: Jurisprudential Approaches to Equivalent or Substantial Conformity of Sentences in Marriage Nullity Cases. (Article) [91 2004/1]

SC 41 (2007), 441-452: Cormac Burke: Challenges to Matrimonial Jurisprudence Posed by the 1983 Code. (Article) [102 2009/2]

SCL IV (2008), 109-142: Aidan McGrath: Assisting Judges in their Arduous Task: Dignitas Connubii and the Assistance It Offers in Cases Based on Canon 1095. (Article) [102 2009/2]

SCL IX (2013), 189-234: Augustine Mendonça: The Effects of Child Abuse/Neglect on Marital Consent. (Article) [113 2015/1]

SCL IX (2013), 423-432: Augustine Mendonça: Consequences of Not Using an Expert in a Marriage Nullity Case. (Opinion) [113 2015/1]

Patricia M. Dugan – Luis Navarro (eds.): Studies on the Instruction Dignitas Connubii. Proceedings of the Study Day Held at the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross, Rome, January 19, 2006. (Book) (Wilson & Lafleur, Montreal, 2006) [98 2007/2]

Patricia M. Dugan – Luis Navarro: Matrimonial Law and Canonical Procedure. A Continuing Education Course. (Book) (Gratianus, Wilson & Lafleur, Montreal, 2013) [110 2013/2]

Claude Jeantin: L’immaturité devant le droit matrimonial de l’Église. (Book) (Letouze et Ané, Paris, 2018) [121 2019/1]

Pierantonio Pavanello: Il can. 1095 nell'istruzione Dignitas Connubii. Article in Juan Ignacio Arrieta (ed.): L'istruzione Dignitas Connubii nella dinamica delle cause matrimoniali [Marcianum, Venice, 2006], pp. 59-69) [101 2009/1]

Gianfrancesco Zuanazzi: Psicologia e psichiatria nelle cause matrimoniali canoniche. (Book) (Libreria Editrice Vaticana, 2006) [97 2007/1]

Canon 1095 1°

ITS 55 (2018), 309-327: I. Amalraj: Juridical Elements of Sufficienti Gaudeant Maturitate. (Lecture) [122 2019/2]

J 54 (1994), 629-747: James H. Provost: Cases: Sources for Canon 1095, 1º: Part 2. (Article) [76 1996/2]

ME CXX 3/95, 380-398: Reg. Insubri seu Brixien.: Nullitatis Matrimonii: ob defectum discretionis judicii in viro actore (ex ebrietate in actu matrimonii), et quatenus negative, ob exclusionem boni sacramenti ex parte eiusdem viri. Sententia definitva diei 14 decembris 1994 coram R.P.D. Daniel Faltin, Ponente. (Sentence) [76 1996/2]

ME CXXV 2/00, 332-364: A. Stankiewicz: Il contributo della giurisprudenza rotale al "defectus usus rationis et discretionis iudicii". Gli ultimi sviluppi e le prospettive nuove. (Article) [85 2001/1]

Per 111 (2022), 89-138: Paolo Bianchi: L’uso insufficiente di ragione (can. 1095 1°) come motivo di nullità matrimoniale. Una rassegna. (Note) [129 2023/1]

SC 46 (2012), 511-523: Roman Rota: Relative Psychic Impotence, Exclusion of the Good of the Sacrament, and Lack of Use of Reason. Sentence coram Boccafola, 27 February 1989 (Rome). (Sentence) [110 2013/2]

Canon 1095 1°-2°

QDE 8 (1995) 201-227: Paolo Bianchi: Il pastore d'anime e la nullità del matrimonio. X. L'incapacità a consentire (canon 1095, 1º & 2º). (Article) [76 1996/2]

Canon 1095 2°

AA X (2003), 307-326: J. Bonet Alcón: Exclusión del bien del cónyuge (doble decisión conforme de nulidad matrimonial con una conformidad equivalente). Tribunal Eclesiástico Nacional de Argentina. (Sentence) [93 2005/1]

AnC 7 (2011), 249-259: Seweryn Świaczny: Nerwica natręctw a kanoniczny konsens małżeński (Neurosis of obsessions and canonical marital consent). (Article) [109 2013/1]

Ap LXXVII 3-4 (2004), 697-732: Angelo D'Auria: Patologia della libertà e sua incidenza sulla capacitas praestandi matrimonialem consensum. (Article) [100 2008/2]

Ap LXXXVII (2014), 405-444: Carmen Peña García: Discernimiento y Consentimiento matrimonial: cuestiones relativas a la discreción de juicio exigida para el Matrimonio. (Article) [116 2016/2]

BV 76 (2016), 333-344: Slatinek Stanislav: Žrtve nepričakovane nosečnosti (Victims of unexpected pregnancy). (Article) [120 2018/2]

BV 76 (2016), 597-606: Andrej Saje: Pomanjkanje razsodnosti in notranje svobode kot vzroka za ničnost zakona v luči sodne prakse (Lack of discretion of judgement and internal freedom as a cause of nullity of marriage in the light of judicial practice). (Article) [120 2018/2]

Canonist 6/2 (2015), 250-262: Roman Rota: Sentence coram Pinto, 25 January 2007 (Italy). Grave Defect of Discretion of Judgement (can. 1095, 2º) (Affective Immaturity). (Sentence) [116 2016/2]

Canonist 6/2 (2015), 279-291: Roman Rota: (A) Decree coram Arokiaraj, 20 March 2013 (USA). Irremediable Nullity of Decisions (can. 1620, 1º & 7º; DC art. 270, 1º & 7º); (B) Decree coram Arokiaraj, 9 December 2014 (USA). Immediate Confirmation of an Affirmative Sentence of the First Grade or Admission of the Cause to an Ordinary Examination in the Second Grade of Trial (can. 1682 §1; DC art. 265 §1). (Decrees) [116 2016/2]

Canonist 7/2 (2016), 250-261: Sentence coram Arokiaraj, 20 April 2016 (TX, USA). Defect of Discretion of Judgement: Lack of Internal Freedom (can. 1095, 2º). (Sentence) [119 2018/1]

Canonist 7/2 (2016), 262-272: Sentence coram Pinto, 13 May 2014 (Italy). Exclusion of Indissolubility (can. 1101, §2). Defect of Discretion of Judgement: Affective Immaturity (can. 1095, 2º). (Sentence) [119 2018/1]

Canonist 11/1 (2020), 105-114: Sentence coram Pinto, 5 July 2013 (Los Angeles, CA). 1. Defect of Discretion of Judgement on the Part of Both Parties (can. 1095, 2°) (Emotional Immaturity). 2. Error Determining the Will on the Part of Both Parties (can. 1099). (Sentence) [125 2021/1]

Canonist 12/1 (2021), 121-128: Roman Rota: Sentence coram P.V. Pinto, 13 May 2014 (Rome, Italy). Exclusion of the Indissolubility of Marriage (can. 1101, §2). Grave Defect of Discretion of Judgement (can. 1095, 2°) (Affective Immaturity). (Sentence) [127 2022/1]

Canonist 12/1 (2021), 129-136: Roman Rota: Sentence coram Viscome, 6 October 2020 (Adelaide, Australia). Nullity of the Sentence (can. 1598, §1). Nullity of Marriage: Grave Defect of Discretion of Judgement (can. 1095, 2°). (Sentence) [127 2022/1]

Canonist 12/2 (2021), 287-292: Roman Rota: Sentence coram Pinto, 12 January 2015 (Cork and Ross). Defect of Discretion of Judgement (can. 1095, 2°). (Sentence) [128 2022/2]

CLSN 102/95, 47-57: Brentwood Tribunal (1095 2º) (Fetishism) coram Read. (Sentence) [76 1996/2]

CLSN 112/97, 53-61: J. Jukes: Choice of Grounds of Nullity and the Evaluation of Evidence Offered in Support of Claims of Nullity of Marriage under canon 1095 §2. (Article) [81 1999/1]

CLSN 135/03, 30-50: I. Waters: Processing a Case where the Respondent is a Violent or Vexatious Litigant. (Article) [92 2004/2]

CLSN 157/09, 111-124: Metropolitan Tribunal of Malta: coram Said Pullicino, August 26, 2005: Lack of Discretion of Judgement. (Sentence) [106 2011/2]

DPM 9 (2002), 37-54: J. Huber: Die maskierte Depression und die discretio iudicii. Eine Urteilsfindung zwischen Neurologie und Psychiatrie. (Article) [92 2004/2]

DPM 9 (2002), 263-280: M. Pulte: Zur Frage des Erfordernisses von Sachverständigengutachten in den Fällen eines gravis defectus discretionis iudicii gem. c. 1095 n. 2 CIC/1983 – Prozessuale und materiell-rechtliche Aspekte. (Article) [92 2004/2]

For IX 1/98, 227-251: Apostolic Tribunal of the Roman Rota, coram Bernard de Lanversin Abana (BA-CE). Definitive Sentence of 17 July 1996. (Sentence) [82 1999/2]

For XVII/06, 196-217: Metropolitan Tribunal of Malta: coram Said Pullicino, August 26, 2005: Lack of Discretion of Judgement. (Sentence) [98 2007/2]

For XVII/06, 454-483: Metropolitan Tribunal of Malta, coram Said Pullicino: Nullity of Marriage, Lack of Discretion (Gender Dysphoria), November 30, 2005. (Sentence) [100 2008/2]

IC 56/111 (2016), 303-333: Sentencia del Tribunal de la Rota Romana, de 27 de febrero de 2014. (Sentence) [117 2017/1]

IC 56/111 (2016), 335-353: Manuel Valdés Mas: El favor veri matrimonii a propósito de una sentencia Coram Heredia de 27 de febrero de 2014. (Comment) [117 2017/1]

IE XI 3/99, 741-768: Tribunale della Rota Romana. Dublinen. seu Miden. Nullità del matrimonio. Incapacità di assumere gli obblighi essenziali del matrimonio per cause di natura psichica. Alcoolismo. Sentenza definitiva. 26 giugno 1997. Stankiewicz, Ponente. (Sentence) [85 2001/1]

IE XV 1/03, 128-141: Tribunale della Rota Romana: Int. Portoricen. seu Arabicen – Nullità del matrimonio – Mancanza di discrezione di giudizio per mancanza di libertà interna – Sentenza definitiva – 21 giugno 2000 – Huber, Ponente. (Sentence) [92 2004/2]

IE XV 1/03, 141-152: M. Gas i Aixendri: Mancanza di libertà interna e capacità per il matrimonio: appunti sulla giurisprudenza recente. (Commentary) [92 2004/2]

IE XXXII (2020), 642-672: Tribunale Apostolico della Rota Romana: Tolosana seu Elnen. – Nullità del matrimonio – Gravis defectus discretionis iudicii – Sentenza definitiva – 16 giugno 2015 (N. 134/2015) – Giordano Caberletti, Ponente, con un commento di Ángel Rustrian, La maturità affettiva raggiunta dai nubendi attraverso le fasi dell’amore coniugale. (Sentence and comment) [126 2021/2]

IM 30 (2019), nr. 4, 101-122: Wojciech Góralski: Poważny brak rozeznania oceniającego (kan. 1095, n. 2 KPK) w wyroku Roty Rzymskiej c. Salvatori z 7 maja 2020 roku (Grave defect of discretion of judgement [canon 1095, n. 2° of the CIC] in the sentence of the Roman Rota c. Salvatori of 7 May 2020). (Sentence and comment) [127 2022/1]

IM 31 (2020), nr 2, 91-114: Wojciech Góralski: Poważny brak rozeznania oceniającego (kan. 1095, n. 2 KPK) w wyroku Roty Rzymskiej c. Caberletti z 20 listopada 2018 roku (Grave defect of discretion of judgment [can. 1095, n. 2 CIC] in the sentence of the Roman Rota c. Caberletti of 20 November 2018). (Sentence and comment) [128 2022/2]

J 70 (2010), 302-326: John P. Beal: From Theory to Practice: Finding Equivalent Conformity Between Sentences Decided on Force and Fear and Lack of Due Discretion or Simulation. (Article) [106 2011/2]

J 71 (2011), 272-294: John G. Johnson: The Impact of Threats of Suicide on Marital Consent. (Article) [109 2013/1]

