The reference after each entry is to the printed issue of "Canon Law Abstracts" in which a summary of the article is provided.
(See Subscriptions for further details.)
AC 39 (1997), 51-57: J. Passicos: L'acte formel; à propos des demandes de radiation de baptême et de sortie de l'Église. (Article) [80 1998/2]
AkK 174 (2005), 353-379: Helmuth Pree: Par cum pari. Rechtliche Implikationen des ökumenischen Dialogs. (Article) [98 2007/2]
AnC 16 (2020) 2, 109-128: Marek Story: Sakrament chrztu w świetle średniowiecznych ksiąg pokutnych (The sacrament of baptism in the light of the medieval penitential books). (Article) [127 2022/1]
CLSN 126/01, 7: The Validity of Mormon Baptism: Response by CDF. (Article) [88 2002/2]
CLSN 126/01, 8-13: L. Ladaria: The Question of the Validity of Baptism Conferred in the "Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints". (Article) [88 2002/2]
CLSN 125/01, 14-21: U. Navarrete: Response about the Validity of Baptism Conferred in the "Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints". (Article) [88 2002/2]
CLSN 126/01, 91-95: G. Read: Mormon Baptism Revisited. (Article) [88 2002/2]
CLSN 154/08, 55-60: Gordon Read: Infants Who Die without Baptism. (Article) [101 2009/1]
CLSN 198/21, 78-82: Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith: Response to two questions regarding the validity of Baptism conferred with the formula: We baptize you in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 24 June 2020. (Document) [127 2022/1]
CLSN 203/23, 92-125: Ilaria Zuanazzi: The character of baptism and confirmation: the foundations of the common priesthood of the faithful between law and spirituality. (Article) [131 2024/1]
Comm 33 (2001), 162: Congregatio pro Doctrina Fidei: Responsum ad propositum dubium de validitate Baptismatis apud communitatem "The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints". (Reply) [103 2010/1]
Comm 52 (2020), 422-426: Congregatio pro Doctrina Fidei: Responsa ad proposita dubia de validitate baptismatis, 24 iunii 2020. (Reply) [126 2021/2]
ELJ 23 (2021), 19-33: Judith Hahn: Invalid Baptismal Formulas: A Critical View on a Current Catholic Concern. (Article) [127 2022/1]
FC 11 (2008), 207-228: Michael Carragher: Intention of the Minister as Substantive Element of Baptism. (Conference presentation) [104 2010/2]
For XII 2/01, 27: Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith: Response to a Dubium. (Reply) [93 2005/1]
For XII 2/01, 28-34: L. Ladaria: The Question of the Validity of Baptism Conferred in the "Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter Day Saints". (Article) [93 2005/1]
For XII 2/01, 35-43: U. Navarrete: Response about the Validity of Baptism Conferred in the "Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter Day Saints". (Article) [93 2005/1]
FThC III 25/17 (2014), 173-187: Michael Carragher: The sacrament of confirmation and personal development. (Article) [114 2015/2]
IC XLVIII 95/08, 319-337: Joaquín Sedano: Crónica de Derecho Canónico del año 2007. (Compilation) [101 2009/1]
IE XIII 3/01, 749-778: J. Otaduy: La validez del matrimonio de los mormones con los católicos. (Article) [89 2003/1]
IE XIII 3/01, 833: Congregazione della Doctrina della Fede: Responsum ad propositum dubium de validitate baptismatis. (Document) [89 2003/1]
