Canons 1096-1165

The reference after each entry is to the printed issue of "Canon Law Abstracts" in which a summary of the article is provided.
(See Subscriptions for further details.)

Canon 1096

AA VIII (2001), 11-26: L. A. Alessio: La sexualidad humana en el plan de Dios. (Article) [89 2003/1]

AA IX (2002), 97-116: J. Bonet Alcón: La sexualidad y la validez del matrimonio. (Article) [91 2004/1]

Comm 33 (2001), 32-61: Ex actis Pontificiae Commissionis Codici Iuris Canonici Recognoscendo: Coetus studiorum "De Matrimonio" (Sessio IV). (Report) [103 2010/1]

EIC 57 (2017), 661-695: Stefano Violi: Dalla fides romana alla fede cristiana. Rilettura del consenso matrimoniale alla luce della fede. (Article) [120 2018/2]

IE XXXV (2023), 161-184: Francesco Cattozzella: L’errore di diritto sul bonum coniugum. Collocazione sistematica e potenziale rilievo invalidante nel sistema matrimoniale canonico. (Article) [131 2024/1]

Proc CLSA 1997, 282-299: J. M. Sherba: Canon 1096: Ignorance as a ground for nullity. (Seminar Paper) [85 2001/1]

Canons 1096-1099

IC XXXV 69/95, 13-101: Eloy Tejero: La ignorancia y el error sobre la identidad del matrimonio. (Article) [76 1996/2]

Canons 1096-1100

Comm 33 (2001), 62-81: Ex actis Pontificiae Commissionis Codici Iuris Canonici Recognoscendo: Coetus studiorum "De Matrimonio" (Sessio V). (Report) [103 2010/1]

FCan II/1 (2007), 23-45: Lourdes Ruano Espina: El error y el dolo en el matrimonio canónico. (Article) [100 2008/2]

Canon 1097

AA III (1996), 319-334: Carlos I. Heredia: Tribunal Interdiocesano de Córdoba, sentencia definitiva de primera instancia de 11 de abril de 1991, nulidad de matrimonio. (Sentence) [80 1998/2]

AA III (1996), 335-338: José María Arancedo: Tribunal Eclesiástico Nacional, decreto confirmatorio de la sentencia de primera instancia del Tribunal Interdiocesano de Córdoba del 11 de abril de 1991, nulidad de matrimonio. (Decree) [80 1998/2]

AA III (1996), 339-343: José Bonet Alcón: Comentario a la sentencia coram Heredia del 11 de abril de 1991, del Tribunal Interdiocesano de Córdoba, y a su ratificación por decreto del Tribunal Eclesiástico Nacional. (Commentary) [80 1998/2]

AA XIV (2007), 9-35: Carlos Baccioli: La anorexia y la bulimia como causas psicopatológicas de nulidad matrimonial. (Article) [102 2009/2]

AC 54 (2012), 455-461: Sentence coram Sciacca, 24 juill. 2009, Cilicie des Arméniens, Sent. 117/09, présentation par Jean-Jacques Boyer. (Comment) [114 2015/2]

ADC 11 (julio 2022), 127-165: Carlos Hurtado de Mendoza y Domínguez: Reflexiones sobre el error (c. 1097 § 2) y la violencia habitual. (Article) [130 2023/2]

Ap XCII (2019), 11-49: Francesco Catozzella: Error recidens in condicionem sine qua non (Can. 126) ed error in qualitate directe et principaliter intenta (Can. 1097 §2). Profili di distinzione e di applicabilità nelle Cause di nullità matrimoniale. (Article) [126 2021/2]

Canonist 10/2 (2019), 189-207: Sentence coram Pinto, 20 January 2012 (Pozzuoli, Italy). Error of Quality (can. 1097 §2). (Sentence) [124 2020/2]

CLSN 131/02, 16-17: R. Harrington: Error of person. (Article) [90 2003/2]

CLSN 154/08, 89-111: Augustine Mendonça: Recent Rotal Jurisprudence on the Ground of Deceit. (Article) [101 2009/1]

CLSN 158/09, 47-105: Augustine Mendonça: A doctrinal and jurisprudential analysis of canon 1097 on error of fact. (Article) [106 2011/2]

CLSN 190/17, 40-55: Paul Churchill: Error as a Ground of Nullity of Marriage. (Article) [119 2018/1]

DPM 15/16 (2008/2009), 105-119: Martin Grichting: Der Eigenschaftsirrtum (c. 1097 §2 CIC). Ein problematischer Ehenichtigkeitsgrund. (Article) [106 2011/2]

EE 91 (2016), 759-803: Francisco A. Carrasco Cuadros: Epilepsia y nulidad matrimonial. (Article) [118 2017/2]

FCan II/2 (2007), 25-55: José António Silva Marques: O conhecimento do cônjuge e o erro relevante. (Article) [100 2008/2]

FCan III/2 (2008), 135-147: Miguel Falcão: Direito natural e relevância do erro no matrimónio, segundo S. Tomás de Aquino. (Lecture) [103 2010/1]

For VII 2/96, 385-401: Apostolic Tribunal of the Roman Rota: Before Bruno: Nullity of Marriage. Definitive Sentence 25 March 1994. (Sentence) [79 1998/1]

For XVI 2/05, 362-435: A. Mendonça: A doctrinal and jurisprudential analysis of canon 1097 on error of fact. (Article) [97 2007/1]

For XVI 2/05, 508-532: Metropolitan Tribunal of Malta: coram Lino Grech, August 29th, 2003: Nullity of Marriage: Error of Quality of Person. (Sentence) [97 2007/1]

FT 7 (1996), 33-56: Bronislaw Wenantly Zubert: Error in persona und error in qualitate personae. (Article) [79 1998/1]

IC XXXV 69/95, 103-115: Juan Ignacio Bañares: Error «causam dans» y error en cualidad directa y principalmente pretendida. (Article) [76 1996/2]

IE IX 1/98, 149-185: J. M. Viejo-Ximénez: La redacción original de la C. 29 de1 Decreto de Graciano. (Article) [82 1999/2]

IE XVI 1/04, 182-223: Tribunale della Rota Romana. Pragen. Nullità del matrimonio. Error qualitatis. Sentenza definitiva. 25 ottobre 2002. Caberletti, Ponente (con nota di M. A. Ortiz: Errore su una qualità intesa directe et principaliter (can. 1097 §2) ed error redundans (can. 1083 §2 CIC 17)). (Sentence and commentary) [95 2006/1]

ME CXX 1-2/95, 36-68: R. Funghini: L'errore sulla qualità della persona direttamente e principalmente intesa. (Paper) [76 1996/2]

ME CXX 1-2/95, 69-98: V. de Paolis: L'errore che determina la volontà. (Paper) [76 1996/2]

ME CXX 1-2/95, 169-182: S. Salvatoris in America: Nullitatis Matrimonii (A.-H.): ob errorem in qualitate personae directe et principaliter intenta ex parte mulieris actricis (1097 §2 C.I.C.). Sententia definitiva die 22 julii 1993 coram R.P.D. Antonio Stankiewicz, Ponente. (Sentence) [76 1996/2]

ME CXXI 2/96, 214-222: Reg. Latii seu Romana: Nullitatis matrimonii (A.-MP.): ob errorem in qualitate personae conventae directe et principaliter intenta. (De capacitate mulieris prolis generandae). Sententia definitiva in secundo jurisdictionis gradu diei 12 julii 1994 coram R.P.D. Aemilio Colagiovanni, Ponente. (Sentence) [77 1997/1]

ME CXXII 2/97, 176-188: Pragen.: Nullitatis Matrimonii (G.-D.) ob errorem in qualitate personae dolo causatum. Sententia definitiva diei 30 octobris 1996 coram R. P. D. Daniel Faltin, Ponente. (Sentence) [79 1998/1]

ME CXXII 2/97, 295310: C. Burke: The effect of Fraud, Condition and Error in Marital Consent: Some personalist considerations. (Article) [79 1998/1]

ME CXXII 3-4/97, 367-377: Mangalorien: Nullitatis Matrimonii: ob errorem in qualitate personae. Sententia definitiva diei 25 martii 1994 coram R. P. D. Francisco Bruno, Ponente. (Sentence) [80 1998/2]

ME CXXV 1/00, 16-79: Triveneti se Goritien.: Nullitatis Matrimonii (A. Maria – Vitus): ob exclusionem boni prolis ex parte viri actoris et ob errorem in persona viri ex parte mulieris actricis. Sententia definitiva diei 15 aprilis 1997 coram R. P. D. Rafaële Funghini, Ponente. (Sentence). [85 2001/1]

ME CXXV 3/00, 470-521: Trib. Flaminii seu Foroliven.-Brittorien: Nullitatis Matrimonii: ob incapacitatem assumendi onera coniugalia ex parte actricis (tamquam in prima instantia) et ob errorem in personam viri ex parte eiusdem mulieris. Sententia definitiva diei 6 martii 1998 coram R.P.D. Ioanne Baptista Defilippi, Ponente. (Sentence) [86 2001/2]

ME CXXV 3/00, 524-549: S. Villeggiante: L'Error in Persona. (Paper) [86 2001/2]

ME CXXVIII 1/05, 427-440: Jurisprudentia Tribunalis Rotae Romanae: Reg. Triveneti seu Tridentina Nullitatis Matrimonii (Bacher-Biasi). Sententia Definitiva diei 19 Iulii 2002 coram R.P.D. J. Sciacca, Ponente. (Sentence) [95 2006/1]

ME CXXVIII 1/05, 441-453: Judgement of the Roman Rotae [sic] Tribunal: Ponens R.P.D. J. Sciacca. (Sentence) [95 2006/1]

Mem XXIV/00, 111-129: J. J. García Faílde: Error sobre cualidades de la persona. (Conference presentation) [89 2003/1]

Per LXXXVII 2-3/98, 329-349: R. Serres: "Error recidens in condicionem sine qua non" (c. 126). (Paper) [82 1999/2]

Per LXXXVII 2-3/98, 351-401: U. Navarrete: Error in persona (c. 1097 §1). (Paper) [82 1999/2]

Per LXXXVII 2-3/98, 403-442: M. Hilbert: Error in qualitate personae (c. 1097 §2). (Paper) [82 1999/2]

Per LXXXVII 2-3/98, 443-465: S. Zvolensky: "Error qualitatis dans causam" e "error qualitatis directe et principaliter intentae" (c. 1097 §2). (Paper) [82 1999/2]

Per LXXXVII 2-3/98, 467-480: Tribunale Ecclesiastico Regionale Lombardo (Ponente, P. Bianchi): Decreto. Rinvio a giudizio ordinario di secondo grado della causa NN giudicata in primo grado per errore sulla persona e sua qualità della persona. (Decree) [82 1999/2]

Per LXXXVII 2-3/98, 481-504: Tribunale Ecclesiastico Regionale Lombardo (Ponente, P. Bianchi): Sentenza di secondo grado. Causa NN giudicata in primo grado per errore sulla persona e sua qualità della persona. (Sentence) [82 1999/2]

Per LXXXVII 2-3/98, 505-518: G. Maragnoli: Riflessioni sul decreto del 26 gennaio e sulla sentenza del 28 settembre 1995 del Tribunale Eccl. Regionale Lombardo. (Article) [82 1999/2]

Per XC 3/01, 497-547: Sententia definitiva diei 27 ianuarii 2000. Nullitas matrimonii ob errorem mulieris in qualitate viri. (Sentence) [88 2002/2]

Per XCI 1/02, 87-129: G. Moscariello: L'error qui versetur circa id quod substantiam actus constituit (can. 126) e le sue applicazioni nel diritto matrimoniale canonico. (Article) [90 2003/2]

Per XCIII 3/04, 505-532: Acta Tribunalium Sanctae Sedis, Romanae Rotae Tribunal, coram Caberletti: Sententia definitiva. Nullitas matrimonii ob errorem circa qualitatem redundantem in errorem personae. (Sentence) [94 2005/2]

PS XXXVI 108/01, 413-470: A. Mendonça: Recent Developments in Rotal Jurisprudence on Error on Fact. (Article) [88 2002/2]

REDC 51 (1994), 797-813: Tribunal de la Rota de la Nunciatura Apostólica de Madrid. Nulidad de Matrimonio (Error doloso, incapacidad de asumir las obligaciones esenciales). Coram B. Alonso Rodríguez. (Sentence) [76 1996/2]

REDC 52 (1995), 355-365: Tribunal interdiocesano Bonaerense. Nulidad de matrimonio (incapacidad de asumir, error de cualidad, exclusión de la fidelidad). Coram N. Daniel Villa. (Sentence) [76 1996/2]

REDC 52 (1995), 907-926: Tribunal Eclesiástico de Porto (Portugal). Nulidad de matrimonio (incapacidad de asumir, exclusión de propiedades esenciales, error de cualidad). Coram J. J. Almeida Lopes. (Sentence) [77 1997/1]

REDC 60 (2003), 833-843: Tribunal de la Diócesis de Oporto. Nulidad de matrimonio. (Incapacidad para asumir las obligaciones, error doloso y error en cualidad). Coram José Joaquim Almeida Lopes. (Sentence) [93 2005/1]

REDC 61 (2004), 341-388: Tribunal de la Diócesis de Coria-Cáceres, c. Fuentes Caballero, 28 de noviembre de 2001. Nulidad de matrimonio (defecto de discreción de juicio, falta de libertad interna, incapacidad para asumir las obligaciones, y error en la persona). (Sentence) [94 2005/2]

REDC 63 (2006), 827-882: Juan Agustín Sendín Blázquez: El error sobre la persona y sus cualidades en la jurisprudencia. (Article) [101 2009/1]

REDC 63 (2006), 941-1093: Tribunal de la Diócesis de Plasencia: nulidad de matrimonio (incapacidad para asumir las obligaciones, error en cualidad, error doloso y miedo grave), coram Juan Agustín Sendén Blázquez, 28 de marzo de 2003. (Sentence) [101 2009/1]

RMDC 17 (2011), 175-192: Decisio R.P.D. Erlebach. Sentencia definitiva del 14 de diciembre de 2001. (Sentence) [108 2012/2]

RMDC 21/1 (2015), 133-156: Decisio R.P.D. Kenneth E. Boccafola, Sentencia definitiva del 14 de octubre de 2004. (Sentence) [117 2017/1]

SC 32 (1998), 243-252: Apostolic Tribunal of the Roman Rota, coram Cormac Burke, 18 July 1996, São Sebastião de Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, nullity of marriage. (Jurisprudence) [81 1999/1]

SC 34 (2000), 23-74: A. Mendonça: Error of Fact: Doctrine and Jurisprudence on Canon 1097. (Article) [85 2001/1]

SC 38 (2004), 65-84: E. Rinere: Error Which Causes the Contract. (Article) [95 2006/1]

Fabio Franchetto: «Error in persona» (can. 1097 §1). Il dibattito sul concetto di persona nella trattazione dell'error facti. Analisi della dottrina e della giurisprudenza. (Book) (Editrice Pontificia Gregoriana, Rome, 2011) [108 2012/2]

Canons 1097-1098

AA II (1995), 217-243: R. P. D. Antonio Stankiewicz: Tribunal de la Rota Romana, sentencia del 27 de junio de 1994, Prot. no. 834, nulidad de matrimonio. (Sentence and commentary) [80 1998/2]

AnCan (Chile), I (2015), 5-143: XXVII Jornadas de la Asociación Chilena de Derecho Canónico, julio 2012. (Compilation) [116 2016/2]

CLSN 131/02, 18-19: M. Kavanagh: Rotal Jurisprudence coram Defilippi. (Article) [90 2003/2]

CLSN 161/10, 58-75: John Johnson: "...Into Something Rich and Strange". Some Changes in Rotal Jurisprudence Inspired by the 1983 Code of Canon Law. (Seminar paper) [106 2011/2]

EE LXXVII, 303/02, 601-630: R. Serres López De Guerenu: El error en cualidades personales que invalida el matrimonio (can. 1097 §2): fundamentos jurídico-canónicos. (Article) [91 2004/1]

IC XXXV 69/95, 165-181: Juan Fornés: Error y dolo: fundamentos y diferencias. (Article) [76 1996/2]

IC 55/110 (2015), 725-741: Sentencia del Tribunal de la Rota Romana: Coram Erlebach de 13 de junio de 2013. (Sentence) [116 2016/2]

IC 55/110 (2015), 743-758: Juan Ignacio Bañares – Rafael Rodríguez-Ocaña: Comentario a la Sentencia Coram Erlebach de 13 de junio de 2013: sobre el tratamiento del error en cualidad de la persona. (Commentary) [116 2016/2]

IE XXX (2018), 235-268: Tribunale Apostolico della Rota Romana: Ariminen. – Nullità del matrimonio – Error qualitatis, Condicio de futuro, Dolus – Sententia definitiva – 29 settembre 2015 (A. 184/2015) – Giordano Caberletti, Ponente. Con un commento di Héctor Franceschi, La precisazione dell’influsso di una qualità del contraente come elemento determinante nelle fattispecie di error qualitatis, errore doloso e condizione futura. (Sentence and comment) [121 2019/1]

J 77 (2021), 479-518: Tribunal of the Roman Rota, Definitive Sentence coram Caberletti, Coloratensium Fontium, Nullitatis matrimonii, A. 68/2019, April 2, 2019; Timothy Cavanaugh: Brief Note on the Basis and Proof of Error of Quality and Fraud. (Sentence and comment) [128 2022/2]

ME CXX 1-2/95, 149-158: P. Fedele: Error qualitatis e dolo nel matrimonio in diritto canonico. (Paper) [76 1996/2]

ME CXX 3/95, 341-367: Coccinen. Nullitatis Matrimonii: ob errorem in qualitate personae directe et principaliter intenta ex parte viri actoris; ob deceptionem dolosam a parte conventa patratam. Sententia definitiva diei 27 januarii 1994 coram R.P.D. Antonio Stankiewicz, Ponente. (Sentence) [76 1996/2]

ME CXXII 3-4/97, 521-552: E. Colagiovanni: New (hot) grounds of nullity in marriage cases. (Paper) [80 1998/2]

PCF IX (2007), 305-322: Substantial Error Induced by Deceit. Decision by Nereo P. Odchimar, 22 September 2006 (Philippines). (Sentence) [100 2008/2]

Per LXXXIV 3/95, 515-552: Romanae Rotae Tribunal, sententia definitiva, diei 27 ianuarii 1994 (coram Stankiewicz). (Sentence) [76 1996/2]

Proc CLSA 2008, 158-176: John Johnson: "...Into Something Rich and Strange". Some Changes in Rotal Jurisprudence Inspired by the 1983 Code of Canon Law. (Seminar paper) [102 2009/2]

REDC 52 (1995), 871-887: Tribunal del Arzobispado de Barcelona. Nulidad de matrimonio (falta de libertad, incapacidad de asumir las obligaciones esenciales, error de cualidad, error doloso y condición no cumplida). Coram J. Riera. (Sentence) [77 1997/1]

QDE 21 (2008) 184-205: Massimo Mingardi: L'errore di fatto, spontaneo e doloso (cann. 1097 e 1098). (Article) [104 2010/2]

SCL I (2005), 95-146: A. Mendonça: Recent Rotal Jurisprudence on Marriage Nullity Cases Judged in Accord with Canon 1682, §2. (Article) [96 2006/2]

SCL I (2005), 245-268: K. Boccafola: Deceit and Induced Error about a Personal Quality. (Article) [96 2006/2]

SCL VII (2011), 290-410: Apostolic Tribunal of the Roman Rota and Supreme Tribunal of the Apostolic Signatura. (Sentences and Decrees) [108 2012/2]

SCL IX (2013), 253-278: Apostolic Tribunal of the Roman Rota: Error Concerning a Quality (can. 1097 §2) and Deceit (can. 1098); Sentence coram Sciacca, 25 June 2010 (Italy). (Sentence) [113 2015/1]

SCL IX (2013), 279-308: Apostolic Tribunal of the Roman Rota: Total Simulation (can. 1101 §2), Error Concerning a Quality (can. 1097 §2) and Deceit (can. 1098). Sentence coram Alwan, 9 July 2010 (Lebanon). (Sentence) [113 2015/1]

Ginter Dzierżon: Z najnowszego orzecznictwa Roty Rzymskiej (From the most recent case law of the Roman Rota). (Book) (Warsaw, 2021) [127 2022/1]

Canons 1097-1099

FI 1 (2000), 225-242: W. Góralski: Error as a Cause of Invalidity of Marriage in the Code of Canon Law of 1983. (Article) [91 2004/1]

ME CXX 1-2/95, 5-38: S. Berlingò: Autonomia delle diverse fattispecie normative dell'errore e del dolo previste nei canoni 1097-1099 del Codice di Diritto Canonico. (Paper) [76 1996/2]

Proc CLSA 1995, 306-324: J. Provost: Error as a ground in marriage nullity cases. (Article) [78 1997/2]

Proc CLSA 2001, 101-109: J. Graham: Error. (Seminar Paper) [89 2003/1]

SC 29 (1995), 397-432: L. A. Robitaille: Simulation, Error Determining the Will, or Lack of Due Discretion? A Case Study. (Article) [76 1996/2]

Canons 1097-1101

Comm 33 (2001), 82-108: Ex actis Pontificiae Commissionis Codici Iuris Canonici Recognoscendo: Coetus studiorum "De Matrimonio" (Sessio VI). (Report) [103 2010/1]

Canons 1097-1102

ME CXXII 3-4/97, 513-520: C. Burke: The effect of fraud, condition and error in marital consent: Some personalist considerations. (Article) [80 1998/2]

Canon 1098

AA XIV (2007), 9-35: Carlos Baccioli: La anorexia y la bulimia como causas psicopatológicas de nulidad matrimonial. (Article) [102 2009/2]

AC 65 (2024), 77-93: Joseph Domingo: L’erreur provoquée par le dol dans le consentement matrimonial: un chef par trop inusité. (Article) [134 2025/2]

AnC 7 (2011), 19-33: Wiesław Bar: Prawo naturalne a wady zgody małżeńskiej (Natural law and invalidity of matrimonial consent). (Lecture) [109 2013/1]

BV 75 (2015), 265-274: Slatinek Stanislav: Zloraba resnice v zakonski zvezi (Abuse of Truth in Marriage). (Article) [117 2017/1]

CLSN 131/20, 20-21: R. Harrington: Deceit. (Article) [90 2003/2]

CLSN 154/08, 89-111: Augustine Mendonça: Recent Rotal Jurisprudence on the Ground of Deceit. (Article) [101 2009/1]

CLSN 162/10, 42-52: Metropolitan Tribunal of Cagayan de Oro, Philippines: Jurisprudence: Substantial Error by Deceit Perpetrated by the Woman-Respondent. (Sentence) [106 2011/2]

CLSN 169 (2012), 73-98: John Beal: Determining Error: Hot New Ground or Recycled Old Ground? (Lecture) [110 2013/2]

DPM 1 (1994), 135-201: Georg Bier: Probleme der Anwendung des "dolus" in der Rechtsprechung. (Article) [79 1998/1]

DPM 3 (1996), 167-170: Daniel Faltin: Anmerkungen zum "dolus" mit besonderem Bezug auf den CCEO. (Article) [79 1998/1]

DPM 12 (2005), 13-27: Ernst Freiherr von Castell: Der Gegenstand der absichtlichen Täuschung – eine Anfrage. (Article) [102 2009/2]

DPM 15/16 (2008/2009), 469-486: Markus Müller: Die rechtshistorischen Grundlagen der Nichtberücksichtigung des Ehenichtigkeitsgrundes der „arglistigen Täuschung" (cc. 1098 CIC; 821 CCEO) in den Normen des CIC/1917. (Article) [106 2011/2]

FT 7 (1996), 83-115: Stanislav Zvolenský: Der "dolus" nach dem kanonischen Eherecht. (Article) [79 1998/1]

IC XXXV 69/95, 183-198: María Blanco: El dolo: requisitos y prueba. (Article) [76 1996/2]

IE VII 1/95, 219-230: Tribunale Apostolico della Rota Romana. Singaporen. Nullità del matrimonio. Esclusione del bonum fidei. Sentenza definitiva. 17 giugno 1993. Burke, Ponente (con nota di G. Solferino). (Sentence) [76 1996/2]

IE XIX 1/07, 99-136: Tribunale della Rota Romana. Spiren. Nullità del matrimonio. Dolo. Sentenza definitiva, 31 gennaio 2002, Erlebach, Ponente (con nota di H. Franceschi F., Il fondamento giuridico del dolo come causa di nullità del matrimonio e la questione della retroattività o meno del canone 1098). (Sentence and commentary) [100 2008/2]

IE XXV (2013), 665-681: Tribunale Apostolico della Rota Romana: Romana, Nullità del matrimonio, Dolo, Sentenza definitiva, 3 maggio 2012, Boccafola, Ponente (con nota di Maria Teresa Romano, L'applicazione irretroattiva del can. 1098 CIC in una recente sentenza coram Boccafola). (Sentence and commentary) [112 2014/2]

IE XXVIII (2016), 137-182: Tribunale Ecclesiastico Regionale Pugliese e di Appello per l’Albania: Nullità del matrimonio – Condizione futura e Dolo – Sentenza definitiva, 20 marzo 2014 – Giuseppe Pica, Ponente; Tribunale Apostolico della Rota Romana: Decreto di conferma, 28 maggio 2015 – S.E. Pio Vito Pinto, Decano, Ponente (con nota di Héctor Franceschi, La relazione tra dolo e condizione e la natura della qualità che può perturbare gravemente il consorzio di vita coniugale). (First instance sentence, Rotal decree of confirmation, and comment) [117 2017/1]

IM III 9/98, 61-74: G. Erlebach: Problem retroaktywności kan 1098 KPK w świetle orzecznictwa Roty Rzymskiej. (Article) [83 2000/1]

IM 30 (2019), nr. 2, 95-131: Wojciech Góralski: Podstępne wprowadzenie w błąd (kan. 1098 KPK) w opublikowanych orzeczeniach Roty Rzymskiej z lat 2010-2012 (Deceit [canon 1098 of the CIC] in the published decisions of the Roman Rota, 2010-2012). (Article) [127 2022/1]

IM 30 (2019), nr. 3, 97-109: Kinga Szymańska: Tytuły prawne z których mogłyby być prowadzone sprawy o stwierdzenie nieważności małżeństwa, w których istotną rolę odegrała akrotomofilia (Grounds for nullity of marriage in cases in which acrotomophilia plays an important role). (Article) [127 2022/1]

Iustitia IX 1/18, 51-94: Sijeesh Pullankunnel: The Use of Different Means of Proofs in Marriage Nullity Cases on the Ground of Dolus (CCEO c. 821 and CIC c. 1098). (Article) [124 2020/2]

J 56 (1996), 557-585: John G. Johnson: Fraud and Deceit in the Roman Rota: the First Ten Years. (Article) [79 1998/1]

ME CXIX 4/94, 465-476: Sancti Sebastiani Fluminis Januarii Nullitatis Matrimonii (D.C.-M.): 1. ob exclusum a viro bonum sacramenti; 2. ob exclusum ab eodem viro consortium totius vitae; 3. ob dolum pariter a viro ad obtinendum consensum patratum. Sententia definitiva diei 27 aprllis 1993 in tertio jurisdictionis gradu coram R.P.D. Eduardo Davino, Ponente. (Sentence) [75 1996/1]

ME CXX 1-2/95, 99-122: G. Montini: La rilevanza del dolo nel matrimonio nella sua evoluzione storica. (Paper) [76 1996/2]

ME CXX 1-2/95, 123-143: P. Moneta: La qualità che per sua natura può gravemente turbare il consorzio della vita coniugale. (Paper) [76 1996/2]

ME CXX 1-2/95, 144-148: M. Bardi: Brevi note sulla retroattività del canone 1098 C.I.C. (Paper) [76 1996/2]

ME CXX 1-2/95 198-206: Madraspolitana et Melaporen. Nullitatis Matrimonii (M.-N.): a) ob invalidam dispensationem disparitatis cultus; b) ob defectum discretionis judicii in muliere actrice, tamquam in prima instantia et quatenus negative, subordinate; c) ob errorem dolose causatum in actrice secundum canon 1098 C.I.C. tamquam in secunda instantia. Sententia definitiva diei 15 martii 1994 coram R.P.D. Elia Jarawan, Ponente. (Sentence) [76 1996/2]

ME CXXII 1/97, 72-89: Portugallenn. : Nullitatis Matrimonii (F.- M.) ob incapacitatem utriusque vel alteriusque partis contrahentis assumendi obligationes essentiales matrimonii propter causas naturae psychicae ad normam can. 1095 n.3; et quatenus negative, subordinate quidem: ob dolum ex parte viri patratum, ad normam can. 1098 CIC, tamquam in prima instantia. Sententia definitiva diei 20 junii 1995 c. R. P. D. Daniel Faltin, Ponente. (Sentence) [79 1998/1]

ME CXXII 2/97, 295310: C. Burke: The Effect of Fraud, Condition and Error in Marital Consent: Some personalist considerations. (Article) [79 1998/1]

ME CXXIV 4/99, 692-710: K. Boccafola: Deceit and induced error about a personal quality. (Paper) [85 2001/1]

ME CXXIV 4/99, 711-727: K. Boccafola: Dolo ed errore indotto circa la qualità della persona. (Paper) [85 2001/1]

ME CXXV 2/00, 254-293: XX: Nullitatis Matrimonii (A.-M.) ob incapacitatem ex parte mulieris conventae assumendi essentiales obligationes matrimonii (ex homosexualitate). Sententia definitiva diei 9 julii 1998 coram R. P. D. Cormac Burke, Ponente. (Sentence) [85 2001/1]

ME CXXV 2/00, 294-331: XX: Nullity of Marriage (L.-D.) on the ground of incapacity to accept obligations of marriage for homosexuality in the Defendant. Definitive sentence 9 July 1998 coram Cormac Burke. (Sentence) [85 2001/1]

ME CXXV 3/00, 430-469: Medellen: Nullitatis Matrimonii (Z.-B.) ob dolum a viro convento patratum. Sententia definitiva diei 4 Decembris 1997 coram R. P. D. Ioanne Baptista Defilippi, Ponente. (Sentence) [86 2001/2]

Mem XXIV/00, 111-129: J. J. García Faílde: Error sobre cualidades de la persona. (Conference presentation) [89 2003/1]

OAK XLII 2/93,376-417: B. Bohlen: Die "arglistige Täuschung" im kanonischen Eherecht zur Interpretation und Anwendbarkeit von canon 1098 CIC. (Article) [77 1997/1]

PCF VII (2005), 55-90: Augustine Mendonça: Recent Rotal Jurisprudence on the Ground of Deceit. (Article) [98 2007/2]

Per 101 (2012), 491-500: Linda Ghisoni: Creatività giuridica e derive positivistiche nell'interpretazione del can. 1098 CIC. (Article) [111 2014/1]

Per 103 (2014), 525-538: Acta Tribunalium Sanctae Sedis. Romanae Rotae Tribunal coram Erlebach, Sententia definitiva diei 4 octobris 2012. (Sentence) [115 2016/1]

PK XLI 1-2/98, 115-147: P. Majer: Podstępne wprowadzenie w bląd (kan. 1098 KPK) jako wada zgody małźeńskiej. (Article) [82 1999/2]

Proc CLSA 2009, 62-89: John P. Beal: Determining Error: Hot New Ground or Recycled Old Ground? (Lecture) [109 2013/1]

QDE 9 (1996), 357-378: Paolo Bianchi: Esempi di applicazione giurisprudenziale del can. 1098 (dolo): casistica e problemi probatori. (Article) [78 1997/2]

QDE 19 (2006), 318-322: Luigi Barolo: Cause psichiche e nullità del matrimonio. II. Il disturbo bipolare. (Article) [98 2007/2]

QDE 27 (2014), 90-127: Fabio Franchetto: Fatti circonstanziali e qualità personali in relazione all'errore doloso: riscontri giurisprudenziali. (Article) [113 2015/1]

QDE 26 (2013), 486-501: Massimo Mingardi: Fatti circonstanziati e qualità personali in relazione all'errore doloso: aspetti doctrinali. (Lecture) [114 2015/2]

QDE 28 (2015), 164-179: Alessandro Giraudo: Fecondazione assistita eterologa e matrimonio canonico. (Article) [115 2016/1]

QDE 28 (2015), 180-190: Adolfo Zambon: Maternità surrogata: profili canonistici matrimoniali. (Article) [115 2016/1]

QDE 28 (2015), 352-377: Paolo Bianchi: Le ripercussioni che gli abusi avuti in ambito sessuale possono avere sulla capacità matrimoniali: profili canonici. (Lecture) [116 2016/2]

QSR 19 (2009), 99-130: Raffaella Witzel: La nullità del matrimonio ob dolum (can. 1098) nella giurisprudenza della Rota Romana. Aspetti probatori. (Article) [105 2011/1]

REDC 52 (1995), 417-429: Tribunal del obispado de Segorbe-Castellón. Nulidad de matrimonio (error doloso, exclusion de elementos esenciales del matrimonio). Coram V. Guitarte Izquierdo. (Sentence) [76 1996/2]

REDC 53 (1996), 191-229: M. Cortés Diéguez: El error doloso en la jurisprudencia canónica española. (Article) [78 1997/2]

REDC 53 (1996), 315-323: Tribunal de la Rota de la Nunciatura Apostólica. Nulidad de matrimonio (error doloso). Coram F. Gil de las Heras. (Sentence) [78 1997/2]

REDC 60 (2003), 833-843: Tribunal de la Diócesis de Oporto. Nulidad de matrimonio. (Incapacidad para asumir las obligaciones, error doloso y error en cualidad). Coram José Joaquim Almeida Lopes. (Sentence) [93 2005/1]

REDC 61 (2004), 301-313: Tribunal del Arzobispado de Valencia, c. Subirá García, 18 de junio de 1999. Nulidad de matrimonio (error doloso, defecto de discreción de juicio e incapacidad para asumir las obligaciones). (Sentence) [94 2005/2]

REDC 61 (2004), 781-819: Tribunal de la Rota de la Nunciatura Apostólica de Madrid, 18 de mayo de 2000, nulidad de matrimonio (defecto de discreción de juicio, incapacidad de asumir las obligaciones y error doloso), coram Santiago Panizo Orallo. (Sentence) [95 2006/1]