J 73 (2013), 339-369: Richard F. Reidy: The Grave Defect of Discretion of Judgment Necessary to Establish the Invalidity of Marriage under Canon 1095, 2º. (Article) [112 2014/2]

ME CXIX 4/94, 449-464: Petropolitana in Insula Longa: Nullitatis Matrimonii (F.-G.) ob defectum discretionis iudicii ex parte viri actoris. Sententia definitiva diei 25 martii 1993 coram R.P.D. Antonio Stankiewicz, Ponente. (Sentence) [75 1996/1]

ME CXIX 4/94, 493-506: Parisien.: Nullitatis Matrimonii (D.-E.): ob defectum discretionis judicii in utraque parte. Sententia deflnitiva diei 4 martii 1992 coram R.P.D. Daniel Faltin, Ponente. (Sentence) [75 1996/1]

ME CXX 1-2/95 198-206: Madraspolitana et Melaporen. Nullitatis Matrimonii (M.-N.): a) ob invalidam dispensationem disparitatis cultus; b) ob defectum discretionis judicii in muliere actrice, tamquam in prima instantia et quatenus negative, subordinate; c) ob errorem dolose causatum in actrice secundum canon 1098 C.I.C. tamquam in secunda instantia. Sententia definitiva diei 15 martii 1994 coram R.P.D. Elia Jarawan, Ponente. (Sentence) [76 1996/2]

ME CXXI 1/96, 15-32: Chicagien: Nullitatis Matrimonii (A.-W.) ob defectum discretionis judicii in utraque parte. Sententia definitiva in tertio jurisdictionis gradu diei 21 julii 1994 coram R.P.D. Antonio Stankiewicz, Ponente. (Sentence) [77 1997/1]

ME CXXI 2/96, 181-197: Parisien. Nullitatis Matrimonii (T.L.) ob defectum dlscretionis judicii in utraque parte: Sententia definitiva in tertio judicii gradu diei 28 aprilis 1994 coram R.P.D. Antonio Stankiewlcz, Ponente. (Sentence) [77 1997/1]

ME CXXI 3/96, 384-396: Austinien: Nullitatis Matrimonii (J.-K.): ob defectum discretionis judicii in utraque parte. Patronus pro parte conventa diligentiori adv. rotalis Paula Franco. Defensor vinculi Rev.mus Angelus Bottone. Sententia definitiva diei 6 aprilis 1995 coram R.P.D. Cormac Burke, Ponente. (Sentence) [78 1997/2]

ME CXXIII 2/98, 272-293: Clevelanden.: Nullitatis Matrimonii (James-Jean) ob defectum discretionis iudicii in viro convento. Sententia definitiva diei 28 maii 1994 coram R.P.D. Aemilio Colagiovanni, Ponente. (Sentence) [81 1999/1]

ME CXXIII 2/98, 272-294: Clevelanden.: Nullitatis Matrimonii (James-Jean) ob defectum discretionis iudicii in viro convento. Sententia definitiva diei 28 maii 1994 coram R.P.D. Aemilio Colagiovanni, Ponente. (Sentence) [82 1999/2]

ME CXXIV 4/99, 614-669: Tribunal. Reg. Flaminii seu Bononien.: Nullitatis Matrimonii (Gratianum S. – Marinam B.) 1) ob gravem defectum discretionis iudicii et incapacitatem assumendi essentiales matrimonii obligationes in utraque parte (can. 1095, nn. 2-3); et subordinate: 2) ob exclusum bonum prolis ex parte mulieris conventae (can. 1101, §2). Sententia definitiva diei 24 julii 1997 coram R. P. D. Antonio Stankiewicz, Ponente. (Sentence) [85 2001/1]

ME CXXV 2/00, 226-253: Zagreben: Nullitatis Matrimonii (J.-K.) ex capite gravis defectus discretionis iudicii et/vel incapacitatis assumendi onera coniugalia ex parte utriusque coniugis. Sententia definitiva diei 24 februarii 1999 coram R. P. D. Daniel Faltin, Ponente. (Sentence) [85 2001/1]

ME CXXV 2/00, 332-364: A. Stankiewicz: Il contributo della giurisprudenza rotale al "defectus usus rationis et discretionis iudicii". Gli ultimi sviluppi e le prospettive nuove. (Article) [85 2001/1]

ME CXXV 3/00, 470-521: Trib. Flaminii seu Foroliven.-Brittorien: Nullitatis Matrimonii: ob incapacitatem assumendi onera coniugalia ex parte actricis (tamquam in prima instantia) et ob errorem in personam viri ex parte eiusdem mulieris. Sententia definitiva diei 6 martii 1998 coram R.P.D. Ioanne Baptista Defilippi, Ponente. (Sentence) [86 2001/2]

ME CXXVIII 1/04, 360-379: Jurisprudentia Tribunalis Rotae Romanae: coram R.P.D. Aegidio Turnaturi, Ponente: Singaporen. (Chong-Raj). Nullitatis matrimonii ob defectum discretionis judicii ex parte actricis. (Sentence) [93 2005/1]

ME CXXVIII 1/04, 380-397: Rotal Jurisprudence: Singaporen. (Chong-Raj). Nullity of Marriage (Lack of Judgement in the Petitioner). Definitive Sentence February 20, 1998. Coram R.P.D. Aegidio Turnaturi, Ponente. (Sentence) [93 2005/1]

PCF IX (2007), 283-304: Defect of Discretion of Judgement and Reverential Fear (Affective Immaturity). Decision coram Bottone, 15 May 2003 (Italy). (Sentence) [100 2008/2]

PCF X (2008), 383-400: A Leap from Error to Grave Lack of Due Discretion. Decision coram Stankiewicz, 2006 (Madrid, Spain). (Sentence) [109 2013/1]

Per 101 (2012), 477-490: Aidan McGrath: Una lettura creativa del canone 1095 2°. Alcuni commenti ad una sentenza rotale recente. (Article) [111 2014/1]

Proc CLSA 2004, 57-79: J. P. Beal: Finding Method in the Madness: Writing Sentences in Lack of Due Discretion Cases. (Seminar paper at the 2004 Convention of the Canon Law Society of America, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania) [96 2006/2]

QSR 21 (2011), 127-147: Laura Sgrò: La questione del defectus libertatis internae in quanto capo autonomo di nullità nella giurisprudenza Rotale. (Article) [109 2013/1]

REDC 53 (1996), 325-364 Tribunal del Arzobispado de Santiago de Compostela. Nulidad de matrimonio (falta de suficiente libertad, falta de suficiente discreción). Coram M. Calvo Tojo. (Sentence) [78 1997/2]

REDC 60 (2003), 737-770: Tribunal de la Rota de la Nunciatura Apostólica. Nulidad de matrimonio. (Defecto de discreción de juicio, falta de libertad interna y miedo grave). Coram Santiago Panizo Orallo. (Sentence) [93 2005/1]

REDC 60 (2003), 781-796: Tribunal Interdiocesano de Primera Instancia de Sevilla. Nulidad de matrimonio. (Defecto de discreción de juicio y exclusión de indisolubilidad). Coram Francisco Gil Delgado. (Sentence) [93 2005/1]

REDC 61 (2004), 821-835: Tribunal de la Diócesis de Oporto, 3 de abril de 2000, nulidad de matrimonio (miedo grave, error en cualidad, defecto de discreción de juicio e incapacidad de asumir las obligaciones), coram José Joaquín Almeida Lopes. (Sentence) [95 2006/1]

REDC 61 (2004), 953-963: Tribunal de la Diócesis de Orihuela-Alicante, 29 de setiembre de 1997, nulidad de matrimonio (falta de libertad interna, exclusión de la fidelidad y de la indisolubilidad), coram Joaquín Martínez Valls. (Sentence) [95 2006/1]

REDC 62 (2005), 279-283: Tribunal de la Rota de la Nunciatura Apostólica, 15 de marzo de 2000: nulidad de matrimonio (defecto de discreción de juicio y falta de libertad interna), coram Juan José García Faílde. (Decree of Ratification) [97 2007/1]

REDC 62 (2005), 694-718: c. Santiago Panizo Orallo: Tribunal de la Rota de la Nunciatura Apostólica: nulidad de matrimonio (miedo grave, defecto de discreción de juicio, falta de libertad interna, incapacidad para asumir las obligaciones), 18 de marzo de 2000. (Sentence) [98 2007/2]

REDC 64 (2007), 505-522: c. Reyes Calvo: Tribunal del Obispado de Salamanca, 1 de diciembre de 1997: nulidad de matrimonio (defecto de discreción de juicio y exclusión de la indisolubilidad). (Sentence) [101 2009/1]

REDC 64 (2007), 899-909: c. Sánchez-Girón Renedo, Tribunal de la Archidiócesis de Madrid, 20 de abril de 2007: nulidad de matrimonio (defecto de discreción de juicio). (Sentence) [102 2009/2]

REDC 64 (2007), 911-937: c. Fuentes Caballero, Tribunal de la Diócesis de Coria-Cáceres, 29 de julio de 2002: nulidad de matrimonio (defecto de discreción de juicio, falta de libertad interna, error en la persona, error en cualidad y error doloso). (Sentence) [102 2009/2]

REDC 66 (2009), 399-415: Tribunal Rotae Romanae, c. R.P.D. Ioseph M. Serrano Ruiz, ponente. Nullitatis matrimonii ob gravem defectum discretionis iudicii. (Sentence) [104 2010/2]

REDC 66 (2009), 839-858: Tribunal del Obispado de Cádiz-Ceuta sobre nulidad de matrimonio por defecto de discreción de juicio, c. Pedro Velo González. Con comentario de José Luis López Zubillaga. (Sentence and commentary) [104 2010/2]

REDC 70 (2013), 657-680: Erlebach, Gregorio: Sentencia de la Rota Romana 158/2010, c. Erlebach, 26 de noviembre de 2010, de nulidad de matrimonio. (Sentence) [112 2014/2]

REDC 70 (2013), 681-693: Rafael Rodríguez Chacón – María J. Roca: Comentario a la Sentencia del Tribunal de la Rota Romana, 158/2010, c. Erlebach, de fecha 26 de noviembre de 2010, dictada en causa procedente del Ordinariato Castrense de los EE. UU. de América. (Commentary) [112 2014/2]

REDC 71 (2014), 893-920: coram R.P. D.M. Xaverius Leone Arokiaraj, ponente. Sententia definitiva 135/2009. (Sentence and comment) [114 2015/2]

RMDC 19 (2013), 155-186: Decisio R.P.D. Antonio Stankiewicz, Sentencia definitiva del 28 de junio de 2001, en RRDec93 (2009), 426-439. (Sentence) [112 2014/2]

RMDC 26/1 (2020), 139-153: Excmo. P.D. Pío Vito Pinto: Nulidad de matrimonio, Sentencia definitiva del día 5 de julio de 2013. (Sentence) [127 2022/1]

RMDC 26/2 (2020), 467-479: Excmo. P.D. Pío Vito Pinto: Sentencia definitiva del 13 de mayo de 2014. (Sentence) [127 2022/1]

RMDC 27/2 (2021), 367-379: Roman Rota: P.D. Pio Vito Pinto, sentencia definitiva del 13 de mayo de 2014. (Sentence) [129 2023/1]

RTL 2/00, 190-208: G. Candelier: "Mariage et maturité". (Article) [86 2001/2]

SC 29 (1995), 241-253: Roman Rota coram C. Burke, 25 November 1993. (Sentence) [75 1996/1]

SC 29 (1995), 397-432: L. A. Robitaille: Simulation, Error Determining the Will, or Lack of Due Discretion? A Case Study. (Article) [76 1996/2]

SC 36 (2002), 517-540: Apostolic Tribunal of the Roman Rota, coram De Lanversin, 17 July 1996. (Jurisprudence) [91 2004/1]

SC 38 (2004), 233-246: Diocese of A., Ireland, coram Pinto, 24 March 2000. (Sentence) [95 2006/1]

SC 40 (2006), 211-244: Apostolic Tribunal of the Roman Rota: Decision coram Defilippi, 19 January 2004 (Dublin). (Sentence) [98 2007/2]

SCL VI (2010), 335-364: Apostolic Tribunal of the Roman Rota: Defect of Internal Freedom (c. 1095, 2°). Decision coram Stankiewicz, 28 June 2001 (Arecibo, Puerto Rico). (Sentence) [107 2012/1]

Hugo Adrián von Ustinov: La Rota Romana: fuente del canon 1095, 2º. (Book) (Segret & Asociados, Buenos Aires, 2008) [104 2010/2]

Canon 1095 2°-3°

AA IX (2002), 97-116: J. Bonet Alcón: La sexualidad y la validez del matrimonio. (Article) [91 2004/1]

AA XI (2004), 541-553: Tribunal de la Rota Romana. Coram Joseph Huber. Nullitatis matrimonii. Sententia definitiva, 13 novembris 2002. (Sentence) [95 2006/1].

