Recent additions to website

Summmary of entries added to the website since January 2025 (these will appear in issue 134 2025/2, due for printing in July 2025)

Canons 31-34

Per 113 (2024), 299-320: Anthony Ekpo: Is there a canonical path towards a juridical remedy for general administrative acts? (Note) [134 2025/2]

Canons 113-123

J 80 (2024), 439-468: Nancy Bauer: Ministerial Public Juridic Persons: The Newest Twist on Sponsorship of Apostolic Institutions Founded by Religious Institutes. (Article) [134 2025/2]

Canon 129

QDE 37 (2024), 137-144: G. Paolo Montini: La potestà ecclesiastica. Lo status quaestionis. (Article) [134 2025/2]

QDE 37 (2024), 182-198: Davide Salvatori: La potestà vicaria della Curia Romana: la presidenza di un’istituzione curiale da parte di un laico secondo Praedicate Evangelium. (Article) [134 2025/2]

Canon 131

QDE 37 (2024), 145-169: Marino Mosconi: La potestà ecclesiastica nelle Chiese particolari: il vescovo, i presbiteri e gli altri fedeli. (Article) [134 2025/2]

Canon 134

QDE 37 (2024), 199-209: Alfredo Rava: Commento al Rescriptum di Papa Francesco in deroga al can 588 §2 (18 maggio 2022). (Article) [134 2025/2]

Canon 281

J 80 (2024), 571-596: John D. Faris: The Ordination, Appointment, and Support of Married Presbyters and Their Families. (Article) [134 2025/2]

Canons 290-293

Per 113 (2024), 321-334: Matteo Visioli: Perdita dello stato clericale e osservanza del sigillo sacramentale. (Consultation) [134 2025/2]

Canon 292

AC 65 (2024), 55-74: Denis Baudot: Décider ou non du renvoi de l’état clérical? Une mesure qui interroge. (Article) [134 2025/2]

Canons 298-329

J 80 (2024), 501-525; Roch Pagé: Lay Associations of Christ’s Faithful and the Church’s Response to Allegations of Sexual Abuse. (Article) [134 2025/2]

Canon 360

QDE 37 (2024), 182-198: Davide Salvatori: La potestà vicaria della Curia Romana: la presidenza di un’istituzione curiale da parte di un laico secondo Praedicate Evangelium. (Article) [134 2025/2]

Canons 360-367

J 80 (2024), 527-569: Jaclyn O’Brien McEachern: The Holy See’s Diplomacy: Scope, Methods, Actors, and Goals. (Article) [134 2025/2]

Canon 369

QDE 37 (2024), 145-169: Marino Mosconi: La potestà ecclesiastica nelle Chiese particolari: il vescovo, i presbiteri e gli altri fedeli. (Article) [134 2025/2]

Canon 375

QDE 37 (2024), 145-169: Marino Mosconi: La potestà ecclesiastica nelle Chiese particolari: il vescovo, i presbiteri e gli altri fedeli. (Article) [134 2025/2]

Canon 384

J 80 (2024), 571-596: John D. Faris: The Ordination, Appointment, and Support of Married Presbyters and Their Families. (Article) [134 2025/2]

Canon 515

QDE 37 (2024), 170-181: Giuliano Brugnotto: La potestà ecclesiastica nelle parrochie: guida delle comunità e vita sacramentale. (Article) [134 2025/2]

Canon 578

Per 113 (2024), 193-218: Gianfranco Ghirlanda: La Formula Instituti della Compagnia di Gesù alla luce del Codice di diritto canonico. (Article) [134 2025/2]

Canon 579

QDE 37 (2024), 232-256: Alfredo Rava: L’ordinario diocesano, gli istituti di vita consacrata e i monasteri di vita contemplative (alla luce di Vultum Dei quaerere e Cor orans). (Article) [134 2025/2]

Canon 587

Per 113 (2024), 193-218: Gianfranco Ghirlanda: La Formula Instituti della Compagnia di Gesù alla luce del Codice di diritto canonico. (Article) [134 2025/2]

Canon 588

QDE 37 (2024), 199-209: Alfredo Rava: Commento al Rescriptum di Papa Francesco in deroga al can 588 §2 (18 maggio 2022). (Article) [134 2025/2]