REDC 63 (2006), 927-939: Tribunal de la Diócesis de Orihuela-Alicante: nulidad de matrimonio (incapacidad para asumir las obligaciones, error doloso y exclusión de la fidelidad), coram Joaquín Martínez Valls, 7 de octubre de 1997. (Sentence) [101 2009/1]

REDC 63 (2006), 941-1093: Tribunal de la Diócesis de Plasencia: nulidad de matrimonio (incapacidad para asumir las obligaciones, error en cualidad, error doloso y miedo grave), coram Juan Agustín Sendén Blázquez, 28 de marzo de 2003. (Sentence) [101 2009/1]

REDC 65 (2008), 727-740: Tribunal del Arzobispado de Madrid: Sentencia sobre nulidad de matrimonio, 30 de junio de 2008, ponente, D. José Luis Sánchez-Girón Renedo. (Sentence) [104 2010/2]

REDC 70 (2013), 195-227: Carmen Peña García: El matrimonio en el ordenamiento canónico: posibles líneas de reforma legislativa. (Article) [111 2014/1]

RMDC 23/2 (2017), 345-392: Decisio R.P.D. Jair Ferreira Pena, Sentencia definitiva del 1 de octubre de 2014, en RRTDec 96 (2013), 553-577. (Sentence) [122 2019/2]

SC 30 2/96, 343-370: J. Gressier: La nullité du mariage conclu sous l'effet du dol qualifié du canon 1098 est de droit naturel. (Article) [78 1997/2]

SC 37 3/01, 175-184: R. Jacques: Note sur le bon usage du chef de dol dans les causes en nullité de marriage. (Judicial Chronicle) [92 2004/2]

SCL I (2005), 403-427: Deceit: Decision coram Turnaturi 22 May 2003 (India). (Sentence) [96 2006/2]

SCL I (2005), 429-446: Deceit: Decision coram Ferreira Pena, 17 July 2001 (Ireland). (Sentence) [96 2006/2]

SCL III (2007), 397-424: Apostolic Tribunal of the Roman Rota: Deceit. Decision coram Defilippi, 4 December 1997 (Medellín, Colombia). (Sentence) [100 2008/2]

SCL IX (2013), 235-252: Apostolic Tribunal of the Roman Rota: Deceit (can. 1098); Sentence coram Erlebach, 8 July 2004 (Trento, Italy). (Sentence) [113 2015/1]

Patricia M. Dugan – Luis Navarro: Matrimonial Law and Canonical Procedure. A Continuing Education Course. (Book) (Gratianus, Wilson & Lafleur, Montreal, 2013) [110 2013/2]

Canon 1099

AA XXI (2015), 329-339: Marcelo Parma: Comentario al Discurso del Santo Padre Francisco a los jueces, oficiales, abogados y colaboradores del Tribunal Apostólico de la Rota Romana (23-01-2015). (Comment) [116 2016/2]

AC 39 (1997), 67-73: J.-J. Boyer: Dignité sacramentelle du mariage et jurisprudence: quelques reflections. (Article) [80 1998/2]

AnC 4 (2008), 5-20: Remigiusz Sobański: Wpływ mentalności wolnych związków na ważność zgody małżeńskiej (The influence of free unions on validity of matrimonial consent). (Conference presentation) [106 2011/2]

Ap LXXXX (2017), 405-438: Danilo Marinelli: Fede e Sacramento del Matrimonio. (Article) [122 2019/2]

BV 78 (2018), 401-413: Stanislav Slatinek: Vera zaročencev in poročna obljuba (Faith of the fiancés and the marriage promise). (Article) [122 2019/2]

Canonist 6/1 (2015), 3-10: Pope Francis: Address to the Officials of the Tribunal of the Roman Rota for the Inauguration of the Judicial Year, 23 January 2015; Anthony Malone: Reflections on Pope Francis' Allocution to the Rota. (Address and comment) [116 2016/2]

Canonist 7/1 (2016), 31-41: Anthony Malone: The Baptized Unbelievers and Matrimony. (Article) [117 2017/1]

Canonist 10/2 (2019), 175-188: Richard Laurenson: The Teaching of Pope Francis in his Addresses to the Roman Rota with regard to Canon 1099. (Article) [124 2020/2]

Canonist 11/1 (2020), 105-114: Sentence coram Pinto, 5 July 2013 (Los Angeles, CA). 1. Defect of Discretion of Judgement on the Part of Both Parties (can. 1095, 2°) (Emotional Immaturity). 2. Error Determining the Will on the Part of Both Parties (can. 1099). (Sentence) [125 2021/1]

CLSN 121/00, 5-10: The Holy Father's Address to the Roman Rota, 21 January 2000. (Address) [87 2002/1]

CLSN 121/00, 11-24: L. Robitaille: Consent and Culture: How Judges Place Themselves in Other People's Shoes. (Paper) [87 2002/1]

CLSN 121/00, 25-30: Comment on the above article by John Hadley. (Comment) [87 2002/1]

CLSN 149/07, 38-53: Anthony Kerin: Determining Error. (Conference presentation) [99 2008/1]

CLSN 167 (2011), 40-50: Anthony Malone: Cultural Change and Marital Jurisprudence. (Article) [110 2013/2]

CLSN 184/15, 4-69: Francis G. Morrisey: The Motu Proprio Mitis Iudex Dominus Iesus. (Documents and lecture) [116 2016/2]

CLSN 196/19, 83-101: Pius Collins: Canon 1055 and the Sacramentality of Marriage: An Examination of the ius vigens. (Article) [123 2020/1]

Comm 32 (2000), 3-8: Pope John Paul II: Allocutio Summi Pontificis ad Iudices, Administros Advocatosque Rotae Romanae coram admissos die 21 ianuarii 2000. (Address) [103 2010/1]

Comm 35 (2003), 6-10: Pope John Paul II: Allocutio ad Auditores, Administros, Advocatosque Rotae Romanae coram admissos. (Allocution) [104 2010/2]

Comm 47 (2015), 7-10: Pope Francis: Allocutio Summi Pontificis ad Auditores, Administros Advocatosque Rotae Romanae coram admissos die 23 mensis ianuarii 2015 prolata. (Address) [117 2017/1]

Comm 48 (2016), 22-25: Allocutio Summi Pontificis ad Auditores, Administros Advocatosque Rotae Romanae coram admissos die 22 mensis ianuarii 2016 prolata. (Address) [118 2017/2]

DPM 12 (2005), 69-84: Margit Weber: Muss ich wissen, was ich will? – Der willensbestimmende Irrtum und das Mindestwissen zur Ehe. (Article) [102 2009/2]

DPM 15/16 (2008/2009), 173-191: Klaus Lüdicke: Was nutzt c. 1099 CIC im Ehenichtigkeitsverfahren? (Article) [106 2011/2]

EIC 53 (2013), 5-27: Benedict Ndubueze Ejeh: Il sacramento del matrimonio e la questione dell'apporto della fede nella sua configurazione. (Article) [111 2014/1]

EIC 57 (2017), 213-243: Benedict Ndubueze Ejeh: Giurisprudenza rotale sulla rilevanza della fede nel matrimonio cristiano. (Article) [119 2018/1]

EIC 57 (2017), 661-695: Stefano Violi: Dalla fides romana alla fede cristiana. Rilettura del consenso matrimoniale alla luce della fede. (Article) [120 2018/2]

FC 11 (2008), 229-240: Myriam Tinti: La rilevanza del battesimo per la sacramentalità del matrimonio. (Conference presentation) [104 2010/2]

FC 13-14 (2010-2011), 161-174: Angela Patrizia Tavani: Secolarizazzione della società e nullità matrimoniale. (Article) [110 2013/2]

FCan X/1 (2015), 109-111: A Intenção Matrimonial. Discurso de Sua Santidade o Papa Francisco aos membros da Rota Romana na inauguração do Ano Judicial, de 23 de Janeiro de 2015. (Address) [115 2016/1]

For VII 2/96, 305-326: K. Boccafola: Error Concerning Sacramental Dignity: Limits of the Object and Proof. (Paper) [79 1998/1]

IC XXXV 69/95, 117-141: José Tomás Martín de Agar: El error sobre las propiedades esenciales del matrimonio. (Article) [76 1996/2]

IC XXXV 69/95, 143-164: Kenneth Boccafola: El error acerca de la dignidad sacramental del matrimonio: limites de su objecto y prueba. (Article) [76 1996/2]

IC XLIII 85/03, 185-221: Montserrat Gas i Aixendri: El error determinante sobre la dignidad sacramental del matrimonio y su relevancia juridical: algunas reflexiones acerca de la jurisprudencia reciente. (Article) [92 2004/2]

IC 54/107 (2014), 87-106: Ciro Tammaro: Alcune osservazioni storico-giuridiche sul concetto di «volontà prevalente» nella fattispecie simulatoria relativa all'esclusione della dignità sacramentale. (Article) [113 2015/1]

IC 61/121 (2021), 289-330: Carmen Peña: Fe e intención requerida para el matrimonio sacramento. Consecuencias canónicas del documento de la Comisión Teológica Internacional. (Article) [127 2022/1]

IE XIII 1/01, 95-107: Tribunale della Rota Romana. Lausannen., Geneven. et Friburgen. Nullità del matrimonio. Esclusione della dignità sacramentale e della fedeltà. Sentenza definitiva. 16 gennaio 1995. Pompedda, Ponente. (Sentence) [88 2002/2]

IE XIII 1/01, 107-122: Tribunale della Rota Romana. Interamnen., Narnien. et Amerina. Nullità del matrimonio. Esclusione totale. Errore sulla dignità sacramentale. Esclusione della fedeltà e dell'indissolubilità. Sentenza definitiva. 18 dicembre 1996. Giannecchini, Ponente. (Sentence) [88 2002/2]

IE XIII 1/01, 122-145: M. Gas i Aixendri: Essenza del matrimonio cristiano e rifiuto della dignità sacramentale. Riflessioni alla luce del recente discorso del Papa alla Rota Romana. (Commentary on the two preceding cases) [88 2002/2]

IE XIII 3/01, 629-651: P. Bianchi: L'esclusione dell'indissolubilità quale capo di nullità del matrimonio. Profili critici. (Article) [89 2003/1]

IE XV 1/03, 279-293: M. Gas i Aixendri: Sul rapporto tra realtà naturale e dimensione soprannaturale nel matrimonio: alcune conseguenze sul piano giuridico canonico. (Article) [92 2004/2]

IE XVIII 1/06, 159-175: Tribunale della Rota Romana: Peoriensis. Nullità del matrimonio. Esclusione dell'indissolubilità. Sentenza definitiva, 4 febbraio 2005. McKay, Ponente. (Sentence) [97 2007/1]

IE XVIII 1/06, 175-184: Héctor Franceschi F.: La relazione tra l'errore sull'indissolubilità e l'esclusione mediante un positivo atto di volontà. (Commentary) [97 2007/1]

IE XXV (2013), 515-533: Benedetto XVI: Discorso alla Rota Romana, 26 gennaio 2013 (con nota di Montserrat Gas Aixendri, Fede e intenzione nel matrimonio sacramento). (Document and comment) [111 2014/1]

IE XXVI (2014), 511-534 (also FCan IX/1 (2014), 7-40): Andrea D'Auria: Fede e sacramentalità del matrimonio. La prospettiva canonica. (Article) [114 2015/2]

IE XXVII (2015), 465-477: Papa Francesco: Discorso in occasione dell'inaugurazione dell'anno giudiziario del Tribunale della Rota Romana, 23 gennaio 2015 (con nota di Montserrat Gas Aixendri, Cultura, fede e conoscenza del matrimonio). (Address and comment) [116 2016/2]

IE XXIX (2017), 135-157: Tribunale Apostolico della Rota Romana: Lafayetten. in Indiana – Nullità del matrimonio – Error determinans voluntatem – Sententia definitiva – 4 novembre 2015 (A. 202/2015) – Abdou Yaacoub, Ponente (con nota di Álvaro González Alonso, Error determinans voluntatem: errore, volontà e proprietà essenziali del matrimonio). (Sentence and comment) [119 2018/1]

IE XXXV (2023), 161-184: Francesco Cattozzella: L’errore di diritto sul bonum coniugum. Collocazione sistematica e potenziale rilievo invalidante nel sistema matrimoniale canonico. (Article) [131 2024/1]

IM I 6-7/96, 9-27: Z. Grocholewski: Błąd co do jedności, nierozerwalnośći lub sakramentalnej godności małżeństwa. (Article) [80 1998/2]

IM II 8/97, 39-75: P. Majer: Bląd co do jedności lub nierozerwalności małżeństwa. Na marginesie dyskusji na temat interpretacji kan. 1099 kodeksu prawa kanonicznego (Article) [81 1999/1]

IM 34 (2023), nr 1, 5-43: Wojciech Góralski: Wzajemne powiązanie między wiarą i małżeństwem w świetle dokumentu Międzynarodowej Komisji Teologicznej Reciprocità tra fede e sacramenti nell’economia sacramentale z 3 marca 2020 roku (The mutual relationship between faith and marriage in the light of the document of the International Theological Commission “Reciprocità tra fede e sacramenti nell’economia sacramentale” of 3 March 2020). (Article) [131 2024/1]

IM 34 (2023), nr 1, 83-96: Grzegorz Leszczyński: Błąd co do wierności małżeńskiej w kontekście jej wykluczenia (Error about marriage fidelity in the context of its exclusion). (Article) [131 2024/1]

Iustitia IV 1/13: N. Schöch: The prevalent Intention of the Spouses and the Error on the Essential Properties of Marriage and Sacramentality (CIC c. 1099). (Article) [112 2014/2]

Iustitia VIII 2/17, 151-191: Georges Ruyssen: Manque de foi dans le mariage des baptisés non-croyants. (Article) [121 2019/1]

Ius Comm VI (2018), 105-134: Roberto Serres López de Guereñu: Fe y sacramento del matrimonio. Consideraciones en torno a las alocuciones de Benedicto XVI y Francisco a la Rota Romana. (Article) [121 2019/1]

Ius Comm VII (2019), 61-73: Antoni Stankiewicz: Breves anotaciones sobre las Reglas de procedimiento y sobre la relevancia jurídica de las circunstancias con referencia a la falta de fe personal en relación con la simulación del consentimiento en el proceso brevior (art. 14 §1 RP). (Article) [123 2020/1]

Ius Comm XI (2023), 317-338: Francisco Viscome: La relación entre “exclusión implícita” y el "error determinante de la voluntad" en la reciente jurisprudencia Rotal. (Article) [132 2024/2]

J 60 (2000), 205-232: L. W. Wrenn: Sacramentality and the Invalidity of Marriage. (Article) [91 2004/1]

J 69 (2009), 516-561: John P. Beal: Exploring Our Erroneous Zones: Developments in Jurisprudence on Determining Error Since 1983. (Article) [105 2011/1]

J 77 (2021), 103-124: Felix Menendez: Error determinans: A Ground of Nullity? The Perspective of the Tradition. (Article) [127 2022/1]

J 77 (2021), 407-463: William L. Daniel: Error Determining the Will (c. 1099) as an Autonomous Caput nullitatis in Rotal Jurisprudence. (Article) [128 2022/2]

ME CXX 1-2/95, 69-98: V. de Paolis: L'errore che determina la volontà. (Paper) [76 1996/2]

ME CXXI 2/96, 223-240: Z. Grocholewski: L'esclusione della dignità sacramentale del matrimonio come capo autonomo di nullità matrimoniale. (Article) [77 1997/1]

ME CXXIII 4/98, 560-591: Tribunal Regional Umbrum: Nullitatis Matrimonii (Alvarus-Maria Laura P.) – ob consensus simulationem totalem, – ob errorem circa matrimonii sacramentalem dignitatem (ex can. 1099), – ob exclusionem boni fidei et sacramenti ex parte viri. Sententia definitiva diei 18 decembris 1996 coram R.P.D. Mario Giannecchini, Ponente. (Sentence) [83 2000/1]

ME CXXV 1/00, 4-15: Allocutio Romani Pontificis Ioannis Pauli II ad Rotam Romanam. (Allocution) [85 2001/1]

ME CXXVI 1/01, 102-130: Florentina: Nullitatis Matrimonii (Catharina-Nicolaus) 1) De nova causae propositione relate ad caput erroris mulieris in qualitate viro directe et principaliter intenta; 2) ob errorem in qualitate personae directe et principaliter intenta ex parte mulieris; 3) ob incapacitatem assumendi essentiales matrimonii obligationes ex parte viri conventi; et, subordinate quidem, 4) ex capite exclusionis boni fidei ab eodem viro convento, tamquam in prima instantia. Sententia definitiva diei 13 februarii 1998 coram R. P. D. Joanne Baptista Defilippi, Ponente. (Sentence) [87 2002/1]

ME CXXVI 1/01, 131-160: Florentin: Nullity of Marriage (Catherine-Nicholas) 1) on ground of error concerning a quality of the person directly and principally intended on the part of the woman; 2) on ground of incapacity to assume the essential obligations of marriage on the part of the man; 3) as of first instance, i.e. the exclusion of the good of fidelity on the part of the man; 4) a new proposition of the case with regard to error concerning a quality of the person directly and principally intended by the petitioner. Decision 13th February 1998 coram Defilippi. (Sentence) [87 2002/1]

Per LXXXIII 2/94, 635-668: A. Stankiewicz: L'errore di diritto nel consenso matrimoniale e la sua autonomia giuridica. (Article) [76 1996/2]

Per LXXXIV 2/95, 395-418: Z. Grocholewski: De errore circa matrimonii unitatem, indissolubilitatem et sacramentale dignitatem. (Address) [76 1996/2]

Per LXXXVI 2-3/98, 287-327: J. Kowal: L'errore circa le proprietà essenziali o la dignità sacramentale del matrimonio (c. 1099). (Paper) [82 1999/2]

Per LXXXVII 2-3/98, 329-349: R. Serres: "Error recidens in condicionem sine qua non" (c. 126). (Paper) [82 1999/2]

Per XCII 3/03, 417-453: M. Tinti: Può l'error iuris determinare la volontà? (Article) [92 2004/2]

Per VC 2/06, 261-306: Luigi Sabbarese: Fede, intenzione e dignità sacramentale nel matrimonio tra battezzati. (Article) [97 2007/1]

Per 110 (2021), 175-223: Davide Salvatori: Mancanza di fede e nullità di matrimonio: confronto tra il documento della Commissione Teologica Internazionale del marzo 2020 e la consolidata giurisprudenza del tribunale della Rota Romana. (Article) [128 2022/2]

Proc CLSA 2000, 153-216: G. T. Jorgensen: Culture and "Error Non Simplex": Not So Rare. (Seminar Paper) [88 2002/2]

QDE 20 (2007), 185-198: Adolfo Zambon: L'esclusione dell'indissolubilità del vincolo. (Conference presentation) [99 2008/1]

QDE 21 (2008) 206-220: Mauro Rivella: Sacramentalità del matrimonio: esclusione (can. 1101) ed errore (can. 1099). (Article) [104 2010/2]

QDE 31 (2018), 364-383: Massimo Mingardi: L’errore di diritto (can. 1099). (Article) [122 2019/2]

REDC 63 (2006), 407-416: c. Pablo González Cámara: Tribunal del Arzobispado de Burgos, nulidad de matrimonio (exclusión de la indisolubilidad, error de derecho), sentencia del 2 de septiembre de 2000. (Sentence) [99 2008/1]

REDC 72 (2015), 309-318: Papa Francisco: Discurso al Tribunal de la Rota Romana, 23 de enero de 2015. Texto y comentario. (Address and commentary) [116 2016/2]

REDC 78 (2021), 1053-1089: María Elena Olmos Ortega: Las causas matrimoniales a la luz de los discursos de los Papas a la Rota Romana (2000-2021). (Article) [132 2024/2]

REDC 78 (2021), 1133-1159: Raúl Román Sánchez: La reciprocidad entre fe y matrimonio. Comentario de cuestiones matrimoniales canónicas en el documento “La reciprocidad entre fe y sacramento en las economías sacramentales” de la Comisión Teológica Internacional (2019). (Article) [132 2024/2]

RMDC 21/1 (2015), 159-167: PP. Francisco: Alocución a la Rota Romana, 23 de enero de 2015. (Address and comment) [117 2017/1]

RMDC 24/2 (2018), 271-321: Mario Medina Balam: La sacramentalidad del matrimonio como objeto del error determinante de la voluntad y de la exclusión ante el proceso brevior de nulidad matrimonial. (Article) [123 2020/1]

RMDC 24/2 (2018), 401-423: Coram P. D. Antonio Stankiewicz, Richmondien. Nullitatis matrimonii. Sententia definitiva diei 18 iunii 2008. (Sentence) [123 2020/1]

SC 31 (1997), 75-116: Louis de Naurois: Remarques sur l'extension des causes de nullité du mariage pour erreur sur la personne en droit canonique. (Article) [79 1998/1]

SC 35 (2001), 151-174: R. Brown: From Total Simulation to Error Determining the Will. (Article) [87 2002/1]

SC 36 (2002), 343-418: A. Mendonça: Jurisprudential Approaches to Equivalent or Substantial Conformity of Sentences in Marriage Nullity Cases. (Article) [91 2004/1]

SC 38 (2004), 65-84: E. Rinere: Error Which Causes the Contract. (Article) [95 2006/1]

SC 46 (2012), 97-118: Francis G. Morrisey: L'erreur déterminant la volonté (canon 1099). (Article) [109 2013/1]

SCL III (2007), 129-240: Augustine Mendonça: A Doctrinal and Jurisprudential Approach to the Ground of Determining Error. (Article) [100 2008/2]

SCL III (2007), 375-396: Apostolic Tribunal of the Roman Rota: Error Determining the Will: Polygamic Mentality. Decision coram Defilippi, 1 April 2004 (Nigeria). (Sentence) [100 2008/2]

SCL X (2014-2015), 11-14: Pope Francis: Allocution to the Roman Rota (23 January 2015). (Address) [117 2017/1]

Emanuele Albanese: Pornografia e consenso matrimoniale. La fruizione di pornografia oggi e il suo influsso sul consenso matrimoniale canonico. (Book) (Pontificia Università Gregoriana, Rome, 2014) [112 2014/2]

M. Gas i Aixendri: Relevancia canónica del error sobre la dignidad sacramental del matrimonio. (Book) (Pontificia Universitas Sanctae Crucis, Roma, 2001) [88 2002/2]

Claude Jeantin: L’immaturité devant le droit matrimonial de l’Église. (Book) (Letouze et Ané, Paris, 2018) [121 2019/1]

Canon 1100

IE XII 1/00, 209-222: P. Pellegrino: La scientia aut opinio nullitatis nel nuovo Codice di Diritto Canonico. (Article) [85 2001/1]

REDC 71 (2014), 723-780: Joaquín Alberto Nieva García: La convicción subjetiva de la nulidad del matrimonio en los divorciados vueltos a casar y los sínodos de los obispos sobre «los desafíos pastorales de la familia en el contexto de la evangelización». (Article) [114 2015/2]

Canons 1100-1101

IC 54/108 (2014), 521-565: Joaquín Alberto Nieva: El bautizado que contrae matrimonio sin fe no necesariamente excluye el consentimiento matrimonial. (Article) [114 2015/2]

Canon 1101

AA IV (1997), 245-268: José Bonet Alcón: Sentencia del Tribunal Eclesiástico Nacional del 18.1.97, nulidad de matrimonio por exclusión de la fidelidad y de la indisolubilidad, e incapacidad para asumir las obligaciones esenciales del matrimonio, afirmativa; Pinto, V., comentario a la sentencia. (Sentence and commentary) [80 1998/2]

AA IV (1997), 269-284: Juan J. García Faílde: Sentencia del Tribunal de la Rota Española, del 12.6.1997, nulidad de matrimonio por exclusión de la indisolubilidad, afirmativa; comentario a la sentencia, de J. Bonet Alcón. (Sentence and commentary) [80 1998/2]

AA XII (2005), 425-447: Tribunal de la Rota Romana, coram R.P.D. Antonio Stankiewicz; de matrimonii nullitate ob exclusum bonum sacramenti et bonum prolis; sententia definitiva. (Sentence) [97 2007/1]

AA XII (2005), 449-456: Nelson C. Dellaferrera: Comentario a la sentencia de A. Stankiewicz. (Commentary) [97 2007/1]

AA XIII (2006), 55-86: José Bonet Alcón: La belleza de la verdad sobre el matrimonio. Comentario al discurso del Santo Padre a la Rota Romana del 27 de enero de 2007. (Commentary) [99 2008/1]

AA XIV (2007), 361-383: Giordano Caberletti: Bratislavien-Tyrnavien. Nullitatis matrimonii (ob exclusam matrimonii sacramentalem dignitatem). (Sentence) [102 2009/2]

AA XIV (2007), 385-393: Víctor Enrique Pinto: Comentario a la sentencia Bratislavien-Tyrnavien. coram Giordano Caberletti, del 24-10-03, Prot. N. 17.602. (Commentary) [102 2009/2]

AA XVI (2009-2010), 325-350: José Bonet Alcón: Decreto de confirmación de sentencia del tribunal eclesiástico nacional. (Sentence) [107 2012/1]

AA XVI (2009-2010), 351-260: Alejandro W. Bunge: Comentario al decreto de confirmación de sentencia del tribunal eclesiástico nacional del 8/05/2007. (Article) [107 2012/1]

AA XVII (2011), 267-282: Gregorio Erlebach, ponente: Sententia definitiva nullitatis matrimonii, 14 iunii 2002. Comentario de Hugo Adrián von Ustinov. (Sentence and commentary) [109 2013/1]

AA XVIII (2012), 287-309: Sentencia c. Defilippi, 26/02/09. (Sentence) [112 2014/2]

AA XVIII (2012), 311-328: Hugo Adrián von Ustinov: Una lección de práctica procesal. Comentario a la sentencia coram Ioanne Baptista Defilippi, del 26 de febrero de 2009. (Commentary) [112 2014/2]

AA XIX (2013), 303-307: Benedicto XVI: Alocución a la Rota Romana (26 de enero de 2013). (Address) [113 2015/1]

AA XIX (2013), 309-314: Hugo Adrián von Ustinov: Benedicto XVI no innovó el 26 de enero de 2013. (Commentary) [113 2015/1]

AA XX (2014), 365-377: Mauritius Monier: Sententia c. Monier, 26 octobris 2006 (nullitatis matrimonii). (Sentence) [116 2016/2]

AA XX (2014), 379-393: José Bonet Alcón: Comentario a la sentencia de la Rota Romana coram R.P.D. Mauricio Monier. (Commentary) [116 2016/2]

AA XXI (2015), 329-339: Marcelo Parma: Comentario al Discurso del Santo Padre Francisco a los jueces, oficiales, abogados y colaboradores del Tribunal Apostólico de la Rota Romana (23-01-2015). (Comment) [116 2016/2]

AA XXI (2015), 225-240: Pio Vito Pinto: La Rota Romana como servicio al carisma petrino. Desafíos actuales en el proceso de nulidad matrimonial. (Article) [116 2016/2]

AC 54 (2012), 450-455: Sentence coram Arokiaraj, 22 juill. 2009, Reg. Latii seu Romana, Sent. 111/09, présentation par Luc Marie Lalanne. (Comment) [114 2015/2]

AC 54 (2012), 461-465: Sentence coram Defilippi, 15 oct. 2009, Reg. Insubris seu Mediolanen., Sent. 127/09, présentation par Raphaël Willot. (Comment) [114 2015/2]

AC 54 (2012), 465-470: Sentence coram Bottone, 2 févr. 2010, Apuli, Sent. 013/2010, présentation par Patrick Denis. (Comment) [114 2015/2]

AC 55 (2013), 301-304: Sentence coram Caberletti, 4 mars 2010, Campani seu Nolana, Sent. 36/2010, présentation par Luc Marie Lalanne. (Comment) [116 2016/2]

AC 62 (2022), 29-47: Christian Paponaud: Approches jurisprudentielles concernant l’exclusion du bonum coniugum. (Article) [130 2023/2]

AnC 4 (2008), 5-20: Remigiusz Sobański: Wpływ mentalności wolnych związków na ważność zgody małżeńskiej (The influence of free unions on validity of matrimonial consent). (Conference presentation) [106 2011/2]

AnC 18 (2022) 1, 49-83: Wojciech Góralski: Problem rozróżnienia pomiędzy wykluczeniem ipsum ius i wykluczeniem usus iuris w odniesieniu do bonum prolis w doktrynie i w orzecznictwie rotalnym (The problem of distinguishing between ipsum ius exclusion and the exclusion of usus iuris with regard to bonum prolis in doctrine and jurisprudence). (Article) [129 2023/1]

AnCan (Chile), I (2015), 5-143: XXVII Jornadas de la Asociación Chilena de Derecho Canónico, julio 2012. (Compilation) [116 2016/2]

Ang 78 (2001), 311-341: Andrea Scasso: La "condicio contra matrimonii substantiam" nelle istruzioni dei Dicasteri Pontifici. (Article) [88 2002/2]

Ap 1-2/95, 91-139: R. Colantonio: La prova della simulazione e dell'incapacità relativamente al bonum coniugum. (Study) [77 1997/1]

Ap LXXXX (2017), 405-438: Danilo Marinelli: Fede e Sacramento del Matrimonio. (Article) [122 2019/2]

BV 74 (2014), 93-105: Andrej Saje: Simulacija privolitve v zakon (Simulation of matrimonial consent). (Article) [113 2015/1]

BV 78 (2018), 401-413: Stanislav Slatinek: Vera zaročencev in poročna obljuba (Faith of the fiancés and the marriage promise). (Article) [122 2019/2]

Canonist 7/1 (2016), 88-123: Sentence coram Heredia Esteban, 26 February 2013 (USA). Exclusion of the Good of the Spouses (bonum coniugum) (can. 1101, §2). Exclusion of the Good of Offspring (can. 1101, §2). (Sentence) [117 2017/1]

Canonist 7/1 (2016), 124-136: Sentence coram Heredia Esteban, 29 October 2012 (USA). Exclusion of the Good of the Spouses (bonum coniugum) (can. 1101, §2). (Sentence) [117 2017/1]

Canonist 7/2 (2016), 262-272: Sentence coram Pinto, 13 May 2014 (Italy). Exclusion of Indissolubility (can. 1101, §2). Defect of Discretion of Judgement: Affective Immaturity (can. 1095, 2º). (Sentence) [119 2018/1]

Canonist 10/2 (2019), 219-239: Sentence coram Defilippi, 5 December 2012 (Verona, Italy). Exclusion of the Good of the Sacrament (can. 1101 §2). (Sentence) [124 2020/2]

Canonist 12/1 (2021), 109-120: Roman Rota: Sentence coram Arellano Cedillo, 24 April 2014 (Lafayette, IN, USA). Exclusion of Indissolubility (can. 1101, §2). (Sentence) [127 2022/1]

Canonist 12/1 (2021), 121-128: Roman Rota: Sentence coram P.V. Pinto, 13 May 2014 (Rome, Italy). Exclusion of the Indissolubility of Marriage (can. 1101, §2). Grave Defect of Discretion of Judgement (can. 1095, 2°) (Affective Immaturity). (Sentence) [127 2022/1]

Canonist 13/1 (2022), 98-108: Roman Rota: Sentence coram Arellano Cedillo, 14 July 2016. Exclusion of Good of Fidelity. (Sentence) [129 2023/1]

CLSN 112/97, 62-69: P. Robbins: Total Simulation. (Article) [81 1999/1]

CLSN 121/00, 5-10: The Holy Father's Address to the Roman Rota, 21 January 2000. (Address) [87 2002/1]

CLSN 121/00, 11-24: L. Robitaille: Consent and Culture: How Judges Place Themselves in Other People's Shoes. (Paper) [87 2002/1]

CLSN 121/00, 25-30: Comment on the above article by John Hadley. (Comment) [87 2002/1]

CLSN 136/03, 18-23: P. Robbins: Recent Rotal Decisions: coram Giannecchini (3.3.1998). (Commentary) [92 2004/2]

CLSN 136/03, 43-51: Historic Rotal Decision: Marconi-O'Brien, coram Grazioli (11.4.1927). (Document) [92 2004/2]

CLSN 138/04, 37-86: A. Mendonça: The Effects of Alcohol and Sedative-Hypnotic-Anxiolytic Drugs Intoxication on Marital Consent: A Case Study. (Article) [94 2005/2]

CLSN 140/04, 33-69: A. Mendonça: Recent Developments in Rotal Jurisprudence on Exclusion of Bonum Coniugum. (Article) [95 2006/1]

CLSN 149/07, 24-37: Rotal Decision coram Civili, 8 November 2000 (Slovakia). (Document) [99 2008/1]

CLSN 152/07, 51-66: Exclusion of the Bonum Coniugum, coram Turnaturi, 13 May 2004 (Italy). (Sentence) [100 2008/2]

CLSN 157/09, 91-93: Derek Vidler: More on the Bonum Coniugum. (Article) [106 2011/2]

CLSN 157/09, 94-110: Lynda Robitaille: Exclusion of the Bonum Coniugum: Interpreting and Assessing Evidence. (Article) [106 2011/2]

CLSN 161/10, 76-87: Christopher Dawson: The Compatibility of Consensual Incapacity and Simulation. (Article) [106 2011/2]

CLSN 163/10, 51-62: Apostolic Tribunal of the Roman Rota: Exclusion of the Bonum Coniugum and Incapacity to Assume the Essential Obligations of Marriage: Decision coram Monier, 27 October 2006. (Sentence) [106 2011/2]

CLSN 164/10, 48-82: John A. Alesandro: The Formation of the Indissoluble Marriage Bond. (Article) [106 2011/2]

CLSN 167 (2011), 19-39: Klaus Lüdicke: A Theory of Bonum Coniugum. (Lecture) [110 2013/2]

CLSN 168 (2011), 73-103: Sean O. Sheridan: Incapacity and Simulation: Mutually Exclusive Grounds or Key Juridical Facts Underlying Conforming Sentences? (Article) [110 2013/2]

