Book IV Part I Title VI

The reference after each entry is to the printed issue of "Canon Law Abstracts" in which a summary of the article is provided.
(See Subscriptions for further details.)

Canon 1008

AkK 167 (1998), 353-367: L. Müller: Priestersein heute. (Article) [84 2000/2]

Comm 42 (2010), 19-23: Pope Benedict XVI: Allocutio Summi Pontifici de munere regendi, Audientiae Generalis occasione, die 26 mensis maii 2010 habita. (Address) [106 2011/2]

INT 4 1/98, 62-71: Thomas Knieps-Port Le Roi: Ehe- und Weihesakrament in der Heilssendung der Kirche. (Article) [81 1999/1]

Ius Comm VI (2018), 51-67: Velasio De Paolis: El ordenamiento canónico como lugar teológico para la comprensión del sacerdote. (Article) [121 2019/1]

LS 33 (2008), 221-235: John Hadley: Priesthood in persona Christi. The Substance of Things Hoped for. (Article) [104 2010/2]

N XXX 9/94, 498-509; Reggio Emilia-Guastalla: Statuto diocesano per il diaconato. (Documentation) [75 1996/1]

N XLVII 7-8/10, 359-382: Giuseppe Ferraro: I "tria munera" del sacerdote nell'insegnamento di Benedetto XVI. (Article) [107 2012/1]

N XLIX 3-4/12, 170-171: Congregatio de Cultu Divino et Disciplina Sacramentorum: Responsa at dubia proposita. (Reply) [109 2013/1]

RTL 38 (2007), 3-28: Alphonse Borras: La théologie du diaconat. Où en sommes nous? (Article) [99 2008/1]

SC 30 2/96, 371-401: J. P. McIntyre: In persona Christi Capitis: A Commentary on Canon 1008. (Article) [78 1997/2]

TPQ 143 (1995), 187-192: S. Lederbilger – H. Kalb: Römische Erlåsse und Entscheidungen. (Article) [75 1996/1]

Éric Besson: La dimension juridique des sacraments. (Doctoral thesis) (Editrice Pontificia Università Gregoriana, Roma, 2003) [94 2005/2]

Canons 1008-1009

AkK 178 (2009), 544-550: Benedikt XVI: Apostolisches Schreiben „Motu Proprio" Omnium in mentem, mit dem einige Normen des Codex des kanonischen Rechts geändert werden, vom 26. Oktober 2009; Päpstlicher Rat für die Gesetzetexte, Kommentar zum Motu Proprio Omnium in mentem vom 16. Dezember 2009. (Document and commentary) [107 2012/1]

AkK 181 (2012), 6-24: Stephan Haering: Die Änderungen der weiherechtlichen Grundnormen des Codex Iuris Canonici durch das Motu proprio Omnium in mentem. (Article) [111 2014/1]

AnC 4 (2008), 181-205: Paweł Małek: Sprawowanie urzędu diakona według odnowionej struktury władzy świętej (Exercising the office of deacon according to the renewed structure of sacred authority). (Article) [106 2011/2]

CLSN 161/10, 13-25: Benedict XVI: Motu Proprio Omnium in Mentem, 26 October 2009. (Documents and commentary) [106 2011/2]

Comm 41 (2009), 260-265: Pope Benedict XVI: Litterae Apostolicae "Motu Proprio" datae Omnium in mentem quibus aliquae normae in Codice iuris canonici immutantur (lingua latina una cum versione italica). (Document) [104 2010/2]

Comm 41 (2009), 334-337: Francesco Coccopalmerio: Articulus, explanans Motum Proprium Omnium in mentem a Summo Pontifice die 16 mensis decembris 2009 datum, ab D. Francisco Coccopalmerio, Praeside Pontificii Consilii de Legum Textibus, conscriptus. (Article) [104 2010/2]

Comm 42 (2010), 63-66: Paul Josef Cordes: Articulus explanans identitatem sacerdotii ministerialis ab D. Paulo Iosepho Cordes, Praesidente Pontificii Consilii "Cor Unum" conscriptus. (Article) [106 2011/2]

EE 85 (2010), 845-870: Teodoro Bahíllo Ruiz – Rufino Callejo de Paz – Carmen Peña García: Recientes reformas del Código de Derecho Canónico: reformas introducidas por el m.p. Omnium in Mentem. (Roundtable discussion) [106 2011/2]

FC 11 (2008), 185-206: Agostino Montan: «Formule teologiche»: Variabilità e limiti nella dottrina e diritto sacramentale. (Conference presentation) [104 2010/2]

FCan VII/1 (2012), 91-98: Bento XVI: Carta Apostólica sob forma de 'motu proprio' Omnium in mentem do Sumo Pontífice Bento XVI sobre algumas modificações do CDC; Francesco Coccopalmerio: Os motivos das modificações. (Document and comment) [110 2013/2]

IC XLVI 92/06, 661-674: Juan González Ayesta: El diaconado: evolución y perspectivas. Una relectura desde el Derecho canónico del documento de la Comisión Teológica Internacional. (Commentary) [98 2007/2]

IC 51/101 (2011), 43-67: Tomás Rincón-Pérez: El sacramento del Orden y el sacerdocio ministerial a la luz del M.P. Omnium in mentem. (Lecture) [107 2012/1]

Iustitia VI 1/15, 47-71: Jesu Pudumai Doss: "Shepherds with the Odour of the Sheep": The Role of Priest as Pastor in the Church. (Article) [116 2016/2]

IusM XI/2017, 99-137: Giacomo Incitti: Catechisti, ma non diaconi permanenti! La risposta delle giovani Chiese all’invito del Concilio (AG, 16). (Article) [120 2018/2]

J 79 (2023), 131-165: Marc B. Caron: The Changing Liturgical Role of the Deacon: From Vatican II to the Present and Beyond. (Article) [131 2024/1]

N XLVI 11-12/09, 577-580: Pope Benedict XVI: Litterae Apostolicae Motu Proprio datae Omnium in Mentem, Quaedam in Codice Iuris Canonici immutantur. (Document) [106 2011/2]

NRT 145 (2023), 66-82: Étienne Grieu: Les diacres: rappel au commencement de l’évangile. (Article) [131 2024/1]

PCF XII (2010), 25-28: Pope Benedict XVI: Apostolic Letter in the Form of "Motu Proprio" Omnium in Mentem. (Document) [108 2012/2]

QDE 24 (2011), 132-141: Tiziano Vanzetto: Il diaconato secondo il pensiero di Jean B. Beyer, S.I. (Article) [108 2012/2]

QDE 24 (2011), 142-168: Renato Coronelli: Il diaconato alla luce delle modifiche apportate al Codice dal motu proprio Omnium in mentem. (Article) [108 2012/2]