PCF VII (2005), 157-177: Gary Noel S. Formoso: The Problem of Validity of Aglipayan Baptism. (Article) [99 2008/1]
Per XC 4/01, 637-638: Congregatio pro Doctrina Fidei: Risposta ad un dubbio circa la validità del battesimo conferito nella Chiesa di Gesù Cristo dei Santi dell'ultimo giorno. (Document) [90 2003/2]
Per XC 4/01, 638-647: L. Ladaria: Commento teologico. (Article) [90 2003/2]
Per XC 4/01, 647-659: U. Navarrete: Commento pastorale e canonico. (Article) [90 2003/2]
Per 111 (2022), 445-468: Éric Besson: Le rapport nécessaire entre foi et sacrement: le cas du baptême. (Article) [130 2023/2]
Proc CLSA 2009, 1-11: Susan K. Wood: Baptism: Common Call to Service (Lecture) [109 2013/1]
SC 54 (2020), 475-493: John M. Huels: The CDF Responses on the Baptismal Formula ‘We Baptize You’. Text and Comment. (Documents and comment) [126 2021/2]
TPQ 150 (2002), 115-124: R. Ahlers: Ein Recht auf Taufe? (Article) [89 2003/1]
RR 2004, 20-21: Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments: Valid Administration of Sacraments. (Document) [94 2005/2]
TPQ 150 (2002), 73-75: S. Lederhilger – H. Kalb: Römische Erlässe. (Documents) [89 2003/1]
Éric Besson: La dimension juridique des sacraments. (Doctoral thesis) (Editrice Pontificia Università Gregoriana, Roma, 2003) [94 2005/2]
Tomasz Jakubiak: Problem ważności przyjęcia sakramentu święceń w prawie Kościoła katolickiego (The problem of validity of receiving the sacrament of Holy Orders in the law of the Catholic Church). (Book) (Płocki Instytut Wydawniczy, Płock, 2018) [122 2019/2]
Alphonse Ky-Zerbo (ed.): Appartenance et ruptures : les baptisés face à l’institution ecclésiale catholique aujourd’hui. Perspectives comparatives. (Book) (Éditions du Cerf, Paris, 2020) [125 2021/1]
IC XLIX 97/09, 265-288: Joaquín Sedano: Crónica de Derecho Canónico del año 2008. (Compilation) [103 2010/1]
REDC 65 (2008), 331-333: Congregación para la Doctrina de la Fe. Respuestas a preguntas sobre la validez del Bautismo (1 febrero 2008). Texto y comentario (José San José Prisco). (Document and commentary) [103 2010/1]
REDC 61 (2004), 65-86: F. Navarro Ruiz: Aspectos particulares de la celebración del bautismo. (Article) [94 2005/2]
BEF LXXIX 835/03, 272-281: J. González: Some Questions about Baptism. (Consultation) [91 2004/1]
Comm 30 (1998), 294-323: Ex Actis Pontificiae Commissionis Codici Iuris Canonici Recognoscendo. (Report) [83 2000/1]
Comm 31 (1999), 53-163: Ex Actis Pontificiae Commissionis Codici Iuris Canonici Recognoscendo. (Report) [84 2000/2]
FThC II 24/16 (2013), 177-189: Szabolcs Anzelm Szuromi: Modifiche storiche e giuridiche della Chiesa nelle prescrizioni canoniche circa l'amministrazione del battesimo nel rito latino e la loro applicabilità nella nuova evangelizzazione. (Article) [114 2015/2]
IM 30 (2019), nr. 2, 29-47: Zbigniew Janczewski: Prawo o sakramentach wtajemniczenia chrześcijańskiego jako imperatyw budujący communio familiaris. (Canon law regarding the sacraments of Christian initiation as an imperative to build family communion). (Article) [127 2022/1]
Proc CLSA 2009, 243-282: Therese Guerin Sullivan: Canonical Supports for Collaboration in Sacramental Ministry. (Lecture) [109 2013/1]
SCL III (2007), 327-350: Jose Chiramel: Sacraments of Initiation in the Latin and Eastern Codes: a Comparative Study. (Article) [100 2008/2]