CLSN 169 (2012), 73-98: John Beal: Determining Error: Hot New Ground or Recycled Old Ground? (Lecture) [110 2013/2]

CLSN 182/15, 51-72: John Hadley: Intention Contra Bonum Coniugum: Where are we now? (Article) [116 2016/2]

CLSN 196/19, 83-101: Pius Collins: Canon 1055 and the Sacramentality of Marriage: An Examination of the ius vigens. (Article) [123 2020/1]

Comm 32 (2000), 3-8: Pope John Paul II: Allocutio Summi Pontificis ad Iudices, Administros Advocatosque Rotae Romanae coram admissos die 21 ianuarii 2000. (Address) [103 2010/1]

Comm 35 (2003), 6-10: Pope John Paul II: Allocutio ad Auditores, Administros, Advocatosque Rotae Romanae coram admissos. (Allocution) [104 2010/2]

DPM 1 (1994), 53-61: Margit Weber: Die Vereinbarkeit von Total – und Partial simulation im Eheprozess. (Paper) [79 1998/1]

DPM 2 (1995), 117-192: Norbert Lüdecke: Der Ausschluss des bonum coniugum. Eine Ehenichtigkeitsgrund mit Startschwierigkeiten. (Paper) [79 1998/1]

EE 83 (2008), 699-707: Carmen Peña García: Bonum prolis e ius connubii: cuestiones abiertas. (Article) [103 2010/1]

EE 86 (2011), 829-849: Federico R. Aznar Gil: La exclusión del bonum coniugum: análisis de la jurisprudencia rotal. (Article) [108 2012/2]

EE 89 (2014), 589-634: Cristina Guzmán Pérez: Supuestos fácticos de exclusión de la prole en la jurisprudencia rotal reciente. (Article) [114 2015/2]

EIC 53 (2013), 55-78: Paolo Bianchi: Esclusione della sacramentalità del matrimonio. Aspetti sostanziali e probatori. (Article) [111 2014/1]

EIC 53 (2013), 475-496: Alessandro Giraudo: L'oggetto della prova e i conseguenti mezzi di prova nelle cause di simulazione. (Article) [113 2015/1]

EIC 55 (2015), 385-404: Giuseppe Sciacca: Relazione tra fede e matrimonio sacramentale. (Article) [116 2016/2]

EIC 57 (2017), 213-243: Benedict Ndubueze Ejeh: Giurisprudenza rotale sulla rilevanza della fede nel matrimonio cristiano. (Article) [119 2018/1]

FC 11 (2008), 229-240: Myriam Tinti: La rilevanza del battesimo per la sacramentalità del matrimonio. (Conference presentation) [104 2010/2]

FC 13-14 (2010-2011), 161-174: Angela Patrizia Tavani: Secolarizazzione della società e nullità matrimoniale. (Article) [110 2013/2]

FCan IV/1-2 (2009), 79-102: Carmen Peña García: La exclusion del bonum prolis. (Article) [104 2010/2]

FCan XIII/2 (2018), 151-169: Tribunal Arquidiocesano de Braga: Sentença de 25 de junho de 2018. Simulação total. Federica Dotti, Ponente. (Sentence) [124 2020/2]

FI 2 (2003), 209-222: G. Leszczyński: Ważność małżeństwa kanonicznego a wykluczenie dobra małżonków (The Validity of Canonical Marriage and the Exclusion of the Good of the Spouses). (Article) [96 2006/2]

For VI 2/95, 123-139: Apostolic Tribunal of the Roman Rota coram Boccafola; Nullity of Marriage (BA-JMC); Definitive Sentence of 26 November 1993. (Sentence) [77 1997/1]

For VII 1/96, 171-238: Maltese Ecclesiastical Tribunal. Nullity of Marriage. Before Said Pullicino. Simulation. 27 October 1995. (Sentence) [77 1997/1]

For VII 2/96, 403-425: Apostolic Tribunal of the Roman Rota: coram Cormac Burke: Nullity of Marriage. Definitive Sentence 18 May 1995. (Sentence) [79 1998/1]

For VII 2/96, 427-451: Maltese Ecclesiastical tribunal: coram Bajada: Nullity of Marriage – Joan-David. Definitive Sentence 27 March 1996. (Sentence) [79 1998/1]

For IX 1/98, 253-280: Maltese Ecclesiastical Tribunal, coram Said Pullicino. Nullity of Marriage Andrew-Nanette 30 September 1997. (Sentence) [82 1999/2]

For IX 2/98, 65-82: C. Burke: Simulated Consent. (Paper) [83 2000/1]

For IX 2/98, 145-168: Regional Tribunal of Second Instance: Nullity of Marriage. Before Cachia. Definitive Sentence 7 April 1995. (Sentence) [83 2000/1]

For XIII/02-XIV/03, 9-15: Pope John Paul II: Good of Indissolubility, Good of Marriage. (Address) [95 2006/1]

For XIII/02-XIV/03, 20-25: Pope John Paul II: Natural Marriage already has sacred dimension. (Address) [95 2006/1]

For XIII/02-XIV/03, 229-256: Apostolic Tribunal of the Roman Rota: coram Caberletti, June 15, 2000; Exclusion of Bonum Fidei. (Sentence) [95 2006/1]

For XIII/02-XIV/03, 285-312: Metropolitan Tribunal of Malta: Coram Grech, July 30, 2003; Lack of discretion of judgement; Inability to assume; Exclusion of bonum prolis. (Sentence) [95 2006/1]

For XVI/05, 204-247: Apostolic Tribunal of the Roman Rota: coram Defilippi, November 15, 2001. Exclusion of bonum sacramenti. (Sentence) [96 2006/2]

For XVI/05, 248-281: Regional Tribunal of Second Instance: Sentence coram Bajada, December 10, 2003. Lack of discretion of judgement; inability to assume; exclusion of bonum prolis. (Sentence) [96 2006/2]

For XVII/06, 150-195: Apostolic Tribunal of the Roman Rota: coram Stankiewicz October 25 2001: Reverential Fear, Exclusion of Indissolubility, Inability to Assume. (Sentence) [98 2007/2]

For XVII/06, 385-434: Héctor Franceschi: "Bonum prolis" in the married state of life and the canonical consequences in case of separation or nullity of marriage. (Article) [100 2008/2]

FThC IV 26/18 (2015), 163-189: Bruno Esposito: La fede come requisito per la validità del matrimonio sacramentale? (Article) [116 2016/2]

IC XXXIX 77/99, 259-303: Sentencia de la Rota Romana, 22.II.1996, coram Stankiewicz. (Jurisprudence) [84 2000/2]

IC XXXIX 77/99, 305-330: Ana María Vega Gutiérrez: Comentario de la sentencia c. Stankiewicz, 22.II.1996. (Article) [84 2000/2]

IC XLIII 85/03, 185-221: Montserrat Gas i Aixendri: El error determinante sobre la dignidad sacramental del matrimonio y su relevancia juridical: algunas reflexiones acerca de la jurisprudencia reciente. (Article) [92 2004/2]

IC 51/101 (2011), 207-234: Montserrat Gas Aixendri: La exclusión del bonum fidei y su prueba. Doctrina y jurisprudencia. (Article) [107 2012/1]

IC 53/106 (2013), 693-717: Sentencia del Tribunal de la Rota Romana. Coram Defilippi, 13 de octubre. (Sentence) [112 2014/2]

IC 53/106 (2013), 719-733: Juan Ignacio Bañares – Jordi Bosch: En torno de la exclusión de la sacramentalidad: Comentario a la Sentencia coram Defilippi, de 13 de octubre de 2010. (Sentence and commentary) [112 2014/2]

IC 54/107 (2014), 87-106: Ciro Tammaro: Alcune osservazioni storico-giuridiche sul concetto di «volontà prevalente» nella fattispecie simulatoria relativa all'esclusione della dignità sacramentale. (Article) [113 2015/1]

IC 54/107 (2014), 255-276: Sentencia del Tribunal de la Rota Romana. Coram Caberletti, 13 de enero de 2011. (Sentence) [113 2015/1]

IC 54/107 (2014), 277-292: Carmen Peña: ¿Declaración de nulidad matrimonial por exclusión del bonum prolis a pesar de la efectiva generación de la prole? A propósito de la sentencia rotal c. Caberletti de 13 de enero de 2011. (Commentary) [113 2015/1]

IC 61/121 (2021), 289-330: Carmen Peña: Fe e intención requerida para el matrimonio sacramento. Consecuencias canónicas del documento de la Comisión Teológica Internacional. (Article) [127 2022/1]

IE VII 1/95, 219-230: Tribunale Apostolico della Rota Romana. Singaporen. Nullità del matrimonio. Esclusione del bonum fidei: Sentenza definitiva. 17 giugno 1993. Burke, Ponente (con nota di G. Solferino). (Sentence) [76 1996/2]

IE VII 1/95, 231-253: Tribunale Apostolico della Rota Romana. Reg. Ligustici seu Ianuen. Nullità del matrimonio. Esclusione del bonum fidei. Sentenza definitiva. 21 luglio 1993. Faltin, Ponente. (Sentence) [76 1996/2]

IE VII 2/95, 645-662: Tribunale Apostolico della Rota Romana. Reg. Aprutini seu Teramen. Hartien. Questione pregiudizlale de sententiarum conformitate. Decreto. 22 marzo 1994. Stankiewicz, Ponente (con nota di L. del Giudice, Novità nella giurisprudenza rotale di rito in tema di conformità "equivalente" delle sentenze). (Sentence and commentary) [77 1997/1]

IE VIII 1/96,121-144: Tribunale Apostolico della Rota Romana. Reg. Flaminii seu Forolibien.-Brittinorien. Nullità del matrimonio. Esclusione del bonum fidei. Sentenza definitiva. 31 maggio 1995. Faltin, Ponente (con nota di J. Carreras). (Sentence and commentary) [78 1997/2]

IE IX 1/98, 207-252: Tribunale della Rota Romana: Reg. Latii seu Romana. Nullità del matrimonio. Esclusione dell'indissolubilità e della prole. Incapacità di assumere gli obblighi essenziali per cause di natura psichica. Sentenza definitiva. 22 febbraio 1996. Stankiewicz, Ponente (con nota di H. Franceschi F., Il contenuto del "bonum prolis" e del "bonum fidei" alla luce del fenomeno della procreazione artificiale). (Sentence and commentary) [82 1999/2]

IE XI 1/99, 125-136: Tribunale della Rota Romana, Interamnen. Narnien. Amerina. Nullità del matrimonio. Esclusione della prole. Sentenza definitiva. 5 aprile 1995. De Lanversin, Ponente. (Sentence) [83 2000/1]

IE XI 1/99, 137-146: Tribunale della Rota Romana, Colonien. Nullità del matrimonio. Esclusione della prole. Sentenza definitiva. 24 novembre 1995. Huber, Ponente. (Sentence) [83 2000/1]

IE XI 1/99, 146-165: H. Franceschi F.: L'esclusione della prole nella giurisprudenza rotale recente. (Comment) [83 2000/1]

IE XII 3/00, 728-743: Tribunale della Rota Romana. Piacentina-Bononien – Nullità del matrimonio – Esclusione della prole e della fedeltà – Sentenza definitiva – 28 marzo 1995 – Giannechini, Ponente. (Sentence) [87 2002/1]

IE XII 3/00, 744-757: Tribunale della Rota Romana. Sancti Sebastiani Fluminis Ianuarii – Nullità del matrimonio – Esclusione della fedeltà – Sentenza definitiva – 20 novembre 1996 – Civili, Ponente. (Sentence) [87 2002/1]

IE XII 3/00, 757-783: H. Franceschi: L'oggetto dell'esclusione del bonum fidei nella giurisprudenza della Rota Romana. (Commentary) [87 2002/1]

IE XIII 1/01, 95-107: Tribunale della Rota Romana. Lausannen., Geneven. et Friburgen. Nullità del matrimonio. Esclusione della dignità sacramentale e della fedeltà. Sentenza definitiva. 16 gennaio 1995. Pompedda, Ponente. (Sentence) [88 2002/2]

IE XIII 1/01, 107-122: Tribunale della Rota Romana. Interamnen., Narnien. et Amerina. Nullità del matrimonio. Esclusione totale. Errore sulla dignità sacramentale. Esclusione della fedeltà e dell'indissolubilità. Sentenza definitiva. 18 dicembre 1996. Giannecchini, Ponente. (Sentence) [88 2002/2]

IE XIII 1/01, 122-145: M. Gas i Aixendri: Essenza del matrimonio cristiano e rifiuto della dignità sacramentale. Riflessioni alla luce del recente discorso del Papa alla Rota Romana. (Commentary on the two preceding cases) [88 2002/2]

IE XIII 3/01, 591-628: N. Schöch: L'esclusione dell'indissolubilità nelle fonti del diritto canonico antecedenti al codice del 1917. (Article) [89 2003/1]

IE XIII 3/01, 629-651: P. Bianchi: L'esclusione dell'indissolubilità quale capo di nullità del matrimonio. Profili critici. (Article) [89 2003/1]

IE XIII 3/01, 653-671: A. Stankiewicz: La simulazione del consenso per l'esclusione dell'indissolubilità. (Article) [89 2003/1]

IE XIII 3/01, 719-733: Tribunale della Rota Romana: Bonäeren – Nullità del matrimonio – esclusione dell'indissolubilità – sentenza definitiva – 1º dicembre 1999 – Huber, Ponente. (Sentence) [89 2003/1]

IE XIII 3/01, 734-746: Tribunale della Rota Romana: Reg. Latii seu Romana. – Nullità del matrimonio – esclusione dell'indissolubilità – sentenza definitiva – 8 giugno 2000 – Bottone, Ponente. (Sentence) [89 2003/1]

IE XIV 3/02, 639-654: A. Stankiewicz: La simulazione del consenso in generale. (Lecture) [92 2004/2]

IE XV 3/03, 693-716: Tribunale della Rota Romana – Nullità del matrimonio – Incapacità di assumere gli obblighi essenziali del matrimonio per cause di natura psichica – Esclusione dell'indissolubilità – Sentenza definitiva – 25 ottobre 2002 – Sciacca, Ponente. (Sentence, with commentary by H. Franceschi) [93 2005/1]

IE XVI 1/04, 135-181: Tribunale della Rota Romana. Reg. Venetiarum. Nullità del matrimonio. Simulazione totale del consenso. Esclusione dell'indissolubilità. Sentenza definitiva. 25 luglio 2002. Defilippi, Ponente (con nota di M. Gas di Aixendri: L'assenza di volontà matrimoniale tra simulazione totale ed incapacità.) (Sentence and commentary) [95 2006/1]

IE XVIII 1/06, 111-131: Tribunale della Rota Romana: Reg. Siculi seu Panormitana. Nullità del matrimonio. Sentenza definitiva, 25 aprile 2002. Stankiewicz, Ponente. (Sentence) [97 2007/1]

IE XVIII 1/06, 131-158: Anna Sammassimo: L'indissolubilità: proprietà del matrimonio in quanto istituto di diritto naturale. (Commentary) [97 2007/1]

IE XVIII 1/06, 159-175: Tribunale della Rota Romana: Peoriensis. Nullità del matrimonio. Esclusione dell'indissolubilità. Sentenza definitiva, 4 febbraio 2005. McKay, Ponente. (Sentence) [97 2007/1]

IE XVIII 1/06, 175-184: Héctor Franceschi F.: La relazione tra l'errore sull'indissolubilità e l'esclusione mediante un positivo atto di volontà. (Commentary) [97 2007/1]

IE XIX 1/07, 137-176: Tribunale della Rota Romana. Reg. Insubris seu Mediolanen. Nullità del matrimonio. Simulazione parziale. Esclusione del bonum fidei. Sentenza definitiva, 22 giugno 2006, Caberletti, Ponente (con nota di M. A. Ortiz, La valutazione delle dichiarazioni delle parti e della loro credibilità). (Sentence and commentary) [100 2008/2]

IE XXII 1/10, 71-106: Tribunale Apostolico della Rota Romana: Reg. Apuli seu Melphicten.-Ruben.-Iuvenacen.-Terlitien. Nullità del matrimonio. Esclusione della sacramentalità. Sentenza definitiva, 27 febbraio 2004. Stankiewicz, Ponente (con nota di M. A. Ortiz, L'esclusione della dignità sacramentale: la retta intenzione e la disposizione per credere). (Sentence and commentary) [105 2011/1]

IE XXII 3/10, 573-589: Carlos José Errázuriz M: Il senso e il contenuto essenziale del bonum coniugum. (Article) [107 2012/1]

IE XXVI (2014), 511-534 (also FCan IX/1 (2014), 7-40): Andrea D'Auria: Fede e sacramentalità del matrimonio. La prospettiva canonica. (Article) [114 2015/2]

IE XXVI (2014), 579-622: Tribunale Apostolico della Rota Romana: Nullità del matrimonio. Esclusione del bonum coniugum e del bonum prolis. Sentenza definitiva, 26 febbraio 2013. Heredia Esteban, Ponente (con nota di F. Catozzella, I presuppositi per un'adeguata comprensione del bonum coniugum in una recente sentenza rotale). (Sentence and comment) [114 2015/2]

IE XXVIII (2016), 601-635: Tribunale Apostolico della Rota Romana: Nullità del matrimonio – Simulazione totale – Sentenza definitiva – 16 febbraio 2012 (A. 27/2012) – Grzegorz Erlebach, Ponente (con nota di A. González Alonso, Elementi della simulazione totale nella giurisprudenza recente della Rota Romana). (Sentence and comment) [118 2017/2]

IM III 9/98, 89-114: W. Góralski: Wykluczenie nierozerwalności małżeństwa w świet1e najnowszego orzecznictwa Roty Rzymskiej. (Article) [83 2000/1]

IM V 11/00, 103-122: R. Sztychmiler: Wykluczenie potomstwa w świetle najnowszego orzecznictwa Roty Rzymskiej. (Article) [86 2001/2]

IM V 11/00, 123-137: J. Krajczyński: Postanowienie wystąpienia o rozwód cywilny a pozytywna intencja zerwania węzła małżeńskiego. (Article) [86 2001/2]

IM 30 (2019), nr. 1, 93-107: Wojciech Góralski: Wykluczenie bonum sacramenti w wyroku Roty Rzymskiej c. Erlebach z dnia 3 lutego 2011 roku (The exclusion of bonum sacramenti in the Roman Rota’s sentence c. Erlebach of 3 February 2011). (Sentence and comment) [127 2022/1]

IM 30 (2019), nr. 4, 17-36: Grzegorz Leszczyński: Brak wiary a wykluczenie godności sakramentalnej małżeństwa (Lack of faith and exclusion of the sacramental dignity of marriage). (Article) [127 2022/1]

IM 31 (2020), nr 1, 5-23: Wojciech Góralski: Przyczyna dalsza wykluczenia nierozerwalności małżeństwa w świetle współczesnego orzecznictwa Roty Rzymskiej (2000-2012) (The remote cause of exclusion of indissolubility of marriage in the light of the contemporary jurisprudence of the Roman Rota, 2000-2012). (Article) [128 2022/2]

IM 31 (2020), nr 2, 115-130: Ginter Dzierżon: Wykluczenie dobra sakramentu, dobra wiary oraz dobra potomstwa po stronie pozwanej, a także wykluczenie dobra potomstwa po stronie powodowej (kan. 1101 § 2 KPK) w wyroku Roty Rzymskiej c. Bottone z 2 lutego 2010 roku (Exclusion of the good of the sacrament, exclusion of fidelity, exclusion of the good of offspring on the part of the respondent and exclusion of the good of offspring on the part of the petitioner [canon 1101 §2] in the sentence of the Roman Rota c. Bottone of 2 February 2010). (Sentence and comment) [128 2022/2]

IM 32 (2021), nr 1, 125-151: Rafał Kamiński: Wykluczenie dobra potomstwa oraz bojaźń szacunkowa w wyroku c. Ferreira Pena z dnia 18 kwietnia 2012 roku (Exclusion of the good of offspring and perceived fear in the judgment of c. Ferreira Pena of 18 April 2012). (Sentence and comment) [129 2023/1]

IM 32 (2021), nr 2, 5-20: Grzegorz Leszczyński: Causa simulandi a wykluczenie dobra wierności małżeńskiej (“Causa simulandi” and the good of faithfulness of marriage). (Article) [129 2023/1]

IM 32 (2021), nr 2, 21-48: Jan Krajczyński: Badanie okoliczności, które pomagają ustalić myślenie i wolę domniemanego symulanta w sprawach o nieważność małżeństwa ob exclusionem indissolubilitatis (Examination of circumstances to assist in determination of the method of thinking and the will of the alleged simulator in cases concerning nullity of marriage “ob exclusionem indissolubilitatis”). (Article) [129 2023/1]

IM 33 (2022), nr 1, 141-176: Jan Krajczyński: Okoliczności sprawy a dowodzenie w procesie o nieważność małżeństwa ob exclusionem indissolubilitatis (Circumstances of the case and proof in a trial for nullity of a marriage “ob exclusionem indissolubilitatis”). (Article) [130 2023/2]

IM 33 (2022), nr 2, 5-32; Lucjan Świto: Czasowe wykluczenie potomstwa: terminologia i problemy praktyczne (Temporary exclusion of offspring: terminology and practical problems). (Article) [130 2023/2]

IM 34 (2023), nr 1, 5-43: Wojciech Góralski: Wzajemne powiązanie między wiarą i małżeństwem w świetle dokumentu Międzynarodowej Komisji Teologicznej Reciprocità tra fede e sacramenti nell’economia sacramentale z 3 marca 2020 roku (The mutual relationship between faith and marriage in the light of the document of the International Theological Commission “Reciprocità tra fede e sacramenti nell’economia sacramentale” of 3 March 2020). (Article) [131 2024/1]

IM 34 (2023), nr 2, 105-127: Michał Wieczorek: Zdrada a nieważność małżeństwa (Infidelity vs nullity of a marriage). (Article) [132 2024/2]

IM 35 (2024), nr 2, 175-189, Adam Młynarczyk, Symulacja całkowita i wykluczenie dóbr małżeństwa w świetle wyroku Roty Rzymskiej coram Bottone z 8 marca 2012 roku (Total simulation and exclusion of the goods of marriage in the sentence of the Roman Rota c. Bottone of 8 March 2012). (Sentence and comment) [134 2025/2]

Iustitia VIII 2/17, 151-191: Georges Ruyssen: Manque de foi dans le mariage des baptisés non-croyants. (Article) [121 2019/1]

Ius Comm III (2015), 75-93: Giuseppe Sciacca: Relación entre fe y matrimonio sacramental. (Article) [115 2016/1]

Ius Comm VI (2018), 105-134: Roberto Serres López de Guereñu: Fe y sacramento del matrimonio. Consideraciones en torno a las alocuciones de Benedicto XVI y Francisco a la Rota Romana. (Article) [121 2019/1]

Ius Comm VII (2019), 61-73: Antoni Stankiewicz: Breves anotaciones sobre las Reglas de procedimiento y sobre la relevancia jurídica de las circunstancias con referencia a la falta de fe personal en relación con la simulación del consentimiento en el proceso brevior (art. 14 §1 RP). (Article) [123 2020/1]

Ius Comm XI (2023), 317-338: Francisco Viscome: La relación entre “exclusión implícita” y el "error determinante de la voluntad" en la reciente jurisprudencia Rotal. (Article) [132 2024/2]

J 55 (1995), 243-280: Kenneth W. Schmidt: Educatio Prolis and the Validity of Marriage. (Article) [77 1997/1]

J 55 (1995), 698-720: James H. Provost: Simulated Consent. A New Way of looking at an Old Way of Thinking; Part I. (Article) [78 1997/2]

J 55 (1995), 721-739: Edward G. Pfnausch: Simulated Consent: A New Way of Looking at an Old Way of Thinking. Part II. (Article) [78 1997/2]

J 55 (1995), 740-744: James H. Provost: Simulated Consent: A New Way of looking at an Old Way of Thinking; Part III. (Article) [78 1997/2]

J 55 (1995),745-793: John P. Beal: The Substance of Things Hoped for: Proving Simulation of Matrimonial Consent. (Article) [78 1997/2]

J 55 (1995), 794-812: J. Anthony Dewhirst: Consortium Vitae, Bonum Conjugum and their relation to Simulation: A Continuing Challenge to Modern Jurisprudence. (Article) [78 1997/2]

J 60 (2000), 205-232: L. W. Wrenn: Sacramentality and the Invalidity of Marriage. (Article) [91 2004/1]

J 62 (2002), 378-420: A. Mendonça: Recent Developments in Rotal Jurisprudence in Exclusion of the Bonum Conjugum. (Article) [93 2005/1]

J 66 (2006), 436-468: Lynda Robitaille: Defective Validations of Marriages Lacking Canonical Form: An Interpretation of Total Simulation. (Article) [98 2007/2]

J 67 (2007), 245-279: William Varvaro: Some Recent Rotal Jurisprudence on Bonum Coniugum. (Article) [99 2008/1]

J 69 (2009), 562-582: Klaus Lüdicke: Some Sentences on Exclusio Boni Prolis. (Article) [105 2011/1]

J 70 (2010), 302-326: John P. Beal: From Theory to Practice: Finding Equivalent Conformity Between Sentences Decided on Force and Fear and Lack of Due Discretion or Simulation. (Article) [106 2011/2]

J 70 (2010), 327-367: Sean O. Sheridan: Incapacity and Simulation: Mutually Exclusive Grounds or Key Juridic Facts Underlying Conforming Sentences? (Article) [106 2011/2]

J 74 (2014), 193-213: Kenneth E. Boccafola: Invalid Convalidation: A Legitimate Autonomous Ground of Marriage Nullity? (Article) [115 2016/1]

ME CXIX 4/94, 465-476: Sancti Sebastiani Fluminis Januarii Nullitatis Matrimonii (D.C.-M.): 1. ob exclusum a viro bonum sacramenti; 2. ob exclusum ab eodem viro consortium totius vitae; 3. ob dolum pariter a viro ad obtinendum consensum patratum. Sententia definitiva diei 27 aprllis 1993 in tertio jurisdictionis gradu coram R.P.D. Eduardo Davino, Ponente. (Sentence) [75 1996/1]

ME CXIX 4/94, 477-492: Bononien.: Nullitatis Matrimonii (A.-D.): ob exclusum boni prolis ex parte actoris et sacramenti ab utraque parte. Sententia definitiva diei 19 novembris 1993 coram R.P.D. Mario Giannecchini, Ponente. (Sentence) [75 1996/1]

ME CXX 3/95, 380-398: Reg. Insubri seu Brixien.: Nullitatis matrimonii: ob defectum discretionis judicii in viro actore (ex ebrietate in actu matrimonii), et quatenus negative, ob exclusionem boni sacramenti ex parte eiusdem viri. Sententia definitiva diei 14 decembris 1994 coram R.P.D. Daniel Faltin, Ponente. (Sentence) [76 1996/2]

ME CXX 1-2/95, 183-197: Passavien.: Nullitatis matrimonii (B.-G.): ob exclusionem boni prolis ex parte viri. (De usu arcae spermaticae. De inseminatione artificiali). Sententia definitiva diei 15 junii 1994 coram R.P.D. Bernardo de Lanversin, Ponente. (Sentence) [76 1996/2]

ME CXX 4/95, 508-525: Reg. Flaminii seu Forolivien.-Brittinorien.: Nullitatis matrimonii (N.-B.) ob exclusionem boni fidei ex parte viri. Sententia definitiva diei 31 maii 1995 coram R.P.D. Daniel Faltin, Ponente. (Sentence) [76 1996/2]

ME CXXI 1/96, 59-71: Reg. Latii seu Romana: Nullitatis matrimonii (S.-T.) ob exclusum bonum sacramenti ex parte viri actoris. (de cultura). Sententia definitiva in tertio iurisdictionis gradu diei 5 octobris 1995 coram R.P.D. Bernardo de Lanversin, Ponente. (Sentence) [77 1997/1]

ME CXXI 2/96,198-213: Reg. Flaminii seu Bononien. Nullitatis Matrimonii (M.A.) ob defectus discretionis judicii et incapacitatem assumendi obligationes matrimoniales essentiales ex parte viri actoris, et subordinate, ob exclusionem boni sacramenti ab eodem. Sententia definitiva in secundo jurisdictionis gradu diei 7 julii 1995 coram R.P.D. Francisco Bruno, Ponente. (Sentence) [77 1997/1]

ME CXXI 2/96, 223-240: Z. Grocholewski: L'esclusione della dignità sacramentale del matrimonio come capo autonomo di nullità matrimoniale. (Article) [77 1997/1]

ME CXXII 1/97, 47-71: Reg. Triveneti-Veronen: Nullitatis Matrimonii (Ak-B.): ob exclusam indissolubilitatem ex parte actoris. Sententia definitiva diei 27 maii 1994 c. R. P. D. Antonio Stankiewicz, Ponente. (Sentence) [79 1998/1]

ME CXXII 2/97, 189-234: A. Stankiewicz: De iurisprudentia rotali recentiore circa simulationem totalem et partialem (cc. 1101 §2 CIC; 824 §2 CCEO). (Article) [79 1998/1]

ME CXXII 3-4/97, 345-360: Theatina seu Aquilana: Nullitatis Matrimonii ob exclusum a parte actrice bonum sacramenti. Sententia definitiva diei 27 octobris 1995 coram R. P. D. Antonio Stankiewicz, Ponente. (Sentence) [80 1998/2]

ME CXXII 3-4/97, 361-366: Sancti Sebastiani Fluminis Januarii: Nullitatis Matrimonii: ob simulationem totalem. Sententia definitiva diei 20 januarii 1994 coram R. P. D. Joseph M. Serrano Ruiz, Ponente. (Sentence) [80 1998/2]

ME CXXII 3-4/97, 391-412: Parisien seu Fontisaren: Nullitatis Matrimonii: ob defectum discretionis iudicii ex parte viri atque ob exclusum ab eodem bonum prolis et tamquam in prima instantia ob exclusionem essentialis elementi aut essentialem proprietatem matrimonii, ad normam can. 1101 §2 atque 1055 §2 (exclusio sacramentalitatis). Sententia definitiva diei 30 maii 1996 coram R. P. D. Hygino Ragni, Ponente. (Sentence) [80 1998/2]

ME CXXII 3-4/97, 413-423: Vancouverien: Nullitatis Matrimonii: Ob exclusionem boni sacramenti ab utraque parte (de praeconstituta probatione documentali); ob defectum discretionis judicii ab utraque parte. Sententia definitiva diei 21 maii 1996 Rev.mus Petrus Lopez-Gallo, Praeses et Ponens. (Sentence) [80 1998/2]

ME CXXII 3-4/97, 425-512: A. Stankiewicz: De iurisprudentia rotali recentiore circa simulationem totalem et partialim (cc 1101, §2 CIC; 824, §2 CCEO). (Article) [80 1998/2]

ME CXXIII 2/98, 248-271: Tribunal Reg. Apruntini seu Piscarien-Pennen, Nullitatis Matrimonii (Nadia C.-Andreas R) [81 1999/1] ob totalem simulationem consensus ex parte viri conventi. Sententia diei 16 aprilis 1997 coram R.P.D. Daniel Faltin, Ponente. (Sentence) [81 1999/1]

ME CXXIII 2/98, 248-271: Tribunal. reg. Apruntini seu Piscarien.-Pennen: Nullitatis Matrimonii (Nadia C.-Andreas R.) ob totalem simulationem consensus ex parte viri conventi. Sententia definitiva diei 16 aprilis 1997 coram R.P.D. Daniel Faltin, Ponente. (Sentence) [82 1999/2]

ME CXXIII 3/98, 414-441: Parisien.: Nullitatis Matrimonii (R.-M.) ob exclusum bonum sacramenti ex parte mulieris conventae. Sententia definitiva diei 23 januarii 1996 coram R.P.D. Mario Giannecchini, Ponente. (Sentence) [82 1999/2]

ME CXXIII 3/98, 442-505: Trib. reg. Latii seu Romana: Nullitatis Matrimonii (Claudius C.-Antonella F.) 1) ex capitibus exclusionis boni sacramenti ex parte viri et incapacitatis mulieris conventae assumendi et adimplendi onera coniugalia tamquam in secunda instantia; et 2) ex capite incapacitatis viri actoris onera matrimonialia assumendi et adimplendi, tamquam in prima instantia. Sententia definitiva diei 9 aprilis 1997 coram R.P.D. Daniel Faltin, Ponente. (Sentence) [82 1999/2]

ME CXXIII 4/98, 560-591: Tribunal Regional Umbrum: Nullitatis Matrimonii (Alvarus-Maria Laura P.) – ob consensus simulationem totalem, – ob errorem circa matrimonii sacramentalem dignitatem (ex can. 1099), – ob exclusionem boni fidei et sacramenti ex parte viri. Sententia definitiva diei 18 decembris 1996 coram R.P.D. Mario Giannecchini, Ponente. (Sentence) [83 2000/1]

ME CXXIII 4/98, 592-619: Mediolanen.: Nullitatis Matrimonii (Marcus-Elizabeth) ob exclusionem boni prolis ex parte viri actoris. Sententia definitiva diei 19 octobris 1995 coram R.P.D. Cormac Burke, Ponente. (Sentence) [83 2000/1]

ME CXXIV 4/99, 614-669: Tribunal. Reg. Flaminii seu Bononien.: Nullitatis Matrimonii (Gratianum S. – Marinam B.) 1) ob gravem defectum discretionis iudicii et incapacitatem assumendi essentiales matrimonii obligationes in utraque parte (can. 1095, nn. 2-3); et subordinate: 2) ob exclusum bonum prolis ex parte mulieris conventae (can. 1101, §2). Sententia definitiva diei 24 julii 1997 coram R. P. D. Antonio Stankiewicz, Ponente. (Sentence) [85 2001/1]

ME CXXIV 4/99, 670-691: Reg. Triveneti seu Patavina (Ioannes V. – Alexandra D.) ob simulationem totalem ex parte viri actoris. Sententia diei 3 martii 1998 coram R. P. D. Mario Giannecchini, Ponente. (Sentence) [85 2001/1]