AA XI (2004), 555-560: V. E. Pinto: Comentario a la sentencia de J. Huber. (Commentary) [95 2006/1]

AA XII (2005), 413-423: Fernando Moreno Diehl: Introducción a la lectura de volumen 90 (XC) de las Rotae Romanae Decisiones seu Sententiae. (Brief commentary) [97 2007/1]

AA XIV (2007), 9-35: Carlos Baccioli: La anorexia y la bulimia como causas psicopatológicas de nulidad matrimonial. (Article) [102 2009/2]

AA XV (2008), 9-50: Federico Aznar Gil: La inmadurez psicológica y el consentimiento matrimonial en la jurisprudencia rotal. (Article) [104 2010/2]

AA XV (2008), 77-107: Alejandro W. Bunge: Guía doctrinal para presentar y resolver causas de nulidad matrimonial por el canon 1095 §§ 2 y 3. (Article) [104 2010/2]

AA XXI (2015), 47-70: Carlos Baccioli: El concepto de capacidad en el matrimonio. (Article) [116 2016/2]

AC 55 (2013), 304-309: Sentence coram Boccafola, 20 mai 2010, Reg. Flaminii seu Ferrarien.-Comaclen, Sent. 77/2010, présentation par Philippe Toxé. (Comment) [116 2016/2]

AC 55 (2013), 309-312: Sentence coram Verginelli, 28 mai 2010, Reg. Latii seu Romana, Sent. 90/2010, présentation par Ludovic Danto. (Comment) [116 2016/2]

AC 57 (2016), 39-71: Claude Jeantin: Immaturité postmoderne et contrefaçons du mariage. Les officialités devant de nouveaux signes des temps. (Article) [120 2018/2]

ACR XCI 1/14, 58-72: Tom Ryan: Abortion Before Marriage, Marriage Tribunal Jurisprudence and Moral Theology. (Article) [114 2015/2]

ADC 8 (abril 2019), 231-245: Francisco A. Carrasco Cuadros: Sentencia de nulidad matrimonial del Tribunal Eclesiástico del Obispado de Jaén por adicción a la pornografía. (Sentence) [123 2020/1]

AkK 163 (1994), 365-405: H. Pree: Neuestes aus der Rota-Judikatur zu den Tatsbeständen des canon 1095, 2º und 3º CIC. (Article) [76 1996/2]

AnCan (Chile), I (2015), 5-143: XXVII Jornadas de la Asociación Chilena de Derecho Canónico, julio 2012. (Compilation) [116 2016/2]

Ang 84 (2007), 403-422: Sebastiano Villeggiante: Ancora in tema di incapacità matrimoniale. (Article) [100 2008/2]

Ap LXXIII (2000), 265-312: G. Leszczynski: Le dichiarazioni delle parti nelle cause matrimoniali per immaturità affettiva. (Article) [90 2003/2]

Ap LXXIX 3-4 (2006), 801-812: Salvatore Pesce: Riflessioni circa le patologie fisiche che incidono sulla capacità di assumere le obbligazioni essenziali del matrimonio. (Article) [101 2009/1]

Ap LXXXV (2012), 211-222: Alessandro Manenti: Psicologia, scelta e decisione. (Article) [113 2015/1]

Ap LXXXVI (2013), 415-424: Francesco Dentale – Francesco Spagnoli: Il modello alternativo dei disturbi di personalità nel DSM-5 e le sue implicazioni per la Perizia in ambito canonico. (Article) [114 2015/2]

Ap XCI (2018), 427-503: Silvia Barca: Riflessioni in merito all’incidenza dell’Anoressia nervosa e della Bulimia nervosa sulla capacità consensuale. (Article) [124 2020/2]

BEF LXXXVII 882/11, 103-110: H. E. Bacareza: Does Homosexuality Validate or Invalidate Your Marriage? What Does Rotal Jurisprudence Say? (Case study) [110 2013/2]

Canonist 10/1 (2019), 127-136: Elizabeth Ong: Attachment and Trauma and the Ministry of the Ecclesiastical Tribunal – Reflections. (Article) [123 2020/1]

Canonist 11/1 (2020), 115-128: Sentence coram Todisco, 6 March 2013 (Padova, Italy). Grave Defect of Discretion of Judgement and Incapacity to Assume (can. 1095, 2°-3°) (Avoidant/Schizoid Personality Disorder; Psychotic Paranoid Disorder). (Sentence) [125 2021/1]

Canonist 13/1 (2022), 109-118: Roman Rota: Sentence coram Abdou Yaacoub, 14 July 2016. Grave Defect of Discretion of Judgement & Incapacity to Assume Essential Obligations (can. 1095, 2°-3°). (Sentence) [129 2023/1]

CLSANZ 96/l, 30-45: A. Malone: First Judgement (Multiple Sclerosis). (Sentence) [78 1997/2]

CLSN 102/95, 68-70: Tribunal of New South Wales coram Blaney (In Iure section). (Sentence) [76 1996/2]

CLSN 112/97, 70-76: P. Wilson: Gambling and Nullity of Marriage: A Law Section. (Article) [81 1999/1]

CLSN 112/97, 77-79: P. Gilbert: Gambling and Nullity of Marriage: Commentary. (Article) [81 1999/1]

CLSN 136/03, 24-27: G. Read: A Recent Rotal Decision: coram Stankiewicz (25.11.99). (Commentary) [92 2004/2]

CLSN 136/03, 28-30: D. Byrne: Law Sections by Defender. Case of Albus and Senitoba. (Document) [92 2004/2]

CLSN 136/03, 31-33: D. Byrne: Law Section by Defender. Case of Henricus and Hilaria. (Document) [92 2004/2]

CLSN 136/03, 34-37: J. Jukes: Emotional Immaturity: Canon 1095 nn. 2 & 3. (Paper) [92 2004/2]

CLSN 159/09, 30-31: Cyril Murtagh: The Inter-relation of Canon 1095 No. 2 and No. 3. (Article) [106 2011/2]

CLSN 161/10, 76-87: Christopher Dawson: The Compatibility of Consensual Incapacity and Simulation. (Article) [106 2011/2]

CLSN 167 (2011), 19-39: Klaus Lüdicke: A Theory of Bonum Coniugum. (Lecture) [110 2013/2]

CLSN 168 (2011): 6-29: Mary Tarver: The Effects of Pornography on Marital Consent. (Article) [110 2013/2]

CLSN 171 (2012), 67-82: Victoria Vondenberger: Anorexia and Bulimia: Effects on Marital Consent. (Lecture) [110 2013/2]

CLSN 185/16, 42-80: Augustine Mendonça: The Effects of Child Abuse/Neglect on Matrimonial Consent. (Article) [117 2017/1]

DPM 12 (2005), 105-122: Klaus Baumann: Anthropologische Prämissen der (kirchenrechtlichen) Urteilsfindung. (Article) [102 2009/2]

DPM 15/16 (2008/2009), 121-140: Sabine Heidl: Internetsucht als Ehenichtigkeitsgrund gem. c. 1095, 2º und 3º CIC. (Article) [106 2011/2]

DPM 15/16 (2008/2009), 487-510: Martin Ötker: Die antisoziale Persönlichkeitsstörung als Ursache für mangelndes Urteilsvermögen und / oder Eheführungsunfähigkeit. (Article) [106 2011/2]

EE LXXVIII 307/03, 659-694: Carmen Peña García: Grave defecto de discreción de juicio y homosexualidad en la jurisprudencia postcodicial. (Article) [92 2004/2]

EE 84 (2009), 829-847: Tribunal Eclesiástico del Obispado de Albacete: ante el Ilmo. Sr. D. Jesús Rodríguez Torrente. (Sentence) [104 2010/2]

EE 84 (2009), 849-867: Tribunal Diocesano de Málaga: ante el Ilmo. Sr. D. José Manuel Ferrary Ojeda. (Sentence) [104 2010/2]

EE 85 (2010), 695-730: Jesús Rodríguez Torrente: Adicciones y matrimonio. Influencia de las nuevas tecnologías en la nulidad del matrimonio. (Article) [106 2011/2]

EE 97 (2022), 1079-1116: Carmen Peña: Interpelaciones sinodales al derecho matrimonial: de los itinerarios catecumenales de preparación al matrimonio a la relevancia del discernimiento, el «bonum coniugum» y la apertura al «bonum familiae». (Article) [130 2023/2]

FCan III/1 (2008), 113-149: Francisco López-Illana: A impossibilidade de cumprir as obrigações essenciais do matrimónio. (Bibliographical review) [102 2009/2]

FCan VI/2 (2011), 65-81: Carlos J. Errázuriz M.: El sentido y el contenido esencial del bonum coniugum. (Article) [109 2013/1]

FCan X/2 (2015), 27-40: Carlos Morán-Bustos: Madurez Psicológica y Madurez Canónica: Interpretación y desarrollo del art. 209 de la Dignitas Connubii. (Article) [116 2016/2]

FCan XIII/2 (2018), 151-169: Tribunal Arquidiocesano de Braga: Sentença de 25 de junho de 2018. Simulação total. Federica Dotti, Ponente. (Sentence) [124 2020/2]

FI 3 (2004), 231—247: G. Leszczyński: Niedojrzałość emocjonalna jako przyczyna niezdolności konsensualnej kontrahenta (Emotional Immaturity as an Impediment to Matrimonial Consent). (Article) [96 2006/2]

For VI 2/95, 141-164: Apostolic Tribunal of the Roman Rota coram Cormac Burke: Dublin, Nullity of Marriage (Alan-Dorothy): Definitive Sentence of 3 March 1994. (Sentence) [77 1997/1]

For VI 2/95, 165-192: Maltese Ecclesiastical Tribunal: Coram Grech: Nullity of Marriage: Annette-Olaf: Definitive Sentence of 28 May 1995. (Sentence) [77 1997/1]

For VI 2/95, 193-208: Regional Tribunal of Second Instance: coram Cachia: Nullity of Marriage Marika-Peter: Definitive Sentence of 16 September 1995. (Sentence) [77 1997/1]

For VI 2/95, 123-139: Apostolic Tribunal of the Roman Rota coram Boccafola: Nullity of Marriage (BA-JMC): Definitive Sentence of 26 November 1993. (Sentence) [77 1997/1]

For VIII 1/97, 165-195: Maltese Ecclesiastical Tribunal: coram Said Pullicino, Nullity of Marriage (Henry-Greta), Definitive Sentence 24 June 1997. (Sentence) [81 1999/1]

For VIII 1/97, 197-212: Regional Tribunal of Second Instance: coram Attard, Nullity of Marriage: Rose-Marco. Definitive Sentence 20 November 1995. (Sentence) [81 1999/1]

For IX 1/98, 253-280: Maltese Ecclesiastical Tribunal, coram Said Pullicino. Nullity of Marriage Andrew-Nanette 30 September 1997. (Sentence) [82 1999/2]

For XI 2/00, 493-506: Maltese Metropolitan Tribunal: Nullity of Marriage, Definitive Sentence coram A. Grech, October 30, 2000; Lack of Discretion – Inability to Assume. (Sentence) [90 2003/2]

For XII, 2/01, 74-110: Apostolic Tribunal of the Roman Rota: Nullity of Marriage. Definitive Judgement coram Stankiewicz, November 25, 1999. Lack of Discretion of Judgment, Inability to Assume. (Sentence) [93 2005/1]

For XIII/02-XIV/03, 257-284: Metropolitan Tribunal of Malta: Coram Said Pullicino, November 29, 2002; Lack of discretion of judgement; Inability to assume. (Sentence) [95 2006/1]