QDE 24 (2011), 169-177: Giuliano Brugnotto: Alcune conseguenze pratiche per il diaconato permanente dal motu proprio Omnium in mentem. (Article) [108 2012/2]

REDC 67 (2010), 437-445: Carta Apostólica del Sumo Pontífice Omnium in Mentem con la cual son modificadas algunas normas del Código de Derecho Canónico. Texto en castellano y comentario de José San José Prisco. (Document and commentary) [106 2011/2]

RTL 43 (2012), 49-78: Alphonse Borras: Les diacres d'après les nouveaux canons 1008 et 1009 §3. (Article) [109 2013/1]

SC 45 (2011), 414-441: Philippe Hallein: Le motu proprio Omnium in mentem et les conséquences canoniques des modifications. (Article) [108 2012/2]

SC 48 (2014), 101-127: Michel Dion: Le pouvoir de gouvernement et le diacre. (Article) [114 2015/2]

SC 56 (2022), 441-470: Serena Noceti: In persona Christi: Limits and Potential of an Espressione abusata. (Article) [130 2023/2]

SC 57 (2023), 393-411: Marc B. Caron: Deacons and the Triple Munera. (Article) [132 2024/2]

SCL VI (2010), 13-16; also Iustitia I 1-2/2010, 200-203: Pope Benedict XVI: Apostolic Letter Issued Motu Proprio Omnium in mentem On Several Amendments to the Code of Canon Law. (Document) [107 2012/1]

VJTR 70 1/06, 37-47: Arulselvam Rayappan: Bishops, Love Your Priests as Jesus Loved the Apostles. (Article) [99 2008/1]

Armand P. Bosso – Ernest B.O. Okonkwo (eds.): “Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?” Studi in onore di Giacomo Incitti. (Book) (Urbaniana University Press, Vatican City, 2021) [128 2022/2]

Kevin Otieno Mwandha (ed.): De potestate regiminis. Il ruolo della donna nella Chiesa oggi. (Book) (Libreria Ateneo Salesiano, Rome, 2021) [127 2022/1]

Canons 1008-1011

PK XL 3-4/97, 37-124: M. Pastuszko: Celebracja święceń (Kanony: 1008-1011 §§1-2). (Article) [81 1999/1]

Canons 1008-1042

Arthur J. Espelage (ed.): CLSA Advisory Opinions 2001-2005. (Book) (Canon Law Society of America, 2006) [97 2007/1]

Canons 1008-1054

EIC 54 (2014), 445-474: Giacomo Incitti: Nota bibliografica: Il ministero ordinato. (Article) [114 2015/2]

Proc CLSA 1997, 130-135: J. A. Coriden – J. A. Provost: Canonical implications related to the ordination of married men to the priesthood in the United States of America. (Seminar Paper) [83 2000/1]

Proc CLSA 1998, 1-18: M. O'Gara: "Apostolicae Curae" after a century: Anglican orders in the light of recent ecumenical dialogue on ordained ministry in the Church. (Address) [85 2001/1]

QDE 12 (1999), 229-253: G. Sarzi Sartori: Il sacramento dell'Ordine nel diritto della Chiesa. (Article) [83 2000/1]

RDC 47 2/97, 357-372: Jean-Luc Hiebel: Les ministres ordonnés en droit canonique. (Article) [80 1998/2]

John Huels: The Pastoral Companion. A Canon Law Handbook for Catholic Ministry. (Book) (Gratianus, Wilson & Lafleur, Montreal, 2009) [103 2010/1]

John Huels: The Pastoral Companion. A Canon Law Handbook for Catholic Ministry. (Book) (Gratianus, Wilson & Lafleur, Montreal, 2016) [117 2017/1]

Sebastian S. Karambai: Ministers and Ministries in the Local Church. (Book) (St Pauls, Mumbai, 2005) [96 2006/2]

Sebastian S. Karambai: Ministers and Ministries in the Local Church. A Comprehensive Guide to Ecclesiastical Norms, Second Revised and Updated Edition. (Book) (St Pauls, Mumbai, 2015) [115 2016/1]

William H. Woestman: Canon Law of the Sacraments for Parish Ministry. (Book) (St Paul University, Ottawa, 2007) [100 2008/2]

Canon 1009

ACR XCV 3/18, 319-329: John Collins – Sandra Carroll: Worker Deacons. (Article) [122 2019/2]

EIC 55 (2015), 129-150: Benjamin Ndubueze Ejeh: Ministerio diaconale e diaconia della carità. (Article) [115 2016/1]

ELJ 8/36 (2005), 4-20: Will Adam: The Reception, Recognition and Reconciliation of Holy Orders. (Article) [96 2006/2]

ELJ 8/39 (2006), 406-424: Norman Doe: Ordination, Canon Law and Pneumatology: Validity and Vitality in Anglican Roman Catholic Dialogue. (Article) [98 2007/2]

IC 59/118 (2019), 485-516: Juan Ignacio Arrieta: El sistema canónico de selección y de provisión de cargos. Análisis de conjunto. (Article) [124 2020/2]

ITQ 82 (2017), 19-36: Thomas O’Loughlin: The Order of Deacons in Early Irish Canonical Sources: A Contribution to Understanding the Evolution of a ‘Major Orders’ in the Western Church. (Article) [119 2018/1]

QDE 12 (1999), 254-278: A. Perlasca: Materia e forma, tempo e luogo dell'ordinazione presbiterale. (Article) [83 2000/1]

RTL XXVIII 4/97, 453-481: A. Borras: Les effets canoniques de l'ordination diaconale. (Article) [80 1998/2]

Canon 1010

J 79 (2023), 459-506: Vincent W. Woo: Historical Development of the Times of Ordinations: A Proposal to Revitalize Ember Saturday Ordinations. (Article) [132 2024/2]

Canons 1010-1023

J 56 (1996), 487-526: Frederick R. McManus: Praenotanda of Ordination: The Doctrinal Context of the Liturgical Law. (Article) [79 1998/1]

Canon 1012

CLSN 154/08, 76-82: Gordon Read: Excommunication of Members of the Army of Mary. (Article) [101 2009/1]

CLSN 197/20, 60-143: Gerard Deighan: The Extraordinary Minister of Sacred Ordination. (Article) [126 2021/2]

QDE 33 (2020), 374-381: Alceste Catella: Tutti i vescovi presenti impongono le mani nelle ordinazioni presbiterali? (Response) [126 2021/2]

Canon 1013

ACR LXXXIII 1/06, 82: Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith: Notice: Rev. Malcolm J. Broussard. (Document) [97 2007/1]