Canon 597

J 80 (2024), 469-499: Noach Heckel: The Problem of Transgender Identity in the Law of Consecrated Life. (Article) [134 2025/2]

Canons 603-604

J 80 (2024), 469-499: Noach Heckel: The Problem of Transgender Identity in the Law of Consecrated Life. (Article) [134 2025/2]

Canons 614-615

QDE 37 (2024), 232-256: Alfredo Rava: L’ordinario diocesano, gli istituti di vita consacrata e i monasteri di vita contemplative (alla luce di Vultum Dei quaerere e Cor orans). (Article) [134 2025/2]

Canon 642

J 80 (2024), 469-499: Noach Heckel: The Problem of Transgender Identity in the Law of Consecrated Life. (Article) [134 2025/2]

Canon 838

J 80 (2024), 623-661: James Bradley: The Note Gestis verbisque: Canonical Observations and Commentary. (Article) [134 2025/2]

Canon 841

J 80 (2024), 623-661: James Bradley: The Note Gestis verbisque: Canonical Observations and Commentary. (Article) [134 2025/2]

Canon 944

QDE 37 (2024), 210-231: Marco Billeri: La processione eucaristica per le vie pubbliche e le direttive diocesane (can. 944). (Article) [134 2025/2]

Canon 983

Per 113 (2024), 321-334: Matteo Visioli: Perdita dello stato clericale e osservanza del sigillo sacramentale. (Consultation) [134 2025/2]

Canon 1057

ADC 14 (julio 2024), 21-47: Fabio Vecchi: L’impossibile dialogo tra diritto secolare e canonico circa il modello matrimoniale nell’attuale secolarizzazione culturale e le distonie sulla componente dell’amore. (Article) [134 2025/2]

IM 35 (2024), nr 2, 11-38: Łukasz Pawicki: Skuteczność zgody małżeńskiej. Analiza dogmatyczno-prawna małżeństwa in fieri (The effectiveness of marital consent. Dogmatic-legal analysis of marriage in fieri). (Article) [134 2025/2]

Canon 1059

IM 35 (2024), nr 2, 159-173: Rafał Kamiński: Piecza nad małoletnim dzieckiem oraz obowiązki alimentacyjne wobec niego w wyroku c. Caberletti z dnia 4 kwietnia 2017 roku (Custody of a minor and maintenance obligations towards him in the judgment c. Caberletti of 4 April 2017). (Sentence and comment) [134 2025/2]

Canon 1061

Per 113 (2024), 347-363: Giovanni Iacono: La consumazione del matrimonio alla luce della definizione dell’oggetto del consenso: prospettiva fenomenologica e sistematica. (Summary of doctoral thesis) [134 2025/2]

Canons 1073-1094

IM 35 (2024), nr 2, 65-93: Rafał Borowy – Radosław Gosiewski: Uwagi Trybunału Roty Rzymskiej do projektu kanonów o przeszkodach małżeńskich z 1975 roku (Comments of the Tribunal of the Roman Rota on the draft canons on matrimonial impediments from 1975). (Article) [134 2025/2]

Canon 1095

IM 35 (2024), nr 2, 39-63: Kinga Szymańska: Pandemia Covid-19 a zdrowie psychiczne: nowy kontekst w procesach o stwierdzenie nieważności małżeństwa (The Covid-19 pandemic and mental health: a new context in nullity proceedings). (Article) [134 2025/2]

Canon 1098

AC 65 (2024), 77-93: Joseph Domingo: L’erreur provoquée par le dol dans le consentement matrimonial: un chef par trop inusité. (Article) [134 2025/2]

Canon 1101

IM 35 (2024), nr 2, 175-189, Adam Młynarczyk, Symulacja całkowita i wykluczenie dóbr małżeństwa w świetle wyroku Roty Rzymskiej coram Bottone z 8 marca 2012 roku (Total simulation and exclusion of the goods of marriage in the sentence of the Roman Rota c. Bottone of 8 March 2012). (Sentence and comment) [134 2025/2]

Canon 1102

AC 65 (2024), 109-124: Christian Paponaud: Lorsque les parties prétendent s’être mariées « à condition que… »: Éclairage sur la jurisprudence matrimoniale. (Article) [134 2025/2]