For XIII/02-XIV/03, 285-312: Metropolitan Tribunal of Malta: Coram Grech, July 30, 2003; Lack of discretion of judgement; Inability to assume; Exclusion of bonum prolis. (Sentence) [95 2006/1]

For XIII/02-XIV/03, 313-330: Regional Tribunal of Second Instance: Decretum Confirmationis Sententiae: Coram Bajada, April 30, 2004; Lack of discretion of judgement; inability to assume. (Decree) [95 2006/1]

For XVI/05, 248-281: Regional Tribunal of Second Instance: Sentence coram Bajada, December 10, 2003. Lack of discretion of judgement; inability to assume; exclusion of bonum prolis. (Sentence) [96 2006/2]

IC XLI 81/01, 105-144: Cormac Burke: Relevancia jurídica de las pericias psiquiátricas. Su aplicación en un ejemplo concreto: la homosexualidad. (Article) [90 2003/2]

IC XLV 89/05, 35-53: Antoni Stankiewicz: Jurisprudencia de la Rota Romana sobre inmadurez afectiva. (Conference presentation) [96 2006/2]

IC 53/106 (2013), 655-690: José A. Fuentes: Desviaciones de la sexualidad. Parafilias y transexualismo en las causas de nulidad matrimonial canónica. (Article) [112 2014/2]

IE X 2/98, 561-580: Tribunale Apostolico della Rota Romana: Reg. Aquitaniae seu Tutelen. Nullità del matrimonio. Incapacità consensuale. Sentenza definitiva, 16 dicembre 1994. Stankiewicz, Ponente. (Sentence) [82 1999/2]

IE XV 3/03, 741-762: Tribunale della Rota Romana – Moronen. (Argentina) – Nullità del matrimonio – Nullità insanabile della sentenza – Decreto – 25 febbraio 2003 – Alwan, Ponente (con nota di J. Llobell: Incompetenza assoluta «ratione gradus» per la scissione dell'iniziale capo appellato dal nuovo capo di nullità giudicato «tamquam in prima instantia» ex. can. 1683. Sull'utilità della «conformitas aequipollens» per il decreto di «litis contestatio»). (Sentence and commentary) [93 2005/1]

IE XVIII 3/06, 669-701: Tribunale della Rota Romana: Toletana in America. Nullità del matrimonio. Grave difetto di discrezione di giudizio. Incapacità di assumere gli oneri coniugali essenziali. Sentenza definitiva, 26 giugno 2000. Stankiewicz, Ponente (con nota di G.M. Corsi). (Sentence and commentary) [100 2008/2]

IE XVIII 3/06, 702-715: Tribunale della Rota Romana: Reg. Calabri seu Cosentina-Bisinianen. Nullità del matrimonio. Grave difetto di discrezione di giudizio. Sentenza definitiva, 6 ottobre 2005. Bottone, Ponente. (Sentence) [100 2008/2]

IE XXI 2/09, 478-493: Benedetto XVI: Discorso a la Rota Romana, 29 gennaio 2009, (con nota di M. A. Ortiz: Capacità consensuale ed essenza del matrimonio). (Document and commentary) [104 2010/2]

IE XXII 1/10, 107-147: Tribunale Apostolico della Rota Romana: Rapoten. Nullità del matrimonio. Difetto grave della discrezione di giudizio. Incapacità di assumere gli obblighi essenziali per cause di natura psichica. Sentenza definitiva, 14 dicembre 2007. Stankiewicz, Ponente (con nota di H. Franceschi F., La capacità per l'atto di volontà: relazione tra il difetto grave della discrezione di giudizio e l'incapacità di assumere gli obblighi essenziali del matrimonio in una recente sentenza c. Stankiewicz). (Sentence and commentary) [105 2011/1]

IE XXXI (2019), 205-244: Tribunale Apostolico della Rota Romana: Reg. Parisien. seu Sancti Dionysii in Francia – Nullità del matrimonio – Incapacità – Immaturità psico-affettiva. Sentenza definitiva – 19 luglio 2016 (147/2016) – Maurice Monier, Ponente. Con un commento di Álvaro González Alonso, Immaturità psico-affettiva e incapacità per il matrimonio (can. 1095). (Sentence and comment) [123 2020/1]

IM 30 (2019), nr. 3, 97-109: Kinga Szymańska: Tytuły prawne z których mogłyby być prowadzone sprawy o stwierdzenie nieważności małżeństwa, w których istotną rolę odegrała akrotomofilia (Grounds for nullity of marriage in cases in which acrotomophilia plays an important role). (Article) [127 2022/1]

IM 31 (2020), nr 1, 25-49: Kinga Szymańska: Parafilia wyzwaniem dla małżeństwa kanonicznego (Paraphilia as a challenge for canonical marriage). (Article) [128 2022/2]

IM 33 (2022), nr 2, 33-89: Bogumiła Olejnik: Czy zaburzenie osobowości typu borderline może stanowić przyczynę nieważności małżeństwa kanonicznego? Analiza w oparciu o orzecznictwo Roty Rzymskiej (Could borderline personality disorder be the cause of nullity of a canonical marriage? Analysis based on the jurisprudence of the Roman Rota). (Article) [130 2023/2]

IM 33 (2022), nr 2, 211-228: Rafał Kamiński: Poważny brak rozeznania oceniającego (kan. 1095, n. 2 KPK) oraz niezdolność do podjęcia istotnych obowiązków małżeńskich z przyczyn natury psychicznej (kan. 1095, n. 3 KPK). Wyrok Roty Rzymskiej c. McKay z 15 kwietnia 2013 roku (Grave lack of discretion of judgement (can. 1095, n. 2 CIC) and incapacity to assume the essential obligations of marriage (can. 1095, n. 3 CIC). Judgement of the Roman Rota c. McKay of 15 April 2013). (Sentence and comment) [130 2023/2]

IM 34 (2023), nr 2, 105-127: Michał Wieczorek: Zdrada a nieważność małżeństwa (Infidelity vs nullity of a marriage). (Article) [132 2024/2]

ITS 44 (2007), 417-440: Victor George D'Souza: "The Good of the Spouses" (Bonum Coniugum): Trends in Matrimonial Jurisprudence of the Roman Rota. (Article) [101 2009/1]

Ius Comm VIII (2020), 265-291: Grzegorz Erlebach: Algunas notas sobre el concepto de inmadurez noógena. (Article) [126 2021/2]

J 54 (1994), 228-233: C. Burke: The Distinction between 2º and 3º of Canon 1095. (Sentence) [75 1996/1]

J 54 (1994), 477-599: Augustine Mendonça: Consensual Incapacity for Marriage. (Article) [76 1996/2]

J 62 (2002), 341-377: R. E. Jenkins: Judicial Foundations of the Opposition of the Holy See to Same Sex Unions: Sexual Orientation in Decisions of the Tribunal of the Roman Rota. (Article) [93 2005/1]

J 62 (2002), 378-420: A. Mendonça: Recent Developments in Rotal Jurisprudence in Exclusion of the Bonum Conjugum. (Article) [93 2005/1]

IM II 8/97, 9-38: R. Sztychmiler, J. C. Fryc, B. Drelich: Stwardnienie rozsiane a zdolność do podjęcia istotnych obowiązków małżeńskich. (Article) [81 1999/1]

KIP 4 (17) 2015, 87-99: Michał Aniszewski: Wpływ epilepsji na ważność małżeństwa kanonicznego (Effects of epilepsy in the context of the validity of marriage). (Article) [116 2016/2]

ME CXIX 4/94, 507-525: Northantonien.: Nullitatis Matrimonii (McL.-Sc.): ob gravem defectum discretionis iudicii circa iura et officia matrimonialia essentialia, et/vel ob incapacitatem assumendi matrimonii obligationes essentiales, ex parte conventi. Sententia definitiva in tertio iurisdictionis gradu diei 22 julii 1993 coram R.P.D. Cormac Burke, Ponente. (Sentence) [75 1996/1]

ME CXX 3/95, 369-379: Galvestonien-Houstonien.: Nullitatis Matrimonii: ob defectum discretionis judicii in utraque parte vel ob incapacitatem assumendi obligations matrimoniales essentiales ex parte utriusque coniugis. Sententia defrnitiva diei 28 julii 1994 coram R.P.D. Aemilio Colagiovanni, Ponente. (Sentence) [76 1996/2]

ME CXX 4/95, 485-507: Toletana in America: Nullitatis Matrimonii (S.-G.): ob defectum discretionis judicii et/vel ob incapacitatem assumendi essentiales matrimonii obligationes, in utraque parte. Sententia definitiva 24 februarii 1994 coram R.P.D. Antonio Stankiewicz, Ponente. (Sentence) [76 1996/2]

ME CXX 4/95, 526-537: Carolinana: Nullitatis Matrimonii (S.-H.) ob defectum discretionis judicii ab utraque parte et/vel ob incapacitatem assumendi obligationes matrimoniales essentiales ex parte actoris. Sententia definitiva diei 14 julii 1994 coram R.P.D. Cormac Burke, Ponente. (Sentence) [76 1996/2]

ME CXXI 2/96,198-213: Reg. Flaminii seu Bononien. Nullitatis Matrimonii (M.A.) ob defectus discretionis judicii et incapacitatem assumendi obligationes matrimoniales essentiales ex parte viri actoris, et subordinate, ob exclusionem boni sacramenti ab eodem: Sententia definitiva in secundo jurisdictionis gradu diei 7 julii 1995 coram R.P.D. Francisco Bruno, Ponente. (Sentence) [77 1997/1]

ME CXXIII 1/98, 18-35: Neo-eboracen.: Nullitatis Matrimonii (R.a.-A (Sue).A.) [81 1999/1] propter defectum discretionis iudicii ex parte utriusque. Sententia definitiva diei 26 novembris 1993 coram R.P.D. Joseph M. Serrano-Ruiz, Ponente. (Sentence) [81 1999/1]

ME CXXIII 1/98, 36-51: Omahen.: Nullitatis Matrimonii (M.- G.) [81 1999/1] ob alcoholismum ex parte viri conventi. Sententia definitiva diei 2 decembris. 1993 coram R.P.D. Cormac Burke, Ponente. (Sentence) [81 1999/1]

ME CXXIII 1/98, 52-83: Devanporten.[sic]: Nullitatis Matrimonii (D.-K.) [81 1999/1] ob gravem defectum discretionis iudicii et/vel ob incapacitatem assumendi essentialia onera matrimonii ex alterutra parte (canon 1095 nn.2 et 3°) Sententia definitiva diei 17 aprilis 1997 coram R.P.D. Cormac Burke, Ponente. (Sentence) [81 1999/1]

ME CXXIII 1/98, 120-141: Vancouverien.: Nullity of Marriage a) Lack of Due Discretion concerning the essential obligations of Marriage in both the petitioner and the respondent (canon 1095.2), and b) Inability to accept and fulfil the obligations of Marriage in both the Petitioner and Respondent due to causes of a psychic nature (canon 1095.3). (Homosexuality in the defendant). Definitive affirmative Sentence: 29 October 1991. Judge and Ponens Rt. Rev. Pedro Lopez-Gallo. (Sentence) [81 1999/1]

ME CXXIII 2/98, 196-247: Trib. reg. Pedemontani seu Segusien: Nullitatis matrimonii (Franciscus U.-Ioanna M.) ob incapacitatem mulieris conventae adsumendi essentiales obligationes matrimoniales (can. 1095 n.3). Sententia definitiva diei 31 Januarii 1997 coram R.P.D. Francisco Bruno, Ponente. (Sentence) [82 1999/2]

ME CXXVI 1/02, 49-100: Nullitatis Matrimonii Reg. Etrusci seu Florentina (Al-An.); Sententia definitive diei 25 Nov. 1999 coram R.P.D. Antonio Stankiewicz, Ponente. (Sentence) [91 2004/1]

PCF XI (2009), 193-216: Roy Macatangay: The Juridical Value of the Bonum Coniugum. (Article) [103 2010/1]

PCF XIII (2011), 309-323: Decision coram Stankiewicz: Incapacity to Assume the Essential Obligations of Marriage: Anti-social Personality Disorder (27 March 1998, Leeds). English trans. by Rev. Augustine Mendonça, JCD. (Jurisprudence) [111 2014/1]