FI 3 (2004), 195-229: Z. Tracz: El iter redaccional de los cánones 953 y 2370 del Código de Derecho Canónico 1917 (un ejemplo del proceso de elaboración del primer Código de Derecho Canónico). (Article) [96 2006/2]

IC XLII 84/02, 629-662: Zbigniew Tracz: La facultad pontificia de consagrar obispos y su protección penal en la legislación anterior al Código de Derecho Canónico de 1917. (Article) [91 2004/1]

IE XXIV 2/12, 401-420: Bruno Fabio Pighin: Le ordinazioni episcopali senza mandato pontificio e le loro conseguenze canoniche. (Article) [110 2013/2]

REDC 66 (2009), 113-141: Federico R. Aznar Gil: La remisión de la excomunión latae sententiae declarada a cuatro obispos de la Fraternidad Sacerdotal de San Pío X: análisis canónico y repercusiones. (Article) [104 2010/2]

REDC 66 (2009), 367-377: Documentos sobre la remisión de la excomunión de los Obispos consagrados por Mons. Lefebvre. (Documents) [104 2010/2]

Canon 1015

J 73 (2013), 463-492: Phillip J. Brown: Diocesan Institutes and Societies of Apostolic Life: Formation of Members for Holy Orders. (Article) [112 2014/2]

QDE 25 (2012), 75-105: Marino Mosconi: L'idoneità al sacramento dell'ordine (requisiti e verifica) e gli atti relativi al suo conferimento. (Lecture) [109 2013/1]

Canons 1015-1016

IC XLIII 86/03, 545-579: Santiago Bueno Salinas: Libertad y territorialidad en la elección de los candidatos a la ordenación. (Article) [93 2005/1]

Canons 1018-1023

DPM 11 (2004), 111-116: Georg May: Zwei Fragen aus der Praxis zur Eheassistenz und zur Weihespendung. (Article) [102 2009/2]

Canon 1019

J 56 (1996), 82-199: John E. Lynch: A Conflict of Values, A Confusion of Laws. (Article) [79 1998/1]

J 73 (2013), 463-492: Phillip J. Brown: Diocesan Institutes and Societies of Apostolic Life: Formation of Members for Holy Orders. (Article) [112 2014/2]

Canon 1024

AA VIII (2001), 27-56: A. W. Bunge: Varón y mujer: ¿igualdad de derechos? (Article) [89 2003/1]

AkK 181 (2012), 204-214: Ariel David Busso: Die Gültigkeit der Priesterweihe und das Priestertum der Frau. (Article) [111 2014/1]

Ap LXVII 1-2 (1994), 9-12: Pope John Paul II: Apostolic letter: Ordinatio Sacerdotalis. (Document) [77 1997/1]

Comm 27 (1995), 212: Ex Actis Sanctae Sedis: Congregatio Pro Doctrina Fidei. (Response) [77 1997/1]

Comm 48 (2016), 313-314: Documentum, quo Commissio studii de mulierum diaconatu instituitur. (Document) [118 2017/2]

FC 11 (2008), 185-206: Agostino Montan: «Formule teologiche»: Variabilità e limiti nella dottrina e diritto sacramentale. (Conference presentation) [104 2010/2]

IC XLIV 88/04, 707-733: Eduardo Molano: La mujer y el sujeto del orden sacerdotal. Un comentario a la Carta Apostólica «Ordinatio sacerdotalis». (Article) [95 2006/1]

IE VII 1/95, 347-353: D. Cito: Lettera Apostolica sull'ordinazione sacerdotale da riservarsi soltanto agli uomini, 22 maggio 1994, con nota di D. Cito. (Document and commentary) [76 1996/2]

IE VII 2/95, 713-719: P. de Pooter – L. Waelkens: Le ius remonstrandi. Droit fondamental ou aberration de la doctrine canoniste? (Article) [77 1997/1]

IE VII 1/96, 372-376: Congregazione per la Dottrina della Fede: Risposta ai dubbio circa la dottrina della Lettera Apostolica Ordinatio sacerdotali, 28 ottobre 1995 (con commento pubblicato sull'Osservatore Romano del 19 novembre 1995). (Document and commentary) [78 1997/2]

IE XV 1/03, 295: Congregazione della Dottrina della Fede: Decreto di scomunica, 5 agosto 2002. (Document) [92 2004/2]

IE XV 1/03, 295-296: Congregazione della Dottrina della Fede: Decreto sull'attentata ordinazione sacerdotale di alcune donne cattoliche, 27 gennaio 2003. (Document) [92 2004/2]

KIP 7 (20) 2018, nr. 2, 79-97: Marcin Bider: Vir baptizatus podmiotem święceń diakonatu w Kodeksie Prawa Kanonicznego w ujęciu historyczno-prawnym (“Vir baptizatus” as the subject of ordination to the diaconate in the Code of Canon Law seen from a historical-juridical perspective). (Article) [122 2019/2]

N XXXI 11/95, 610-611: Congregatio pro Doctrina Fidei: Responsum ad dubium circa doctrinam in Epist. Ap. "Ordinatio Sacerdotalis" traditam. (Reply) [77 1997/1]

N XXXVII 5-6/01, 195-239: M. Hauke: Il Diaconato femminile: osservazioni sul recente dibattito. (Article) [87 2002/1]

N XXXVIII 7-8/02, 370-409: G. Müller: Können Frauen die sakramentale Diakonenweihe gültig empfangen? (Article) [90 2003/2]

Per LXXXV 4/96, 689-727: B. E. Ferme: The response (28 October 1995) of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith to the dubium concerning the Apostolic Letter "Ordinatio Sacerdotalis" (22 May 1994): authority and significance. (Paper) [78 1997/2]

Per XCV 3/06, 391-448: Gianfranco Ghirlanda: Aspetti canonici dell'Istr. In continuità del 4 novembre 2005. (Conference presentation) [99 2008/1]

Per XCV 3/06, 449-464: Giuseppe Versaldi: Implicazioni psicologiche dell'Istr. In continuità del 4 novembre 2005. (Conference presentation) [99 2008/1]

Proc CLSA 1997, 87-104: L. M. Blyskal: The First International Conference on Women Deacons. (Seminar Paper) [83 2000/1]

REDC 53 (1996), 259-281: Bishops' Conference of England and Wales: Nuevos documentos sobre la admisión a las órdenes de clérigos ex-anglicanos casados. (Documents – Original Text and Translation.) [78 1997/2]

SCL V (2009), 25-40: Congregation for Catholic Education: Guidelines for the Use of Psychology in the Admission and Formation of Candidates for the Priesthood. (Document) [105 2011/1]