Assemblée des Évêques catholiques du Québec: Guide canonique et pastoral au service des paroisses / Assembly of Quebec Catholic Bishops: Canonical and Pastoral Guide for Parishes. (Book) (Gratianus, Wilson & Lafleur, Montreal, 2006) [97 2007/1]
Elias Frank: I sacramenti dell’iniziazione, della penitenza e dell’unzione degli infermi. Commento ai canoni 834-1007 del Codice di Diritto Canonico. (Book) (Urbaniana University Press, Rome, 2018) [121 2019/1]
John Huels: The Pastoral Companion. A Canon Law Handbook for Catholic Ministry. (Book) (Gratianus, Wilson & Lafleur, Montreal, 2009) [103 2010/1]
John Huels: The Pastoral Companion. A Canon Law Handbook for Catholic Ministry. (Book) (Gratianus, Wilson & Lafleur, Montreal, 2016) [117 2017/1]
Sebastian S. Karambai: Ministers and Ministries in the Local Church. (Book) (St Pauls, Mumbai, 2005) [96 2006/2]
Sebastian S. Karambai: Ministers and Ministries in the Local Church. A Comprehensive Guide to Ecclesiastical Norms, Second Revised and Updated Edition. (Book) (St Pauls, Mumbai, 2015) [115 2016/1]
William H. Woestman: Canon Law of the Sacraments for Parish Ministry. (Book) (St Paul University, Ottawa, 2007) [100 2008/2]
Ap LXXXII 1-2 (2009), 31: Congregatio pro Doctrina Fidei: Responsa ad proposita dubia de validitate Baptismatis. (Reply) [104 2010/2]
Comm 40 (2008), 86: Congregatio pro Doctrina Fidei: Responsa ad proposita dubia de validitate baptismatis (die 1 mensis februarii 2008). (Reply) [106 2011/2]
Comm 40 (2008), 115-119: Urbano Navarrete: Articulus explanans "Responsa" a Congregatione pro Doctrina Fidei die 1 mensis februarii 2008 data. (Article) [106 2011/2]
N XLV 3-4/08, 134: Congregatio pro Doctrina Fidei: Responsa ad proposita dubia de validitate baptismatis. (Reply) [102 2009/2]
N XXXXIX 1-2/13, 54-56: Congregatio de Cultu Divino et Disciplina Sacramentorum: Decretum. (Document) [112 2014/2]
RR 2003, 17-18: Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments: Question Concerning Valid Celebration of Baptism. (Document) [94 2005/2]
SCL IV (2008), 17-18: Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith: Responses to Questions on the Validity of Baptism. (Reply) [102 2009/2]
SCL IV (2008), 18-24: Antonio Miralles: A New 'Response' of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith: Validity of Baptism. (Comment) [102 2009/2]
AC 42 (2000), 7-20: O. Échappé: Permanence et innovation dans la doctrine canonique: l'exemple de Benoît XIV, une dialectique? (Article) [88 2002/2]
J 54 (1994), 409-423: Edward Grimes: Liturgical Celebrations and the First Step of the Rite of Christian initiation of adults. (Article) [76 1996/2]
QDE 27 (2014), 263-281: Gianni Trevisan: Il catecumenato, istruzione e tirocinio della vita cristiana. (Article) [114 2015/2]
REDC 61 (2004), 9-39: Dionisio Borobio García: La Iniciación Cristiana y el catecumenado. (Article) [94 2005/2]
Arthur J. Espelage (ed.): CLSA Advisory Opinions 2001-2005. (Book) (Canon Law Society of America, 2006) [97 2007/1]
AnC 9 (2013), 93-117: Tomascz Jakubiak: Intencja przyjęcia chrztu u dorosłego (Intention of receiving baptism by an adult). (Article) [112 2014/2]
AnC 11 (2015), 217-234: Elżbieta Szczot: Władza rodzicielska a wolność religijna dziecka w prawie kanonicznym (Parental authority and children’s religious freedom in canon law). (Article) [121 2019/1]