Per XCV 4/06, 675-695: Sententia definitiva, coram McKay, 19 maii 2005: Nullitas Matrimonii ob incapacitatem discretionis iudicii et ob incapacitatem adsumendi onera matrimonii; ob exclusionem boni coniugum. (Sentence) [99 2008/1]

Per 111 (2022), 503-526: Iurisprudentia: Tribunal Metropolitanum Bracarense: Sententia coram Federica Dotti, 4 maii 2020, in una nullitatis matrimonii. Excerptum. (Sentence) [130 2023/2]

Proc CLSA 2005, 197-209: Jorge L. Roque: Egoism in Marriage Jurisprudence. (Seminar paper) [101 2009/1]

Proc CLSA 2005, 211-223: Kenneth W. Schmidt: Trauma and Marital Consent. (Seminar paper) [101 2009/1]

QDE 16 (2003), 203-214: Pierantonio Pavanello: L'istruttoria di una causa di nullità matrimoniale per incapacità (can. 1095, 2º-3º). (Article) [91 2004/1]

QDE 16 (2003), 403-431: Paolo Bianchi: Cause psichiche e nullità del matrimonio. I. Le allocuzioni alla Rota di Giovanni Paolo II: il tema della capacità al matrimonio. (Article) [92 2004/2]

QDE 19 (2006), 318-322: Luigi Barolo: Cause psichiche e nullità del matrimonio. II. Il disturbo bipolare. (Article) [98 2007/2]

QDE 24 (2011), 189-208: †Luigi Barolo: Cause psichiche e nullità del matrimonio. III. Il disturbo borderline di personalità. (Article) [108 2012/2]

QDE 28 (2015), 107-124: Cesare Maria Cornaggia: Le ripercussioni che gli abusi avuti in ambito sessuale possono avere sulla capacità matrimoniale: profili clinici. (Article) [115 2016/1]

QDE 28 (2015), 352-377: Paolo Bianchi: Le ripercussioni che gli abusi avuti in ambito sessuale possono avere sulla capacità matrimoniali: profili canonici. (Lecture) [116 2016/2]

QSR 19 (2009), 67-82: Antoni Stankiewicz: Quaestiones iurisprudentiales de discretionis iudicii defectu et incapacitate assumendi. (Article) [105 2011/1]

QSR 20 (2010), 209-229: Luigi Janiri – Annamaria Di Gioia: Immaturità psico-affettiva e nullità matrimoniale: considerazioni psichologiche, inquadramento psicopatologico e argomentazioni psichiatrico-forensi. (Article) [107 2012/1]

QSR 21 (2011), 71-82: Antoni Stankiewicz: Defectus actus psychologici consensus matrimonialis in causis ob gravem defectum discretionis iudicii et incapacitatem assumendi essentiales matrimonii obligationes (can. 1095, nn. 2-3). (Sentence) [109 2013/1]

REDC 51 (1994), 815-831: Tribunal del Arzobispado de Barcelona. Nulidad de matrimonio (Defecto de discreción de juicio, incapacidad de asumir, simulación partial). Coram X. Bastida Canal. (Sentence) [76 1996/2]

REDC 52 (1995), 847-859: Tribunal de la Rota de la Nunciatura Apostólica. Nulidad de matrimonio (Miedo reverencial, simulación total, defecto de discreción de juicio, incapacidad de asumir). Coram S. Panizo Orallo. (Sentence) [77 1997/1]

REDC 52 (1995), 889-905: Tribunal del Arzobispado de Mérida-Badajoz. Nulidad de matrimonio (defecto de discreción de juicio, incapacidad de asumir, exclusión de la fidelidad). Coram A. González Martín. (Sentence) [77 1997/1]

REDC 52 (1995), 907-926: Tribunal Eclesiástico de Porto (Portugal). Nulidad de matrimonio (incapacidad de asumir, exclusión de propiedades esenciales, error de cualidad). Coram J. J. Almeida Lopes. (Sentence) [77 1997/1]

REDC 52 (1995), 927-937: Tribunal del Obispado de Segorbe-Castellón. Nulidad de matrimonio (defecto de discreción de juicio, incapacidad de asumir, exclusión de la indisolubilidad). Coram V. Guitarte Izquierdo. (Sentence) [77 1997/1]

REDC 53 (1996), 365-375: Tribunal Interdiocesano de Primera Instancia de Zaragoza. Nulidad de matrimonio (defecto de discreción de juicio, incapacidad de asumir las obligaciones esenciales). Coram R. Ferrer Sarroca. (Sentence) [78 1997/2]

REDC 53 (1996), 377-397: Tribunal del Obispado de Zamora. Nulidad de matrimonio (defecto de discreción de juicio, incapacidad de asumir las obligaciones esenciales). Coram V. Alfageme Sánchez. (Sentence) [78 1997/2]

REDC 60 (2003), 771-780: Tribunal de la Archidiócesis de Valencia. Nulidad de matrimonio. (Falta de libertad interna, miedo grave, defecto de discreción de juicio, e incapacidad de asumir las obligaciones). Coram Vicente Subirá García. (Sentence) [93 2005/1]

REDC 60 (2003), 797-831: Tribunal de la Diócesis de Coria-Cáceres. Nulidad de matrimonio. (Defecto de discreción de juicio, incapacidad para asumir las obligaciones, y miedo grave). Coram José Antonio Fuentes Caballero. (Sentence) [93 2005/1]

REDC 61 (2004), 301-313: Tribunal del Arzobispado de Valencia, c. Subirá García, 18 de junio de 1999. Nulidad de matrimonio (error doloso, defecto de discreción de juicio e incapacidad para asumir las obligaciones). (Sentence) [94 2005/2]

REDC 61 (2004), 341-388: Tribunal de la Diócesis de Coria-Cáceres, c. Fuentes Caballero, 28 de noviembre de 2001. Nulidad de matrimonio (defecto de discreción de juicio, falta de libertad interna, incapacidad para asumir las obligaciones, y error en la persona). (Sentence) [94 2005/2]

REDC 61 (2004), 837-951: Tribunal de la Diócesis de Plasencia, 23 de julio de 2001, nulidad de matrimonio (defecto de discreción de juicio e incapacidad de asumir las obligaciones), coram Juan Agustín Sendín Blázquez. (Sentence) [95 2006/1]

REDC 62 (2005), 285-296: Tribunal de la Rota Apostólica, 13 de marzo de 2000: nulidad de matrimonio (defecto de discreción de juicio e incapacidad para asumir las obligaciones), coram Santiago Panizo Orallo. (Decree of Ratification) [97 2007/1]

REDC 62 (2005), 297-311: Tribunal Interdiocesano de Primera Instancia de la Archidiócesis de Sevilla, 7 de noviembre de 2000: nulidad de matrimonio (defecto de discreción de juicio e incapacidad para asumir las obligaciones), coram Francisco Gil Delgado. (Sentence) [97 2007/1]

REDC 62 (2005), 313-331: Tribunal de la Diócesis de Vitoria, 30 de octubre de 2001: nulidad de matrimonio (defecto de discreción de juicio e incapacidad para asumir las obligaciones), coram Félix Ruiz Larrinaga Escudero. (Sentence) [97 2007/1]

REDC 62 (2005), 719-732: c. Francisco Gil Delgado: Tribunal interdiocesano de Primera Instancia de la archidiócesis de Sevilla, nulidad de matrimonio (defecto de discreción de juicio e incapacidad para asumir las obligaciones), 4 de enero de 2003. (Sentence) [98 2007/2]

REDC 62 (2005), 733-757: c. Celestino Carrodeguas Nieto: Tribunal de la archidiócesis de Toledo, nulidad de matrimonio (defecto de discreción de juicio e incapacidad para asumir las obligaciones), 28 de noviembre de 2005. (Sentence) [98 2007/2]

REDC 63 (2006), 9-45: Pietro Pellegrino: La capacità di intendere e di volere nel nuovo Codice Giovanneo-Paolino. (Article) [99 2008/1]

REDC 63 (2006), 377-393: c. Celestino Carrodeguas Nieto: Tribunal de la Archidiócesis de Toledo, nulidad de matrimonio (exclusión de la prole, exclusión de la indisolubilidad y defecto de discreción de juicio), sentencia del 6 de noviembre de 2006. (Sentence) [99 2008/1]

REDC 63 (2006), 395-405: c. Roberto Serres López de Guereñu: Tribunal de la Archidiócesis de Madrid: nulidad de matrimonio (defecto de discreción de juicio, falta de libertad interna, incapacidad para asumir las obligaciones), sentencia del 27 de marzo de 2006. (Sentence) [99 2008/1]

REDC 63 (2006), 467-500: Félix Rúiz de Larriñaga Escudero: Tribunal del Obispado de Vitoria, nulidad de matrimonio (defecto de discreción de juicio e incapacidad para asumir las obligaciones), sentencia del 17 de junio de 2004. (Sentence) [99 2008/1]

REDC 64 (2007), 415-438: c. Malaquías Zayas Cuerpo: Tribunal de la Archidiócesis de Barcelona, 28 de mayo de 1992, nulidad de matrimonio (falta de libertad interna e incapacidad para asumir las obligaciones). (Sentence) [101 2009/1]

REDC 64 (2007), 439-454: c. Alfonso López Benito: Tribunal de la Archidiócesis de Valencia, 10 de junio de 1995, nulidad de matrimonio (defecto de discreción de juicio e incapacidad para asumir las obligaciones). (Sentence) [101 2009/1]

REDC 64 (2007), 455-485: c. José Antonio Fuentes Caballero: Tribunal de la Diócesis de Coria-Cáceres, 28 de mayo de 2002: nulidad de matrimonio (defecto de discreción de juicio, falta de libertad interna e incapacidad para asumir las obligaciones). (Sentence) [101 2009/1]

REDC 64 (2007), 949-1029: c. Sendín Blázquez, Tribunal de la Diócesis de Plasencia, 20 de julio de 2004: nulidad de matrimonio (defecto de discreción de juicio e incapacidad para asumir las obligaciones). (Sentence) [102 2009/2]

REDC 67 (2010), 1027-1059: Sentencia del Tribunal Metropolitano del Arzobispado de Mérida-Badajoz (2009). Nulidad de matrimonio por incapacidad de asumir las cargas del matrimonio. (Sentence) [107 2012/1]

REDC 68 (2011), 667-688: Alfonso Salgado Ruiz – María Ángeles Gómez Martínez: Nuevas adicciones y consentimiento matrimonial. (Conference presentation) [108 2012/2]

REDC 72 (2015), 383-393: Giannamaria Caserta: Una breve nota sulle sindromi e anomalie psico-fisiche rivelanti nella tradizione canonica che limitano o escludono la capacità di giudizio a norma dei cann. 1095 nn. 2-3. (Article) [116 2016/2]

RMDC VII 7/01, 93-100: G. Lobato Vargas: Algunos elementos comunes en la jurisprudencia rotal acerca del canon 1095, 2° y 3°. (Article) [88 2002/2]

RMDC 18 (2012), 393-415: Decisio R.P. Egidio Turnaturi: Sentencia definitiva del 5 de abril de 2001. (Sentence) [110 2013/2]

RMDC 23/2 (2017), 285-302: Ciro Tammaro: Una breve nota sulle sindromi e anomalie psicofisiche rilevanti nella tradizione canonica che limitano o escludono la capacità di giudizio a norma dei can. 1095 nn. 2-3. (Article) [122 2019/2]

SC 30 1/96, 221-232; Apostolic Tribunal of the Roman Rota, coram Cormac Burke, 11 November 1994, Washington, nullity of marriage. (Sentence) [77 1997/1]

SC 32 (1998), 47-95: G. Candelier: La relation entre le 2° et le 3° du canon 1095. (Article) [81 1999/1]

SC 32 (1998), 239-243: Apostolic Tribunal of the Roman Rota, coram Cormac Burke, 14 December 1995, Toronto (ON), Canada, nullity of marriage. (Jurisprudence) [81 1999/1]

SC 32 (1998), 371-395: J. Gressier: L'inexistence du consentement. (Article) [82 1999/2]