TPQ 144 (1996), 339-348: J. Niewiadomski: Notwendige, weil Not-wendende Diakoninnenweihe. (Article) [78 1997/2]

TPQ 144 (1996), 351-361: C. Niemand: "… damit das Wort Gottes nicht in Verruf kommt" (Titus 2.5). (Article) [78 1997/2]

TPQ 144 (1996), 362-373: S. Lederhilger: Diakonat der Frau – kirchenrechtliche Konsequenzen. (Article) [78 1997/2]

TPQ 144 (1996), 374-378: B. Gruber-Aichberger: Gedanken zum "Diakonat der Frauen". (Article) [78 1997/2]

TPQ 144 (1996), 378-380: P. Atzlesberger: Diakonat der Frau – ein erster Schritt? (Article) [78 1997/2]

TPQ 144 (1996), 380-384: A. Seyfried: Was macht die Frau als Seelsorgerin? (Article) [78 1997/2]

TPQ 144 (1996), 384-386: M. Lehner: Frauendiakonat und Diakonie. (Article) [78 1997/2]

TPQ 144 (1996), 386-389: P. Hofer: Anmerkungen zu einem Berufsbild des weiblichen Diakonates. (Article) [78 1997/2]

TPQ 144 (1996), 389-392: I Verweijen: Zur Ausbildung von möglichen Diakoninnen. (Article) [78 1997/2]

TPQ 144 (1996), 392-397: H. Sauer: Die Ordofähigkeit der Frau as Prüfstein der Theologie. (Article) [78 1997/2]

TPQ 144 (1996), 398-411: W. Raberger: "Ordinations fähigkeit der Frau? (Article) [78 1997/2]

TPQ 144 (1996), 429-433: S. Lederhilger – H. Kalb: Römische Erlässe und Entscheidungen. (Article) [78 1997/2]

TPQ 150 (2002), 73-75: S. Lederhilger – H. Kalb: Römische Erlässe. (Documents) [89 2003/1]

TS LVII 2/96, 313-321: Michael Slusser: The Ordination of Male Infants. (Article) [77 1997/1]

TS 68 2/07, 348-367: Phyllis Zagano: The Question of Governance and Ministry for Women. (Article) [99 2008/1]

Tomasz Jakubiak: Problem ważności przyjęcia sakramentu święceń w prawie Kościoła katolickiego (The problem of validity of receiving the sacrament of Holy Orders in the law of the Catholic Church). (Book) (Płocki Instytut Wydawniczy, Płock, 2018) [122 2019/2]

Canons 1024-1025

J 62 (2002), 159-195: R. J. Kaslyn: The Sacrament of Orders: Irregularities and Impediments: an Overview. (Article) [93 2005/1]

Canons 1024-1039

CLSN 127/01, 28-49: J. Erskine: Selection and Formation of Permanent Deacons. (Paper) [88 2002/2]

Canons 1024-1049

CLSN 104/95, 5-11: G. Read: The Statutes Regulating the Admission To The Priesthood of Married Former Anglican Clergy in England and Wales. (Article) [77 1997/1]

Canons 1024-1052

IC 58/115 (2018), 37-68: Nicolás Álvarez de las Asturias: Decisión, decisiones y consecuencias de la primera codificación canónica: el caso de la idoneidad para recibir las órdenes sagradas. (Article) [121 2019/1]

IC 58/116 (2018), 461-478: Nicolás Álvarez de las Asturias: Discernir la idoneidad para el presbiterado: La contribución del derecho y de la tradición canónica latina al Sínodo de Obispos sobre los jóvenes. (Article) [122 2019/2]

SCL X (2014-2015), 77-104: Michael Nobel: Formation of Permanent Deacons. (Article) [117 2017/1]

Canons 1024-1054

Comm 30 (1998), 222-294: Ex Actis Pontificiae Commissionis Codici Iuris Canonici Recognoscendo. (Report) [83 2000/1]

KIP 8 (21) 2019, nr 2, 87-103: Piotr Fiałek: Zdatność do święceń i przygotowanie do kapłaństwa według Kodeksu Prawa Kanonicznego z 1983 roku i Ratio fundamentalis institutionis sacerdotalis z 2016 roku (Suitability for sacred ordination and preparation process for the priesthood according to the 1983 Code of Canon Law and the “Ratio fundamentalis institutionis sacerdotalis” of 2016). (Article) [124 2020/2]

Canon 1025

AA IX (2002), 39-50: A. D. Busso: La dimisión del estado clerical ex officio de los clérigos no idóneos que han cometido delito grave y rechazan pedirla pro gratia en relación con el período de su formación sacerdotal. (Seminar paper) [91 2004/1]

AA XII (2005), 9-61: Carlos Baccioli: La capacidad-incapacidad para el orden sagrado. (Article) [97 2007/1]

AA XII (2005), 331-346: Ariel D. Busso: La homosexualidad y el Orden sagrado. (Article) [97 2007/1]

HPR 10/98, 69: W. B. Smith: Title of Ordination. (Reply) [82 1999/2]

HPR 2/04, 66: W. B. Smith: Title of Ordination. (Reply) [93 2005/1]

IC XLIX 97/09, 265-288: Joaquín Sedano: Crónica de Derecho Canónico del año 2008. (Compilation) [103 2010/1]

N XLI 9-10/05, 470-471 & N XL 11-12/05, 561-562: Congregatio de Cultu Divino et Disciplina Sacramentorum: Litterae Congregationis. (Letter) [97 2007/1]

N XLII 5-6/06, 195-198: Congregatio de Cultu Divino et Disciplina Sacramentorum: Litterae Congregationis. (Letter) [97 2007/1]

QDE 25 (2012), 75-105: Marino Mosconi: L'idoneità al sacramento dell'ordine (requisiti e verifica) e gli atti relativi al suo conferimento. (Lecture) [109 2013/1]

RDC 61/2 (2011), 113-138: Justin-Sylvestre Kette: Changer les mentalités en matière d'admission des personnes handicapées physiques au sacrement de l'ordre. (Article) [112 2014/2]

Canons 1026-1032

RMDC VII 7/01, 7-36: M. Medina Balam: Idoneidad para las sagradas órdenes. (Article) [88 2002/2]

Canon 1029

AA V (1998), 155-184: A. D. Busso: Los escrutinios acerca de la idoneidad de los candidatos a las sagradas órdenes. (Article) [83 2000/1]

AA XII (2005), 9-61: Carlos Baccioli: La capacidad-incapacidad para el orden sagrado. (Article) [97 2007/1]

AA XII (2005), 331-346: Ariel D. Busso: La homosexualidad y el Orden sagrado. (Article) [97 2007/1]