RDC 64/2 (2014), 375-393: Frédéric Dieu: Aspects des rapports entre droit civil et droit canonique: L'autorité parentale et le choix de la religion de l'enfant. (Article) [114 2015/2]
HPR July 2021: Brian Mullady: What Makes a Baptism Valid? (Reply) [128 2022/2]
AA VII (2000), 161-168: S. J. Fornieles: El nombre en el derecho canónico. (Article) [86 2001/2]
AA VIII (2001), 249-258: L. A. Alessio: El nombre de los cristianos. (Article) [89 2003/1]
RMDC 22/2 (2016), 291-326: Rogelio Ayala Partida: Dónde y cuándo bautizar: asuntos por resolver en los tiempos presentes. (Article) [122 2019/2]
AnC 1 (2005), 95-108: Jan Dyduch: Udział świeckich w misji kapłańskiej Chrystusa w prawodawstwie powszechnym i polskim w latach 1983-2005 (The participation of the laity in the priestly mission of Christ in universal and Polish particular legislation in the years 1983-2005). (Article) [97 2007/1]
AnC 2 (2006), 229-247: Paweł Mielecki: Posługa diakona w sprawowaniu sakramentów (Service of the deacon in administering sacraments). (Article) [98 2007/2]
BEF LXXX 845/04, 93-106: J. González: Faculties to Exercise Some Pastoral Functions in the Diocese. (Consultation) [95 2006/1]
CLSN 149/07, 54-58: Gordon Read: Unauthorised Baptism. (Article) [99 2008/1]
FC 11 (2008), 207-228: Michael Carragher: Intention of the Minister as Substantive Element of Baptism. (Conference presentation) [104 2010/2]
FC 11 (2008), 241-255: Péter Szabó: La validità del battesimo amministrato da un pagano nelle discipline delle Chiese orientali. (Conference presentation) [104 2010/2]
FCan XVII/1 (2022), 101-144: Miguel Falcão: Relevancia de la fe en el sacramento del bautismo. A propósito del reciente documento de la Comisión Teológica Internacional. (Article) [129 2023/1]
J 69 (2009), 84-115: Henk Witte: The Local Bishop and Lay Pastoral Workers: A Newly Created Function in the Church and its Impact on Episcopal Collegiality. (Article) [104 2010/2]
QDE 34 (2021), 413-424: Enrico Massignani: Fede e battesimo: quale relazione? (Article) [129 2023/1]
AC 50 (2008), 31-39: Jean Bertrand Salla: Regard d'un théologien sur la pertinence du droit canonique dans les pratiques pastorales des Églises particulières d'Afrique centrale. (Article) [108 2012/2]
ACR XCV 2/18, 166-79: Matthew van der Velden: Incorporating the RCIA Process into Catholic Secondary Colleges through the Religious Education Curriculum. (Article) [121 2019/1]
AnC 9 (2013), 93-117: Tomascz Jakubiak: Intencja przyjęcia chrztu u dorosłego (Intention of receiving baptism by an adult). (Article) [112 2014/2]
AnC 11 (2015), 217-234: Elżbieta Szczot: Władza rodzicielska a wolność religijna dziecka w prawie kanonicznym (Parental authority and children’s religious freedom in canon law). (Article) [121 2019/1]
FCan XVII/1 (2022), 101-144: Miguel Falcão: Relevancia de la fe en el sacramento del bautismo. A propósito del reciente documento de la Comisión Teológica Internacional. (Article) [129 2023/1]
IE XXIV 3/12, 589-608: Massimo del Pozzo: La richiesta del battesimo in situazioni contrarie alla dignità del matrimonio. (Article) [110 2013/2]
RDC 64/2 (2014), 375-393: Frédéric Dieu: Aspects des rapports entre droit civil et droit canonique: L'autorité parentale et le choix de la religion de l'enfant. (Article) [114 2015/2]