Canon 1142

Per 113 (2024), 267-298: Davide Salvatori: Competenza e prassi dell’Ufficio super rato della Rota Romana e prassi delle curie diocesane. (Presentation) [134 2025/2]

Per 113 (2024), 347-363: Giovanni Iacono: La consumazione del matrimonio alla luce della definizione dell’oggetto del consenso: prospettiva fenomenologica e sistematica. (Summary of doctoral thesis) [134 2025/2]

Canon 1148

AC 65 (2024), 125-140: Ludovic Danto: Une réflexion sur le consentement des polygames: état des lieux et perspectives. (Article) [134 2025/2]

Canon 1176

Stato, Chiese e pluralismo confessionale, 12/2024: Davide Dimodugno: Requiescat in loco sacro: prime riflessioni sull’uso delle chiese cattoliche come colombari tra esigenze della Chiesa e complessità delle normative regionali. (Article) [134 2025/2]

Canon 1240

Stato, Chiese e pluralismo confessionale, 12/2024: Davide Dimodugno: Requiescat in loco sacro: prime riflessioni sull’uso delle chiese cattoliche come colombari tra esigenze della Chiesa e complessità delle normative regionali. (Article) [134 2025/2]

Canon 1274

J 80 (2024), 571-596: John D. Faris: The Ordination, Appointment, and Support of Married Presbyters and Their Families. (Article) [134 2025/2]

Canon 1284

J 80 (2024), 355-403: William J. King: ’Til Debt Do Us Part: Canon Law Considerations for Dioceses and Parishes in the Bankruptcy Process. (Article) [134 2025/2]

Canon 1336*

AC 65 (2024), 55-74: Denis Baudot: Décider ou non du renvoi de l’état clérical? Une mesure qui interroge. (Article) [134 2025/2]

Canons 1371*-1372*

Per 113 (2024), 335-345: Alessandro Mammarella: Il favoreggiamento. Studio sulla fattispecie nel diritto penale canonico e sulle questioni odierne. (Summary of doctoral thesis) [134 2025/2]

Canon 1378*

ADC 14 (julio 2024), 65-106: Carlos López Segovia: El abuso de autoridad en la Iglesia. Configuración del delito de abuso de potestad eclesiástica, del oficio o del cargo (c. 1378). (Article) [134 2025/2]

Canon 1386*

Per 113 (2024), 321-334: Matteo Visioli: Perdita dello stato clericale e osservanza del sigillo sacramentale. (Consultation) [134 2025/2]

Canon 1395*

ADC 14 (julio 2024), 49-64: José Bernal: Algunas ideas después de la reforma de “Vos estis lux mundi”. (Article) [134 2025/2]

Canon 1398*

AC 65 (2024), 7-21: Nicolas Port: Que sait-on des auteurs de violences sexuelles? (Article) [134 2025/2]

ADC 14 (julio 2024), 49-64: José Bernal: Algunas ideas después de la reforma de “Vos estis lux mundi”. (Article) [134 2025/2]

J 80 (2024), 501-525; Roch Pagé: Lay Associations of Christ’s Faithful and the Church’s Response to Allegations of Sexual Abuse. (Article) [134 2025/2]

Canon 1407

Per 113 (2024), 219-266: G. Paolo Montini: L’eccezione di incompetenza relativa. (Presentation) [134 2025/2]

Canon 1421

QDE 37 (2024), 137-144: G. Paolo Montini: La potestà ecclesiastica. Lo status quaestionis. (Article) [134 2025/2]

Canon 1445

AC 65 (2024), 142-164: Tribunal suprême de la signature apostolique: Prot. n. 53693/18 CA –N. Translationis (Rev.dus D.nus X – Congregatio pro Clericis). Sententia definitiva coram Daneels (8 October 2019); Éric Besson: Commentaire. (Sentence and comment) [134 2025/2]

Canons 1481-1490

AC 65 (2024), 23-37: Laurent-Marie Pocquet du Haut-Jussé: L’accompagnement de la personne soupçonnée: place du conseil et de l’avocat. (Article) [134 2025/2]

Canon 1513

AC 65 (2024), 95-108: Nicolas de Boccard: De l’incompatibilité entre certain chefs de nullité de mariage. (Article) [134 2025/2]