AA XX (2014), 27-53: Ariel David Busso: La normativa y el procedimiento de las irregularidades e impedimentos para la recepción y el ejercicio del Orden sagrado. (Article) [116 2016/2]

Comm 37 (2005), 180-185: Congregatio de Institutione Catholica: Instructio circa criteria discernendi quoad vocationem personas quae tendentias homosexuales praesentant in ordinem ad eas admittendas ad seminarium et ad ordines sacros. (Document) [104 2010/2]

Comm 40 (2008), 322-355: Congregatio de Institutione Catholica: Directoriae respicientes usum competentiarum psychologicarum in admittendis et formandis candidatis ad sacerdotium. (Document) [106 2011/2]

EE 89 (2014), 635-673: Miguel Campo Ibáñez: Derecho a la intimidad y recurso a la psicología en el proceso de admisión y formación de los candidatos al sacerdocio. Comentario canónico al documento de la Congregación para la Educación Católica «Orientaciones para el uso de las competencias de la Psicología en la admisión y formación de los candidatos al sacerdocio». (Article) [114 2015/2]

FCan XIV/1 (2019), 95-105: Hélder Miranda Alexandre: A Maturidade na formação integral do seminário. (Article) [125 2021/1]

For XVI 2/05, 339-345: Congregation for Catholic Education: Instruction concerning the Criteria for the Discernment of Vocations with regard to Persons with Homosexual Tendencies in view of their Admission to the Seminary and to Holy Orders. (Instruction) [97 2007/1]

IC XLIX 97/09, 265-288: Joaquín Sedano: Crónica de Derecho Canónico del año 2008. (Compilation) [103 2010/1]

IC 59/118 (2019), 485-516: Juan Ignacio Arrieta: El sistema canónico de selección y de provisión de cargos. Análisis de conjunto. (Article) [124 2020/2]

IE XXXVI (2024), 63-88: Marco Mastroianni: Psicologia e formazione dei candidati al sacerdozio: un approccio giuridico. (Article) [133 2025/1]

J 73 (2013), 463-492: Phillip J. Brown: Diocesan Institutes and Societies of Apostolic Life: Formation of Members for Holy Orders. (Article) [112 2014/2]

J 76 (2016), 531-580: Michael C. Johnson: Psychology and the Seminarian: Historical Developments and Praxis in the United States. (Article) [119 2018/1]

N XXXVIII 11-12/2002, 586: Congregatio de Cultu Divino et Disciplina Sacramentorum: Litterae Congregationis. (Reply) [90 2003/2]

PD 11/01, 589-600: A. Bamberg: Maladie coeliaque et communion eucharistique. (Article) [88 2002/2]

PD 5/02, 200-209: A. Bamberg: Maladie alcoolique et eucharistie. (Article) [89 2003/1]

PD 5/08, 221-231: Anne Bamberg: Former des prêtres Sourds. (Article) [101 2009/1]

Proc CLSA 2009, 109-130: Craig Cox: Psychology and Priestly Formation: Blessings and Tensions. (Lecture) [109 2013/1]

QDE 18 (2005), 417-441: Alberto Perlasca: La tutela del diritto all'intimità negli esami psicologici dei candidati al seminario e agli Ordini sacri. (Article) [96 2006/2]

RR 2004, 154-155: W. H. Woestman: Admission to Presbyteral Ordination of Recovering Alcoholics and Those with Celiac Disease. (Advisory Opinion) [94 2005/2]

Canons 1029-1030

AnC 9 (2013), 75-92: Jerzy Adamczyk: Choroba celiakii w odniesieniu do sakramentu święceń (Coeliac disease and the sacrament of holy Orders). (Article) [112 2014/2]

SC 35 (2001), 191-213: J. B. Wellspring: Coeliac Disease: A New Obstacle to Holy Orders? (Article) [87 2002/1]

Canon 1031

Comm 29 (1997), 233-235: Congregatio de Cultu Divino et Disciplina Sacramentorum: Notificazione sulla dispensa dal difetto di età per i candidati all'ordine sacro. (Article) [80 1998/2]

HPR 10/98, 68-69: W. B. Smith: Ordination Age. (Reply) [82 1999/2]

IE X 2/98, 587-598: L. Navarro: L'identità e la funzione dei diaconi permanenti: "Nota alle Norme fondamentali per la formazione permanente dei diaconi permanenti" e al "Direttorio per il ministero e la vita dei diaconi permanenti". (Comment) [82 1999/2]N XXXVII 5-6/01, 183-188: Congregatio de Cultu Divino et Disciplina Sacramentorum: Litterae Congregationis. (Letter) [87 2002/1]

ITS 55 (2018), 309-327: I. Amalraj: Juridical Elements of Sufficienti Gaudeant Maturitate. (Lecture) [122 2019/2]

N XXX 9/94, 472-486: C. Sepe: Il diaconato segno visibile dell'azione dello Spirito Santo. (Paper) [75 1996/1]

N XXX 9/94, 498-509: Reggio Emilia Guastalla: Statuto diocesano per il diaconato. (Documentation) [75 1996/1]

N XXX1 4/95, 194-216: Arcidiocesi di Reggio-Calabria-Bova: Orientamenti e norme per la promozione, la scelta e la formazione dei diaconi permanenti. (Documentation) [75 1996/1]

N XXXIV 7-9/97, 281-283: Congregatio de Cultu Divino et Disciplina Sacramentorum: Notificazione sulla dispensa da1 difetto di età per i candidati all'ordine Sacro. (Notification) [81 1999/1]

N XXXVII 5-6/01, 189: Congregatio de Cultu Divino et Disciplina Sacramentorum: Declaración. (Declaration) [87 2002/1]

Per LXXXIX 2/00, 317-351: R. Geisinger: Canon 1031 §1 and presbyteral maturity. (Article) [87 2002/1]

Per LXXXIX 3/00, 353-377: R. Geisinger: Presbyteral maturity and matrimonial maturity. (Article) [87 2002/1]

SC 39 (2005), 147-180: Edward N. Peters: Canonical Considerations on Diaconal Continence. (Article) [97 2007/1]

Canons 1031-1032

FCan VII/1 (2012), 7-24: Manuel de Pinho Ferreira: Presbiterado e especificidade do diácono permanente. (Article) [110 2013/2]

N XLIII 9-10/2006, 459-462: Congregatio de Cultu Divino et Disciplina Sacramentorum: Litterae Congregationis. (Letters) [98 2007/2]

NRT 138 (2016), 568-584: Alphonse Borras: Le diaconat permanent: questions et perspectives. (Article) [118 2017/2]

Canon 1035

ITQ LXIII 3/98, 272-282: John M. Grondelski: Lay Ministries? A Quarter Century of Ministeria quaedam. (Article) [81 1999/1]