SC 32 (1998), 504-515: Tribunal diocésain de Tournai, Belgique, coram Gaston Candelier, 18 janvier 1995, nullité de mariage. (Sentence) [82 1999/2]

SC 34 (2000), 293-254: A. Mendonça: Rotal Approaches to Affective Immaturity as a Cause of Consensual Incapacity for Marriage. (Article) [86 2001/2]

SC 35 (2001), 215-222: Diocesan Tribunal of Armagh, Northern Ireland, coram Boccafola, 10 December 1998. (Jurisprudence) [87 2002/1]

SC 37 3/01, 185-200: Apostolic Tribunal of the Roman Rota, coram Serrano, 9 January 1998. (Jurisprudence) [92 2004/2]

SC 38 (2004), 215-232: Diocese of A., Ireland, coram Boccafola, 14 October 1999. (Sentence) [95 2006/1]

SC 40 (2006), 183-210: Apostolic Tribunal of the Roman Rota: Decision coram Ferreira, 12 October 2001 (Bogotá). (Sentence) [98 2007/2]

SC 44 (2010), 343-367: Mary Tarver: The Effects of Pornography Addiction on Marital Consent. (Article) [106 2011/2]

SC 48 (2014), 549-567: Apostolic Tribunal of the Roman Rota: Grave Defect of Discretion of Judgment (Can. 1095, 2°). Incapacity to Assume the Essential Obligations of Marriage (Can. 1095, 3°). (Anorexia/Bulimia Nervosa). Sentence coram Monier, 21 January 2011, (Italy). (Sentence) [114 2015/2]

SCL I (2005), 95-146: A. Mendonça: Recent Rotal Jurisprudence on Marriage Nullity Cases Judged in Accord with Canon 1682, §2. (Article) [96 2006/2]

SCL III (2007), 53-72: Kenneth Boccafola: Reflections of a Rotal Auditor on the Bonum Coniugum. (Article) [100 2008/2]

SCL VII (2011), 241-289: Apostolic Tribunal of the Roman Rota: Grave Defect of Discretion of Judgement and Incapacity to Assume (Alcoholism): Decision coram Stankiewicz, 14 December 2007. (Sentence) [108 2012/2]

SCL IX (2013), 309-326: Apostolic Tribunal of the Roman Rota: Suspension of the Execution of the Definitive Decision (can. 1651); Grave Defect of Discretionary Judgement/Incapacity to Assume (can. 1095 2°-3°). Decree coram Arokiaraj, 21 May 2013 (Italy). (Decree) [113 2015/1]

Emanuele Albanese: Pornografia e consenso matrimoniale. La fruizione di pornografia oggi e il suo influsso sul consenso matrimoniale canonico. (Book) (Pontificia Università Gregoriana, Rome, 2014) [112 2014/2]

Ginter Dzierżon – Kinga Szymańska: Wpływ zespołu stresu pourazowego na kanoniczną niezdolność do zawarcia małżeństwa (The impact of post-traumatic stress disorder on the person’s ability to contract marriage under canon law). (Book) (UKSW, Warsaw, 2020) [125 2021/1]

Héctor Franceschi – Miguel A. Ortiz (eds.): Discrezione di giudizio e capacità di assumere: la formulazione del canone 1095. (Book) (Giuffrè, Milan, 2013) [110 2013/2]

Héctor Franceschi – Miguel A. Ortiz (eds.): Ius et Matrimonium II. Temi processuali e sostanziali alla luce del Motu Proprio Mitis Iudex Dominus Iesus. (Book) (Pontificia Università della Santa Croce, Facoltà di Diritto Canonico, Rome, 2017) [119 2018/1]

Canon 1095 3°

AA X (2003), 333-360: Antonius Stankiewicz: De metu reverentiali, de exclusione boni sacramenti, de incapacitate assumendi essentiales matrimonii obligationes. Sententia definitiva. (Sentence) [93 2005/1]

AA X (2003), 361-376: J. Bonet Alcón: Comentario de la Sentencia de A. Stankiewicz del 25 de octubre de 2001. (Commentary) [93 2005/1]

AA XVIII (2012), 287-309: Sentencia c. Defilippi, 26/02/09. (Sentence) [112 2014/2]

AA XVIII (2012), 311-328: Hugo Adrián von Ustinov: Una lección de práctica procesal. Comentario a la sentencia coram Ioanne Baptista Defilippi, del 26 de febrero de 2009. (Commentary) [112 2014/2]

AA XX (2014), 11-25: Carlos Baccioli: La violencia familiar como causa de nulidad del matrimonio canónico. (Article) [116 2016/2]

AA XX (2014), 365-377: Mauritius Monier: Sententia c. Monier, 26 octobris 2006 (nullitatis matrimonii). (Sentence) [116 2016/2]

AA XXI (2015), 427-445: Alejandro Bunge: Nullitatis matrimonii. Sententia definitiva. (Sentence) [116 2016/2]

AA XXI (2015), 447-453: José Bonet Alcón: Comentario a la Sentencia de la Rota Romana coram Bunge (Sent. 199-2014). (Commentary) [116 2016/2]

AC 54 (2012), 455-461: Sentence coram Sciacca, 24 juill. 2009, Cilicie des Arméniens, Sent. 117/09, présentation par Jean-Jacques Boyer. (Comment) [114 2015/2]

AC 55 (2013), 290-301: Sentence coram Yaacoub, 10 février 2010, Triveneti seu Tarvisina, Sent. 18/2010, présentation par Emmanuel Petit. (Comment) [116 2016/2]

AnC 6 (2010), 235-254: Urszula Nowicka: Obrońca węzła małżeńskiego wobec opinii biegłych w sprawach z tytułu niezdolności z przyczyn natury psychicznej do podjęcia istotnych obowiązków małźeńskich (kan. 1095 nr 3 KPK) (The defender of the bond in confrontation with the opinions of the experts in annulment cases based on the inability of a psychological nature to assume the essential obligations of marriage (CIC 1983, can. 1095 no. 3)). (Article) [108 2012/2]

AnC 7 (2011), 35-47: Andrzej Wócjik: Konsens naturalnie wystarczający: jego konsekwencje prawne i moralne (Naturally sufficient consent: its legal and moral consequences). (Lecture) [109 2013/1]

Ap LXXV 1-2 (2002), 159-187: A. D'Auria: L'incapacità relativa e la dimensione interpersonale del matrimonio. (Article) [91 2004/1]

BV 69 (2009), 43-54: Stanislav Slatinek: (Ne)Sposobnost za sklenitev zakona in vzgojo otrok ((In)capacity to contract marriage and educate children). (Article) [106 2011/2]

Canonist 11/1 (2020), 129-151: 1. Decree coram Arokiaraj, 28 May 2009 (Accra, Ghana). Nullity of Sentence: Denial of the Right of Defence (can. 1620, 1° & 7°). 2. Decree coram Arokiaraj, 24 June 2010 (Accra, Ghana). Nullity of a Negative Second Instance Sentence (can. 1682, §2). 3. Sentence coram Arokiaraj, 14 July 2016 (Accra, Ghana). Incapacity to Assume the Essential Obligations of Marriage (can. 1095, 3°) (Narcissistic Personality Disorder). (Decrees and sentence) [125 2021/1]

Canonist 11/1 (2020), 152-156: Decree coram Monier, 5 December 2018 (Brisbane, Australia). Admission of Appeal and Confirmation of the Sentence (can. 1680, §2). (Decree) [125 2021/1]

CLSN 102/95, 41-46: Lancaster Tribunal (1095 3º) (Bulimia) coram McArdle. (Sentence) [76 1996/2]

CLSN 102/95, 58-67: Hexham and Newcastle Tribunal (1095 3º) (Klinefelter's Syndrome) coram Zielinski. (Sentence) [76 1996/2]

CLSN 131/02, 22-29: R. Harrington: Rotal Jurisprudence coram Burke, 9th July 1998: Incapacity to Assume the Obligations of Marriage. (Article) [90 2003/2]

CLSN 138/04, 87-91: A. Mendonça: Cultural Elements: Marriage in India. (Article) [94 2005/2]

CLSN 140/04, 33-69: A. Mendonça: Recent Developments in Rotal Jurisprudence on Exclusion of Bonum Coniugum. (Article) [95 2006/1]

CLSN 163/10, 17-33: Philip E. Wilson: The Doctrine of Canonical Equity in the Rotal Decisions of Monsignor Charles Lefebvre. (Article) [106 2011/2]

CLSN 163/10, 51-62: Apostolic Tribunal of the Roman Rota: Exclusion of the Bonum Coniugum and Incapacity to Assume the Essential Obligations of Marriage: Decision coram Monier, 27 October 2006. (Sentence) [106 2011/2]

Comm 31 (1999), 182-188: Acta Consilii. (Report) [85 2001/1]

Comm 41 (2009), 20-23: Pope Benedict XVI: Allocutio Summi Pontificis ad Auditores, Administros Advocatosque Rotae Romanae coram admissos 29 mensis ianuarii 2009 habita. (Address) [104 2010/2]

EE 87 (2012), 839-866: Rota Romana: Sentencia definitiva de nulidad de matrimonio, coram Verginelli, sent. 159/2010; Carmen García Peña: Antecedencia y gravedad de la «causa de naturaleza psíquica» del canon 1095, 3º en supuestos de homosexualidad. Consideraciones en torno a la sentencia rotal c. Verginelli de 26 de noviembre de 2010. (Sentence and comment) [110 2013/2]

FC 13-14 (2010-2011), 161-174: Angela Patrizia Tavani: Secolarizazzione della società e nullità matrimoniale. (Article) [110 2013/2]

FCan IV/1-2 (2009), 167-170: Bento XVI: Discurso ao tribunal da Rota Romana na inauguração do ano judiciário. (Address) [104 2010/2]

For VIII 1/97, 129-164: Apostolic Tribunal of the Roman Rota: coram Raphael Funghini, Nullity of Marriage (RN-VO), Definitive Sentence 19 December 1994. (Sentence) [81 1999/1]

For XVII/06, 150-195: Apostolic Tribunal of the Roman Rota: coram Stankiewicz October 25 2001: Reverential Fear, Exclusion of Indissolubility, Inability to Assume. (Sentence) [98 2007/2]

For XVII/06, 435-453: Apostolic Tribunal of the Roman Rota, coram Sciacca: Decree – Nullity of Marriage – Inability to Assume (Vaginism), December 16, 2004. (Decree) [100 2008/2]

IC XL 79/00, 229-248: Sentencia de la Rota Romana, 18.VII.1997, coram Burke. (Sentence) [86 2001/2]

IC XL 79/00, 249-268: José María Vázquez García-Peñuela: Incompatibilidad de caracteres, imposibilidad moral e incapacidad consensual relativa para contraer matrimonio. A propósito de la Sentencia de la Rota Romana coram C. Burke, 18.VII.1997. (Article) [86 2001/2]

IE VII 1/95, 219-230: Tribunale Apostolico della Rota Romana. Singaporen. Nullità del matrimonio. Esclusione del bonum fidei. Sentenza definitiva. 17 giugno 1993. Burke, Ponente (con nota di G. Solferino). (Sentence) [76 1996/2]

IE XI 3/99, 741-768: Tribunale della Rota Romana. Dublinen. seu Miden. Nullità del matrimonio. Inaapacità di assumere gli obblighi essenziali del matrimonio per cause di natura psichica. Alcoolismo. Sentenza definitiva. 26 giugno 1997. Stankiewicz, Ponente. (Sentence) [85 2001/1]

IE XII 1/00, 101-134: Tribunale della Rota Romana – Reg. Flaminii seu Bononien. – Nullità del matrimonio – Grave difetto di discrezione di giudizio – Incapacità di assumere le obbligazioni essenziali del matrimonio – Esclusione della prole – Sentenza definitiva – 24 luglio 1997 – Stankiewicz, Ponente (con nota di P. Gefaell, Sulla cumulabilità dei capitoli d'incapacità ed esclusione). (Sentence and commentary) [85 2001/1]

IE XII 3/00, 744-757: Tribunale della Rota Romana. Sancti Sebastiani Fluminis Ianuarii – Nullità del matrimonio – Esclusione della fedeltà – Sentenza definitiva – 20 novembre 1996 – Civili, Ponente. (Sentence) [87 2002/1]