RR 2004, 81-86: N. Schöch: Baptism Without Incorporation into a Visible Church. (Advisory Opinion) [94 2005/2]
Canonist 11/1 (2020), 55-64: Anthony Malone: Infant Baptism and Children’s Rights. (Article) [125 2021/1]
CLSN 149/07, 54-58: Gordon Read: Unauthorised Baptism. (Article) [99 2008/1]
FT 21 (2010), 201-220: Lóránd Ujházi: Die Taufe der Kinder und die Frage des Aufschubs der Taufe im gültigen Kirchenrecht. (Article) [108 2012/2]
HPR 1/06, 63-65: William B. Smith: Without Parental Consent. (Response) [99 2008/1]
PCF XIII (2011), 279-288: Alvin L. Linao: The Deferral of Baptism of Children of Unmarried Couples. (Article) [110 2013/2]
ACR LXXV 1/97, 3-9: David Orr: Infant Baptism: Initiation into Community. (Article) [82 1999/2]
AnC 2 (2006), 113-132: Zbigniew Janczewski: Dopuszczanie do chrztu niemowląt aspekcie odpowiedzialności za Kościół (Admission to baptism of infants and responsibility for the Church). (Article) [98 2007/2]
BEF LXXXII 2/06, 371-386: Javier González: May Children of Unmarried Parents be Barred from Baptism? (Consultation) [99 2008/1]
Canonist 7/2 (2016), 190-201: Pope Francis: Apostolic Letter, Motu Proprio, De Concordia inter Codices, with commentary by Rodger J. Austin. (Document and comment) [119 2018/1]
Comm 48 (2016), 326-325: Litterae Apostolicae De concordia inter Codices; also Comm 48 (2016), 448-452: I. Arrieta: Articulus explanans litteras apostolicas De concordia inter Codices; also SC 50 (2016), 323-345: Jobe Abbass: De concordia inter Codices: A Commentary; also EE 91 (2016), 861-876: Miguel Campo Ibáñez: De concordia inter codices. Primer comentario; also CLSN 188/16, 4-11: Apostolic Letter motu proprio De concordia inter Codices; reports of the Holy See Press Office concerning De concordia inter Codices. (Document and commentaries) [118 2017/2]
EE LXXIV 10-12/99, 639-660: A. Arza – P. Garin: Comentario al canon 868 §2 del CIC. (Article) [84 2000/2]
EIC 57 (2017), 589-632: Luigi Sabbarese: Commento alle modifiche apportate al Codice con il m.p. «De concordia inter Codices». (Comment) [120 2018/2]
FCan XVII/1 (2022), 101-144: Miguel Falcão: Relevancia de la fe en el sacramento del bautismo. A propósito del reciente documento de la Comisión Teológica Internacional. (Article) [129 2023/1]
IE XIII 2/01, 461-474: R. Ombres: "How Can This Be Justified?" Reflections on Canon 868 §2 of the 1983 Code of Canon Law. (Revised version of a paper presented on 16 May 2001 at the annual conference of the Canon Law Society of Great Britain and Ireland) [89 2003/1]
IE XXIX (2017), 159-174, 263-269: Pablo Gefaell: Commenti al M.P. “De concordia inter Codices”. (Document and comment) [119 2018/1]
IusM IX/2015, 67-96: Andrea D'Auria: Famiglia, educazione e missione nella Chiesa. (Article) [116 2016/2]
KIP 7 (20) 2018, nr. 1, 163-180: Bartosz Trojanowski: Trudności interpretacyjne kanonu 868 §2 Kodeksu Prawa Kanonicznego z 1983 roku. Kwestie prawne i teologiczne (Difficulties in interpreting canon 868 §2 of CIC/83. Juridical and theological questions). (Article) [121 2019/1]
PCF VIII (2006), 253-264: Javier González: May Children of Unmarried Parents be barred from Baptism? (Consultation) [98 2007/2]
Per 111 (2022), 445-468: Éric Besson: Le rapport nécessaire entre foi et sacrement: le cas du baptême. (Article) [130 2023/2]