ME CXXV 1/00, 16-79: Triveneti se Goritien.: Nullitatis Matrimonii (A. Maria – Vitus): ob exclusionem boni prolis ex parte viri actoris et ob errorem in persona viri ex parte mulieris actricis. Sententia definitiva diei 15 aprilis 1997 coram R. P. D. Rafaële Funghini, Ponente. (Sentence). [85 2001/1]

ME CXXV 4/00, 692-733: Bratislaven.-Tyrnavien.: Nullitatis Matrimonii (G.-A.) ob exclusa bona sacramenti et fidei ex parte viri et ob exclusam dignitatem sacramentalem ex parte mulieris, tamquam in secunda instantia, nec non ob exclusum bonum sacramenti ex parte mulieris, tamquam in prima instantia. Sententia definitiva diei 27 Novembris 1998 coram R. P. D. Giordano Caberletti, Ponente. (Sentence) [87 2002/1]

ME CXXVI 1/01, 102-130: Florentina: Nullitatis Matrimonii (Catharina-Nicolaus) 1) De nova causae propositione relate ad caput erroris mulieris in qualitate viro directe et principaliter intenta; 2) ob errorem in qualitate personae directe et principaliter intenta ex parte mulieris; 3) ob incapacitatem assumendi essentiales matrimonii obligationes ex parte viri conventi; et, subordinate quidem, 4) ex capite exclusionis boni fidei ab eodem viro convento, tamquam in prima instantia. Sententia definitiva diei 13 februarii 1998 coram R. P. D. Joanne Baptista Defilippi, Ponente. (Sentence) [87 2002/1]

ME CXXVI 1/01, 131-160: Florentin: Nullity of Marriage (Catherine-Nicholas) 1) on ground of error concerning a quality of the person directly and principally intended on the part of the woman; 2) on ground of incapacity to assume the essential obligations of marriage on the part of the man; 3) as of first instance, i.e. the exclusion of the good of fidelity on the part of the man; 4) a new proposition of the case with regard to error concerning a quality of the person directly and principally intended by the petitioner. Decision 13th February 1998 coram Defilippi. (Sentence) [87 2002/1]

ME CXXVI 2/01, 343-353: Apuli seu Altamuren-Gravinen.-Aquaviven: Nullitatis Matrimonii (Theresia-Beniaminus) ob vim et metum viro actori incussi atque ob exclusionem boni prolis ex parte mulieris conventae. Sententia definitiva diei 6 aprilis 2000 coram R. P. D. Joseph Sciacca, Ponente. (Sentence) [87 2002/1]

ME CXXVI 2/01, 354-363: Apuli seu Altamuren-Gravinen.-Aquaviven.: Nullity of Marriage (Teresa-Benjamin) on the ground of exclusion of the good of the children on the part of the woman and by reason of force or grave fear on the part of the man. Definitive Sentence April 6, 2000 coram R. P. D. Joseph Sciacca, Ponente. (Sentence) [87 2002/1]

ME CXXVI 1/02, 1-47: Nullitatis matrimonii Ernakulamen.-Angamalien. (Paykeday-Joseph); Sententia definitiva diei 26 Febr. 1999 coram R.P.D. Antonio Stankiewicz, Ponente. (Sentence) [91 2004/1]

ME CXXVI 2-3/02, 265-283: Jurisprudentia tribunalis Rotae Romanae coram R. P. D. Anthony Stankiewicz, Ponente. Reg. Apuli seu Baren.-Bituntina. Nullitatis matrimonii ob exclusionem boni Sacramenti ex parte viri conventi (Gloria-Alexander). Sententia definitiva. (Sentence) [92 2004/2]

ME CXXVI 2-3/02, 284-297: Rotal Jurisprudence: Nullity of Marriage coram R. P. D. Anthony Stankiewicz, Presiding Judge. (Sentence) [92 2004/2]

ME CXXVIII 1/05, 474-483: Jurisprudentia Rotae Romanae: R.P.D. J. B. Defilippi, Ponens. Vaticana. Nullitatis Matrimonii (Samperi-Uman). Decretum Turni. (Decree) [95 2006/1]

PCF VIII (2006), 107-140: Augustine Mendonça: Exclusion of Bonum Coniugum: A Case Study. (Article) [98 2007/2]

PCF XI (2009), 193-216: Roy Macatangay: The Juridical Value of the Bonum Coniugum. (Article) [103 2010/1]

PCF X (2008), 321-338: Exclusion of Bonum Prolis and Bonum Coniugum. Decision coram Serrano, 23 January 2004 (Czech Republic). (Sentence) [109 2013/1]

PCF XIII (2011), 169-188: Augustine Mendonça: The Relationship between Canon Law and Pastoral Care: A Brief Analysis of Benedict XVI's 2011 Allocution to the Roman Rota. (Article) [110 2013/2]

Per LXXXVII 2-3/98, 257-286: A. Stankiewicz: Concretizzazione del fatto simulatorio nel "positivus voluntatis actus". (Paper) [82 1999/2]

Per VC 2/06, 261-306: Luigi Sabbarese: Fede, intenzione e dignità sacramentale nel matrimonio tra battezzati. (Article) [97 2007/1]

Per XCV 4/06, 675-695: Sententia definitiva, coram McKay, 19 maii 2005: Nullitas Matrimonii ob incapacitatem discretionis iudicii et ob incapacitatem adsumendi onera matrimonii; ob exclusionem boni coniugum. (Sentence) [99 2008/1]

Per XCVI 1/07, 59-64: Janusz Kowal: Breve annotazione sul bonum coniugum come capo di nullità. (Article) [99 2008/1]

Per XCVI 1/07, 65-92: Sententia definitiva, coram Turnaturi, 13 maii 2004: Nullitas Matrimonii ob exclusionem boni coniugum. (Sentence) [99 2008/1]

Per 97 (2008), 507-540: Sententia definitiva, coram Stankiewicz: Nullitas Matrimonii ob exclusam matrimonii sacramentalitatem. (Sentence) [102 2009/2]

Per 97 (2008), 597-665: Aidan McGrath: Exclusion of the bonum coniugum: some reflections on emerging Rotal jurisprudence from a first and second instance perspective. (Article) [102 2009/2]

Per 99 (2010), 431-459: Carlos A. Cerezuela García: Il contenuto essenziale del bonum prolis. (Article) [106 2011/2]

Per 104 (2015), 611-651: Bruno Esposito: La fede come requisito per la validità del matrimonio sacramentale. (Article) [116 2016/2]

Per 111 (2022), 559-585: Davide Salvatori: Bonum coniugum: ¿fin del matrimonio o elemento esencial del matrimonio, o fin y elemento esencial del matrimonio? Reflexiones sobre algunas aporías lógico-sistemáticas de la jurisprudencia rotal y propuesta de lectura unitaria de la quaestio. (Presentation) [131 2024/1]

Proc CLSA 2003, 241-256: W. H. Woestman: Simulation Revisited. (Seminar Paper at the 2003 Convention of the Canon Law Society of America, Portland, Oregon) [93 2005/1]

Proc CLSA 2009, 62-89: John P. Beal: Determining Error: Hot New Ground or Recycled Old Ground? (Lecture) [109 2013/1]

QDE 19 (2006), 416-436: Massimo Mingardi: L'esclusione della sacramentalità matrimoniale. (Article) [98 2007/2]

QDE 20 (2007), 171-184: Adolfo Zambon: La simulazione del consenso (can. 1101). (Conference presentation) [99 2008/1]

QDE 20 (2007), 185-198: Adolfo Zambon: L'esclusione dell'indissolubilità del vincolo. (Conference presentation) [99 2008/1]

QDE 20 (2007), 199-217: Adolfo Zambon: L'atto positivo di volontà e la prova della simulazione. (Conference presentation) [99 2008/1]

QDE 21 (2008) 206-220: Mauro Rivella: Sacramentalità del matrimonio: esclusione (can. 1101) ed errore (can. 1099). (Article) [104 2010/2]

QDE 22 (2009), 164-185: Adolfo Zambon: L'esclusione della fedeltà. (Conference presentation) [104 2010/2]

QDE 24 (2011), 449-472: Sonia Reggi: Interpretazione dell'atto positivo di volontà nella giurisprudenza rotale. (Lecture) [109 2013/1]

QDE 27 (2014), 314-320: Paolo Bianchi: Snellimento della prassi canonica in ordine alla dichiarazione di nullità del vincolo matrimoniale? /2. (Article) [114 2015/2]

QDE 28 (2015), 164-179: Alessandro Giraudo: Fecondazione assistita eterologa e matrimonio canonico. (Article) [115 2016/1]

QDE 28 (2015), 180-190: Adolfo Zambon: Maternità surrogata: profili canonistici matrimoniali. (Article) [115 2016/1]

QDE 29 (2016), 460-485: Massimo Mingardi: Simulazione del consenso: l’esclusione della sacramentalità e del matrimonio stesso. (Article) [119 2018/1]

RDC 45 1995, 321-329: Jean Werkmeister: Les nouvelles formes de fécondation artificelle dans une sentence récente de la Rote. (Article) [76 1996/2]

RDC 45 1995, 331-349: Cormac Burke: Personnalisme et divers aspects de la jurisprudence. (Article) [76 1996/2]

REDC 51 (1994), 815-831: Tribunal del Arzobispado de Barcelona. Nulidad de matrimonio (Defecto de discreción de juicio, incapacidad de asumir, simulación parcial). Coram X. Bastida Canal. (Sentence) [76 1996/2]

REDC 52 (1995), 417-429: Tribunal del Obispado de Segorbe-Castellón. Nulidad de matrimonio (error doloso, exclusión de elementos esenciales del matrimonio). Coram V. Guitarte Izquierdo. (Sentence) [76 1996/2]

REDC 52 (1995), 355-365: Tribunal Interdiocesani Bonaerense. Nulidad de matrimonio (incapacidad de asumir, error de cualidad, exclusión de la fidelidad). Coram N. Daniel Villa. (Sentence) [76 1996/2]

REDC 52 (1995), 563-592: F. R. Aznar Gil: La prueba del consentimiento matrimonial simulado. Indicaciones jurisprudenciales recientes. (Article) [77 1997/1]

REDC 52 (1995), 847-859: Tribunal de la Rota de la Nunciatura Apostólica. Nulidad de matrimonio (Miedo reverencial, simulación total, defecto de discreción de juicio, incapacidad de asumir). Coram S. Panizo Orallo. (Sentence) [77 1997/1]

REDC 52 (1995), 889-905: Tribunal del Arzobispado de Mérida-Badajoz. Nulidad de matrimonio (defecto de discreción de juicio, incapacidad de asumir, exclusión de la fidelidad). Coram A. González Martín. (Sentence) [77 1997/1]

REDC 52 (1995), 907-926: Tribunal Eclesiástico de Porto (Portugal). Nulidad de matrimonio (incapacidad de asumir, exclusión de propiedades esenciales, error de cualidad). Coram J. J. Almeida Lopes. (Sentence) [77 1997/1]

REDC 52 (1995), 927-937: Tribunal del Obispado de Segorbe-Castellón. Nulidad de matrimonio (defecto de discreción de juicio, incapacidad de asumir, exclusión de la indisolubilidad). Coram V. Guitarte Izquierdo. (Sentence) [77 1997/1]

REDC 60 (2003), 781-796: Tribunal Interdiocesano de Primera Instancia de Sevilla. Nulidad de matrimonio. (Defecto de discreción de juicio y exclusión de indisolubilidad). Coram Francisco Gil Delgado. (Sentence) [93 2005/1]

REDC 60 (2003), 845-851: Tribunal de la Diócesis de Alcalá de Henares. Nulidad de matrimonio. (Exclusión de fidelidad y de la indisolubilidad). Coram Pablo Ormazábal Albistur. (Sentence) [93 2005/1]

REDC 62 (2005), 759-813: c. Juan Agustín Sendín Blázquez: Tribunal de la diócesis de Plasencia, nulidad de matrimonio (defecto de discreción de juicio, falta de libertad interna, incapacidad para asumir las obligaciones, exclusión de la prole, de la indisolubilidad y de la fidelidad), 2 de abril de 2001. (Sentence) [98 2007/2]

REDC 62 (2005), 816-832: c. José Joaquim Almeida Lopes: Tribunal de la diócesis de Oporto, nulidad de matrimonio (defecto de discreción de juicio, exclusión del matrimonio o de algunas de sus propiedades esenciales y miedo grave), 27 de marzo de 1998. (Sentence) [98 2007/2]

REDC 63 (2006), 377-393: c. Celestino Carrodeguas Nieto: Tribunal de la Archidiócesis de Toledo, nulidad de matrimonio (exclusión de la prole, exclusión de la indisolubilidad y defecto de discreción de juicio), sentencia del 6 de noviembre de 2006. (Sentence) [99 2008/1]

REDC 63 (2006), 407-416: c. Pablo González Cámara: Tribunal del Arzobispado de Burgos, nulidad de matrimonio (exclusión de la indisolubilidad, error de derecho), sentencia del 2 de septiembre de 2000. (Sentence) [99 2008/1]

REDC 63 (2006), 417-466: c. José Antonio Fuentes Caballero: Tribunal del Obispado de Coria-Cáceres, nulidad de matrimonio (defecto de discreción de juicio, falta de libertad interna, exclusión total, exclusión de la prole, error en cualidad, miedo grave), sentencia del 4 de junio de 2003. (Sentence) [99 2008/1]

REDC 63 (2006), 899-907: Tribunal de la Archidiócesis de Madrid: nulidad de matrimonio (exclusión de la sacramentalidad y de la indisolubilidad), coram Roberto Serres López de Guereñu, 10 de abril de 2007. (Sentence) [101 2009/1]

REDC 63 (2006), 927-939: Tribunal de la Diócesis de Orihuela-Alicante: nulidad de matrimonio (incapacidad para asumir las obligaciones, error doloso y exclusión de la fidelidad), coram Joaquín Martínez Valls, 7 de octubre de 1997. (Sentence) [101 2009/1]

REDC 64 (2007), 505-522: c. Reyes Calvo: Tribunal del Obispado de Salamanca, 1 de diciembre de 1997: nulidad de matrimonio (defecto de discreción de juicio y exclusión de la indisolubilidad). (Sentence) [101 2009/1]

REDC 67 (2010), 139-150: Ciro Tammaro: L'intentio simulatoria nella tradizione canonica: brevi cenni sulla fattispecie reale e condizionale nella formazione del volitum escludente. (Article) [106 2011/2]

REDC 67 (2010), 731-740: Giannamaria Caserta: Alcuni rilievi sul valore probatorio dell'infedeltà nelle cause di nullità del matrimonio per esclusione del bonum fidei. (Article) [107 2012/1]

REDC 69 (2012), 247-277: Vicente Benedito Morant: Simulación del matrimonio. Aspectos Registrales. (Article) [109 2013/1]

REDC 70 (2013), 389-413: Raúl Berzosa Martínez: La exclusión del bien de los cónyuges. (Conference presentation) [112 2014/2]

REDC 72 (2015), 309-318: Papa Francisco: Discurso al Tribunal de la Rota Romana, 23 de enero de 2015. Texto y comentario. (Address and commentary) [116 2016/2]

REDC 76 (2019), 479-519: Tribunal de la Rota Romana: Sentencia de nulidad matrimonial. R.P.D. Xaverio Leone Arokiaraj. Templen.-Ampurien. Nullitatis matrimonii. (Sentence and comment) [123 2020/1]

REDC 78 (2021), 917-958: José Mª Díaz Moreno – Cristina Guzmán Pérez: La causa simulandi en la exclusión del bonum prolis: supuestos fácticos en la jurisprudencia rotal desde 2013 a 2017. (Article) [132 2024/2]

REDC 78 (2021), 1053-1089: María Elena Olmos Ortega: Las causas matrimoniales a la luz de los discursos de los Papas a la Rota Romana (2000-2021). (Article) [132 2024/2]

REDC 78 (2021), 1133-1159: Raúl Román Sánchez: La reciprocidad entre fe y matrimonio. Comentario de cuestiones matrimoniales canónicas en el documento “La reciprocidad entre fe y sacramento en las economías sacramentales” de la Comisión Teológica Internacional (2019). (Article) [132 2024/2]

RMDC 21/1 (2015), 133-156: Decisio R.P.D. Kenneth E. Boccafola, Sentencia definitiva del 14 de octubre de 2004. (Sentence) [117 2017/1]

RMDC 24/2 (2018), 271-321: Mario Medina Balam: La sacramentalidad del matrimonio como objeto del error determinante de la voluntad y de la exclusión ante el proceso brevior de nulidad matrimonial. (Article) [123 2020/1]

RMDC 25/1 (2019), 145-171: Decisio R.P.D. Juan Bautista Defilippi, Sentencia definitiva del 5 de diciembre de 2012, en RRT-Dec, 104 (2019), 354-369; 453-484. (Sentence) [123 2020/1]

RMDC 26/1 (2020), 139-153: Excmo. P.D. Pío Vito Pinto: Nulidad de matrimonio, Sentencia definitiva del día 5 de julio de 2013. (Sentence) [127 2022/1]

RMDC 26/2 (2020), 467-479: Excmo. P.D. Pío Vito Pinto: Sentencia definitiva del 13 de mayo de 2014. (Sentence) [127 2022/1]

RMDC 27/2 (2021), 367-379: Roman Rota: P.D. Pio Vito Pinto, sentencia definitiva del 13 de mayo de 2014. (Sentence) [129 2023/1]

SC 29 (1995), 397-432: L. A. Robitaille: Simulation, Error Determining the Will, or Lack of Due Discretion? A Case Study. (Article) [76 1996/2]

SC 30 1/96, 232-238: Apostolic Tribunal of the Roman Rota, coram Cormac Burke, 15 December 1994, Regional Tribunal of Piedmont, nullity of marriage. (Sentence) [77 1997/1]

SC 31 (1997), 5-48: Augustine Mendonça: Exclusion of the Sacramentality of Marriage: Recent Trends in Rota1 Jurisprudence. (Article) [79 1998/1]

SC 31 (1997), 373-402: G. Candelier: La simulation d'après les sentences de Mgr José María Serrano Ruiz. (Article) [80 1998/2]

SC 32 (1998), 371-395: J. Gressier: L'inexistence du consentement. (Article) [82 1999/2]

SC 32 (1998), 504-515: Tribunal diocésain de Tournai, Belgique, coram Gaston Candelier, 18 janvier 1995, nullité de mariage. (Sentence) [82 1999/2]

SC 34 (2000), 355-400: J. Gressier: Consent is a Positive Act of the Will. (Article) [86 2001/2]

SC 35 (2001), 151-174: R. Brown: From Total Simulation to Error Determining the Will. (Article) [87 2002/1]

SC 35 (2001), 293-356: A. Mendonça: The Effects of Alcohol and Sedative-Hypnotic-Anxiolytic Drugs Intoxication on Marital Consent: A Case Study. (Article) [89 2003/1]

SC 36 (2002), 343-418: A. Mendonça: Jurisprudential Approaches to Equivalent or Substantial Conformity of Sentences in Marriage Nullity Cases. (Article) [91 2004/1]

SC 39 (2005), 271-288 (English translation), 289-308 (French translation): Apostolic Tribunal of the Roman Rota, coram Pinto, 9 June 2000. (Jurisprudence) [97 2007/1]

SC 39 (2005), 309-330 (English translation), 331-351 (French translation): Apostolic Tribunal of the Roman Rota, coram Civili, 8 November 2000. (Jurisprudence) [97 2007/1]

SC 40 (2006), 43-70: Augustine Mendonça: Exclusion of the Bonum coniugum: A Case Study. (Article) [98 2007/2]

SC 40 (2006), 183-210: Apostolic Tribunal of the Roman Rota: Decision coram Ferreira, 12 October 2001 (Bogotá). (Sentence) [98 2007/2]

SC 40 (2006), 487-500: Diocese of Napoli, coram Sciacca, 6 February 2004. (Sentence) [99 2008/1]

SC 40 (2006), 501-512: Diocese of Poznań, coram Bottone, 9 October 2003. (Sentence) [99 2008/1]

SC 42 (2008), 502-523: Apostolic Tribunal of the Roman Rota: Decision coram Ferreira Pena, 9 June 2006 (Portugal). (Sentence, translated by Augustine Mendonça) [103 2010/1]

SC 42 (2008), 525-540: Apostolic Tribunal of the Roman Rota: Decision coram Arokiaraj, 13 March 2008 (Slovak Republic). (Sentence, translated by Augustine Mendonça) [103 2010/1]

SC 43 (2009), 219-421: Vancouver Tribunal: De Non-Existentia Matrimonii. Causa incidentalis: an Invalid Marriage of Two Unbaptized: Decision coram López-Gallo, 9 July 2009. (Decree) [104 2010/2]

SC 43 (2009), 243-260: Apostolic Tribunal of the Roman Rota: Exclusion of the Bonum Coniugum and Incapacity to Assume the Essential Obligations of Marriage: Decision coram Monier, 27 October 2006. (Sentence) [104 2010/2]

SC 43 (2009), 547-561: Apostolic Tribunal of the Roman Rota: Exclusion of Communion of Life: Decision coram Verginelli, 16 March 2007. (Sentence) [105 2011/1]

SC 44 (2010), 259-269: Canadian Appeal Tribunal: Exclusion of the Bonum coniugum: Decision coram McCormack, 15 December 2009. (Sentence) [106 2011/2]

SC 44 (2010), 343-367: Mary Tarver: The Effects of Pornography Addiction on Marital Consent. (Article) [106 2011/2]

SC 45 (2011), 533-541: Tribunal of the Roman Rota: Decree of Non-Confirmation of an Affirmative Decision on Partial Simulation contra bonum fidei. Decision coram Huber, 19 May 2010. (Jurisprudence) [108 2012/2]

SC 46 (2012), 511-523: Roman Rota: Relative Psychic Impotence, Exclusion of the Good of the Sacrament, and Lack of Use of Reason. Sentence coram Boccafola, 27 February 1989 (Rome). (Sentence) [110 2013/2]

SC 47 (2013), 225-236: Exclusion of Bonum Coniugum (can. 1101, §2). Sentence coram Ferreira Pena, 26 March 2010 (USA). (Sentence) [111 2014/1]

SC 51 (2017), 621-636: Roman Rota: Exclusion of indissolubility (not “exclusion of permanence”) (c. 1101 §2). Sentence coram Jaeger, 11 May 2017 (USA). (Sentence) [120 2018/2]

SCL I (2005), 95-146: A. Mendonça: Recent Rotal Jurisprudence on Marriage Nullity Cases Judged in Accord with Canon 1682, §2. (Article) [96 2006/2]

SCL II (2006), 297-321: Apostolic Tribunal of the Roman Rota: Exclusion of Bonum coniugum: Decision coram Turnaturi, 13 May 2004 (Italy). (Sentence) [98 2007/2]

SCL III (2007), 53-72: Kenneth Boccafola: Reflections of a Rotal Auditor on the Bonum Coniugum. (Article) [100 2008/2]

SCL III (2007), 375-396: Apostolic Tribunal of the Roman Rota: Error Determining the Will: Polygamic Mentality. Decision coram Defilippi, 1 April 2004 (Nigeria). (Sentence) [100 2008/2]

SCL IV (2008), 341-360: Apostolic Tribunal of the Roman Rota: Exclusion of Indissolubility (Determining Error and Simulation): Decision coram McKay, 4 February 2005. (Sentence) [102 2009/2]

SCL IV (2008), 361-372: Apostolic Tribunal of the Roman Rota: Exclusion of Indissolubility (Decree Submitting the Case to an Ordinary Examination): decree coram Turnaturi, 15 February 2001. (Decree) [102 2009/2]

SCL IV (2008), 373-390: Apostolic Tribunal of the Roman Rota: Exclusion of Indissolubility: Decision coram Turnaturi, 17 November 2005. (Sentence) [102 2009/2]

SCL VII (2011), 85-112: Lynda Robitaille: The Temporary Exclusion of the bonum prolis. (Article) [108 2012/2]

SCL VIII (2012), 339-372: Ecclesiastical Tribunal of Mangalore Diocese (III Instance) Simulation. Decision coram Mendonça (India). (Sentence) [111 2014/1]

SCL IX (2013), 279-308: Apostolic Tribunal of the Roman Rota: Total Simulation (can. 1101 §2), Error Concerning a Quality (can. 1097 §2) and Deceit (can. 1098). Sentence coram Alwan, 9 July 2010 (Lebanon). (Sentence) [113 2015/1]

Emanuele Albanese: Pornografia e consenso matrimoniale. La fruizione di pornografia oggi e il suo influsso sul consenso matrimoniale canonico. (Book) (Pontificia Università Gregoriana, Rome, 2014) [112 2014/2]

Carlos A. Cerezuela García: El contenido esencial del bonum prolis. Estudio histórico-jurídico de Doctrina y Jurisprudencia. (Book) (Editrice Pontificia Gregoriana, Rome, 2009) [104 2010/2]

Héctor Franceschi – Miguel A. Ortiz (eds.): Ius et Matrimonium II. Temi processuali e sostanziali alla luce del Motu Proprio Mitis Iudex Dominus Iesus. (Book) (Pontificia Università della Santa Croce, Facoltà di Diritto Canonico, Rome, 2017) [119 2018/1]

M. Gas i Aixendri: Relevancia canónica del error sobre la dignidad sacramental del matrimonio. (Book) (Pontificia Universitas Sanctae Crucis, Roma, 2001) [88 2002/2]

Claude Jeantin: L’immaturité devant le droit matrimonial de l’Église. (Book) (Letouze et Ané, Paris, 2018) [121 2019/1]

Lynda Robitaille: Defective Validations Revisited. (Article in Victor G. D'Souza (ed.): In the Service of Truth and Justice [St Peter's Pontifical Institute, Bangalore, 2008], pp. 167-190) [101 2009/1]

Luigi Sabbarese (ed.): Coram Sabattani: decisiones ineditae (1955-1965). (Book) (Libreria Editrice Vaticana, 2006) [97 2007/1]

Canons 1101-1102

Ang 79 (2002), 433-458: Andrea Scasso: La "condicio contra matrimonii substantiam" nella canonistica post-tridentina. (Article) [89 2003/1]

IE XIX 3/07, 627-655: Tribunale della Rota Romana. Panormitana. Nullità del matrimonio. Preliminare: eccezione di lite finita. Decreto, 14 dicembre 2006. Erlebach, Ponente (con nota di G. Varricchio, Problemi interpretativi ed applicativi della "conformità equivalente"). (Sentence and commentary) [101 2009/1]

IE XXI 1/09, 85-108: Tribunale Apostolico della Rota Romana: Reg. Siculi seu Panormitana. Nullità del matrimonio. Sentenza definitiva, 3 marzo 2006. Sciacca, Ponente (con nota di F. Pappadia: Sulla distinzione fra i capi di esclusione del "bonum sacramenti" e "condicio resolutiva de futuro contra matrimonii substantiam" nella giurisprudenza della Rota Romana). (Sentence and commentary) [104 2010/2]

SC 36 (2002), 497-516: Apostolic Tribunal of the Roman Rota, coram De Lanversin, 27 June 1997. (Jurisprudence) [91 2004/1]

SC 36 (2002), 517-540: Apostolic Tribunal of the Roman Rota, coram De Lanversin, 17 July 1996. (Jurisprudence) [91 2004/1]

Ginter Dzierżon: Z najnowszego orzecznictwa Roty Rzymskiej (From the most recent case law of the Roman Rota). (Book) (Warsaw, 2021) [127 2022/1]

Canons 1101-1103

Proc CLSA 1995, 337-354: L. Robitaille: Proofs in defect of the will cases: jurisprudence regarding positive acts of the will contrary to marriage. (Article) [78 1997/2]

Canons 1101-1106

Comm 33 (2001), 109-132: Ex actis Pontificiae Commissionis Codici Iuris Canonici Recognoscendo: Coetus studiorum "De Matrimonio" (Sessio VII). (Report) [103 2010/1]

Canon 1102

AC 55 (2013), 312-318: Sentence coram Pinto, 18 juin 2010, Reg. Insubris seu Comen., Sent. 103/2010, présentation par Philippe Toxé. (Comment) [116 2016/2]

AC 65 (2024), 109-124: Christian Paponaud: Lorsque les parties prétendent s’être mariées « à condition que… »: Éclairage sur la jurisprudence matrimoniale. (Article) [134 2025/2]

ADC 3 (abril 2014), 325-381: Jesús Bogarín Díaz: La condición potestativa en una reciente rotal (Sentencia coram Pinto de 18 de junio de 2010: comentario, texto y traducción). (Sentence and commentary) [113 2015/1]

Ang 78 (2001), 311-341: Andrea Scasso: La "condicio contra matrimonii substantiam" nelle istruzioni dei Dicasteri Pontifici. (Article) [88 2002/2]

Ap 1-4/93, 371-437: A. Leuzzi: La condizione del consenso matrimoniale canonico. Dalla disciplina del 1917 a quella attuale. (Article) [75 1996/1]

CLSN 138/04, 92-94: A. Mendonça: Cultural Elements: Marriage in Nigeria. (Article) [94 2005/2]

DPM 2 (1995), 237-259: Georg Bier: Zur Unterscheidung von Scheidungsvorbehalt und bedingter Eheschliessung. Abgrenzungskriterien und beweistechnische Fragen. (Article) [79 1998/1]

For VII 2/96, 453-467: Regional Tribunal of Second Instance: coram Cachia: Nullity of Marriage Thomas-Catherine. Definitive Sentence August 1996. (Sentence) [79 1998/1]

For VIII 1/97, 95-127: L. Robitaille: The Ground of Conditioned Consent. (Paper) [81 1999/1]

For IX 1/98, 227-251: Apostolic Tribunal of the Roman Rota coram Bernard de Lanversin Abana (BA-CE) Definitive Sentence of 17 July 1996. (Sentence) [82 1999/2]

For IX 2/98, 169-191: Maltese Ecclesiastical Tribunal of First Instance: Nullity of Marriage. Before Bajada. Definitive Sentence 30 January 1998. (Sentence) [83 2000/1]

IC XXXIX 77/99, 165-185: Juan Fornés: El consentimiento matrimonial condicionado. (Article) [84 2000/2]

IE VII 2/95, 581-625: P. Gefaell: II matrimonio condizionato durante la codificazone Pio-Benedettina. Fonte del c. 826 CCEO. (Article) [77 1997/1]

IE XIII 3/01, 591-628: N. Schöch: L'esclusione dell'indissolubilità nelle fonti del diritto canonico antecedenti al codice del 1917. (Article) [89 2003/1]

IE XX 1/08, 89-124 (also FCan III/1 (2008), 223-247): Tribunale della Rota Romana: Reg. Siculi seu Messanen.-Liparen.-Sanctae Luciae. Nullità del matrimonio. Condizione futura. Esclusione dell'indissolubilità. Sentenza definitiva, 23 giugno 2004. Huber, Ponente (con nota di H. Franceschi F., La prova del consenso nella giurisprudenza recente della Rota Romana). (Sentence and commentary) [102 2009/2]

IE XXVIII (2016), 137-182: Tribunale Ecclesiastico Regionale Pugliese e di Appello per l’Albania: Nullità del matrimonio – Condizione futura e Dolo – Sentenza definitiva, 20 marzo 2014 – Giuseppe Pica, Ponente; Tribunale Apostolico della Rota Romana: Decreto di conferma, 28 maggio 2015 – S.E. Pio Vito Pinto, Decano, Ponente (con nota di Héctor Franceschi, La relazione tra dolo e condizione e la natura della qualità che può perturbare gravemente il consorzio di vita coniugale). (First instance sentence, Rotal decree of confirmation, and comment) [117 2017/1]

IE XXX (2018), 235-268: Tribunale Apostolico della Rota Romana: Ariminen. – Nullità del matrimonio – Error qualitatis, Condicio de futuro, Dolus – Sententia definitiva – 29 settembre 2015 (A. 184/2015) – Giordano Caberletti, Ponente. Con un commento di Héctor Franceschi, La precisazione dell’influsso di una qualità del contraente come elemento determinante nelle fattispecie di error qualitatis, errore doloso e condizione futura. (Sentence and comment) [121 2019/1]

ME CXXII 2/97, 295-310: C. Burke: The effect of Fraud, Condition and Error in Marital Consent: Some personalist considerations. (Article) [79 1998/1]

Mem XXIV/00, 111-129: J. J. García Faílde: Error sobre cualidades de la persona. (Conference presentation) [89 2003/1]

Per 103 (2014), 525-538: Acta Tribunalium Sanctae Sedis. Romanae Rotae Tribunal coram Erlebach, Sententia definitiva diei 4 octobris 2012. (Sentence) [115 2016/1]

Proc CLSA 1996, 237-260: P. Lagges: Conditioned Consent to Marriage. (Seminar Paper) [80 1998/2]

QDE 22 (2009), 207-223: Massimo Mingardi: Il matrimonio contratto sotto condizione (can. 1102). Alcune riflessioni introduttive. (Conference presentation) [104 2010/2]

REDC 52 (1995), 871-887: Tribunal del Arzobispado de Barcelona. Nulidad de matrimonio (falta de libertad, incapacidad de asumir las obligaciones esenciales, error de cualidad, error doloso y condición no cumplida). Coram J. Riera. (Sentence) [77 1997/1]

REDC 70 (2013), 195-227: Carmen Peña García: El matrimonio en el ordenamiento canónico: posibles líneas de reforma legislativa. (Article) [111 2014/1]

SCL VII (2011), 290-410: Apostolic Tribunal of the Roman Rota and Supreme Tribunal of the Apostolic Signatura. (Sentences and Decrees) [108 2012/2]

Canon 1103

AA XX (2014), 11-25: Carlos Baccioli: La violencia familiar como causa de nulidad del matrimonio canónico. (Article) [116 2016/2]

AnC 7 (2011), 19-33: Wiesław Bar: Prawo naturalne a wady zgody małżeńskiej (Natural law and invalidity of matrimonial consent). (Lecture) [109 2013/1]

Ap LXXXVI (2013), 305-351: Giordano Caberletti: La costrizione e il timore. Il dono e l'accettazione coniugale senza la dovuta libertà. (Article) [114 2015/2]

Canonist 6/1 (2015), 101-113: Roman Rota: Sentence coram Erlebach, 13 December 2007 (Poland). Force and Fear (can. 1103). (Sentence) [116 2016/2]