Canon 1034

RR 2005, 73-74: J. Abbass: Admission to Candidacy for Orders. (Opinion) [96 2006/2]

Canon 1036

RR 2003, 19-20: Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments: Ordination of a Permanent Deacon to the Presbyterate. (Document) [94 2005/2]

RR 2005, 73-74: J. Abbass: Admission to Candidacy for Orders. (Opinion) [96 2006/2]

Canons 1036-1037

QDE 18 (2005), 141-152: Giuliano Brugnotto: Il concetto di celibato sacerdotale. (Article) [95 2006/1]

Canons 1036-1039

J 65 (2005), 217-240: Brian Dunn: When Should the Rite of Admission to Candidacy for Ordination to Diaconate and Priesthood be Celebrated? (Article) [97 2007/1]

Canon 1037

SC 29 (1995), 103-153: J. P. McIntyre: Optional Priestly Celibacy. (Article) [75 1996/1; 80 1998/2]

SC 37 3/01, 99-124: R. J. Kaslyn: The Incardination Status of the Cleric Dismissed from a Religious Institute. (Article) [92 2004/2]

SC 39 (2005), 147-180: Edward N. Peters: Canonical Considerations on Diaconal Continence. (Article) [97 2007/1]

Canon 1039

QDE 32 (2019), 312-320: Andrea Migliavacca: Gli esercizi spirituali prima di ricevere il sacramento dell’ordine (can. 1039). (Comment) [124 2020/2]

Canon 1040

PD 5/08, 221-231: Anne Bamberg: Former des prêtres Sourds. (Article) [101 2009/1]

Canons 1040-1041

RDC 61/2 (2011), 113-138: Justin-Sylvestre Kette: Changer les mentalités en matière d'admission des personnes handicapées physiques au sacrement de l'ordre. (Article) [112 2014/2]

RR 2005, 74-75: G. T. Jorgensen: Irregularity for the Reception of Orders: Placing an Act of Orders. (Opinion) [96 2006/2]

Canon 1040-1046

AnC 7 (2011), 289-312: Marek Zaborowski: Przeszkody do przyjęcia i wykonywania święceń w Kodeksie Prawa Kanonicznego z 1983 roku (Irregularities and impediments to receiving or exercising sacred orders according to the CIC/83). (Article) [109 2013/1]

Canons 1040-1049

Canonist 9/2 (2018), 125-139: Brendan Daly: Changing Canon Law to include Sexual Abuse of a Minor as an Irregularity. (Article) [122 2019/2]

CLSN 137/04, 37-44: G. Read: Departure from the Clerical State and Return to Ministry. (Comment) [94 2005/2]

CLSN 172 (2012), 36-42: Victor G. D'Souza: Priest After Sex Change Surgery: Male to Female? (Article) [110 2013/2]

QDE 20 (2007), 82-104: Gianluca Marchetti: La riammisione alla Chiesa cattolica di coloro che hanno abbandonato la piena comunione. (Article) [99 2008/1]

RMDC VII 7/01, 7-36: M. Medina Balam: Idoneidad para las sagradas órdenes. (Article) [88 2002/2]

SCL VII (2011), 433-442: Victor D'Souza: Priest after the Sex Change Surgery: Male to Female? (Opinion) [108 2012/2]

Canons 1040-1050

QDE 12 (1999), 279-296: P. Pavanello: Irregolarità a ricevere l'ordine sacro. (Article) [83 2000/1]

Canons 1040-1052

PD 5/02, 200-209: A. Bamberg: Maladie alcoolique et eucharistie. (Article) [89 2003/1]

Canon 1041

AA XIX (2013), 105-151: Ricardo Medina: Imputabilidad, eximentes, atenuantes y agravantes en los delitos sexuales de clérigos con menores. (Article) [113 2015/1]

AA XX (2014), 27-53: Ariel David Busso: La normativa y el procedimiento de las irregularidades e impedimentos para la recepción y el ejercicio del Orden sagrado. (Article) [116 2016/2]

AC 57 (2016), 73-89: Emmanuel Petit: Les irrégularités et les non-catholiques: l’interprétation du 15 septembre 2016. (Article) [120 2018/2]

Ang 90 (2013), 165-187: Edward N. Peters: Vasectomy as an irregularity for holy Orders. (Article) [111 2014/1]

BV 73 (2013), 453-486: Stanislav Slatinek: Poskus samomora in kanonsko pravo (Attempted suicide and canon law). (Article) [112 2014/2]

Canonist 7/2 (2016), 212: Pontifical Council for Legislative Texts: Authentic Interpretation, CIC Canon 1041. (Document) [119 2018/1]

Canonist 12/2 (2021), 222-255: Joseph Lee: The Role of Experts in Evaluating Candidates for Ordained and Consecrated Life. (Article) [128 2022/2]

CLSN 154/08, 76-82: Gordon Read: Excommunication of Members of the Army of Mary. (Article) [101 2009/1]

CLSN 163/10, 36-42: James A. Coriden: Does a Vasectomy Constitute an Irregularity to the Sacrament of Orders? Another Answer to the Question. (Article) [106 2011/2]

CLSN 163/10, 43-48: Brian J. Dunn: Does a Vasectomy Constitute an Irregularity to the Sacrament of Orders? A Response to James A. Coriden's Critique. (Article) [106 2011/2]

CLSN 188/16, 20-21: Report of the Holy See Press Office concerning Pontifical Council for Legislative Texts: Interpretation of canon 1041. (Document) [118 2017/2]

Comm 48 (2016), 373-374: Pontificium Consilium de Legum Textibus: Responsum ad propositum dubium (can. 1041, nn. 4-5 CIC). (Authentic interpretation) [118 2017/2]

Comm 48 (2016), 453-455: I. Arrieta: Articulus explanas interpretationem authenticam ad can. 1041, nn. 4 et 5 CIC ab D. Ignatio I. Arrieta conscriptus. (Article) [118 2017/2]

IC XLVIII 95/08, 319-337: Joaquín Sedano: Crónica de Derecho Canónico del año 2007. (Compilation) [101 2009/1]

IC XLIX 97/09, 265-288: Joaquín Sedano: Crónica de Derecho Canónico del año 2008. (Compilation) [103 2010/1]

IE XXIX (2017), 191-212, 277: Manuel Ganarin: Le irregolarità a ricevere gli ordini sacri secondo una recente risposta autentica del Pontificio Consiglio per i Testi Legislativi (can. 1041, nn. 4 e 5). (Document and comment) [119 2018/1]

ME CXX 4/95, 619-629: W. Woestman: Too Good to be True: a Current Interpretation of Canons 1041 1º, and 1044 §2 2º. (Article) [76 1996/2]