PK XXXIX 3-4/96, 43-64: B. W. Zubert: Chrzest dzieka wbrew woli rodziców. Próba krytycznej wykladni kap: 868 §2 kpk. (Article) [80 1998/2]
QDE 9 (1996), 66-75: M. Rivella: Battezzare i bambini in pericolo di morte anche contra la volonta dei genitori (canone 868 §2). (Commentary) [77 1997/1]
QDE 9 (1996),76-102: A. Celeghin: Considerazioni a partire dal canone 868 §1, 2º ovvero "Genitori 'pagani', perche chiedete I sacramenti per i vostri figli? … volete farne dei 'lapsi'?" (Commentary) [77 1997/1]
QDE 11 (1998), 267-283: Pierantonio Pavanello: Rilevanza del principio della libertà religiosa all'interno dell'ordinamento canonico. (Article) [81 1999/1]
RDC 64/2 (2014), 375-393: Frédéric Dieu: Aspects des rapports entre droit civil et droit canonique: L'autorité parentale et le choix de la religion de l'enfant. (Article) [114 2015/2]
RMDC 19 (2013), 381-412: Mario Medina Balam: Las parejas homosexuales y los sacramentos de iniciación cristiana. (Article) [113 2015/1]
RR 2004, 145-149: Patricia M. Dugan – Lynda A. Robitaille: Baptism of Infant Child of Separated Parents. (Advisory Opinions) [94 2005/2]
SC 52 (2018), 491-508: Tomasz Jakubiak: The Founded Hope that an Infant will be Brought up In the Catholic Religion as a Condition for Baptism. (Article) [122 2019/2]
Ap 1-4/93, 135: Congregatio pro Doctrina Fidei: Notificatio (Emmanuel Swedenborg): 20 November 1992. (Article) [75 1996/1]
Ap LXXVI 1-2 (2003), 95: Congregatio pro Doctrina Fide: Responsum ad propositum dubium de validitate baptismatis 05.06.2001. (Document) [94 2005/2]
HPR 8-9/03, 77: W. B. Smith: A Question of Baptism. (Response) [93 2005/1]
N XLV 3-4/08, 134: Congregatio pro Doctrina Fidei: Responsa ad proposita dubia de validitate baptismatis. (Reply) [102 2009/2]
Per XC 4/01, 637-638: Congregatio pro Doctrina Fidei: Risposta ad un dubbio circa la validità del battesimo conferito nella Chiesa di Gesù Cristo dei Santi dell'ultimo giorno. (Document) [90 2003/2]
Per XC 4/01, 638-647: L. Ladaria: Commento teologico. (Article) [90 2003/2]
Per XC 4/01, 647-659: U. Navarrete: Commento pastorale e canonico. (Article) [90 2003/2]
SC 55 (2021), 405-423: Ronny E. Jenkins: Schmalzgrueber’s Consilium LXXIII as a Case Study in the Canon Law of Rebaptism. (Article) [128 2022/2]
SCL IV (2008), 17-18: Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith: Responses to Questions on the Validity of Baptism. (Reply) [102 2009/2]
SCL IV (2008), 18-24: Antonio Miralles: A New 'Response' of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith: Validity of Baptism. (Comment) [102 2009/2]
AA XXII (2016) 343-350: Javier E. González Greñón: La congruencia entre fe y vida para ser padrino de bautismo y de confirmación. (Article) [118 2017/2]
RR 2005, 71-73: J. M. Huels: Minister of Baptism as Godparent. (Opinion) [96 2006/2]
AnC 13 (2017), 109-138: Piotr Majer: Chrzestni, świadkowie bierzmowania i świadkowie zawarcia małżeństwa. Perspektywa ekumeniczna (Godparents, sponsors for confirmation and witnesses for marriage. Ecumenical perspective). (Article) [120 2018/2]
FCan II/1 (2007), 133-148: Abel Braga Arantes de Faria: Padrinhos de Baptismo: História, Actualidade e Desafios. (Article) [100 2008/2]
REDC 61 (2004), 41-64: J. San José Prisco: El padrino del bautismo y su recuperación jurídico-pastoral. (Article) [94 2005/2]