Canonist 10/2 (2019), 208-218: Sentence coram Monier, 20 July 2012 (Lazio-Roma). Grave Fear (can. 1103). (Sentence) [124 2020/2]

CLSN 136/03, 38-42: Historical Rotal Decision: Vanderbilt-Marlborough, coram Quattrocolo, 29.7.1926. (Document) [92 2004/2]

CLSN 161/10, 58-75: John Johnson: "...Into Something Rich and Strange". Some Changes in Rotal Jurisprudence Inspired by the 1983 Code of Canon Law. (Seminar paper) [106 2011/2]

CLSN 166/11, 60-103: Jose Marattil: Reverential Fear as a Ground of Marriage Nullity with Special Reference to the Indian Culture. (Article) [108 2012/2]

CLSN 168 (2011), 104-122: John P. Beal: From Theory to Practice: Finding Equivalent Conformity Between Sentences Decided on Force and Fear and Lack of Due Discretion or Simulation. (Article) [110 2013/2]

Comm 33 (2001), 190-202: Ex actis Pontificiae Commissionis Codici Iuris Canonici Recognoscendo: Coetus studiorum "De Matrimonio" (Sessio VIII). (Report) [103 2010/1]

DPM 1 (1994), 13-23: Heribert Heinemann: Vis ac metus (c. 1103). Überlegungen zu einem problematischen Rechtssatz. (Paper) [79 1998/1]

EE 82 (2007), 807-824: Juan José García Faílde: El consentimiento matrimonial, desde la fisiología y patología del acto libre. (Article) [100 2008/2]

FC 12 (2009), 167-207: Géza Kuminetz: Il contenuto dello ius connubii e lo stesso ius come scelta libera nello stato matrimoniale. (Article) [105 2011/1]

For XI 2/00, 478-492: Apostolic Tribunal of the Roman Rota: Nullity of Marriage. Definitive Sentence coram Funghini, June 3, 1998, Grave Fear. (Sentence) [90 2003/2]

For XVII/06, 150-195: Apostolic Tribunal of the Roman Rota: coram Stankiewicz October 25 2001: Reverential Fear, Exclusion of Indissolubility, Inability to Assume. (Sentence) [98 2007/2]

FT 15 (2004), 57-68: G. Kuminetz: Die Garantien der freien Handlung im kanonischen Recht mit besonderer Rücksicht auf das Recht zur freien Wahl des ehelichen Lebensstandes. (Article) [94 2005/2]

IC XXXVII 74/97, 529-558: Piero Pellegrino: La vis et metus (can. 1103) nel Codex Iuris Canonici. (Article) [80 1998/2]

IE VIII 1/96, 145-170: Tribunale Apostolico della Rota Romana. Chilaven. Nullità del matrimonio. Nullità del decreto di Seconda Istanza. Timore reverenziale. Decreto di conferma della sentenza di Prima Istanza. 20 gennaio 1994, Burke, Ponente (con nota di H. Franceschi, Il diritto alla libera scelta del proprio coniuge quale diritto fondamentale della persona). (Sentence and commentary) [78 1997/2]

IE XV 1/03, 81-102: Tribunale della Rota Romana: Aprutini seu Teramen.-Atrien. Nullità del matrimonio – Timore reverenziale – Sentenza definitiva – 23 maggio 2000 – Stankiewicz, Ponente. (Sentence) [92 2004/2]

IE XV 1/03, 102-127: M. A. Ortiz: Il timore che invalida il matrimonio e la sua prova. (Commentary) [92 2004/2]

IE XIX 2/07, 309-331: Raffaele Balbi: Il criterio del vir constans nella teoria canonistica della coactio come vizio del consenso matrimoniale dalla decretistica classica al Liber Extra di Gregorio IX. (Article) [101 2009/1]

IM I 6-7/96, 29-43: K. Lüdicke: Przymus i bojaźń w kan. 1087 kpk z 1917 r. i w kan. 1103 kpk z 1983 r. (Article) [80 1998/2]

IM I 6-7/96, 195-210: W. Góralski: Problem bojaźni przed zniesłwieniem (kan. 1103 kpk) na przykładzie wyroku Roty Rzymskiej c. Faltin z 9 XII 1992 r. (Commentary) [80 1998/2]

IM 32 (2021), nr 2, 145-160: Ginter Dzierżon: Bojaźń szacunkowa w wyroku c. Ferreira Pena z 30 października 2013 roku (Reverential fear in the judgment c. Ferreira Pena of 30 October 2013). (Sentence and comment) [129 2023/1]

Iustitia I 1-2/2010, 144-185: Jose Marattil: Reverential Fear and Marriage Nullity with Special Reference to the Indian Culture. (Article) [107 2012/1]

J 70 (2010), 302-326: John P. Beal: From Theory to Practice: Finding Equivalent Conformity Between Sentences Decided on Force and Fear and Lack of Due Discretion or Simulation. (Article) [106 2011/2]

J 71 (2011), 272-294: John G. Johnson: The Impact of Threats of Suicide on Marital Consent. (Article) [109 2013/1]

ME CXX 1-2/95, 207-222: Scepusien.: Nullitatis Matrimonii (M.-K.): ob defectum consensus in utroque coniuge, vel sa1tem in muliere actrice ex capite vis et metus incussi. Sententia definitiva diei 6 julii 1994 coram R.P.D. Daniel Faltin, Ponente. (Sentence) [76 1996/2]

ME CXX 1-2/95, 232-248: Nakueren.: Nullitatis matrimonii (N.-M.): ob vim et metum parti conventae incussum (de metu conditionali, qui denegatur a parte metum passa). Confirmationis Sententiae. Decretum diei 15 novembris 1994 coram R.P.D. Aegidio Turnaturi, Ponente. (Decree) [76 1996/2]

ME CXXI 1/96, 93-107: Vancouverien.: Nullitatis Matrimonii (L.-B.) ob vim et metum (de inculturatione). Decisio diei 23 maii 1995, Rev.mus Pedro López-Gallo, Praeses et Ponens. (Sentence) [77 1997/1]

ME CXXVI 2/01, 343-353: Apuli seu Altamuren-Gravinen.-Aquaviven: Nullitatis Matrimonii (Theresia-Beniaminus) ob vim et metum viro actori incussi atque ob exclusionem boni prolis ex parte mulieris conventae. Sententia definitiva diei 6 aprilis 2000 coram R. P. D. Joseph Sciacca, Ponente. (Sentence) [87 2002/1]

ME CXXVI 2/01, 354-363: Apuli seu Altamuren-Gravinen.-Aquaviven.: Nullity of Marriage (Teresa-Benjamin) on the ground of exclusion of the good of the children on the part of the woman and by reason of force or grave fear on the part of the man. Definitive Sentence April 6, 2000 coram R. P. D. Joseph Sciacca, Ponente. (Sentence) [87 2002/1]

Mem XXIV/00, 153-176: J. M. Ramírez: El miedo como vicio del consentimiento. (Conference presentation) [89 2003/1]

PCF IX (2007), 283-304: Defect of Discretion of Judgement and Reverential Fear (Affective Immaturity). Decision coram Bottone, 15 May 2003 (Italy). (Sentence) [100 2008/2]

Proc CLSA 1996, 261-282: P. Lagges: Force or Fear. (Seminar Paper) [80 1998/2]

Proc CLSA 1996, 283-291: D. Smilanic: Reverential Fear. (Seminar Paper) [80 1998/2]

Proc CLSA 2008, 158-176: John Johnson: "...Into Something Rich and Strange". Some Changes in Rotal Jurisprudence Inspired by the 1983 Code of Canon Law. (Seminar paper) [102 2009/2]

QDE 21 (2008) 167-183 Davide Salvatori: Il timore che invalida il matrimonio. (Article) [104 2010/2]

REDC 51 (1994), 833-846: Tribunal del Obispado de Segorbe-Castellón. Nulidad de matrimonio (incapacidad de asumir, falta de libertad interna). Coram V. Guitarte Izquierdo. (Sentence) [76 1996/2]

REDC 52 (1995), 847-859: Tribunal de la Rota de la Nunciatura Apostólica. Nulidad de matrimonio (Miedo reverencial, simulación total, defecto de discreción de juicio, incapacidad de asumir). Coram S. Panizo Orallo. (Sentence) [77 1997/1]

REDC 52 (1995), 871-887: Tribunal del Arzobispado de Barcelona. Nulidad de matrimonio (falta de libertad, incapacidad de asumir las obligaciones esenciales, error de cualidad, error doloso y condición no cumplida). Coram J. Riera. (Sentence) [77 1997/1]

REDC 60 (2003), 771-780: Tribunal de la Archidiócesis de Valencia. Nulidad de matrimonio. (Falta de libertad interna, miedo grave, defecto de discreción de juicio, e incapacidad de asumir las obligaciones). Coram Vicente Subirá García. (Sentence) [93 2005/1]

REDC 60 (2003), 797-831: Tribunal de la Diócesis de Coria-Cáceres. Nulidad de matrimonio. (Defecto de discreción de juicio, incapacidad para asumir las obligaciones, y miedo grave). Coram José Antonio Fuentes Caballero. (Sentence) [93 2005/1]

REDC 61 (2004), 821-835: Tribunal de la Diócesis de Oporto, 3 de abril de 2000, nulidad de matrimonio (miedo grave, error en cualidad, defecto de discreción de juicio e incapacidad de asumir las obligaciones), coram José Joaquín Almeida Lopes. (Sentence) [95 2006/1]

REDC 62 (2005), 694-718: c. Santiago Panizo Orallo: Tribunal de la Rota de la Nunciatura Apostólica: nulidad de matrimonio (miedo grave, defecto de discreción de juicio, falta de libertad interna, incapacidad para asumir las obligaciones), 18 de marzo de 2000. (Sentence) [98 2007/2]

REDC 62 (2005), 749-757: c. Adrián González Martín: Tribunal del Arzobispado de Mérida-Badajoz, nulidad de matrimonio (miedo grave), 29 de mayo de 1998. (Sentence) [98 2007/2]

REDC 63 (2006), 941-1093: Tribunal de la Diócesis de Plasencia: nulidad de matrimonio (incapacidad para asumir las obligaciones, error en cualidad, error doloso y miedo grave), coram Juan Agustín Sendín Blázquez, 28 de marzo de 2003. (Sentence) [101 2009/1]

REDC 75 (2018), 633-644: Ciro Tammaro: Alcuni cenni giuridico-canonici sulla rilevanza del criterio soggettivo ai fini della valutazione del timore reverenziale nel processo di nullità del vincolo coniugale. (Article) [122 2019/2]

RMDC 16 (2010), 115-137: Rota Romana: R.P.D. Juan Bautista Defilippi: Pescarense-Pennense. Nulidad de matrimonio. Sentencia del 16 de abril de 1995. (Sentence) [105 2011/1]

RMDC 16 (2010), 269-280: Decisio R.P.D. Jair Ferreira Pena: Sentencia definitiva del 8 de junio de 2001. (Sentence) [106 2011/2]

RMDC 20/1 (2014), 175-190: Decisio R.P.D. José Huber, Sentencia definitiva del 31 de marzo de 2004. (Sentence) [114 2015/2]

RMDC 22/1 (2016), 161-179: Decisio R.P.D. Juan Verginelli, Sentencia definitiva del 9 de julio de 2004, en RRDec, 96 (2013), 627-638. (Sentence) [122 2019/2]

RMDC 25/1 (2019), 447-459: Decisio R.P.D. Mauritio Monier, Sentencia definitiva del 20 de julio de 2012. (Sentence) [125 2021/1]

SC 40 (2006), 487-500: Diocese of Napoli, coram Sciacca, 6 February 2004. (Sentence) [99 2008/1]

SC 40 (2006), 513-523: Diocese of Kielce, coram De Angelis, 5 November 2003. (Sentence) [99 2008/1]

SC 43 (2009), 431-486: Jose Marattil: Reverential Fear as a Ground of Marriage Nullity with Special Reference to the Indian Culture. (Article) [105 2011/1]

SCL VI (2010), 171-208: Jose Marattil: Reverential Fear as a Ground of Marriage Nullity in the Indian Cultural Context. (Article) [107 2012/1]

Patricia M. Dugan – Luis Navarro: Matrimonial Law and Canonical Procedure. A Continuing Education Course. (Book) (Gratianus, Wilson & Lafleur, Montreal, 2013) [110 2013/2]

Luigi Sabbarese (ed.): Coram Sabattani: decisiones ineditae (1955-1965). (Book) (Libreria Editrice Vaticana, 2006) [97 2007/1]

José Fernández San Román: Los debates sobre la aplicación del vicio del consentimiento de vis et metus a los no católicos (can. 1103). La interpretación auténtica de 23 de abril de 1987: documentación inédita y comentario. (Article in J. Otter – M. Walser (eds.), Iustitia et Ius. Festschrift für Elmar Güthoff, EOS Editions Sankt Ottilien, 2023, pp. 19-45) [132 2024/2]

Canon 1104

Ap LXXXI 3-4 (2008), 1011-1020: Guido Lagomarsino: Il silenzio di un nubente nel Matrimonio religioso-concordatario. (Article) [103 2010/1]

AnC 3 (2007), 169-186: Michał Jóźwik: Istotne okoliczności i elementy prawne przy zawieraniu małżieństwa konkordatowego w Polsce (Matrimonial law according to the 1993 Polish Concordat). (Article) [105 2011/1]

Canons 1104-1105

IC XXXVI 72/96, 595-623: Suely Pumar Santana: Naturaleza jurídica del apoderamiento en la celebración matrimonial. (Article) [80 1998/2]

Canon 1105

KIP 6 (19) 2017, nr. 1, 249-266: Sławomir Szustak: Pełnomocnictwo do zawarcia małżeństwa w prawie kanonicznym i w polskim prawie cywilnym (The mandate to contract marriage in canon law and Polish civil law). (Article) [119 2018/1]

KIP 7 (20) 2018, nr. 2, 153-171: Lucjan Świto – Małgorzata Tomkiewicz: Matrimonium per procura w Kodeksie Prawa Kanonicznego z 1917 i 1983 roku – zarys prawnoporównawczy (Marriage by proxy in the 1917 and 1983 Codes of Canon Law – a comparative outline). (Article) [122 2019/2]

SPW 21 (2008), 323-343: Lucjan Świto – Małgorzata Tomkiewicz: Zaświadczenie o braku okoliczności wyłączających zawarcie małżeństwa w procedurze matrimonium per procura (Certificate of absence of impediments in the procedure for marriage by proxy). (Article) [122 2019/2]

Canon 1106

ETL 81 (2005), 200-213: Anne Bamberg: Culture sourde, droit canonique et déontologie professionnelle. Réflexion à partir des interprètes pour Sourds. (Article) [95 2006/1]

Canon 1107

IM 30 (2019), nr. 4, 5-15: Ginter Dzierżon: Status małżeństw nieważnych z powodu zaistniałej przeszkody lub braku formy kanonicznej w kanonicznym porządku prawnym (kan. 1107 KPK) (Canonical status of marriages that are invalid on account of an impediment or lack of canonical form – canon 1107 of the CIC). (Article) [127 2022/1]

Canon 1108

AC 42 (2000), 51-82: V. Demars-Sion: Les mariages à la gaulmine ou les aléas du consensualisme matrimonial. (Article) [88 2002/2]

ACR LXXXII 2/05, 163-177: Brendan Daly: Form for Marriage: Technicality or Protecting a Sacrament? (Article) [95 2006/1]

AkK 179 (2010), 86-107: Christoph Ohly: Kirchliche Eheschließung ohne Staat. Erwägungen zur aktuellen Gesetzeslage. (Article) [107 2012/1]

AnC 2 (2006), 229-247: Paweł Mielecki: Posługa diakona w sprawowaniu sakramentów (Service of the deacon in administering sacraments). (Article) [98 2007/2]

AnC 11 (2015), 135-155: Piotr Majer: Znaczenie kanonicznej formy zawarcia małżeństwa (The significance of the canonical form of marriage). (Article) [121 2019/1]

AnC 13 (2017), 109-138: Piotr Majer: Chrzestni, świadkowie bierzmowania i świadkowie zawarcia małżeństwa. Perspektywa ekumeniczna (Godparents, sponsors for confirmation and witnesses for marriage. Ecumenical perspective). (Article) [120 2018/2]

Ap LXIX 1-2 (1996), 243-261: A. Scasso: Natura dell'atto di assistenza al matrimonio nella dottrina di Tomás Sánchez. (Article) [81 1999/1]

BEF LXXIV 806/98, 466-475: E. García: Ordinary Witnesses in a Valid Marriage. (Consultation) [81 1999/1]

BEF LXXIV 809/98, 854-857: E. Garcia: Civil Marriage is not for Catholics. (Consultation) [82 1999/2]

BV 79 (2019), 989-1000: Andrej Saje: Sklepanje krščanskega zakona na Zahodu in Vzhodu od pozne antike do zgodnjega srednjega veka (Celebration of Christian marriage in the West and East from the late Roman to the early medieval period). (Article) [124 2020/2]

Comm 31 (1999), 182-188: Acta Consilii. (Report) [85 2001/1]

Comm 34 (2002), 61-82: Ex actis Pontificiae Commissionis Codici Iuris Canonici Recognoscendo: Coetus studiorum "De Matrimonio" (Sessio XII). (Report) [103 2010/1]

Comm 35 (2003), 197-210: Pontificium Consilium de Legum Textibus: Adnotatio circa validitatem matrimoniorum civilium quae in Cazastania sub communistarum regimine celebratae sunt. (Note) [104 2010/2]

ETJ 8 (2004), 125-133: P. Turner: The Theology of Marriage in the Ordo and Practice of the Roman Rite. (Article) [94 2005/2]

ETJ 14 (2010), 5-31 (also J 70 (2010), 206-234): George D. Gallaro – Dimitri Salachas: The Ritus Sacer of the Sacrament of Marriage in the Byzantine Churches. (Article) [105 2011/1]

FC 11 (2008), 135-157: George D. Gallaro – Dimitri Salachas: The ritus sacer of the Sacrament of Marriage in the Byzantine Churches. (Article) [104 2010/2]

FC 12 (2009), 23-30: Piotr Kroczek: Does obligatory canonical form of marriage contribute to salus animarum? (Article) [105 2011/1]

FCan XVIII/1 (2023), 101-119: Miguel Falcão: A função da forma canónica do Matrimónio. Uma nova proposta em estudo. (Article) [132 2024/2]

IC XXXIX 78/99, 661-708: Adam Nita: La suplencia de la facultad de asistir al matrimonio en caso de error común, a la luz de la jurisprudencia de la Rota Romana. (Article) [84 2000/2]

IC XLVII 94/07, 505-525: Maria José Roca: El respeto a la libertad religiosa de los contrayentes y la obligatoriedad de la celebración civil del matrimonio previa a la religiosa. Discusión doctrinal y propuestas de lege ferenda en el Derecho comparado centroeuropeo. (Article) [100 2008/2]

IE XV 2/03, 371-406: M. A. Ortiz: La forma canonica quale garanzia della verità del matrimonio. (Lecture) [93 2005/1]

IM 30 (2019), nr. 2, 79-93: Ryszard Kilanowicz: Obrzędy sakramentu małżeństwa w ujęciu wymogów Kodeksu Prawa Kanonicznego z 1983 roku (The rite of the sacrament of marriage – implementation of the 1983 Code of Canon Law). (Article) [127 2022/1]

IM 33 (2022), nr 1, 79-116: Dawid Pietras: Status kanoniczny małżeństw zawieranych przy asystowaniu kapłanów Bractwa Kapłańskiego Świętego Piusa X (FSSPX) po wydaniu listu Papieskiej Komisji Ecclesia Dei z 27 marca 2017 r (The canonical status of marriages at which priests of the Priestly Fraternity of Saint Pius X [FSSPX] assist, following the issuing of the letter of the Pontifical Commission “Ecclesia Dei” of 27 March 2017). (Article) [130 2023/2]

IM 35 (2024), nr 1, 31-94: Jan Krajczyński: Proces o stwierdzenie nieważności małżeństwa z muzułmaninem. Analiza porównawcza wybranych przepisów o małżeństwie właściwych dla cywilizacji chrześcijańskiej i cywilizacji islamskiej (The process of declaring the nullity of marriage with a Muslim. Comparative analysis of selected marriage laws applicable to Christian and Islamic civilizations). (Article) [133 2025/1]

INT 5 1/99, 36-48: Sabine Demel: Der Emfpang des Ehesakramentes – bewußter Glaubensakt oder automatische Folge der Taufe? Zum Konzept einer Stufung des Ehesakramentes. (Article) [83 2000/1]

IusM XII/2018, 61-107: Sunil Kumar D’Souza: Historical Evolution of the Canonical Form. (Article) [122 2019/2]

KIP 8 (21) 2019, nr 1, 157-168: Ginter Dzierżon: Specyficzny status w kanonicznym porządku prawnym związków cywilnych zawieranych przez katolików z pominięciem formy kanonicznej (The special status of civil unions in the canonical legal order when contracted by Catholics omitting the canonical form). (Article) [123 2020/1]

KIP 8 (21) 2019, nr 2, 119-129: Miroslav Dovda: Liturgia sakramentu małżeństwa w realiach litewskich w diecezji Wiłkawiszskiej (Liturgy of the sacrament of marriage in Lithuania in Wiłkawiszska Diocese). (Article) [124 2020/2]

LJ 157/06, 7-16: Clarence Gallagher: Marriage in Eastern and Western Canon Law. (Article) [98 2007/2]

OAK XLII 2/93, 437-448: S. Demel: Kirchliche Trauung: Unerläßliche Pflicht für die Ehe des katholischen Christen? (Summary article of doctoral dissertation defended in theology with specialisation in canon law.) (Article) [77 1997/1]

Per LXXXIII 2/94, 611-634: U. Navarrete: Sensus verborum "Exquirit" et "recipit" manifestationem consensus matrimonialem (canon 1108 §2). (Article) [76 1996/2]

Per LXXXIV 4/95, 711-733: U. Navarrete: De ministro sacramenti matrimonii in Ecclesia latina et in Ecclesiis Orientalibus: Tentamen explicationis concordantis. (Presentation) [77 1997/1]

Per LXXXV 3/96,489-514: U. Navarrete: Questioni sulla forma canonica ordinaria nei Codici latino e orientale. (Article) [78 1997/2]

Per XCIII 2/04, 327-376: Acta Tribunalium Sanctae Sedis, Romanae Rotae Tribunal, coram Caberletti: Sententia definitiva. Nullitas matrimonii ob defectum formae canonicae. (Sentence) [93 2005/1]

PK XLI 1-2/98, 239-258: J. Rapacz: Zwyczajna forma zawarcia malzenstwa wedlug Kodeksu Jana Pawla II. (Presentation) [82 1999/2]

QDE 16 (2003), 340-353: Attilio Nicora: Il matrimonio concordatario in Italia. (Article) [92 2004/2]

QDE 16 (2003), 354-378: Gianluca Marchetti: Il matrimonio concordatario: aspetti procedurali. (Article) [92 2004/2]

QDE 16 (2003), 379-387: Mauro Rivella: La trascrizione tardiva del matrimonio. (Article) [92 2004/2]

QDE 17 (2004), 202-209: Luigi Lacroce: Il possesso della cittadinanza italiana come requisito per assistere al matrimonio concordatorio. (Article) [93 2005/1]

RDC 50 1/00, 163-169: Michel Legrain: Mariage civil et mariage religieux : se marier à l’église sans passer par la mairie? (Article) [88 2002/2]

REDC 52 (1995), 861-869: Tribunal del Arzobispado de Toledo. Nulidad de matrimonio por- proceso documental (Disparidad de cultos y defecto de forma). Coram E. Cófreces Merino. (Sentence) [77 1997/1]

REDC 63 (2006), 909-925: Tribunal de la Archidiócesis de Mérida-Badajoz: nulidad de matrimonio (incapacidad para asumir las obligaciones, error en cualidad, exclusion de la prole, ausencia del consentimiento, ausencia de delegación, falta de presencia activa del oficiante), coram Adrián González Martín, 2 de mayo de 2002. (Sentence) [101 2009/1]

RMDC 22/2 (2016), 329-343: Decisio R.P.D. Joseph Sciacca, Sentencia definitiva del 24 de octubre de 2003, en RRDec, 95 (2012), 634-640. (Sentence) [122 2019/2]

RMDC 23/1 (2017), 167-187: Decisio R.P.D. Josepho Huber, Sentencia definitiva del 25 de enero de 2001, en RRDec, 93 (2009), 82-85. (Sentence) [122 2019/2]

RMDC 29/1 (2023), 133-144: R.P.D. Josepho Sciacca: Nulidad de matrimonio. Bratislavien-Tyrnavien. Defecto de forma canónica. (Sentence) [133 2025/1]

RR 2003, 41-43: W. H. Woestman: Necessity to Observe Canonical Form for Marriage and the Impediment of Disparity of Cult by Member of Schismatic Group. (Advisory Opinion) [94 2005/2]

RTL 38 (2007), 518-534: André Haquin: Le nouveau rituel du mariage (2005). (Article) [100 2008/2]

SC 32 (1998), 157-182: F. Morlot: Qu'est-ce que le mariage civil de deux catholiques? (Article) [81 1999/1]

SC 47 (2013), 25-60: Emmanuel Petit: Le mariage civil des catholiques à la lumière des fictions du droit matrimonial. (Article) [111 2014/1]

SC 47 (2013), 237-243: William Daniel: Nullity of Marriage Ob Legitimae Formae Defectum (c. 1108, §1). Definitive Sentence, 3 May 2011 (USA). (Sentence) [111 2014/1]

SCL I (2005), 95-146: A. Mendonça: Recent Rotal Jurisprudence on Marriage Nullity Cases Judged in Accord with Canon 1682, §2. (Article) [96 2006/2]

SCL I (2005), 359-402: A. Mendonça: Substantive and Procedural Jurisprudence of the Roman Rota as Reported in its Relazione Annuale 2004. (Article) [96 2006/2]

SCL I (2005), 447-462: Defect of Canonical Form: Decision coram Monier, 23 November 2000 (USA). (Sentence) [96 2006/2]

SCL IX (2013), 385-398: Victor D'Souza: Delegating a Deacon to Bless the Marriage of a Latin and an Eastern Catholic. (Opinion) [113 2015/1]

Roland Jacques: The Canonical Form of Marriage Revisited: Did the Decree Ne Temere Outlast Its Usefulness? (Article in Victor G. D'Souza (ed.): In the Service of Truth and Justice [St Peter's Pontifical Institute, Bangalore, 2008], pp. 347-364) [101 2009/1]

Canons 1108-1109

AC 64 (2023), 61-71: Gregor Prichodko: Des normes orientales prévalant en terre latine: le motu proprio De concordia inter codices. (Article) [133 2025/1]

Canonist 7/2 (2016), 190-201: Pope Francis: Apostolic Letter, Motu Proprio, De Concordia inter Codices, with commentary by Rodger J. Austin. (Document and comment) [119 2018/1]

Comm 48 (2016), 326-325: Litterae Apostolicae De concordia inter Codices; also Comm 48 (2016), 448-452: I. Arrieta: Articulus explanans litteras apostolicas De concordia inter Codices; also SC 50 (2016), 323-345: Jobe Abbass: De concordia inter Codices: A Commentary; also EE 91 (2016), 861-876: Miguel Campo Ibáñez: De concordia inter codices. Primer comentario; also CLSN 188/16, 4-11: Apostolic Letter motu proprio De concordia inter Codices; reports of the Holy See Press Office concerning De concordia inter Codices. (Document and commentaries) [118 2017/2]

EIC 57 (2017), 589-632: Luigi Sabbarese: Commento alle modifiche apportate al Codice con il m.p. «De concordia inter Codices». (Comment) [120 2018/2]

IC XLV 89/05, 89-142: Géza Kuminetz: La forma de la celebración del matrimonio desde la comparación entre ordenamientos. (Conference presentation) [96 2006/2]

IE XXIX (2017), 159-174, 263-269: Pablo Gefaell: Commenti al M.P. “De concordia inter Codices”. (Document and comment) [119 2018/1]

SC 29 (1995), 515-531: Apostolic Tribunal of the Roman Rota, coram Antoni Stankiewicz, 15 December 1992, nullity of marriage. (Sentence) [76 1996/2]

SC 29 (1995), 531-538: Apostolic Tribunal of the Roman Rota, coram Antoni Stankiewicz, 15 December 1992, Rockville Centre, nullity of marriage. (Sentence) [76 1996/2]

SC 29 (1995), 539-546: Apostolic Tribunal of the Roman Rota coram Kenneth E. Boccafola, 22 October 1992, Mexico, nullity of marriage. (Sentence) [76 1996/2]

Canons 1108-1111

AC 59 (2018), 183-199: Bruno Gonçalves: Le mariage des fidèles fréquentant la Fraternité sacerdotale Saint-Pie X depuis la lettre du 27 mars 2017 de la commission Ecclesia Dei. (Article) [126 2021/2]

Comm 49 (2017), 90-91: Pontificia Commissio “Ecclesia Dei”: Litterae ad Fraternitatem Sancti Pii X quoad celebrationem matrimoniorum. (Document) [120 2018/2]

IE XXX (2018), 285-305: Francesco Catozzella: La validità dei matrimoni celebrati davanti ai sacerdoti della fraternità San Pio X. Commento alla Lettera della Pontificia Commissione Ecclesia Dei. (Article) [121 2019/1]

Per 108 (2019), 551-589: Ulrich Rhode: Alcune questioni circa il motu proprio De concordia inter Codices. (Article) [125 2021/1]

RR 2003, 43-45: J. B. Wellspring: Common Error and Faculty to Witness Marriage. (Advisory Opinion) [94 2005/2]

Canons 1108-1114

LW 118/4 (2012), 230-250: Sebastian Payyappilly: Sacred Rite and the Validity of Inter-Ritual and Mixed Marriages. (Article) [113 2015/1]

Canons 1108-1115

BEF LXXX 845/04, 93-106: J. González: Faculties to Exercise Some Pastoral Functions in the Diocese. (Consultation) [95 2006/1]

Canons 1108-1116

Comm 33 (2001), 250-278: Ex actis Pontificiae Commissionis Codici Iuris Canonici Recognoscendo: Coetus studiorum "De Matrimonio" (Sessio XI). (Report) [103 2010/1]

RR 2003, 45-47: W. H. Woestman: Validity of a Marriage Celebrated by a Priest Not in Ecclesial Communion. (Advisory Opinion) [94 2005/2]

Canons 1108-1117

CLSN 160/09, 69-92: Gordon Read: Declaration of Nullity of Marriage in Cases of Defect of Canonical Form. (Conference presentation) [106 2011/2]

IC XLVII 93/07, 177-214: Paola Buselli Mondin: L'assenza della forma canonica preclude l'operatività del processo di nullità matrimoniale? Un'ipotesi. (Article) [99 2008/1]

Canons 1108-1118

AnC 14 (2018), 183-202: Jan Dohnalik: Forma kanoniczna zawierania małżeństwa – spojrzenie historyczne i postulat reformy (Canonical form of marriage – historical perspective and proposal for reform). (Article) [122 2019/2]

Canons 1108-1123

AC 46 (2004), 67-76: E. Raad – J.-P. Durand: Régimes matrimoniaux canoniques et civils: comparaisons entre le Liban et la France. (Article) [95 2006/1]

RDC 48 2/98, 381-414: Alphonse Borras: Parish Renewal and Religious Marriage. (Article) [85 2001/1]

Canons 1108-1129

AC 53 (2011), 341-355: Bruno Gonçalves: Les différents aspects canoniques et pastoraux du dossier de mariage en France. (Article) [113 2015/1]

QDE 11 (1998), 267-283: Pierantonio Pavanello: Rilevanza del principio della libertà religiosa all'interno dell'ordinamento canonico. (Article) [81 1999/1]

Canon 1109

SCL I (2005), 467-474: A. Mendonça: Competence of Parish Priests to Assist at Inter-ritual Weddings. (Article) [96 2006/2]

Canon 1110

IM 31 (2020), nr 2, 5-29: Tomasz Rozkrut: Poprawna interpretacja kan. 538 § 3 i kan. 1110 z Kodeksu Jana Pawła II. Dwa zapytania z Krakowa do Papieskiej Rady ds. Tekstów Prawnych (Correct interpretation of canon 538 §3 and canon 1110 of the Code of John Paul II. Two inquiries from Krakow to the Pontifical Council for Legislative Texts). (Article) [128 2022/2]

Canon 1111

DPM 11 (2004), 111-116: Georg May: Zwei Fragen aus der Praxis zur Eheassistenz und zur Weihespendung. (Article) [102 2009/2]

DPM 12 (2005), 255-258: Päpstlicher Rat für die Gesetzestexte: Nota zu Fragen bezüglich can. 1111 §2 vom 5.2.2004. (Document) [102 2009/2]

EE LXXIV 10-12/99, 697-717: E. Olivares: Error común y asistencia al matrimonio. (Article) [84 2000/2]

IC XXXIX 78/99, 661-708: Adam Nita: La suplencia de la facultad de asistir al matrimonio en caso de error común, a la luz de la jurisprudencia de la Rota Romana. (Article) [84 2000/2]

IE XV 2/03, 371-406: M. A. Ortiz: La forma canonica quale garanzia della verità del matrimonio. (Lecture) [93 2005/1]

IE XVII 1/05, 103-162: Tribunale Apostolico della Rota Romana. Reg. Aprutini seu Marsorum. Nullità del matrimonio. Timore. Esclusione dell'indissolubilità e della prole. Difetto di forma. Sentenza definitiva. 12 giugno 2003. Caberletti, Ponente (con nota di G. M. Corsi, L'interpretazione delle norme sulla supplenza di facoltà per assistere al matrimonio). (Sentence and commentary) [96 2006/2]

IE XXXIII (2021), 651-668: Pierre-Marie Berthe: L’ordonnance de l’archevêque de Strasbourg relative aux mariages célébrés par les prêtres de la Fraternité Saint-Pie X (10 mai 2017). (Article) [128 2022/2]