IE XIV 3/02, 623-638: C. J. Errázuriz: La capacità matrimoniale vista alla luce dell'essenza del matrimonio. (Lecture) [92 2004/2]

IE XIV 3/02, 655-676: P. Bianchi: L'incapacità di assumere gli obblighi essenziali del matrimonio. (Lecture) [92 2004/2]

IE XV 3/03, 693-740: Tribunale della Rota Romana – Nullità del matrimonio – Incapacità di assumere gli obblighi essenziali del matrimonio per cause di natura psichica – Esclusione dell'indissolubilità – Sentenza definitiva – 25 ottobre 2002 – Sciacca, Ponente. (Sentence, with commentary by H. Franceschi) [93 2005/1]

IE XVI 3/04, 641-680: Tribunale Apostolico della Rota Romana. Matriten. Nullità del matrimonio. Timore reverenziale. Esclusione dell'indissolubilità. Incapacità di assumere gli obblighi essenziali per cause di natura psichica. Incapacità «relativa». Sentenza definitiva. 25 ottobre 2001. Stankiewicz, Ponente (con nota di H. Franceschi F.). (Sentence and commentary) [95 2006/1]

IM 13 (19) 2008, 29-41: Remigiusz Sobański: Prawda jako entelechia procesu o nieważność małżeństwa w świetle przemówień Piusa XII do Roty Rzymskiej (Truth as the form (entelechy) of the process of matrimonial nullity, explained by careful reference to the Addresses of Pius XII to the Roman Rota). (Article) [101 2009/1]

IM 13 (19) 2008, 179-191: Wojciech Góralski: Niezgodnosć charakterów stron a incapacitas assumendi (kan. 1095, n. 3 KPK) na przykładzie wyroku Roty Rzymskiej c. Burke z 18 lipca 1997 roku (Incompatibility of characters and incapacitas assumendi (can. 1095, n. 3) in the sentence of the Roman Rota c. Burke 18 July 1997). (Commentary) [101 2009/1]

IM 32 (2021), nr 1, 49-70: Bartosz Nowakowski: Zaburzenia nastroju jako przyczyna niezdolności osoby do podjęcia istotnych obowiązków małżeńskich (Mood disorders as the cause of the inability of a person to assume the essential obligations of marriage). (Article) [129 2023/1]

IM 32 (2021), nr 1, 71-86: Kinga Szymańska: Parafilia a nieważność małżeństwa kanonicznego w wybranych publikacjach (Paraphilia and canonical marriage nullity in selected publications). (Article) [129 2023/1]

IM 32 (2021), nr 1, 87-105: Emilia Zyskowska: Osobowość niedojrzała a zdolność do wyrażenia zgody małżeńskiej. Wpływ rodziny pochodzenia na kształtowanie dojrzałości osoby (Immature personality and ability to express marital consent. The influence of the family of origin on shaping the maturity of a person). (Article) [129 2023/1]

IM 33 (2022), nr 1, 31-78: Jerzy Adamczyk: Zakupoholizm (oniomania) w odniesieniu do niezdolności wyrażenia ważnej zgody małżeńskiej (Shopaholism [oniomania] in relation to inability to express valid consent). (Article) [130 2023/2]

IM 33 (2022), nr 1, 211-226: Wojciech Góralski: «Incapacitas assumendi» (kan. 1095, n. 3 KPK/83) w wyroku Roty Rzymskiej c. Verginelli z 25 marca 2011 roku (“Incapacitas assumendi” (can. 1095, n. 3 CIC/83) in the sentence of the Roman Rota c. Verginelli of 25 March 2011). (Sentence and comment) [130 2023/2]

Ius Comm III (2015), 305-327: Acta Tribunalium Sanctae Sedis. Romanae Rotae Tribunal. Sentencia definitiva coram Jaeger, 3 mayo 2012. Nulidad de matrimonio. Incapacidad para asumir las obligaciones esenciales del matrimonio. (Sentence) [116 2016/2]

Ius Comm III (2015), 329-344: Santiago Panizo Orallo: Comentario a la Sentencia coram Jaeger, 3 mayo 2012. (Commentary) [116 2016/2]

Ius Comm VIII (2020), 141-181: Romanae Rotae Tribunal: Sentencia definitiva coram Erlebach, 9 febrero 2017. Nulidad de matrimonio. Incapacidad para asumir las obligaciones esenciales del matrimonio (Sent. 31/2017); José Luis López Zubillaga: Comentario. (Sentence and comment) [125 2021/1]

Ius Comm IX (2021), 129-170: Romanae Rotae Tribunal: Sentencia definitiva coram Todisco, 12 mayo 2020. Nulidad de matrimonio. Incapacidad para asumir las obligaciones esenciales del matrimonio (Sent. 41/2020); Juan José García Faílde: Comentario. (Sentence and comment) [127 2022/1]

ME CXXI 1/96, 33-57: Reg. Veneti seu Bauzanen,-Brixien: Nullitatis Matrimonii (R.-V.) ob incapacitatem assumendi onera coniugalia exparte viri conventi (ob homosexualitatem). Sententia definitiva diei 19 decembris 1994 coram R.P.D. Raphaele Funghini, Ponente. (Sentence) [77 1997/1]

ME CXXI 1/96, 72-83: Mechlinien.-Bruxellen: Nullitatis Matrimonii (D.-G.) ob incapacitatem psychologicam mulieris conventae obligationes essentiales matrimonii adimplendi. Sententia definitiva in tertio iurisdictionis gradu diei 29 novembris 1995 coram R.P.D. Daniel Faltin, Ponente. (Sentence) [77 1997/1]

ME CXXI 4/96, 475-493: Armachan. seu Dunen.-Connoren: Nullitatis Matrimonii (B-K.): ob incapacitatem viri assumendi essentiales matrimonii obligationes (praesertim quod spectat ad communionem vitae matrimonialis). Sententia definitiva diei 9 martii 1995 coram R.P.D. Antonio Stankiewicz, Ponente. (Sentence) [78 1997/2]

ME CXXI 4/96, 494-512: Camden: Nullitatis Matrimonii (P.-M.) ob incapacitatem assumendi onera essentialia Matrimonii et parte alterutrius vel utriusque coniugis. (De incapacitate "relativa"). Sententia definitiva diei 27 octobris 1994 coram R.P.D. Cormac Burke, Ponente. (Sentence) [78 1997/2]

ME CXXI 4/96, 539-610: A. Mendonça – N. Sangal: Effects of Anorexia nervosa and Bulimia nervosa on Marital Consent. (Article) [78 1997/2]

ME CXXI 4/96, 611-654: A. Mendonça – N. Sangal: Effetti dell'Anoressia nervosa e della Bulimia nervosa sul consenso matrlmoniale. (Article) [78 1997/2]

ME CXXIII 1/98, 84-119: Bauzanen.-Brixien.: Nullitatis Matrimonii (R.-P.) [81 1999/1] ob incapacitatem assumendi et adimplendi obligationes essentiales matrimonii ex homosexualitate viri conventi. Sententia definitiva diei 19 decembris 1994 coram R.P.D. Raphael Funghini, Ponente. (Sentence) [81 1999/1]

ME CXXIII 1/98, 142-155: U.S.N.C.C.B., Committee on Marriage and Family: 'Always our Children': A Pastoral Message to Parents of Homosexual Children. (Documentation) [81 1999/1]

ME CXXIII 2/98, 196-247: Trib. Reg. Pedemontani seu Segusien. Nullitatis Matrimonii (Franciscus U.-Ioanna M) [81 1999/1] ob incapacitatem mulieris conventae adsumendi essentiales obligationes matrimoniales (canon 1095, n.3). Sententia definitiva diei 31 Januarii 1997 coram R.P.D. Francisco Bruno, Ponente. (Sentence) [81 1999/1]

ME CXXIII 3/98, 442-505: Trib. reg. Latii seu Romana: Nullitatis Matrimonii (Claudius C.-Antonella F.) 1) ex capitibus exclusionis boni sacramenti ex parte viri et incapacitatis mulieris conventae assumendi et adimplendi onera coniugalia tamquam in secunda instantia; et 2) ex capite incapacitatis viri actoris onera matrimonialia assumendi et adimplendi, tamquam in prima instantia. Sententia definitiva diei 9 aprilis 1997 coram R.P.D. Daniel Faltin, Ponente. (Sentence) [82 1999/2]

ME CXXIV 4/99, 614-669: Tribunal. Reg. Flaminii seu Bononien.: Nullitatis Matrimonii (Gratianum S. – Marinam B.) 1) ob gravem defectum discretionis iudicii et incapacitatem assumendi essentiales matrimonii obligationes in utraque parte (can. 1095, nn. 2-3); et subordinate: 2) ob exclusum bonum prolis ex parte mulieris conventae (can. 1101, §2). Sententia definitiva diei 24 julii 1997 coram R. P. D. Antonio Stankiewicz, Ponente. (Sentence) [85 2001/1]

ME CXXV 1/00, 80-99: Vancuverien. Nullitatis Matrimonii (Iuditha – Jacobus): ob viri conventi incapacitatem assumendi et adimplendi onera matrimonii essentialia (can. 1095, n. 3). Sententia definitiva diei 28 novembris 1998 coram R. P. D. Kenneth E. Boccafola, Ponente. (Sentence) [85 2001/1]

ME CXXV 2/00, 226-253: Zagreben: Nullitatis Matrimonii (J.-K.) ex capite gravis defectus discretionis iudicii et/vel incapacitatis assumendi onera coniugalia ex parte utriusque coniugis. Sententia definitiva diei 24 februarii 1999 coram R. P. D. Daniel Faltin, Ponente. (Sentence) [85 2001/1]

ME CXXV 2/00, 254-293: XX: Nullitatis Matrimonii (A.-M.) ob incapacitatem ex parte mulieris conventae assumendi essentiales obligationes matrimonii (ex homosexualitate). Sententia definitiva diei 9 julii 1998 coram R. P. D. Cormac Burke, Ponente. (Sentence) [85 2001/1]

ME CXXV 2/00, 294-331: XX: Nullity of Marriage (L.-D.) on the ground of incapacity to accept obligations of marriage for homosexuality in the Defendant. Definitive sentence 9 July 1998 coram Cormac Burke. (Sentence) [85 2001/1]

ME CXXV 4/00, 646-691: Reg. Dublinen. seu Miden: Nullitatis Matrimonii (Theresia-Iacobus-Seamus) ob incapacitatem psychicam viri conventi assumendi essentiales matrimonii obligationes (ob alcoholismum). Sententia definitiva diei 26 novembris 1996 coram R. P. D. Antonio Stankiewicz, Ponente. (Sentence) [87 2002/1]

ME CXXVI 2/01, 298-317: Parisien.: Nullitatis Matrimonii (Bruno-Diana) ob incapacitatem mulieris conventae assumendi obligationes essentiales matrimonii. Sententia definitiva diei 13 februarii 1998 coram R. P. D. Raphäel Funghini, Ponente. (Sentence) [87 2002/1]

ME CXXVI 2/01, 318-342: The Paris Case: The nullity of Marriage (Bruno-Diane) on the ground of the incapacity of the woman Respondent to assume the essential obligations of marriage. Definitive Sentence on February 13, 1998 coram the Most Reverend Raphäel Funghini, Presiding Judge. (Sentence) [87 2002/1]

ME CXXVI 2-3/02, 252-264: Bonaeren. Nullitatis Matrimonii. Sententia definitiva diei 11 Octobris 2000 coram R. P. D. Daniel Faltin, Ponente. (Sentence) [92 2004/2]

Per LXXXIV, 2/95, 369-393: P. Pavanello: Impotentia coëundi et incapacitas assumendi onera: elementa analogiae et differentiae in iurisprudentia recentiori. (Article) [76 1996/2]

Per LXXXV 1/96, 67-81; A. Stankiewicz: Breve nota.sulla legitimita dell'applicazione della scienza psichiatrlca. E psicologica nelle cause di nullità matrimoniale per incapacità psichica nell'accezione giurisprudenziale. (Article) [78 1997/2]