ME CXXI 3/96, 431-463: J. Beal: Too good to be true? A Response to Professor Woestman on the interpretation of canons1041, lº and 1044, §2, 2º. (Article) [78 1997/2]

ME CXXII 2/97, 97-131: J. Beal: Interpretazione-Applicazione dei canoni 1041, 1º e 1044, §2, 2º. (Article) [79 1998/1]

Per XCIV 2/05, 275-340: R. E. Jenkins: On the suitability of establishing clerical sexual abuse of minors (c. 1395 §2) as an irregularity ex delicto to the reception and exercise of orders. (Article) [96 2006/2]

QDE 12 (1999), 191-204: P. Montini: Provvedimenti cautelari urgenti nel caso di accuse odiose nei confronti di ministri sacri. (Article) [83 2000/1]

RDC 48 1/98, 59-78: Jean Werckmeister: Access to the Sacraments for Remarried Divorcees. (Article) [85 2001/1]

REDC 74 (2017), 505-510: Pontificio Consejo para los Textos Legislativos. Interpretación auténtica al can. 1041, nn. 4-5 del CIC, 31.05.2016. Texto. Comentario (Ángel David Martín Rubio). (Document and comment) [120 2018/2]

S 81 (2019), 522-552: Jesu Pudumai Doss: «Cercate dunque fratelli...» (Atti 6,3). Alcune considerazioni canoniche sulla consulenza psicologica e formazione alla vita consacrata. (Article) [124 2020/2]

SC 29 (1995), 155-178: W. H. Woestman: Restricting the Right to Celebrate the Eucharist. (Article) [75 1996/1]

SC 38 (2004), 481-508: B. Dunn: Does a Vasectomy Constitute an Irregularity to the Sacrament of Orders? (Article) [95 2006/1]

SC 40 (2006), 31-42: William H. Woestman: Sexual Abuse of a Minor as an Irregularity for Orders. A Magic Bullet? (Article) [98 2007/2]

SC 43 (2009), 81-87: James A. Coriden: Does a Vasectomy Constitute an Irregularity to the Sacrament of Orders? Another Answer to the Question. (Article) [104 2010/2]

SC 43 (2009), 89-95: Brian J. Dunn: Does a Vasectomy Constitute an Irregularity to the Sacrament of Orders? A Response to James A. Coriden's Critique. (Article) [104 2010/2]

Armand P. Bosso – Ernest B.O. Okonkwo (eds.): “Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?” Studi in onore di Giacomo Incitti. (Book) (Urbaniana University Press, Vatican City, 2021) [128 2022/2]

Tomasz Jakubiak: Problem ważności przyjęcia sakramentu święceń w prawie Kościoła katolickiego (The problem of validity of receiving the sacrament of Holy Orders in the law of the Catholic Church). (Book) (Płocki Instytut Wydawniczy, Płock, 2018) [122 2019/2]

Canons 1041-1042

BEF LXXXII 1/06, 181-186: Javier González: May a man who has had a child be ordained Priest? (Consultation) [99 2008/1]

J 62 (2002), 159-195: R. J. Kaslyn: The Sacrament of Orders: Irregularities and Impediments: an Overview. (Article) [93 2005/1]

QDE 28 (2015), 393-422: Fabio Franchetti: Alcune considerazioni sulla disciplina circa le irregolarità e gli impedimenti relativi all’ordine sacro. (Article) [117 2017/1]

Brian Dunn: The Practical Application of the Canons on Irregularities and Impediments to the Reception of Orders. (Article in Victor G. D'Souza (ed.): In the Service of Truth and Justice [St Peter's Pontifical Institute, Bangalore, 2008], pp. 215-247) [101 2009/1]

Canons 1041-1044

IE IX 2/97, 595-599: Supremo Tribunale della Segnatura Apostolica: Iurium. Sentenza definitiva. 4 maggio 1996. Davino, Ponente (con nota di D. Cito). (Sentence and commentary) [82 1999/2]

RR 2005, 27-28: Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith: Former Catholic, Later Ordained an Orthodox Priest, Seeks Readmission to the Catholic Church. (Document) [96 2006/2]

Canon 1042

IusM X/2016, 203-213: Andrea D’Auria: Il concetto di neofita nell’ordinamento canonico. (Article) [118 2017/2]

Per LXXXIV 2/95, 355-368: G. McKay: The reconciliation of schismatically ordained married clergy. (Article) [76 1996/2]

Proc CLSA 1996, 438-453: J. Coriden – J. Provost: Canonical Implications Related to the Ordination of Married Men to the Priesthood in the United States of America. (Committee Report) [80 1998/2]

REDC 53 (1996), 259-281: Bishops' Conference of England and Wales: Nuevos documentos sobre la admisión a las órdenes de clérigos ex-anglicanos casados. (Documents – Original Text and Translation.) [78 1997/2]

SC 39 (2005), 147-180: Edward N. Peters: Canonical Considerations on Diaconal Continence. (Article) [97 2007/1]

Canon 1043

QDE 28 (2015), 423-443: Andrea Migliavacca: Irregolarità e impedimenti: vie di conoscenza e di verifica al servizio del discernimento. (Article) [117 2017/1]

QSR 18 (2008), 216-217: Romanae Rotae Tribunalis Decanus: Decretum: Lausannen. Geneven. et Friburgen. Impedimentorum ad diaconatum (Document) [103 2010/1]

Canon 1044

AA XIX (2013), 105-151: Ricardo Medina: Imputabilidad, eximentes, atenuantes y agravantes en los delitos sexuales de clérigos con menores. (Article) [113 2015/1]

AA XX (2014), 27-53: Ariel David Busso: La normativa y el procedimiento de las irregularidades e impedimentos para la recepción y el ejercicio del Orden sagrado. (Article) [116 2016/2]

ACR LXXVII 4/00, 460-467: Michael Daniel: Society of St Pius X: A Reflection. (Article) [86 2001/2]

AkK 172 (2003), 465-474: Heribert Schmitz: Krankheit als Hindernis fur die Ausübung der Weihe, Kanonische Anmerkungen zu c. 1044 #2 n.2 CIC. (Article) [95 2006/1]

Ang 90 (2013), 165-187: Edward N. Peters: Vasectomy as an irregularity for holy Orders. (Article) [111 2014/1]

BEF LXXIII 803/98, 755: D. Tag-At: Question on Administration of Sacraments by Priests who have attempted to marry. (Article) [81 1999/1]

CLSN 137/04, 33-36: Congregation for the Clergy: Readmission to the Sacred Ministry. (Document) [94 2005/2]