IM 30 (2019), nr. 3, 5-56: Wojciech Góralski: Uzupełnienie braku upoważnienia do asystowania przy zawieraniu małżeństwa wyrazem ochrony dobra wspólnego (Supplying the lack of delegation to assist at marriage as an expression of protection of the common good). (Article) [127 2022/1]

IM 13 (19) 2008, 125-144: Jan Krajczyński: Uzupełnienie uprawnienia do asystowania przy zawarciu małżeństwa (Supplying the faculty to assist at marriage). (Article) [101 2009/1]

ME CXXVIII 1/04, 319-337: Jurisprudentia Tribunalis Rotae Romanae Reg. Piceni seu S. Benedicti Adtruentum-Ripana-Montisalti. Nullitatis Matrimonii (Frastalli-Matricardi) ob defectum formae prot. N. 17.476. Sententia definitiva diei 9 novembris a. 2000 coram R.P.D. Johanne Baptista Defilippi, Ponente. (Sentence) [93 2005/1]

ME CXXVIII 1/04, 338-359: Jurisprudence of the Roman Rota. The nullity of marriage (Frastalli-Matricardi) for defect of canonical form. In the Picen Region of St Benedict at the Ripana Mountain Heights. Definitive Sentence November 9, 2000, under the judgeship of John Baptist Defilippi, Presiding Judge. (Sentence) [93 2005/1]

ME CXXVIII 1/05, 464-473: Giurisprudenza del tribunale regionale di Vancouver, sentenza di prima istanza, ponente R.P.D. Pedro López Gallo. (Sentence) [95 2006/1]

Per XCII 3/03, 455-496: V. De Paolis: Delega e supplenza di potestà per assistere al matrimonio. (Article) [92 2004/2]

REDC 78 (2021), 21-52: Pierre-Marie Berthe: Les diocèses de France et la fraternité sacerdotale Saint-Pie X: La célébration des mariages dans le cadre de la lettre romaine du 27 mars 2017. (Article) [132 2024/2]

RMDC 29/1 (2023), 133-144: R.P.D. Josepho Sciacca: Nulidad de matrimonio. Bratislavien-Tyrnavien. Defecto de forma canónica. (Sentence) [133 2025/1]

S 83 (2021), 152-162: Kevin Otieno Mwandha: Supplet Ecclesia: l’Istituto giuridico della supplenza della potestà esecutiva. (Article) [127 2022/1]

SC 33 (1999), 229-232: Vancouver Regional Tribunal (Vancouver-X.), coram Pedro López Gallo, 15 October 1998, nullity of marriage (documentary process: invalid delegation). (Jurisprudence) [83 2000/1]

SCL I (2005), 447-462: Defect of Canonical Form: Decision coram Monier, 23 November 2000 (USA). (Sentence) [96 2006/2]

Emmanuel Petit: Consentement matrimonial et fiction du droit. Etude sur l'efficacité juridique du consentement après l'introduction de la fiction en droit canonique. (Book) (Pontificia Università Gregoriana, Rome, 2010) [105 2011/1]

Canons 1111-1112

AC 64 (2023), 61-71: Gregor Prichodko: Des normes orientales prévalant en terre latine: le motu proprio De concordia inter codices. (Article) [133 2025/1]

Canonist 7/2 (2016), 190-201: Pope Francis: Apostolic Letter, Motu Proprio, De Concordia inter Codices, with commentary by Rodger J. Austin. (Document and comment) [119 2018/1]

EIC 57 (2017), 589-632: Luigi Sabbarese: Commento alle modifiche apportate al Codice con il m.p. «De concordia inter Codices». (Comment) [120 2018/2]

ETJ 14 (2010), 5-31 (also J 70 (2010), 206-234): George D. Gallaro – Dimitri Salachas: The Ritus Sacer of the Sacrament of Marriage in the Byzantine Churches. (Article) [105 2011/1]

FC 11 (2008), 135-157: George D. Gallaro – Dimitri Salachas: The ritus sacer of the Sacrament of Marriage in the Byzantine Churches. (Article) [104 2010/2]

IE XXIX (2017), 159-174, 263-269: Pablo Gefaell: Commenti al M.P. “De concordia inter Codices”. (Document and comment) [119 2018/1]

Canon 1112

BEF LXXXI 846/05, 285-294: J. González: Invalid Delegation of a Religious Sister to Assist at Marriages? (Consultation) [95 2006/1]

Comm 48 (2016), 326-325: Litterae Apostolicae De concordia inter Codices; also Comm 48 (2016), 448-452: I. Arrieta: Articulus explanans litteras apostolicas De concordia inter Codices; also SC 50 (2016), 323-345: Jobe Abbass: De concordia inter Codices: A Commentary; also EE 91 (2016), 861-876: Miguel Campo Ibáñez: De concordia inter codices. Primer comentario; also CLSN 188/16, 4-11: Apostolic Letter motu proprio De concordia inter Codices; reports of the Holy See Press Office concerning De concordia inter Codices. (Document and commentaries) [118 2017/2]

IusM X/2016, 91-115: Luigi Sabbarese: I laici “testes qualificati” per assistere al matrimonio canonico. Facoltà speciale? (Article) [118 2017/2]

J 69 (2009), 84-115: Henk Witte: The Local Bishop and Lay Pastoral Workers: A Newly Created Function in the Church and its Impact on Episcopal Collegiality. (Article) [104 2010/2]

J 73 (2013), 271-297: United States Conference of Catholic Bishops: Complementary Legislation to the Code of Canon Law. (Legislation) [111 2014/1]

N XXXV 1-2/98, 9-42: Congregatio pro Clericis, Congregatio de Cultu Divino et Disciplina Sacramentorum, et aliae: Instructio de quibusdam quaestionibus circa fidelium laicorum cooperationem sacerdotum ministerium spectantem. (Instruction) [81 1999/1]

N XLI 3-4/05, 135-203: Congregatio de Cultu Divino et Disciplina Sacramentorum: L'Adunanza "Plenaria" della Congregazione per il Culto Divino e la Disciplina dei Sacramenti. (Report) [95 2006/1]

Proc CLSA 2009, 35-61: Jobe Abbass: The Incomparable Eastern Canons on the Role of the Laity. (Lecture) [109 2013/1]

Proc CLSA 2009, 243-282: Therese Guerin Sullivan: Canonical Supports for Collaboration in Sacramental Ministry. (Lecture) [109 2013/1]

Luigi Sabbarese: I laici "testi qualificati" per assistere al matrimonio. Aspetti storici, interpretativi e applicativi. (Article in Jesu Pudumai Doss – Markus Graulich (eds.): Iustitiam et iudicium facere. Scritti in onore del Prof. Don Sabino Ardito, SDB, pp. 49-65) (Book) (Università Pontificia Salesiana, Rome, 2011) [108 2012/2]

Canons 1112-1113

PCF VII (2005), 255-262: Javier González: Invalid Delegation of a Religious Sister to Assist at Marriages? (Consultation) [99 2008/1]

Canon 1114

BEF LXXV 814/99, 590-596: E. Garcia: Publication of a Marriage. (Consultation) [84 2000/2]

QDE 21 (2008), 244-255: G. Paolo Montini: Come si accerta lo stato libero di un ortodosso sposato civilmente. (Article) [103 2010/1]

Canon 1116

AC 64 (2023), 61-71: Gregor Prichodko: Des normes orientales prévalant en terre latine: le motu proprio De concordia inter codices. (Article) [133 2025/1]

Ap XCIII (2020), 11-70: Rotae Romanae Tribunal: Sententia definitiva, A. 139/2019, Vianen. Castelli, Coram Emmanuele Saturnino da Costa Gomes, Exsistentiae matrimonii; Francesco Catozzella: Le cause de exsistentia matrimonii. Considerazioni a partire da una peculiare fattispecie di celebrazione in mortis periculo. (Sentence and comment) [130 2023/2]

Canonist 7/2 (2016), 190-201: Pope Francis: Apostolic Letter, Motu Proprio, De Concordia inter Codices, with commentary by Rodger J. Austin. (Document and comment) [119 2018/1]

CLSN 202/22, 6-18: Sebastian M. Jones: The Canons and the Pastoral Care of Travellers in Time of Pandemic. (Article) [131 2024/1]

Comm 48 (2016), 326-325: Litterae Apostolicae De concordia inter Codices; also Comm 48 (2016), 448-452: I. Arrieta: Articulus explanans litteras apostolicas De concordia inter Codices; also SC 50 (2016), 323-345: Jobe Abbass: De concordia inter Codices: A Commentary; also EE 91 (2016), 861-876: Miguel Campo Ibáñez: De concordia inter codices. Primer comentario; also CLSN 188/16, 4-11: Apostolic Letter motu proprio De concordia inter Codices; reports of the Holy See Press Office concerning De concordia inter Codices. (Document and commentaries) [118 2017/2]

DPM 15/16 (2008/2009), 19-36: Pier V. Aimone: Bemerkungen zur kanonischen Eheschließungsform und zur Möglichkeit der Dispens. (Article) [106 2011/2]

EE 91 (2016), 963-1007: Romane Rotae Tribunal: Sententia definitiva coram Caberletti, 20 decembris 2013 – Vianen. Castelli – Existentia matrimonii. (Sentence) [118 2017/2]

EIC 57 (2017), 589-632: Luigi Sabbarese: Commento alle modifiche apportate al Codice con il m.p. «De concordia inter Codices». (Comment) [120 2018/2]

FC 7 (2004), 119-138: A. Saje: The preparation of canon 1098 CIC/17 on the extraordinary form of the celebration of marriage from the beginning of the work of the Pio-Benedictine codification of 1904. (Article) [96 2006/2]

FC 10 (2007), 71-85: Andrej Saje: Lo sviluppo della forma della celebrazione del matrimonio nella Chiesa Occidentale e nella Chiesa Orientale nel caso in cui manca l'assistente competente. (Article) [102 2009/2]

IE XVII 1/05, 303-333: Pontificio Consiglio per i Testi Legislativi: Nota circa la validità dei matrimoni civili celebrati nel Kazakhstan nel periodo comunista, 13 maggio 2003 (con nota di M. A. Ortiz, La validità del matrimonio civile celebrato da battezzati nella Chiesa ortodossa). (Document and commentary) [96 2006/2]

IE XXIX (2017), 159-174, 263-269: Pablo Gefaell: Commenti al M.P. “De concordia inter Codices”. (Document and comment) [119 2018/1]

IM 33 (2022), nr 1, 79-116: Dawid Pietras: Status kanoniczny małżeństw zawieranych przy asystowaniu kapłanów Bractwa Kapłańskiego Świętego Piusa X (FSSPX) po wydaniu listu Papieskiej Komisji Ecclesia Dei z 27 marca 2017 r (The canonical status of marriages at which priests of the Priestly Fraternity of Saint Pius X [FSSPX] assist, following the issuing of the letter of the Pontifical Commission “Ecclesia Dei” of 27 March 2017). (Article) [130 2023/2]

Per LXXXIV 4/95, 687-709: J. Hendriks: Matrimonii forma extraordinaria (canon 1116). (Presentation) [77 1997/1]

QDE 9 (1996), 239-256: Jan Hendriks: La forma straordinaria del matrimonio. (Article) [78 1997/2]

QDE 9 (1996), 257-267; Paolo Bianchi: Note in materia di "forma straordinaria" della celebrazione del matrimonio. (Article) [78 1997/2]

QDE 19 (2006), 272-294: Eugenio Zanetti: La versione italiana del nuovo Rito del matrimonio alla luce della dottrina e disciplina cattolica. (Article) [98 2007/2]

RR 2003, 76-78: P. L. Golden: Marriage of an Undocumented Immigrant. (Advisory Opinion) [94 2005/2]

SC 42 (2008), 367-382: William Woestman: Extraordinary Canonical Form of Marriage When a Qualified Witness Cannot Be Present Without a Grave Inconvenience. (Article) [103 2010/1]

SCL II (2006), 323-370: Apostolic Tribunal of the Roman Rota: Non-Existence of Marriage: Decision coram De Angelis, 3 June 2005 (Portugal). (Sentence) [98 2007/2]

A. Saje: La forma straordinaria e il ministro della celebrazione del matrimonio secondo il Codice latino e orientale. (Book) (Editrice Pontificia Università Gregoriana, Roma, 2003) [91 2004/1]

Canons 1116-1117

Comm 34 (2002), 61-82: Ex actis Pontificiae Commissionis Codici Iuris Canonici Recognoscendo: Coetus studiorum "De Matrimonio" (Sessio XII). (Report) [103 2010/1]

IM I 6-7/96, 243-253: Wyrok Sądu Międzydiecezjalnego w Grodnie c. Gałązka z 30 maja 1995 r. w sprawie o nieważność małżeństwa z tytułu braku formy kanonicznej. (Sentence) [80 1998/2]

Canon 1117

AA IV (1997), 239-244: Carlos I. Heredia: El matrimonio de quienes abandonan la Iglesia por un acto formal. A propósito de una reciente respuesta particular de la Santa Sede. (Consultation) [80 1998/2]

AA X (2003), 257-264: A. D. Busso: El derecho a la libertad religiosa y la comunicación de abandono de la Iglesia y sus efectos canónicos. (Article) [93 2005/1]

AC 59 (2018), 221-240: Benoît Merly: Que reste-t-il du droit à l’apostasie dans l’Église catholique après le motu proprio Omnium in mentem? (Article) [126 2021/2]

AkK 165 (1996), 468-542: Kirchliche Erlässe und Entscheidungen. (Article) [81 1999/1]

AkK 170 (2001), 402-440: Winfried Aymans: Die Defektionsklauseln im kanonischen Eherecht. Plädoyer für die Tilgung des Befreigungstatbestandes eines "actus formalis defectionis ab Ecclesia catholica" in den cc. 1086 §1, 1117 und 1124 CIC. (Article) [91 2004/1]

AkK 174 (2005), 502-509: Heribert Schmitz: Kirchenaustritt als „actus formalis". Zum Rundschreiben des Päpstlichen Rates für die Gesetzestexte vom 13. März 2006 und zur Erklärung der Deutschen Bischofskonferenz vom 24. April 2006. (Commentary) [98 2007/2]

AkK 175 (2006), 353-373: Marcus Nelles: Der Kirchenaustritt – kein „actus formalis defectionis". (Article) [100 2008/2]

AkK 175 (2006), 374-396: Ludger Müller: Die Defektionsklauseln im kanonischen Eherecht. Zum Schreiben des Päpstlichen Rates für Gesetzestexte an die Vorsitzenden der Bischofskonferenzen vom 13. März 2006. (Article) [100 2008/2]

AkK 178 (2009), 544-550: Benedikt XVI: Apostolisches Schreiben „Motu Proprio" Omnium in mentem, mit dem einige Normen des Codex des kanonischen Rechts geändert werden, vom 26. Oktober 2009; Päpstlicher Rat für die Gesetzetexte, Kommentar zum Motu Proprio Omnium in mentem vom 16. Dezember 2009. (Document and commentary) [107 2012/1]

AkK 180 (2011), 92-117: Bernd Dennemarck: Eheschließung trotz Kirchenaustritt? Rechtliche Neuorientierung nach dem Motu Proprio Omnium in mentem. (Article) [109 2013/1]

AkK 180 (2011), 514-528: Stephan Haering: Die Richtlinien der Polnischen Bischofskonferenz zum Abfall von der katholischen Kirche durch formalen Akt aus dem Jahr 2008. (Article) [110 2013/2]

AkK 181 (2012), 25-38: Ernst Freiherr von Castell: Die eherechtlichen Implikationen des Motu proprio Omnium in mentem. (Article) [111 2014/1]

AkK 181 (2012), 467-486: Georg Dietlein – Jan-Gero Alexander Hannemann: Katholisch ohne Kierchensteuer? Bleibende Unklarheiten nach dem Allgemeinen Dekret der Deutschen Bischofskonferenz vom 15. März 2011. (Article) [112 2014/2]

AkK 182 (2013), 64-102: M. Antonia Sondermann: Das Motu Proprio Omnium in mentem und seine eherechtlichen Konsequenzen. (Article) [113 2015/1]

AnC 2 (2006), 179-194: Piotr Steczkowski: Wystąpienie z Kościoła katolickiego aktem formalnym w świetle dokumentu Papieskiej Rady ds. Tekstów Prawnych z 13 marca 2006 r (Abandonment of the Catholic Church by a formal act in the light of the document of the Pontifical Council for Legislative Texts of 13 March 2006). (Article) [98 2007/2]

AnC 4 (2008), 21-37: Wojciech Góralski: Zawarcie małżeństwa przez osobę, która formalnym aktem odstąpiła od Kościoła katolickiego (The contracting of marriage by a person who has left the Catholic Church by a formal act). (Conference presentation) [106 2011/2]

AnC 5 (2009), 197-212: Tomasz Rakoczy: Małżeństwo dla lepszych i gorszych katolików (Marriage for Better and Worse Catholics). (Article) [107 2012/1]

Ap LXXX 1-2 (2007), 197-199: Pontifical Council for Legislative Texts: Circular letter to Presidents of Episcopal Conferences on Actus formalis defectionis ab Ecclesia Catholica. (Document) [101 2009/1]

BEF LXXII 5/96, 434-435: E. Garcia: A Subsisting Previous Marriage is a Diriment Impediment. (Consultation) [78 1997/2]

BEF LXXIV 809/98, 854-857: E. Garcia: Civil Marriage is not for Catholics. (Consultation) [82 1999/2]

CLSN 123/00, 30-39: P. Lopez-Gallo: Formal Defection from the Catholic Church. (Article) [87 2002/1]

CLSN 123/00, 40-42: J. Conneely: Defection from the Faith. Comment on Mgr Gallo's article. (Comment) [87 2002/1]

CLSN 127/01, 5-6: Pontifical Council for Legislative Texts: Formal Act of Defection from the Catholic Church. (Document) [88 2002/2]

CLSN 128/01, 71-75: G. Read: Formal Defection, The End of the Road. (Article) [90 2003/2]

CLSN 161/10, 13-25: Benedict XVI: Motu Proprio Omnium in Mentem, 26 October 2009. (Documents and commentary) [106 2011/2]

CLSN 196/19, 40-82: Gerard Deighan: Formal Defection from the Catholic Church in the Archdiocese of Dublin 1978 to 2015. (Article) [123 2020/1]

Comm 31 (1999), 182-188: Acta Consilii. (Report) [85 2001/1]

Comm 41 (2009), 260-265: Pope Benedict XVI: Litterae Apostolicae "Motu Proprio" datae Omnium in mentem quibus aliquae normae in Codice iuris canonici immutantur (lingua latina una cum versione italica). (Document) [104 2010/2]

Comm 41 (2009), 334-337: Francesco Coccopalmerio: Articulus, explanans Motum Proprium Omnium in mentem a Summo Pontifice die 16 mensis decembris 2009 datum, ab D. Francisco Coccopalmerio, Praeside Pontificii Consilii de Legum Textibus, conscriptus. (Article) [104 2010/2]

DPM 3 (1996), 299-304: Heinrich J. F. Reinhardt: Zur Formfreiheit (c. 1117 CIC) katholische getaufter, akatholisch erzogener Kinder. (Article) [79 1998/1]

DPM 10 (2003), 55-75: Markus Walser: Die Formpflicht von Konvertiten – Schwierigkeiten in der Anwendung von c. 1117 CIC bzw. c. 834 §1 CCEO bei nicht förmlich vollzogenen Konversionen und Reversionen. (Article) [102 2009/2]

DPM 12 (2005), 259-260: Päpstlicher Rat für die Gesetzestexte: Schreiben an den Bischof von Rottenburg-Stuttgart zu can. 1117 CIC vom 3.5.2005. (Document) [102 2009/2]

DPM 13 (2006), 147-171: Andreas Weiß: Der sog. Kirchenaustritt in Deutschland – stets ein actus formalis defectionis ab Ecclesia catholica? Neue Klärungen in einer alten Frage. (Article) [102 2009/2]

DPM 14 (2007), 107-151: Karl-Heinz Selge: Consensus solus versus ekklesiale Einbindung der Eheschließung? (Article) [102 2009/2]

DPM 15/16 (2008/2009), 219-244: Stefan Rambacher: Zum actus formalis und die darauf Bezug nehmende Erklärung der deutschen Bischöfe zum Kirchenaustritt vom 24. April 2006. (Article) [106 2011/2]

DPM 15/16 (2008/2009), 245-291: Wilhelm Rees: „Die Beurteilung der kirchenrechtlichen Folgen bezüglich Ehesakrament (Can. 1117) obliegt dem Diözesangericht." Kirchenbeitrag, Kirchenaustritt, Actus formalis und die diesbezüglichen Regelungen der Österreichischen Bischofskonferenz und der jeweiligen österreichischen Diözesanbischöfe. (Article) [106 2011/2]

EE 83 (2008), 605-630: Rufino Callejo de Paz: Una regulación confusa y sugerencias de iure condendo. Anotaciones sobre los cánones 1071, §1.4; 1086; 1117 y 1124. (Article) [103 2010/1]

EE 85 (2010), 845-870: Teodoro Bahíllo Ruiz – Rufino Callejo de Paz – Carmen Peña García: Recientes reformas del Código de Derecho Canónico: reformas introducidas por el m.p. Omnium in Mentem. (Roundtable discussion) [106 2011/2]

FCan VII/1 (2012), 91-98: Bento XVI: Carta Apostólica sob forma de 'motu proprio' Omnium in mentem do Sumo Pontífice Bento XVI sobre algumas modificações do CDC; Francesco Coccopalmerio: Os motivos das modificações. (Document and comment) [110 2013/2]

FCan VIII/1 (2013), 9-36: José Antonio Fuentes: Matrimonios mixtos y con disparidad de cultos en la actualidad. El matrimonio de cristianos con musulmanes. (Article) [112 2014/2]

FThC II 24/16 (2013), 239-249: Elmar Güthoff: Der vor dem Staat erklärte Austritt aus der Kirche in Deutschland angesichts von Entscheidungen und Verlautbarungen aus dem Jahr 2012. (Article) [114 2015/2]

HPR 1/03, 70-71: W. B. Smith: Marrying Outside the Church? (Response) [91 2004/1]

IC XXXVII 73/97, 13-31: Juan Fornés: La forma en el matrimonio de un católico con un no católico. (Article) [80 1998/2]

IC 50/100 (2010), 595-627: Javier Otaduy: Abandono de la Iglesia católica por acto formal. Comentario al «Motu Proprio» Omnium in mentem. (Document and commentary) [106 2011/2]

IC 60/119 (2020), 153-195: Inés Lloréns: A diez años de la publicación del Motu Proprio Omnium in mentem. (Article) [125 2021/1]

IE XIX 1/07: 245-268: Pontificio Consiglio per i Testi Legislativi: Actus formalis defectionis ab Ecclesia Cattolica, 13 marzo 2006 (con nota di F. Marti, Quali novità riguardo all'atto formale di defezione dalla Chiesa cattolica di cui ai cc. 1117, 1086 §1 e 1124? Un commento alla Lettera Circolare del PCTL del 13 marzo 2006). (Document and commentary) [100 2008/2]

IE XXII 2/10, 475-492: Miguel Ángel Ortiz: L'obbligatorietà della forma canonica matrimoniale dopo il m.p. Omnium in mentem. (Document and commentary) [106 2011/2]

IE XXIII 1/11, 252-269: Conferenza Episcopale Austriaca: Disposizioni relative agli effetti che la fuoriuscita dalla Chiesa secondo il diritto statale abbia sulla condizione giuridica canonica del fuoriuscito, 21-23 giugno 2010 (con nota di Stefano Testa Bappenheim, Brevi osservazioni su due recenti documenti della Conferenza Episcopale Austriaca relativi al "Kirchenaustritt"). (Documents and commentary) [108 2012/2]

INT 5 1/99, 36-48: Sabine Demel: Der Emfpang des Ehesakramentes – bewußter Glaubensakt oder automatische Folge der Taufe? Zum Konzept einer Stufung des Ehesakramentes. (Article) [83 2000/1]

J 69 (2009), 472-515: John J. M. Foster: Sacramental Law: Selected Developments in Twenty-Five Years of Praxis. (Article) [105 2011/1]

J 72 (2012), 544-576: Daniela Knepper: Defecting from the Church by a Formal Act – the German Discussion 1969-2009. (Article) [111 2014/1]

KIP 6 (19) 2017, nr. 2, 53-66: Adam Fabiańczyk: Wystąpienie z Kościoła formalnym aktem według prawa kościelnego (The formal act of defection according to Church law). (Article) [120 2018/2]

ME CXXIII 4/98, 620-646: P. López Gallo: Formal Defection from the Catholic Church. (Article) [83 2000/1]

N XLVI 11-12/09, 577-580: Pope Benedict XVI: Litterae Apostolicae Motu Proprio datae Omnium in Mentem, Quaedam in Codice Iuris Canonici immutantur. (Document) [106 2011/2]

OAK XLII 2/93, 437-448: S. Demel: Kirchliche Trauung: Unerläßliche Pflicht für die Ehe des katholischen Christen? (Summary article of doctoral dissertation defended in theology with specialisation in canon law.) (Article) [77 1997/1]

PCF XII (2010), 25-28: Pope Benedict XVI: Apostolic Letter in the Form of "Motu Proprio" Omnium in Mentem. (Document) [108 2012/2]

Per LXXXIV 4/95, 579-608: V. de Paolis: Alcune annotazioni circa la formula "actu formali ab Ecclesia catholica deficere". (Presentation) [77 1997/1]

Proc CLSA 2010, 189-204: Fredrick C. Easton: Canonical Form of Marriage Throughout the Centuries: Seeing Pope Benedict XVI's Motu Proprio Omnium in Mentem in Context. (Lecture) [110 2013/2]

QDE 20 (2007), 35-59: Marino Mosconi: L'abbandono pubblico o notorio della Chiesa e in particolare l'abbandono con atto formale. (Article) [99 2008/1]

QDE 25 (2012), 134-154: G. Paolo Montini: Il motu proprio Omnium in mentem e il matrimonio canonico. (Article) [109 2013/1]

QDE 25 (2012), 155-177: Massimo Mingardi: Il motu proprio Omnium in mentem e il matrimonio canonico. (Article) [109 2013/1]

QDE 25 (2012), 178-188: Paolo Bianchi: La circolare del 13 marzo 2006 del Pontificio consiglio per i testi legislativi alla prova di un caso concreto. (Article) [109 2013/1]

RDC 57 2/07, 241-254: Jean Werckmeister: Le motu proprio Omnium in mentem et le mariage des ex-catholiques. (Article) [105 2011/1]

RDC 57 2/07, 255-276: Claudius Luterbacher-Maineri: «Quitter l'Église» dans le diocèse de saint-Gall: quelles conséquences pour le droit matrimonial? (Article) [105 2011/1]

REDC 63 (2006), 125-196: Federico R. Aznar Gil: Consejo Pontificio para los Textos Legislativos. Carta circular sobre el actus formalis defectionis ab Ecclesia catholica, 13 marzo 2006 (Prot. no. 10279/2006). Texto y comentario. (Document and commentary) [99 2008/1]

REDC 65 (2008), 703-725: Tribunal Supremo, Jurisdicción Contencioso-Administrativa: Sentencia de 19 setiembre de 2008 sobre cancelación de datos en los Libros de Bautismo. (Document and commentary) [104 2010/2]

REDC 67 (2010), 437-457: Federico R. Aznar Gil: La revocación de la cláusula "actus formalis defectionis ab Ecclesia catholica" de los cc. 1086 §1, 1117 y 1124. (Commentary) [106 2011/2]

SC 41 (2007), 515-549: John M. Huels: Defection from the Catholic Church by a Formal Act and the Circular Letter of 13 March 2006. (Article) [102 2009/2]

SC 45 (2011), 414-441: Philippe Hallein: Le motu proprio Omnium in mentem et les conséquences canoniques des modifications. (Article) [108 2012/2]

SCL II (2006), 15-17: Pontifical Council for Legislative Texts: Notification on actus formalis defectionis ab Ecclesia catholica. (Notification) [98 2007/2]

SCL V (2009), 297-362: Augustine Mendonça: Defective Consent in the Convalidation of a Marriage Null due to Lack of Canonical Form. (Article) [105 2011/1]

SCL V (2009), 363-383: Metropolitan Tribunal of San Francisco, CA (U.S.A.): Defective Convalidation: Decision coram Jones, 13 February 1996. (Sentence) [105 2011/1]

SCL V (2009), 384-391: Apostolic Tribunal of the Roman Rota: Decree Submitting the Case to an Ordinary Examination: decree coram De Lanversin, 17 January 1997. (Decree) [105 2011/1]

SCL V (2009), 392-405: Apostolic Tribunal of the Roman Rota: Defect of New Act of Will in Convalidation: Decision coram Sable, 29 January 1999. (Sentence) [105 2011/1]

SCL V (2009), 406-417: Apostolic Tribunal of the Roman Rota: Decree Rejecting the Request for a New Hearing: Decree coram Huber, 29 January 2003. (Decree) [105 2011/1]

SCL V (2009), 418-420: Supreme Tribunal of the Apostolic Signatura: Decree Granting a New Proposition of the Cause, 23 November 2005. (Decree) [105 2011/1]

SCL V (2009), 421-438: Apostolic Tribunal of the Roman Rota: Votum of the Deputy Defender of the Bond, 4 June 2007. (Votum) [105 2011/1]

SCL V (2009), 439-475: Apostolic Tribunal of the Roman Rota: Defect of Convalidation of Matrimonial Consent: decision coram Yaacoub, 19 July 2007. (Sentence) [105 2011/1]

SCL V (2009), 475-478: Supreme Tribunal of the Apostolic Signatura: Letter Regarding the Cases of Defective Convalidation, 19 December 2007. (Document) [105 2011/1]

SCL VI (2010), 13-16 (also Iustitia I 1-2/2010, 200-203): Pope Benedict XVI: Apostolic Letter Issued Motu Proprio Omnium in mentem On Several Amendments to the Code of Canon Law. (Document) [107 2012/1]

Kevin Otieno Mwandha: Disaffiliation from the Catholic Church. (Book) (Christian World Imprints, Delhi, 2022) [129 2023/1]

Canon 1118

AnC 15 (2019) 2, 101-113: Marek Story: Kościół, urząd czy plener – miejsce zawarcia małżeństwa w Polsce (In the church, in the office or outdoors: places where marriage can be contracted in Poland). (Article) [125 2021/1]

AnC 18 (2022) 1, 85-99: Marek Story: Koloseum, stadion olimpijski czy kościół – miejsce zawarcia małżeństwa w Rzymie (Colosseum, Olympic Stadium or a church – place of marriage in Rome). (Article) [129 2023/1]

SC 36 (2002), 487-495: J.-P. Labelle: Le Code de droit canonique de 1983, en raison du phénomène de l'inculturation, est-il adapté au Japon? (Article) [91 2004/1]

Canon 1119

SC 43 (2009), 97-139: John M. Huels: The Significance of the 1991 Ordo Celebrandi Matrimonium for the Canon Law of Marriage. (Article) [104 2010/2]

Canon 1120

Ap LXXXI 1-2 (2008), 7-14: Pontificium Concilium de Legum Textibus: La "recognitio" nei documenti della Santa Sede. (Document) [103 2010/1]

FCan III/1 (2008), 91-97: Pontifício Conselho para os Textos Legislativos: A natureza jurídica e a extensão da «recognitio» da Santa Sé. (Note) [102 2009/2]

IE VII 2/95, 627-641: O. Hi. Okeke: Christian Celebration of Marriage in Africa Revisited. (Article) [77 1997/1]

IE XIX 2/07, 511-524: Pontificio Consiglio per i Testi Legislativi: Nota “La natura giuridica e l’estensione della «recognitio» della Santa Sede”, 28 aprile 2006 (con nota di J. Miñambres, La natura giuridica della "recognitio" da parte della Santa Sede e il valore delle "note" del Pontificio Consiglio per i testi legislativi). (Document and commentary) [101 2009/1]

N XLIII 7-8/06, 376-384: Pontificium Consilium de Legum Textibus: Nota. (Reply) [99 2008/1]

SCL IV (2008), 27-42: Pontifical Council for Legislative Texts: Explanatory Note: The Legal Nature and the Extension of Recognitio of the Holy See. (Note) [102 2009/2]

Canons 1121-1122

RDC 68/2 (2018), 281-295: Luc-André Biarnais: Une histoire des registres de catholicité. Le cas du diocèse de Gap jusqu’en 2015. (Article) [124 2020/2]

Canon 1122

QDE 33 (2020), 64-84: Daniele Mombelli: Le notifiche di matrimonio: atto formale di valore sostanziale nel contesto ecclesiale di crescente mobilità umana. (Article) [125 2021/1]

Canons 1122-1140

Comm 34 (2002), 82-118: Ex actis Pontificiae Commissionis Codici Iuris Canonici Recognoscendo: Coetus studiorum "De Matrimonio" (Sessio XIII). (Report) [103 2010/1]

Canon 1123

QDE 31 (2018), 465-469: Emanuele Albanese: La registrazione della sanazione in radice di un matrimonio civile. (Article) [122 2019/2]

Canon 1124

AA X (2003), 257-264: A. D. Busso: El derecho a la libertad religiosa y la comunicación de abandono de la Iglesia y sus efectos canónicos. (Article) [93 2005/1]

AC 59 (2018), 221-240: Benoît Merly: Que reste-t-il du droit à l’apostasie dans l’Église catholique après le motu proprio Omnium in mentem? (Article) [126 2021/2]

AkK 170 (2001), 402-440: Winfried Aymans: Die Defektionsklauseln im kanonischen Eherecht. Plädoyer für die Tilgung des Befreigungstatbestandes eines "actus formalis defectionis ab Ecclesia catholica" in den cc. 1086 §1, 1117 und 1124 CIC. (Article) [91 2004/1]

AkK 174 (2005), 502-509: Heribert Schmitz: Kirchenaustritt als „actus formalis". Zum Rundschreiben des Päpstlichen Rates für die Gesetzestexte vom 13. März 2006 und zur Erklärung der Deutschen Bischofskonferenz vom 24. April 2006. (Commentary) [98 2007/2]

AkK 175 (2006), 353-373: Marcus Nelles: Der Kirchenaustritt – kein „actus formalis defectionis". (Article) [100 2008/2]