Per XCV 4/06, 627-645: Alberto Vanzi: L'incapacità educativa dei coniugi verso la prole, come incapacità ad assumere gli oneri essenziali del matrimonio (can. 1095 3°). (Article) [99 2008/1]

Per 101 (2012), 463-476: Paolo Bianchi: L'interpretazione positivistica del momento costitutivo del matrimonio. (Article) [111 2014/1]

Per 112 (2023), 395-428: Davide Salvatori: Immaturità e perturbazione noogena. Presentazione di una nuova corrente giurisprudenziale della Rota Romana. (Article) [132 2024/2]

QDE 8 (1995), 424-449: Paolo Bianchi: Il pastore d'anime e la nullità del matrimonio. XI. L'incapacità ad assumere gli obblighi essenziali del matrimonio (canon 1095, §3). (Article) [76 1996/2]

QDE 22 (2009), 65-84: Paolo Bianchi: Alla ricerca degli obblighi essenziali del matrimonio rimasti inevasi: can. 1095, 3º. (Article) [104 2010/2]

REDC 51 (1994), 797-813: Tribunal de la Rota de la Nunciatura Apostólica de Madrid. Nulidad de matrimonio (Error doloso, incapacidad de asumir las obligaciones esenciales). Coram B. Alonso Rodríguez. (Sentence) [76 1996/2]

REDC 51 (1994), 833-846: Tribunal del obispado de Segorbe Castellón. Nulidad de matrimonio (Incapacidad de asumir, falta de libertad interna). Coram B. Guitarte Izquierdo. (Sentence) [76 1996/2]

REDC 52 (1995), 339-353: Tribunal de la Rota de la Nunciatura Apostólica. Nulidad de matrimonio (incapacidad de asumir las obligaciones esenciales). Coram F. Gil de las Heras. (Sentence) [76 1996/2]

REDC 52 (1995), 355-365: Tribunal interdiocesano Bonaerense. Nulidad de matrimonio (incapacidad de asumir, error de cualidad, exclusión de la fidelidad). Coram N. Daniel Villa. (Sentence) [76 1996/2]

REDC 52 (1995), 367-377: Tribunal del Arzobispado de Valencia. Nulidad de matrimonio (incapacidad de asumir las obligaciones esenciales). Coram V. J. Subirá García. (Sentence) [76 1996/2]

REDC 52 (1995), 753-775; F. R. Aznar Gil – R. Sánchez Ordóñez: Boletín de Bibliografía: anomalías psíquicas y consentimiento matrimonial (1984-1995). (Bibliography) [77 1997/1]

REDC 52 (1995), 871-887: Tribunal del Arzobispado de Barcelona. Nulidad de matrimonio (falta de libertad, incapacidad de asumir las obligaciones esenciales, error de cualidad, error doloso y condición no cumplida). Coram J. Riera. (Sentence) [77 1997/1]

REDC 53 (1996), 15-65: F. R. Aznar Gil: Incapacidad de asumir (c 1095,3º) y jurisprudencia de la Rota Romana. (Article) [78 1997/2]

REDC 60 (2003), 833-843: Tribunal de la Diócesis de Oporto. Nulidad de matrimonio. (Incapacidad para asumir las obligaciones, error doloso y error en cualidad). Coram José Joaquim Almeida Lopes. (Sentence) [93 2005/1]

REDC 62 (2005), 337-359: Tribunal de la Diócesis de Zamora, 18 de julio de 1998, nulidad de matrimonio (incapacidad para asumir las obligaciones), coram Vitaliano Alfageme Sánchez. (Sentence) [97 2007/1]

REDC 63 (2006), 885-897: Tribunal de la Rota de la Nunciatura Apostólica: nulidad de matrimonio (incapacidad para asumir las obligaciones esenciales del matrimonio), coram Santiago Panizo Orallo, 15 de abril de 1999. (Sentence) [101 2009/1]

REDC 63 (2006), 927-939: Tribunal de la Diócesis de Orihuela-Alicante: nulidad de matrimonio (incapacidad para asumir las obligaciones, error doloso y exclusión de la fidelidad), coram Joaquín Martínez Valls, 7 de octubre de 1997. (Sentence) [101 2009/1]

REDC 63 (2006), 941-1093: Tribunal de la Diócesis de Plasencia: nulidad de matrimonio (incapacidad para asumir las obligaciones, error en cualidad, error doloso y miedo grave), coram Juan Agustín Sendén Blázquez, 28 de marzo de 2003. (Sentence) [101 2009/1]

REDC 64 (2007), 487-503: c. José Joaquín Almeida Lopes: Tribunal de la Diócesis de Oporto, 15 de enero de 2001, nulidad de matrimonio (incapacidad para asumir las obligaciones y error doloso). (Sentence) [101 2009/1]

REDC 64 (2007), 885-898: c. Panizo Orallo, Tribunal de la Rota de la Nunciatura Apostólica, 3 de febrero de 2000: nulidad de matrimonio (incapacidad para asumir las obligaciones). (Sentence) [102 2009/2]

REDC 64 (2007), 939-947: c. Carrodeguas Nieto, Tribunal de la Diócesis de Orihuela-Alicante, 16 de abril de 1999: nulidad de matrimonio (exclusión de la indisolubilidad e incapacidad para asumir las obligaciones). (Sentence) [102 2009/2]

REDC 65 (2008), 371-386: Tribunal de la Rota (Madrid). Decreto ratificatorio de la sentencia declaratoria de nulidad de matrimonio (Juez Mons. Carlos M. Morán Bustos). Incapacidad para asumir las obligaciones esenciales del matrimonio. Trastorno asocial de la personalidad (psicopatía). (Sentence) [103 2010/1]

REDC 65 (2008), 727-740: Tribunal del Arzobispado de Madrid: Sentencia sobre nulidad de matrimonio, 30 de junio de 2008, ponente, D. José Luis Sánchez-Girón Renedo. (Sentence) [104 2010/2]

REDC 66 (2009), 379-398: Discurso de Benedicto XVI a los Ilustres jueces, oficiales y colaboradores del Tribunal de la Rota, 29 de enero de 2009. (Document and commentary) [104 2010/2]

REDC 67 (2010), 1061-1088: Sentencia del Tribunal Interdiocesano de Sevilla (Sección instructora de Cádiz-Ceuta 2009). Nulidad de matrimonio por incapacidad de asumir las obligaciones esenciales del matrimonio por causa de naturaleza psíquica. (Sentence) [107 2012/1]

REDC 69 (2012), 373-401: Tribunal Eclesiástico de la Archidiócesis de Madrid: Ponente – D. José Luis Sánchez-Girón Renedo. Nulidad de matrimonio: incapacidad de asumir y simulación parcial. (Sentence) [109 2013/1]

REDC 70 (2013), 627-635: Ciro Tammaro: Alcune osservazioni sulla natura e la rilevanza della perizia d'ufficio nelle cause di nullità matrimoniale per incapacità ex. can. 1095 nº 3 CIC. (Article) [112 2014/2]

REDC 71 (2014), 487-505: c. Josepho Sciacca, ponente: Nulidad matrimonial. Sentencia definitiva. 131/2010. (Sentence) [113 2015/1]

REDC 78 (2021), 839-879: Vicente Benedito Morant: El error diagnóstico del TDAH [=ADHD] y la incapacidad matrimonial, análisis en dos sentencias recientes. (Article) [132 2024/2]

REDC 78 (2021), 1161-1178: Raquel Sánchez Ordóñez – José David Urchaga Litago: Importancia y propuestas de valoración desde la psicología de la religiosidad en las causas de nulidad matrimonial. (Article) [132 2024/2]

RMDC 18 (2012), 139-158: Decisio R.P.D. Kenneth E. Boccafola. Sentencia definitiva del 19 de julio de 2001. (Sentence) [109 2013/1]

RMDC 19 (2013), 415-436: Decisio R.P.D. Mauricio Monier, Sentencia definitiva del 30 de abril de 2004. (Sentence) [113 2015/1]

SC 29 (1995), 509-514: Apostolic Tribunal of the Roman Rota, coram Cormac Burke, 2 December 1993, Omaha, nullity of marriage. (Sentence) [76 1996/2]

SC 30 2/96, 533-552: Apostolic Tribunal of the Roman Rota, coram Cormac Burke, 27 October 1994, Camden, nullity of marriage. (Jurisprudence) [78 1997/2]

SC 36 (2002), 497-516: Apostolic Tribunal of the Roman Rota, coram De Lanversin, 27 June 1997. (Jurisprudence) [91 2004/1]

SC 37 3/01, 201-220: Apostolic Tribunal of the Roman Rota, coram Boccafola, 12 March 1998. (Jurisprudence) [92 2004/2]

SC 43 (2009), 243-260: Apostolic Tribunal of the Roman Rota: Exclusion of the Bonum Coniugum and Incapacity to Assume the Essential Obligations of Marriage: Decision coram Monier, 27 October 2006. (Sentence) [104 2010/2]

SC 51 (2017), 637-660: Roman Rota: Incapacity to assume (c. 1095, 3º) (obsessive-compulsive personality disorder). Sentence coram Defilippi, 23 April 2009 (San Diego, CA, USA). (Sentence) [120 2018/2]

SCL I (2005), 315-358: L. Robitaille: Another Look at Perpetuity: Revisiting the Jurisprudential Criteria for Canon 1095, 3°. (Article) [96 2006/2]

SCL V (2009), 7-12: Pope Benedict XVI: Allocution to the Members of the Tribunal of the Roman Rota. (Address) [104 2010/2]

SCL VI (2010), 365-382: Apostolic Tribunal of the Roman Rota: Incapacity to Assume due to Affective Immaturity. Decision coram Bottone, 15 January 2008 (Italy). (Sentence) [107 2012/1]

Canons 1095-1096

EE 82 (2007), 807-824: Juan José García Faílde: El consentimiento matrimonial, desde la fisiología y patología del acto libre. (Article) [100 2008/2]

Canons 1095-1098

PCF XII (2010), 271-275: The Law and Jurisprudence on Sexual Abuse: Species Facti and In Iure sections of a Procurator-Advocate's Brief. (Sentence) [109 2013/1]

REDC 52 (1995), 379-416: Tribunal del obispado de Salamanca. Nulidad de matrimonio (defecto de discreción de juicio, incapacidad de asumir, error acerca de la persona). Coram A. Reyes Calvo. (Sentence) [76 1996/2]

Canons 1095-1101

ETL 79 1/03, 97-121: Dominic Byrne: A Mistaken Notion of Marriage. (Article) [91 2004/1]

Canons 1095-1102

For XIII/02-XIV/03, 126-145: U. Navarrete: AIDS e consenso matrimoniale. (Paper) [95 2006/1]

Canons 1095-1103

HPR 1/05, 8-19: S. Temaat: Judging Invalidity the American Way. (Article) [96 2006/2]

SC 41 (2007), 237-277: Anne Asselin: L'interrogation des parties et des témoins dans la cause en nullité de mariage selon la formulation du doute. (Article) [100 2008/2]

SCL II (2006), 85-124: Augustine Mendonça: Substantive and Procedural Jurisprudence of the Roman Rota as Reported in Its Relazione Annuale 2005. (Article) [98 2007/2]

Rotae Romanae Tribunal: Decisiones seu Sententiae selectae inter eas quae anno 2011 prodierunt cura eiusdem Apostolici Tribunalis editae, volumen CIII. (Compilation) (Libreria Editrice Vaticana, 2018) [120 2018/2]

Canons 1095-1107

DPM 9 (2002), 155-209: B. S. Anuth: Eheschliessung von Menschen mit geistiger Behinderung nach dem CIC/1983. (Article) [92 2004/2]

EE 83 (2008), 679-697: Estanislao Olivares D'Angelo: Nulidad del matrimonio por ausencia de verdadero consentimiento matrimonial. (Article) [103 2010/1]

IM I 6-7/96, 119-132: W. Góralski: Sakrament małżeństwa w Katechizmie Kościoła Katolickiego. (Article) [80 1998/2]

QDE 11 (1998), 406-432: Paola Malcangi: Tecniche di fecondazione e diritto matrimoniale canonico. (Article) [82 1999/2]

Pedro-Juan Viladrich: Il consenso matrimoniale. (Book) (Pontificia Università della Santa Croce, Rome, 2019) [122 2019/2]