CLSN 154/08, 76-82: Gordon Read: Excommunication of Members of the Army of Mary. (Article) [101 2009/1]

For VII 2/96, 379-383: Supreme Tribunal of the Apostolic Signatura; Concerning the impediment to the exercise of sacred orders (Rev. N.–Congregation for the Clergy). Definitive Sentence 4 May 1996 Before Davino. (Sentence) [79 1998/1]

IC XLVIII 95/08, 319-337: Joaquín Sedano: Crónica de Derecho Canónico del año 2007. (Compilation) [101 2009/1]

IE VIII 1/96,390-424: National Conference of Catholic Bishops (United States): Canonical Delicts Involving Sexual Misconduct and Dismissal from the Clerical State, 25 April1994. (Instruction) [78 1997/2]

ME CXX 4/95, 619-629: W. Woestman: Too Good to be True: a Current Interpretation of Canons 1041 1º, and 1044 §2 2º. (Article) [76 1996/2]

ME CXXI 3/96, 431-463: J. Beal: Too good to be true? A Response to Professor Woestman on the interpretation of canons 1041, 1º and 1044, §2, 2º. (Article) [78 1997/2]

ME CXXII 2/97, 97-131: J. Beal: Interpretazione-Applicazione dei canoni 1041, 1º e 1044, §2, 2º. (Article) [79 1998/1]

QDE 12 (1999), 191-204: P. Montini: Provvedimenti cautelari urgenti nel caso di accuse odiose nei confronti di ministri sacri. (Article) [83 2000/1]

QDE 28 (2015), 393-422: Fabio Franchetti: Alcune considerazioni sulla disciplina circa le irregolarità e gli impedimenti relativi all’ordine sacro. (Article) [117 2017/1]

RDC 48 1/98, 59-78: Jean Werckmeister: Access to the Sacraments for Remarried Divorcees. (Article) [85 2001/1]

SC 30 1/96, 31-69: P. R. Lagges: The Use of Canon 1044 §2, 2º in the Removal of Parish Priests. (Article) [77 1997/1]

SC 35 (2001), 403-420: F. G. Morrisey: Addressing the Issue of Clergy Abuse. (Article) [89 2003/1]

SC 38 (2004), 481-508: B. Dunn: Does a Vasectomy Constitute an Irregularity to the Sacrament of Orders? (Article) [95 2006/1]

SC 40 (2006), 31-42: William H. Woestman: Sexual Abuse of a Minor as an Irregularity for Orders. A Magic Bullet? (Article) [98 2007/2]

SCL III (2007), 425-436: Augustine Mendonça: Dismissal of a Religious from the Religious Institute for the Delict of Abortion. (Opinion) [100 2008/2]

William L. Daniel: Ministerium Iustitiae. Jurisprudence of the Supreme Tribunal of the Apostolic Signatura. (Book) (Gratianus, Wilson & Lafleur Montreal, 2011) [108 2012/2]

Canon 1048

AA XX (2014), 27-53: Ariel David Busso: La normativa y el procedimiento de las irregularidades e impedimentos para la recepción y el ejercicio del Orden sagrado. (Article) [116 2016/2]

RR 2003, 20-21: Apostolic Penitentiary: Exclusion of Electronic Means in Communicating with the Apostolic Penitentiary. (Document) [94 2005/2]

Canons 1050-1051

CLSN 158/09, 28-33: Secretariat of State: Discerning Vocations among Persons with Homosexual Tendencies. (Document and commentary) [106 2011/2]

QDE 25 (2012), 75-105: Marino Mosconi: L'idoneità al sacramento dell'ordine (requisiti e verifica) e gli atti relativi al suo conferimento. (Lecture) [109 2013/1]

Canon 1051

EE 89 (2014), 635-673: Miguel Campo Ibáñez: Derecho a la intimidad y recurso a la psicología en el proceso de admisión y formación de los candidatos al sacerdocio. Comentario canónico al documento de la Congregación para la Educación Católica «Orientaciones para el uso de las competencias de la Psicología en la admisión y formación de los candidatos al sacerdocio». (Article) [114 2015/2]

IE XXXVI (2024), 63-88: Marco Mastroianni: Psicologia e formazione dei candidati al sacerdozio: un approccio giuridico. (Article) [133 2025/1]

QDE 12 (1999), 397-309: A. Migliavacca: Gli scrutini sulla idoneitas dei candidati agli Ordini. (Article) [83 2000/1]

RDC 61/2 (2011), 113-138: Justin-Sylvestre Kette: Changer les mentalités en matière d'admission des personnes handicapées physiques au sacrement de l'ordre. (Article) [112 2014/2]

S 81 (2019), 522-552: Jesu Pudumai Doss: «Cercate dunque fratelli...» (Atti 6,3). Alcune considerazioni canoniche sulla consulenza psicologica e formazione alla vita consacrata. (Article) [124 2020/2]

Canons 1051-1052

IC XLIX 97/09, 265-288: Joaquín Sedano: Crónica de Derecho Canónico del año 2008. (Compilation) [103 2010/1]

IE XXVIII (2016), 345-366: Antonio Viana: La comprobación de la idoneidad para el oficio eclesiástico y el orden sagrado. (Article) [118 2017/2]

PD 5/08, 221-231: Anne Bamberg: Former des prêtres Sourds. (Article) [101 2009/1]

QDE 18 (2005), 417-441: Alberto Perlasca: La tutela del diritto all'intimità negli esami psicologici dei candidati al seminario e agli Ordini sacri. (Article) [96 2006/2]

SCL II (2006), 19-25: Congregation for Catholic Education: Instruction Concerning the Criteria for the Discernment of Vocations with Regard to Persons of Homosexual Tendencies in View of Their Admission to the Seminary and to Holy Orders. (Instruction) [98 2007/2]

Canon 1052

SCL V (2009), 25-40: Congregation for Catholic Education: Guidelines for the Use of Psychology in the Admission and Formation of Candidates for the Priesthood. (Document) [105 2011/1]

FThC VII (2018), 249-272: Antonio Viana: Significato dell’idoneità per l’Ufficio Ecclesiastico secondo il Diritto Canonico. (Article) [123 2020/1]

FThC VII (2018), 273-288: Nicolás Álvarez de las Asturias: L’idoneità per ricevere l’ordinazione sacerdotale alla veglia del concilio Vaticano II. (Article) [123 2020/1]

FThC VII (2018), 289-300: Joaquín Sedano: L’idoneità al presbiterato nel Decreto di Graziano. (Article) [123 2020/1]

FThC VII (2018), 301-314: Szabolcs Anzelm Szuromi: Idoneity for priesthood in the early canonical discipline (an overview based on the first centuries). (Article) [123 2020/1]