AkK 175 (2006), 374-396: Ludger Müller: Die Defektionsklauseln im kanonischen Eherecht. Zum Schreiben des Päpstlichen Rates für Gesetzestexte an die Vorsitzenden der Bischofskonferenzen vom 13. März 2006. (Article) [100 2008/2]

AkK 178 (2009), 544-550: Benedikt XVI: Apostolisches Schreiben „Motu Proprio" Omnium in mentem, mit dem einige Normen des Codex des kanonischen Rechts geändert werden, vom 26. Oktober 2009; Päpstlicher Rat für die Gesetzetexte, Kommentar zum Motu Proprio Omnium in mentem vom 16. Dezember 2009. (Document and commentary) [107 2012/1]

AkK 180 (2011), 92-117: Bernd Dennemarck: Eheschließung trotz Kirchenaustritt? Rechtliche Neuorientierung nach dem Motu Proprio Omnium in mentem. (Article) [109 2013/1]

AkK 180 (2011), 514-528: Stephan Haering: Die Richtlinien der Polnischen Bischofskonferenz zum Abfall von der katholischen Kirche durch formalen Akt aus dem Jahr 2008. (Article) [110 2013/2]

AkK 181 (2012), 25-38: Ernst Freiherr von Castell: Die eherechtlichen Implikationen des Motu proprio Omnium in mentem. (Article) [111 2014/1]

AkK 181 (2012), 467-486: Georg Dietlein – Jan-Gero Alexander Hannemann: Katholisch ohne Kierchensteuer? Bleibende Unklarheiten nach dem Allgemeinen Dekret der Deutschen Bischofskonferenz vom 15. März 2011. (Article) [112 2014/2]

AkK 182 (2013), 64-102: M. Antonia Sondermann: Das Motu Proprio Omnium in mentem und seine eherechtlichen Konsequenzen. (Article) [113 2015/1]

AnC 2 (2006), 179-194: Piotr Steczkowski: Wystąpienie z Kościoła katolickiego aktem formalnym w świetle dokumentu Papieskiej Rady ds. Tekstów Prawnych z 13 marca 2006 r (Abandonment of the Catholic Church by a formal act in the light of the document of the Pontifical Council for Legislative Texts of 13 March 2006). (Article) [98 2007/2]

AnC 4 (2008), 21-37: Wojciech Góralski: Zawarcie małżeństwa przez osobę, która formalnym aktem odstąpiła od Kościoła katolickiego (The contracting of marriage by a person who has left the Catholic Church by a formal act). (Conference presentation) [106 2011/2]

AnC 5 (2009), 197-212: Tomasz Rakoczy: Małżeństwo dla lepszych i gorszych katolików (Marriage for Better and Worse Catholics). (Article) [107 2012/1]

Ap LXXX 1-2 (2007), 197-199: Pontifical Council for Legislative Texts: Circular letter to Presidents of Episcopal Conferences on Actus formalis defectionis ab Ecclesia Catholica. (Document) [101 2009/1]

CLSN 127/01, 5-6: Pontifical Council for Legislative Texts: Formal Act of Defection from the Catholic Church. (Document) [88 2002/2]

CLSN 128/01, 71-75: G. Read: Formal Defection, The End of the Road. (Article) [90 2003/2]

CLSN 161/10, 13-25: Benedict XVI: Motu Proprio Omnium in Mentem, 26 October 2009. (Documents and commentary) [106 2011/2]

CLSN 196/19, 40-82: Gerard Deighan: Formal Defection from the Catholic Church in the Archdiocese of Dublin 1978 to 2015. (Article) [123 2020/1]

Comm 31 (1999), 182-188: Acta Consilii. (Report) [85 2001/1]

Comm 41 (2009), 260-265: Pope Benedict XVI: Litterae Apostolicae "Motu Proprio" datae Omnium in mentem quibus aliquae normae in Codice iuris canonici immutantur (lingua latina una cum versione italica). (Document) [104 2010/2]

Comm 41 (2009), 334-337: Francesco Coccopalmerio: Articulus, explanans Motum Proprium Omnium in mentem a Summo Pontifice die 16 mensis decembris 2009 datum,. (Article) [104 2010/2]

Comm 38 (2006), 170-189: Pontificium Consilium de Legum Textibus: Litterae circulares missae omnibus Conferentiis episcopalibus (variis linguis exaratae), quoad verba "actus formalis defectionis ab Ecclesia catholica" (cann. 1086 §1, 1117 & 1124 CIC) et quaedam epistulae respicientes ipsarum litterarum. (Document) [105 2011/1]

DPM 3 (1996), 267-281: Georg May: Unzutreffende Ausführungen über die protestantische Trauung in den Urteilen zweier Instanzen deutscher Offizialate. (Article) [79 1998/1]

DPM 13 (2006), 147-171: Andreas Weiß: Der sog. Kirchenaustritt in Deutschland – stets ein actus formalis defectionis ab Ecclesia catholica? Neue Klärungen in einer alten Frage. (Article) [102 2009/2]

DPM 14 (2007), 107-151: Karl-Heinz Selge: Consensus solus versus ekklesiale Einbindung der Eheschließung? (Article) [102 2009/2]

DPM 15/16 (2008/2009), 219-244: Stefan Rambacher: Zum actus formalis und die darauf Bezug nehmende Erklärung der deutschen Bischöfe zum Kirchenaustritt vom 24. April 2006. (Article) [106 2011/2]

EE 83 (2008), 605-630: Rufino Callejo de Paz: Una regulación confusa y sugerencias de iure condendo. Anotaciones sobre los cánones 1071, §1.4; 1086; 1117 y 1124. (Article) [103 2010/1]

EE 85 (2010), 845-870: Teodoro Bahíllo Ruiz – Rufino Callejo de Paz – Carmen Peña García: Recientes reformas del Código de Derecho Canónico: reformas introducidas por el m.p. Omnium in Mentem. (Roundtable discussion) [106 2011/2]

ELJ 8/37 (2005), 121-146: John McAreavey: Mixed Marriages: Conversations in Theology, Ecumenism, Canon Law and Pastoral Practice. (Lecture) [96 2006/2]

FCan VII/1 (2012), 91-98: Bento XVI: Carta Apostólica sob forma de 'motu proprio' Omnium in mentem do Sumo Pontífice Bento XVI sobre algumas modificações do CDC; Francesco Coccopalmerio: Os motivos das modificações. (Document and comment) [110 2013/2]

FThC II 24/16 (2013), 239-249: Elmar Güthoff: Der vor dem Staat erklärte Austritt aus der Kirche in Deutschland angesichts von Entscheidungen und Verlautbarungen aus dem Jahr 2012. (Article) [114 2015/2]

IC 50/100 (2010), 595-627: Javier Otaduy: Abandono de la Iglesia católica por acto formal. Comentario al «Motu Proprio» Omnium in mentem. (Document and commentary) [106 2011/2]

IC 60/119 (2020), 153-195: Inés Lloréns: A diez años de la publicación del Motu Proprio Omnium in mentem. (Article) [125 2021/1]

IE XVII 1/05, 221-245: C. J. Errázuriz: I matrimoni misti: approccio interordinamentale e dimensioni di giustizia. (Conference presentation) [96 2006/2]

IE XIX 1/07: 245-268: Pontificio Consiglio per i Testi Legislativi: Actus formalis defectionis ab Ecclesia Cattolica, 13 marzo 2006 (con nota di F. Marti, Quali novità riguardo all'atto formale di defezione dalla Chiesa cattolica di cui ai cc. 1117, 1086 §1 e 1124? Un commento alla Lettera Circolare del PCTL del 13 marzo 2006). (Document and commentary) [100 2008/2]

IE XXII 2/10, 475-492: Miguel Ángel Ortiz: L'obbligatorietà della forma canonica matrimoniale dopo il m.p. Omnium in mentem. (Document and commentary) [106 2011/2]

IE XXIII 1/11, 252-269: Conferenza Episcopale Austriaca: Disposizioni relative agli effetti che la fuoriuscita dalla Chiesa secondo il diritto statale abbia sulla condizione giuridica canonica del fuoriuscito, 21-23 giugno 2010 (con nota di Stefano Testa Bappenheim, Brevi osservazioni su due recenti documenti della Conferenza Episcopale Austriaca relativi al "Kirchenaustritt"). (Documents and commentary) [108 2012/2]

J 69 (2009), 472-515: John J. M. Foster: Sacramental Law: Selected Developments in Twenty-Five Years of Praxis. (Article) [105 2011/1]

J 72 (2012), 544-576: Daniela Knepper: Defecting from the Church by a Formal Act – the German Discussion 1969-2009. (Article) [111 2014/1]

KIP 6 (19) 2017, nr. 2, 53-66: Adam Fabiańczyk: Wystąpienie z Kościoła formalnym aktem według prawa kościelnego (The formal act of defection according to Church law). (Article) [120 2018/2]

ME CXXIII 4/98, 620-646: P. López Gallo: Formal Defection from the Catholic Church. (Article) [83 2000/1]

N XLVI 11-12/09, 577-580: Pope Benedict XVI: Litterae Apostolicae Motu Proprio datae Omnium in Mentem, Quaedam in Codice Iuris Canonici immutantur. (Document) [106 2011/2]

PCF VII (2005), 157-177: Gary Noel S. Formoso: The Problem of Validity of Aglipayan Baptism. (Article) [99 2008/1]

PCF XII (2010), 25-28: Pope Benedict XVI: Apostolic Letter in the Form of "Motu Proprio" Omnium in Mentem. (Document) [108 2012/2]

Per LXXXIV 4/95, 579-608: V. de Paolis: Alcune annotazioni circa la formula "actu formali ab Ecclesia catholica deficere". (Presentation) [77 1997/1]

Proc CLSA 2010, 189-204: Fredrick C. Easton: Canonical Form of Marriage Throughout the Centuries: Seeing Pope Benedict XVI's Motu Proprio Omnium in Mentem in Context. (Lecture) [110 2013/2]

QDE 20 (2007), 35-59: Marino Mosconi: L'abbandono pubblico o notorio della Chiesa e in particolare l'abbandono con atto formale. (Article) [99 2008/1]

QDE 25 (2012), 134-154: G. Paolo Montini: Il motu proprio Omnium in mentem e il matrimonio canonico. (Article) [109 2013/1]

QDE 25 (2012), 155-177: Massimo Mingardi: Il motu proprio Omnium in mentem e il matrimonio canonico. (Article) [109 2013/1]

QDE 25 (2012), 178-188: Paolo Bianchi: La circolare del 13 marzo 2006 del Pontificio consiglio per i testi legislativi alla prova di un caso concreto. (Article) [109 2013/1]

QDE 33 (2020), 27-63: Gianluca Marchetti: La preparazione e la celebrazione del matrimonio in un contesto di mobilità sociale. (Article) [125 2021/1]

RDC 57 2/07, 241-254: Jean Werckmeister: Le motu proprio Omnium in mentem et le mariage des ex-catholiques. (Article) [105 2011/1]

RDC 57 2/07, 255-276: Claudius Luterbacher-Maineri: «Quitter l'Église» dans le diocèse de saint-Gall: quelles conséquences pour le droit matrimonial? (Article) [105 2011/1]

REDC 63 (2006), 125-196: Federico R. Aznar Gil: Consejo Pontificio para los Textos Legislativos. Carta circular sobre el actus formalis defectionis ab Ecclesia catholica, 13 marzo 2006 (Prot. no. 10279/2006). Texto y comentario. (Document and commentary) [99 2008/1]

REDC 65 (2008), 703-725: Tribunal Supremo, Jurisdicción Contencioso-Administrativa: Sentencia de 19 setiembre de 2008 sobre cancelación de datos en los Libros de Bautismo. (Document and commentary) [104 2010/2]

REDC 67 (2010), 437-457: Federico R. Aznar Gil: La revocación de la cláusula "actus formalis defectionis ab Ecclesia catholica" de los cc. 1086 §1, 1117 y 1124. (Commentary) [106 2011/2]

SC 41 (2007), 515-549: John M. Huels: Defection from the Catholic Church by a Formal Act and the Circular Letter of 13 March 2006. (Article) [102 2009/2]

SC 45 (2011), 414-441: Philippe Hallein: Le motu proprio Omnium in mentem et les conséquences canoniques des modifications. (Article) [108 2012/2]

SCL II (2006), 15-17: Pontifical Council for Legislative Texts: Notification on actus formalis defectionis ab Ecclesia catholica. (Notification) [98 2007/2]

SCL VI (2010), 13-16 (also Iustitia I 1-2/2010, 200-203): Pope Benedict XVI: Apostolic Letter Issued Motu Proprio Omnium in mentem On Several Amendments to the Code of Canon Law. (Document) [107 2012/1]

Kevin Otieno Mwandha: Disaffiliation from the Catholic Church. (Book) (Christian World Imprints, Delhi, 2022) [129 2023/1]

Canons 1124-1126

IM 34 (2023), nr 2, 79-103: Helena Pietrzak: Problem ograniczenia indywidualnej wolności sumienia i religii w małżeństwach mieszanych (The problem of limiting individual freedom of conscience and religion in mixed marriages). (Article) [132 2024/2]

Iustitia VI 1/15, 73-90: Jose Marattil: Mixed Marriage: Conditions for Its Permission in CIC and CCEO. (Article) [116 2016/2]

Canons 1124-1127

CLSN 140/04, 7-32: J. McAreavey: Mixed Marriages: Conversations in Theology, Ecumenism, Canon Law and Pastoral Practice. (Paper) [95 2006/1]

FCan VIII/1 (2013), 9-36: José Antonio Fuentes: Matrimonios mixtos y con disparidad de cultos en la actualidad. El matrimonio de cristianos con musulmanes. (Article) [112 2014/2]

QDE 25 (2012), 229-243: Gianluca Marchetti: I matrimoni misti: la preparazione. (Article) [109 2013/1]

SC 39 (2005), 221-241: Anthony B. C. Chiegboka: Sanctions to Parents in Inter-Faith Marriages: A Reflection on the Nigerian Local Church Praxis. (Article) [97 2007/1]

Canons 1124-1128

Ang 90 (2013), 293-329: Carlo Fabris: L'ecumenismo nel contesto codiciale: lettura critica e prospettive di sviluppo della disciplina vigente. (Article) [113 2015/1]

VJTR 59 4/95, 270-274: Dialogue between the Catholic Church and the Malankara Syrian Orthodox Church on Inter-Marriages. (Document) [76 1996/2]

VJTR 69 7/05, 523-534: Jude Asanbe: Mixed Marriages in the Light of Ecumenism. (Article) [99 2008/1]

Canons 1124-1129

ACR LXXVIII 2/01, 198-209: Elizabeth Harrington: What God Has Joined Let No One Put Asunder – Not Even the Church! (Article) [87 2002/1]

AnC 11 (2015), 117-133: Piotr Lewandowski: Małżeństwo i rozwód w Kościele waldensów we Włoszech w perspektywie małżeństwa mieszanego (Marriage and divorce in the Waldensian Church in Italy in relation to mixed marriages). (Article) [121 2019/1]

Ap LXXXII 3-4 (2009), 597-646: Carlo Fabris: La condivisione di vita sacramentale tra cattolici e cristiani acattolici: profili giuridico-canonistici. (Article) [106 2011/2]

CLSN 190/17, 17-39: John McKeever: The Evolution of Canon Law regarding Mixed Marriages from 1917–2017. (Article) [119 2018/1]

IE X 2/98, 660-684: Conferenza Episcopale Italiana: Testo comune per un indirizzo pastorale dei matrimoni tra cattolici e valdesi o metodisti, 16 giugno 1997 (con nota di V. de Paolis). (Document and commentary) [82 1999/2]

IE XI 2/99, 513-524: C. J. Errázuriz: Sul fondamento della disciplina circa i matrimoni misti. (Comment) [84 2000/2]

IE XX 2/08, 347-367: Carlo Fabris: Considerazioni canonistiche in tema di "communicatio in sacris". (Article) [102 2009/2]

IM V 11/00, 63-101: K. Gierat: Problematyka małżeństw mieszanych w kontekście wypełniania istotnych praw-obowiązków małżeńskich. (Article) [86 2001/2]

ITS 57 (2020), 691-711: Sunil Kumar D’Souza: Mixed Marriage and Pastoral Challenges. (Article) [126 2021/2]

Iustitia IV 1/13, 11-41: G. Ruyssen: Catholic-Orthodox Marriage in Canon Law. (Article) [112 2014/2]

INT 5 1/99, 27-32: Paul J. Fitzgerald: A Christian Ethos for Multicultural Marriage. (Article) [83 2000/1]

KIP 7 (20) 2018, nr. 2, 99-111: Angelo Dąbrowski: Zawieranie małżeństw mieszanych pomiędzy wiernymi Kościoła rzymskokatolickiego i Kościoła polskokatolickiego w Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej (Mixed marriages between the faithful of the Roman Catholic Church and the Polish Catholic Church of the Republic of Poland). (Article) [122 2019/2]

KIP 7 (20) 2018, nr. 2, 113-124: Malwina Kędracka: Ewolucja kodeksowych uregulowań dotyczących duszpasterskiej opieki nad małżeństwami mieszanymi (Evolution of the provisions of the Code concerning the pastoral care of mixed marriages). (Article) [122 2019/2]

Mem XXIV/00, 131-137: J. J. García Faílde: Matrimonio canónico celebrado con impedimento de disparidad de cultos y matrimonio canónico mixto. (Conference presentation) [89 2003/1]

Per 100 (2011), 779-803: Maria Elena Campagnola: I matrimoni interconfessionali. (Paper) [110 2013/2]

Proc CLSA 1997, 204-222: D. Motiuk: Catholic and Orthodox issues in Ukraine. (Seminar Paper) [85 2001/1]

QDE 20 (2007), 320-333: Mauro Rivella: I matrimoni fra cattolici e musulmani in Italia. Le indicazioni della Presidenza della CEI. (Article) [100 2008/2]

RDC 68/1 (2018), 21-42: Alphonse Ky-Zerbo: Mariages dispars et mariages mixtes dans la législation de l’Église catholique. Entre droit divin et droit au mariage. (Article) [123 2020/1]

SC 38 (2004), 411-438: W. Kowal: The Power of the Church to Dissolve the Matrimonial Bond in Favour of the Faith. (Article) [95 2006/1]

SCL XVI (2021), 101-133: Sunil Kumar D’Souza: Changing Attitude of the Church Towards Mixed and Disparity of Cult Marriages. (Article) [133 2025/1]

VJTR 88 5/24, 374-391: Aloysius Enemali: Marriage Between A Baptised Catholic And A Baptised Non-Catholic. Implications for Ecumenism. (Article) [133 2025/1]

José Antonio Araña (ed.): Libertà religiosa e reciprocità. (Book) (Giuffrè, Milan, 2009) [104 2010/2]

P. Szabó: Matrimoni misti ed ecumenismo. Prospettive del riconoscimento ortodosso dei matrimoni misti con speciale riguardo al caso della celebrazione cattolica. (Symposium Presentation in Congregazione per le Chiese Orientali: Ius Ecclesiarum – Vehiculum Caritatis, pp. 235-259) (Libreria Editrice Vaticana, 2004) [94 2005/2]

Canon 1125

ADC 2 (abril 2013), 163-208: Vicente Benedito Morant: La filiación en los matrimonios interreligiosos entre católicos e islámicos. (Article) [121 2019/1]

BV 74 (2014), 295-303: Stanislav Slatinek: Verska nestrpnost med zakonci (Religious intolerance within married couples). (Article) [114 2015/2]

CLSN 152/07, 13-18: Gordon Read: The 1701 Act of Settlement. (Article) [100 2008/2]

ELJ 15/3 (2013), 332-334: Christopher Hill: Succession to the Crown Act 2013. (Commentary) [112 2014/2]

HPR 1/99, 67-69: W. B. Smith: Mixed Marriage. (Reply) [82 1999/2]

IM 33 (2022), nr 2, 161-174: Jacek Wilk: The status of Messianic Jews on mixed marriage in the Canonical Legal Order and its canonical implications. (Article) [130 2023/2]

KIP 8 (21) 2019, nr 2, 31-48: Martyna Pereta: Prawo dziecka do wychowania w prawodawstwie Kościoła łacińskiego z elementami prawa polskiego (Right of a child to be brought up, in the legislation of the Latin Church, with elements of Polish Law). (Article) [124 2020/2]

Canons 1125-1126

IC 51/102 (2011), 547-585: Javier Ferrer Ortiz: Libertad religiosa e inmigración: el matrimonio canónico entre católica y musulmán. (Article) [108 2012/2]

PS LV 166 (2020), 399-412: I Made Markus Suma: The Declarations and Promises Made in Mixed Marriages: Procedural Acts for Legislation. (Article) [126 2021/2]

Markus Graulich: Le garanzie o "cauzioni" nel contesto del matrimonio misto e dello scioglimento del matrimonio in favorem fidei. (Article in Jesu Pudumai Doss – Markus Graulich (eds.): Iustitiam et iudicium facere. Scritti in onore del Prof. Don Sabino Ardito, SDB, pp. 165-188) (Book) (Università Pontificia Salesiana, Rome, 2011) [108 2012/2]

Canons 1125-1129

QDE 19 (2006), 261-271: Alessandro Giraudo: Rito del matrimonio tra una parte cattolica e una parte catecumena o non cristiana. (Article) [98 2007/2]

Canon 1126

DPM 2 (1995), 213-218: Heribert Heinemann: Georg May Einwände gegen das Ehevorbereitungsprotokoll. (Article) [79 1998/1]

Canons 1126-1127

J 73 (2013), 271-297: United States Conference of Catholic Bishops: Complementary Legislation to the Code of Canon Law. (Legislation) [111 2014/1]

Canon 1127

AC 64 (2023), 61-71: Gregor Prichodko: Des normes orientales prévalant en terre latine: le motu proprio De concordia inter codices. (Article) [133 2025/1]

Canonist 7/2 (2016), 190-201: Pope Francis: Apostolic Letter, Motu Proprio, De Concordia inter Codices, with commentary by Rodger J. Austin. (Document and comment) [119 2018/1]

CLSN 142/05, 74-75: G. Read: Invalid Dispensation from Canonical Form. (Article) [96 2006/2]

Comm 48 (2016), 326-325: Litterae Apostolicae De concordia inter Codices; also Comm 48 (2016), 448-452: I. Arrieta: Articulus explanans litteras apostolicas De concordia inter Codices; also SC 50 (2016), 323-345: Jobe Abbass: De concordia inter Codices: A Commentary; also EE 91 (2016), 861-876: Miguel Campo Ibáñez: De concordia inter codices. Primer comentario; also CLSN 188/16, 4-11: Apostolic Letter motu proprio De concordia inter Codices; reports of the Holy See Press Office concerning De concordia inter Codices. (Document and commentaries) [118 2017/2]

DPM 1 (1994), 127-134: Rainer Alfs: Die Antwort des Päpstlichen Rates für die Interpretation von Gesetzestexten vom 10 Februar 1992 an den Bischof van Osnabrück. (Article) [79 1998/1]

DPM 2 (1995), 23-38: Carl Gerold Fürst: Probleme der Form der Eheschliessung von Orientalen oder mit Orientalen. (Paper) [79 1998/1]

EIC 57 (2017), 589-632: Luigi Sabbarese: Commento alle modifiche apportate al Codice con il m.p. «De concordia inter Codices». (Comment) [120 2018/2]

IC XXXVII 73/97, 13-31: Juan Fornés: La forma en el matrimonio de un católico con un no católico. (Article) [80 1998/2]

IE XXIX (2017), 159-174, 263-269: Pablo Gefaell: Commenti al M.P. “De concordia inter Codices”. (Document and comment) [119 2018/1]

LW 118/4 (2012), 230-250: Sebastian Payyappilly: Sacred Rite and the Validity of Inter-Ritual and Mixed Marriages. (Article) [113 2015/1]

REDC 63 (2006), 655-722: Alejandro Cortés Diéguez: El matrimonio mixto en la Iglesia latina y en las Iglesias orientales católicas y ortodoxas. Aspectos teológicos y canónicos. (Article) [101 2009/1]

SC 36 (2002), 487-495: J.-P. Labelle: Le Code de droit canonique de 1983, en raison du phénomène de l'inculturation, est-il adapté au Japon? (Article) [91 2004/1]

William L. Daniel: Ministerium Iustitiae. Jurisprudence of the Supreme Tribunal of the Apostolic Signatura. (Book) (Gratianus, Wilson & Lafleur Montreal, 2011) [108 2012/2]

Canons 1130-1133

BEF LXXV 811/99, 248-254: E. Garcia: Secret Celebration of Marriage. (Consultation) [83 2000/1]

BEF LXXVII 826/01, 722-728: J. González: Secret Celebration of Marriage. (Consultation) [88 2002/2]

IC XXXVII 73/97, 151-186: Javier Ferrer Ortiz: Celebración del matrimonio en secreto e inscripción en el Registro civil. (Article) [80 1998/2]

RDC 50 1/00, 163-169: Michel Legrain: Mariage civil et mariage religieux : se marier à l’église sans passer par la mairie? (Article) [88 2002/2]

RDC 52 2/02, 259-274: Kurt Martens: Le secret dans la religion catholique. (Article) [93 2005/1]

Canon 1132

Canonist 14/1 (2023), 118-138: Brendan Daly: Scandal in the 1983 Code of Canon Law. (Article) [131 2024/1]

IC 64/127 (2024), 223-263: Massimo del Pozzo: El significado del escándalo en la disciplina sacramental. (Article) [133 2025/1]

QDE 26 (2013) 77-90: Fabio Marini: L'ufficio del parroco tra segreto e riservatezza. (Article) [111 2014/1]

Canon 1133

AkK 171 (2002), 442-457: Stephan Haering: Zur Rechtlichen Ordnung des Kirchlichen Archivwesens. (Article) [93 2005/1]

Canon 1134

HPR 7/04, 8-17: T. P. Looney: John Paul II: Defender and theologian of the bond. (Article) [96 2006/2]

IC XLI 81/01, 191-231: Xavier Bastida i Canal: Derecho y Pastoral ante las situaciones de crisis. (Article) [90 2003/2]

MFS 29 (2023), 233-264: Patrick Connolly: The Current Canonical Legislation of the Catholic Church on Marriage with Particular Reference to the Major Changes of the Last Century. (Article) [132 2024/2]

RDC 53 1/03, 159-174: Kurt Martens: Sacrement et contrat du point de vue de la procédure canonique. (Article) [94 2005/2]

SC 35 (2001), 357-402: P. Connolly: Contrasts in the Western and Eastern Approaches to Marriage. (Article) [89 2003/1]

SC 40 (2006), 183-210: Apostolic Tribunal of the Roman Rota: Decision coram Ferreira, 12 October 2001 (Bogotá). (Sentence) [98 2007/2]

SC 47 (2013), 183-206: Wojciech Kowal: Twenty Years after the Promulgation of the Catechism of the Catholic Church: Doctrinal Foundations for Marriage. (Article) [111 2014/1]

Canons 1134-1135

IE XXVI (2014), 579-622: Tribunale Apostolico della Rota Romana: Nullità del matrimonio. Esclusione del bonum coniugum e del bonum prolis. Sentenza definitiva, 26 febbraio 2013. Heredia Esteban, Ponente (con nota di F. Catozzella, I presuppositi per un'adeguata comprensione del bonum coniugum in una recente sentenza rotale). (Sentence and comment) [114 2015/2]

SC 38 (2004), 155-172: J. A. Coriden: The Marriage Bond and Ecclesial Reconciliation of the Divorced and Remarried. (Article) [95 2006/1]

Canons 1134-1136

IE XXII 1/10, 275-297: Segreteria di Stato: Rescritto di approvazione del Testo Unico delle "Provvidenze a favore della famiglia", 8 aprile 2009 (con nota di Anna Maria Cappelletti, Le provvidenze a favore della famiglia: il Testo Unico del 2009). (Document and commentary) [105 2011/1]

Canons 1134-1140

IC XXXIV 68/94, 427-440: Pedro Juan Viladrich: La familia «soberana». (Article) [76 1996/2]

IE XXV (2013), 409-429: Ilaria Zuanazzi: Per un diritto di famiglia della Chiesa: i rapporti tra genitori e figli. (Article) [111 2014/1]

Canon 1135

SC 39 (2005), 309-330 (English translation), 331-351 (French translation): Apostolic Tribunal of the Roman Rota, coram Civili, 8 November 2000. (Jurisprudence) [97 2007/1]

Michaela Pitterová: La parità tra i coniugi. Sviluppi del Magistero sulla posizione della donna all'interno della famiglia. (Article in Jesu Pudumai Doss – Markus Graulich (eds.): Iustitiam et iudicium facere. Scritti in onore del Prof. Don Sabino Ardito, SDB, pp. 33-48) (Book) (Università Pontificia Salesiana, Rome, 2011) [108 2012/2]

Canons 1135-1136

BV 75 (2015), 117-127: Stanislav Slatinek: Education for Interreligious Dialogue in the Family. (Article) [115 2016/1]

Canon 1136

AnC 5 (2009), 125-148: Michał Jóźwik: Uczestnictwo rodziny w życiu i misji Kościoła i w rozwoju społeczeństwa (The Participation of the Family in the Life and the Mission of the Church and the Development of Society). (Article) [107 2012/1]

BV 74 (2014), 295-303: Stanislav Slatinek: Verska nestrpnost med zakonci (Religious intolerance within married couples). (Article) [114 2015/2]

EE 84 (2009), 663-699: Lourdes Ruano Espina: La libertad de conciencia y el obligado sometimiento a la ley. Reacciones y respuestas ante la pretensión del Estado de formar la conciencia moral de los menores: el controvertido caso de la Educación para la Ciudadanía. (Article) [104 2010/2]

For XVII/06, 385-434: Héctor Franceschi: "Bonum prolis" in the married state of life and the canonical consequences in case of separation or nullity of marriage. (Article) [100 2008/2]

FT 19 (2008), 353-381: Lóránd Ujházi: Il diritto naturale dei genitori di educare i loro figli ed il dovere dei cattolici di assicurare una crescita spirituale cattolica. (Article) [103 2010/1]

KIP 8 (21) 2019, nr 2, 31-48: Martyna Pereta: Prawo dziecka do wychowania w prawodawstwie Kościoła łacińskiego z elementami prawa polskiego (Right of a child to be brought up, in the legislation of the Latin Church, with elements of Polish Law). (Article) [124 2020/2]

QDE 32 (2019), 33-46: Fabio Marini: Il diritto dei minori a ricevere i sacramenti, in specie l’Eucaristia e la penitenza. (Article) [123 2020/1]

QDE 35 (2022), 25-53: Francesco Grazian: Seminario minore: diritto-dovere di educare e immunità da coercizione. (Article) [129 2023/1] 

S 80 (2018), 380-398: Giorgio Degiorgi: «Vera educatio». Considerazioni canoniche circa l’educazione dei giovani. (Article) [121 2019/1]

Jesu Pudumai Doss: The Portrait of Youth in Church Law, in "Youth India: Situation, Challenges & Prospects" (Kristu Jyoti, Bangalore, 2006), pp. 283-303. (Article) [100 2008/2]

Canon 1137

Emmanuel Petit: Consentement matrimonial et fiction du droit. Etude sur l'efficacité juridique du consentement après l'introduction de la fiction en droit canonique. (Book) (Pontificia Università Gregoriana, Rome, 2010) [105 2011/1]

Canons 1137-1138

Per VC 2/06, 307-342: Edward N. Peters: The canonical presumption of spousal paternity. (Article) [97 2007/1]

REDC 67 (2010), 151-220: Vicente Benedito Morant: La prueba de la filiación en el Derecho Canónico. (Article) [106 2011/2]

Canons 1137-1141

Comm 34 (2002), 119-145: Ex actis Pontificiae Commissionis Codici Iuris Canonici Recognoscendo: Coetus studiorum "De Matrimonio" (Sessio XIV). (Report) [103 2010/1]

Canons 1139-1140

Emmanuel Petit: Consentement matrimonial et fiction du droit. Etude sur l'efficacité juridique du consentement après l'introduction de la fiction en droit canonique. (Book) (Pontificia Università Gregoriana, Rome, 2010) [105 2011/1]

Canon 1141

AnC 11 (2015), 31-62: Nicolás Álvarez de las Asturias: Sobór Trydencki i nierozerwalność małżeństwa: hermeneutyczne refleksje na temat zasięgu jego doktryny (The Council of Trent and the indissolubility of marriage: hermeneutic reflections on the scope of the doctrine). (Article) [121 2019/1]

Ap LXXV 3-4 (2002), 441-447: Allocutio, 21.I.2000, ad Romanae Rotae iudices et administros. (Address) [91 2004/1]

CLSN 121/00, 5-10: The Holy Father's Address to the Roman Rota, 21 January 2000. (Address) [87 2002/1]

DPM 2 (1995), 39-67: Matthäus Kaiser: Können Ehen aufgelöst werden? (Paper) [79 1998/1]

EE 90 (2015), 765-787: Rufino Callejo de Paz: Misericordia y fracaso matrimonial: algunas consideraciones de cara a un posible replanteamiento jurídico-pastoral. (Article) [116 2016/2]

FCan XVIII/1 (2023), 61-76: João Vergamota: Dissolução do Matrimónio em favor da fé. (Article) [132 2024/2]

For XI 2/00, 407-411: Pope John Paul II: Address to the Tribunal of the Roman Rota, 21 January 2000. (Address) [90 2003/2]

IC 58/115 (2018), 149-183: Javier Otaduy Guerín: Dulcor Misericordiae III. Las situaciones irregulares desde el Concilio hasta Amoris Laetitia. (Article) [121 2019/1]

IE X 2/99, 585-589: Il potere del Papa e il matrimonio dei battezzati. (Article) [84 2000/2]

IE XII 1/00, 249-259: Giovanni Paolo II: Discorso alla Rota Romana, 21 gennaio 2000 (con nota di B. E. Ferme, The Rotal Allocution, 21 January 2000: A Note on the Exercise of the Magisterium). (Address and commentary) [85 2001/1]

IE XXIX (2017), 531-552: Jaime Abascal Martínez: La disolución del matrimonio no sacramental desde el código de 1917 hasta la norma actual. Magisterio, praxis y normativa. (Article) [120 2018/2]