Canons 1526-1586

J 80 (2024), 405-437: Patrick R. Lagges: The Proof Is in the Adminicula: The Judicial Work of Evaluating the Proofs. (Article) [134 2025/2]

Canon 1680

IM 35 (2024), nr 2, 99-116: Michał Wieczorek: Zagadnienie apelacji częściowej w procesie o stwierdzenie nieważności małżeństwa (Partial appeal in the proceedings for declaration of nullity of a marriage). (Article) [134 2025/2]

Canons 1683-1687

IM 35 (2024), nr 2, 117-139: Kamil Krakowski: Posługa obrońcy węzła małżeńskiego na rzecz ochrony ważności małżeństwa w procesie skróconym coram Episcopo (The service of the defender of the marriage bond in favour of protection the validity of marriage in the briefer matrimonial process before the Bishop). (Article) [134 2025/2]

Canon 1722

AC 65 (2024), 39-53: Bruno Gonçalves: Mesures disciplinaires, mesures conservatoires et sanctions pénales. (Article) [134 2025/2]

Canon 1723

AC 65 (2024), 23-37: Laurent-Marie Pocquet du Haut-Jussé: L’accompagnement de la personne soupçonnée: place du conseil et de l’avocat. (Article) [134 2025/2]

Canons 1733-1734

Per 113 (2024), 299-320: Anthony Ekpo: Is there a canonical path towards a juridical remedy for general administrative acts? (Note) [134 2025/2]

Canons 1734-1735

AC 65 (2024), 142-164: Tribunal suprême de la signature apostolique: Prot. n. 53693/18 CA –N. Translationis (Rev.dus D.nus X – Congregatio pro Clericis). Sententia definitiva coram Daneels (8 October 2019); Éric Besson: Commentaire. (Sentence and comment) [134 2025/2]

Canon 1737

AC 65 (2024), 142-164: Tribunal suprême de la signature apostolique: Prot. n. 53693/18 CA –N. Translationis (Rev.dus D.nus X – Congregatio pro Clericis). Sententia definitiva coram Daneels (8 October 2019); Éric Besson: Commentaire. (Sentence and comment) [134 2025/2]

Code of Canons of the Eastern Churches

AC 65 (2024), 39-53: Bruno Gonçalves: Mesures disciplinaires, mesures conservatoires et sanctions pénales. (Article) [134 2025/2]

J 80 (2024), 571-596: John D. Faris: The Ordination, Appointment, and Support of Married Presbyters and Their Families. (Article) [134 2025/2]

General Subjects

ADC 14 (julio 2024), 21-47: Fabio Vecchi: L’impossibile dialogo tra diritto secolare e canonico circa il modello matrimoniale nell’attuale secolarizzazione culturale e le distonie sulla componente dell’amore. (Article) [134 2025/2]

IM 35 (2024), nr 2, 11-38: Łukasz Pawicki: Skuteczność zgody małżeńskiej. Analiza dogmatyczno-prawna małżeństwa in fieri (The effectiveness of marital consent. Dogmatic-legal analysis of marriage in fieri). (Article) [134 2025/2]

IM 35 (2024), nr 2, 141-158: Michał Poniatowski: Konkordatowa zasada współdziałania na rzecz obrony i poszanowania instytucji małżeństwa (Concordat principle of cooperation to defend and respect the institution of marriage). (Article) [134 2025/2]

J 80 (2024), 597-622: Jeannine Marino: A Synodal Approach to Pastoral Planning: A Path Towards Co-Responsible Governance or a “Merely” Consultative Waste of Time? A Case Study in One Archdiocese. (Article) [134 2025/2]

Stato, Chiese e pluralismo confessionale, 12/2024: Davide Dimodugno: Requiescat in loco sacro: prime riflessioni sull’uso delle chiese cattoliche come colombari tra esigenze della Chiesa e complessità delle normative regionali. (Article) [134 2025/2]

Historical Subjects

IM 35 (2024), nr 2, 65-93: Rafał Borowy – Radosław Gosiewski: Uwagi Trybunału Roty Rzymskiej do projektu kanonów o przeszkodach małżeńskich z 1975 roku (Comments of the Tribunal of the Roman Rota on the draft canons on matrimonial impediments from 1975). (Article) [134 2025/2]