RMDC 19 (2013), 381-412: Mario Medina Balam: Las parejas homosexuales y los sacramentos de iniciación cristiana. (Article) [113 2015/1]
SC 42 (2008), 205-217: Jean Trudeau: Les parrains: note canonique sur un problème pastoral dans canons 873 et 874, §2 du CIC. (Article) [103 2010/1]
AC 56 (2014-2015), 279-292: Éric Besson: Quelques éclaircissements sur le parrain et le témoin de baptême. (Article) [118 2017/2]
BV 79 (2019), 141-152: Tomasz Jakubiak: Reception of Vatican Council II Decrees and the Choice of Godparents in the Latin Church. (Article) [123 2020/1]
FI 4 (2005), 159-188: Janusz Gręźlikowski: Wymiar prawny pozostawania katolika w związku niesakramentalnym (The legal aspects of a Catholic in a non-sacramental relationship). (Article) [100 2008/2]
IC 56/111 (2016), 385-415: María José Redondo: Crónica de Derecho canónico 2015. (Compilation) [117 2017/1]
OAK XL 1/93, 80-99: H. Paarhammer: Streiflichter der rechtsgeschichtlichten Entwicklung des Patenamtes von den Anfängen bis zum Konzil von Trient. (Article) [75 1996/1]
RR 2003, 59-61: R. E. Padilla – P. J. Vere: Birth Parent Acting as Godparent in Cases of Adoption. (Advisory Opinion) [94 2005/2]
SC 53 (2019), 431-447: Tomasz Jakubiak: Is Canon 874 a Disqualifying Law? (Article) [124 2020/2]
SC 54 (2020), 91-120: John M. Huels: The Valid Admission of a Godparent in Light of Canon 124 § 1. (Article) [125 2021/1]
QDE 25 (2012), 202-218: Gianluca Marchetti: I registri dell'ingresso nella vita cristiana. (Article) [109 2013/1]
AC 55 (2013), 143-157: Olivier Échappé: Les « débaptisations » devant la Cour de cassation. (Article) [116 2016/2]
FCan XVI/1 (2021), 99-101: João Vergamota: Nota acerca do pedido de alteração do nome inscrito no registo de baptismo por parte de uma pessoa transexual. (Article) [128 2022/2]
IC 58/116 (2018), 671-708: Jorge Salinas Mengual: Protección de datos: entre el derecho a la intimidad y la autonomía de las confesiones religiosas. El caso finlandés y el español (a propósito de la Sentencia Jehovan Todistajat del TJUE). (Article) [122 2019/2]
J 73 (2013), 271-297: United States Conference of Catholic Bishops: Complementary Legislation to the Code of Canon Law. (Legislation) [111 2014/1]
Per 111 (2022), 173-205: Ulrich Rhode: L’adozione nel diritto canonico. (Article) [130 2023/2]
QDE 34 (2021), 360-375: Gianluca Marchetti: Prova e annotazione del battesimo conferito: can. 877 §1. (Article) [128 2022/2]
RDC 45 1995, 303-307: Isabelle Corpart: Procréation et Filiation. (Article) [76 1996/2]
RDC 64/1 (2014), 157-166: Frédéric Dieu: Le baptême ne s'efface pas. L'arrêt de la Cour d'appel de Caen du 10 septembre 2013 confirmé par la Cour de cassation. (Article) [114 2015/2]
REDC 67 (2010), 151-220: Vicente Benedito Morant: La prueba de la filiación en el Derecho Canónico. (Article) [106 2011/2]
RR 2003, 18-19: Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith: Altering the Baptismal Record of Someone who has Undergone a Sex Change Operation. (Document) [94 2005/2]
RR 2004, 86-89: P. R. Lagges: Baptismal Certificate for Child Adopted by Two Same-Sex Individuals. (Advisory Opinion) [94 2005/2]
BEF LXXXI 849/05, 526-536: Javier González: Changes in the Baptismal Records. (Consultation) [99 2008/1]
RDC 68/2 (2018), 281-295: Luc-André Biarnais: Une histoire des registres de catholicité. Le cas du diocèse de Gap jusqu’en 2015. (Article) [124 2020/2]