ME CXXV 1/00, 4-15: Allocutio Romani Pontificis Ioannis Pauli II ad Rotam Romanam. (Allocution) [85 2001/1]

MFS 24 (2018), 106-120: Scaria Kanniyakonil: The Indissolubility of Marriage in the Syro-Malabar Church. (Article) [121 2019/1]

Per XCI 3/02, 459-506: J. Kowal: Nuove "Norme per lo scioglimento del matrimonio in favorem fidei". (Paper) [90 2003/2]

Proc CLSA 2010, 50-82: John A. Alesandro: The Canon Law of Marriage: Ever Old, Ever New. (Lecture) [110 2013/2]

RDC 48 1/98, 7-28: Bernard Paperon: Divorce in Hebrew Tradition: Talmudic Sources. (Article) [85 2001/1]

RDC 53 1/03, 159-174: Kurt Martens: Sacrement et contrat du point de vue de la procédure canonique. (Article) [94 2005/2]

RR 2005, 76-78: G. T. Jorgensen: Role of Parish Priest or Delegated Cleric in "Civil Remarriage" of Divorced Catholics. (Opinion) [96 2006/2]

SC 43 (2009), 161-181: Wojciech Kowal: Quelques remarques sur la discipline de la dissolution de mariages en faveur de la foi. (Article) [104 2010/2]

SC 47 (2013), 183-206: Wojciech Kowal: Twenty Years after the Promulgation of the Catechism of the Catholic Church: Doctrinal Foundations for Marriage. (Article) [111 2014/1]

SC 55 (2021), 209-243: Patrick Connolly: Oikonomìa and Remarriage in the Orthodox Tradition: a Pastoral Solution for the Catholic Church? (Article) [128 2022/2]

TS LXV 3/04, 453-499: K. R. Hines – J. A. Coriden: The Indissolubility of Marriage: Reasons to Reconsider. (Article) [93 2005/1]

TyV XLVII 4/06, 405-422: J. Silvio Botero G.: El cónyuge abandonado sin culpa: Algunas pistas de solución. (Article) [98 2007/2]

Canons 1141-1142

AnCrac 44 (2012), 307-319: Andrzej Wójcik: Konsekwencje prawne dopełnienia i niedopełnienia małżeństwa w prawie kanonicznym (Legal consequences of consummation and non-consummation of marriage in canon law). (Article) [112 2014/2]

Comm 46 (2014), 331-332: Pope Francis: Allocutio Summi Pontificis ad eos, qui in Cursu "super rato" a Tribunale Rotae Romanae promoto partem habuerunt, die 5 mensis novembris 2014 prolata. (Address) [115 2016/1]

SC 38 (2004), 411-438: W. Kowal: The Power of the Church to Dissolve the Matrimonial Bond in Favour of the Faith. (Article) [95 2006/1]

Canons 1141-1149

AnC 4 (2008), 207-229: Tomasz Rakoczy: Rozwiązanie węzła małżeńskiego w rozumieniu Norm Kongregacji Nauki Wiary z 30 kwietnia 2001 roku (The dissolving of a ratified marriage according to the Norms of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith of 2001). (Article) [106 2011/2]

Canons 1141-1150

Ang 82 (2005), 673-713: Luigi Sabbarese: Lo scioglimento del vincolo matrimoniale in favore della fede. (Article) [96 2006/2]

Ap LXXVII 3-4 (2004), 835-858: Krystyna M. Amborski: Procedural Norms of the Process for the Dissolution of the Matrimonial Bond in Favorem Fidei. (Article) [100 2008/2]

Comm 34 (2002), 201-229: Ex actis Pontificiae Commissionis Codici Iuris Canonici Recognoscendo: Coetus studiorum "De Matrimonio" (Sessio XV). (Report) [103 2010/1]

EE 81 (2006), 699-723: Carmen Peña García: La disolución pontificia del matrimonio in favorem fidei: Cuestiones sustantivas y procesales. (Article) [98 2007/2]

EIC 61 (2021), 235-263: Jorge Castro Trapote: Fundamentación canónica de la disolución de los matrimonios in favorem fidei. (Article) [127 2022/1]

ELT 9-10 (2010-2011), 42-85: Sajan George Thengumpally: Marriages of Unbaptized Persons: Misapprehensions and the Right Approach of the Church. (Article) [110 2013/2]

Iustitia 11, No. 2 (2020), 203-218: Sebastian Payyappilly: The Juridical Competence of the Catholic Church in Annulling the Marriage of the Unbaptized. (Article) [127 2022/1]

IusM XV/2021, 99-130: Luigi Sabbarese: De matrimonio infidelium. (Article) [127 2022/1]

IusM XV/2021, 131-147: Elias Frank: In Favorem Fidei Dissolution of Marriage Bond. Case Study. (Article) [127 2022/1]

IusM XV/2021, 163-172: Johannes Fürnkranz: La fase dicasteriale della procedura per lo scioglimento del vincolo matrimoniale in favorem fidei. (Article) [127 2022/1]

N XL 11-12/04, 618-626: D. Sorrentino: Procedure canoniche e prospettive teologico-spirituali. (Address) [95 2006/1]

Proc CLSA 2005, 123-162: John J. Kennedy: The Dissolution of Marriage in Favor of the Faith: New Norms invite a new look at our practice. (Seminar paper) [101 2009/1]

QDE 20 (2007), 299-319: Elena Lucia Bolchi: Lo scioglimento del matrimonio non sacramentale in favorem fidei. (Article) [100 2008/2]

QDE 34 (2021), 28-58: Paolo Bianchi: La certezza morale di qualcosa che non esiste: come provare una assenza? (Article) [127 2022/1]

QDE 34 (2021), 59-81: Johannes Fürnkranz: Lo scioglimento del matrimonio in favorem fidei: questioni scelti a partire dalle Normae del 2001. (Article) [127 2022/1]

QDE 34 (2021), 82-93: Matteo Visioli: Lo scioglimento del matrimonio in favore della fede: numeri e statistiche. (Note) [127 2022/1]

REDC 62 (2005), 425-457: Juan Goti Ordeñana: El proceso para la disolución del vínculo matrimonial en favor de la fe. (Article) [98 2007/2]

REDC 64 (2007), 229-257: Dolores García Hervás: La disolución del matrimonio a favor de la fe. (Conference presentation) [101 2009/1]

SC 33 (1999), 27-70: J.-P. Labelle: Les incidences pastorales de la dissolution du mariage non sacramentel en faveur de la foi. (Article) [83 2000/1]

SCL I (2005), 199-245: L. Sabbarese: The Dissolution of a Non-Sacramental Marriage in Favour of the Faith. (Article) [96 2006/2]

Verg 9 (2019), 19-42: Federico Gravino: El favor fidei entre la disciplina canónica y la protección de los migrantes. (Article) [124 2020/2]

Elias Frank: The Dissolution of Marriage Bond in the Discipline of the Church and Its Application. (Book) (Urbaniana University Press, Rome, 2017) [118 2017/2]

Markus Graulich: Agli altri dico io – Non il Signore. Dal privilegio paolino allo scioglimento del matrimonio in favorem fidei. (Article in Jesu Pudumai Doss (ed.): Parola di Dio e legislazione ecclesiastica, pp. 111-134) (Book) (Libreria Ateneo Salesiano, Rome, 2008) [102 2009/2]

Canons 1141-1155

BEF LXXIX 838/03, 682-685: J. González: Matrimonial Separation. (Consultation) [94 2005/2]

QDE 19 (2006), 70-92: Eugenio Zanetti: Consulenza e introduzione di una causa di nullità matrimoniale. (Conference presentation) [97 2007/1]

Piero Amenta: Administrative Procedures in Canonical Marriage Cases: History, Legislation and Praxis. (Book) (Gratianus, Wilson & Lafleur, Montreal, 2011) [107 2012/1]

Anne Bamberg: Procédures matrimoniales en droit canonique. (Book) (Ellipses, Paris, 2011) [107 2012/1]

Canon 1142

AA XXIII (2017, vol. II), 39-64: Carmen Peña García: La no consumación del matrimonio como motivo de disolución canónica: cuestiones a reconsiderar. (Article) [121 2019/1]

AnC 19 (2023) 2, 125-138: Andrzej Wójcik: Znaczenie dopełnienia małżeństwa naturalnego, czyli (jeszcze) niesakramentalnego (The significance of consummation of natural, i.e. not (yet) sacramental, marriage). (Article) [132 2024/2]

Ap LXXXV (2012), 587-602: Grzegorz Erlebach: Nuove competenze della Rota Romana in seguito al motu proprio "Quaerit semper". (Commentary) [113 2015/1]

BEF LXXVI 6/10, 649-654: Hermogenes E. Bacareza: A Case of Ratum Non Consummatum. (Consultation) [106 2011/2]

EE 92 (2017), 567-602: Carmen García Peña: Los «casos difíciles» en la disolución canónica del matrimonio no consumado: aspectos sustantivos y procesales. (Article) [120 2018/2]

FCan II/2 (2007), 93-107: João Pedro Mendonça Correia: Appontamento sobre o artigo 16.º da Concordata de 18 de Maio de 2004 entre a Santa Sé e Portugal. (Article) [100 2008/2]

FCan XVIII/1 (2023), 151-158: Sagrada Congregação do Concílio: Parisien., 28 de março de 1857. (Decision and comment) [132 2024/2]

HPR June 2018: Lawrence J. Welch: Renewing or Imperiling our Understanding of the Sacrament of Marriage? (Article) [127 2022/1]

IC 56/111 (2016), 229-269: Joaquín Sedano: Las incertidumbres históricas sobre la potestad pontificia de disolver un matrimonio rato y no consumado: una clave interpretativa de la formación del vínculo matrimonial. (Article) [117 2017/1]

IE XXI 3/09, 725-739: Portogallo, Ministério da Justiça: Decreto-Lei, n. 100/2009, 11 maggio 2009 (con nota di J.P.S. Mendonça Correia, Anotações à regulamentação do artigo 16 da Concordata de 18 de maio de 2004 entre a Santa Sé e Portugal). (Document and commentary) [105 2011/1]

IE XXIV 2/12, 457-481: Benedetto XVI: Motu proprio Quaerit semper, 30 agosto 2011 (con nota di J. Llobell, La competenza e la procedura per la dispensa "super quolibet matrimonio non consummato" nel m.p. "Quaerit semper"). (Documents and comment) [110 2013/2]

N XLI 3-4/05, 135-203: Congregatio de Cultu Divino et Disciplina Sacramentorum: L'Adunanza "Plenaria" della Congregazione per il Culto Divino e la Disciplina dei Sacramenti. (Report) [95 2006/1]

Per 102 (2013), 241-277: Piero Antonio Bonnet: Il diritto ecclesiale 'in signo fidei' e l'indissolubilità del matrimonio sacramento. (Article) [112 2014/2]

Per 113 (2024), 267-298: Davide Salvatori: Competenza e prassi dell’Ufficio super rato della Rota Romana e prassi delle curie diocesane. (Presentation) [134 2025/2]

Per 113 (2024), 347-363: Giovanni Iacono: La consumazione del matrimonio alla luce della definizione dell’oggetto del consenso: prospettiva fenomenologica e sistematica. (Summary of doctoral thesis) [134 2025/2]

PS LVIII 175 (2023), 55-83: Danilo R. Flores: The Exercise of the Potestas Vicaria of the Roman Pontiff: Perfect and Harmonious Interaction of Fides, Ratio atque Ius. (Article) [131 2024/1]

QDE 22 (2009), 7-19: Elena Lucia Bolchi: Attenzioni giuridico-pastorali relative all'avvio della procedura per lo scioglimento del matrimonio in favorem fidei da parte del Romano Pontifice. (Article) [104 2010/2]

QDE 22 (2009), 20-37: Matteo Visioli: La delega della potestà nello scioglimento del matrimonio non sacramentale. Ipotesi dottrinali. (Article) [104 2010/2]

QDE 22 (2009), 38-54: Bassiano Uggé: Scioglimento del matrimonio non sacramentale: questione terminologica. (Article) [104 2010/2]

REDC 69 (2012), 443-445: Benedicto XVI: Carta Apostólica en forma de m. pr. Quaerit Semper, 30 de agosto de 2011. (Document) [109 2013/1]

Canons 1142-1149

Luigi Sabbarese – Elias Frank: Scioglimento in favorem fidei del matrimonio non sacramentale. Norme e procedura. (Book) (Urbaniana University Press, Vatican City, 2010) [109 2013/1]

Canons 1142-1150

IC 51/101 (2011), 373-396: Joaquín Sedano: Crónica de Derecho Canónico del año 2010. (Compilation) [107 2012/1]

IusM VII/2013, 45-59: Elias Frank: A Selective Comparison of privilegium fidei Cases. Normative Differences. (Article) [114 2015/2]

Per 111 (2022), 671-698: Johannes Fürnkranz: Scioglimento del matrimonio non-sacramentale inconsumato. (Reply) [131 2024/1]

Canon 1143

RR 2005, 23-26: Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith: Multiple Marriage Cases Involving Pauline Privilege and Ligamen. (Documents) [96 2006/2]

Canons 1143-1147

KIP 5 (18) 2016, 199-213: Ewelina Milej: Przywilej pawłowy według Kodeksu Prawa Kanonicznego z 1983 roku (The Pauline privilege according to the 1983 Code of Canon Law). (Article) [117 2017/1]

QDE 20 (2007), 343-349: Gianni Trevisan: Il privilegio paolino: Delineazione fondamentale del privilegio. (Article) [102 2009/2]

QDE 20 (2007), 378-394: Matteo Visioli: Il privilegio paolino: una deroga al principio di indissolubilità? (Article) [102 2009/2]

QDE 20 (2007), 395-401: Andrea Migliavacca: Modelli e formulari per l'applicazione del privilegio paolino. (Documents) [102 2009/2]

Canons 1143-1149

REDC 78 (2021), 1091-1131: Carmen Peña: Potencialidad pastoral de las disoluciones matrimoniales in favorem fidei y cuestiones relativas a los requisitos y tramitaciones de estos procedimientos. (Article) [132 2024/2]

RR 2004, 47-72: Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith: Norms on the Preparation of the Process for the Dissolution of the Marriage Bond in Favor of the Faith. (Documents) [94 2005/2]

Canons 1143-1150

BEF LXXXV 1/09, 95-103: Javier González: The Pauline Privilege and Other Privileges of the Faith: Are They Still Relevant Today? (Consultation) [105 2011/1]

CLSN 127/01, 53-63: Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith: Norms for the process of the dissolution of marriages in favour of the faith. (Document) [88 2002/2]

CLSN 127/01, 64-67: G. Read: Revised Norms for Dissolution in Favour of the Faith. (Comment) [88 2002/2]

For XII 2/01, 35-43: U. Navarrete: Response about the Validity of Baptism Conferred in the "Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter Day Saints". (Article) [93 2005/1]

IE VIII 2/96, 850851: Supremo Tribunale della Segnatura Apostolica: Decreto particolare, «Favor matrimonii, favor fidei et certitudo moralis» 23 gennaio 1996 (Decree) [79 1998/1]

RDC 52 2/02, 428-442: Daniel Debuf: Le privilège en faveur de la foi: que change l'instruction d'avril 2001 par rapport à celle de décembre 1973? (Article) [93 2005/1]

Canons 1144-1146

QDE 20 (2007), 350-362: Alessandro Giraudo: La volontà della parte non battezzata: oggetto, modalità e conseguenze delle interpellazioni nel privilegio paolino (cann. 1144-1146). (Article) [102 2009/2]

Canons 1147-1150

QDE 20 (2007), 363-377: Andrea Migliavacca: Privilegio paolino: alcuni casi particolari (cf. cann. 1147-1149). (Article) [102 2009/2]

Canon 1148

AC 65 (2024), 125-140: Ludovic Danto: Une réflexion sur le consentement des polygames: état des lieux et perspectives. (Article) [134 2025/2]

PCF VIII (2006), 65-106: Vicente R. Uy: The Principle of Equity in the Code of Canon Law. (Article) [98 2007/2]

Canons 1148-1149

J 65 (2005), 268-336: Alan R. A. McCormack: A Commentary on the Norms for Favor of the Faith Cases. (Article) [97 2007/1]

J 65 (2005), 412-419: John T. Noonan, Jr: Privilege of the Faith: Divorce or Dispensation? (Article) [97 2007/1]

KIP 5 (18) 2016, 215-228: Paulina Szablińska: Przywilej piotrowy w kanonicznym porządku prawnym (The Petrine privilege in canon law). (Article) [117 2017/1]

Proc CLSA 2002, 97-119: F. C. Easton: Favor of the Faith Cases and the 2001 Norms of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. (Seminar Paper at the 2002 Convention of the Canon Law Society of America, Cincinnati, Ohio) [91 2004/1]

Canon 1149

BEF LXXX 842/04, 390-398: J. González: Divorce and Church Annulment: Any Difference? (Consultation) [94 2005/2]

Canons 1149-1150

Canonist 9/2 (2018), 220-228: Cormac Nagle: Church Tradition, Authority, and Pastoral Decisions. (Article) [122 2019/2]

Canon 1150

DPM 9 (2002), 245-257: E. Güthoff: Das Privilegium Petrinum. Die Auflösung einer nichtsakramentalen Ehe durch päpstlichen Gnadenakt. (Article) [92 2004/2]

DPM 9 (2002), 356-377: Normae de Conficiendo Processu pro Solutione Vinculi Matrimonialis in Favorem Fidei. (Document) [92 2004/2]

Per LXXXV 2/96, 357-385: U. Navarrete: Commentarium decreti Signaturae Apostolicae de recta applicatione cc. 1150 et 1608 §4. (Article) [78 1997/2]

Per XCIII 2/04, 265-325: J. Kowal: Le Norme per lo scioglimento del matrimonio in favorem fidei – parte procedurale. (Article) [93 2005/1]

SC 31 (1997), 475-512: A. Mendonça: The Correct Interpretation of Canons 1150 and 1608 §4. (Article) [80 1998/2]

SC 38 (2004), 411-438: W. Kowal: The Power of the Church to Dissolve the Matrimonial Bond in Favour of the Faith. (Article) [95 2006/1]

SC 43 (2009), 161-181: Wojciech Kowal: Quelques remarques sur la discipline de la dissolution de mariages en faveur de la foi. (Article) [104 2010/2]

William L. Daniel: Ministerium Iustitiae. Jurisprudence of the Supreme Tribunal of the Apostolic Signatura. (Book) (Gratianus, Wilson & Lafleur Montreal, 2011) [108 2012/2]

Canon 1151

For VIII 1/97, 23-26: Pope John Paul II: Pastoral Care of Divorced and Remarried. (Address) [81 1999/1]

For VIII 1/97, 27-32: Pontifical Council for the Family: Recommendations for care of the divorced. (Documentation) [81 1999/1]

IC XLI 81/01, 191-231: Xavier Bastida i Canal: Derecho y Pastoral ante las situaciones de crisis. (Article) [90 2003/2]

Canons 1151-1153

QDE 13 (2000), 117-145: Eugenio Zanetti: La Chiesa ammette la separazione fra coniugi? (Article) [85 2001/1]

Canons 1151-1155

Ap LXXXX (2017), 287-292: Diego Pirovano: La famiglia come soggetto di evangelizzazione. L’esperienza di Milano con l’Ufficio diocesano per l’accoglienza dei fedeli separati. (Article) [121 2019/1]

FI 2 (2003), 173-188: J. Wroceński: Separacja w prawie kanonicznym (Separation in Canon Law). (Article) [96 2006/2]

HPR 2/99, 15-23: C. J. Hettinger: The difficult marriage. (Article) [84 2000/2]

IC XLI 81/01, 247-292: Javier Escrivá Ivars: Separación conyugal y mediación. (Article) [90 2003/2]

IC XLI 82/01, 501-548: Wojciech Lipka: La separación matrimonial canónica: una propuesta de recuperación. (Article) [90 2003/2]

IM 32 (2021), nr 2, 49-72: Elżbieta Szczot: Separacja małżeńska – fikcja nierozerwalności czy szansa trwałości związku? (Marital separation – fiction of indissolubility or the chance of permanence of a relationship?). (Article) [129 2023/1]

QDE 13 (2000), 146-168: Paolo Bianchi: Processi e procedimenti canonici per la separazione personale dei coniugi. (Article) [85 2001/1]

QDE 13 (2000), 169-191: Giovanni Maragnoli: La separazione personale dei coniugi tra legge della Chiesa e legge dello Stato in Italia. (Article) [85 2001/1]

REDC 79 (2022), 587-640: Carlos Hurtado de Mendoza: La mediación y la reconciliación ante la violencia de pareja en la separación canónica y la exclusión de las víctimas de control coercitivo del proceso brevior. (Article) [133 2025/1]

SC 48 (2014), 493-530: Anthony St. Louis-Sanchez: Separation of Spouses Propria Auctoritate and the Nature of Ecclesiastical Intervention. (Article) [114 2015/2]

SCL IV (2008), 215-252: P. Brown: Legal Separation: A Pastoral Alternative. (Article) [102 2009/2]

Canons 1151-1165

Comm 34 (2002), 230-262: Ex actis Pontificiae Commissionis Codici Iuris Canonici Recognoscendo: Coetus studiorum "De Matrimonio" (Sessio XVI). (Report) [103 2010/1]

Canon 1152

IM V 11/00, 151-168: G. Dzierżon: Separacja stała podczas trwania węzla małżeńskiego. (Article) [86 2001/2]

Canons 1152-1153

IE XVII 2/05, 463-489: B. Roma: La riconciliazione dei coniugi. (Article) [96 2006/2]

Canon 1153

FCan III/1 (2008), 73-77: Elisa Rodrigues de Araújo: A violência doméstica como causa de separação (cân. 1153). (Article) [102 2009/2]

SC 57 (2023), 295-323: Roman Rota: Decree coram Jaeger, 18 July 2019 (USA). Pre-judicial question: nullity, or non-existence, of the judgement. (Sentence) [131 2024/1]

Canon 1154

EE 86 (2011), 769-801: Cristina Guzmán Pérez: La patria potestad y custodia de los hijos, en los casos de separación y divorcio, según la legislación y jurisprudencia española. Notas desde el Derecho Canónico. (Article) [108 2012/2]

LJ 128-126/96, 18-21: G. Brown: What about the children? (Article) [79 1998/1]

Canon 1156

IE XV 2/03, 371-406: M. A. Ortiz: La forma canonica quale garanzia della verità del matrimonio. (Lecture) [93 2005/1]

Per XCVI 2/07, 285-288: Supremum Signaturae Apostolicae Tribunal: Decretum 23 novembris 2005. (Decree) [99 2008/1]

Per XCVI 2/07, 289-306: Urbano Navarrete: Supremum Signaturae Apostolicae Tribunal: Decretum 23 novembris 2005: Commentario. (Commentary) [99 2008/1]

Per XCVI 2/07, 307-361: Urbano Navarrete: A proposito del Decreto del S. T. della Segnatura Apostolica del 23 novembre 2005. (Article) [99 2008/1]

Canons 1156-1157

BEF LXXII 793/96, 173-176: E. Garcia: Marriage Convalidation. (Consultation) [78 1997/2]

Canons 1156-1158

SC 42 (2008), 227-245: Canadian Tribunal Appeal: Decision coram McCormack, 15 April 2008. (Sentence) [103 2010/1]

Canons 1156-1160

CLSN 124/00, 11-17: G. Read: Invalid Convalidation. (Article) [87 2002/1]

IM 31 (2020), nr 1, 153-166: Ginter Dzierżon: Problem konwalidacji zwykłej w wyroku c. Caberletti z 18 stycznia 2008 roku (The problem of a simple convalidation in a judgment c. Caberletti of 18 January 2008). (Sentence and comment) [128 2022/2]

J 69 (2009), 472-515: John J. M. Foster: Sacramental Law: Selected Developments in Twenty-Five Years of Praxis. (Article) [105 2011/1]

J 74 (2014), 193-213: Kenneth E. Boccafola: Invalid Convalidation: A Legitimate Autonomous Ground of Marriage Nullity? (Article) [115 2016/1]

Ginter Dzierżon: Z najnowszego orzecznictwa Roty Rzymskiej (From the most recent case law of the Roman Rota). (Book) (Warsaw, 2021) [127 2022/1]

Lynda Robitaille: Defective Validations Revisited. (Article in Victor G. D'Souza (ed.): In the Service of Truth and Justice [St Peter's Pontifical Institute, Bangalore, 2008], pp. 167-190) [101 2009/1]

Canons 1156-1165

AnC 7 (2011), 49-65: Piotr Steczkowski: Małżeństwo cywilne katolików – jego walor kanoniczny i możliwość uważnienia (Civil marriage of Catholics – its canonical significance and possibilities of validation). (Lecture) [109 2013/1]

BEF LXXXIV 3/08, 43 5-448: Javier González: Convalidation of Marriage. (Consultation) [102 2009/2]

CLSN 129/02, 7-15: Address of the Dean of Rota to the Holy Father and Address of Pope John Paul II to the Rota, 28 January 2002. (Documents) [90 2003/2]

CLSN 129/02, 16-19: G. Read: Comment on Pope's Address. (Article) [90 2003/2]

Comm 34 (2002), 263-280: Ex actis Pontificiae Commissionis Codici Iuris Canonici Recognoscendo: Coetus studiorum "De Matrimonio" (Sessio XVII). (Report) [103 2010/1]

DPM 11 (2004), 61-70: Karl-Theodor Geringer: Convalidatio und Sanatio – Möglichkeiten und Grenzen. (Article) [102 2009/2]

IC XXXV 69/95, 233-244: María Teresa Areces: La declaración de ajuste al Derecho del Estado en el supuesto de la revalidación del matrimonio canónico. (Article) [76 1996/2]

IC XLI 81/01, 293-317: José T. Martín de Agar: Matrimonio putativo y convalidación automática del matrimonio nulo. (Article) [90 2003/2]

QDE 31 (2018), 136-155: Alfredo Rava: La convalidazione del matrimonio nell’attuale ordinamento canonico (cann. 1156-1165). (Article) [121 2019/1]

QDE 31 (2018), 156-174: G. Paolo Montini: La invalida convalidazione di un matrimonio civile attentato. (Article) [121 2019/1]

QDE 31 (2018), 175-190: Massimo Mingardi: La sanazione del matrimonio civile. (Article) [121 2019/1]

QDE 31 (2018), 191-204: Enrico Massignani: L’istituto della convalidazione automatica e l’ordinamento canonico. (Article) [121 2019/1]

REDC 65 (2008), 563-590: Piero Pellegrino: La convalida del matrimonio canonico. (Article) [104 2010/2]

Canon 1157

ME CXXIV 3/99, 554-568: C. Hettinger: The Law of Invalid Validation in U.S. Tribunals. (Article) [84 2000/2]

ME CXXIV 3/99, 569-583: C. Hettinger: Invalida convalidazione di matrimonio nullo. (Article) [84 2000/2]

REDC 71 (2014), 723-780: Joaquín Alberto Nieva García: La convicción subjetiva de la nulidad del matrimonio en los divorciados vueltos a casar y los sínodos de los obispos sobre «los desafíos pastorales de la familia en el contexto de la evangelización». (Article) [114 2015/2]

SC 34 (2000), 518-528: Apostolic Tribunal of the Roman Rota, coram Boccafola, 12 March 1998. (Jurisprudence) [86 2001/2]

Canons 1158-1159

IM 32 (2021), nr 1, 21-47: Tomasz Jakubiak: Przeszkody małżeńskie tajne i publiczne według Codex Iuris Canonici z 1917 (Public and occult impediments to marriage according to the Codex Iuris Canonici of 1917). (Article) [129 2023/1]

Canon 1160

AnC 16 (2020) 2, 21-35: Daniel Klimkiewicz: Uważnienie zwykłe małżeństwa z powodu braku formy kanonicznej (kan. 1137 CIC 17, kan. 1160 KPK) (The simple convalidation of marriage due to lack of canonical form: canon 1137 CIC 17, canon 1160 CIC). (Article) [127 2022/1]

BEF LXXVI 821/00, 766-770: J. González: A Validation of Civil Marriage? (Consultation) [88 2002/2]

CLSN 162/10, 53-97: Augustine Mendonça: Defective Convalidation. (Article) [106 2011/2]

J 66 (2006), 436-468: Lynda Robitaille: Defective Validations of Marriages Lacking Canonical Form: An Interpretation of Total Simulation. (Article) [98 2007/2]

PCF XII (2010), 217-269: Defective Convalidation (Decision coram Turnaturi), 1 March 2002. (Sentence) [109 2013/1]

Per XCVI 2/07, 289-306: Urbano Navarrete: Supremum Signaturae Apostolicae Tribunal: Decretum 23 novembris 2005: Commentario. (Article) [99 2008/1]

Per XCVI 2/07, 307-361: Urbano Navarrete: A proposito del Decreto del S. T. della Segnatura Apostolica del 23 novembre 2005. (Article) [99 2008/1]

Proc CLSA 2008, 193-236: Augustine Mendonça: Defective Convalidation. (Seminar paper) [102 2009/2]

SC 34 (2000), 518-528: Apostolic Tribunal of the Roman Rota, coram Boccafola, 12 March 1998. (Jurisprudence) [86 2001/2]

SC 42 (2008), 227-245: Canadian Tribunal Appeal: Decision coram McCormack, 15 April 2008. (Sentence) [103 2010/1]

SCL V (2009), 297-362: Augustine Mendonça: Defective Consent in the Convalidation of a Marriage Null due to Lack of Canonical Form. (Article) [105 2011/1]

SCL V (2009), 363-383: Metropolitan Tribunal of San Francisco, CA (U.S.A.): Defective Convalidation: Decision coram Jones, 13 February 1996. [105 2011/1]

SCL V (2009), 384-391: Apostolic Tribunal of the Roman Rota: Decree Submitting the Case to an Ordinary Examination: decree coram De Lanversin, 17 January 1997. [105 2011/1]

SCL V (2009), 392-405: Apostolic Tribunal of the Roman Rota: Defect of New Act of Will in Convalidation: Decision coram Sable, 29 January 1999. [105 2011/1]

SCL V (2009), 406-417: Apostolic Tribunal of the Roman Rota: Decree Rejecting the Request for a New Hearing: Decree coram Huber, 29 January 2003. [105 2011/1]

SCL V (2009), 418-420: Supreme Tribunal of the Apostolic Signatura: Decree Granting a New Proposition of the Cause, 23 November 2005. [105 2011/1]

SCL V (2009), 421-438: Apostolic Tribunal of the Roman Rota: Votum of the Deputy Defender of the Bond, 4 June 2007. [105 2011/1]

SCL V (2009), 439-475: Apostolic Tribunal of the Roman Rota: Defect of Convalidation of Matrimonial Consent: decision coram Yaacoub, 19 July 2007. [105 2011/1]

SCL V (2009), 475-478: Supreme Tribunal of the Apostolic Signatura: Letter Regarding the Cases of Defective Convalidation, 19 December 2007. [105 2011/1]

Patricia M. Dugan – Luis Navarro: Matrimonial Law and Canonical Procedure. A Continuing Education Course. (Book) (Gratianus, Wilson & Lafleur, Montreal, 2013) [110 2013/2]

Canon 1161

Per 99 (2010), 461-501: John A. Renken: Extraordinary Convalidation: the radical sanation of an invalid marriage. (Article) [106 2011/2]

RR 2003, 78-80: B. Daly: Sanation of Marriage by Vicar General. (Advisory Opinion) [94 2005/2]

Canons 1161-1165

AnC 7 (2011), 35-47: Andrzej Wócjik: Konsens naturalnie wystarczający: jego konsekwencje prawne i moralne (Naturally sufficient consent: its legal and moral consequences). (Lecture) [109 2013/1]

BEF LXXVI 821/00, 766-770: J. González: A Validation of Civil Marriage? (Consultation) [88 2002/2]

IE XXIV 1/12, 99-112: José Ignacio Alonso Pérez: Circa l'eventuale convalidazione matrimoniale della convivenza non matrimoniale civilmente riconosciuta. (Article) [109 2013/1]

IE XXXV (2023), 245-272: Tribunale Apostolico della Rota Romana: Tyrnavien. – Nulllità del matrimonio – Invalida sanazione – Esclusione del bonum sacramenti – Sentenza definitiva in terza instanza – 3 marzo 2016 – Philippus Heredia Esteban, Ponente, con commento di Inés Lloréns, Sanazione invalida: nullità del matrimonio a causa di un difetto del consenso oppure per difetto della forma canonica? (Sentence and comment) [131 2024/1]

QDE 34 (2021), 469-486: G. Paolo Montini: La sanazione in radice del matrimonio: significato e condizioni. (Article) [129 2023/1]

RR 2004, 156-159: A. Mendonça: Radical Sanation of a Marriage. (Advisory Opinion) [94 2005/2]

RR 2005, 79-81: F. C. Easton: Sanation of Marriage after Dissolution of Marriage in Favor of the Faith. (Opinion) [96 2006/2]

Emmanuel Petit: Consentement matrimonial et fiction du droit. Etude sur l'efficacité juridique du consentement après l'introduction de la fiction en droit canonique. (Book) (Pontificia Università Gregoriana, Rome, 2010) [105 2011/1]

Canon 1162

IC 55/109 (2015), 27-44: Juan Ignacio Bañares: Sugerencias en torno al consentimiento matrimonial naturalmente suficiente, su nulidad y su sanación en la raíz. (Article) [115 2016/1]

Canon 1163

AC 58 (2017), 9-223: « Gasparri, La France et la codification ». Actes du colloque organisé à Paris par la S.I.D.C. les 7 et 8 novembre 2017 à l’occasion du centenaire du Code de 1917. (Compilation) [124 2020/2]

Canon 1165

Comm 51 (2019), 89-90: Pontificium Consilium de Legum Textibus: Responsiones Particulares: Quaestio quoad dispensationem a normis canonicis processus sanationis in radice. (Reply) [123 2020/1]

IC 55/109 (2015), 27-44: Juan Ignacio Bañares: Sugerencias en torno al consentimiento matrimonial naturalmente suficiente, su nulidad y su sanación en la raíz. (Article) [115 2016/1]